04-01-89Page 2 - Regular Council :feeling Agenda - April 3rd, 1989 5. RESOLUTI0::5: (a) A Resolution Levying and Imposing Special Assessment for the Demolition or Removal of Building or Structures from Described Property, According [o the Particular Case Involved, Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 19-2 of Che Code of Ordinances. (S. 50 feet of N. L20 fee[ of E. 50 feet, Block 29, Pablo Beach South; Emre[t Grooees, e[ al; 817 Lincoln Court; $4,376.90). (b) A Resolution Levying and Imposing Special Assessment for [he Demolition or Removal of Building or Structures fzom Described Property, According to the Particular Case Involved, Pursuant [o [he Provisions of Section 19-2 of [lie Code of Ordinances. (Lot 3, Block 35, Pablo Beach South; Fredarick Roland, Jr.; 418 South Third Avenue; $3,187.80). (c) A Resolution Urging [he Ezpedit ing of the Construction of [he (d) A Resolution Authorizing [he Filing of an Application for Assistance Through the State Division of Historical Resources, Bureau of Historic Preservation for a Feasibility Study of [he Conversion of Che Casa :la:ina Building into a Yerf orming and Visual Ar[s Center; Designating the Mayor and [he City Manager as Authorized Officials to Execute [he Cran[ Application. 6. ORDINANCES: (a) ORDINANCE N0. 7410 -Second Reading- An Ordinance Creating Neu Section 32-8.01 of Article L, "In General" of Chapter 32 "O[il it ies" of the Code of Ordinances of the Ci[y of Jackson- ville Beach, Florida. 7. MISCELLANEOUS 8. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS Respectfully submitted, t ~ t Lest~iffis l/~' CITY MANAGER LG:ms Prepared 3/3!/89 If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered a[ this meeting; he may need a record of [he proceedings and, for such purpose, he may need [o ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon vh SCh the appeal is made. The pub!.ic is encouraged [o speak on issues on this Agenda that concern them. Anyone who wishes to speak should submit [he request [o Che Ci[y Clerk prior ro [he beglnning of [he meeting. These forms ere available a[ the entrance of the City Council Chambers for your convenience. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACN FLORIDA M&40RANDL'M T0: The Honorable Hayor and Members of [he City Council City of Jacksonville Heach, Florida Councilmembers: The following Agenda of Business has been prepared for consideration and action at the Regular Meeting of [he City Council on Monday, April 3rd, 1989 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of [he Commun icy Cencer, Jacksonville Beach, Florida. 1. Salute [o Flag and Invocation 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Hinu[es, Regular Meeting, March 20th, 1989 4. Communications MAYOR: (a) Awards Presentations CITY COUNCIL: (a) Request from Councilman Cooper to attend Seminar-NOrkshop on ' May 18, 1989 and Florida League of Cities Legislative Action Day in Tallahassee, Nay 3. 1989. (b) Request for Acceptance - Rip[Sde Tide Subdivision - Dedication of Improvements. (c) Discussion Pertaining [o Legal Fees - PERC Case. CITY CLERK' (a) Community Affairs Committee Report. (b) Insurance Committee Meeting Report. CITY NANACER: (a) Request for Finance Committee Meeting to Review Mid-Year Budge[ Nodif Scat ions. ' (b) Requesc for Aoproval; Change Order for Coastal Boulevard Re- i construction, S 6 G Project No. 7203-141-01. (c) Request for Engineer ing Fee Increases; Southend Redevelopment; ( S b G Project Me. 7203-141-02; Jacksonville Drive. 1 (d) Recommendation on Awarding Bids: (I) Bid No. 8889-33 - Gasoline b Diesel-12 Mos. Aequiremen[s. , J p`Cp~• 6r .. _ €" baf Beaches Arts Foundation April 3, 1989 At the general meeting of the Beaches Arts Poundation on March 21, Mayor Robert O'Neill of Jacksonville Beach showed the plans of the Casa Marina building on 6th Ave. North and the oceanfront. He informed the group tt;at a grant could be applied for to cover the costs of a study of the feasibility of converting the Casa Marina into a center for the performing arts as well as the visual arts with room for commercial ventures such as a restaurant. The Foundation has asked the city of Jacksonville Beach to pursue this grant request while our committees continue to study this and other possibilities. To this end the mayor requests that arts and civic organi- zations pass resolutions in support of this plan and forward these resolutions to his office. Attached is a sample resolution that we believe covers the main points. We appreciate your giving this matter your earliest atten- tion and forwarding your resolution to Mayor O'Neill at the 0£f ice of the Mayor, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 not later than April 10, 1989. Sincerely, Percy P. Shadwell, Jr. President ~t(,~C ~~~~' are /~/~o . O7~1- SoSS P.O. BOox 51015 ^ Jacksonville Beacn. Florida 32240-1015 i-^ t,. ~:.=r. A RESOLUTION URGING A FEASIBILII'1' STUUt" OF THE CONVERSION OF THE CASA LIAR LiJA BUILDING INTO A PERFORhtI NG AND VISUAL. ARTS CENTER NHEREAS, TBE Beaches comnnani[y is a large, rapidly growing area of many thousands of permanent residents in the cities of Bayport, Atlantic Beach, tieptur.e ISeach, Jacksonville Beach, l;a ypo r[ Naval Station, the San Yablo area and northeastern S[. Johns County in addition to the annual influx of tourists: and YHEH EAS, the community vznts more cultural events Co be held in the Beaches area as exeu!plified in [he success of a number of pe M orning and visual arts organizations which have a long history at the beach; and YHEREAS, arts groups such as Players by The Sea, the Beaches Arts Center, the Beaches Fine Arts Guild, Y-BAG, several dance groups and numerous crafts groups such zs Sandycraf tens ar.d the Basket Heavers Guild have no permanent home; and WHEREAS, a performing and visual arts center would offer a continuous program of theatrical events and arts and crafts ezhibi[s, it would also fulfill its role in art educztion by offering classes for all age groups; and YHEREAS, a facility of [his type would have a favorable economic impact on the area by attracting more organizations to conduct reetings and events at the Eeaches; and WHEREAS, THE Casa Marina building has unique architectural znd historical significance; and YHEREAS, THE Casa h.a rina is located on the ocean at the north end of [he proposed boardwalk of the Redevelopment Area, and YHEBEIS, the best use of this building should be of benefit [o the public; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLYED B7 of Florida SECTION 1. That we, the members of of Florida, strongly urge the City of Jacksonville Beach, with the support of the other municipalities, Co do a feasibility study of the conversion of the Casa Marina building into a performing and visual arts center. SECTIOti 2. This resolution shall Cake effect immediately. day of A.U. 19_ To yo ~, „~,._~ ~ you yyyV~ERe ou7 uav~o ziono so sort. r~o cmt~wc'r~ zsmi ao sHr. psrea5cn ewc r,~,x.-- Section 2. This ordinance shell take effect uyon its adoption. Passed by the City Cawwiawlon on first reading FghrudLY~i._L`B3____ Paa6ed by the CSty Cowwieafon on second •nd final readino _________________________ M3111aw I. Gullitord, Jr. Mayor, Presiding Ofticer Approved as to Forw and Corr¢ctneaas _______________________________ Clsud¢ L. Mullis, City Attorney (SEAL) ________________________ Maureen Klnq, City Clerk z,r, _... ORDINANCE NO. 90-89-140 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AHD LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE LOTS 41 THROUGH 60, NORTH ATLANTIC BEACH UNIT NO. 2, BY PETITION OF AT LEAST FIFTY PERCENT OF CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY OVNERS FROM RESIDENTIAL GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY IRG21 TO RESIDENTIAL GENERAL TVO FAMILY cRG11; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. iiHEREAS, The Cowwunity Deyelopwrnt Basrd of the CSty of Atlantic Bvach haw considered a request to change • zoning classification aubwitted 6y petition of •t least fifty percent of contiguous property orners, and held a public hearing on wave or. February 21, 1989, and VHEREAS, Tne City Coawieeion does exvrciee its porere to amend the Land Dervlopmvnt Coda, including the Official Zoning Map, In order to encourage the appropriate use of land, and VHEREAS, Tha rezoning ie consistent rith the Cowprehenelre Plan, and tAe rezoning rill not adversely effect the health and safety of the residents of the area, and rill not by detriwental to the natural environaent or to the use or derelopwent of the adjacent properties in the general neighborhood, NOV, THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDAINED BY 7HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,' FLORIDA: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Atlantic Beach f^ hereby changed to reflect the nev zoning of Lats 41 through 60, Nor[h Atlantic Beach Unit No. 2, crow Residential General Multiple Fawily (RG2) to Residential General Tro Fawily (RGi). CrK-_ . r (~ n a c.,.,..~,,,,,~ :~., ~ ~: ~.... , L: ~. ; ~ i 5 i" ~J.,~~ ~~ ~ 1~ 1= j ~" 1 1.~~e w'~~.~ Car-.2 ~_~~. A~~~'~3~ Passed on First reading [his day of Apz11, 1989. Passed on Second and Final reading this day of April, 1989. ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk William I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor - Commisaloner Approved as [o form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney 3c-.+: lRDINANCE 80. 57-89-IS AL1 ORUINANCF. ANENDINC THF. ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FIARIDA; ANENDI NC CHAPTER 7, ARTICLE II, SECTION 7-16 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION CODE 1985 EDITION SJI TH REVISIONS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN BGILDIHG CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL AND THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 101 LIFE SAFETY CODE 1988 EDITION PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO:4NISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1, Chapter 7, Article II, Section 7-16 is hereby amended [o read as follows: Chapter 7 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION Ar[ic le II FIRE PREVENTION CODE I Section 7-16 adoption. It is hereby adopted, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or ~ explosion, [hat certain code known as Che Standard Fire Prevention Code, ! #988-ed#t}en-w#eh-}qg3-rev#e#ene 1985 edition with supplemental revisions, published by [he Southern Building Code Congress nt~ern~nal, Inc. of which code, net-}tee-thew-theee-E33-eep#ew-have been-end-new-ere-##}td-#w-the-e44}ee-e4-the-6#tr-6#erk, one (i) copy is filed in the office of [he C1 tv Clerk, one (1) copy with [he Atlantic , set same Section 2. This Ordinance shall cake effect upon its adopt to n. .: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice ie hereby given the City Commi991on of Atlantic Beach, Floride will hold a A PUBLIC HEARING on April 24, 1989 at 7:15 at City Nall, 716 Ocean Blvd. for the purpose of hearing and considering the views of the public concerning the following proposed Ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 57-89-15, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 7, ARTICLE II, SECTION 7- 16 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE TH6 STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION CODE 1985 EDITION wIITH REVISIONS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL AND THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 101 LIFE SAFETY CODE 1988 EDITION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All person interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. if a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, end for such purpose he may need to ensure thet a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes tha testimony and evidence upon which appeal ie to be based. Published: Beaches Leader 4/12/89 Purchase Order N3512 Posted: City Hall Post Office February B, 1989 Subject: Notice of Request to Change Zoning Claseiflcstian Dear Property Orner; The City of Atlantic BereA her recH Ved rn application to rezone Lot• 41 throuh 60, North Atlantic Berch Unit No. 2 Sros RG-2 Raidentlsl Multiple Frilly to RG-1 Residential Singl• and Tro Frilly. Public records indicate thrt you are the orner of property rhlch Si looted •Sthin 300 feet of the subject property. Therefore, you are sdviied that the Cossunlty Developsent Borrd has ecAeduled a public hearing on th• application for rvzoning at: Tise: 7:00 P. M. Date: February 21, 1989 City Hall 716 Ocein Boulevard Atlentie Bvrch, Florida The Cossunity Developsent eorrd rill sake s recosiendrtion to the City GOiiliiiOn. The City Cowsisilon rill consider the application at • later date. You are Invited to attend the public hearing to rxpreii your opinion regarding the rppllcstion to change the zoning clsiiitication. Please call or trite to our Planning and Zoning Depirtsent should you have any gwitione. Sincerely, CITY OFD ATLANTIC BEACH [ ~' Rene' Allperf ~~/ / -~~ Couunity Develepsen! Dirrctor cc:tile ~.. _ -,.. ~.. ~:: a~ February 8, 1989 Subleel: Notice of Request to Chang• Zoning C1aaelficatlon Dear Property Orner; The City oS Atlantic Byaeh Aas received ^ petition to rezone Lots ' 41 throuh 60, Narth Atlantic Beach Unit No. 2 crow RG-2 Realdenti^1 Multiple Fawily to RG-1 Rrsidenti^1 Single and Tvo Farrlly. Public records indic^te that you ^re the orner o1 property rhich i• locwted rithin the proposed rezoning district. Therefore, you are advised that the Coounity Dwelopwent Bo^rd has scheduled • public hearing on the application Sor rezoning •t: T1we: 7:00 P. M. Date: February 21, 1989 City Hall 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Bewch, Florld^ TAe Cowwunity Developwent Board rill wake a recowwendatien to the City Cooission. TAe City Couiewion rill consider the •pp11e^tion •t • 1^ter d^te. You are invited to attend the public hearing to express your opinion repwrding the wpplication to change the zoning class111cation. Please c^11 or rrlte to our P1^nning •nd Zoning Departaent should you have any questions. Sincerely, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~ - / Rene Anper• J Coounity Developwnt Director cc:fil• -3- owNERs George M. Coodloe et al. 5137 Arlington Rd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32211 Katherine Coodloe et al. 1995 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Fla. 32233 Ceorge M. Coodloe et. al. 5137 Arlington Rd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32211 Mark J. Kredell 1930 San Marco Blvd. Jacksonville, Fla. 3220y PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1114-93-9-2S -29E USD North Atlantic Beach Unit J/3 PT Lot 61 N. 17 ft, Lot 61 S. l9 ft. Lot 62 N• 33 ft. Lot 62 I9-2S-29E North Atlantic Beach Unit /{1 PT Lot l/40 & strip of land lying north thereof Ra, - ,,. .,~.,,--.~,-ter. _ _ James H. Lipscomb III 1917 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 ~ ~~ Carson B. Merr 1923 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, F1. 32233 ~ ~~ Steven :. Lee 1927 Boach Avenue Atlant c Beach, P1. 322833 .r`~ Joseph Stradel P. 0. Box 9418 Canton, Ohio 44711 . Elliot Zisser 1937 Heach Avenue At ach 32233 William N. Jorgan- 220 E. Forsyth. St. Jacksonville, F1. 32202 Bernice E. Morgan 1945 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Pl. 32233 William N. Morgan, Jr. et al. 194$ Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, P1. 32233 Sam A. RukaD 1957 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Pl. 32233 John R. Tesman 1953 Heach Avenue A tlanti< Beach, Pl. 32233 Lisa Haycook 1969 $each Avenue Atlantic Heach, pl. 32233 -2- 'Let $0 Lot 51 'Lot 52 'Lot 53 'Lot 54 Lot 55 'Lot 56 Lot $7 'Lot 59 'Lot $9 ~ .SSE K~%~41 'Lot EO i ~ rETrrlor; We, the unders iE;ned property owners and residents of Atlantic Beach, respectfully petition th^ Cir,y Commission to rezone all ocean- front property located cast of Beach Avenue from right above 19th Street on the north and just below 18th Street on the south from RG 2 to RG 1. OWNERS Con W. Smith 187 Beach Avenue Atl ntic H ach, IFl. 32233 ' '7lil. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 9-2S-29E North Atlantic Beach Unit J{2 PT Lot 41 & strip of land lying south thereof Jerald H. Pietan 1877 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach nF1. 32233 ~er~ll.. ~ etc<<t-,,~. Gerard Petroni P. 0. Box 151 Miami, Florida j4005 P h S Builders, Inc. P. 0. Hox 24270 Sacksonville, F1. 32217 James L. Pelkey 18R7 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, F1. 32233 Stuart Kimmel 2279 Seminole Road, Un i~t 8 At!ar Heach, 32233 Curtis R. Ford 1958 Selva Grande Drive Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 ~,.x; R. Herbert B. Moller, Jr. 1911 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, P1. 32233 Lot 42 Lots 43, 44 s Lot 45 ~Lct 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 AIOY MOlW OF... 7~nnieln 7la iene ~i~ ~~ I rn - ~~` , - i i t ~^ ct~/ i i r' >r i/~ ' ~ 1 t ~ ~ r --- _. __ E __ , :~.. 2. TAe change in zoning Se caneistent rith the Lend Developaent Code and the Conprehenaive Plan adopted by the city. 3. Th• change in zoning classltlcetion •111 further the purpose of the planning prograa. __ 4. The change Sn zoning rill not adversely effect the health and safety of the reaident^ of the city. pp COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMNENDATIONS~ l.I~CO p pEN~,q~ ACTIONS BY THE CITY GOMMISSION~ t s r.~ A cowpleta list of •11 property ornerw, veiling addressee end legal deserlptlons for sll property rlthln three hundred (3001 feet of the subject psrcel ee recorded in the leteet official tax roll in the Duval County Courthouses <ettech eepereta sheets if needed) Property Orners snd Meiling Addreweee Legsl Deecriptlane 1. _~~.__A~l ----------------- z. 3. ~. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The wlgneture of each and every orner of the Lndei _ ~~~_ ft~ --------------- Applieent~ Do not fill-in beyond thl^ point. Harever, be prepared to respond to the folloring itewe~ i FINDINGS OF FACT YES NO 1. There exists a need and juntif icnrion inx- the r, t.. ;.e in zoning i:ie.,e+f!ceil o~~, ~ EA(Q ~ D ~ia ~ ~ '~~'((""I((I'h'I11 x APP `~' `~~w~{pjrIN 20NIN0 GLA65IFICATION JAN 71989 r a C?~ 2 . J A!d ,t q 1 ; -, ~ 1 1 1444444 111111 %I%I%Iililil!!!!!! Date Flledx --ffuifding-ana Zonfng Hwwe and address of •11 ornere of the ^ubiecL prapertyx Phon• __________________ ________________________________ Phone _________________ Howe ------ Nose _______________________ _______________________Mark _______________________NOrk th• ^ddress ^nd leg^1 derarlption, lnaluding the lot, block •nd eubQdlvielon of the pro~pner~~t y~ t/o1~b/e~~r/ezon?eCdx ~1 ___~Z_/~S_'~t___~~±4'~C_JYFLf~7!c_,sy_E/1c~ [?Ns ~_/{~o_~______ __L•12Ts2_~_`_~~_ G O _________________________________ __ ___ Present zoning of propert or rhlch change of zoning ol^seifieetlon Se requestedt _~~y .1.. _ _________________________________ Proposed zoning clseeifie^tionx ~ ~ ~ A STATENENT OF THE PETITIONER'S 'I NTEREST IN THE PROPERTY TO BE RE20NED, INCLODINO A COPY OF THE LABT RECORDED NARRANTY DEEDS ANDt If joint or eever^ ornershio. • r itten • the rez inc ot1 n by •11 ornere of recordt or Sf • contract purchase, ^ copy of the purchase contract •nd rritten consent of the seller/arnsr~ or if ^n suthorized agent, a copy of the agency sgree^ent or rrlttsn consent of the prinalpwl ornerl or if ^ corporation or other business entity, the neee of the officer or person reeponeible for the •ppllcstion and •ritten proof th^t sold repressntative hsa the delegated •uthorlty to repreeent. the eorporstion or other byelnees entity, or in lieu thereof, rritten proof that the person Ss, in f^ct, en otticoi of the corporation) or it • group of continguous property orneis, the ornery of at least Sitty ISO1 percent of the property dssoribad Sn the petition wust provide rritt~rn eonsentt - / -------------~-----~ =z~_ :. r:u c,.~en: - ~••~e ^in'. recnuuu L.r ..h,. x'ozon!ny ea r~yuen*iC: _ S , n ~ _- - r • _' __ ' ~ .. _ ..~ _________- v _i1 M_ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notlca Sm hereby given the City Commission of Atlentic Heach, Florida will hold a CONTINUATION OF A PUBLIC HEARING on April 24, 1989 at 7:15 at City Hall, 716 Ocean Blvd. for the purpose of hearing and considering the views of the public concerning the following proposed Ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 90-89-140, AN ORDINANCF. AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODS OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE TATS 41 THROUGH 60, NORTH ATLANTIC HEACH UNIT NO. 2, HY PETITION OF AT LEAST FIFTY PERCENT OF CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY OWNERS FROM RESIDENTIAL GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY (RG2) TO RESIDHNTIAL GENERAL TWO FAMILY (RG1); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All person interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose ha may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be Dased. Published: Beaches Leader 4/12/89 Purchase Order N3512 Pcatad: City Hall Post Office reasonable time from the date of such investment. Any surplus public funds subject to a contract, bond ordinnnca or resolution shall not ba Snvestafl contrary to the contract, bond ordinnnca, or resolution but shall be Snvasted and managed in accordance with the terms sat lorth therein. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and the signature o! the presiding officer. PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS DAY OF PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING THIS DAY OF ATTEST: Maureen K ng, C ty Clerk I. Gull ford, Jr., -. Mayor/Commissioner Approved as to~fora anndncorrectness: ~~- Claude L. Mul , y Attorney 3 (c) Interest-bearing time deposits or savings accounts in banks organized under the lava of this state, in national banks organized under the laws of the United Staten and doing business and situated in this state, in eavinge and loan associations which era under state supervision, or in federal eavinge and loan associations located in this state and organized under federal law and federal supervision, provided that any such deposits are secured by collateral ae may be prescribed by laws (d) Obligations of the federal farm credit banks; the Federal Homa Loan Hortgage Corporation, including Federal Homa Loan Hortgage Corporation participation certiticatas; or the Federal Hom• Loan Bank or its d ietrict banks or obligations guaranteed by the Government National Hortgage AssociationT (e) Obligations of the Federal National Hortgage Association, including Paderel Nntionel Hortgage Association .participation certif states and mortgage pass-through certiticatee guaranteed by the Federal Nntionel Hortgage Association; or _ (f) Securitiae of, or other interest in, any open-end or closed-end management typ• investment company or invastsent trust registered under the Investment Company Act o! 1960, 15 U.S.C. es. Boa-1 et seq., as amended from time to time, provided the portfolio of such Snvestment company or Snvastnent trust is limited to United Statne Government obligations and to repurchase agreamante fully collateralized by such United States Government obligations end provided such investment company or investment trust takes delivery of such collateral either directly or through an authorized custodian. section 3. That Section 2-273.102 be added to the Code of Ordinances ae follows: Sac. 2-273.102. SURPLUS FUNDS. For th• purpose of this Ordinance, the term "surplus lands" i• defined as funds in any general or special account or fund o! the municipality, held or controlled by the City of Atlantic Beach, which funfls are not reasonably contemplated to be needed for the purposes intended within a `~.[~ ORDINANCE No. 35-89-6 AN ORDINANCH AMENDING SECTION 2-27] OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RELATING TO INVESTMENT OF FUNDS PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH: Section 1. That Section 2-273 of the Coda of ordinances of the City oL Atlantic Beach, Florida is hereby amended to read ae lollows: Sec. 2-273. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS REQUIRED. The City Nanager and the Director of Finance of the City, jointly and not severally, are authorized to invest and reinvest idle funds of the City in such amounts and in the types of investments paraittad by outatendinq bond ordinances or resolutions of the City and by applicable state law. The City Manager is authorized to contract for custodial and safekeeping services, investment counseling services and related matters so that the bast return on invested funds can be obtained and so that unnecessary transfers of security are eliminated. All investments shell be evidenced in the fors of safekeeping recaipta, bank trust receipts, Pederal Raaerve Bank, book-entry notices or confirsation/purchase notices in the name of the City. Notwithstanding the provisions of the first sentence of this section, the Director of Finance or the City Nanager, acting separately, is authorized to release investments held for safekeeping other than in the City Treasury and to designate the City depository to which the Lunde shall be transferred. Section 2. That Section 2-273.101 be added to the Code of Ordinances as follows: S6C. 2-273.101. CLASSES AND TYPES OF INVESTMENTS. Any aurplue funds of the City shall by invested in: (a) The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund; (b) Negotiable direct obligations of, or obligations the principal and interest of which era unconditionally guaranteed by, the United States Government at the then prevailing market price for such securities; 1 ~, F ~. p -~.>.r..... __ Sectlan 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption. Psssed by the City Commission on first reading________________________ '. Passed by the City Cammieslon on second end final reading M1111em I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor, Presiding Officer ', Approved ae to Fore and Correctness: Clrude L Mullle, City Attorney (SEAL) Maureen King, City Clerk ..a. __ ~- ORDINANCE f10. 90-89-141 AN ORDINAfCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 29, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 29-157 (a) ESTABLISHING A METHOD FOR MEASURING HEIGHT OF FENCES AND MALLS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Section 1. Chapter 24, Article III, Division 7, Section 24-157 <a) is hereby amended to read ae follows: CHAPTER 24 ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ARTICLE III, ZCNING REGULATIONS DIVISION 7, SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Seetlon 24-157. Fencee, hedges and rolls; eaves anC cornices Is) No orner, occupant or other person shall erect, Y.eep or maintain in existence any fence, call or structure 6etreen the front property line and the front building setback line exceeding '. Sour (4) feet in height at any given point. In the area betreen the [root building setback line and the rear property line, no fence, or call shall exceed six f6) tact in height at any given point. The height of fences and rails shall be measured from grs e o the op o e ence or ra ere a once or ra e erects a e Junc on o proper ee r vary no a o.,~ ~,...~ a r., a. ,. '°- MICHAEL / WRIGHT /MACLEAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6851 LONE STAR ROAD. SUITE 1 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA J22t t I V1<I i25~8059 April 17, 1989 Smith and GS11esDie Engineers, Inc. 1100 Celery Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32211 ATTN: Hr. Robert Y. Gehrig Ae: Sewage Lift Station Net Yell Rehabilitation S A G Protect 8505-09-02 Gentlemen: JON NELFRICH MICHAEL BUUDWG CONTRACTOR FRANK AU GREY WRIGHT GENERAL CONTRACTOR DEWITT BRUEN MACLEAN ARCHITECT As per your request, we offer the following proposal for the replacement oC auction lines in Yet Yell, station ^B^. Addition to the contract amount for change order No. One (1) is tae amount of Seve^ Thousand, 51z Hundred Fifty-four Dollars and No/AUndreds (57,654.00). Additional days reQuired to be twelve (12) days. Ye propose to replace one suction riser at a time in order to maintain "on-line" capability of eziating system. Ye x111 replace 2 sections of pipe and one 45 Degree bend on each riser xith new 6" Cest Iron, Cleaa 53 Poly Line Pipe. The deliv- ery time on this product is 7 days for flanged end fabrication. Ye x111 proceed xith the re11n1eg process of Wet Yell •B" pending your decision on this proposal. S/i } f n~'t cd ~ 1 e / r~X L ~ y , Prank A. ~ igtt / FAY/amh cc: Richard C. Pellowa Donald C. Ford Ernest F. Beadle STATE CERTIFIED BUILDING CONTRACTOR rulT ~ - MN:E EUMTWr 17.MM-ETRpI'S GTALOG IIETINGS.W-NOVSE ESTMIATES. rRIOR OVO7ES EIARRET rRDroaEo Fr4aM11 Eaa9 /arpir F«raiwry rRlcpq FlEO[ N/A - -ART N - CEI171EICI1710Nt U. CONTRACTOR 1M. MACAFEDF,RAEAGENCYORA FEDERALLYCERTIFNiDSTATE OR IOCALAGEMCYVERFORMEDAM REVIEW OFYOURACCOVNTSOR RECORDS W CONNEGTRIN W1M ANY OMER iEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTMCT WITNIN 111E VAST 12 MOMNSI ^ YES ®NO M-I'ai Vr•a nrw. a06arx anO rskVAVne num0a. d re.:e.~nrV VN:ra lap. TNN:SVMMARYCONFORMS WRN THE FOLLOVANG COST P111NCIPLES 41 CFR 1-15.4 tk. T11iF proposal a 4r4rrIiRM I« uN in mnnacrrOn .mn arr0 ~n raymr tV ry/ Request of City of Atlantic Beach 7Nearornarmm.Emdmltno.NaEpaaM Mlial WtlM wnaro pKlnp Gala aummaruM nar«n an p/DAIE mRWw, aarEra are a«wau r d: 4 / 3 / 89 I fiV111Fr ewury ew a firrErlbN manFparnvR rapapilM a+ian a hIM aM arc«mM auaum /« 1M IirunciN haNartgM «1pFr sNs prajrr. I Irrrnpr ow1Ry arF11 wewNnO 1M tM arbprFarMnr piu rMy G auEjan ro Opwnwar0 ranap«inian are/« racorpnanr alwa 1M aGra or1 aM «ia+rq bN Mw bean amrrnYyq r • rrap d a W IC n«ro Nr paan oorrlplaU, wraM, are ax«an r d tlv M sear. FyT1RE a FRDrOSE11 >RGN~T~ of REVIEWER DATE GF ExEartaN Jerry Weatra President / ~~~ 4/3/89 16. RECw1EN1 REVIEWER I wte tMlMrraiawM tM wn/pip rt brtn Mrain anOlM aprW mau/«in+WaaramVrraNM br suEgrmam TfftE OF rROPOSER 51GNATURE OF REVEWER DATE OF EXECVTgN Richard C. Fellows City Manager 4/3/89 It. EIA REVEVYER TIRE OF rROrOSER SIGNATME OF REVEWER PATE OF E1fECVI10N TRaY' s-ss) rpa 2 M 6 exARDS conarrRe ]axorFs Yl~NBSDAY, APRIL l9, 1989. 2 P.lt. The Awards Committee me[ on Wednesday, April 19, 19P9 at 2 P.K. [o receive bids on [vo Corman Rupp pumps to be utilized in the reuse water system at the waste water treatment plant. Present were Commissioner Clenn Fdwards, chairman, Ci[y Nanager Richard Fellows, Public Services Director Don Ford and Finance Director Harry Royal. Also present vas Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake. Only one bid vas received although five invitations [o submit bids had been mailed out in addition to the regular newspaper ad. The only bid received vas from Walter L. Barret[ Hlanke nship and Associates. The bid vas opened and Chairman Rdvards read out [he bid aloud shoving the units [o be 52,267.63 each for two units [he total price 55,335.36. Committee members discussed [he bid and [he lack of response from ocher bidders and asked Public Services Director Don Ford [o check into why [he other bidders had nc[ submitted proposals and to review the bid with Plan[ Division Chief Townsend. Following his discussions with [he Plan[ Division Chief he is to get back [o the committee with his findings at which time the committee would make its decision. Don Ford reported back to [he Committee his findings indicated [he prices on Che pumps ve re very good, as a matter of fact, lower than ve had received on previous pumps o: this type. He also pointed out the price includes installation. The reason Waller Barrett vas [he only bidder on [he Gorman Rupp pumps is because the manufacturer has organized his d is[ribu[ion in Florida so [ha[ each distributor, such as Rarre[[, handles only one line. For example Barrett handles [he Corman Rupp sever pumps, another dealez handles Gorman Rupp water pumps, ano [her dealer handles Gorman Rupp industrial pumps, etc. The committee discussed any other alternatives and in view of the fact the City is trying [o standardize its equipment agreed unanimously to recommend [o Che City Commission that the bid for [he two Gorman Rupp pumps be awarded [o Walter Barre[C. -_._~. i/ t L S' P .:•~~ AYARDB CO!![liTEE MINOTBS VEDNF.SIIAY, APRIL 19, 1989, 2 P.M. The Awards Committee met on Wednesday, April l9, 1989 at 2 P.H. in the City Commission Meeting Room, City Nall, A[lan[ic Beach, Florida [o receive bids for a mini-pumper. Present were [he Chairman Commissioner Glenn Edwards, City Manager Richard Fellows, Public Services Director Don Ford, Finance Director Xarry Royal and Fire Chief Walter Rev. Also present was Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake. Bids were received from American Eagle Fire Apparatus, Emergency One and Pierce Manufacturing. The Ci[y Manager opened each bid and presented 1[ to the Chairuan who read the bid amount aloud. The bids were as follows: BIDDER NAME PRICE NUf1BER OF DAYS TO DELIVER American Eagle Fire Apparatus ;52,359.00 60 days after de7lvery of chassis Emergency One ;55,000.00 120-150 days Pierce Manufacturing 552,937.00 140-160 days Emergency One offered 53.000.00 as a trade-in on the existing unit while Pierce Hanufacturing offered to reduce their price by ;1,250.00 if [he C1cy chose a Chevrolet or GMC chassis and also submitted an alternate bid of ;51,172.00. After the bids ve re evaluated the Chairman asked Fire Chief Rew [o Cake [he bid documents, evaluate and review them and report back to the Committee. Following his review, FS re Chief Rev recommended [he Committee rejet[ all bids due to fact some of the important specifications had been left out of [he bidding documents. After reviewing [he ma [erial and hearing the recommendations of Chief Rev the Committee voted unanimously [o recommend [ha[ Che City Commission rej ec[ all bids, correct the specifications and readver[ise. C. Delete Exhibit "A^. r'.-_.. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain unchanged. CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH Honorable Nilliam I. Gulliford Mayor Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT City Attorney Date GEE & JEN,S~O[7N, E-A-P, I/N/C.J James S. Enql' h, P.E. senior vice President !s S - h "~ Date f. Attendance at Public Meetings: Attend a maximum of four (4) meetings, including a pre-submittal public hearing, arranged by the CLIENT, for the purpose of explaining the elements and final Comprehensive Plan document. Compilation of Comprehensive Plan Document: Compile, print and bind a single Comprehensive Plan document incorporating previously prepared elements and provide the CLIENT with twenty (20) copies of the document with all required maps, tables and appendices to enable the CLIENT to conduct one (1) public hearing prior to submittal of the document to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Additional Services: Additional services mutually agreed upon, including those associated with preparation and submittal of a draft Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on or before April 1, 1990, and those required to prepare and submit the final Comprehensive Plan to the DCA with a fee to be negotiated at the time of authorization. Additional services which may be required as a result of DCA review and comment following submittal of the draft Comprehensive Plan shall be subject to negotiation between the CLIENT and the ENGINEER. B. "Fees to be Paid" Delete "Fees to be Paid" in its entirety and replace with the follovinq: For Item 1 of the Scope of Services the ENGINEER shall be paid a fee equal to personnel cost times a factor of 2.40, plus reimbursement for direct nonsalary expenses. The cost oP this service is not to exceed THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000.00) without written approval by the CLIENT. For Item 2 of the Scope of Services the ENGINEER shall be paid a fee equal to personnel cost times a factor of 2.60, plus reimbursement for direct nonsalary expenses. The cost of this service is not to exceed TNO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) without written approval by the CLIENT. c. coital Improvements Element: Prepare analyses of estimated costs of identified public facilities and improvements proposed to be undertaken by the City of Atlantic Beach by 1995; determine, with the assistance of the City staff, the City's capability to finance the improvements based on identified revenue sources and the City's fiscal obligations; determine current policies and procedures for guiding capital improvement expenditures; project future revenues, debt capacity and facility operating cost implications; develop a schedule of public improvements and descriptions; and prepare goals, objective and policies. All work under this task shall conform with requirements of Section 9J-5.016, F.A.C. The CLIENT shall assist the ENGINEER by listing their sources of funding, making projections of their debt service and revenue, as well as projecting the City's future debt service and revenue, as well as projecting the City's future debt capacity. The CLIENT shall also advise the ENGINEER as to their priorities of capital improvements. d. Consistency of the Proposed Comprehensive Plan: Identify provisions of the Comprehensive Plan (including goals, objectives and policies) which are consistent and/or inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and Regional Policy Plan; and include a listing of the goals, objective and policies therein which are addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. All work under this task shall conform with requirements of Section 9J-5.021, F.A.C. e. -evision of Previously Submitted Elements to Reflect Chanced conditions: Finalize previously submitted elements ae required to include changed conditions occurring since their preparation, comments by DcA and requests of the CLIENT. 1) Sanitary Sewer, Potable Water, Drainage, Solid Waste and Natural Groundwater Aquifier Recharge Element 2) Housing Element 3) Recreation and Open Space Element 4) Conservation/Coastal Management Element 5) Intergovernmental Coordination Element s~:.-w-:-... .. - ADDENDUM NO. 7 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PER RULE 9J-5 CRITERIA, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA The following change is hereby made and incorporated into the Agreement for this project. A. "Scope of Services" Delete "Scope of Services" in its entirety and replace with the following: Scone of Services Revised 4/4/89 The ENGINEER shall perform the following tasks in providing assistance to the CLIENT in preparing a revised Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapter 9J-5 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.): l.a. Land Use Element: All analyses of existing conditions and proposed future conditions with exception of existing land use tabulation and mapping (previously completed and submitted); preparation of a Future Land Use Map; and preparation of goals, objective and policies. All work under this Task shall conform with the requirements of Seetion 9J- 5.006, F.A.C. b. Traffic Circulation Element: All analyses of existing traffic circulation conditions/needs and projected future conditions/needs with regard to impacts upon the proposed transportation system resulting from future development of land within the City and traffic resulting from general development within the surrounding area expected to impact the City's transportation system; preparation of an Existing Traffic Circulation Map and Future Traffic Circulation Map; establish present and future levels of service fox collector and arterial roadways; and preparation of goals, objectives and policies. All work under this task shall conform with requirements of Section 9J05.007, F.A.C. CW 35!p !. unil.:ry Mr. Richard C. Fellows city Manager April 4, 1969 - Page Two After your review of this Addendum, please have Mayor Gullifard execute both copies and return one (1) original to our office. If I may answer any questions or provide any further assistance with this important project, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,y/ An~e~~'M i P.E. Project Ma ger ARM:dS Attachments GEE 6 JENSON ~.:... _. ~~. .. n rv ~ ,.-, ..r '~: ~- ,~ ~ .~~\ ~6,.IEN9d1 April 4, 1989 1ti~eins,K Mr. Richard C. Fellows City Manager City of Atlantic Beach P. O. Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendments Phase III Work Elements Gee b Jenson Project No. 56-426.3 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Fellows: We have reviewed the scope of work required to complete the draft comprehensive plan required by the Department of Community Affairs for the submittal due April 1, 1990. Enclosed are two (2) copies of Addendum No. 3 to our contract that lists an updated Scope of Services and projected fees required to complete the amendments to the City of Atlantic Beach's Comprehensive Plan. We are requesting authorization to proceed with Phase III of the work. We project completing the draft Comprehensive Plan by mid-fall. After review by the Commission and Community Development Board, a public hearing must be Reld. Final comments will be incorporated and the Plan submitted to the DCA. No fees have been proposed for project involvement after the draft is submitted, as the scope cannot be defined at this time. In addition to another public hearing and final plan printing and submittal, the City can anticipate comments from DCA which will require a response. We understand that a minimum of 25 pages of comments have been made by the DCA for each plan submitted to date. x651 SabWy iaree • Sine 367 •.Htlcw~~,.iW. FYxya 322f6616~ ~ 9D6: ~]1.I100 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEAC^ BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 89-10 General Fund _______________________________ EFFECTIVE DATE: 04-24-89: EYPENDITURES REVENUES ACCOUNT N0. ACCOUNT TITLE DBBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT OS-515-3101 Professional Services-Comp.Plan 37,000 O1-271-00 Prior Year Fund Belence 37,000 f a_ I. TOTALS 37,000 0 0 37,000 EYPLANATION: To provide funds necessary to complete the final elements of the Ci[y's Comprehensive Plen. PREPARED BY: Harry E. Royal, Finance Director INITIATED HY: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager COMMISSION ACTION REQUIRED: Yes DATE PREPARED:04-24-89 gBS0LOTI0M N0. 89-21 ~ ~~ A RESOLWTIOM TBANBTERRINC CBR'[AIM MONIES BgTY® P01o)S WHEREAS, the City Charter of [he City of Atlantic Beach requlrea that the CI[y Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund io another, and WHEREAS, [he nature of budgetary systems and [hose day to day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time co time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by [he City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, that the attached Budget Adjustment No. 89-10 be approved for the 1989-90 budge[. Adopted by the CI[y Commission April 24, 1989. • • • • • x x • • e t Nilliam I. Gulllford, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved ae to form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City A[[orney ATTEST: Maureen gang, City rlerk ~° _ . subsidiarim, and to all construction contractors and subcontractors on the projects fur errors, negligent acts, or omissions resulting from these professional services to an aggregate amount not exceeding Connelly & Wicker Ins.'s prof~cional servioes Cecs or Sw,ooo, whichever ¢ the greater. It is further understood and agreed that the corutrudion documents and the ideaz and designs incorporated therein az an instrument of professional service are the property of Connelly & Wicker Inc. and are not to be used, in whole or part, for any other project without written authorization of Connelly & Wicker Inc. The City of Atlantic Beach is hereby advised/warned that such unauthorized use wn be very risky, and the City oC Atlantic Beach duos therefore agree and warrant to hold Connelly & Wicker Inc, harmless for any such unauthorized use and to diligently defend and/or indemnity Connelly & Wicker [ne. from all claims, damages and expenses agaimt Connelly & Wicker [nc. resulting out of said unauthorized use. In comideratan of the unavailability of professional liability insurance for servires inwlving or relating to hazardom waste materials and since it is not the intent of this agreement Cur Connelly & Wicker Inc. to provide services involving or relating to hazardous waste materials nor is any such exposure anticipated by either party under this agreement, it is agreed that the Chvner shall indemnify and hold harmless Connelly & Wicker Inc. and ita consultants, agents and employees from and agaimt all claims, damages, kasisrs and expenses, direct and indirect, or consequential damages, including but not limited to Cces and charges of attorneys and court and arbitration costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by engineer, or claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. relaltxl to hazardous waste materials or activities. This indemnification provision extends to claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. which arise out of, arc related tq or are based upon the dispersal, discharge, escape, release or saturation of smoke, vapors, soot, Comes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids, gases or any other material, irritant, wntaminant or pollutant in or into the atmosphere, or on, onto, upon, in or into the surface or subsurface (a) soil, (b) water or watercourse, (c) objects, or (d) any tangible or intangible matter, whether sudden or net. IC this p,oposal meets with your approval, please execute both espies and return one espy for our files. We look (onward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Very truly yours, William P. Seellings Project Manager Approved and Authorized fur the City of Atlantic Beach tsy: Date roved Aut rued (~ Ity & Wicker Inc. BY at SCHEDULE OF WORK We will commence the wrxk uptm being givtn notice to proceed, and we will work with you to meet any reasonable deadline. COMPENSATION It is proposed the payment Cur our services be on the basis of our current hourly rates set forth below plus arty requred reimbursable costs. Cateeorv Hourly Billin¢ Rates Principal Eogineer S 75.00 Senior Engineer S 65.00 Design Engineer S 55.00 EngineerlDesigner S 45.00 Senior Technician S 35.00 Technician S 30.00 Drafter f 25.00 Secretary S 2(1.00 Reimburaabk vests include Cees of Professional Associates (whose expertise is required to complete the projecQ and outoE-pocket expenses. Outof-pocket expenses aha0 include but not be limited to travel expenses (lodging, meals, etc.), job-related mileage at 21 cents per mile, long distance telephone calls, printing and reproduction vests, and special supplies anJ materials. Based on our understanding of the work to be performed, we recommend that you budget the Colkrving: Grading, paving and SIRWMD Permit Prepazatan S 3,000.00 Bid Phase, and Construction Phase Services S 1,500.00 lighting Plan S 1,200.00 Please indicak the services desired SCHEDULE FOR PAYMENT Irtvoices wnll be submitted monthly based upm the work wmpkte at that time. Payment will be due upon receipt o[ invoices. It payment u not received within 30 days from the date of the invoice, iMCrest will be charged at a rate of 1-12 percent per month on the unpaid balance retroactive to the invoice date. The tees stated in this Agreement arc based upon prompt payment for our services within 30 days from the date of the invoice. ^ is understood that any arrangements Cor delayed payment shall be requested and agreed to by both parties prior to your notifying us to proceed with the work. LIABILITY AND USE OF DOCUMEN-IS It is understood and agreed between both parties to this agreement [hat the City oC Atlantic Beach agrees to limit Connelly & Wicker Inc.'s liability m the Ciry o[ Atlantk Beach and/or any of its ~ " ~~ ~~ Connelly & Wicker, Inc. Consulting Engineers PR6E591IlNYF' PCBk Pi 0. COWEl1Y. PE. M PYYtEP ~4YMa. PF. J.WES H YLLEP, J0.. PE. ILLµ Y. OZEIL PM. PE. r,4Jp4g P.PMPIIO.PE P(}411p 4 WELCK PE yPpvwLVnraR0. PE. April 7, 19g9 Mr. Richard Fellows Ciry Manager Ciry oC Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Boulevard Post O[fice Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Engineering Services Dear Mr. Fellows: Connelly & Wicker lnc. u pleased to submit an engineering fee proposal Cor the expamion oC paving and lighting in Russell Park. This proposal will remain in effect Cor a period of b0 days from the date of this letter. Acceptance after that period is subject to a review oC the conditions stated herein, and possible revision by Connelly & Wicker Inc. in response to changed conditiorm. SCOPE OF WORK Thu proposal contemplates Connelly & Wicker Ine.'s preparing construction plans and specifications (or grading, paving, drainage, lighting and St. Johns River Water Management Permit application. We anticipate using 1'=20' scale site work templates Cor thu project and estimate a total oC three (3) drawings which includts the construction detail sheet. Connelly & Wicker Inc. will also provide bid phase semces including issuance oC plans to bidders and answering bidders questions. Construction phase services will be limited to an initial site volt and pre-comtruction conference, one site visit during construction, and a site volt Cor final inspection. Thu proposal does not include any permit fets, soils or environmental evaluations. A 5250.00 SIRWMD permit tee will be required. It u understood that the City of Atlamic Beach will provide the neussary topographic survey Cor thu project. P.O. BO7( 5/3tl • JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIOA 313 4 01 3 0 3.9W'709-7995 DESTIN, FLORIDA • CASHIERS, NORTH CAROLINA ~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUDGET ADJUSTMENT NUMBER: 89-09 EFFECTIVE DATE; 04-24-B9 FUND: General Fund ACCOUNT N0. ACCOUNT TITLE ___________ ______________________ 01-521-1400 Overtime O1-271-00 Prior Yeer Fund Balance EYPENDITU RES REVENUES DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT ________ ________ _______ ________ 25,000 25,000 TOTALS 25,000 0 0 25,000 EXPLANATION: To provide funds for overtime in the Police Department per ' attached memorandum. PREPARED BY: Harry E. Royal, Pinance Director INITIATED BY: Ritherd C. Fellows, City Manager COMMISSION ACTION REQUIRED: Yes DATE PREPARED:04-24-89 ________ ________ _;7r„ i~ i~ F. ~• ~..; ' ~ /~ RESOLOTI06 !p. 89-20 A 6E.90LULION '[RAMSPE8IING CEtiAIN ltlNIES DElYEEN PIIIIDS WHEREAS, [he City Charter of the CS ty of A[lan[ic Heach requires chat the CS[y Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund to another, and WHEREAB, the nature of budgetary systems and [hose day [o day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time to time, HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by [he City Commission of [he City of Ac lantic Beach, that the attached Budget Ad]us[menc Ho. 89-09 be approved for [he 1989-90 budge[. Adopted by [he City Commission Aprfl 24, 1989. ,t f x • + • • • • ,t William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as [o form and correc [Hess: Claude L. Mullis, CS[y A[[orney AiTESi: Maureen King, CS[y Clezk #_, ., of time that Mort spends on a survey depends on the number of nests- or strandings that he finds or are repotted by the volunteer foot patrols. The surveye take place in the early moruing, but Mort has had to rush to be off of the beach ny 9 am, so it would be helpful to have some time flexibility. Also, if Mort needs to use the ATV in the evening or other unscheduled time, he calls the local police dispatch. Thanks for your consideration. If there zre any questions, please contact me at tt,c Greenpeace office (241-4310) or Mort Bannon at BioMax (246-1634 or home 241-7631). Sincerely, ~a~ ~ an Jo neon Greenpeace National Sea 'iurtle Campaign a .. -. _.. MEW OE •f.Y3TEPOlu1•/JICWfUGE•MICNtAM •BOSTON•BNU%FLS•Wf1N)S AN1E3 •CItlGL00•LOPEWIMFII•glaUM fORT LAUOFADME•OOTHEOBEPA •MAw9UM •LEWES-U.N.•LONOON•LUYELIBOURO•MAORIO•YORTREAL•OSLO•RLLW OE WLLORLA PMTS • 1104E •SAN ,fuVIGSfA • SAN JOSE-COSTA PoLA • SEATTLE • STOCNMOLM • SYONEY • TORONTO • VANLOWFR • VIENW WASIMN6TOM•WORLO PMNBN$E-NIT 'TILA •IWU(ll G12~E1~~PT~1C~ 102 6th Avenue North • Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Telephone (904) 241-4310 April 4, 1989 Mr. Richard Fellows City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dea[ Mr. Fellows, Laat summer the City of Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville eeact~ and Neptune Desch issued Greenpeace permission to use our All Terrain Vehicle (T.TV) three wheeler on the beach for sea turtle neatiny and stranding surveys. I am writing to request your permission for the continued use of tkLe ATV for sea turtle beach surveys from May through October. The conditions we discussed last year are mostly the same this year. ~Fa turtle nesting begins in May and eztends through August, and hatchlings emerge from July through October. Because of the problem with excessive beachfront lighting it is presently necessary for the volunteer beach patrol to relocate the nests to a protected hatchery. It is also very important that ve complete documentation on the sea turtle (dead, washed ashore) strandings before their disposal. Mr. Mort Hanson of BioMax Bealth Food and Groceries,Ine. 299 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach is our local beach patrol coordinator. Be is the only operator of the ATV and conducts a daily oz •as needed" patrol on the ATV from Neptune to Jacksonville Beach and returns to Atlantic Beach to open his business each morning. The beach patrol surveys are done in the Early xo ruing hours from 6 to 9 am, as these ;ours are the necessary 6oura to provide protection for the nests. The ATV is owned and insured try Greenpeace and is maintained by Mort. The a copy of the ineL~rance form which you have in your office is enclosed ir. tt~ia letter. This insurance will have an automatic renewal in May and I will tend you the renewal as soon as it arrives. We appreciate your support for our sea turtle conservation program. it would be helpful if Mort and the Greenpeace office had a letter of permission for the ATV beach patrol. The amount RECYCLED PAPER ~ i a P m \ .. O W PI ~JF N O O O N < O W < • O O O O 1 ~ C > h N N O O f J - 2 W N M P P 1 P > 2 O d m p[ w \ K .~ ~' N IL U O N O 2 m O m O O N m O N O i O V N O N O ~0 N O m O N _` ( 1'~ = N ti v T T y w 1~11~1 J w < f O VI w W H Z N U ~ < w u i . . (/1 u 1- z ~- J N t J > Y m N N < K > K O < 2 m 7 K 06 W H t N J wi Mf 2 J f < H J W W ` O 2 W Z 6' W LL W U K C O W ~ ~ S f KO KS U 4 ~ < N Z Y~ S P O Y P Z N y ~ > y W~ W >~\ 72\ ~ Z LL Y OC w N f ~W N SN O J 1 T ~< I >P W 1 < >S 9 d ~ > O w 0 W \ 2 C Y 2 f m w H W NLLW ~ N 1~ K\ S !'U< KW< ~ m WN p[ Z<O JO O H O W W W > J M ~ W i F W H 1> 7 J CJ f NOw i w SO Om C O W Oh~ W W1~ ~j G ~ > O W y I1 S f V I> < W 1 LL m < N w O LL F LL LL P O Z6 OLL W LL LL O _ ~ S O w K O W < O O t 2> Fw w WPK x-01' Y1 <K NJ fJ fww In •w N K~ W J w 0 LL J O LL m N YLL NIL 1-ON KON o x< WH or c>z Boa H W H CC 1 6' g J t Z < w Y 2 0 W O I W C J P C O IH w1 DO N01- V1Mf P P P P P P P m Z \ O H N • J . i N O O O N N T U N \ \ \ m ~ A R I 1 II . I i O O O O O O O 1~1 P O •+ w r • s ~ 1 1 M jH W N O O O O N W O JZ i i ~ m ° ° ° u ~ o o o o ~ N ~ N N '• j 2 t~ ~ Z W P RI M .} •. > n ~ P > 2 ~0 m ~ •Y M ti Ir n uo N O a ~ x m mo m o O o N m N O N O O .} 0 < • • c. 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N Y~ 2 z 11 ~ ~ W 3 > o Z V i+ N O i L Z K J J W W < F H r O = N = O < f ~ u u w Trustee Yhi[e asked that when [hat meeting vas se[ up on May 1, 1989 that Mr. Callaway be present to explain [he investment procedures and strategies for the benef is of the fif [h member of the Board and chat also Mr. Mullis be present Co discuss the Sunshine Law and how i[ applied to each member of the Board. There being no further discussion the Trustees each voted. Ronald Della Ports received three (3) votes and Eduard Martin received one (1) voce. A[ this point Secretary Richard Fellova announced he had received copies of a court order indicating [he Department of Insurance represented by Mr. Marvin Clay [on had dismissed all of its suites against [he City relative to changes in the pension lava affecting policemen and firemen and indicated he had received word [he pension funds ve re being released [o the City. He also pointed out chae he understood the Fraternal Order of Police were filing an appeal with the Supreme Court. Trustee Archer Indicated his Information vas the funds were not being released until some changes the policemen and firemen had requested were made. Secretary Fe llovs responded he had discussed [his matter with Mr. Archer and that since many of the officers who had signed the original petition were no longer employed by the C1[y a new petition should be dzawn up, signed, and presented [o the [he Pension Board. Trustee Archer vent on to point out that in talking vich the firemen and policemen is vas his opinion [here vas considerable interest by the firemen and policemen in having the premium Cax funds received by [he Ci[y utilized exclusively to buy additional benefits for policemen and firemen. Trustee Yh1te pointed out policemen and firemen already had additional benefits in that [hey could retire earlier than general employees and also receive 2.4Z of average Final compensation compared [o [he general employees 2.255. Trustee Archer also discussed whether [here vas perhaps a conflict of interest vich City Attorney Mullis serving as the attorney for the Pension Board, inasmuch if the policemen and firemen brought suit Mr. Mullis as [he Pension Boards' attorney would also be defending [he CS[y. The Secretary pointed out Che Board of Trustees could hire Sts own attorney 1f is wished. Further discussion ensued a[ which time i[ was agreed these matters should be held in abeyance until [he seating of the fifth member of the Board on May 1, 1989 a[ which time a full discussion and settlement of these issues might be undertaken. The Secretary Chen reconfirmed the nexC meeting of the Baard of Trustees will be May 1, 1989 a[ 7 P. M. vich Mr. Mullis and Mr. Callaway in attendance and [here being no further distusalon the meeting was ad]ouzned a[ 7:45 P.M. P~I08 BDARD MECLIBG Y80aSDAY, APRIL 13, 1989 MI807E5 The Board of Trustees of the Atlantic Beach Pension Fund mac on Thursday, Apr£1 13, 1989 a[ 7 o'clock in the evening in [he City Commission meeting room, Ci[y Nall. Present were reappointed trustees Richard Wh![e and Ronald Wingate and newly elected trustees .loan LaVake and David Archer. Also present vas Richard Fellows, a number of Firefighters from [he Atlantic Beach Fite Department and Ronald Della Por[a who had been invited for interview as the possible fifth member of the Board of Trustees. Discussion ensued with Mr. Della Porto regarding his background aad experience. Trustee White inquired Snto whether or not Mr. Della Porto intended to run for any political office and pointed out the reason for his question vas [hat he Eelt any new trustee should be available to serve the full two year term. Mr. Della Porto indicated he did not intend ca run for political office at any time. Trustee LaVake said she had heard [he Atlantic Beach policemen and firemen wanted [o have their own pension board and be separated from the existing board and how i[ mighd effect [he general employees. Bhe inqufred of Mr. Della Porto what he [hough[ about such a plan. Hr. Della Porto replied he drought [here would be a lo[ of duplication cf effort in regards co actuary reports, administration, etc. He said he could no[ be more specific because he didn't really know who[ [he situation was but St seemed like there would be duplication. Further discussion ensued relative [o Mr. Della Portas' desire Co serve as a trustee following which [he trustees thanked him for appearing and he left. Ac approximately 7:20 P. M. Mr. Ed Mart In came before [he Board for the purposes of interview. Mr. Harlin explained [hoc he vas retired from AT6T and that he had done some consul[1ng work with [hem and had represented management in regards to collective bargaining. Ne also said that he vas familiar with pension funds and expressed a desire to serve as a trustee. Trustee White also inquired of Mr. Martin a6 [o ris political intentions since Mr. Martin had been a candidate for city office once before. Mr. Martin said he did no[ anticipate running for political office again. Trustee LaVake inquired as to Mr. Martin's thoughts on having two boards. He responded he did not know the details and therefore could not comment. Further discuaeion ensued and the Board of 7rusteea thanked Mr. Mart In and he left [he meeting. Discussion then cook place be [wean members and the secretary relative to whether or not the Board wished to consider the substance of the two ante rvlewa and set a new meeting for May 1, 1989 for dhe purpose of electing the fifth member of [he Board of Trustees. Discussion ensued and is vas the consensus of all present i[ would be best to make a decision on [he fifth member ac this time so the name could be presented to [he City Commission at their regular meeting of April 24, 1989 and if confirmed [he fifth member of the Board could be seated a[ the next meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 1, 1989. ,g-~-. ~. cxpusure anticipated by either party under this agreement, it u agreed that the Owner shall indemnity and hoW harmless Connelly & Wicker Inc. and its comultants, agents and employees from and agaimt all claims, damages, loses and expenses, direr[ and indirect, or wnseyuemial damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and wan and arbitration ants, arising out o[ or resulting from the performance o[ the work by engineer, or claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. related to haiardom waste tnaterials or activities. This imfemnification provision extends to claims agaimt Connelly & Wicker Inc. which arise out of, are related to, or are baud upon the dispersal, discharge, esrapc, rekme or saturation o[ smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, tope chemicals, liquids, gases or any other material, imtant, contaminant or p>Ilutant in or into the atmosphere, or on, onto, upon, in or into the surface or subsurface (a) wit, (h) water or watercourse, (c) objects, or (d) any tangible or intangible matter, whether sudden or not. [f this proposal meets with your approval, pleau execute both mpiea and return one copy for our files. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this projcet. Very truly yours, / William P. Spellings Project Manager Approved and Authorized for the City of Atlantic Beach Date Approved sad Authorized Cor Connelly & Wicker inc. to i~ ~/ ~_ Cateaorv - Hourly Billing Rates Prirtcipal Engineer S 75.011 Senior Engineer S 65.00 Design Enginear S SS.00 Engirtcer/Designer S 45.00 Senior Technician S 35.00 Technician S 30.00 Drafter S 25-00 Semetary S 20.00 Reimbursable costs include fees of Pro0.ssional Associates (whoa expertise is required to complete the projut) and outo[-pocket expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses shall include but not be limited to travel expenses (lodging, meals, etc.), job-related mileage at 21 cents per mile, long distance telephone cat4, printing and reprodwaion costs, and special supplie and materiaB- Based on our understanding of the work to be performed, we recommend that yrou budget 51,800.00. SCHEDULE FOR PAYMENT Invoices will be submitted monthly based upon the work complete at that time. Payment will be due upon receipt of invoices. If payment ¢ not received within 30 days from the data of the invoice, interest will be charged at a rate o[ 1-12 percent per month on the unpaid balance retroactive to the invoice date. The fees stated in this Agrcement are based upon prompt payment for our xrvices within 30 days Crom the date of the invoice. It is undersuxxl that any artangements for delayed payment shall be rcyuested and agreed to by both parties prior to your notifying us to proceed with the work. LIABILITY AND USE OF DOCUMENTS It is understood and agreed Ixawcen both parties to this agreement that the City of Atlamic &:ach agrces to limit Connelly & Wicker Inc.'s liability to the City of Atlantic Beach andlor any oC its subsidiaries, and to all wrutruction wnoactors and subwntractors on the projects for errors, negligent acu, or omissions resulting from thex professional xrvices to an aggregate amount not exceeding Connelly & Wicker Ine.'s professional xrvices fees or 550.000. whichever is the greater. It h further understood and agreed that the comtruction documents and the ideaz and designs incorporated therein az an instrument of professional xrvice are the property of Connelly & Wicker Inc. aM are not to be used, in whole or part, for arty other project without written authorvation of Connely & Wicker Inc. The City of Atlantic Beach is hereby advixdlwarned that :uch unauthorised rue ran be very risky, and the City of Atlantic Beach does therefore agrce and warrant to hoM Connelly & Wicker Inc. harmless for any such unauthorized rue and to diligently defend and/or indemnify Connelly & Wicker Inc. from all Maims, damages and expenses against Connely & Wicker Inc. resulting out of said unauthorised ux. In wnsideratan of the unavailability of professional liability insurance for services involving or relating to hazardous wazte materials and since it is not the intent of this agreement for Cemnclly & Wicker Inc. to provide xrvices involving or relating to hazardous wazte materials nor is any such T- I~ ~ 1 ~ ~ \~ Connelly & Wicker, Inc. ConauRing Englnt9er8 PNiF54SMK9: RC6ERi O. fY1NFl1v, PF. K PMI(ER IgWMO.PE. JYIE! K YLLER. J0. P€ NMI Y.OZfli. F,D. PE. l1OlIxY P.PMRUO,PE aclYwc. wrrd, v c YMVML WC~0.PE. April 17, I9K9 Mr. Richard Fellows City Manager City oC Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Boulevard Post OILce Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Bidding and Irupation Services Dear Mc Fellows: Connelly & Wicker Inc. is pleased to submit a fee proposal for bid and inspection services Cnr the extension of Beach Avenue North of 21rih Street, the paving overlay of Sturdivant Avenue and related parking area, and paving m~erlay of miscellanwus strcets within the City of Atlantic Ba:ach. "This proposal will remain in eC(ect for a period oC 6t1 days from the date oC this letter. Acceptance alter that period u subject to a review of the wndilions slated herein, and ]xusihlc revision by Connelly & Wicker Inc. in response to changed wnditions.' SCOPE OF WORK 'this proposal wnlemplates Connelly & Wicker Int.'s assisting with the bidding phau end providing up to five (5) site visits for wnstrcetion observation and final inspection. SCHEDULE OF WORK We will wmmenw the work upon being given notice to proceed, and we will work with you to meet any reasonable deadline. It u proposed the payment for our services be on the bazis of our current hourly rates set forth below plus any required reimbursable costs. P.O. DO% 51313 • JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA 31110-1313 •901219-7995 DESTtN, FLORIDA -CASHIERS, NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~ G . V ..; ~ dl :A A..~i L V J J li .1 ~ J CM d iMertr2 Bud -'~GNl~ SUGGESTED VENDORS: Bullda¢ Computer Products P.0. Box 11043 Naitinez, Ga. 30907 T18 OCEAN BOULEVAflOlPO. BO%35 ATLANTIC BEACH. FL 31f a3 REQUISITION FOR SUPPLIES AND MATERUL3 6536 P.O. NUMBER DEPT. _. OATE f08 TERMS 4 13 89 ESTIMATED ' ACCOUNT OBE FT QUANTITY MATERIALS OR SERVICES UNIT PRICE TOTAL O1-513-6400 1 Compaq 80286 Deskpro, 12 NNz speed,640k memory 1 5 1/4" 360k floppy drive ~ 1,649.00 - 1 3 1/2 1.4 mb floppy drive 105.00 1 40mb/40ms access hard drive v/controller 474.00 1 40 mb internal tape backup system 299.00 ~, 2 parallel pons 90.00 2 serial pons 90.00 .. 1 14" monochrome monitor 239.00 PER PRICE QUOTE ON 4/11(89 2,946.00 pl s shippi 88.00 3,034.00 ~i APPROVED: IN v, ~ ~IIIAAAA "'"'"""""~~~~1 DEPART MENT MEAD CITY MANAGER FINANCE DIRECTOR .-.,_ . ,1s"~~ I I `'< ~ `~ CITI' OF ATLANTIC BEACN. ~ AP:.IL 24, 1989 ,~~ /~ BLCEN'IENNIAL CERf.MONY HONORING ' ~ t THE FIRST INAUGURATION _ ~,_ Qr~- '~ \ i ?L. i ~-j i -,1... fir: ,~ . _~ ~.xr, _ i `•? (1 I; :~.,: ~ I- ~. F ,,e ,,. ___.__._. __ I 8,. : i ~: N :.. ,,t... OPENING PRAYER ........................... ... .... ...... COIDIISSIONER AF•e 1 ..LA[nE R. T7CKiR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ....................... .... ........ CO`MISSION"r:R GLENN A. EDNARDS 'n ELCD9E ........................ .. ............ .........2;q?'OR RIlti A!4 I. Gi'i.LI FORD. JR. READING OF THE PRDCLAHATION ........... .............. .. COMNI SS IONER ALAN C. ]F.N::EN GEURGE S:ASN[NGTON - q MAS FOR ALL SEASONS ............. C0.~41ISSIONER ROBERT B. COOY., SR. CLOSING RFMARAS ......... ..............................CITY MANAGER, RICHARD C. PEI.LDNS CITY AT70RNF,Y, CLAUDE L. ML'LLIS LIBERTY, WNEN I7 BEGINS TO TAKE ROOT, IS A PLANT OF iUPID GNOSR'N ................. George Nashington in a letter [o James Fladl so^^. Match 2, 1789 F. E z` R' S 4 ~. F- PAGE SEUFN MINV1'FS APRIL 10. 1989 there being no further business to ante before the Cannission, the meeting eras declared adjourned at 6:00 PM. Robert B. Cook, Sr., Mayor Pro 'ice, Presiding Officer Maureen King, City Clerk ~ I I~,II PAGE slx MINUPES AP[2IL 10, 1989 lbtim: Defer actim and omtinue Public Hearing m next mmf :..q and xe-adverti.~ No further discussion. The motion cazried unanilmusly. 8. Misceilw,+or~+G Business• Mayor Pro Tem Cook presented artd read aloud a Proclamation recognizing April 16 through April 30, 1989, as a period of observance of the cama~oration of the Inaugural Journey of George Washington from Mount Vernon, Virginia, to New York City, and his subsegirnt Inauguration on April 30, 1789. 9. City Mu~agrr lieaorts: 11fe City Mv~ager reported in connection with the loan fmn the Florida League of Cities to construct the Public Safety Building the City had received a check in the amount of $153,943.46 representing a share of the arbitrage funds. This morey will be applied to the construction of the new City Hall. 1tc Qty also repottrd the City had budgeted money for a Lifeguard truck. A suitable 4-wheel drive 1984 Chevrolet truck at a cost of ;4,950.00 had been located and he asked the Cortmission to waive the bidding requirements and authorize the purchase of this truck fran George Moore Chevrolet. lotion: Fmive bidduq *~.»,a.o.,r~ ~d a.w/.,r;m ~,9e of 19&1 4-`drrl drive Chevrolet Turk from Gorge lk~ore Q~evmlet at a mst of 54,950.00 No discussion. Tne notion carried unaniimusly. 10. Myor tv call on QtY O~;QCimnra, Qty AttorTley City C1 PTF for xeaorts and/~ razrats Qty Attorney Millis reported he had received a letter fran Harvey J. Sepler, representing the American Civil Liberties Union, expressing wncern about the validity of the recent Ordirance establishing a curfew for mirors in Atlantic Beach. Mr. Mullis confirmed that all Commissioners had received a ropy of his response indicating that in his opinion the Ordinance is constitutional. Discussions with the Police Departrn=nt relative to the application of the Ordinance indicate the ordinance will not be enforced in such a rtaluier as would render it unronstitutiona!. NAME OF COMMRS. M S v Y v N sr~„»~ x z Jensen x x 11~c1o'r x Cbok I x Hiards x J®s® x x 11xio3 x x Cook x e> PAGE FIVE MINUTES APRIL 10, 1989 it down. Tire Architectural Fdeview Board had not reviexed the plans before construction but had met since then to review the project. The Board requested srne changes, including landscaping etc., and these are being made. Ttre City has since then taken the position of not issuing any building permits until the plans have been approved by the Architectural Review Board. The City Attorney explained that had the plans been submitted to the Architectural Peview Board, and had the plans been approved, the board had the authority to waive certain provisions. Since no one else wished to speak for or against the Ordinance, the public hearing was declared closed. 71otim: AppxoVe r."sea,p of Ordinance No. 90-89-139 on send aId final reading No discussion before the mote. The motion carried unanimously C. [lreli,urvo No. 90-89-140 -Public gearing AN QOIIAIi'8 A!@DIIiG 174.+ OlmIIpltiE 07E Q' ~ C1TY OF A'IIANPIC HHf®, P111gID4: ]1!@DIIiG CB21Pffit 24, 17~ CO!@I~SIVE ZQ~@7G C/pIIAtx'E Ata IA7D IEVHUF787T ~ BY AgfSDIi~ 774: C7+FICIIU, ZQ~@T~ gAP 1O I8ffiE IO15 41 11HOI~ 60, NOHI71 AITANPIC IIPJI® UIIIT 2, g1C P7flT1TOH OF AT IASf PJF1Y P8R737T ISOa) a+ OOtiPiGW11S I'HOPPla7t OftIP1E PBON I4'.SI~17Ai. GHBRAI. Krtrrrvrr PIMgI.Y (IiG21 7O lava, ($ffitAL 77iD PAIQLY (IGl); A7D PIOVIDING AN PFPB.TIVE gA7E Mayor Pro Tan Cook presented i~ full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-89-140 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter r ~~i rertents. 'It~e Mayor Pro 7mn opened the floor for a public hearing and invited c~rments fran the audience. Willian Morgan, 1945 Beach Avenue, presented the GYmiission with mpies of a letter he had written the Cartnmity Development Board opposing the rezoning. He said he spoke on behalf of his family who owned Intl 55, 56, and 57 in the area ucder wnsideration, and urged the Comnission to deny the rezoning request. Herbert Moller, 1911 Beach Avenue, said he had lived at that address Since 1938 and pointed out the majority of people in favor of the rezoning did rot own Property in the area. He suggested the property owners who are in favor of the petition could wluntarily put deed restrictions on their property, which mould be a reasonable canprardse. Elliot 2isser, 1937 Beach Avenue, said he felt the petition was a measure to preserve the integrity of the block and make it- consistent with the blocks to the north and south. fIe requested that action of the Ordinance be deferred M the next meeting when it was hoped a fu'_1 Caimission would be ir, attendance. NAME OF COMMAS. I M P S V Y V N °s--' - x Jensen x x lhckrs x x CUdc x PAGE ETWR MINVPES APRI1. 10, 1989 crnnents from the audience. Since no one spoke for or ayainst the exception, Mayor Pro fpm Cook declazed the public hearing closed. Motion: Use by with the oanditim Nr. Becket be limited to mrvi,-im m ®re that five cars at ore time, that there would M ro outside storage, and that a fence be erected Mr. Becker who was in attendance, said he understood and agreed to the conditions. The question was called and the motion cazried on ~, a three to one mote with Cannissioner Tucker wting Nay 7. Actim on Ordarr'mces- A. Drrlieurv~o ND. 57-89-15 -First Beadiig AN OBDIIS1Nl3? 1M@DING '11iE ~IIWLE ODOE OF TBE C11Y ~ A1iN71iC HBtf®, FI!)<tID4; A!@I1RU ®1p1E1t 7, ARPICIE II, SQ'PIQi 7-16 1D ' MOPE HY RH+81i83iiE THA STA1DHis7 PIId+ Pib+{iIIil'IQl Q'S7L' 1985 PDPfIQ7 NP15 REVfSIQiir PIZ>B1.L~ BY 718; 90U118;[d7 BUIIDING CDQ' IIlIIBdATiQAi., Ali) 718.+ NATIQWL FIRE PIV11aC.TION ASSOCiA1ZQ7 101 ~. IJl+E SAPL+lY CQS: 1988 EDITIQI, PIOVIDI!!x; AN EPPBCPI{0: lYf1E Mayor Pro Tem Cook presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 57-89-15 on first reading. Ibtion: ApprvVe ~LCw of Ordi~noe No. 57-89-15 on first reading aed set foz public hearing April 24, 1989 No discussion before the mote. The motion carried unanvrously. B. nrN;..w..,e No. 90-89-139 -Public Bearing AN Ols)INgliS: OP TBE C17Y CP A77ANFIC BEACH AOCPPFRTi AND APPIOVING MIS) 1L+VPJLIP!@iP PLAN AND PiOP091L Sl8QT1ffi7 BY D.W. TR®INICR AND C8R19,II4 CRDPliQSi fDR ~VFdOk1@if OP I11lD IN 19E CITY OP ATIAM'IC lJI~; PRIVIDIK; Al4 EPFBLTiVE DA'!Q Mayor Pro Tan Cook presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-89-139 on seeo~ and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter requirments. The Mayor Pro Tan opened the floor for a public hearing and invited camients from the audience. Ms. Olyene Coble, 2400 Semirole lk~ad, asked if restrictions on the subject development were similar to those of the Oceanside developrent. She said she was aware of ors txrne in the azea in which those standards were rot follo ed. Mr. Akel, developer of the Oceanside development, resporxled that the house in question was already under construction before the violation was discovered. The City Manager added that this was the first Muse in that developrent and the Building Departr;ent was not alert tt> the requireirents of the design standards and the building had reached tM sage where it mould have been inQractical to tear NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N ffiL+erds x x Jensen x x 1liclcer ~ x Cook I x Edesrds x Ja~sat x x 7Udws x ~ x Cook i x _ ~ PAGE THREE MIhR7fFS APRIL 10, 1989 Con.9ent Agada Its B Caanissioner Jensen stated while he was in favor of the activities outlined in the Resolution, he did not feel it was appropriate for the City of Atlantic Beach to becgne involved in the internal activities of another rtunicipality. After brief discussion it was agreed m defer action of Resolution No. 89-19 until the next meeting. 5. Committee Reports: A. (7[t®iaai~cr G]ga~ PBaards, O~ of the Awards ~ittee, with a xepiut aid re®adatinns on bids for wnstnictia~ of a new i.,at~rbtt taut at Bvmr Park Ca`missiorer EdNerds reported ten bids had been received. Reseazch of the background of the low bidder revealed this mfpany operated fran a hrne in Jacksornille Beach and had little experience in this type work. The second low bidder, Stazling Construction Cac¢any, was fould to be acceptable and it was the reoomiendation of the conmittee that a contract be awazded to Stazling Construction for this p*oject. lbtim: Award bid for the mion of ~rdrtiiii WIII't.S in ikrner Park m Stazlinq Constrvctiu~, Inc., in an aaamt of ;6,300.00 No discussion before the vote. The notion carried unanimously. B. O'~i m;n.w. ~~ pdy~g vltb a report aid reo®adatims zelative m bids received fan a riew duooQ trurJc fair the Public Works t Camiissioner - - reported three bids had been received for a 14-yard dump truck., The rxumittee menbers agreed the City had only a limited need for a truck of that size and it was their reoomoerdation that all bids be rejected and the specifications clanged and re-bid for an 8-yard truck. lbtim: Aorspt ie[Z~datlert of the Awazds ~ittee and xe-bid for an 8-yaxd dump truck No discussion before the wte. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Actim on Exoeatirns: A. Public hearvxJ on an applicatitn for exoeptim filed by !h. Jaih1 HeClOer m nfilisi' a lot In Seetiofl Bon West Eighth Street for the sale of used Cars aid rar kits Mayor Pro Rpm Cook presented an application for a One by Exception filed by Mr. John Becker to utilize Int 7, Block 38, at 55 West Eighth Street, Section N, for the repair and sale of used cars and car kits. tIe opened the floor for a public hearing and invited NAME OF COMNQJiS. M 5 V Y V N Piis,~~ x x Ja~aa~ x x llxirri x Cook x Fd'ards x x Jensa~ x llxioer X x Q7o1[ L x PAGE ,7+0 MI[tlUl'FS APRIL 10, 1989 ~. Consart A~ A. Aclo~ovledge receipt of lettrs fr7nt FHlter Fbgrefe, wit aid Pto37Ctien Ma77ager, Oe{a3ctr~t of Public tlurks, City of JacksomrLe, ~~^ ^_^ ra~ouristment of Atlantic Beach anja betsieen Kathryn Ahby~Banna Park and Atlantic Boulevard to be ,mrbrFa7mn araad Saptea+a* 1, 1989 B. Authority for the Jarlrv~nri77n Beaches Lions Club to solicit donatirns at the Royal Palms/Atlantic Boulevud/Penman it~ad i..*a,~n.-rirT rn April 29, 1989 fr® 9:00 AM W 5:00 RS C. Adanvledge ~;~* of a n;,,P..n..th e7raluatirn report from the City of At7wnt;r 17ear3t Hgjoyeps Assi ctanrn Progr® D. rv7Rrtin.+ of Budget Besolvtirn #69-15 to provide fords for a peramal o®putl's to be used in m+~-~i^~ vith the hard-held Om¢lteiiSCd i9ter mL'tP2 LBad.lllg inctnmx,t5 H. Adoption? of Budget Aesolutirn #89-16 appropriating fixds for the purci7ase of facsimile ®drirps cvrra7tly being used in the City Manager a7d Purrhasirg Agent's offir>.~ F. ~*i~+ of Budget PPSOlutim #89-17 providing fords for surveying and app*ai~7t of property in Sectiu, H intrlded for use as a regional park and additional signage for the beaches replacing vand~i~a7 signs G. A,tx,t;... of Budget Aesolution #89-18 tv provide finds to i~~t aldltrlLS Daloitte, Bac4i nc yd $e115 foI the ooostructiar of shelving and bins at the Public Vbrks buiLlvg m mrfain ii3ter Plant #1 irnartory H. Adoption of Aesolutivr #89-19 urging a feasibility study of the wnversirn of the CdBa Marina b17i 7,7im into a perfOIIDrng afd 7r1SUal dItB O°nItPS In Jd(jL9RlVllle Be<]rjl In discussion before the mote, with reference to Item B, Comnissionez Edwazds said he felt permission for such activities mould have to be granted by the Department of 7Yansportation. '7'he City Attorney said the City of Atlantic Beach had jurisdiction over Atlantic Boulevazd for the pu-pose of enforcing traffic regulations and it was felt appropriate for the City, within khe scope of its authority, to grant permission to the Lions Club to solicit donations as requested. Carmissioner Jensen requeste3 Item H he witi~drawn fran the Consent Agerda• . lbtian: Approve passage of the Consent Agenda, with the exception of It® A No f,7rther discussion. 'i he rction carried unani.~rous.y. NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y v N ~++ic X I ~ % i I i ii Jert,Pn x l x 11rJ~er x 1 Cook x MIN[NLS OF Tf~ Iafl((UlAR MEEPII~ OF T8E ATLANPIC e@~I CI1Y @ir MISSIQI ~[D AT CITY HALL ON APRII. 10, 1989, AT 7:15 PM PRESQ7I': Pobert B. Cmk, Sr., Mayor Pro Ten Glenn A. Edwards Alan C. Jensen and Adelaide R. Tucker, Cacmissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk A&SII~IL: William I. ~Ulliford, Mayor (Excused) Mayor Gulliford was out of town and had been excused fran attending this meeting. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro fpm Cook. 'Die invocation, offered by Crnmissioner E.twa.flc, was folloced by the pledge to the flag. I. Approval of the sirsxtes of the rrrn meeting of Mar+d: 27, and special meeting of April 4, 1989 lbtia:: Ap[aoNe minrtes of the rag:ilar meetirq of Marc3: 27, 1989 No discussion before the mote. The motion carried unanimously. lbtSon: Approve minutes of the special m~*' ~ of April 4, 1989 No discussion before the mote. The motion carried unanisoasly. 2. Remmiition of Visitors Ms. Katy Taylor, 1142 Sebago Avenue, addressed the ~ 'ssion on behalf of the military oaimmity relative to the quarterly utility billing for the Oak Harbor residents. Ms. Taylor requested that arranganents be made whereby residents would be permitted to make partial payments. She said she had spoken with Capt. Mitchell, Caanarding Officer of the Naval Station, a:d he had offered to work with the City as well as with the Navy Iegal Services to make the transition to quarterly billing as smooth as possible. Mayor Pro Dan Wok said the City was aware of the problem and mould do everything possible to work with those residents. 3. AppBararx:es: A Aev. PIEt'c]e H~Illlg m I~4t mrn,i eelrll t0 operate a CdIn1Vd1 rn April 15, 1989 as a fud-rarses for a new dxud: Since Rev. Doing was not in attendance, no action was taken on this request. ME OF COMMAS. M O T I O N 5 E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O Fdsids x x Jensen x lhdrer x x CUdc x pdcuds x x Jensen x ltxirei x x Cods x STATUS... page 5 I understand Roae Blanchard has contacted each of you about a bit en[ennfal ceremony honoring [he firs[ inauguration wh±ch is purposed [o be held during our regular meeting on Monday. A copy of [he proposed ceremony vas delivered to you previously by Rose. Sae time ago Smith b Gillespie completed a report on a maj of sever breakdown under Maypor[ Road near Levis Street. They recommended several alternatives and [he one selected by the City Commission involved making repairs Co [he major break and using [he Ins i[uform method [o repair the rest of [he line. The change order has been prepared Sn Che additive amount of ;19,297.00 so [hat Chis work may be performed by Nestra Corporation under [heir current contract. Smith d Gillespie helieves the work will qualify for SSx financial ass is[ance from the EPA. Ne will be asking the City Commission [o authorize Che change order. At n request the meeting vas held Chis morning with representatives of [he Girls and Boys Club. Rose Blanchard and David Thomason both attended. I have asked Bob Jackson to get with Rose Blanchard and see what might be worked out [o keep some kind of a program going for these children in Che Donner Park area through [he summer. I expect some kind of -ecommenda[ion [o be forthcoming shortly. Hr. Jackson claims the Boys Club does not want to leave Donner Park and does no[ want [o give up serving the children in that area but because of their limited funds they have no[ been able to hire the type of director full time that's needed. Ne hope [o have some kind of proposal for [he City Commission [o consider shortly. During the rehabilitation of the six wetvells ve have discovered severe erosion of the suction lines in the vetvell a[ Station B. Smith d Gillespie Engineers have recommended these lines be replace while [his work is underway which would result in the savings of several thousands of dollars. The vetvell has been examined by Commissioner Edwards and he is yell aware of the condition of the pipes and will be in a position to comment on this Monday nigh[. Ne of 11 be asking [he C1[y Commission to approve a change order in the amount of 57,654.00 to have these [vo sections of pipe replaced during the vetvell rehabilitation. As ~a rill recall the Ordinance re la[ive to the rezoning of lots in North A[lan[ic Beach Unit Tvo from RG2 co RGI vas continued and this Ordinance will be up for a continued public hearing and final reading. In addition there viii be a public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance relative to the adoption of [he new Fire Code which vas passed on firs[ reading last week. We are also enclosing copies of [vo new Ordinances for first reading. One had [o do vich the setting of fence heights. This has been reworked and ve hope the Cf ty Commission finds is satisfactory. The other is an Ordinance setting a policy on investments which Nr. Mullis spoke vich the Commission about at the last meeting. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these. STATUS...page 4 Over [he peat cvo years the City of Atlantic Beach has been working with Gee d Jenson on reels ing and updating our Comprehensive Plan to bring I[ to the point where it may be submitted [o [he Department of Community Affairs in accordance with [he requirements of the Crovth Management Act. This work has been financially assisted by the Stale over [he past cvo years during which time ve have completed the Por[ Element, Housing Element, Drainage Element, Aquifer Recharge Element, Solid Waste Element, Sanitary Sever Element, Potable Water Element and [he Coastal Management/Conservation Element. To finalize [he plan and prepare it for submittal by April 1, 1990 Gee d Jenson has proposed a cost of ;37,000.00 which will include preparation of the Land Use Element, Traffic Circulation Element, and [he Capital Improvement Element. In [he event any of the previous elements need to be revised to bring [hem into consistency with the Sate Comprehensive Plan chat is also included. Cee 6 Jenson will also participate in the required public hearings, will compile, print and bind a single comprehensive plan document Incorporating all of [he previously prepared elements and provide the City with 20 copies. We recommend the City approve the 537,000.00 required to complete Chia state mandated project. The Arards Ca~ittee has mac in regards to cvo bids which were received this week. One is for cvo Gorman Rupp pumps and the other is for a mini-pumper for [he Fire Department. The current mini-pumper vas involved in an accident recently and I understand the necessary repairs are going to run in excess of 514,000.00 which is almost a third of what a brand new vehicle would cos[. The unit is about 11 years old and so it seemed the vises[ Ching [o Cake bids on a new one and give the[ Snformacion [o the City Commission and let them make a decision on whether they wish [o get a brand new unit or repair [he old one. In any even[ we are enclosing minutes of the action of [he Avarda Committee for your study. last reek re informed [he Board of irus[ees that ve had received a copy of a court order nocf Eying us of voluntary dismissal of all matters affecting the police and fire pension requirements which had been filed against a number of ci[Ses by the State Insurance Commissioners Office. Today I received our premium tax monies for 1988 amounting to 335,139.92 for police and 512,597.60 for fire. It's interesting to note [hat since this money vas held up by Marvin Clayton ve have probably lost over ;4,000.00 in interest plus E2,000 or 53000 chat ve have had co expend trying to get the money. Om Mel 10, 1989 ve are receiving bids for our three used garbage trucks. We have received a request from Neptune Beach co purchase the 1985 truck for 525,000.00. This is an excellent price and I doubt [hat ve are going [o get any mote than that in [he competitive bidding process. Since Neptune Beach is our sister city and very much in need of an additional sanitation vehicle I would like to recommend for your consideration that we agree ce sell the truck co them Far ;25,000.00 as being the best offer we probably will receive on [ha[ particular truck. If [he Ci[y Commf sslon agrees Bob Norris has agreed [o present is [o his Council [he following evening. Please le[ me know if you have any questions about [his. ~..._ STATUS... page 3 In 1986-87 cbe Police Department ucll ized some thing over S3I,000.00 Sn overtime pay. Last year overtime ran 542,000.00 mainly due to a Drug Task Force effort involving Jacksonville Beath, Naval Intelligence Service, Ci[y of Jacksonville and Neptune Beach officers. This year the City budgeted 530,000.00 for police over[Sme. The level of drug activity along with normal overtime ac[iv ides has exhausted the budgeted overtime. We are asking the City [o authorize a budge[ ad~ustmen[ to provide an additional 525,000.00 of overtime for [he police department which i[ must have [o continue its enforcement ac[ivitie s. Our department is [o be complimented for keeping overtime within reasonable limits. The City of Jacksonville Beach budgets 5130,000.00 for overtime and [he City Council [here will be asked [o approve at [heir next meeting an additional 550,000.00 for [heir department. Your consideration of this request will be appreciated. Im tomec[ion rich our road improvement and resurfacing program [his year we would like co make some additional paving and lighting improvements in Rusaell Par Y, to be done In conJ unction with the planning work being done for a new City Nall. the engineering work for these improvements will not exceed 55,700.00 and as you have all seen we are sorely in need of some additional parking space ac Rusaell Park also i[ is our Snten[ion [o pave or resurface [he following streets: Levis Scree[ from Hayport Road [o George Robert Sc rest from Hayport Road co George Ards lla Avenue from :fayporc Road [o Richardson :one Richardson Lane from Donner Road to Jackson Seminole Road from 16th Street to Hanna Park 7th S[reec from Sherry [o Beach Avenue Jordan Street from Frances east co [he connecting cross scree[ If any member of the City Commission has any ocher thoughts rela[Sve [o our paving program please get in [ouch with me. Ye ere enclosing a copy of a proposed Ordinance relating to investment of surplus funds. This Ordinance has been drawn in accordance wf [h [he instructions of the City Commission and If in order may be sec for firs[ reading. the City Council of Jacksonville is considering an agreement rhfch !f adopted would provide Jacksonville would convey to the CS[y of Atlantic Beach 5155,000.00. One hundred twenty five thousand dollars (f 125,000.00) would be for [he development of a regional park and thirty thousand Bollards (530,000.00) would be for capital improvements at Jack Russell Park. The capital improvement antic Spaced 1s the construction of [he building proposed by the Y. N. C. A. for use a[ Russell Park. Me rill keep you advised as [o [he status of [his agreement. STATOS. ..page 2 In accordance with our dl scussions a[ [he previous meeting ve have authorized Connelly and Wicker to include in [he C1[ys' repaving program for [he year the paving of Sturdivant from Seminole Road vest to [he tear of [he shopping mall vhe re the Duval County Tax Collector and the Jacksonville Electric Authority maintain their offices. As ve mentioned the Tax Collector has reques [ed [he area fn back of the building be paved [o provide employee parking so there would be more space available for citizens in front. As [he City finishes paving Sts right-of-vay, the property owner of the mall viii pay for the additional paved parking area ad]acent to the Citys' right-of-vay. This should provide the Tax Collector and the Jacksonville Electric Authority sufficient space in accordance with their request. ]be Pension Board of Trustees has selected Ronald Della Porto as the f if [h member of the Board of Trustees for a two year term ending December 31, 1990. In accordance with the Citys' Ordinance Code the C1[y Commission will need co confirm his aelec Lion. Hr. Della Porto will be sea [ed a[ [he Hoard of Trustees meeting on May 1, 1989. For your information we are enclosing minutes of the lase meeting where Mr. Della Porto vas selected. Ye ere enclosing copies of the latest report from [he Sun Bank in regards to the status of our pension funds. The current market value shows a gain over our original investment of approximately 5124,000.00. You may Lave read in the paper the City of Jacksonville is to get back some million dollars or so as [he result of a court decision in a bid rigging allegation having to do with beach renourishment. The City Council of Jacksonv Slle, a[ its meeting several days ago, agreed [o allocate ;200,000.00 of [hat rebate when received for the repair of sand fencing and beach access. This may be helpful [o us. I have called Councilman Jarboe and he says as soon as the money becomes available through [he State he will let us know. YLe turtle ha[c61sg season begins in May and extends through August along the beaches in our area end Greenpeace has again asked foi permission [o use [heir all terrain vehicle three wheeler on the beach for Sea turtle nesting and stranding surveys. Mr. Mort Hanson of BIO-Max Health Food and Groceries a[ 299 At lantlc Boulevard is the local beach patrol coordinator. The City granted permission for the use of the vehicle on the beach last year and ve received no complaints about it whatsoever. If the Commission is agreeable ve will pass [he word to C,reenpeace to proceed. , ~ April I8, 1989 H E M O R A N D U H T0: The Honorable Nayo[ and City Commissioners FROH: CS[y Hanager SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT Enclosed please find your minutes of [he regular meeting of April I0, 1989 and any correspondence Sn your mailbox which you have not already picked up. A[ [he last meeting I informed [he City Commission [he Anderson heirs had approached [he City making inquiries as to whether the City would be interested in purchasing the property on Seminole Road where the Anderson Day Care Cencer is locaced. There are five lots, two of them fronting on Seminole Road and three backing up to Belvedere Street. The asking price vas 5200,000. we have aseertained [hat Mrs. Atkins who Duns [he six adjoining lots would also be interested in disposing of her property. A[ Che request of the City Commission we have explored these possibilities and have determined a probable purchase price far [he entire parcel of 11 lots would be somewhere 6e[ween 5375,000 and 5425,000. There are two homes situated on [he property which are included. A color-coded map shows [he subject property in yellow. At the last meeting the City Commission approved a budge[ adjustment to provide funds for the personal computer to be used in conjunction with the hand held meter reading equipment and also to be utilized [o upgrade and update our cash and check transaction processes. The CS[ys' purchasing procedures provide [he bidding statutes do not have [o be followed Sn the purchase of data processing equipment and we will be asking [he City for authority [o proceed with the purchase of the necessary equipmenC at a price of 53,034.00. Some tLe ego Mayor Gulliford met with all of the property owners on Beach Avenue North of 20th Street to cry co resolve the road and right-of way dispute. All the property owners have given us signed agreements to provide the City with a permanent easement which will resolve [he diff itul[ies we have had Sn providing utility services elc. [o the area. In exchange for the agreement of [he neighbors [o provide [he easemenC [he City has authorized Connelly and Nicker [o undertake plans and speclflca[iona [o provide minimal road and drainage improvements. We anticipate these plans being ready in the near future and will keep [he Commission advised. P ^C: ~- n` ' Statement of Closing Casts City o[ Atlantic Buoy Ploridn ;900,000 Oak Hertar Water and Sewer District Revenue Bonds - February Ra. taao 1. Bond Counsel Livermore IUein d; Lott, P,A. , 2. City Attorney '. Claude L. Mullis, P.A. 3. Certified Public Accountants Touche Ross h Co. 4. issuer Special Counsel Mahoney, Adams, Milam, Sur[ece do 1Grimsley, P.A. 5. Cee k Jenson Engineers ~~ TOTAL ; a,,, , LKL-03/02/89-262AA-2776 i ~ ; 16,105.75 16,296.09 14,000.00 5,000.00 13,596.16 65,000.00 ~~ ~~ ,.„ LAW OFFICES OF CLAUDE L MULLIS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCInnoN 4250 LAKE SIDE DRIVE / SUITE 114 IACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32210 CfAUDE L Muws 1904)388-1289 City of Atlantic Beach Apzil 7, 1989 Richard Fellows, City Manager- P.O. Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Our File /12873.120 For Services Through 3/31/89 Fuller Tresca Condemnation 03/03/S9 Conference with Mr. Mullis; review survey; review appraisal) send letters to Tresca and JEA; telephone conference with Mr. Fellows office 03/03/89 Conference with Mr. Steele regarding appraisal and suit papers 03/06/89 Telephone conference with Mr. Proctor, attorney for Mr. ' Tresca; telephone conference with Mr. Fellows regarding appraisal 03/07/89 Review oP appraisals; conference with Mr. Fellows and Mr. Steele and review property 03/07/89 Telephone conference with Mr. Mullis and Hr. Fellows; telephone confezence with Ms. Brennen, JEA and Mr. Proctor 03/08/89 Telephone conference with Mr. Proctor; telephone conference with Mr. Mullis and Mr. Fellows; draft letter to Mr. Proctor with appraisals Fees for legal services ....................$472.50 ~. Reimbursable Costs Photocopying 20.55 Total reimbursable costs ..........:.............$ 20.55 Total Current billing for this involce..........$493.05 #1 I . I - IAV OFFICES OF 1 CLnUDE L MULLIS I PROFESSIONAL ASSOCUITION t 4250 IAKE$IDE DRIVE /SUITE 114 j 1ACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32210 CLAUDE ~ MUWS 1904) 3881289 City of Atlantic Beach April 7, 1989 Richard Fellows, City Manager P.O. Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Our File 112873.119 For Services Through 3/31/89 ~! i adv Hanover Ina. Co. + 03/01/89 Work on summary judgment motion 03/30/89 Telephone conference with Nr. Nowell regarding ~ ~ deposition schedule; arrange depositions; telephone conference with Nr. Braid; letter to client i I Fees for legal services ....................$437.50 I Reimbursable Costs I Photocopying 3.60 I Total reimbursable costs ........................$ 3.60 Total current billing for this invoice..........$441.30 1 I i i i t I INV OFFICES OF CLAUDE L MULLIS • PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ' 4250 LIKE SIDE DRIVE /SUITE 114 ~ IACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 3221D CIAUDE L MOWS (904) 3BB'1289 i City of Atlantic Beach April 7, 1989 Richard Fellows, City Manager Post Office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Our File 112973.117 For Services Rendered through 3/31/89 Dept. oL Insurance 03/01/89 Reviev of opinion Sn TLC v. Dept. of Insurance; ~ analysis thereof and report to City Manager 03/01/89 Conference 03/03/89 Conference on obtaining money 03/07/89 Conference with Hr. Fellows and Mr. Burroughs on money mettere with Dept. oL Insurance 03/07/89 Telephone conference with Mr. Royal on pension fund monies 03/07/89 Conference with Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Salerno and Fellows; research on separate Trustees ' 03/08/69 Telephone conference on recovery of premium tax monies 03/14/89 Conference with Mr. Burroughs and Mr. Fellows; research on pension law 07/21/89 Con Perenca with several persons on status of law suit 03/22/89 Conference with Mr. Burroughs and review of various matters pending in Tallahassee Total current billing for this invoice..........$768.00 t~ (AV OFFICES OF CLAUDE L MULLIS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 42501nKESIDE DRIVE / SLATE 114 ' (ACKSONVI LLE, fLOR1DA 32210 (904) 388-1289 ' Hr. Richard Fellows i City Manager City oP Atlantic Beach POSt Office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Plorida 32233 L February 28, 1989 Retainer for the Month of March, 1989 ~ f1, `1 $,~'d000. 0 Reimbursable costs ~~ ~"~ B Photocopying 141.25 PR lo\gp9 Mileage ~ 23.60-0~514`kXY> _ N` I Long Cistance 1.752 f Special Delivery 12.00 ~~J/E~~lj1W OK# ,/ Recording Fee 28.50 Total reimbursable costs .................:........$ 207.10 Total current billing for this invoice............$2,207.10 lNV OFFICES OF CLAUDE L MULLIS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCUTION 4250 LucE SIDE D0.NE /SUITE 114 IACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32210 CIAODE L MOWS (904) 388-1289 March 7, 1989 Attn: Mr. Richard Fellows City Manager City of Atlantic Heach Post office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Special Assessment Program; City of Gu1P HreeZe Local Government Loan Program in the amount of $2,160,000; Streets and Drainage Improvement Project; and $],400,000 Gulf Breeze Local Government Loan Fees for professional services relating to Special Assessment Program for public improvement in 5ectlon H and tax exempt bond loan from City of Gulf Breeze Local Government Loan Pool Sncludlnq preparation oP documents, notices, attending public hearings, conferencae with City Manager, Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel. Several public hearings with land owners, conferences with the property appraiser, consulting engineers, research of lav on sewer connections on other setters and closing of loan. TOTAL BALANCE DUE .............................$5,000.00 ~ ~' (,IAYDE L MDWS lA'r OFFICES OF CVEUDE L MULLIS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 4250 LAKESIDE DRIVE / SDITE 114 IACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32210 (904) 388-1289 City of Atlantic Beach - March 7, 1989 Richard Fellows, City Manager Post Office Drover 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Our File /12873.117 For Services Rendered through 2/28/89 Dept. of Insurance 2/02/89 Telephone conference with Hr. Salerno on pension funds monies; telephone conference with Mr. Clayton on pension fund monies; telephone conference with Mr. Royal on payment from Department of Insurance 2/06/89 Telephone conference vitR Mr. Payne on statue of case; tal.sphone conference with Mr. Mullis on Mr. Clayton's objections to ordinances 2/08/89 Reviav o! statue end motions 2/09/89 Research of pension amendments and pleading 2/21/89 Teleohone conrwrenrc with Meesre Roval and Mattis on Department of Insurance demands; review letters from Department of Insurance; draft response; telephone conference with Mr. Salerno on Department of Insurance ~~. 2/21/89 Conference with Masers. Fellove and Burroughs regarding - Clayton latter 2/22/89 Legal research demands in Mr. Clayton's letters; draft response to Mr. Clayton's letters; ale hone conference with Messrs. Fellove and Mullis on pens on fund and response 2/22/89 Telephone conference with Mr. Wolf on City of St. Petersburg case; telephone conference with Mr. Salerno on separate board 02/23/89 Telephone conference with Mr. Fellows concerning letter to Mr. Clayton; telephone conference with Mr. Mullis concerning letter to Mr. Clayton; review and revise letter to Hr. Clayton 2/23/89 Conference, review and analysts regarding position ~. ~~ -. ~~ ' ;p W OFFICES OF ?~ CLAUDE L MULLIS ,FR-". PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION , 4250 LAKESIDE DRIVE/SUITE 114 ) )ACKSONVIwi. FLORIDA 32210 CIAUDE L Muws 19047 388-1289 ' ` City of Atlantic Beach ~ March 7, 1989 Richard Fellove, City Manager Post Office Drawer 25 ' i Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Our File 112873.102 For Services Rendered through 2/28/89 General ,. 2/6/89 Review of preparation of opinion on Heach access on easement 2/09/89 Research on developments of PUD's 2/13/89 Research and conferences on infrastructure developments 2/13/89 Research and conference with Mr. Morrieon~and others on + Engineering fees and Attorney Pees --~-'-' ' 2/17/89 R06earch otf f ee and cervices for Engineering fees and ' ~~AQtorney fe _ ' 2/17/89 Cod rence and research on Engineering d Attorneyl «s~and drafti f i ng o report 2/22/89 Finallzinq report to Commiceion in reference to full tin a ~o e t raev ~"' 2/28/89 Preparlnq, recording and transmitting document on i restructuring bond Sesua for Florida Municipal Loan Total Balance due .............................$850.00 ~- c= i Page Four many factors that have come to light in recent veeks were a suprise to many of us. Changes must be made so that our city knows what its paying foc, gets what its paying for, and can fix an annual budget and live within that budget. E h Page Three litigation Costs to the city, and are being billed for several items either unknown to the city or no[ authorized by the city. (i.e., hourly rates up Co $160.00, mileage to meetings, etc.) A second problem with [he current situation is the budge[.The city cannot Continue to have an open-ended situation with no apparent cap on legal expenses. Once again we are on target [o exceed the budgeted amount Eoc legal expenses, in that through [he first six (6) months of tis cal year '88-'89, Mr. Mullis has billed in excess of $41,000.00, and the total budget for fiscal year '68-'89 is. $71,604.00. That leaves about $30,000.00 in the budget for the last half of [he fiscal year. 2. A second al[e rnative is a full-time city attorney. The expense involved including sa]ary, benefits, office space, secretarial services, and the like, would surely exceed the amount we paid in fiscal year '87-'88 of slightly more than $92,000.00. I don't believe the city needs a full-time attorney yet, either from the expense standpoint or from [he standpoint of keeping him busy, which I don't think we could do. 3. A third alternative would be [o contract rith a city attorney on a set, annual basis. The attorney would provide all services to the city, including litigation, for an annual fee, payable monthly, and renegotiated every year. The city attorney would submit an annual budget request like all other departments, and the city could [hen fiz, on an annual basis, an exact amount to be paid foe legal fees. The city attorney would then be responsible for providing all services to the city, with [he sole exception of bond issues, which would be handled by bond counsel through the city attorney, the expenses for vhich would be paid by bond Eunds. If [he city attorney chooses to associate other counsel in litigation matters, that expense should be paid by the city attorney out of his monthly retainer. The only exceptions to Chis policy would be in extraordinary cases, with [he prior consent of the city commission. The city could budget an additional amount foe costs associated with litigation (filing fees, court reporters, title searches, etc.), publications necessary for city business, any [ravel or seminar expenses, and the like. This amount could be an exact amount every year, probably not in excess of 515,000.00 per year. CONCLUSION It is my opinion [hat the city is paying too much ir. legal fees, and that quality services can be obtained for much less money. I don't know if the city has been taken advantage of, but certainly Page Two CURRENT SITUATION I have several areas of concern regarding Mr. Mullis and his current position in our city. 1. The potential conflict of interest in repre sen[ing both Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach. I believe we should avoid any appearance of such potential conflict. This situation has ne ve c. existed before, to my knowledge, and in my opinion should not now exist. 2. I understand the city is billed for any conferences or conversations Nc. Mullis has with city officials. These services should be included in any retainer paid to our city attorney. This has apparently created reluctance on the par[ of some city officials to contact Mr. Mullis for fear of additional billings to the city. I am of [he opinion [hat the attorney should be readily available to all city officials, department heads, and other city employees in re 9ard to any official city matters. 3. The current agreement with Mr. Mullis provides $2,000.00 per month retainer and $75.00 per hour for litigation. However, as was unknown to most of us until a couple weeks ago, the city vas being charged as high as $160.00 per hour for litigation, apparently with no authorization from the city. Furthermore, this vas not disclosed in any bills rendered by Mr. Mullis to the city, in that no hourly breakdown of time or rates is set forth in [he bills. Several of the bills include time spent by Nr. Mullis on the telephone, in conference with, or corresponding with other attorneys selected by Mr. Mullis to represent the city. I further understand that the city has been billed for [ravel expense for Mr. Mullis to attend our regularly scheduled meetings. 4. Litigation costs are obviously much higher iE the city pays for two (2) laryers to appear in each case and at each hearing. Mr. Mullis informed us a[ the meeting on March 7 that he always accompanies whichever lawyer from the Mahoney Adams firm is handling a particular case or hearing, resulting in duplication of expense to the city. Not only is this an ezpense the city does not need, but it appears not to be authorized by the city. POTORE ALTERNATIVES 1. The city can continue with its current situation, but [hat is probably ill advised. We do not seem to know vhat is covered by the monthly retainer paid to Mc. Mullis, have no control over ~; E' ~. M E M O R A N D O M TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Alan C. Jensen DATE: April 20, 1989 RE: Position of City Attorney The Mayor requested at our meeting on March 7, 1989, that I report to the Commission regarding either a be [ter contract with the city attorney or alternate proposals for this position I think we need to clarify the duties and qualifications of our city attorney, and then determine what we feel is the best form of an agreement for the services of our city attorney. The Charter sets forth in Section 158, the appointment and qualifications of the city attorney as follows: 'The city commission shall appoint a city attorney who shall ac[ as the legal adviser to, and attorney and counselor for, the municipality and all of its officers Ln matters relating to their ' official duties. He shall prepare all contracts, bonds, and other instruments in writing in which the municipality is concerned, and shall endorse on each his approval of the form and cocce ctness thereof, but failure to do so shall not affect its validity. When required to do so by resolution ofthe city commission, he shall prosecu to and defend for and in behalf of the city, all civil complaints, suits and controversies in which the city is a party. Me shall furnish the city commission, the city manager, the head of any department, or any officer, his opinion on any question of law relating to their respective powers and duties. In addition to the ' duties specifically imposed under the preceding section, he shall perform such other professional duties as may be required for him by ordinance or resolution of the city commission, or as are prescribed for city attorneys under [he general law of the state, which are not inconsistent with the Charter and with any ordinance or resolution, which may be passed by the city commission. The city attorney shall ' be a lav yer of at least five years' ecpecienee, admitted in and having authority to practice in all courts of the state.' Please note the duties include providing services to city officers antl heads of departments. :~.. . . Commissioner Jensen has asked that [he attached document be given to each of you. ~- IN WITNBS3 WHEBEOP, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement the day and year first shave written. ATTPST: Linnie C. Williams Corporation Secretary ATTEST: CITY OF JACKSONVILLB Thomas L. Hazouri Mayor CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH In compliance with the Charter of the City of Jacksonville, I certify that there is an unexpended, unencumbered end unimpounded balance in the appropriation sufficient to cover the foregoing Agreement and that provision has been made [or the payment o[ the monies provided therein to fro paid. Porm Approved: Assistant Counsel City of Jacksonville t >~ Director of Finance City o[ Jacksonville -4- <~r+" 7. In performing hereunder, the RECIPIENT shall not discriminate against any worker, employee or applicant, or any member o[ the public, because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, handicap or national origin nor otherwise commit a discriminatory employment practice. The RBCIPIENT shall take affirmative action [o assure that applicants are employed and that employees are dealt with during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, sex, handicap or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, lay-off, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprentice;hip. The RECIPIENT further agrees to make its books and records relating to employment available to the Jacksonville Community Relations Commission in regard to any claim or charge of employment discrimination made against the RECIPIENT during the term of this Agreement or any extension hereof. 8. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent o[ the other. To the extent that an assignment is so permitted, this Agreement shall be binding upon end inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns oC either party. Any other assignment or purported assignment of this Agreement shell be null and void. ' 9. [n the event that any provision hereof shell be deemed in violation o[ any law or held to be invalid by any court in which this Agreement shell be interpreted, the violation or invalidity of any particular provision shall not be deemed to affect any other provision hereof, Dut this Agreement shall be thereafter interpreted as though the particular provision so held to be in violation or invalid were not contained herein. 10. Thia Agreement contains all the terms agreed to between the parties. No statements or reprexntatioro not included herein shall be binding upon the parties and no modifications or amendments oC any of the terms hereof shalt be valid or binding uNess made by written amendment hereof. -3- ' / 4. The RECIPIENT'shall maintain an accounting system which provides [or a d~' . complete record o[ the use of these funds. This accounting system shall provide for: (a) Accurate, current and complete disclosure of the status of all funds. ~P (b) Records that identify adequately the sources and application o[ funds for ell ~'~ activities related to the project. (c) Accounting records that are supported by source documentation and ere in sufficient detail to allow fora proper preaudit and postaudit (i.e., invoices, bills cancelled checks). (d) The RECIPIENT shall submit to the CITY an expenditure repor( quarterly until completion o[ the project. The report shell include total project casts along with documentation oP expenditures. Said reports shall be submitted to the Chief of Planning, Research k Crants, Department o[ Recreation and Public Affairs oC the CITY. (e) Financial records, supporting documents, statistical recacds, and all other records pertinent to the project shall be retained by the RECIPIENT for a period of three (3) years after the completion of the project. (f) The RECIPIENT shell make ell records of expenditures, copies o[ reports, books and related documentation available to duly authorized representatives o[ the CITY [or inspection at reasonable times Cor the purpose o[ making audits, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 5. At project completion, the RECIPIENT shell forward to the CITY (1) financial data supporting the expenditure o[ funds, (2) an as-built site plan prepared and certified _ by the professional responsible Cor the project plans, (3) a list identifying the amount and types o[ [acillties developed, improvements made end associated expenses and (4) a project completion certificate. 6. The BECIPIENT shall assure that all facilities acquired, constructed or improved es part o[ the project will be operated in accordance with the following criteria: s. Must be on publicly-owned property; b. Must be open to the genera: public; c. May be used by private clubs or organizations from time to time, but cannot be used exclusively by those private groups to the substantial exclusion of the general public; d. Reasonable rates and charges may be charged to help defray expenses, but not to the extent that they exclude a substantial amount o[ the general public for economic reasons; e. Cannot De used in a msnner which unlawfully discriminates on the basis o[ race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age or physical handicap; and f. May be subject to reasonable rules and regulations by the public owner such as types of uses, hours of operation, etc. -2- ,+rr - I AGREEMENT .~~ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered intc this day of 1989, Dy and between the City of Jacksonville, a municipal corporation in Duval County, Plorida, hereinafter referred to es the CITY, and the City of Atlantic Beach, a municipal corporation in Duval County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the RECIPIENI; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Ordinance 88-360-728 of the CITY appropriated the sum of SEVER HUNDRED PIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (=750,000.00) to each of the fourteen (14) Council districts to be used for neighborhood improvement projects to be designated by the respective District Councilman of the CITY; end WHEREAS. the Honorable Jim Jarboe, City Councilman for District 3, has designated certain projects to receive various portions of the aforesaid appropriation; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to enter into en Agreement providing for the expenditure of a portion of the said appropriation in a legal manner and in accordance with the intent of Ordinance 88-360-328; ' NOW THEREPORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties agree es follows: 1. The CITY shall convey to the RECIPIENT the sum of ONE HUNDRED PIFTY PIY6 THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (1155,000.00). 2. The BBCIPIBNT shell administer and expend the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY PIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (1125,000.00) for the development of a regional park and the sum o[ THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (130,000.00) for capital improvements at Jack Russell Park, hereinafter jointly referred to u the project. Such expenditure shall be in addition to end not in lieu of any other similar project previously approved find funded by the RECIPIENT Dut not yet acquired, constructed or improved. 3. In the completion of the capital improvements at Jack Russell Park, the RECIPIENT may co-operate with any other organization, public or private, including, but not limited to, the Young Men's Christian Association o[ Florida's Pirst Coast, Inc., to the extent possible under the terms o[ this Agreement, Ordinance 88-360-328 end other provisions of law. Any question or dispute concerning the proper expenditure of the said sum in accordance with Ordinance 88-360-726 and other relevant laws shall be determined by the CITY. 7. Miattllaneous gusioesa: 8. City Msmsger geporta: 9. Mayor to ull on City Cossdasiosera, City Attorney, City Clerk for reports/or requests: Adjournment ~:.~_ :. K. Acknowledge information from the CSty of Jacksonville i[ piano to allocate to the City of Atlantic Beach SISS,DDD.DD for development of a regional park and capital lmprovementn at Russell Park L. Acknowledge receipc of 1988 S[a[e Premium Tax monies for police and fire amounting to ;47,737.52 M. Approve Budge[ Resolution 189-21 in amount of 537,000 to complete Stale Mandated Comprehensive Insurance Plan S. Committee Reports: A. Commissioner Edwards, chairman of [he Awards Committee, [o report on bids received on two Gorman Rupp pumps [a be utilized in [he reuse water system at the waste water treatment plan B. Commissioner Glenn Edwards, chairman of the Awards Committee, to report on bids received for a new mini-pumper for the Fire Department C. Action by the City Commission on a request from the CSty of Neptune Beach [o purchase a used 1985 garbage [ruck from [he City of Atlantic Beach for 323,000.00 D. Action by the City Commission to approve Change Order tl on the Major Sever Rehabilitation Project to provide for repairs [o a major sever break under Nayport Road near Levis Street in the amount of 519,297.00 E. Action by [he City Commission to approve a request fora Change Order in the amount of 57,634.00 on the Sewage Ne [well Rehabilitation Project [o replace the suction lines in [he wetwell a[ S[a[ion .e 6. Action w Ordimancea: A. Ordinance C90-89-I40 continuation of a public hearing amending Chapter 24, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Code by amending the official zoning map to rezone lots 41 through 60, North Atlantic Beach Unit No. 2 from RG2 to RC1 B. Ordinance /35-89-6 Sn[rodurtion and first reading of an Ordinance relating to the investment of surplus funds and the setting of a public hearing for May 8, 1989 C. Ordinance /90-88-141 int roduc [f on and fire[ reading of an Ordinance amending [he Ordinance Code of the City of Atlan[Sc Beach relative to the manner of measuring the height of fences and setting a public hearing for May 8, 1989 D. Ordinance f57-89-15 public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code to adopt by reference the Standard Fire Prevention Code 1985 edition and the National Fire Protection Association IO! Life Safety Code 1488 edition ~ _~, CIT[ OP AYI.ANYIC REACR REGUTAR MEEYIRG MORDAY, APRIL 24, 1989 AGBImA Call [o [o Order Invocation and Pledge to to Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 10, 1989. 2. Bicentennial ceremony honoring the fire[ presidential inauguration 3. Recognition of Visitors ! 4. Coveevt Agevda: A. Acknowledge receipt of Ci[y Managers' Report on the probable price of property on Seminole Road ,just off of Atlantic Boulevard t B. Authority for the City lfanager to purchase the necessary computer equipment for use in connection with the hand held meter reading units and the update for the processing of [ransac [loos 1n [he amount of ;3,034.00 ' C. Acknowledge receipt of City Managers' Report on [he preparation of plans and specifications for paving and drainage on Beach Avenue north of 20th Street ~ D. Approve [he paving of S[urdivant Street from Seminole Road vest '~. to be included in the Citys' paving program ~, E. Confirm the appointment of Ronald Della Por[a as the fifth member of the Pension Board of Trustees for a two year term ending December 31 ,. 1990 F. Acknowledge receipt vF the la cent report from the Sun Bank in regards to the status of pension funds G. Acknowledge report from the City Manager indicating the possibility of participating in a portion of a ;200,000.00 appropriation from the City of Jacksonville for [he repair of sand fencing and beach access _ H. Approval for Greenpeace to use sn all terrain vehicle during the summer months [o patrol the beaches for turtle hatching I. Approve Budget Resolution f89-20 to increase the amount of overcame in [he Police Department by ;25,000.00 J. Approve preparation of plane and specifications for addl[Soval paving and lighting improvements in Russell Park and approve [he list of streets for resurfacing i' ~' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect uyon its adoption. Passed by the City Commission on tirst readiny_F _h ru~Ly yj~_19,@j____ ' Paaaed Dy the City Commission on second and final reading________ j _________________________ Nllliaw I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved ae to Forw and Correctness: _______________________________ Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney (SEAL) ________________________ Maureen King, City Clerk ~_ ,~ ,. ORDINANCE NO. 90-89-190 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE LOTS 41 THROUGH 60, NORTH ATLANTIC BEACH UNIT NO. 2, BY PETITION OF AT LEAST FIFTY PERCENT OF CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY OMNERS FROM RESIDENTIAL GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY (RG2) TO RESIDENTIAL GENERAL TWO FAMILY <RG1); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Cowwunity Development Board of the City of Atlantic Beach has considered a request to change a zoning claeeificatlon subwltted by petition of at least fifty percent of contiguous Dtoperty ornere, antl held a public hearing on saws on F¢Druary 21, 1989, and VHEREAS, The City Cowmiseion do¢e exercise its porere to awend the Land Development Code, including the OffECiel Zoning Map, in ord¢r Lo encourage the appropriate use of land, and MNEREAS, The rezoning Se consistent rith the Cowprehenelve Plan, and the rezoning rill not adversely effect the health and safety of the residents of the area, and rill not be detriwental to the natural environwent or to the use or developw¢nt of th¢ adjac¢nt properties in the general neighborhood, NOY, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Off 1c1a1 Zoning Map of the City of Atlantic Beach is hereby changed to reflect the nee zoning of Lota 41 through 60, North Atlantic Beach Unit No. 2, frow Residential General Multiple Fawily (RG2) to Residential General Tro Fa wf ly (RG1). '' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice is hereby given the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida will hold a PUBLIC NEARING on April 10, 1989 at 7:15 at City Nall, 716 Ocean Blvd. for the purpose of hearing and considering the views of the public concerning the following proposed Ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 90-89-139, AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ACCEPTING AND APPROVING LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY D.W. TREDINICR AND CERTAIN CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LAND IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE All person interested are notified to be present et said time and place and they shall be heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a retard of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony end evidence upon which appeal is to be based. Published: Beaches Leader 3/1/89 - Purchase Order N3512 Posted: City Hall Post Office r, ;;, es.._ ,o, t;.., Passed on First reading this day of April, 1989. Passed on Second and Final reading this day of Apr11, 1989. ATTEST: tlaureen Ring, City Clerk _ Villiam I. Guiliford, Jr. Mayor -Commissioner Approved as [o form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney >> -- ~~l r,~~ ORDINANCE N0. 57-89-15 V ti ~~~ AN ORUINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF ~~'' ~ THE CTTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING /c~'' CHAPTER 7, ARTICLE II, SECTION 7-16 TO AUOPT BY REFERENCE THE STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION CGDE ~, ~} ~~ I985 EDITION WITH REVISIONS PUBLISHED BY THE ~ V" ~ SOUTHERN BOI LDINC CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL AND THE NATIONAL FTRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION I01 LIFE SAFETY CODE 1988 EDITION PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. DATE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COlDfISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1, Chapter 7, Article II, Section 7-16 1s hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 7 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION Ar[Scle II FIRE PREVENTION CODE Set[Son 7-IB adoption. I[ is hereby adopted, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing corditians hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Standard Fire Prevention Code, }ggg-ed}t}en-r}tk-}983-rer}e}ene 1985 edition with supplemental revisions, publ Sshed by the Southern Building Code Congress ~ n[erna[ onal, Inc. of which code, net-}ese-then-tkeee-E3~-eep}te-heve ~ ____ ___ ~.~_~_a-_~i___caa~~_~[ji.~-Cit,r-6}eek. one C1) Copy 16 Section 2. This Ordinance shall cake effecc upon its adoption. NOTICE OF PUBLIC f¢~.ARINCS CITY OF ATINJfIC BFACN Notice is hereby given the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will hold a PUBLIC FiFARING on April 30, 1989 at 7:15 PM at City Nall, 716 Ocean Boulevazd, for the purpose of hearirg and considering the views of the public concerning the following proposed Use by Exception: An application fora Use by Exception filed by Mr. John Becker to utilize int 7, Block 36, at 55 West Eighth Street, Section N, for the sale of used cars and car kits All persons interested aze ratified to be present at said tine and place and they shall he heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the pros-eedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based, Published: Beaches leader 3/29/89 Purchase Order 13512 Posted: City Nall Past Office ...:, _ . AWARDS COlOfITTEE MI NI;TES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1989 The Awards Commiccee met on Hedne sday, April 5, 1989 ac 2:20 p.m. in City Commission Meeting Room, Ci[y Hall Atlantic Beach, Florida to open bids for a new dump [ruck. Present in addition to [he chairman, Con®issioner Glenn Edwards were City Hanager Richard Fellows, Pub lfc Services Director Don Ford and Purchasing Agent Joan Lava ke. Three bids were received, opened and read aloud. They were as fo llovs: BIDDER NAME AMOUNT OF BID Jacksonville Mack Trucks 357,928.00 Mike Davidson Ford 37,IOI.00 Moody Truck Center, Inc. 39,995.29 The committee discussed [he bids extensively and determined the bids ve re in excess of the monies budgeted for [he truck. Further discussion ensued and it vas determined that a 12 to 14 yard dump [ruck would be too large [o handle most areas of [he Ci[y and i[ was the consensus of [he committee that [he bids be rejected as too high and Che dump [ruck readvert ised and change the specifications [o provide fora 7 to 8 yard body. There being no further discussion Che meeting vas adjourned at 2:30 p.m. AWARDS COtLMITTEE MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1989 The Awards Committee met on Wednesday, April 5, 1989 in the City Commission Meeting Room, City Hall A[I ant is Beach a[ 2 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids for [he construction of basketball courts. In addition Co [he chairman, Commissioner Glenn Edwards there were also present Ci[y Hanager Fellows, Public Services Director Ford and Parks and Recreation Director Blanchard. The bids ve re opened and the amounts bid ve re read aloud for the benefit of those in the audience. The bids were as follows: BIDDERS' NAME AMOUNT OF BID Alfair Development 511.675.00 Environmental Services S Contractors, Inc. 6,400.00 Gary S. Bailey, Inc. 7,420.00 NaF[ Construction 6,488.00 Harrison Building, Inc. 7,358.00 M65 Construction Co. 13,482.00 R. L. Construction 8,269.00 St. Johns Construction Corp. S,SOO.UO Sport Courts. Inc. 9,180.00 Starling Construction 6,300.00 After reviewing [he background of Che various companies and [heir bids it vas decided [o investigate past performance and past projects for the four low bidders which vas done. Evaluation of [he reports on the backgrounds of [he firms indicated [he apparent low bidder, S[. Johns Construction Corp., vas working out of a home in Jacksonville Beach and had limited experience relative to [his size project. The next low bidder, SCarl ing Construction, had extensive experience doing concrete work for banks around [he greater Jacksonville area and after discussing the alternatives [he committee voted unanimously to recommend a contract be awarded to the second low bidder, Starling Construction, Inc., 461 Lenox Square, Jacksonville, Florida in the amount of 56,300.00. Is:-~- .. ba fi Beaches Arts Foundation April 3, 1989 At the general meeting of the Reaches Arts Poundation on March 21. Mayor Robert O'Neill of Jacksonville Beach showed the plans of the Casa Marina building on 6th Ave. North and the oceanfront. He informed the group that a grant could be applied for to cover the costs of a study of the feasibility of converting the Casa Marina into a center for the performing arts as well as the visual arts with room for commercial ventures such as a restaurant. The foundation has asked the city of Jacksonville Beach to pursue this grant request while our committees continue to study this and other possibilities. To this end the mayor requests that arts and civic organi- zations pass resolutions in support of this plan and forward these resolutions to his office. Attaohed is a sample resolution that ws believe covers the main points. Me appreciate your giving this matter your earliest atten- tion snd forwarding your resolution to Mayor O'Neill at the OSfice of the Mayor, Jacksonville Beach, Plorida j22$0 not later than April 10, 1989. Sincerely, Percy P. Shadwell, Jr. President ik~~l~s_ l~/CM~FI(- r V lf.C ~/L4 . o~~ SOSS P.O. Box 51075 • Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240-1015 y\~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 89-19 ,V~ A Rh:S OLUI'l U;< Uii l:I Nl: A FP:d 5I1sI1.11'Y STUD I' OF Ttl h. V~ COKV F.R SIOg Oh' TII I: CASA 1iAKIKA GUILDIKG INTO A PEKFORhING ANU VISUAL ARTS CEH T'r.R YHEREAS, 711E Beaches community is a large, tepidly growing area of many thousands of permanent residents in the cities of Bayport, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beath, Kayport Naval Station, [he San Pablo area and nor[heas[ern St. Johns Coua[y in addition to the annual influx of [ourl6ts: and YNER EAS, the community rants more cultural events [o be held in the Benches area as 'exemplified in the auctess of a number of perf oroi ng end visual vr[s organizations which hove a long history et the beach; and PEER EAS, arts groups such as Players 6y The Sea, the Beaches Arts Cevter, the Beaches Fine Arta Cuild, Y-BAG, several dance groups and numerous crafts groups such es Sandycraftera avd the Basket Yearers Cu11d have no permanent home; end YHEREIS, s performing avd viauel erte center would offer a continuous program of theatrical events and arts avd crafts exhi bite, St rould also fulfill its role in art education by offering classes for all age groups; avd YHEREAS, ^ facility of this type rould hate • favorable economic impact on the Brea by attracting ^ore organizations to conduct meets nga and events at the Beaches; and YHEREAS, THE Casa Marina building has unique er[hiteeturel and historical aignif icavice; end YHEREAS, THE Casa Y.a tins is located on the ocean nt the north end of [he proposed 6oardvslk of the Rederelopmev[ Area, and YHEREIS, the best use of this building should be of benefit to the public; THEREFORE EE IT RESOLVED E7 the City Com.iaeion of the Cicy of Atlantic Beach , Florida SECTION 1. That ve, the meabere of the City Co®ission of Atlantic Beach Florida, strongly urge the City of Jacksonville Beach, with the support of the other municipalities, to do s~f easibility study of the conversion of the Cmaa Har1n• building lnto a performing end viauel arts tenter. SECTIOt: 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. 10th day of APril A.D. 19 B9 RoGert B. Cook, Sr., Mayor Pro Tem Maureen King, City Clerk CITY OF P1~aartie i~taek - ~lssidst n~oceANBDU1evAxD ' ~_____.._____._____ P. O. BOX fb A71ANTiCBGCN, PLOBmA]S3J] fl 1 iLLEPBON6 ryW I RN1JB6 March 23, 1989 iIEMDRANDUM i0: Narry Royal/Finance Director FROM: Don C. Ford/Public Services Director RE: BUDGET ADJUST`iENT-INVENTORY CONTROL In order to Smplemen[ Delo icte, Haskins, d Sells audit (dated January 16, 1989), ve are requesting a budge[ adJus[menc of $3,000.00. Ne will use $2,392.00 to install shelving and bins in the public works building. This will alloy us to rranafer all of the water plan[ it inventory to public works. The existing bins are boil[ on the walls of the storage shed end cannot be re-used. We will use the remaining $608.00 to build a pipe storage rack to transfer [he existing pipe inventory from the eater plan:. DCF/[A. VA i cr. CSty pager ~ Storekeeper ' File F .... CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BL'D GET AD.IU STM ENT NUMBER: 89-08 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04-30-89 FUND: General Fund ' E%PENDITURES REVENUES ____ ACCOUNT NO. ___ ACCOUNT TITLE ____ ___ _______________ DEBIT CREDIT _-___ ________ _ ____________ DEBIT CREDIT ______ _________ ___________ 01-541-6300 __________________ Improvements Other Than Bldg. 3,000 ' 01-271-00 Prior Year Fund Balance 3,000 __________________________________ TOTALS 3,000 0 0 3,000 i E%PLANATION: To provide funds for building shelves and racks to score water ant sever inventory items (see attached memorandum). , PREPARED BY: Harry E. Royal, Finance Director INITIATED HY: Richard C. Fellows. City Manager COMMISSION ACTION REQUIRED: Yes DATE PREPARED:03-24-H9 __-_____ ________ a. -_.~, ~~ BBBOLUTION N0. 89-18 A YESOLUSIOM TSANSPEi6.ING CHlTAIB MONIES 6ETNEE7! PONDS NHEREAS, the City Charter of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach requires , that the City Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund to another, and '~ NNEREAS, Che nature of budgetazy systems and those day to day ' dec islone affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time [o [Sme, NO`J, 78EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach. that the attached Budget AdJ us[men[ No. 89-08 6e approved for the 1989-90 budgec. , Adopted by the City Commission Apr11 10, 1989. R * i f * * * * * * * * * 1 William I. Gul lifard, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as co form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk ~ :.. _. ^- 1 '` ~" a _ ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACH BUDGET ADJUSTMENT NUMBER: 89-07 FUND: General Fuud _______________________________ ACCOUNT N0. ----ACCOUNT T1TL F. 01-572-3100 Professional Services 01-572-5200 Operating Supplies 01-271-00 Prior Yesr Fund Balance TOTALS EFFECTIVE DATE: 04-30-69, EXPENDITURES REVENUES ___ _______ DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT; _____ ---4,979 ~, 842 8,621 ___ ____________0___5 821 0 ---5.821--__ EXPLANATION: To Provide funds for surveying and appraisals for property and signs for the beaches which were not previously budgeted. PREPARED BY: Harry E. Royal, Financ CrDirMBnarer INITIATED BY: Richard C. Fellows, Y B Yes DATE PREPARED:03_24= COMMISSION ACTION REQUIRED: _--_-_-_ - t ~`i BESOLDTIOM MO. 89-17 _. A BESOLOTION TRANSPBR%INC CBRTAIN MONIES BEIYEEII fllimS WHEREAS, [he City Charter of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach requires that [he Ct[y Commission approve all budge [ary increases and transfers from one fund to another, and WHEREAS, the nature of budgetary systems and [hose day to day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time [o time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Commission of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, that the attached Budget Adjustment No. 89-07 be approved For [he 1989-90 budget. Adopted by the City Commission April 10, 1989. # # # # x # x x x x x # William I. Culliford, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk sue- ~.. o" ~. :. - ~: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Nu MBER: 89-OL FUND: General Fund _______________________________ ACCOUNT N0. ACCOUNT TITLE 07-512-6400 Equipment 01-512-4600 Repairs and Maintenance 01-513-6400 Equipment OI-SI3-4600 Repairs and Maintenance 01-271-00 Ptior Year Fund Balance TGTALS EFFECTIVE DATE: 04-10-89 EXPENDITURES ___ ____ _ __ __ REVENUES _____ _______ _ _ __ __ DEBIT CREDIT _ _ _ __ DEBIT CREDIT _____ __ ________ _______ 1,249 __ _______ !90 1,250 190 2,879 2,879 0 0 2,879 i E%PLANATION: To provide funds necessary to purchase the fas machines currently being used in the City Manager's and Purchasing Agent's offices. PREPARED BY: Harry E. Royal, Finance Director INITIATED BY: Richard C. Fellows. City Manager COHNISSION ACTION REQUIRED: Yee t DATE PREPARED:03-24-69 F '': : ~'~ RESOLUSION 110. 89-16 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN NIXITeS N81YE811 FIIImS WHEREAS, [he CSty Charter of [he Ci[y of At lantit Beach requires that [he Ci[y Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund to another, and WHEREAS, [he nature of budge Cary systems and those day [o day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time to time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci[y Commission of the City of A[lantlc Seach, that the attached Budget Adjustment No. 89-06 be approved far the 1989-90 budget. Adopted by [he City Commission April 10, 1989. • • • • f x f • < • • # f William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayot, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Claude L. Nu111s, City Attorney ATTEST: Haureen King, Ci[y Clerk March 24, 1989 H E N O R A N D U M T0: Richard Fe llovs, City Manager FROM: Narry Royal, Finance Director The attached budget adjustment has a [vo-fold purpose. 1'he first ie chat it provides the funds [o purchase [he computer and programming necessary for the hand held meter reading devices [o be used by the eater department. The second is that S[ will also provide funds to provide [he hardware and software to automate our cash register system. This will eliminate much of the duplication of effort which occurs to record daily revenue into our main computer in the back. I have attached a copy of a memorandum from our programmer which explains the hardware and software programming to implement the [vo sys Gems discussed above. Both of these systems should save us many man-hours of labor and greatly imp:owe our efficiency and effectiveness. ,^-igr...r.. {-.. 1: ~. .. .. NUMBER: 69-06 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUDGET AD.IOSTMENT FUND: General Fund ________________________ ACCOUNT N0. ACCOUNT TITLE ___________ ______________________ 03-510-3400 Contractual Services O1-513-6400 Equipment O1-ZI1-00 Prior Year Fund Balance TOTALS 2FFECTIVE DATE: 04-10-89 EXPENDITURES REVENUES DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT 6,160 4,900 11,060 11,060 0 0 11,060 __________________________________ __________________________________ EXPLANATION: To provide funds neceacary to purchace the hardvare and software for the hand held meter reading devices and automatic ceah register system. PREPARED BY: Harry E. Royal, Finance Director INITIATED BY: Richard C. £ellova, City Nanager •._. COMMISSION ACTION REQUIRED: Yes DATE PREPARED:03-24-89 ________ ________ ~~ tPSOLDTID9 1K1. 89-15 A BESOLO'IION '[RANSPEKRIMC CERTAIN MOIRES 6ET1IEH1 F81D1S WHEREAS, the City Charter of the CSty of Atlantic Beach requires that the City Commiss Son approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund [o another, and WHEREAS, Che nature of 6udge[ary systems and [hose day to day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time to time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Che City of Atlantic Beach, that [he attached Budge[ Adjustment No. 89-05 be approved for the 1989-90 budget. Adopted by the Ci[y Commisslon April 30, 1989. * * * * t x * * * * x * * William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney ATTEST: liaureen King, Ci[y Clerk s". s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Employee A5Si5 Lance Program Nine Month Evaluation Report 1988/89 YEAR PROCESS EVALUATION - Period Of 7/1/88 through 3/31/89. PURPOSE: This brief report is a collection of statistical data pertaining to the operation of the EAP program. The data represents program utilization and does not in itself display the efficacy of [he program. EVALUATION/COUNSELING SESSIONS: The program had _2 ~_clients enter the program for initial evaluation and counseling. The types of referrals and the types cf probelms presented ace as listed below: R F RRA O ARSE EPESENI`INS:_PB4@1-_~L1 1Z Self _1?_ Alcohol/Drag ~_ Management _~ Psychological ~_ Family ~,.U_ Marital/Family _9- Other -L Financial .__~. Legal -_L_ Stress Related _~ Other 1. TOTAL NUMBER OF COUNS F.LI NG SESSIONS: ~~ 2. TOTAL liUMBER OF NEW CLIENTS: _L 3. TOTAL NUMBER OF CLIENTS IN THE EAP WHO ARE RECEIVING ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FROM SELF HELP GROUPS AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES: ~__ 4. MANAGEMENT CONSULTATIONS: ~_ Manaq er Consultations were held with an EAP Counselor. 5. REFERRAL CONSULTATIONS: .__~_ Sessions were held with outside agencies. 6. HELPLINE CALLS: ~_ Employee contacts were made through the Helpl ine number. 7. TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTACTS FOR THIS PERIOD: 130 (TOTAL OF 1,4,5 AND 6 OF THE ABOVE) P . c0 raaN E BE NCHMARg,~j~r]j~ISj61,~lf~ylgA TIOy •Hazelden Benchmarks 58 = 5 Clients Annually REAP/COAB Expected Utilization 88 = 8 Clients Annually Actual Utilization (Annualized) 288 28 Clients Annually •Bazelden 1963 ' '- , . March 21, 1989 Nilliam 1. Gullitord Atlantic Deach City Hall 716 Ocean Blvd. atlantic Beach, F'l. Uear Sir: The Jacksonville Benches Lions Club would like to solicit donations at the Royal Palms / Atlantic Blvd. / Penman Hoad intersection on April 29 Irom 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We expect. to have 8 members participating in this project. Lions Clubs International is a service club organization and all members are volunteers. Services efforts of the Lions CLihs provide assistance to the Alind and deaf and do work in education, public service, environment, international understanding, health, recreation and social services. the Jacksonville Heaches C1uA is small and struggles to meet the reryuest for assistance from the blind and deaf in the beaches urea. Flouey collected will be used locally. We are conceived about the communi t.y we live in. Ke will appreciate your consideration and advice in granting this request. Please call me at phone number 249-8647 it you need further information. My mailing address is 1405 Pinewood ltd., Jacksonville Beach, Fl• 32250 Yours very truly, JACKSOW ILLF. BEACHES LIOYS CL[i6 Jim Speight Pi'o ject Chairman J S:em - `_ Beach renourishment 2-2-2 possible additional material will be placed in heavily eroded areas. Herr.9on also emphasized that not all the sand affected by the recent storms is totally lost. "Much of the sand is just offshore, and it is expected to migrate shoreward during the summer months. It is Mother Nature at work again. Our beaches do look bad, but the good new is that the sand that the Corps of Engineers, in cooperation vith the State of Florida and the Duval County, placed on the beaches prevented extensive property damage and possible loss of human life. The beach did its iob well by taking the brunt of the storms;" he said. -30- J.D. No. 16-89 a.r.- .L ~~ ~ d ~~.~~ -~°~t~ews Release ~ D11c tiorks D nitial P.O. Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florioa 32232 -0019 (904 ~ 791 - 2235 . R@18858 Date: (IHt7EUTATE) 21 iy~cjy-1989 CORPS OF ENGINEERS STUDIES ZNPACfS OF MAR 2. 1989 RECENT STORI4S ON DWAL COUNTY BEACHES MAYOR'S ORS JACI(SONVZLLE--Engineers from the U.S. IO~pa of Engineers are currently surveying the damage to Duval County Beaches from recent Nor'easters. The survey crews, which will be on the job until the end of March, are taking measurements to be used in calculating the volume of beach sand that was washed from the visible beaches. Col. Robert L. Herndon, Jacksonville District Engineer, said plans are already in progress to place more sand on the beaches. He said that the Corps vill be placing about 400 thcusand yards of beach-quality sand on the northern beach, extending from south I of the Hayport jetties to the vicinity of Atlantic Boulevard; late this summer. The sand vill come from the Jacksonville Harbor in conjunction with the Cotps' scheduled maintenance dredging. Herndon said the renourishment is a normal part of a beach ~ prof eet. "It's like maintaining roads or buildings,^ he said. We have to do maintenance. Bother Natuze changes our beaches constantly, and as she takes sand away, we have to go in and renourish, if we vant a beach." The southern portion of the beach, from Atlantic Boulevard to the St. Johns County line, is also being surveyed and it is -NORE- For more informatbn contact JUAN A. COLON Public Affairs Officer Equal Opportunity Employer DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Office of the Director March 28.- 1989 Richard C. Fellows, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach P. O. Box 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Jq K N`~F" a Dear Mr. Fellows: #m.. F" i y~y' [G-: In response to your letter of March 15, 1989, concerning beach renourishment, I am advised that the Corps of Engineers is planning to initiate renourishment of the beach area between Katherine Abbey Hanna Park and Atlantic Boulevard. This project is being undertaken in conjunction with dredging of the river channel in the vicinity of the Mayport Naval Base; it is similar to work accomplished about five years ago. You may have seen the press release from the Corps of Engineers concerning the Beach Renourishment projects. I have enclosed a copy in event it has not previously come to your attention. Since it will be necessary to resurvey the beach to determine the extent of the damage, I am not certain as to how far they will be able to replenish the sand under the current project. However, I have transmitted a copy of your letter along with this reply to Mr. Bryan Hugnes of the Corps of Engineers with a request that he provide you any additional details that he may have concerning this work. Although not directly related since we assume the Atlantic beaches will be completed, a new cycle of renourishment is being planned for the 1991/92 time frame. This would continue the work south of Atlantic Boulevard, probably in the vicinity of the Beach Boulevard exit. Although this is not a detailed reply, I trust you will find this information helpful. Should you have any further questions, please call me at 630-1620. Sincerely-;~ ~ _/,j~ i arC"ei"mil: tt~gi s, Permit and Pr t' n,,Marager cc: Corps of Engineers, Department of Recreation and Public Affalrs, Engineering Division Enclosure I Ii'~ AREA CODE 900 1 630.1620 / 220 E. BAV STREET I JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32202 j .. ~. Page Four M]l1Ute5 April 4, 1969 Police Department had been working hard to control the drug activity in that area, drugs continue to be a problem. The Mayor said he had outlined a letter to the Boys' Club on behalf of the Commission, indicating the Club had rot lived up to the spirit of the agreeient, they gave up on the kids in a depressed area that badly needed the ki[d of ~.. attention they espouse to serve, and that they did not make their feelings IQwwn to the Cotmdssion. t f • t : : t f • t • • : The Ma}ror reported the City Manager had attended the ceranonies on April 3, 1989, welmnuxl the U.S.S Philippine Sea to Mayport and had presented than with a Resolution of welcare which had been adopted by the City of Atlantic Beach at their regulaz meeting on March 27, 1989. The Mayor presented a plaque which had been received from the U.S.S. Philippine Sea - ard requested it be displayed in City Hall. There being ro further business to come before the Crmnission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. William I. Gulliford, Mayor Page 'three Minutes April 4, 1989 the Mayor i~uired what progress had been made on the newsletter proposed to be mailed to all citizens and asked that the Comrissioners have an opportunity to review arcs critique same before it is circulated. fte also suggested including a Crnnussiorers' column arcl requested input from the Canmission. t f t • t t f f f f : • f Mayor Qillifoxd suggested holding a workshop to study revenue sources and the present financial condition of the City, with respect to how funds are carried over, reserve furcls, etc. tie referred to a faesolutim which had been passed srne years ago relative to closing out the budget and providing for a reserve amount. fie also asked that budgets sulmitted by department heads not be altered before the Crnmission had had an opportunity to at least review their "wish lists." f t f t f f f f f f r : f ! Mayor Culliford announced he would be in C'ernuny and would be unable to attercl the next regularly scheduled meeting and confirmed that Mayor Pro Ten Cook would be in atterc3anoe. f f : f f f f r f f f f : i The City Manager confirmed that all Crnmissioners had received a Dopy of ~ a map of the Sturdivant area on which a 50-ft. rightofwny had peen highlighted. tie reported the Tax Collector had rested this ~' rightrof-way be paved. fie had mntactW the owners of the shopping center and they were willing to participate provided the City would pave j the street. The cost was anticipated to be in the neighborhmd of ;6,000 to ;7,500 aid the City Manager requested this be an additive alternate to j the street repaving which is scheduled to go out to bid shortly. the ~ Carmission agreed to the request. ~ The City Manager also pointed out another parcel caned by the Anderson family and which had formerly been used as a day care center. The owner is willing to sell the property to the City for use as a toddler park and the City Mager asked the wishes of the Cfmnission. The general ~ consensus was that the City Manager should proceed to get a price for the Anderson property arc3 also another six-lot parcel adjacent thereto, at which time the matter would be discussed further. f f f f f f f f f f f f f Ms. Blanchard reported the Boys' Club had irdicated to her they intended to cove their operations fran Donner Park because they mold not continue their program without the use of another building and were planning to mrve their activities to Mayport Elementary Schml. As of a few days ago . all Boys' Club activities in Donner Park have ceased. Although the Page '!Mo Minutes April 4, 1989 Sn response to a question fzan Cafmissioner Cook relative to the pilings, Mr. McNett explained the pilings mould extend above the ground level and there would be slight crawl space under a portion of the building. This would drop off and provide a utility trench along the building. Accessibility for the handicapped was discussed and Mr. McNett explained handicap ramps mould be provided on both sides of the building. Comdssioner Edwards asked about financing and the City Manager explained ;850,000 had already been camtitted from the Florida league of Cities and in the event it runs higher than that, it mold either be funded from reserve funds or an additional loan fran the Florida league of Cities. Mr. McNett explained their firm anticipated the inst would run in the neighborhood of ;700,000. The City Manager explained Connelly and Wicker Engineers were looking into the additional parking requirement and would inordinate their efforts with Clements, ILmpc.l, Goodwin. All aspects having been fully discussed, the Mayor asked the wishes of the Camiission. O'mmssioner Gook gyred to a'••ti••~: ae Clese~ts, ILnpel, (aodtrin m pro®ed with the final plans and specifications for the new (7h' Ball. Y2~e ®tim was seconded by Ct~issioner Jensen, a'd with Aye votes fr® all Q>®issicmrs, was tafanimwtsly Mr. McNett was asked if he would outline a tentative schedule and he reported as follows: '. Design developrent phase approximately six weeks Contract docvrent phase - 10 to 12 weeks Bulduig and negotiations - 4 to 6 weeks Construction period - 30 to 12 months A grove-in date of approximately 2han)csgivinq 1990 was projected. Mr. M.,Nett said he mould work closely with the Comnission aId make presentations as the work progressed and give then an opportunity to be - involved in the selection of materials and other details. + a a a • : a a a a a a a Mayor (,Ulliford reported he had attended the recent meeting of the Wotdezwood Committee and asked that everyone do everything possible to generate interest. ' a t : a a • a t • a t a a '. p. MDY17185 DF THE SPHCIN. CALim MFEFING OiF 7EE ATIXlFIC BEACiI C11Y ~lQSSION SID AT CITY BAIL ON 1fffi0AY, APRII. 4, 1989, AT 7:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Mayor Qilliford. Curtnissioners in attendance were Robert B. Cook, Sr., Glenn A. Edwards, Alan C. Jensen, and Adelaide R. 1Ucker. Also present were City Manager Richazd Fellows and Georgia Horn who filled in for the City Clerk who was attending the Annual State Conference of the Florida Association of City Clezks and Florida Governrtient Finance Officers Association. The Mayor explained the meeting had been called for the pu~pose of further discussions and actions relative to the proposed new City Hall. Re called on min McNett of Clements, Rimpel, Goodwin to explain the codifications which had been made to the plans since the last meeting. Mr. McNett explained the ends of the building had been octagonalized and the diameter of tM columns had been increased. The floor plan had been changed slightly to allow for a stainuay to a 600 sq. ft. mezzanine at each etd of the building. Toe level of the roof had been raised to provide adequate space for the mezzanire. Mr. McNett outlined two alternatives that would provide for both smaller and larger mezzanine areas. It was the recamerdation of the architect the 1,200 sq. ft. mezzanine area would represent the best value for the cost involved. Zt was pointed out the office space in the present City Hall was approximately 2,900 sq. ft. The total square footage of the proposed new office building, including mezzanine, would be in the neighborhood of 6,900 with the Crnmission Q~ambez being abort 1,000 sq. ft. It was the general consensus it would be advisable to get the maxinman floor space possible without affecting the integrity of the design of the building. Mayor Gulliford asked Mr. McNett what his recamierdation mould be for future grw[h and tMNett resporded he felt the hest course could bP to add an additional building. Discussion then centered around the 12-ft. wide walkway between the office building and the Camussion ~~*s. Mr. tkNett explained it world be covered but the sides would be open, and brief discussion ensued relative to the pros and cons of having it enclosed. The walkway through City Hall would be open and the public would access the Camiission Chambers from the Russell Park parking lot through City Hall. Brief discussion ensued relative to the parking facilities and it was felt the existing parking azea would be inadequate and that the parking lot would probably have to be extended toward the tennis courts. Mr. McNett explained the Crnnussion Cl~anbers would have a seating capacity for about 100 to 120 and the floor would slope slightly to provide better visibility for Lhe people at the back of the roan. 11ie glass doors at the back of the roan could be opened to allow for Overflow crowds and a suggestion was made that sliding doors could also he considered for each side of the building to accommodate further overcrowding, and outside speakers could he installed: Facilities to acWnno;iate video screening had also been planned. PAGE NINE MINUTES MAFCH 27, 1989 general consensus the City should prepared an Ordinance establishing an investtrent policy. The City Attorney was directed to review Mr. Hoyal's mments and draft the Ordinance in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter and the Florida Statutes. CSasiurr dok said it had been his understanding Eleventh Street formerly ran fran Seminole Foad to the sewer plant. However, he learned from recent conversations with the City Manager that an easement existed only on the nest side of the water plant. Camdssioner Cook said residents living nest of the sever plant had used this passage way for years to go to the beach. He expressed cmcern that since the Selva Takos subdivision abuts the Selva T.inkcide property, access to the beach would be cut off frvn those residents if the developers of these subdivisions should decide to fence their property. The City Marager was asked to look into this situation further. 'Jhe City t4-magrr reported he had received updated plans fran Clerents, Rnrple, Goodwin for the prooosed new City Hall. This Would be a subject for discussion at a subsequent meeting. ~=°~ dole referred to Ordinance No. 95-89-36 which had been adopted on February 13, 1989, authorizing the exchange of Property between Mr. William Nixon and the City. It had erne to his attention there was a difference in valuation of the lots and Commissioner Cook said he felt the difference in valuation was merely a matter of the location of the lots, Mr. Nixon's lot being landlocked within City park property. Omnissiorer Jensen said the appraiser had presented an opinion and the Conmission, by agreeing to the exchange of properties, determined the lots were of equal or ocvparable value. The City Attorrey was directed to contact the appraiser, Mr. Steeg, and ask for his ocmrents with r=_gard to the location of the properties. llsyos n,tl; fr..ri ~qy~ the Vbnderwood Cannittee would meet Thursday, March 30, 1989, at Mayport Junior High School. Ne said he had attended the previous meeting at Merrill 8oad Elerrentary School, and crnrplimented Commissioner Cook on how he had represented the beaches residents on this issue. The next meeting of the Safe t7eighborhood Canmittee had been scheduled for Tuesday, March 28, 1989. There being m furYlier business to cure before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor NAME OF COMMflS. M S V Y V N i PAGE EIGHT DD NVPES MARCFI 27, 1989 Blackard to discuss the right-of-way for the proposed dune overwalk at Sixteenth Street. The City had been granted an easement and acoorR;~+g to the City's engineers and surveyors, the easement does extend to the street and it was the re~rmiendation of the City Manager construction on the walkway be undertaken in accordance with the plans and specifications in the contract awarded by the City Caimission. Ordirenoe No. 95-89-39 AN OADIIA[iE IIfi7t~[~ AND ADOPffi1 As AN @!?'A[~Z.Y NEAP C[~Il~ AND VACA1'IIG T~ !~Y PiVB (5) FFET OF THE TRIR1Y~8t (31) FFEl' EA~@lP oust ~ SOUiffi~H,Y PART of IOT 'ffi1aY-snt 136) , SFI.VA LIIICSIIE S~IVISIQt; PADVIDIlG AN Fl+FHC,T1vB !lA'II: Mayor (,Ulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-89-39. The City Attorrey explained Passage of this Ordinance would be necessary to formalize verbal authorization granted to Mr. John Andresen, 1993 Colina COUrt, at the previous meeting. Mr. Andresen had been authorized to move a 30-inch water lire which ran under a portion of his house and it world now be necessary for the City to Close and vacate that portion of the easement. Mr. Andresen could not close the mortgage loan on this residence until this action had been taken. Motion: Pass Ordu~anoe tb. 9589-39 on first reading No discussion. The notion carried uraninrxisly. Mayor Gulliford presented Ordinance No. 95-89-39 on second and final reading. lkrtim: Pass Ot7iinanre No. 95-89-39 as an aexgeay on secud and final reading No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously Ormissirner O~olc asked Harry ~l if he would express his feelings on the Resolution dealing with inveshRnts. Mr. Royal said the Resolution gave the Finance Director and City Manager Wore latitude where investments were concerrcd and he did not feel that was what the City would want. He also said the recamendation of the City Auditors had been that the City develop an investinent policy and that the Resolution addressed investment procedures. The City Attorney stated he had prepared the Resolution based on recent legislation covering investment of surplus rtwnicipal funds and it was his intent that the City should be in a position to receive the maxinrrn amount of interest on the investments of surplus funds, and that the Resolution would provide appropriate security to the City. Further discussion ensued and it was the NAME OF COMMRS. M 5 y Y y N Ctidc ~ ~ x FrLarriS ~ x ' x~ Jensen I x Tudrer j x x (ir7liford x CUalc x x P~^~s x x Jensen x 1ttJnr x I n,n ; e,.,a x i I PA^.,E SEVEN MINOl'ES MARCH 27, 1989 8. Actin m Ordu~atcQS: A. OecHirer~ No. 9088-143 -First Beading AN QaD4N~ A!@I)ING 788 OBDINi1lI8 OCLE OP 78E C77Y OF ATIANPIC B@I®. FIL7R7II\: A!@DIBG C®1Pffit 24, 78E SIVE OCBIIT, ORIIIA![3: AND 7Xa <EVIIlYTB7P ODDE BY AM@aING 788 OFFICIAL 7LIiB7G MAP 70 BIDCtB LAND ONN6D BY S7LlP8fI7 B. MABIK ArD DFSCRIB~ ON S10i18TT 'A' A7~ HBIte70 FMM AESID@717AL GEN6RRL lRC2) 70 CCl4!ffiiCIAL GIINAAL (CGI: Ala FAOVIDIIiG AB BPFFLFiVB DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-69-143 on first reading. lbtibi: ApFuwe paw of @dirunee No. 90-69-143 m first reading by title only. and set for public haariig May 8, 1989 No discussion before the wte. The motion caz-Tied unanirously. B. (hdi,u,vo No. 90-88-138 - A]b1iC BeariTg AN OBDIINKE AMH~DIlG 7ffi OlaII01llE ~E OP ~ CCM OP ATIANFiC B@ICH, FIpD1111; AI@aII>G ®IPIDl 24, ARfiCDE III. DIVISION 7, S~fION 24-159, ~B OOLUPATIQI IZ~ATlONH; Ala PIaVIDIIiG AN 8FF6L•lIVB DA78 Mayor mlliford presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90-88-138 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a public heazing and invited mmients fmn the audience. Since m one spoke for or against the Ord;.,...,, the Mayor declazed the public hearing closed. !brim: Approve passage of OrdinarxE No. 90-86-138 m secud aid final readvy No discussion before the wte. The motion cazried unanimously. 9. Nis[rllaneous Business• Brief discussion ensued relative to the recycling program and Mayor (~lliford said he had written a letter to all Atlantic Beach citizens in that cronnection. The City Manager reported Andy May of Gee and Jenson, was carting on a centract with waste Management for recycling aId as soon as the centract is signed, the bins would be ordered. 10. city Manager Aeports The City Manager reported he aId the City Attorney along with Mr. Spellings of mnnelly and wicker, and Public Services Director Ford, had made several unsuccessful attc~ts to meet with Mr. v v NAME OF COMMAS. M S Y N CUolc x - - x x Jeru~n x x !!doer x n,l liford x mole x 8t3+ards x x Jensa~ x 7lxioer x x n,n; r.,..i x PT1',E SIX. MINU1'FS MARCP. 27, 1969 B. Besolution No. 89-14 relcvvg the ne~ey-t ®oher of the United • States Naval Fleet to the Mayport Naval Statinn Mayor (~lliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 89-14 welmning the Philippine Sea to the Mayport Naval Station. !brim: Aplawe passage of Resolvtion No. 89-14 No discus=_ion before the vote. The notion carried unanimously. C. liesolutim No. 69-13 vhidi n~S aId dedicates lbinsettia Circle Mayor GUlliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 89-13. !brim: Approve =`°a`° of Aeeolutim No. 89-13 Crnmissiorer Jensen pointed out the name "poinsettia (bun" had been agreed upon at the previous meeting and since the minutes of that meeting had already been approved, reg~ested the word "Circle" in the Resolution be changed to "Court." Aecdad Notdon: Appxwe passage of la^~olution No. 89-13 as a~ecded No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously 7. Act;m on Sraeatima- A. Peoeipt of C®mity Development Board rnr®adations relative to an application for exoeptim filed by Mr. John Brr3ces m nr;i;~ a lot in Sectirn H on Nestt Eighth Street for'the sale of used oars and the .3ael,i.~e..t of car kits, aid settirg a n,h ' Laariig four April 10, 1989 Mayor (lilliford explained the Comnau.ty Development Board had reovnoPlded approval, with the mnditi on Mr. Becker be limited to servicing no more than five cars at one time and that a fence be erected. lbtdon: A ~trec~dat~ of the Oomxuty 10, 1989 ~~ ~~ far ~~ Fbr the information of the Comnission, Mr. Becker explained that car kits were fiberglass replicas of various models which mold be mounted on any type chassis. Only mounting and repair work mould be cone at West Eighth Street. NAME OF COMMBS. M S V Y V N Cook x x r~++j^ x x Jensen x Turknr x Jensen x C1wk x Cook x x Ed+ards x Jera~ x x Tx:ker x n,i ~ ; f<,..; x C17ok x Fdsxds x x Jectvac x x Tudors x cLlliford I x PAGE FIVE MINVPES MARCH 27, 1989 reviewing the contract to purchase the Atlantic Utilities system, it was discovered the City had the option to use the Atlantic Utilities F]tgineer, Bessent, Hanmsck and Buckman, who had quoted $18,000 for the project. Of the proposals submitted under the terns of the Consultants Crn¢tetitive Negotiation Act, Gee and Jenson FTtgineers had been ranked the number ore fine and they had quoted a price of $29,000. It was the rewmerdation of the crnmittee, the City authorize ]tessent, Hanmack and Buckman to do the work. Commissioner Cook asked whether it was legal to accept the quote of Bessent Hammack in view of the fact negotiations had already been undertaken with CL'e aryl Jenson F]tgineers. The City Attorney explained the Purchase and Sale agreematt with Atlantic Utilities authorized the City to either accept the services of the Atlantic Utilities engineers or seek the services of an indeper~.nt engineer and it was his opinion authorizing a contract with Bessent Ftacrosck and Buckman would be a legal action by the Conmission. Zt was his urderstanditg plans and specifications for the connection to the water system had already been crnq~leted by Bessent, Hammack and Buckman prior to the ornpletion of the sale. ~ttOt~ mate tlp 00petrtlve t,Yta T~tflTflTG aId a~~tMi9P the City to entry into a omtact with Bassett, Battear]c atd Ruclaean in the amxmt of 518,000, for atgirte~rzng sexvioes for inter- ooupcti+g tlc BuuBtaes~ stater atd set+er txea~att plants with the Atlantic rn;t; tip system in Oak Bamrrr No fur+ltex discussion. The motion carried on a four to one wte with Crnmissioner Cook voting Nay. 6. A[ntita rn 1~8pt~+tiet.e• A. Il~olnr;... No. 89-12 setting forth im~es~att g „.tot=,w~ f~ the City of at-tw..t;,. Bed Mayor GLlliford presented in full, in writing, (solution No. 89-12. The City Attorney explained the City did rot have an Ordinance setting out an investment policy and this had been a reoatmPndation of the city auditors. Fie outlined legislation which becatte effective October 1, 1988 relative to investreent of surplus funds. The legislation nurdatP.d that the governing body of a nnmicipality shall by Resolution adopted fran time to time, authorize investtrents of surplus fords, and he had prepared the Resolution to crnply with that requirenent. Brief discussion ensued and Mayor Gltlliford asked the wishes of the Commission relative to the I~solution, Wt the matter died for lack of a motion. NAME OF COMMFIS. M i S V Y V N , Cools x Pdi+ards x x Jertast x Tudrer x x qrt tifrml x PAGE E7W8 MINUfFS MARCH 27, 1989 Mayor GLlli ford thanked Mr. Holman for his presentation and said he did not know if the tax payers would insider this a justifiable expenditure but instructed the City Manager to look intfl the matter further. ;. ColtSait Agada: A. Accept for mainr..u.w the public i~+roueme,its in Selves Ialoeas Ptlase II, Part ZI B. Accept for grading mainteiailoe Begon;a Street between Ievy tilad aid iles~t PourteHlth Street C. Acluwledge ~;++ of the 1988 Q~*y report of the status of the ®ployees' pension furl D. Aclmovledrje receipt of a ropy of an article from the Washiigton Fort **~,~5 ~+ a passible asfew in that area flat is ~;,+~ attadoe~ bf the lime,-;.~., Civil r.;~*r;~ rk,ion as being laloQlstitutiaal 8. Admowle3~e xsript of a ]ettrr form ltiwlsad Bamkev relative bD the activities of Beejay Tester, Animal Control Officer of Atlantic Dgarjl lotion: ApT.aove ~=o of ~t Agada In brief discussion before the vote, relative to Item B, the City Manager explained Mr. Frohwein had opened the street in acmrdanne with City specifications and had provided drainage. It was necessary for the City to accept the street in order for Mr. Frdxein to get financing for the homes. In connection with Item E, Chief Thal~..on explained Mr. Hawkes had suggested the City might look into the possibility~of aaluiring a~ all-terrain vehicle for animal control and beach patrols. No further discussion. The motion carried unanvrously. 5. Coaittee AePasts: A. Admovledge receipt of the minutes of the mgr; ~* of tM PiefffielLxlal Servicrs Nc,l,urim Co®ittee aid Zatli], Mlle priorities established by the c»ittee aid the negotiatim of a pric,' with the number me fism, Oee aid .lslsvl Engu~s The City Manager reported the Professional Services Comlittee, which for this project had included [bn Ford and Barry McNally, had ranked the top five finny of those who had subnitted proposals. Fie explained time was an isq~ortant factor since the City would pay ;75.00 per day until the system had been disconnected frcln the Atlantic Otilities plant. Tile City Manager explained that in NAME OF COMMBS. M S V Y V N O.ldc x x Fdwanls x x Jat9er7 x ~r x can 7 ; fr,rti x PAGE THREE MINUTES MARCH 27, 1999 MotSrn: Aesearc3~ ~x~_~ ++'y zemrds and in tlQ eva~t tt~e subdividing tpolc place heforn Ms. Matson g++~+~ the property, move the rater Petri with the City to be responsible fS all costs The motion carried on a four to one vote with Conmissioner Tucker voting Nay. Lt. James Hill of the Atlantic Beach Fire Department requested permission to address the Commission relative to the City's pay scale for firefighters. The City Manager reported sane of the equiprent the firemen had recR~ested had already been purchased and Chief Rew had presented specifications for a new fire truck which had already been budgeted. He said Cody and Associates had been hired to do a study of the City's pay plan, arc] Mr. Cody was in town arcl mould be meting with the firefic~ters this week and it was hoped his report would be available in two useks. Lt. Hill presented each Camiissioner with a oom~rison of Jacksonville and Atlantic Beach pay scales. He said Atlantic Beach had lost ten firefic~ters recently to the City of Jaci~sonville. Irt spite of the generally accepted view that Atlantic Beach is too small to crnpete with the City of Jacksonville, he said it was his feeling Atlantic Beach already surpasses Jacksonville in many areas, and cited, in particular, garbage collection. He would like to see the City of Atlantic Beach keep a highly trained, professional fire departnent and expressed concern over the lack of experience of the current firefighters. tae indicated the situation relative to equipment needs is being addressed and hoped for better wnamication during the budgeting Process. Mayor Oulliford thaNced Lt. Hill for his mrtmnts and said he pla`uted to visit the fire depar'tnent and aoompany than on calls on Friday night. Lt. 9nith said he had recently been certified as a fire inspector and requested official action relative to his new classification aId his additional responsibilities. Mayor (~lliford requested the City Manager to contact Mr. Cody aed ask that he present his report as quickly as possible. 3. Appearafoes: A. Johf P. Horn, Jr. , Video Ptoductians, to diwvss with the City C~issim a proposal to televise City -^-=;==ion mmf;.~ for shoriiq on the public aooas c3mrxtel of cable television Mr. Holman precr~nted a pmMsal to the Crnm~.;.=5;on wno.o_~ tw i,.,~_,t.i tape the proceedings of the Commission meetings to be aired on the public access channel in the beaches azea three to five days later. He offered to tape one nesting at no chazge to demonstrate the quality of his worY.. NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y v N molt x x Fdrards x .Ter>~Iwa x x Tuda~r x Gulliford x S PAGE 1FA MIM/l'6S PV1RC71 27, 1989 ~ Chief llnnpson said the Police Oepartrtent had received a number of ~ ca~Iaints which had erne fran only one or two individuals. He sated the carnival organizers had been most cooperative and were willing to make further concessions. 1fie residents had indicated to him they were willing for the carnival to continue for the reek and he anticipated no problems and had no objections to their being allowed to continue. Commissioner Edwards strongly endorsed the activities of the Fleet Reserve and particularly, their work with veterans. He said their by-laws set restrictions on how they may raise funds and encouraged the residents of the area to support the Fleet Reserve in view of the many people who would Ue helped and the relatively few who were inconvenienced. 7b deny them the opportunity to operate such a fucd-raiser is to eventually deny then their existence. Mayor Qrlliford said permission for the carnival had been granted at the previous meeting with some reservations, since no representatives fran either the Fleet I~serve, the carnival, or the residents had rose to the meeting to answer any questions. The Mayor indicated in the future when similar activities aze planned the City mould make an effort to inform residents in the azea well in advance. He requested the carnival organizers to do everything possible to minimize the raise, atd next year to contact the City well in advance of the activity, and all options, including an alternative site, would be considered. Mr. Pbnalri Brugh stated he represented 1eri1 Watson who awned a boas on Ocean Boulevard. The water meter for this house is located on Beach Avenue and Mr. Brugh requested the meter be moved to Ocean Boulevard. He said the City had previously offered to move the meter with the cost to be divided equally between the City ar3 Ms. Watson, but that Pis. Watson had felt in view of the fact she had been an Atlantic Beach resident for some twenty-five yeazs, the City should move the meter at no ~~~ to her. The City Manager stated the meter was on the west side of Beach Avenue aid in the event it mods necessary to cut the road to move the meter, the cost would be approximately ;500.00. If it could be jetted coder the mad, the cost mould be around ;250.00. Flu~ther discussion ensued relative to when the lot had been subdivided and Commissioner Cook suggested if the lot had been subdivided beforn Ms. Watson taught the property, it was his feeling the City should be responsible for moving the meter. If, however, Ms. Watson subdivided the property and sold a portion of it, then the cost of moving the water meter should be borne by Ms. Watson. NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N NIliR7s5 GF TlD; ARGIIIM lEEfl11G OF 170: ATLN71'1C lY'JdQi CITY CQ!- MfSSION BHD AT CITY HALL Qi NRRQi 27, 1989, AT 7:15 PN PfdFS}27f: William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor/COmnissioner Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards Adelaide R. Tucker, and Alan C. Jensen, Oxmussioners AND: Richazd C. Fellows, City Manager Claude L. Mullis, City Attozney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor GLlliford. The invocation, offered by Camiissioner Cook, was follocaed ty the pledge to the flag. 1 Appcorai of the +' of the regular m~~~ of 1HrrYf 13 1989. lbtim: ApproYe miiutes of the zegular eetLg of Nandi 13, 1989 No discussion before the wt~. The frotion carried unanimously. 2. lleooaitim of visitors Mr. Al Tucker, Manager of Fleet (deserve Club No. 290, addressed the Crnmission relative to the carnival which had been approved at the previous mgnission meeting. Mr. Tucker outlined several canmuiity projects and services in which the Fleet I~serve had participated, including blood drives, donations of food baskets, scholazships, and (]lristmas activities for paraplegics, and listed other charitable organizations which had been recipients of Fleet Reserve Club donations. fie explained the Fleet reserve received 158 of the proceeds fmn the carnival and this was one of their largest annual fund raisers. Mr. Tucker explained that he and the organizers of the carnival had met with Chief Thompson a-d established mutually acceptable rules which he felt had been horored. Mr. Hal Whittaker, 14019 Beach Boulevard, President of Fleet Reserve stated the carnival had been shut down and requested authorization frm; the Ccmni.ssion to resum° the activities. Several other med~ers of the Fleet Reserve were in attendance along with owners and operators of the carnival and all echoed the sentiments of Messrs. Tucker and Whittaker. Cindy Voutour, 570 Orchid Street ca~lained abort the loud music. Mr. ltgn Haddon, 500 Orchid Street, said he wrked shift work and had difficulty sleeping during the daytime hours, and Mrs, Haddon carplained of the undesirable elment which the ca.~-nival attracted. ME OF COMMRS. M O 7 1 O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O molt x R~r~ x x Jensen x Tucker x x n,i i; k,..r x STATUS...page 2 TLe mlve month evaluation report for [he 1988/89 fiscal year in regards Co the work of our Employee Assistance Program is included. This will give you some idea of the types of problems chat our employees are being tounse led on. Ve ate enclosing Copies of several Resolutions which we will ask [he Commission to act on Monday night. These include: A. A Resolution urging a feasibility study of [he conversion of the Casa Ratios building into a performing and visual arts center B. Budget adjustments with [he explanations attached, please contact me if anyone has any questions about any of them Tfie following Ordivavicee will be up for consideration A. Introduction and first reading on the Ordinance amending [he Ordinance Code [o adopt by reference [he Standard Fire Prevention Code 1985 edition and [he National Fire Protection Association IOI Life Safety Code 1988 edition and setting a public hearSnR for April 24, 1989 (Florida Statutes requires adoption of these codes as [he minfmum required) B. Public hearing on an Ordinance of the Cicy of Aclan[Ic Beach accepting and improving [he land development plan and proposals submitted by D. W. Tredinick and certain condi[Sons for development of land in the City of Atlantic Beach on North Seminole Road to be known as Ocean Terrace C. Public hearing on an Ordinance amending [he Ordinance Cade to rezone Lo[s 41-60 North Atlantic Beach Unit 'No by petition of property owners from RG2 to RG1. TLere rill be one public hearing on an application for exception filed by Mr. John Becker to utilize Lot 7, Block 38 at 55 West 8th Street for [he sale of used cars and the construction of car kits Most of [be Budge[ Re solu[fons are self-explanatory but it might be helpful to cover item H having co due with the personal computer. When ve purchased the hand held meter reading units ve anticipated the need for a computer to off-load [he units into. The computer takes the off-loaded readings and in turn off-loads to our mainframe computer. The hand held units and our mainframe computer are incompatible and the PC acts as an interface. The PC will also perform a second function and that is [he elimination of duplication in the recording of daily receipts. Right now all transactions are put through the cash register and recorded on a paper tape which must then be re-recorded from the cape into the computer by hand. The PC will allow [he automat is updating of each of the appropriate ledgers a[ the moment [he cash or other transaction is input into the rash register. If you have any questions please call me. r April 7, 1989 M E M O R A N D U M T0: Honorable Mayor and Cicy Commissioners FROM: CI[y Manager SUBJECT: STANS REPORT Ye ate enclosing copies of the minutes of [he regular meeting of March 27, 1989 and special meeting of April 4, 1949. Please look these over and le[ Maureen King know if [here are any corrections to be made. We are also including any mail Sn your mailbox which you have no[ already picked up. leverend Pierce Eviog has requested a place on the agenda for Monday night [o request pe tmission [o hold a fund raising carnival on the Flee[ Reserve area off Hayporc Road. The purpose of the carnival is [o raise funds for a nev church. We have had continuing complaints from about S of [he neighbors in this area and if [he CS[y Commission decides to acc favorably upon Reverend Evings' request they may wish to ask him [o contact those people who have complained in [he pas[ to see 1f he can get [hem to agree [o having Che carnival there on April 15, 1989. The Departceat of Public Works, City of Jacksonville has confirmed [he Corp of Engineers Is planning to Initiate renourishment of the beach area between Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park and Atlantic Boulevard during the dredging of the river channel in [he viclnicy of [he Naypor[ Naval Base. Beach quality sand in the amount of approximately 400,000 cubic yards is expected [o begin being transferred [o the Atlantic beaches sometime around the first of September. We also understand a nev cycle of renourishmenc is being planned for Che 1991/92 [Sme frame. This would continue the work south of Atlantic Boulevard [o probably the vicinity of the Beach Boulevard exit. The Lions Club of Jacksonville Beach would like to solicit donations a[ the Royal Palms/At lanc is Boulevard; Penmann Road incerseccion oh April 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be sigh[ members par[itipa[Sng in [he project and [he money collected will be used locally for assistance [o [he blind and deaf in [he beaches area. This will be a tonsenc agenda item for Monday nigh[. 5. P.osait[ee 8epor[s: A. Commissioner Glenn Fdvards, Chairman of the Awards Committee with a reporc and recommendations on bids for construction for a new basketball court at Donner Park 8. Commissioner Glenn Fdvards with a report and recommends [ions relative to bids received for a new dump [ruck for [he Public Works Department 6. Mtion on ~eep[ions: A. Public hearing on an application filed for exception filed by Mr. John Hecker to utilize a lot in Section H on West 8th Street for the sale of used cars and car kits 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance 957-89-IS introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the Ci[y of Atlantic Heach, Florida; amending Chapter i, Article II, Sec [ion 7-16 to provide for adoption by a reference of [he Southern Standard Fire Prevention Code L9H5 edition and amendments thereto, along with the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 1988 edition and amendments [hereto, and setting a public hearing for April 24, I9H9 B. Ordinance 990-89-139 pub lit hearing and final reading of an Ordinance of Che City of Atlantic Beach accepting and approving land development plans and proposals submitted by D. W. Tredinick and certain conditions for development of land fn the City of Atlantic Beach on North Seminole Road to be known as Ocean Terrata C. Ordinance 990-B9-140 public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending [he Ordinance Code of the CSty of Atlant lc Beach amending Chapter 24, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance by amending the official zoning map co rezone lots 41-60 North Atlantic Beach Unit Tvo by petition of a[ least SOZ of the contiguous property owners from residential general, mul[Sple family RG2 to residental [vo family RG1 8. 1Hscellaoeous Husinese: 9. City Manager Bepor[s: 10. Mayor to call on City CoaatESaioners, City Attorney, City Clerk Eor reports/or requeate: Adjournment p:..._. Amended agenda [o include Resolution Numbers on 4 D,E,F,G,H. CItY OF ATLAMPIC BPACH RPWLAR MRE'[IMG MONDAY, APRIL IO, 1989 AGg1mA Call to Order Iwocation and Pledge [o the Plag 1. Approval of [he minutes of the regular sleeting March 27, 1989 and special meeting of April 4 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Appearances: A. Reverend Pierce Ewing to request permission to operate a carnival on April 15, 1989 as a fund raiser for a new church 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of letter from Walter Hogrefe permit and production manager, Department of Public Narks, CS [y of Jacksonville concerning renourishment of Atlantic Beach area between Kathryn Abbey Nanna Park and Atlantic Boulevard to be undertaken around September 1, 1989 B. quchorl[y for the Jacksonville Beaches' Lions Club to solicit donations at Che Royal Palms/Atlantic Boulevard/Penman Road in[ersec tron on April 29, 1989 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. C. Acknowledge receipt of a nine month evaluation report from the City of Atlantic Beach Employees Assistance Pzogram D. Adoption of Budget Resolution 89-IS to provide funds for a personal computer Co be used in connection with the hand held computerized water meter reading instruments E. Adoption of Budge[ Resolution 89-16 appropriating funds for the purchase of facsSmiles machines currently being used in the City Manager and Purchasing Agent's office F. Adoption of Budge[ Aesolution 89-I7 providing funds for surveying and appraisals of property in Section H property intended for use as a regional park and additional signage for the beaches replacing vandalized signs G. Adoption of Budget Resolution 89-18 [o provide funds to implement auditors De to it [e, Haskins S Sells for the construction of shelving and bins a[ the Public Wozks building [o contain water plan[ EI inventory H. Adoption of Resolution 89-19 urging a feasibility study of the conversion of [he Casa Marina building into a performing and visual arts center in Jacksonville Beach s. btm..rsa .w b.q. ~.~. .. .