06-01-89~~- V'~.. ~ - . z O ~_ ~_ 1: ~W ,; . .. ~ --..- W. z ~ ~~ ~ ~ sY I_ ~1 -~:.P U. n G ~~ i L, a t ~ l •.~'~1.' .~. I '? -i •., .~ " y'. Y' , 1 P ' M ~ w ~ h N .. n Q , ~ ' y N ~ c ~~ m = ~~ ~ ~ cm , yr T.... .-~ _ .~:.~.....~.-.~ _~n`t 'SO=E n~c~~5 r.o jjj~$c-i-"L ci°cx' ~~~ c y-CPC 9~y o~`39_ y.o PiE PSy xL 3L ~~'' yn ==C6v C~ M ~ ~ ° ~ 9C [f CCT W ~ Oy ~ n. '.'a , ~ mow, r,`s ?c~~=L' ~ \ ~ rl ~ US c~c~. t ~ > >c ~ C O ~ ~_. a£i s ~'c o 5 - jY3 r Si~2 r~c 0 'm i~ R e5 j~c-q o8 ~. yc5~ r ~ z F ~n ~ ~~, ~ = =-- ~u,/etyf ~wese cu~cc,•eiits ~~uw~t efforts to regulate jet ski use; BY JOnalllen Rtgere IY.tY until lalwr IhtY. ' NaH aINr °ILrir ^us la•en euun crltlrlsm As jet sku Brow in numlmr and from Leaddront VropertY owners Iwpuladly, mucem alwut safety aDOUt noise as well as about wfe- and noise levels alw grows. 7M~o ty;' wiJ Sgt. Fred Croghan, a recent accidents During Marrh in slxrkesman for Ute Neptune Fksch Miami, Lout involvin8 rtulJren - a Polire Uelaruuent. 9~yearold died and a fyev-oIJ "We have had wme incidents mitered severe injuries -have (°- ximre jet skis name too close b cased attention on the 0rst start swimmers, Lut nu accideua;' he wide effort W regulate jet skis. said. 'M1Ve 11 handle in(radions lot IeBislaGOn by state Sen. Tom Mc- the new onliwncel the way we do 1'herwn b regulate skis was aN with surfers - first warn them, pr°ved unanimously in late April then ticket them" by the Florida Senate anJ was Chief Uavid Thornpwn of the Ab IasseJ overwhelmingly by the Ivuic k)each Police Uepartnrent geu Iloux in late May. complaints about jet sku -and Mcpherson i Dill sets an operator atso geu eapresvons of supfbtt [or age lirnil of 14 for private vessels them by jet ski owners. "~~ • '• .and IB for rentals. II restAds otter- -+.~BRy is a drowinR io'ue, but we anon W daYliRhl hours, mryirrs op- haven i had auy attidenu Ual 1 eratora W wear Ouabtion vests amt know uf," Thompwn said. "Jet skis matula[es a tut-ol( switch b &op naneuver rind stop very quickW, We engine if the rider (alu off. Vio- and operabrs usually have good latiun, asecond-degree misdemean visibility. We have an ordinance or, would carry a E36 fine or W Utat rttluires lwat9 W stay 21)0 Jays in Jail. Reckless operation, including 3'ards offshore, and we could uw ii wearing Ytrouglt congested traffic, b regulate jet skis. We'J rather do jumYing wakes and "playing chick- that hart impose a ban or severely rn; are outlawed by the bill. rertri~t the use cf jet skiff" Regulation in Florida is complicat- Jacksonville fieacL has a similar ed Dy enNUSiasm (or boating. °rdtranm requiring bona to stay Roughly 680,000 vessels, inrludirtg 200 )"arts or more from Ne beach. IU,000 jet skis. are registered to op- said 581. Ralph Andrrwn of tLe grate along Florida's 1,050 miles of Jackwnville FSeach Police Uepart- rmastline and 11,(100 miles of rivers, merit. ' necks anA streams. Another TNa atery Ya kteluaea Merrtntlan ZW,IX10 to OOO,WII boats operate in hatn Ten Aaax4lMhr Florida on a transient bazis. The smb leads We ration in hra[- inR faaliues wish 106 in 1'J87 and 94 in 1988. Six involved jet skis tart ' year. Uf Florida] II fatalities x'itL let - - skis, only two involved minors. . ~; Most vittints are men rartgittg from ~~' Iheir Isle teens Wmid-30s. (apL tbn Stratmann, spokesman for the Florida Marine Patrol's Isis- trim 6 (Northeast Florida), has c7 nolrA art increase in the number of ~ ~ `~=' complaints about noise and reckless operation of jet sku over the past 60 days. "We have issued wme ciations about their oVeration and alw about weanrtg lift jackets," he said- Neptune Reach recently appr°vM an ordinance That keeps jet skis 100 yarJs or more from share, from 9 I a.m. until B p. m. from Memorial MANDARIN CHURCHES Welcome You! CHRIST LUTNERAN ms..,w... ~.:.. CROWN POINT BAPTIST AWiY~+1Y rY ~r~n'Mw:: gPlscoPAL Au soups. bf yw+Y r.n EPISCOPAL CHURCH AF OIIR C~YIf111R .: AT iWS PgICE YWX HUU nw~LLx OCALA STAR BANNER. SUNDAY. JU~Ea 1989 Plan t0 regulate jet skis unveiled H Ceuraer 011~swsr Mta[YIN hest Yaitet MIABQ -Alas Florida water Wan alaritog b rcaeolDle aD aqulk Inlmtak f5, a sew fled d tra/tk b warybg the 1larice patrol -wets acosen, aametimn piloted by dW- drn earwy old esalgh b rise a .lent. TDe rtladel wlnn rieg Wilk exitr ment: 1(awautl makes Jet Skl0. Yanu1N slh Wave Burners, alp Prog[nalve Pows Csp. d/m the Surf Jet, fa nampk. But W hob that resmDle smw- mobilnarc incruaiBsly a fads in some o! F9orida'a worA acefdedf, am taanphiela aDOd epvator are growleg. "7he Florida alarioe Patrol seems to came in t'ooUcl with w awfel la d people who arc not sat and rt apontlbk, who arc not rcasoeable and prudnl," up patrol Gpl. (Bike lampkeu. "They Dave lot tooth Wltk IQllty." A >yeargd boy died b tdarck af.. to hhcats, dwd lathe wa/n, wn Dil Dy aml-er d the 7-foot-loos mtt in Bhcayce Bay d! MiamL A Syes- op Dq asviYee alts m. kwd and .test ware siaehed open by a bat wal roe oes hh coos k a lake norm d Mlamk oho m Wteh to gpeeee. auaeey ra the taeo- uy a W f-ywraM vkilm. aaae operator d te:rorhing nhomss and other harm and 6n a penrnal lawamt pediq agaiwt rper who trequnl , can.l by Die toss. m the FHaiaa ICeya "Yoe see what IKy'rc cafe. They'rc like hmWa broxvr, thry ride W watt, they nee,^ ob spent., who like lDe assents n'some to the roar d a cealww. •"leey'rcpc absolote- IY m wde and arrgar that I wed IMm. I'm goiq b take Wem fro celwl sad Try w leach tbwl faee mumo." The two Miami ueldwts WYe le- nsed atteatiw wthe [erstatewide dlod b rgeiak the for-rimes vet seh that arc proprkd Dy a eeorcF baled pl d water. Ridm fit a ~~ mal•Dlpn, depnmog rn TDe ale soaaatae/twss d paemal wkferarMB...MMh 8eneraBy cal ff,fm to f1.0m, mppod W leslfla- lion by ahk Sm. Tom IIrFDerao4 am view II u • wtbul model b rcsalak W .kh am filet (ree- wlwdbs opmtors. ~ meawrc wa, appsoYed anad- mmely klate April M tee F7orWa Seoab a:p 6aa a good chamw d Nape pam0e because d tke fedd- lry support. Qakk b refllie 16ey tout De at rhk Iran gvvmment rc0alsbra tDe manutadurm -Ike arks Three arc Wet Jel Iderational, BanWrdkr and ultranaatio - wppod BePDetefn'. au It ae4 m opmlor ase Ilmlld IB to pdrak vnsb sad IB la rentals. Wmlq teeklsa apa• sting restrklios operctirn b day- IIgM hour, tegpdeg opmfm b weu tletafke vela aed a catalt awileh b rop tee engice u the rids taus dt. Ybhttae, a secoeddegrce mitlemwes, wmW arty a iff lhs or w dari m pu. Wuvks wrought Wtk, pmpwg wakn am "playing duck- ee" world he outlawed, Bald Maj De- nh Grcalh0. boatlug safdy coordinator /a the marine patrol "Noce o[ as invntiptbu Nve rt vested wY imnant aafsy problem a ddeda wiw tee mfr. ~•All d os prabkau Gave Duo tossed by operate errs. When you look at tWe types d ea/t and tee type d qukt, tut movement 16ey'rc npaDk d and the cedritusai loan opmlks agabw thee. peapk n h maklq !ors, Ya MMha~~vew,b, Da a lTdale am0®1 d ~~Y^ aQtdWlioq balance sad pdpnml btu ~nma~l w,t~er~an t.dmlry Asamiauae, rcpraentiog tke ale marnfadsrers, oho is maitoriog arks dtorb b regulate the craft. end u u asahoeat d New Bamp .Dire bi14 was woaW D.D tee veaeeb on wlau lakn .eve reatdmla mve teshlercd mice eomplawta 'tee argaeiwtlm estimate wet Isotloo Amerkaa own the srodera kBat rcgvlatiom are imposed 1o- ea0r ra apecifk warn Damn. hot lhsindustry Mpn b take the Fonda big b Tessa neat w ih by b spread Ibe measse aalbasuy, up Jape tktee, go.snmed rehtlaa reprc ..ratite w wat6loslao is tee Na- tieosi Maria Manradeer Afciation We'rc hoPlos floe bill eervn u a natloul rtpdd." Dace uld The problem b Vbrps b oom- poaoded Df bsgmaiq eeweehoe fa batwg. Bo.gelr uO,Ba Yads. haiodrs 10,000 personal walscrotl, arc Rsirad b opmle slog Plei- da'1 I.y00 mile d avarece sad 11,800 mile d riven, creeks aed streams. CrcaBm eatirtutn aodher ds~,NO b f00,M0 aperck b Fonda ere a travsinl Dash.'The able leads lbe cation in boeling tatalitla Witb r05 in IpB7 ova 91 in 1e9a. Memorandum TO: City Manager/Clerks Local and Regional Leagues ' FROM: Priscilla Dawson, Publications Assistant DATE: lone S, 1989 We are pleased to announce that the 63n1 Annual Convention of the Florida League of Cities will be held October 12, 13 and 14, 1989, az the Prime F. Osbom III Convention Center in Jacksonville. As in previous years, we are extending to ail ]lodda cities an invitation to advertise in dtc 90.page-plus special convention issue of Qudliry Ciau '89. lttis offers an excellent opportutd[y m extend best wishes for a successful convention to our host, [he Gty oC lackwmille. Advertising space reservations shoWd be made by August 1, 1989 with a coPY deadlier of August 11, 1989. For your information, we are enclosing a sample copy of ad sizes and vests. Also, we have atlached a form that must be signed and returned for ad placement We look forwanl [o your continued caopemtion and support in our efforts to make this comenrlon the best ever. Enclosures 201 Wnt Pane Avrnue ~ P.O. Box 1757 ~ TaBahavee, Florida 32302-1757 ~ (904) 2229684 ~ Suneom 2825010 ~. SOLID YAST6 pOM{ISS!'E NRBTING H®NPSDAY, NAY 7, 1989 I[fNO7ES The Solid Wae[e Committee set on Vedne edgy, Nay 7, 1989 at 7:30 P. N. ip the C1cy Nall Commission meeting room. Present were Mayor Gulliford, City Manager Pe llowa, Public Services Di ret[or Ford, Pe rke d Recreation Director Dlanehatd, Pub11e uorka Division Chief Hogana and Engineer Mdy May. Also present was Aliaen Johnsen, Mark McCoven, DeNayne Igou, Joan Norzieaeau, Jeannie Grabrynowicz, Heidi Becky, Susan Wheat ly and Jerry Strayve. Mayor Gulliford announced the Committee get together vas for the purpose of examining the last m1m,[e items in regards to [he Recycling Progru scheduled co star[ July 4th. Joan Norrieseau discussed [he July 4th celebration for Recycling end handed out an information sheet lis[Sng acme of the items which would be featured. In addition to agues[ appearance by Ricky Raccoon, !t vas hoped to have a marching band, a cookout with hot doge and Cokes and plenty of pageantry vi th flags and banners. I[ was also though[ a goad idea [v develop some games such as horseshoes, bag races ate. The [oat of the admission to [he celebration Ss to be a recyclable ![em. DeNayne Igou then spoke an [he statue of the aequieitlon of containers for the Recycling Progrm and Sndica[ed these should be arriving in Atlantic Beach some time the first patC of June and it vas anticipated the containers would be di atributed around June 23, 1989. Nr. Igou ind l[ated [he company vas trying to get the Boy Scouts iwolved in distributing the containers. Mr. Igou also pointed out they had completed their census and they appear to have 4,126 uni Ca ae opposed to the C1tys' estimate of 3,820. The eenaua includes some 3,205 single-family hoxe, 254 duplexes, 4 triplexes, IS quadroplexes end 289 condos. There were also 570 other multi-family unite not including the condos. Waste Equipment 1s continuing to work with Sea Place and [he Cloisters and eelecting a system for use [here and hoe pretty ve 11 worked out a plan for recycling at Sevilla. Following a full discussion, it vas agreed to hold an edditioaal meeting Wednesday, June 21, 1969 at 7:30 P. N, to cleanup all last mivuta details in regards to the kickoff program July 4, 1989. There being no further discussion, the meeting vas adjourned at 9:30 P. M. K... ORDINANCE N0. 90-89-144 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 24 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMEND- ING THE OFFICIAL 20NING NAP TO REZONE LOTS 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 59, 60 NOkTH ATLANTIC BEACH UNIT NUMBER TNO FROM RG2 RESIDENTIAL GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY TO RCI RESIDENTIAL GENERAL TWO FAMILY AI7D PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The official zoning map of the CS[y of Atlantic Beach is hereby changed to reflect the rezoning of LoCe bl, 42, 45, 46, 67, 48, 54, 59, and 60 North At Lantlc Beach Unit Tvo from Realden[ial General Fiultiple Family (RG2) [o Residential General Tvo Family (RG1). SecCion 2. This Ordinance 1a initiated so ae to be Sn conformance with [he draft of the Coastal Management Element of the State Growth Hanagemen[ Plan. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon f[a adoptiom. * * * * t * * * * * * * t * * * * * * Passed by [he City Commission on PS rat Reading Passed by the City Commlasion on Second S P1na1 Reading William I. Culliford, Jr. Nayot, Presiding Officer Approved as to Form and Correctness: Claude L. Hulks, City Attorney (SEAL) ATTEST: Maureen KSng, Ci[y Clerk ~. uy Passed on first reading passed on second and final reeding _ Approved es to form snd correctness: City Attorney CRY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, PLOB[DA L (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk By: Mayor LKL-05/31/89-262AA-2738 -6- ~b fd) Pailure by the City to comply with any of the covenants and terms of thin Ordinance made for the benefit of the Bondholders Father-t1+a±re? jc~ There snap occur the filing by the City of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or the commission by the City of any nct of bankruptcy, or the adjudication of the City es a bankrupcy, or the assignment by the City for the benefit of ib creditor, oe the entry by the City into en agreement of composition with its creditors, of the approval by a court of competent jurisdiction of a petition applicable to the City in any proceeding for its reorganization, instituted under the provisions of the Federal Banlwptcy Act, u emended, or any similar act in any jurisdiction which may now be In etteM or hereinafter amended; or ~Ifj An order or decree shall be entered, with the consent or scquiescence of the City, appointing a receiver or receivers of the Oak Harbor System, or any part thereof, or of the rents, tees, charges or other revenues therefrom, or it such order or decree, having been entered without the consent of acquiescence of the City, snag not be vacated or discharged or stayed within 90 days after the entry thereof." • ~ Section S. Paying Agent and Begfatear. Florida National Bank, Jacksonville, Plorida, is hereby appointed as successor paying agent and registrar for the City's Oak Harbor Water and Sewer District Revenue Bonds. Section 3. Approval of Bemetketiog end Beo[[ering Circular. The remarketing o[ the Oak Harbor Water and Sewer District Revenue Bonds of the City as described in the Reoffering Circular attached hereto u Exhibit A is approved, and the Mayor and City Manager ere authorized Lo execute and deliver the Reoffering Circular for such purposes, in substantially the form attached hereto, with such changes as they shW approve, their approval to be evidenced by their execution thereof, upon satisfaction of the condition for resale provided in Resolution No. 99-10 of the City and approval by the City Attorney. SeMkxi 4. EffeMive Dsta This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon Its enactment. However, the amendments described in Section 1 and the appointment of the successor paying agent and registrar shall become effective oNy upon the delivery of Bonds remarketed as described in Section 3 hereof. LKL-05/31/89-262AA-2738 -5- J ,.. (i) Subsection 17M(1) is amended to read as follows: "M. REMEDIES. (1) It shall tx an "Event o[ Default" under this Ordinance it any of the following shall occur. h) -.. ~~ -- - ----- - - Failure to pay any portion of the principal of or interest on the Bonds when due; LKL-05/31/89-262AA-2738 -4- .. Revenues: (e) Section 5 is hereby amended by adding the definition Non-Ad Valorem (() Subsection 2P is amended to read es follows: "F. The principal o[ and interest on the Bonds will be payable solely from the Net Revenues end Available Impact Pees derived by the City from the operation of the Oak Harbor Systemr and the Non-Ad Valorem Revenues, as Drovided Derain. It will never be necessary or authorized for the ed valorem taxing power o[ [he City, the State o[ Florida or any political subdivision thereof, to be exercised to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds or to make any required payments under this Ordinance or under the Agreement, and the Bonds shall not constitute a lien upon any property of or in the City, except the Net Revenues and Available Impact Pees of the Oak Harbor System, end the Non-Ad Valorem Revenues." (g) Sectior. IS is amended to read es follows: "SeMioo 15. BONDS NOT DRB'f OF CITY. The Bonds shell not be or constitute general indebtedness o[ the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision or limitation, but shall be payable solely from and secured by a prior lien upon and pledge of the Net Revenues and Available Impact Pees, and Non-Ad Valorem Revenues, as herein Drovided. No Bondholder shall ever have the right to compel the exercise o[ the ed valorem Laing power of the City or taxation in any form of any real property therein to pay such lands or the interest thereon or be entitled to payment o[ such principal and interest from any other funds of the City except from the Net Revenues and Available Impact Pees, and Non-Ad Valorem Revenues, in the manner orovided herein." (h) Subsection 17A is amended to read as follows: LKL-05/31/89-282AA-2738 -3- "p. ~&Y$NyR-Fi3N~ FLOW OP FUNDS. (1) REVENUE PUND. The entire Gross Revenues shell upon receipt thereof be deposited in the "Oak Harbor District Wetee and Sewer System Revenue Fm,d" (hereinafter called "Revenue Fund', hereby created end ertsblished. Such Revenue Pund shell constitute a trust fund for the purposes herein provided end shall be kept separate aM distinct from W other funds oC the City eIW used only for the purposes sad in the manner herein provided. .. (D) Section 10 is emended to read as follows "Secttoo 10. NBOO77ABILITY. Subject to the provisions hereof respect- ing registration end transfer, the Bonds ' ' shell be and shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the laws of the State of Florida, and each successive holder, in accepting any o[ the Bonds ~iFiel Bends) shall be conclusively deemed to have agreed that such Bonds shall be end have all of such qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the Uniform Commercial Code -Investment Securities of the State of Ploride. " (c) The first two pategraphs of Section 13 is ere amended to read as follows: "8eetioo 13. PROVISIONS POR REDEMPTION. The Initial Bonds shell be redeemable, at the option oC the City, on and after March t. 1994,3990 in whole or in p~rr_ i„ inverse order of maturity and by lot within a maturity, on any date, at the price of per plus accrued interest to the redemption date. Bonds in denominations greater than an Authorized Denomination shell be deemed to tie an equivalent number of Bonds in the denomination of the minimum Authorized Denomination, and it a Bond is of a denomination largerthen the minimum Authorized DenominatioM a portion of such Bond may De redeemed, in the amount of any Authorized Denomination." • . (d) Section 17E ie amended [o reed as follows s "E. RATE ORDINANCE. The City has enacted or will enact a rate ordinsnce end thereby wiLL [ia, establish and maintain such rates end will collect such teen, rentals end other charges for the services and facilities of the Oak Harbor System and revise the same from time to time whenever necessary, as will always provide Gross Revenues [n each Fiscal Year sufficient to pay the Cost of Operation end Maintenance of the Oak Harbor System in such Piscel Year, one hundred Ran twenty per centum (419% 120%) of the Bond Service Requirement becoming due in such Piscel Yev on the outsteMing Bonds, plus one hundred per centum (100%) of ell reserve and other payments required to [x made pursuant to this Ordinance. Such rates, fees, rentals and other charges shell not De reduced so sa to be imufticient to provide Gross Revenues [or such purposes However, nothing in this Ordinance shell ever require the City to raise rates or charges for utility xrvices provided to areas outside Oak Harbor District." LKL-05/31/89-282AA-2738 -2- OItDINAfiCE N0. 80-89-41 f AN OHDINANCB AYENDINC OHDINANC6 NO. 80-88-37, Ri31.ATINC TO THB OAH IIAHBOR WATHR AND S6WHH DIH[RICT AND OAH HARBOR WATHB AND SHWHH DISCRICT HHYBNUB BONDS; PROVIDING POB AUTHOHIZHD DHNOYINATIONS AND TRANSPBBS OP BONDS; AYHNDINC TIYffi POH PAYYBNT AND BHDBYPTION OP BON118; IXCHHASING DHB'C SHHYIC6 COVHHACH HBQU[REYBNTB; D4CLUDING A COYHNANT TO BUDCBT AND APPBOPHIATH LBCALLY AYAILAHL6 NON-AD VALOBHY RSVBNUBS POH PAYYHNT OP TH6 BONDSI APPOINTING A SUCCBSSOB PAYING ACHNT AND HBGISTHARi APPOOTING A BBOPFEHING CIRCULAR AND BHYASHHTING OP THH BONDS; AND PROYH)INC AN EPPBCTIYH DATE. BH ff ORDAINHD BY THB CITY COYYISSION OP THH CITY OP ATLANTIC BRACH, FLORIDA: Seetba 1. AmeMmeat to Oedtnsnce. Ordinance No. 80-88-37 of the City of Atlantic Beech, Florida, is amended as follows: (a) The f(rnt paragraph of Section 8 is amended to read e, follows: "Seotiou i. DESCRIPTION OP INPI7AL BONI)8. The Initial Bonds shaD be dated as o[ their date of delivery, shall be designated "R- "and numbered consecutively from one upwaed in order of authentication; shell be in Authorized Denominatioro (f5.000 each or integral multloles thereof), end shell bear interest at the rate of 8.0% per annum, payable semi-annually on December 1, 1989 1988 and each June 1 and December 1 thereafter. The Bonds shall mature serially in installments on December 1, 4988 1989, and each December 1 thereafter, and amounts in the following yeah Yatnrlty Prlaeipal Maturity Prlacipel Date Amount bete Amount 1989 S 5,000 2004 f 25,000 1990 10,000 2005 25.000 1491 10.000 2006 30,000 1992 10.000 2007 30,000 1893 10,000 2008 35.000 1994 10>000 2009 35.000 1995 15,000 2010 40.000 1998 15.000 2011 45,000 1997 15.000 2012 45.000 1998 15,000 2013 50.000 1999 15.000 2014 55.000 2000 20,000 2015 80.000 2001 20,000 2018 65.000 2002 20,000 2017 70,000 2003 25.000 2018 T5.000" LKL-05/31/89-262AA-2738 -1- NOTSCE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice is hereby given the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida rill hold a A PUBLIC HEARING on June 12, 1989 at 7:15 et City Hall, 716 Ocean Blvd. for the purpose of hearing end considering the viers of the public concerning the following proposed Ordinances: p Q ORDINANCE N0. 25-89-21, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE 0 'I OF 7'HE CITY OF ATLAtffIC BEACN, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, ADOPTING A MINIMUM HOUSING CODE, AND PROVIDING AN EPPECTIV6 DATE. ORDINANCE N0. 25-89-22, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, AOOPTIN6 THE SOUTNFRN STANDARD BUILDING CODE CURRENT EDITION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. G ORDINANCE N0. 95-89-40, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC AUTHORIZED DENOMINATIONS AND TRANSFPRS OF BONDS; AMENDING TIMES FOR PAYMENT AND REDEMPTION OF BONDS; INCREASING DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS; INCLUDING A COVENANT TO BUDGET AND APPROPRIATE LEGALLY AVAILABLE NON-AD VALOREM REVENUES FOR pAYMENT OF BONDS; APPOINTING A SUCCESSOR PAYING AGENT AND REGISTRAR; APPROVING A RFAPFERING CIRCULAR AND R0IARKEfINC OF THE BONDS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All person interested ere notified to be present at said time end place end they shall be heard. If a person decides Co appeal any decision a[ any meeting or hearing, he rill need a record of the Droceedings, end for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record oP Che proceedings !a made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. Published: Beaches Leader 5/24/09 Purchase Order /3512 NUISANCE CONTROL BOARD AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVB DATE. ORDINANCE N0. 80-89-41, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 80-88- 37, RELATING TO THE OAK HARBOR WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AMD OAK HARBOR WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AEVENUE BONDS: PROVIDING POR Posted: City Hall Post Office Schedule D ?L!f C(ci%~ Il •i nal-~ w:la V' . I'. -- fll Ittl; I. t1i RF F.! kb9 F.kOWI'H (-Y l'FS:'a - .-.. _ r'~il~fl :. rJ t II!tl4 II~II 1:.~ l.(i12N [1\I~'.: nNldUf a_ USL I, f-ai. (~.Cr'r :i l[1 fth S:. iiVF .:.7.- I.-Fflt~lll'll'. iFi~~ _iL]ViCI- 1)i -.'til ~'. k F111L RIyf.l:. 1:,.. X __ - ..~prK' !74fr~: 17L, 11.7 167 1i30'J .7~1 -.-.-']p~~ 1}~.. ... 1`J:,719 :2tipnrplF, ... 4r5G,1'r lU4u?:.' Jf. L:/1i 293Pd>.1i . ~ .. 4L.fli:.'S IA"i aE6 ~°1459 ~clft O.S6 ..-- 4'):':i6 .-.i'il d0 l'iJ9 .,SI9'97° .. ... 7:! 1'irSG 7, -44iSi,73 41L`9 -..~ + .. 'i'~3L CAI'tf... FUNDS 41c FC INVEGfE_ll RT L• 3/%r'/. '(!I[ !U.'....^.6 3ilLNtICL Wf llJLU GR(141 'l 11 RF~I=HOX [PIRiELY a9, G3 ~, ,i~,. i, iYrss+.=+f L" n !. ,'. Schedule C ..I II f... .: k•.'t:Jll`.. _-+1V liJi-.U Y(i!(:L -. .. q`v li'f~:I rl'f] l; 1'J PNr;dl }. :;.4 .. _ .. I•i//4 14-'/4 4! . i .. 137:5:1 43gp.i..- CIiC CRNEEH PON1~5 £:i1VIN6,i: 4/1/71 THI717L1GP1 lip/1/~~~+ TnTnL PCR II:fi ~r3V INGS :ifA:1Pi11G 4: I /9:[ 1301 ~ .-:ie947 10; 1 /JF' 13015 , _ 4/:/93 1.-015 '-i9J7 4/1/94 li%9.=='~ ih:)1 cl Sn/:/7%I I~J'J ~'S FSF~Fi4 lip/1/SE. '-JTFJ Sli: ~i.3 r 4/(/9ii :~44q .... .,S In/1/9E ::h44 1.:'.-~'f'oF, 1']/1:97 70,i;+ iJ,i~..-.-'7" 4/I/9t3 547". l4'. /:i! 30/1/58 547:.• 147~iic 4/ ! : 9'3 ..-iA 19 1'51 G[i0 10:1/99 3816 7:•%I P.:)A lip/liiei 1551 II'.RP::iI 70Tr1L ::f.~V INGS f:Fl'JI NCC, IG/]/fb9 - 4/1/91 __.__, _.4i::i ..~,','IIJ "'84/1/11 - tii/I/i ~n i,,.:. ,.~~ IOTRL S(1V I!`IG5 2n,%,';f,n ' ~ .. *R-- - ._ ._..~. Schedule B I_:i: ... ~. _ I.J;JI?~. r7!J iA `C,1': - 7 ?:/o;: ;'MT NRII G X/4% if1PNI NGt• kh'fl C41S!f !u.l i•. 1:f PlTih'I':-! CYIINC: C'I i- kF'Pil: 12t D CRGP! ! (7(IN f<I i I.FNF CF P:}L~ i~iltP:~1i "Il llt:d;IT I%A Y'hi1"N' q'=9!P4T I0^f7 --'1 ~~NC:? I~Il, flhlfa= - ..1/I/'1•. tl~l.. •.11~_.'l! (.'r'lirl~.: 1~i/1:.-'/1 ...... ~'e lii' _ .'/ :. .. ,'14.7'; ... f,a•1 li, i'~, 1('.IP.N:-'. ..'G:f. '.. /.. .. r .. 14F.::. :S,}i','J.' CS^'/~-. :(..9140 19.1.`43E .. _.-. /15d:'. .1'74 .,Gn7 ... .. ,'14:1:'. i4r1 `'} 1:74.-i':,'7 177:; F.5 17hIIi 177 ~:/'iJ~l '1'411(: (.%iJ:S 11 _ :U: :. i Lii.l:l ~•%]. r.. . L'll i~. t(-rr: ~17~.'.:Ej l.:'~i1711 L.1_'. i t i'i'. 714N;1 F.il.'rT •. O :l/',, n/,:.,. r;c.an _, -r.,.SL ,:44o;c8 Ia_.''7EI -:/:/'~ ]1':01; ~ '.0 ., _1./i ~. i 1'1:1:1 4;i.~~~~i .. JIri1 ~. 11 ('71i ')L [{i':.I t.7 , .//'::.. . .. .• 'illl il.~1 ._1a~1:'L.') 19.i/1-1i (-.1~J:i'J] ..:" L'...i i~i,i.1 1.1:141 4LC1':'B!+ 2VG:; i~ ' E:, ~. Schedule A ^ R L W U ~Z ~a f JZ G 'J_ C> 'u n :a w r '9 - ~- - m w r ) r m i~l J ~* (^ 9 m N 1 0 m ~ hl [T' ~'1 m :a m :a a n n' ~~i n ^ ro :a m n n rl m ,_ ro :.1 ..1 i:~ ^ ^ ^ .n n;o^n:'lmar•I mlaroao^.n .-.mn:y :.nn m ^9nl^Mmbl ,•lnnnl Ylm"mw"1 n,Dal9 ul :a rl-.mmamr-mwarlmmn.. .' mla [u -„1w,9 J~~a O1. 1. •Jn•.I n,9Pj:•.i ,9 W:.1 :. m ^1W rlm ar.'-'l hlw wnn am~'1-~ ^-I~] " 1 nn.-.-nl ;aaammw n.~.-. m,nmc: ^1 ;' ]Yl -. ,q ~. I mmNmmmm Pl.)I9nnlll k)_. .J w,pnt~plS 19 tl~ 1 nn191.1OwaannpMMr1J,u •-•~~'^•O ~i rl •9 n mzl -._wmoc<annoo:.l :')rl r).i ~. rl ,~)olm a cwl mmmmmmrh JmwwYlnall•1,9 :'J 'L^^ !~ I ll Z I . F i I Z~I N c I I 4t I > 1 - J I O n w m a - ^ a O, m nJ c 41 1 P M n m n -r n ~ m m c a z l a a m a ~ n p v ;a m n n u z I •+ rl p -~I z =cl c ccl y L I I S I W I _ ~ W 1 m ~ f'I I'I a Yl w m m z v mm's-mwmrlmamnmwmnmmu•m mo:; c ci m.m~mn m~P ~m mnm^m. moo. Z m r n r m :'a w m. m y l n ~ ~ a o c' m w -. cl u ' 1 19 m 1 '1 0 6 : kl m - 0 C Z 1 w J 0 tl a hl q l n c¢ 1 ] a P r n 9 m w w SI 1 ^~wnnr M•Jm Mm ^N„1a m1q 1'1q ~~Onw I !gym^J^S-O0N-~OPIgMm w,9 L~'0'I'1 .y fl vmn-mm~mwn ~-.~~awrYlm <rr]m Jz l ,uc 'n rorow~..mm'_r•.wowmnnma:,) ::ml _~ao amn mwnwr rwmmm~orvl ..^w a>I f Q I j r'...-gyp Mnn OOMM--. IO LIPPMI9 ~. .Jnn O I fin-".U -,00^-m Pl`1 ,•,Owmml•I I~1 P pY ~~~]' OYl hlaalOM ^~ I 19p MIpnnYl 61010^ m m ~ WZ I OO Gyr'11.1OOOO~i~ OpmP l j~ a _ ., . [:GI im POOnnnnwwnn„11'lM n F > 1 ZQI L7 •' 4 1 I 41 I > J 1 1 Yl Yl 0 P ^ a P 0 ~' N Q L 1 P M. Yl ,0 Yl a n 0 m ' 0 Z 1 n J F I •il n P 10 ~ O 0 ••1 h ' n c n m ;a m ~ z l a .il m a •' ~ n ro _ l F P rV aU 0, ~- w I '9 S b 0 - •~ Z > I "1 Z -. ¢ I O Sul u'. u 1 I S 1 i m :' -• nl Iq a Yl w n m P 1 man-mr.lmlvmamnmwmnu•m P:'~''• _ c of P.m.m. m.m~m.m~m.o•~ a ~ 5 _ _ W= -~ .__ _ _ o City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Florida May t9, t989 Page Tw c) The owners of the Conds would lease to the City, for ~t per year, the building at the Buccaneer Hater and Sewer Plant, valued at approximately ;200,000. Prior to completing the modificattons of the bonds the bondholders will seek assurance that the proposed modifications will not create any negative tax implications to us. In conclusion, it is our opinion that by restructuring the bonds from 9S to 7 3/4S and leasing the building, it will allow the City to gain approxi- mately $400,000. It will also allow the bondholders to maintain their financial schedule and objectives. Sincerely, ~~~~~iw- Jerom? R. Strayve JRS:s1B enclosures cc: The Mayor, Mr. William Culliford a..._ n .. - n~ ~r t9, 1989 city Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Fellows: Recently we have discussed the restructuring of the Buccaneer f~ter and Sewer District Revenue Honds. I have asked the bondholders' C.P.A. to analyze the effects of reducing the interest rate on the bonds from 9f to T 3/4f over the remaining life of the bonds (Schedule A). The attached schedules detail this analysis and are based on the following assu~tions: a) Under aworst-case scenario, the City could invest the E1 ,634,000 that they currently have in the sinking fL[d for payment of the bonds, in an 8 3/4f, 10 year, U.S. Owernment Bond using Lhe inter- est generated to help pay the principal and interest due on the bonds. b) During the periods that the interest generated from the investment is not sufficient to pay the interest and principal due, the addi- tional cash required will De funded out of profits from the opera- tion of the water and sewer utility (Schedule B). As the analysis show, the savings to the City would be as follows: Interest saved from 10/7/89 through 4/1/91 = 43,480 Interest saved from 4/1/91 through 10/1/00 758,860 Total Interest Saved (Schedule C) 202 360 In addition to the above savings, the following benefits could also be obtained: a) The bondholders will release the City from all sinking fLnd re- quirements. This will immediately release approximately x1,634,000 for City use. b) fie City could maintain a substantial reserve balance Mnich after October 7, 1994 would exceed the loan balance. This excess could - be used for general city purposes (Schedule D). c ~. ~; k r, t.' ~P. This agreement entered into by and between [he City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Corporation end Mr. Greg Schenk, agent for Atlantic Mobile Home Village. The parties agree as follwe: 1. C1 [y of At lantlc Beach hereby agrees [o lease on a mon [h-to-month beefs approximately one sere of property forxmrly used by [he Auccaneer Naete Ya[er Treatment Plant to At lan[fe Mobile Nome Village for Mr. Crag Schenk, its agent. 2. This lease shall be on a month-to-ronth basis and may be terminated by either party by giving 30 days notice in rr![ing. 3. The lease rental shell be one dollar per year end the fac111t lee shall be available and open Co the public. 4. Atlantic Mobile Home Village rill hold [he CL[y harmless from any and all causes ae the result of their use of the properly and viii provide [o the City a Certlfita[e of Insurance shoving the City fs co-insured Cor liability of :300,000 for individual and 5500,000 per occurrence 5. Allan tic Mobile Home Village rill not allw the property to be used except for recreational purposes, mainly playground equipment and activities for the ehildren in the area. The terms listed here and above are hereby accepted and agreed to. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Hy Authorized RepresenCative ATLANTIC MOBILE NOME VILLAGE _/ By Authorized Representative DATE /" ~ /•,' /,~ h~ The cartnittee appointed by the mayor to review and evaluate applications for the position of city manager met on Wednesday, June 7 and Friday June 9, 1989 in the City Hall conference room. present were Conmissiorer Adelaide Tucker, City Clerk Maureen King, lbn Della Porter, and Worthy Kerber. Also present was City Manager Fellows. On motion properly made and seconded the crnmittee unanimously selected Camussiorer Tucker as chaixmui. The crnmittee then established criteria for evaluating the one hundred or so applications received. It was decided each aemiber of the crnmittee would take the twenty or so names they initially evaluated, and if the names of any of these twenty appeared on three of the four lists they would be placed on a list of Beni-finalists. 1hn names were so selected. The crnmi.ttee then, by unanimous agreement, settled on a point system of ore to five to grade the applicantr on their education, expei-ienee as a city manager, professionalism and location. Each of the candidates was discussed in depth by each manber of the carmittee and points awazded based on the criteria established. the city manager vas asked to inquire into the backgrmuds of the candidates with [Ir luylx:st rauki;xls. Friday, Jure 9, the city manager gave the background report on the five applicants who had been previously selected. Based on this information, the field was narrowed to the three applicants the mmiittEe felt was most neazly qualified. At this time the chairman announced several adiitiorel applications had been received arcl since the camii.ttee had previously agreed to try to give the City Commission five applications from which to choose, proceeded to select tw additional applicants to be placed on the list of finalists. The finalistr selected are Max la~yle, currently City Manager of Seawazd, Alaska; Wnald Cooper, City Manager of Castle Rock, Q~lorado; Kim Leinbach, City Manager of Green Cove Springs; David Bell, TUVm Manager of Essex, Vernont; and William Cook, Chief Administrative Officer of Greenville, Taxers. Frank Herman, County Manager of 'lbnopah Covmty, Nevada, was suggested as an alternate in the event a background check world elimirate one of the other five. Prior to adjournment the chairman asked that the minutes reflect that due to Chazter requirements, the application of William 5. Nowell was not included in the list of recufinendations. On motion properly made and seconded, the crnnuttee adjourned with the remmendation that the finalists naves as listed, be sulanitted to the City Crnmission for their action. w ~~ AiIAtDS ca~arreB MI80iPS ; JOIIB 8, 1989, 2 P.M. The Awards Committee met on Thursday, June 8, 1989 at 2:00 P. M. in the ' City Hall Commission meeting room for the purpose of receiving bide on a modular office building for Russell Park. Present were Chairman Glen Edwards, City !tanager Fellows, Public Services Director Ford, Parks S Recreation Director Blanchard and Purchasing Agent LaVake. The following bids were received: NAME TOTAL eID DELIVERY TIMB Diamond Engineered Space, f3i,690 2 weeks Jacksonville Gelco Space, Jacksonville (28,829 3 weeks Modulair, Jacksonville (30,942 4-5 weeks Space Master Buildings, (32,467 2-3 weeks Jacksonville The Committee reviewed the bide and the background of [he various companies and i[ appearing [he lowest and best bid vas [hat of Gelco , Space of Jacksonville in the amount of (28,829 voted to recommend to the City Commission that an arard be made to Gelco SPace of. Jacksonville in the amount of f28,829. r ~. e- 0 r., r &.. h~ AYA6D5 1wnaYr~ MII3iRPS YBDiSDAY, JOtB 8, 1989, 2 P.K. ~. The Awards Committee met on Thursday, June 8, 1989 at 2 P.N. in the Cify Commission meeting room for the purpose of receiving bide on a new j 1989/90 Ford Dump Truck. Present were Commissioner Glenn Edwards Chairman, CS[y Manager Rithatd Fe llowe, Public Services Director Don Fard, Purthaeing Agent Joan LaVake. The following bide were received: NAME PRICE TIME OF DELIVERY Nlke Davidson Ford 322,387.46 30-75 days Jacksonville Moody Truck Center 323,294.35 90 days Jacksonv111e Tom Nehl. GMC Truck 323,600 90 days Jatksonv111e The Committee reviewed all of the bids and it appearing that Mike Davidson Ford me[ all of the spec ificationa voted to recommend to the City Commission that [he laves[ and best bid of Nike Davidson Ford, 322,387.46 be accepted for the new Ford Dump Truck. First Coast 1Vledieal Center IiiO I?th l+rnuc S; m!h 1 ~/y/~ //(~1~ .({~/ L:ck+om ill:- Hced;. 1'L :'SU ~~N/ ~ ~iLO/ ~' t'M 11; 'a;-xHNI May 1B, 1989 Mt. Richard Pe llora City Manager, Atlantic Beach City Nall 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, PL. 32233 Dear Rlchacd I a~ glad that you have agreed to work vl th us on "Sea Yalk '89•. As I aenttoned before, this rill be a race and health wlk to raise aaney for the Noapltal Poundati on at the beaches. The wlk rill start at 8:30 a.~. on July 22nd, 1909 at the Sea Turtle Inn In Atlantic Beach. [t rill then ptoceed Hocth on Ocean Boulevard to approxl~ately 15th Street and viii ctrcle around by gong to Beach Avenue atM back dorm to Ocean on lath Street. Proms there it viii proceed dove Ocean Boulevard, r!th a wtez station at the Sea Turtle, going through Neptune Beach on 1st Street to another ester station at the Masada Inn in Jacksonville Beach. The race rill eM at the Sea Palk to Jacksonville Beach. All zace activltiaa should be cospleted no later than 11:00 a. ~. The First Coast Medical Center rill Feature a Health Pa lc at the Bea Ya lk, conducted by their staff. Again, thank you for your help and assistance. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call r. 91~erely, O <_ Ja~ea Jarboe Managi'g Director First Coast Med lcal Center Foundation JJ/sec ~: -... ~`aY.1r.l..y.. ~~ CITY OF ~4tla+ttic Pxat! - ~letula June 1, 1999 Captain J. B. Mitchell, Jr. Commanding Officer Naval Slat Son Maypor[ Mayport, FL 32228 Dear Captain Mi[che 11: tieoceAN aouLevaaD e. o. eox2s ATLANTIC BEACH. FLOBD)A 322x1 TELEPHONE 19W I2A4&19L The City of Atlantic Beach, in its continuing support of the Navel Complex a[ Mayport and in cooperation with the Maypozt Council of the Navy League of the United S[a[ea, is investigating the possibility of ae [ting up smell boat training for the Sea Cade[e of [he Navy League and other eligible youth. The program, if it develops, would envision a use of a twenty to twenty-five foot sail, motor sail, or cruiser cype vessel which the Cadets would maintain and operate and through which [he youth would learn nautical skills in furtherance of Chair prospective career8 in the Naval Service. The City undera[ands there may be the possibility of obtaining such a vessel through the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency's seizures and utilizing authorized procedures, the vessel could be reassigned for use in this Program. Unfortunately. the City does no[ have suitable launching or mooring facilities for a craft of chat size. I[ is, therefore, requested [hat the Naval Station investigate and advise regarding the possibility of mooring a vessel of [hat configuration at the base in support of [his vmrthwhile Navy-oriented program. Your consideration would be appreciated. Sinc sly, Richard C. Fellows City Manager RCF/dh cc W. D. Dietz t-. ORDINANCE g9-~1;-gg CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION ENACTED BY THE COUNCU. March 28 , 19 89 v ~~ • ° ~.' '~ TERRY R. WOOD. ~~ COUNCU. PRESIDENT e ATTESTt ~ ~ ~. • EHERYL D. RIDD ~RETARY TO THE COUNCIL APPLZ S~>~~° ck~...... '. THOMAS L HAZ Ui~ YOY t -_ +_7 i ,~ ADIE~DED S/28/89 l Introduced by the Council President at the Request of the Mayor and by Council 2 Member ]arbor. 3 4 ORDINANCE 89-217-98 ~ AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING UNAUTHORIZED PARKING 6 IN PARKING SPACES DESIGNATED FOR DISABLED PERSONS 7 ONLY; AMENDING SECTION 804.1012, ORDINANCE CODE, 8 70 INCREASE THE FINE FOR UNAUTHORIZED PARKING IN 9 SUCH SPACE TO TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS; IO ESTABLISHING A FORMULA FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF ll ALL FINES COLLECTED FOR VIOLATION OF SUCH 12 SECTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13 14 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of ]acksonv0le: IS Section 1. Section 804.1012, Ordinance Code, is amended in part to read as I6 follows 17 804.1012 utwnhorized parking in disables parking apace prohibited. 18 (a) It shall be unlawful for a person to park, stop or stand a vehicle in a 19 parking space designated in actrordance with the provisions of s .316.1955 or s. 20 316.1956, Flocida Statutes for use only by the disabled unless the vehicle displays a 21 parking permit issued pursuant to s. 320.0898, Florida Statutes and the vehide is 22 tramporting a person eligible for the parking permit. A person who is chauffering a 23 disabled person shall be allowed, without need for an identification parking permit, 24 momentary parking in the parking space for the purpose of loading or unloading a 25 disabled person and no penalty shall be imposed upon the driver for this momentary 28 parking. A person convicted of violating this section shall be punistxd by a fine o[ 4i4ty 2T two huntred fifty dollars. 28 asaa• 29 (c) All fines collected for violation of (a) herein shalt be distributed as -I- ,t sn[. CSr y~p~ ~{, f1 ~~; , > .h; -~~ -. r ~•- f~UAIpP'' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JIM JAn00E i1o E e1r 5*NEEi CWNCILY1N, g5iPoCi] JACYSONVILLE FL1INIp1 Ro.lanum May 31, 1989 inoa -f r. Richard C. Fellows, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach City Hall 716 Ocean Boulevartl Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: Ordinance 89-217-98, Disabled Parking Fine Dear Nr. Fellows: Enclosed for your consideration is a copy of the recent ordinance increasing the fine for unauthorized parking in handicapped parking spaces [0 5250.00. After much discussion, our council felt [his was one of the big abuses In Jacksonville parking. The new bigger fine seems to be working and people are now taking notice. You may want to consider [his ordinance for possible implementation a[ [he beach. Sincerely, i Jarboe C~~~ unctlman, District 3 JJ/sg ci Enclosure Honorable City Co®issioners City of Atlantic Beach, Florlda -3- Nay 23, 1989 He appreciate [he opportunity to be of eervlce to the City of Atlantic Basch, Florlda, and believe Chia letter accurately summarizes the significant cecss of our engagement. Lf you have any questions, please let ue knov. If you agree with the terms of our engagement ea described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return L[ to ue. Very truly yours, PURVIS, CRAY AND COMPANY rzy Handley, C.P.A. Audit Partner ]LN/lfa Enc losuree RESPONSE: This letter correctly seta forth [he understanding of the City of Atlantit Heach, Florida. - Hy: Title: MAYOR Date F F ?;. Honorable City Commissicners City of Atlantic Beach, Plorlda -2- May 23, 1989 An audit is based primarily on [he selective testing of account ing records and related data; therefore, our audit will involve ~udgsent about the number of cransac[Sons co be examined and the areas [o be tested. As required by the Single Audit Aec of 1964, our audit will include teats of cransactione related to Federal asaietance programs for compliance with applicable lava and regulations. Hwever, because ve will not perform a detailed exanlm[ion of all cransactlona, [here ie a risk that mterlal errors, £rregu Larltiea, or illegal arcs, including fraud or defelca[ione, my exist and no[ be detected by us. We will advise you, however, of any mttere of [he[ nature that come to vur attention, end will include such mttere in the reports required for a Single Audit. Ocher services included in the basic audit fee rill include preparation of the Annual Report to the Departmnt of Banking and Fimnce and the fifteen performnce specificacfons contained in Part B of your Request Foz Proposal (RFP) for auditing services dated Apr11 24, 1989. We understand that you will provide us v!th the basic inform[SOn required for our audit and that you are reapona161e for [he accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and [heir application and rill assist in the preparation of your financial s [atemente, but the responsibility for the fimncial statements remine with you. This reeponaibili[y includes [he mintenance of adequate records and related controls, the selection and application' of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. We understand [hat your employees will prepare a limited number of audit schedules and will locate any invoices selected by ue for testing. we expect to begin our audit on approximately December 4, 1969, and [o Seaue our report nv later Chan January 31, 1990. Our fees for [he services set forth in your Request For Proposal dated April 24, 1989, rill not exceed ;14,000.00. we rill bill you as work progresses np to SOZ of our fees, fiml payment rill be mde upon acceptance of the audit report by [he City Co®ieaion. Our fees ere based ov anticipated cooperation from your personnel sad the aes~spifon that unexpected circumtancea rill no[ be encountered during the audit. If slgnifitant additional time Se necessary, re rill discuss i[ with you and arrive at a ver fee before re incur the additional toe ts. 'fie term of this engagement my be renewed for the years ended September 30, 1990 and 1991, with [he wtml consent of both parties. AUDIT ENGAGElIENT LETTER Honorable City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida 716 Ocean Boulevard P.0. Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 We are pleased co confirm our understanding of the eervltea ve are to provide for the Ciiy of Atlantic Beach, Plozida, for the yeac ended September 30, 1989. Ye will audit the general purpose financial s[a[ementa of the C1[y of Atlantic Beath, Florida, as of and fcr [he year ended September 30, L989. Also, we will include Sn your report the following supplemental information Chat will be subjected [o the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the general purpose financial atatemente: .. Supplementary Schedule of Pederal Financial Ace istance. .. Combining Statements By Fund Type, Individual Fund .or Account Group Statements and Supporting Schedules. Our audit will be a Single Audit made in accordance with generally accepted auditing •[andards; the standards for financial and compliance audits contained Sn Standards for Audit of Govermescal Orgenizationa, Programs, Aetivitiea, and Functions, Sssued by the U.B. General Accounting Office; Cfie Single Audit Act of 1984; and the provisions of ONB Circular A-126, Audits of Scace and Local Governmenic, Chapter ll, Florida S[a[u[ea; the Rules o the Auditor General; sod will include testa of the accounting records of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and other procedures ve eoneider necessary [o enable ue to express an unqualified opinion that the financial atecemencs are fairly presented, 1n ell material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and to report on the City of Atlantic Beach's compliance with lava and regulations end its internal eecounting controls as required for a Single Audit. If our opinion fa other Chan unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you Sn advance. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include testa of the physical existence of lnventorfec, aad direct confirmation of reteivablee and certain other assets and llabill[Ses by correspondence with selected Sodivlduels, creditors, and banks. We will request written representations from gout attorneys ea par[ of [he engagement. A[ the concluelon of our examination, we will also request certain written repreaencacfons from you about the financial statements and related matters. Certified rYMlt A«ourdaMF iII ~ortheasl Fnl ilreel • Gamecville. Flonda 14601 • Telephone 190 )7]&I361 • fA%190-113]&250i ,~ Nay 23, 1989 Mr. Fellows May 19, 1989 Page Tvo Your dedication to proper management and recycling of used oil la appreciated and re are happy to be able to make these grant funds available to you. Please contact John Narris, our used oil zecycling grants manager, at (961) 188-6398 or Suncom 278-9396, Sf you have any questions. Sincere 1ly'', ~W Richard G. WSlkins, Director Division of Naste Management RGR/177 6nclos urea cc: Donald Focd ~ ~ I~iuriciu LJe[~u~•l»te~tt ujL'nvirunnzeu[u! Ile~u[utiuu ~j ~• Twin Towers Of[ice Bld \ g. 26W 61air Slone Road • Tallahassee, Florida 32389-24W •~ •.~as add eon M.ni'e,, c..~..oo. we T".N~mav~, se..rv.,r .wno sn,...,, wsxnm secrtiarr ~~ May 19, 1989 Mc. Richard C. Fellows, Clty Manager City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Mr. Fellows: Your Used O11 Recycling Grant Award request for up to 811,508.80 for the Clty of Atlantic Beach has been approved, as documented in the enclosures to this letter. Please remembez that you are authorized up to the grant avazd amount. You must document all costs lncurzed for this project, in accordance with state contract and accounting requirements. Nouzs of work, at the hourly rates of each employee or contractor, moat be documented and provided to the Department of Environmental Regulation for zeimbursement. You may request Advance Funds for costa to be incurred d uzing the first 3 months of the grant period, provided you complete and retuzn an "Advanced Funds Request Form". An extra copy is provided for your use if you have not already sent one !n. You must document actual coats lncurzed and retuzn to the Department any grant funds and accrued interest which were not expended. Final Invoices aze due to DER by December 15, 1909 for final reimbursement. In ozdez to finalize the gzant agreement, please have an authorized fiscal officer atgn both copies of the enclosed "Used Oil Gzant Offer and Acceptance" form. The "Advanced Funds Request Form" should be executed, if appropriate, and returned rlth the acceptance form to the Department at your eazllest convenience. Your request for Advance Funds rill be processed after receipt of these official documents. The agreement viii then be signed by the Department and an original copy returned to you for your files. inverse condemnation, including cost and attorney fees it deprived of the beneficial use of this property. It is my opinion that a single-family dwelling may ba constructed on Parcel A and B provided minimum yard requirements for substandard lots era maintained. The Coda of Ordinances requires the same minimum yard requirements Lor all lots or parcels of land. It is further my opinion if Parcei A and B era combined into one building site, a Townhouse of two (a) single family dwellings separetad by a space of not more than one (1) inch could be constructed, provided minimum yard requirements era mat. Tha Code oP Ordinances requires that substandard lots of record not meeting the area requirements of not leas than fifty (50) feet in width and one hundred (100) feet in depth and not less than five thousand (5,000) square test shall not ba built on unless relies is obtained from the Community Development Soard. Therefore, in order to construct a two-family dwelling, the Community Development Hoard must grant relief Lrom these gran requirements. If such relict is granted you would be authorized to issue permit for two-family dwelling provided minimus yard requirements are met. Sinc sly you~r~, On ~~/ ~ laude L. ![ullis City Attorney CIJ!/a j cc: Richard C. Pellows CuuDe 4 MuwS, P a Your question is also what may ba constructed on Parcel A and B if the same are combined into a single building site. we have examined the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations set forth in Chapter 24 of the Atlantic Beach Coda of Ordinances. In answering this question, we have examined the purpose and intent of Chapter 24 °ZOning and Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to provide for orderly growth; to encourage the most appropriate use of land; to protect and conserve the value of property; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to proaota, protect and improve health, safety, good order, appearance and to help accomplish the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. Townhouses nre a permitted use in RG 1 and require filing a plat when constrvcted or when sold. Townhouse shall mean a group of two (2) or more singl•-fem fly dwellings •apa rated by a space of not more than one (1) inch. The wnlls or pnrty wall separating the dwelling unite of the Tovnhovee shall extend to the roof line of the dwelling units of the dwelling and shall have no openings therein. Each Townhouse unit shall be constructed upon separate lot and serviced with separate utilities and other facilities and shall otherwise be independent of one another. Townhouses are single family dwellinc units. (Emphasis supplied) Parcel A, having been recorded Sn the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court prior to July 26, 1982, is a substandard lot of record having less than 5,000 square feet in arse (see page 1413 and 1418 City Code). Therefore, n single family dwelling could be constructed on Parcel A, provided minimum yard requirements are maintained. We now address the question of what could ba constructed on Parcel A and B if combined into one building Bite. Is It also necessary to comply with yard requirements as prescribed by the Code of Ordinances if both Parcels were non-conforming lots on July 26, 1982: Private property rights must be balanced with those of the public based on City regulations of use of property through exercise of its police power. Regulations may be enforced which are reasorabla and not arbitrary, unreasonable, discriminatory or deprives the land owner of the beneficial use of his property. The Constitution of the United States and of Plorida provide that no person shall be deprived of their property without just compensation. The government may be required to compensate property owners through C(wu~t L Muws. P. A r..-.._. LwF OFFICFS OF CLnuDe L MULLIS PaoFE mown. Assocunoty 4250 LVCESIDE DRIVE /SURE 114 Ia J InccwNVIIEE. FLORIDA 32210 CIAUDE L MuwS ~ `~ (90.0 388-1289 May 31, 1989 Ms. Rene' Angara City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Drawer 25 Atlant ie Beach, FL 32233 Dear Ms. Angers: You have requested my opinion on certain survey an$ other documents relating to 2 parcels of land on Beach Avenue at Eighteenth Street. You advised that Parcel A is a substandard lot of record and plat was recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court prior to July 26, 1962. You state Parcel B is DQt a iot of record that would constitute a substandard lot created prior to July 26, 1982. Parcel A is a lot measurin 50.9' x 50.06'. Parcel B is a lot measuring 50' x 37.22'. The combination of Parcel B with Parcel A would create a parcel approximately 50.05' x 88.28'. The owners of these 2 lots request you issue a building permit to construct a duplex. The minimum depth requirement for construction of a 2 family dwelling in RG 1 District is 100'and must have at least 5,000 equaza lest in nrea. The definition of "Lot oL record" includes a plat of record filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and a parcel of land the deed of which vas recorded in the office of Clerk oL Circuit Court. where a lot or parcel of land has en area or frontage which does not conform with the requirements of the district in which it is located, but was a lot o£ record on July 26, 1982, the lot or parcel of land may ba used for a single-family dwelling in any residential district, provided the minimum yard requiramsnte for substandard lots are maintained. (Sec. 24-83 City Code) The combination of Parcel B with Parcel A could also be used for a single family dwelling. ~~rrtff N EII. J. PERRY pD4/Bi4-9iD4 ~~ C ~~ ~r. ~. ST. JOHNS COUNTY 4015 lEWl6 6PEEDWAY. 6AINT A0006TIN E. FLO nIDA 99094 31 May 1989 Police Chief David B Thappson Atlantic Beach Police Department 850 SP~9inole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 •~,~ .ins , Dear Chief pson:_!"~ I am writing to commend the efforts of Detective Archer and to express my gratitude for the fine assistance this office received from your agency concerning the Sunice Edwards homicide. Detective Archer began this office's investigation by locating the victim's vehicle, purse and other items on Coral Street at the suspect's condominium. Then, he continued to assist as this office proceeded with the investigation. The suspect, Seymour Myers, was apprehended in Louisiana due to the fine cooperation between our agencies, the Louisiana Highway Patrol, and the information •supplied to us by vazious sources. Myers has been indicted and awaits trial. Please convey to Detective Archer our appreciation for the actions he took. Also, do not hesitate to call upon me whenever I can be of service. With kind personal regazds, I ao cem Sir/n~\cere y, N61>,J erry Sheu f COPY: cPT PORTER FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. Memorandurtl ~~ TO: City Manager/Clerks Local and Regional Leagues FROM: Priscilla Dawson, Publications Assistant DATE: Ittne 5, 1989 We a¢ pleased to announce Wat dx; 63n1 Annual Convention of the Florida League of Cities will be held October 12, 13 and 14, 1989, az the Prime F. Osbom III Convention Center in Jacksonville. As N previous years, we ate extending to all Florida cities an invitation to advertise in the 90.page-plus special convention issue of QunUry Cir'u '89. This offers an excellent opportunity [o extend best wishes for a successful convention to our host, the Gty of Jacksonville. Advertising space reservations should be made by August 1, 1989 with a copy deadline of August I1, 1989. For your infotmaGon, we are enclosing a sample copy of ad sizes and costs. Also, we have attached a form that must he signed and resumed for ad placement We look forward m your continued cooperation and support N our efforts m make this convention the best ever. Enclosures 201 war Park A~rnue • P.O. Box 1757 • Tallahutee. Florida 32302-1757 • (904) 2229684 • 5uncom 2825010 ~Y,.'2 . i~~~ CITY OF Jgtlartie $'cae~C - ~leuda ITB OCEAN BOULEVARD ~.___--_ __ _ -__-_ _ ___ P. O. BOX t6 _ ATLANTIC BGCM, PLORmA3S!]J June 6, 1989 M E N O R A N D U N T0: The Honorable Nayor~and/C~.Eonmissionere FROM: City Manager '1''-~ /1 RE: CONSENT AGENDA, JUNE 12, 1989 The follwing items are proposed fot inclusion on Che Consent Agende for the upcoming meeting of June 12: 1. Acknwledge receipt of legal opinion from City Attorney Nullie in regards co a lot of record a[ the southwest corner of 18th Street and Beach Avenue 2. Authority for City Manager to execute a gran[ award of fI1,500 for a used ofl recycling center 3. Authority to execute audit engagement letter uith Purvis Gray and Company in Che amount of 514,000 for F.Y. 1989 audit 4. Acknowledge receipt of letter and copy of Jacksonville Ordinance increasing the fine for unauthorized parking io handicapped parking spaces [0 5250 S. Acknwledge receipt of letter from Mayor Hazouri relative to ' beach renouriahment Please glue me a call iE you feel you would like to have any of these items appear on [he agenda as a separate item for discussion. PACE TFN MIIiIJ1FS MAY 22, 1989 Mayor (#~lliford said while he may change some pr'ooe~zes within the city, such as the introduction of the Consent Agenda, it was not his intention to make any charge in established policy. the purpose of the Consent Agelda was to speed up mut;.,A matters, but in no way was it intelded to take away airy powers of review or discussion fmn the c~amussiorers. He reminded them that airy itsn may be withdrawn for discussion and ildividual action. There being no further business to crne before the O~vnission, the mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:05 Ri. William I. (~lliford, Jr. Mayor/Presiding Officer A1TF5f: Maureen zing, City Clerk NAME OF COMMNS. M S V Y V N PAGE NINE MINUIFS MAY 22, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y I v N rothing contained in the ordinance would require the city to irorease its charges for utility service to azeas out=ide the Oak Harbor district. It was his feeling the city should insist that clause renain in the ordinance. Arother change which had been requested a~ which he was rot ready to remnrteni was the , provision relating to the incremental cost as designed by the City Manager and Finance Duector. Mayor Gulliford asked the City Manager to provide the Commission for their review copies of the sections of Ordinance No. 80-88-37 which aze proposed to be amsded. 4he question was called ard the motion carried unanimously. 8. 1'LHLE71aroe+xi g~yilg,~ Mayor Gulliford asked Cortmissiorer Jensen to address the question of rezoning of lots 41-60, Cbrth Atlantic Beach. timer Jerear requested, in order to bring the zoniny of the lots in question into conformity with the objective set forth in the conQrehensive plan, that an ordinance be drafted for introduction at the next meeting ~to rezone those lots to AG1, excepting from the rezoning the lots awned by any property owners i specifically opposed to the rezoning. lfie City Manager reportod in response to a request by the mayor, projected revenues for the next fiscal yeaz had been prepared for each comedssiorer for their review. 'Ihe mayor also asked that a schedule of fees which ca~prise the revenues also be prepared. A workshop for the purpose of discussing revenues would be scheduled at a later time. C~issimer F3iacds repotted response to the request for petitions against the unfunded state mandates was extraiely poor. Fie asked asked the Commission to encourage registered voters to sign the petitions. ~iucre< Cloak annaaroeid the next meeting of the Wonxlerwvod committee would be at Mayport Junior High School on Thursday, May 25 at 4:30 PM. He said attendance at the meetings at the beach was extremely poor carQared to the Arlington meetings and encouraged as many as possible to attend. Oo_issime[ Jeri zepouY,ed he and Mr. Mullis had ~t and reviewed sane issues in omviection with legal fees. They plan to continue working on this subject ard report back to the Camnission with a draft of a contract outlining duties and responsibilites to be covered under the retairer, ard addressing litigation and other expenses. ~ I PAGE EIGHT MIN[71'FS MAY 22, 1989 7btia:: Appzove passage of Ordi7lancE No. 25-89-21 on first reading a:d set for public hearing Jame 12, 1989 No discussion before the wte. the motion carried unanimously. B. OrdL:anoe No. 2rr89-22 -First Beading Ali Ral!-VL'E A!lZDlliG TBE OI~I1L111(E ~+ OP 1716 CITY OF ATIANI'IC NCH, AM@DIlG ~P1H2 6, AORTI!>C TBE SOI117ladi 579 BUIiDIf>; C~ QtQHi!' EDTIIR7, AND PIi7VIDIBG AN EPP$RTVE OA1E. Mayor (;u].liford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 25-89-22 on first reading. ibtim: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 25-89-22 on first reading and set for public hearirXl June 12, 1989 No discussion before the wte, the notion carried unanimously. C. Ordi~X>: Bb. 95-89-0 -First Reading Ali OADIIWLE ffi~.I~G A PI!ffiSC 116lS11N[E ~ BRiFO Ata PKIVIDIIG AN ffi'PH.TiVB BA7.E Mayor (#rlliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-89-40 on first reading. lotion: Approve •++~~ of ~;~~ No. 95-89-40 and set for public Aearirrg Jere 12, 1989 No discussion before the wte. The motion carried unanimously. D. 0,.7;..~.,..e lip. Bo-89-41 -First Beading 11W dOIIYIIiB AlHDING RDIliNi~ !A. 80-88-37, AEfATIIiG 10 '17iE d+K BAI®(lt li1ffit ABD ~0t DISR7IICT AND OAL BAI~Rt fN1PR ANO Sl7~Pl2 D1SStIQ BEVPii76 BALE: PH7VIDIlG lU6 AO1gIBIZ® IONS AND 7lOBRHB Q+ e~J AMHiDI!)G TUBS 17711 PASaHiP AI>D BER3~PIR7 OB H~ IIL1eaSIIC llBBI SffiiVIC6 mVEltflLlL$ 1BAlA@8115; IIL7lDII~ A CWEl1f1IP! 7A Bm($' AIiD APPIi~FtiA7E I$i1IIX AVAIIAlIIB NRi-AD VAIOIL~l1 IEVE!'llSS ERt PA1aHi! OF 17E BDi0.S; APPOINPING A S[[I'LS9CA2 PAYItE MgBtll' AtiD BffiSR1Wt; APPRIVING A AEDPP02IN(; CIRIAAA AtD ~'ifL BRAS: AND PIOVIDIIG AN PPPBC'1'IVE t1~1E Motim: Approve ~=~ of Ordir~:ce No. 86-89-41 and set fior poblic hearvg Jure 12, 1989 The City Attorney explained when the Oak Harbor transaction was closed, the city had adopted a Resolution and agreement to modify the ord;nan.,c to mike the bonds remarketable so long as it could be at no oust tv the city and world not be adverse to the city's interests with respect to its pledged revenues or any matters relating to the bord covenants. He said the Nord cwmrsel had requested the deletion of the clause relating to the provision that I v'v NAME OF COMMAS. M S Y N R,is,rrlc X x Jensen x x Tuclu~r x q,r l ;ford i x Doak Fi7uir,ie Jensen lhcloer GUlliford Cook Pdsrds Jensen T+-Mr (~l.liford X x x ix x x x x X x PAGE SEV1N MINUTES MAY 22, 1989 ILNM1 Q7lx4CII. IN AN AMJfZir 60r TD ~® 5800,000; A!D AOIIORiZING ALL lIDCE5SAR1' OR OESIRAHiE ACTIQ7 II7 COtiiF7LRZQ4 TBl~II19 Motion: Approve . ~ of Aesoluticn No. 89-23 tb discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously Mayor Culliford presented Resolution No. 89-24: A RESOIlRZCN AUTHORIZING THE EXIIIRTQ7 ~+ AN Al~FZif 10 A PARTICIPATIQ4 Af~22lP AND AUTlONIZING TBEREBY A REDISfRIDIATON OF THE EARNII46 FUND, TU TBB Ei®(IRTOI4 OF A 17II1~ SUFP1F7HrfA1. TRUET IIi7F2NLRE; AND AUTIDRIZING ALL N~ OR DESIRABLE ACiRON BN QIi~(1'ION THERdIITA lotion: Approve _ s~ of Resolutim No. 89-24 tb discussion before the vote, The notion carried unanimously B. AE,lic hearing on an appeal filed by Mark Rredell fr® a decision of the (kmoL :ty Oevelopm?nt Board denying him a variarrx for a suhsta~ard ]ot of racvrd on the souttr+est wrner of 18th Strnet and Beach Avenue Mayor LUlliford asked the City Attorney to report on his research and review of this subject. The City Attorney explained a sub- standard lot which did not have a width of 50 feet and a depth of 100 feet, with a total area of not less than 5,000 sq. ft. could not be built on unless relief was obtaired thrwLgh action of the Cortmunity Developn=nt Board. The Conmutity Developirent Board had denied the request for variance. In accordance with the City Cede, the Crnrtunity [kvelopment Board had final jurisdiction in this matter and the Camdssion did rot have the authority to override their decision. Comnissioner Cook said he felt the City Commission should he the body for ultimate appeal on any matter and suggested this section of the code should possibly be amended, Cormissioner Jensen said he hoped in the future people could be advised of this provision atXl not have to waste time pursuing such appeals. 7. Atom on OrdinazXES: A. Ordinmre No. 25-89-21 -First Aeadirg ~ ~~~ A}481DI7iG TAE 0[~IIplll'S ~' OiP TBE CT1Y OP ATLANTIC 8<'A~i, AM@DING C[01P1'8t 6. AODPi•II4G A MINII[!1 BRIBING mOE, AtD L+fVJIDIIiG AN PFPBL'P1VE GATE Mayor GUlliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 25-89-21 on first reading. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N CUOk x Edwards x x Jat~ x x TUC10er x (iilliford x Cook x Fil~nrrle X X Jensetl X X Tucker x (AL1].iford x i.. ~ _~ PAGE SIX MINI718S NAY 22, 1989 cause congestion and create hazardous conditions. Ibwever, he felt restricting lawch to certain azeas Mould be helpful. Ccrtmissioner Cook asked if current laws Mould provide sufficient regulations and Chief 1t~on~son pointed out motorized vehicles are presently required to stay 200 feet off shore and operators could be arrested for violations similaz to automobile drivers. Dezmond Waters suggested if the lifeguazds aze to 6e responsible for policing the jet skis, additional lifeguards and training should be considered. Cannissioner Jensen said he felt access to the water Mould 6e restricted by the number of ramps available. The city may wish to establish specific lawch azeas. Mayoz Gulliford said the idea of a designated lawch area should be pursued further. Eie expressed interest in the possibility of acquiring a jet ski for the use of the police department. Fle felt the situation should be monitored for the next thirty days or so and discussed again with the Ccmnission. At this time the mayor called a short re~sa. B. fl~rtbr DlSC{L4S1On OIr evaluations of speeding on the rUrth portions of Oman Boulevard acd Fast Coast Drive rorth of 1L~th Street. Chief Thomason reported two accidents had occurred on the myth end of East Coast Drive and two on the mrth end of Ocean Boulevard in recent years. Speed was cot a factor in either accident. Efe said East Coast Drive had a higher wlume of traffic and experienmd more speeding. His recrnnerdation was to install a stop sign at the intersection of Fifteenth Street and Fast Coast Drive. This should help to slow the traffic taming south off Sa~dnole Pnad onto East Coast Drive. tbtion: Install shop sign in aowrdazge with the rrc~dation of the police d?perl~R No further discussion. The ~mtion carried unanimously. 6. New Business: A. Discussion on the adaptipt and approvaal of i~solutim 89-23 aid 69-24 relative to the City's - **iry~tim in the First Muruclpal Iran Council in the amo~mt of j800, Boo for oonstnx:tim of a rev City Ball Mayor Gulliford presented I~solution No. 89-23: A RESDIl/l'fON NN7DIIIZING TFIe Ei~.V110N CF A SHCIIl]!1[d' ANHaBA' 10 PAFUTCIPATIQI AGFrt+H~@7P BVIDH~CING A IQAN FIOI 1738 PI83P N[l7ICIPAL NAME OF COMDN35. M S V Y V N CUo1C z x Pdiardg x JaLVa~ x z 7txicer x nn 3 ; s,.,t x PAGE FIVE ~~~ MAY 22, 1989 NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N AftEr further discussion, Mayor Gulliford asked that invitations to bid be sent to cities in the rortheast Florida area and go through the bidding process again. If this is rot successful the trucks could be disposed of at public auction at a future date. 5. Old Business• A. PurtMr discvssiuis in >~s m dents by citiaa~s m the safety aspects of jet skis Mayor (;ulliford asked Chief Yhrnpson to report relative to his zesearoh on the subject. Cief ltrngson said the Marine Patrol had r'eoamended enforcarent be done by the police department and had provided then with boating citatiore and manuals and had agreed to provide personrel to train the officers. 1YFe lifeguards would he on duty daily between 10:00 AM aId 5:00 PM within a few days and they would contact the police department regazding any problems. Fie outlined sore of the safety features of the vehicles indicating the vehicles appear to he quite safe unless used carelessly. Bill Gastco of xa.ncaki presented the Crnmission with information brochures on the Kawasaki "Jet-Ski.' Ross Bremner, 1502 Beach Avenue, said similar feazs were experienced sore years ago when surfing becatre pcpulaz. [ie felt after the initial reaction died down swinmers, surfers, and personal watercraft users should all be able to enjoy the beach. He said there were only a few beach accesses suitable for laurohing of watercraft and parking was a problem Alan Hall, 1948 Brista de Mar Circle, encouraged the police d~+a+i+~nnt to cite reckless users of personal watercraft. He said ~ iae had been keeping a close watch on the situation for the past three weeks arc] had observed only ore skier behaving recklessly arcl mould hate to see the sport banned because of the irresponsibility of a very few people. Cheryl Seaton, 2250 Beachoa~er Trail, agreed with Mr. Hall arc3 suggested very stiff fines for violators. She said she did rot want to have to give up hez vehicle because a^^"^n else alined theirs. Edwazd Knee]and, Chatrau Condnsinium, said he had observed both skiers and surfers operating their skis and surfboards, while at the same tine, swimmers were swimning in the surf. Fie suggested identification of vehicles and enforcarent of regulations would 6e made mxfi easier if the police had a jet ski at their disposal and suggested Iawasaki consider providing a machine for their use. Ross Brenner said the jet ski would also 6e an invaluable tml for rescue purposes. John Bailey, 1923 Beach Avenue, cemented on the noise and Jim~ry Hill, 659 Beach Avenue, said the sodified skis are much louder and faster than the regulaz ski and are rot appropriate for the beach. He felt to restrict the use of skis to certain azeas would only PAGE FOUR MII7UlES MAY 22, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M IS V Y Y N 4. Oraitbee Aemcts A. (trs.i sr;,..or Clam Edwards, Chain of the Awar+35 ~ittee, with the recraadations of the ®ittee relative to auditors Son the upcxaauq fiscal year Camnissiorer Edwards reported the cv~m.ittee had ranked the top four firms in the followinx7 order: Purvis (lay 6 CrnQar~y, Ccopers and Lybrand, Arthur Young, aId 7buche (doss. Representatives fran Purvis (Yay and Ca~pany said they felt their oomparry was well qualified to do the work. They had been involved in governmlital auditing since 1946 aid currently audit fourteen cities, including (teen Cove Springs. They proposed a fee of ;14,000 which would include all the services outlired in the REP. I Mayor Glnlliford asked that the dbsnission be given sore time to consider the fee and for the Finance Duectnr to report hack at the nwxt meeting, after which an agrea'ent could be fornelized. B. O~issitt~tr Glerm ldsrds, duirrran of the Awards iittee, with a repcst aid rmomadatirads relative to the bids received f~ fire engines aid file Wit. Cavnissiorer Edwards reported, after considerable discussion and review and evaluation of the bids, Drergency Ore was the low bidder on the fire truck at 5178,000 and the mini-pumper at ;52,000. 1fie mmdttee reoonmerded the bids, totalling ;294,096.06 be awarded as follows: Arrow Prcducta, Ivngwood, Florida ;13,341.14; Motorola, Jacksonville, Florida ;5,651.00; 2ti?n-6 Fire Cm{.uny, Orlando, Florida ;41,845.61; and llnergency One, Ocala, Florida ;233,258.31. Bbtirn: AiiFMriw adardirg bid in acotadarxe! with the Cook Edwards x x x ~ reo~adatims of the coaarittee Jei~sai x Brief discussion followed relative to finarcing and it was pointed Tudws GLlliford x ~ x x ~ out First Union had quoted a rate 8.048 which was considered an excellent rate. The City Attorney said ad valorem taxes could not be used and he would look into alternative sources of revenue which could be used, subject to the approval of the amnission. the question vas called and the notion carried unanimously. C. O~asia~er G]am Bdwards, d~air~n of the ]Yards Ctmi.ttee, with a report and reo®datiate on bids received m used ~ » Camiissioner Edwards reported ro bids had peen received for the purchase of the city's used gazbage trucks. After a full discussion by the crnmittee, it was their rewsmndation the trucks be declarrll surplus and sold a public auction. PAGE THREE MINU145 MAY 22, 1989 At the request of Ccmnissioner Cook, items A and D were withdrawn from the consent agenda. lbtim: Appiwe ~s<~ of Consent Agenda with the exoption of itms A a(d D No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Ox~ent NASda Its A Cmnissiorer Cook asked what criteria had been used for the selection of the City Manager Search Committee. Mayor Gulliford said, with the exception of Ms. King, this was the crnmittee which had reviewed the City Clerk applications, and it was his wish to bring the selection before the Commission for their approval and any suggestions they may wish m make. lYrtion: Approve se~v.-t;.., of City Manager Seardi Coxauttce as presented No discussion. the notion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda Item D Comussiorer Caok asked for an explanation of the proposed "confuter nndeling." the City Manager explained last August Gee and Jenson had repor*~d two problems in the Buccareer system; the unequal distribution of chlorire and a problem with los pressure. The chlorine distribution problem had been corrected and Gee and Jenson had also recarmer~ded a computer modeling hydraulic study of the system to determine the mains which needed to he increased in size or replaced, to eliminate the law pressure problem. No action had been taken on that, and since hooking up the Oak Harbpr subdivision, the law pressure problem had worsened. Gee and Jenson ildicated the price quoted last August would still be horored and the wzk could be accctq>lished under their existing cmtract for water plant and water main improvarents. the City Manager further explained a mrguter printout would provide an illustration of the Buccaneer system and Barry McNally, Buccaneer Division Chief, said the price of ;13,000 would include a considerable ano~mt of field work. Motion: Approve Addenl3xo No. 2 to Gee a`d Jansm agct~ent for services fur rater treat plant and aster min replao~t m provide for tzm~»nr m~lyry of oust o ~~~ in the 9zranepr District at a No further discussion. The motion carried uraninwsly. NAME OF COMMITS. M S V Y V N Oaok x Pdiarda z x Ja~sai x x 1lzirer x (Ll l i fnni x Cbolc x x Hi+ards x x Jensen x Tlx;ker x (irlLiford x took z x Fdilards x J®sai x Txter x x ra.ni;a..,i x PAGE 1ND MINU145 MAY 22, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N 3. Carman Asada A. Adctovle~le fottnation of a search o®ittee m review and evaluate tesues for the positim of City Hassler with m®bers Dorothy Iferber, Maureat King, Bit Della Parts, and ~innir~wr Ar7n7niAu 11i~°. B. Authority far Mayor and City Clerk m execum agreematt with the City of Jacksvrville atrthnr; piny t~ disdasematt m i A~ta„r;,• Beads of 1125,000 for the g+..+,~~ of laid for a pack and 530,000 fnr capital i~coi®tts at a,~mtt Pads C. m,.+Y..~{ty Ea the Sea 11u~tle m ut; t;> the beads in fcvrt of the Sea 1latle on Jttre 10 and 11 for a Bobi Cat regatta D. Authority m ra,•in.twtm a ,~.T.,b. ~t~g of the hvdrant;.- sysbar in the Buccaneer District at a cost of ;13,000 with Cee std Ja;em m perfo>m t ~,rt;..., by, t~ y~ M w rk a f te r ,o r /~~ y y ~ ,~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ G ~ a,Y Crty Cietic Of ae ~dnm m uG4 P114f1M (~~traet 1Vl iBteL' ]np[ou~ts i. Arjurwrlalje receipt of the Sun Bank report on the status of the >,~ta.,r;^ Bearb Pamion PY>rd thrau~t April 28, 1969 '• Approval of Budget Pesolur;... !b. 89-25 m provide Y funds for the hauling of sludge frrm the Bua~r Sewer Plant occasioned by late delivery of the city-caned disposal tank .. Approval of Budget liesolut:ort lb. 69-26 m transfer fords pceviottaly appaoved by the City [t~.e; ~~iat from Public Ybrks m tM lblioe Departvart for the aoquisttim of a pidcwp tz»cic obtained by the ppt;,e >n drug activities f. Approval of Budget lir_9olutirn Bo. 89-27 m provide funds for liquidating a Ja= Mavy liar on a 1986 Pbrd van ~; d by the Art~.,r;^ Barn lbliraa Deparhaatt in drug aperatiotm. • Approval of Budget Resolution 90. 89-28 m authorize the rBWRT1rRJ ]n the City~6 acminFS Of the 1LHi1 rss~ OesGS LI ODm'IBCti011 with the Gulf ~C Inan ltol . Approval of atd7e't Resolrt;.,.. !b. 89-29 for +*_~;.Q m the imrdic~ped dare ararss rap due m stota damage . Approval of Budget earolutian !b. 89-30 far the piuri~ of ~ e7eclxmia time c]ncics f~ City Ball std the Public Safety 9n]dan9 • Approval of Budget Pesolutivt tic. 89-31 m provide fords for an assistant park direcmr for summer work at Drnner Park ,. ~~ NINfJiFS CF TES R-QBAR IHsTING of 78~ ATIJWPIC GCB CITY ooNr !QffiIQ1 RIID AT CITY 6AI.I, Qi !~Y 22, 1989, AT 7:15 ll4 PRESENT: William I. Qrlliford, Jr., Mayor/Cortmissiorer Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards Alan C. Jensen, oral Adelaide R. Tucker, Comrtissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk - The meeting was called to order by Mayor GUlliford. 2tre invocation, offered by Gamdssioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 Approval of the minutes of the Le4rllldt ~t+^~ of flay 8, 1989. lotion: Appzove mitwtes of the regular meeting of ~Y 6, 1989. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Rem4nition of Visitors Joanne Morrisseau and Roxanne Curry, representatives of the firm of Curry, Pappas, Morrisseau, which had been contracted to pmnote the mandatory recycling program to become effective July 4, 1989, presented a brief program stressing the importance of education. Ricky Raccoon, the program mascot, was introduced and a brief outline of the program was presented. Caroline Mansfield sang a jingle about recycling and invited the audience to join in. k fi f fi f t fi t fi t Fay Schaubell, 423 20th Street, addressed the m~mission relative to a fence which had recently been mnstxucted by a neighbor and which he felt was rot in keeping with the intent of the recently passed ordinance establishing a method for measuring the height of fences and walls. Ne explained at some length his ~tactr with city employees relative to the issuance of the permit and the construction of the fence. The City Manager said he felt the intent of the ordinance was that no fence should be higher than six feet. The construction of a six foot fence on top of a burro world be an apparent attempt to circum+ent the requirement of the ordinance and Ms. Angers had indicated she mould contact the property owner when she returned fran vacation and request that the fence be rertoved. Mayor Gulliford said the crnndssion rosy wish to review the ordinance to see if the intent of the Commission could be clarified. Uffi OF COMMRS. M O T I O N S E C O N D v 0 T E D Y E 5 v 0 T E D N O Oaok x FAands x x Jensen x Tudrnr x x Oalliford x s.-_ ._ k~ f r, ri ~. E .1 ,..._ ~ z STATUS...page 4 Friday morning Councilman Jarboe, of [he City of Jacksonville, presented a check [o Hayor Gulliford at Ci[y Hall in the amount of 6155,000. This represented the portion of the Jarboe 5750,000 bond issue for recreation which accrued to the benefit of the Clty. One hundred twenty-five thousand dollars will be used towards the Regional Park in Section H and 330,000 will be used for [he acquisition of a modular building to be installed ac Russell Park [o provide offices for the Yi1CA and the Ci[ys' Parks and Recreation Department. This will be a consent agenda item Monday night. The Awards Committee me[ on Thursday a[ 2 P.H. to receive bids on a number of items and copies of the minutes regarding these bids are enclosed. Also included is the minutes of the last Solid Waste Committee meeting which will keep you up to date on their progress. tw STATUS. ..page 3 available in the event the City decides they might wish [o become involved 1n the prof etc. Mr. Mayor, at [he last meeting, asked that we to furnish each member of Che City Commission copies of [he pertinent section of [he Ordinance accepting the offer of Atlantic Utilities to purchase the Oak Xarbor System so that you might compare [he appropriate sections of [hat Ordinance with Ordinance 80-89-41 vhich is coming up for public hearing Monday night. The new Ordinance is vritt en to alloy Oak Narbor [o remarket [he bonds and sell them on the general stock market. You can see vhich sections of the Ordinance are being amended and refer to the existing Ordinance, copies of vhich are enclosed, so [hat you can see exactly what is happening. In addition to the reworking of the Oak Narbor Ordinance, ve will have public hearings on an Ordinance Adopting the Minimum Xousing Code, Adopting the Southern Sc andard Building Code current edition and an Ordinance establishing a Public Nuisance Control Board. All of these Ordinances have been sent to you previously, but if for some reason you require an additional copy, please call me and I will see that one is obtained for you right away. In accordance with a request of Commissioner Jensen, ve are enclosing copies of a proposed Ordinance rezoning Lots 41-60 North Atlantic Beach From RG2 to RGI excepting therefrom, the rezoning of the lots owned by property owners who were opposed [o the rezoning. Please look this over and let us know if you have any additional questions. Please find enclosed a letter from Jim Jarboe requesting permission [o conduct Seavalk '89 beginning at 8:30 a.m. on July 22, 1989 at the Sea Turtle in A[lan[ic Beach and proceeding north on Ocean Boulevard at 15th Street, looping around Beach Avenue to 14th and back down to Ocean Boulevard and proceeding south on Ocear. Boulevard to Neptune Beach. Please le[ me know if anyone has any objections to this project. The development of Donner Park vas accomplished with a grant through the State Department of Natural Resources and the Cicy is committed to a continuing and ongoing program of recreation a[ this facility. In that regard, the Roberts Ht. Pisgah Church Board has approached the City [o see vhather or not we would be interested in purchasing some additional property adjacent to Che park to expand our recreational opportunities. The land in question is color-coded on the attached map in blue and seems to measure approximately 145' x 180'. The zest of the city-owned Donner Park is color-coded in yellw. The church is asking 510,000 for the property and ve would like the feelings of the City Commission relative to acquiring this for the purpose of squaring off the property and providing additional parking space and additional recreation space. STATUS. ..page 2 Enclosed you will find a copy of the audit engagement letter from Purvis Gray. The letter states Che agreed upon price negotiated by the City Commission at [he last meeting. If there are any questions, Harry Royal vi 11 be available co answer chem. Please find enclosed a copy of a letter from Councilman Jarboe with a copy of a recently passed Ordinance relative [o increased floes to be levied on unauthorized parking in handicapped parking spaces. I don't know whether the City Commission wants Co go as far as this Ordinance goes, but I am enclosing it for your study, and in the even[ you wish [o take some further action please let me know. Jerry Strayve and the other principals of the former Buccaneer Service Company, in order [o Snduce the Cicy no[ [o pay off the Buccaneer bonds in 1991, have made a proposal [o reduce the interest rate from 9S to 7 3/4$ over [he remaining life of the bonds. They also purpose to lease to the City for SI per year the building at Che Buccaneer Water and Sever Plan[ which they value a[ approximately $200,000. The building can be quite useful to [he City particularly if annexation of that area of Jacksonville ever occurs. The building could be used as a sa[allite facility for the payment of Buccaneer and Oak Harbor utility bills as yell as a satellite station for Police and Fire protection. Please look over the information and be prepared [o discuss the matter a[ [he meeting on Monday nigh[. It vas quite a coincidence [hat the City discussed the jet ski problem at [he previous meeting and it was followed by a picture in Saturdays' paper showing one of the units jumping the eaves at Jacksonville Beach. I am enclosing a copy of [hat picture along with an article which speaks to the safety of the skis and highlights some recent legislation passed by the Stale of Florida regulating [he use of these personal Ovate rcraf[. Mr. Greg Schenk of Atlantic Mobile Home Village has furnished us with a Certificate of Insurance naming the Cicy of Atlantic Beach as an additional insured on the one acre of land we propose to lease to Hr. Schenk for use as a recreation area in [he Buccaneer Dis[ric[. The lease we have prepared is on a month-[o-month basis and may be [erminat ed by either party by giving 30 days notice in writing. A copy of the proposed agreement is included for your information. The Maypor[ Council of the Navy League is looking into the possibility of setting up a small boat training program for the Sea Cadets Sn [his area. Don Deicz, of the Navy League, tells me the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency has indicated [o him chat a 20' or 25' sail, or motor sail cruiser-type vessel might be available for [his type of work providing the City of Atlantic Beach would be willing to accept the ship under procedures similar to Chose used in the taking of planes, ships, cars, money etc. from drug dealers. Mr. Deicz has agreed to work through us with the Naval Station Maypor[ [o obtain suitable mooring facilities. In [his regard, I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I have dispatched to Captain M1 [chell to see whether or no[ such mooring facilities might be ~~ t: L' - Fes- t :: , CITY OF rltlartle ip ae! - ~louda M E M O R A N D L M TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT i16 OCEAti BOL'LE~'ARD P. O. BOX 25 ATLAtiTIC BEACH, FLARD)A 32233 TELEPHONE 190f12~323% I understand [he Chamber of Co®aerce has another committee working on the "World Class Svim Center" concept and [he members of the committee have been asked to attend the Ci Cy Commission on June 12, 1989. I assume they will be asking for some financial assistance for a feasibility study. Nick Nicholson will bring a display board and run a short video shoving monies coming into an area which has a swim center. We are enclosing copies of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 22, 1989 along with any material from your mailbox which you had not already picked up. For your Snformation, the Florida League of Cities Annual Convention [his year will be held in Jacksonville. The convention will be held at the Prime Osborn Convention Center and you will all shortly be receiving forms for [he purpose of determining your attendance this year. I am enclosing a copy of a letter from Neil Perry to Chiaf David Thompson relative to the work of David Archer. I thought you would want to have this in case you run into Mr. Archer. In regards [o the Rredell property a[ the southwest corner of Beach Avenue and 18th Street, we are enclosing an opinion from Claude Mullis on the survey and documents relating to [his property and I am sending this along [o you for your information. The developer of the Contract Qualicy Development known as Ocean Terrace is requesting an amendment [o his proposal to reduce densicy from 14 lots [0 12 lots. We are enclosing all of the necessary documentation to auppor[ his request and this will be an agenda Stem for Monday nigh[. You will be happy [o know the Cicy has received a Uaed O11 Recycling Granc of S1I,500. We will be asking the City Commission for au[horicy to accepc [he grant and proceed with an oil recycling location at the Public Works yard. June 7, 1989 C. Ordinance /95-89-40 public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance ea[abllahing a Public Nuisance Control Board D. Ordinance I80-89-41 public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance emending Ordinance /80-88-37 relstive to the rmrketing of the Oak Harbor Water and Sewer Bonda E. Ordinance / Sntroduction end first reading of an Ordinance proposing to rezone lots along the Atlantic Ocean be[ween 18th Street and l9[h Street from RG2 to g0l end referral to [he Community Developmewt Bostd for reccommenda[lona 9. ltlaeellmaamm pnsineas: I0. Ciq Mmmmger laporta: 11. tlayor to ull an City Cs~lselmnera, ci[y Attorney, City Clerk for reports med/or tegauts Adlourment `! i' 4. Appmarsmces: A. Nick Nicholson of the Jacksonville Beach Chamber of Commerce will mks a presentation regarding a Norld Class Swim Center 5. Ca~ittes Reports: A. Comsissioner Glenn Edwards, Chairnan of [he Awards Committee, with zerommendetione of [he Committee relative [o [he purchase of a new dump [ruck for [he Public Norka Department B. Commisaloner Glenn Edwards, Chairmn of the Awards Comlt[ee, with a report and recommendations relative [o the acquisition of a modular building to be ut111:ed for offices for [he YMCA and the Citye' Parks and Recreation Department in Russell Park C. Commleeloner Adelaide sucker, Chairman of the Ci[y Manager Evaluation Co~lttee, with a report on the Comittees' findings 0o the applice[ione received for City Manager 6. Old Bmslmm: A. Approval to execute lease with Atlantic Hobile Home Village for an acre of property off Mayport Road to be used ae a recreation area 7. Bier Bmaimees: A. Action on a request Dy the developer of Ocean Terrace for an amendment to his proposal to reduce density From !4 lots [o l2 lots B. Discuealon by the Ci[y Co®ieafon on a proposal from the principals of the former Buccaneer Service Company [o reduce the rate of isterect from 9I to 7 3/4S and reduce the term of the hoods from IS years [0 13 years on the purchase Buccaneer Otili[y asd the offer to lease [o the City for one dollar a year, the old 8uecaneez Service Company building on Assisi Lane C. Diseuesion by the City Commiaelon on the deelrab111ty of Considering s proposal from Rober[c Ht. Pisgah Church [o purchase a tract of land on Church Road adjacent [o Donner Park measuring same 145' x 180' for ;10,000 8. Aetiom em Ordimanees: A. Ordimnce /25-B9-21 public hearing end fiml reading of an Ordlmnee amending the Ordlmnce Code of the City of Atlan[Sc Beach, Florida to adopt the Minimum Housing Code B. Ordimnce /25-89-22 public hearing and final reading of an Ordimnce amending the Ordinance Code of [he City of Atlantic Beach, Florida to adopt Southern Standard Building Code current edition rich revisions 4. -- ~. ~.. ctYi of eYYaxrlc assts 1P191Aa lRaYIHG MO®AY, JON6 12, 1989 Call [o Order Iavocatfon aad Pledge to [he Flag 1. Approval of [he minutes of [he regular meeting of Nay 22, 1989 2. Aecogaitlon of Visitors 3. Comment Agemda: A. City Comeieaion action to acknwledge the Florida League of Cltiee Amual Convention rill be held [hie year in Jackeonvil le. Florida in the PrLe Osborn Convention Center in Oe sober a. Acknwledge letter from Neil Perry, Sheriff of Sc. Johns County, to Chief David Thompson commending the work of David Archer, resulting in the attest of a homicide suspect C. Aeknwledge receipt of an opinion from Claude Mullis relac ive to the Kredell prmper[y of the southwest corner of Beach Avenue and 18th Street D. Gtanc authority for [he C1[y Manager to execute a gran[ award in the amount of ;11,500 for a Uaed 011 Recycling Center E. Grant authority [o ezecute audit eegagemen[ letter with Purvis Gray aad Company in the amount of ;14,000 for [he fiscal year 1989 audit F. Mknwledge receipt of letter and copy of Jacksonville Ordinance iacreaeing the fine for unauthorized parking in handicapped perking spaces to ;250 G. Acknwledge receipt of letter from Mayor Hazouri relative to Beach Renouriehmeet in Atlantic Beach H. Acknowledge receipt of ;155,000 from the City of a Jacksonville for use !n the developmnt of [he Ci[ys' Regional Park in - Section tl end the acquisition of a modular building for the YMCA aad the CSCye' Parke and Recreation Department in Russell Park I. Aclmwledge retelp[ of letter addressed to Captain John Mitchell, Co>•anding Officer Naval S[a[ion Naypor[, relative [o [he Sea Gdet training program in Chia area J. Authority for the 1989 Sea walk beginning at 8:30 a.m. on July 27, 1989 at [he Sea Turtle in Atlantic Beach enrlCe of NfEPIlG '~ AIIANPIC ®1~ CIT1C OD1lO:SSIQi NIIJ. ~D A SYBQAI. !FETING IN CIT1[ &1i1., A1i]1NliC HBACH, AT 7:00 P!1 QI N~~Y, 30I8 28, 1989, RPt THE POIO'O68 Q+ DI9Ci6SIQ1 AND ACTIONS ON 1ffi: F~dQiIlG antr+r-ic: 1. ANQU@iP 10 QNFRALT YII~ (~ AND JEl~Hfl1 Hi@ffitS 2. AW1[~ OF Pf%2 Nl1~+R PI11Nf IIFAOVHl~Hi15, PARE A 3. SDChHi19 Slims IFJ1~ ACT$5 Ail. IITffid'3PID PARPIIS ANE INVI~ 10 AT1HD :. why, he informed me the foreman for Newman had geld "we had to make s day". In any event, on June 1, 1989 at approximately 11 e. m. I was no[Sfled by Mayor Culllford that he had bean served with a temporary Snjunttfon at which time I contacted Buck Sne311ngs, the engineer in charge of the the project, and told him to get to the contractor Smmediately and stop work. It ie my opinion the City, City Attorney, CSty staff, and City Bnglneer has done everything humanly possible [o accoamwdate Nr. Blackard and hie coots ma in regards [o the construction of this needed access [o the A[lao[ic Ocean. NOTB: Mr. Blackerd !e nor telling us he also owns the North 20' of rhat le show on Ci[y mps ae 16th street in spite of the fact that eleetric poles end telephone utilities occupy parts of the apace and have for more than 20 years. This pate a cloud on the owerahip of all of 16th arras[ and the City Attorney and I have ordered a complete title search of [hie area to resolve [hie question of ownership once and for ell. w,.. After going through the regular bidding proce sa, Newman Conatructlon Company vas the successful bidder on [he accesses at DeWeea, LBth Street and 20th Street and proceeded to construct same. While the contractor vas !n the area, the question of 16th Street needs were raised again by several citizens and [he contractor wan instructed to provide the City ri[h a written quotation on the coat of building an access at 16th Street. The estimate turned out to be lees than =20,000. With this new information Sn hand, the City then began Co readdress [he situation et 16th Street and informed Hr. Blackard of our intev[ [o proceed. Nr. Blacknrd again said the easement he had furnished the Ci[y did no[ provide access from the City right-of-vay to the Atlantic Ocean. In order to verify this, the City contracted with surveyote N. A. Darden of Jacksonville Beach and received a certified survey plotted from [he easement granted [o the City by William R. Blackard which shoved the easement did in fact, proceed from the City right-of-way to the Atlantic Ocean. Based on [he survey, the City awarded a contract for consiruction. The City Engineer Connelly avd Wicker represented by Mr. Buck Snelling, was instructed to get with Mr. Blackazd end work vf[h him in all ways possible to see that the access vas constructed an far ea economically fnasible to his complete setisfact ion. The engineer Mr. Snelling, met r£th Mr. Blackard on several occasions to try and work out details of the construction of [he easement. Unable to come to an agreement, the frustrated engineers asked if a meeting could 6e set up with Mr. Blackard and the City Attorney Hr. Mullis. That meeting adjourned without satisfaction. After several other meet inga between Nr. Snelling and Hr. Blackard, the City undertook construction beginning at the easterly end of the access where no controversy ez isted and proceeded [o avast tact [he ralkway westerly. An construction of [he access proceeded through the easement in a restezly direction, Hr. Snellinge continued his contacts with Mr. Blackard. When requested by Mr. Blackard, certain modlflcationa were made where possible. A Palm tree in [he middle of [he easement created some problems as the construction continued inasmuch ae i[ would sot have been possible for people using the aeceea to get past the Palm tree tarrying theirs or other beach paraphernalls. Hr. Blackard absolutely refused to have the tree removed although it vas located in the very middle of the easement and the easement document promised "an unobstructed" access. According to Mr. Snellinge, Hr. Blackard displayed a completely unreasonable attitude in regard to the tree. Needless [o say, [he City had the tree removed putting en end to that particular frustration. At [he time of comencemevt of that portion of the ralkvay which entered [he area, which Mr. Blackard alleges ie private property, Mr. Blackard called me and asked that re stop rock because re rare crossing his property. I immediately contacted Public Services Director Pord by Telephone and asked that he immediately contact the contractor and asked [hat work be stopped until re could discuss the matter further with Hr. Blackard. Later that same day, iv the afternoon, I learned [he men had not stopped working as I had ordered. When I inquired of Don Pord ae to CITY OF 1'~4attlC $tge/4 - ~losldet. ne ocE,9x eouttvaaD P.O. BOXffi ATLANTIC BEACH, tLOamA iY9ffi TELEPHONE 180114149986 Juoe 15, 1989 N E N O R A N D U M T0: City Coaadssion PROM: City Manager SUBJECT: 15TH STREET BEALTI ACCESS It might be veil for the record to provide you with a synopsis of the efforts of the City Attorney, City Manager, staff membero and consultants !n trying to provide adequate beaeh access to the public through 15th street. In 1985 41111am R. Blackard, Jr. vent Co Circuit Court in Duval County to quiet title over a forty foot vide parcel of land rhich turned out [o De a portion of 15th Street. The court in quieting title for Mr. Blackard provided that within 10 days from the date of entry of the final Judgement, that he vas [o grant a perpetual, unobstructed easecent over [he northerly 5' of the property to the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose of ingress and egress to the Atlantic Ocean. During Chia period, the City of At lan[ic Heach vas receiving nuceroue requests to provide beach access at 15th S[ree[, 17th Street, DeLleea end 20th Sireeta. In responding to the requests of the people, the [hen Mayor Borell end Clty Co®1selon authorized the City Manager to confer with the Legislative Delegation on the pose16111ty of getting state funds [o assist us 1n providing additional beach accesses at the points mentioned. The Legislative Delegation was suceeesful in having (50,000 placed So state budget for beaeh accesses fat Atlantic Beach and the Ci[y properly filed an application for same, Concurrent with the filing of the application, Connelly and WScker Engineers rare authorized Co proceed rith draring plane end epee ificat lone for four ner beach accesses from 15th Street north. The City also obtained the necessary permit from the Depar[cent of Natural Resources for the construction. During initial evaluations of the proposed construe tfon of 15th S[zeet, it appeared [he costa would be Sn the neighborhood of ;50,000 and consequently the Sdea of construction et 15th Street ran [emporarilq abandoned. Condemnation proceedings rare filed for the access at 20th Street and an order of quick taking obtained. ~". Mow that the Ordinance eatablishing a Public Nuisance Control Soard hoe been passed, it would be in order to appoint the three kmbers for service on the Hoard. Section 2 of the Ordinance provides the Board shall consist of three members who shall be appointed by the City Commission. The terms of office shall be for four years eacept chat in the Sni[Sal appointments, and in order tm stagger the terms, one of the members shall be appointed for four years, one of the members for three years, and one of [he members for [vo years. Thereafter, each member's period of service will be for four yearn. I hope all of you will have an opportunity of being at Russell Park on Tuesday, the fourth of July for [he big kick-off ectivlty in connection with the City's mandatory recycling program. On Friday, June 30th or Saturday, July 1 there will be a special kickwff for dlstrl6ution of the recycling bins. It's anticipe[ed ths! Nsyor Gulliford will initiate the kick-off of the distribution of the bins and Waste Management will be assisted in tha distribution by the Coquina Diatric[ Boy Scou[e of America. As you kwm, the City will become a partner in [he Community Development Block Grant Programs offered by the State and Federal Governmenca on October 1. Na will receive part of [he City of Jacksonville's Entitlement Fusde which currently are ectlmated at about S1I2,000 for our share every year. The City hoe aubmltted a three year Community Development Block Grant Program [o Jackaonvilla HUD for [heir approval which envisions the cleaning up of large areas So the Frances Street. Jordan Street area, complete development of Jordan Recreational Park and Improvement of the streets in that area. Aa a member of the City's entl[lement CDBG Funds, ve also will be eligible for HUD rehabilitation loans aC low interest which are granted to low Sncome and minority people to help them fix up their homes. In this regard, Mayor Gulliford will discuss this further at the meeting on Monday night. A. eeople of years ago we closed a portion of Belvedere Street, abutting lots 603. 604 and 605 which is show in blue on the enclosed map. The street is actually barricaded off north of lot 603 and is was our original intention to close the road adjacent [o all of those lots. Ne have prepared an Ordinance to close that portion of street abutting lots 603, 604, 605 which is show in yellow on [he attached map so that it will lint up with the portion closed previously which Se show in blue. Ne are reserving a pedeacrfan easement through here as well as easement for drainage, utilities etc. If the City Commission has no problem, we can introduce Chia and set i[ for public hearing at the meeting of July 30. Nmaday night [here will be a public hearing on Ordinanca 90-89-142 which hoe [o do with amending the Zoning Code to provide an exception to the site requirement in the Planned Unit Development section of the code to allow for Contract Quality Development (CQD). ~` ,gitaarue ~iaek ' P.O.BDr r6 ATLAN7'C BEACH. PI.OEB)Aasmm M E M O R A N D U M i0: The Honorable Mayor sad City Commissioners FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: STATUS RRPORT George Bnll is asking [fie City Commission to consider accepting [he water and sever improvements in Sevilla Gardena for maintenance. We have received the ae-bunts, engineer certlficat ion and all of the other supporting documents as yell as a one year maintenance bond on the facilities. If the Commission wishes, it may accept the improvements for maintenance. Ue are emclosirg copies of the minutes of the last regular meeting for your perusal and also anything else in your mailboa which you have not already picked up. We are also including a letter of appreciation regarding the activi[iea of Officer Victor Raynor. Folloring the last meeting, the City moved eapeditiously to take care of the complaints relative to the ditch oo Skate Road. I have instructed Claudia [o work with Don Ford to see that these ditches are looked at at least every month and that action be taken immediately to remove foreign obj ecta each ae grocery carte etc. instead of resting until [hinge pile up which is obviously what happened this time. 7n accordmce rith the authorization of the City Commission, re have ordered en appraisal from Richard Hm11[on oo the property weed by the Roberts Mt. Pisgah African !fe [hodfet Episcopal Church adjacent to Donner park. We hope to have the appraisal back shortly for further consideration by [he City Commission. In regards to the feasibility study on the World Class Srim Centet, Councilman Jarboe has pledged X7,500 from his district funds to assist the City of Atlantic Beach in undertaking this feasibility study. In previous conversations with Mr. Mollie and Mr. Livermore, it has been deternined that Cawention Development Tan Punde could be utilized for a feasibility study for a facility of [hie nature which could be considered a swim stadium etc. This will be an agenda item for Monday night. June 21, 1989 -- -- _ pj h M ~.J _ --_ N P w . -- „ $ o M . __ _...._ _ . _ _._ _ . .~Z` b 41 _ Sb . Q~ P O N e ~' v m :, v P h ~ p _ ..-_- ~ J J r 3 ~ y. I` ~ e b J .; n N ~ ~ h ~ J Q -* _ ~Y ' u n Q ~ ' ' m y 133d/15 f~ i D 34/ Nb/7 /( N3l'V M ~ r u° (~ a° ~~ M G p p J ,j•o~ ~ h ~ J M 4~ Q ~ J'09 o- oe ~ O rf'bi/ O ~ P M J ~ {' ,Bb/ ~ ~ g X r ; U v , O ~ .~ 1 ~ ~ 2 0 O ~ m ~ to v C J y h ~ V ~ ~ O 0 _ p ~ s P ` ~ , +fL IL ,rl ~AYG/ 7 s/ 77 fps O o Z~~ ~ u ~ o ~ 0 ~ f N f N •~ M ~ C ~ o v ~ ~• 2~' 41' .a N ~,~, -t.r~w3lr~ s ~/Yep . ~ tu,O-! IN' K ~ ti r ti N W y ~ „ , . ~ N % ,~ ~ ~• ~ ~ ~ r ~% ~,- ~ p ~ ' / i / 3 ~ ~ / ~ r ti M . 3r ~ , )~ / ~ ~ .e// a .~ o 1 ~ ro ~ v°o .~! ,x - 133X15 ANY ~( .as ~ - .• 9f o- I N M `f b i N ob/ 1 ~ r ~ r J n ^ n ~ . ~ ~ r ti '" d ~ ~ R ~ N c ph l/ ~ n r } r e R / ~ ~ N 11 y h ~ ~~ o ., w V J ~ 11 r y h ~ O( N ~ d t~ "~ p r _ n r h ` r Ip o C. ~ ~ ~ D1 1 ~ h 09 _~-_I__-~__-_...9s 09 v P p ~' O 0 M r~ N /y J ~ = N ~ r SB ~(% APPLiCA,~Yfl)gOR CHARBE IN 20NIN0 OLA88IFICATION avR i ~ »ae Dwte FS ed r_ /~ r , Buil~inQ an7tZorring-------- ( \l/ Nwwe •nd wddreee of ^11 ornere of the eubiect propertyr \ Samuel W. Wa[ers 12D2_NOZih_ 21st-StrEeL_~___~_ Jacksonville_8eacb.._FI~_322SD___ ____ Phone ____________________~____~ , Phone _191x3752.___________ -How _ ______~._____________How _291x3252-____~_ - Mork ______ ________~__ __ .Mork The wddreee wnd legwl dweortption, ineludinp the lot, bloek and wubdlvlsion of the property to be rezonedr loLS._91ar,1~3,_f.p.WTC cnnnrvrernrk_nTra •Trr wcaru rr.nprns Present zoning of property for rhioh change of zoning alwottlowtion 1^ sequeetedt_~1~- __ Proposed zoning olwesitlawtiont_.j;(y~_---_~_~_____ _________~_-_ A STATENENT OF THE PETITIONER'S 'INTEREST IN TH6 PROPERTY TO B6 RE20NED, INCLUDING A COPY OF THE LAST RECORDED WARRANTY DEEDS AND, If faint or several ornershlp, • rrltten ooneent, !o the rezoning prtltlon, by ell ornere of reoordi or SS • oeniraot purohase, • Copy of tM purehwe oentraat ^nd rrltten cenrtent of the cellar/orneri or it an •uthosized agent, a eopy of the agenoy egreewent or rrltten consent of the prlnoipal orneri or 1f • corporation or other business entity, the neee of the officer or person responsible Sor the wpplioation sod rrltten proof that sold representstive hee the delegated authority to represent, the oorporstion or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, rrltten proof that the person Se, Sn Seat, en ottiaer of the oorporwtloni or 1t a group of continguoue property ornere, the ornere of •t least fifty Igo) peroent of the property derorl6ed in the petition suet provide rrltten coneroti The petitioner is the sole owner of the property being rezoned __~ _»_~ . -der the attached warranty deed. A eietewnt of speoial rearona tar the sKOnlnp es requesbdr FPaue+s'E~F~r~r-~znrr w.xi. ~t~ ~O' ~ City of Atlantic Death grarrted to that being on condition that a closed-end portion of Chrnch Street adjarert to my !rtV 6P. ]~mrrw~rvl~:.: tl: ~.f~..-Tr~~Y~~~_~__~_______ I i scree[ be_bui It thereb 2 strenuously objected thQr_Q~ghfare _throuAh a it was fair that I had rezonirg._ However, et that time, tM a vnra~fare fran Mayport Road to Main Street. I did not think I -----.... _. __7_°`F_ ~-nsicy + trrtw to with tM latti without haul glue rn to the city o~-,7ac ___~IeTS- --- ~ tg '-~--~--- ksonv demuds and w3~fiait-having Eo ecab'nica burden myself and my family any further than is needed and without having to open up another residential rrighborhood to thoroughfare traffic from Mayport Road. Section 2. Thie ordinance shall becoee ettective i.wdiately upon ite adoption. ~... e Psssed Cy the City Cosnisaion on tlret rvading________ Passed 6y the City Cosslssion on 2nd and final rsadinp___________ Approved se to Fors and Correctneees Yilliss I. Oullitord, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Otticer Clavde L. Mullis, City Attorney (SEAL) ATTESTS Haureen King, City Clerk ~v. ORDINANCE NO. 90-89-145 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA= AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE 20NING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONSN6 NAP TO REZONE LAND OYNED BY SAMUEL M. MATERS DESCRIBED AS LOT 5, BLOCK 3, LEYIS SUBDI- VISION FROM RESIDENTIAL GENERAL RG-1 TO RESIDENTIAL GENERAL R02i AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. YHEREAS, The Cossunity Developwsnt Board o` the City of Atlantic Beach hes considrred • request to change • zoning classiiic•tion subwitted 6y Suuel M. Maters, ^nd Arid a public hearing on save on June 20, 1989, and YNEREAS, The City Couission does exercise its porers to awend the Cowprehensive Zoning Ordinance •nd Land Devrlopwent Code, including the OZticial Zoning Map, in order to encourage the appropriate use of 1•nd, and YHEREAS, the rezoning viii not adversely effect the health and safety of the residents of the area, •nd rill not be detri- wntal to the natural environwent or to the use or developwent of the •dJ•unt propertire Sn the general neighborhood, NOM, TNEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Otticial Zoning Nap of the City of Atlantic Brach is hereby changed to reelect the ner zoning of property described as Lot 5, Block 3, Levis Subdivision crow Residential General RG-1 to Rvsldentisi General RG-2. f - l.+t uum wW T•.rJ leyuiu enl_; ul ya uu_,, lilliuy ..J J. olnuyv 7) utiLlies; tt) L, ..1 L.: ~ wLt.~,.. :, r.J VuLlac _oAli; `_)) tiluLl aut•'~ca:t ..i ArcAStc~clw ul 1:.~: arr .niUoc~. Wt.nn crption tV U.r _llo~ rVpuirer.ma,ts u3 ll.r y1,.unrJ rt Jvvc•luG~~rnt 1.. ~VV•VVVJ, ..ucL ur.y. r•vul vlll L. Jr_iyu.. te.~J tLa .~.luy ut1Ja a. IcV LI U~t ^V~11 ty Lc•Vl loymrrut <C UI~). =. ction _. TA 1.., u, Jinu~•..1~ ..1•..11 luY.u •:13 e~r.l uy..r. it. uJ.,Nt i.~u. Pau~~d LY LLa Clty Cumrn i....~iuu u.. lii:.t rrudioy______________________.__ J_u~~J ty CLo- City CVOnniuion ..u ...•rcnJ unJ linul •vaJl..y '.Illllum I. Gull iSur J, J.. Huyor, I'a ciirli r.y Ulla~u nl~fn ~~..-.i ,a_ to r~~r ni uuJ cc•r,~cl,.~__. C1 uuJ..- L. tlul li:., CiLY Al lc•r ney (CEAW ATTE;.T: tluul rvr. F:iny, Clty Clu-ak t Ai1~7IIAlu. C: tlt• 7U :. ~-I.1C .:II uLU1116IIGE J.n F. t1U1tIG TIIL OI2D 1t1A tIC L: ~ODL UP '1'lIL' LIl'Y UI' ATLAt1TIC L'EACI{, fLOkI UA; A nEI1L I11U QIAPT4:k 2a, dBl'ICLC II1, DIV2GION u JGCI'I OtI ::a-120, 1`LAIIUL:D U1117 GEVI:LL`I'n L'lIT (PUU>; L!Y P12UYIDING L'XCI:1'1'I Ot! TO TIIE RITE ItEUU IkEMEtIT; AtIG PIi U'/1 DI nG 611 P: P4'ECT I'/L: GATE. P.C 7T U12DJ.]NCD l!V TIIE C1l'1' COMM I:;G ION UI' Tlll: LI TZ uF ATLA UTIC UEACII, FLOf(I DA , _atu.. 1. :: h,. Ftra 29, Ar ti~lr 1I1, Uiyiow+. u, =~~tiur, 2a-1 i i. Lm oLy ae~~•r.drd to araJ .,., lolluv_: cunP';Elt ~a ~UNZIIG ACID SUEIUIV IS TOn kEGULAT1011;; lJiTICLb: I13, ::Ot1ZnG Atlh DUitGIV1Sl ON I(EUU LATI UtI:: DIYI IOt! Li, PLAI{NED UNCT DEV ELOPnEHT fPUU1 ~~-e. =4-120. Pe-a mi ltud u.:re: ~nJ .,i LU reyuia rmnnt.. (a) Pnrmitt~-J ue.~m. Mry u~w which iu yrrrni t.iud ua pa~. ma c-iLle by w::cwpt xor. in any di4triot m..y L.~ included in .. yl.. r.na.~d ui~xl. Jwyrloymwnt. lL> '~i tv rwquirrmentc. Minimum ..itr area auyuu rtl in yl ar. r.rtl unit tlwvrlopn~rnt iu uevEn <^> „crr.-. u~) ERCrpt sun to ii Lw u-yuirwr+ente. Ir. au der Lo ycumu to- J~~yuropmeni in srncl txvr and yuuli Ly routr•ullyd manor. at luvu~a Jenuxty uur aihr Gty Cumrni.-e,um may yr:.nt ea Vliu, Lu tL~ mxnxmum 11Le errquirumwntu vlmn Lbr Jwvrlo4a+' edemun.-ta aLc LLat r enua y va ~ Iwducrtl uuL.-Wnl sally it omc Ll.at allw~-d .....1~. enc unxny ux Lne proywa Ly. un. aVPli..,.t ion iua ~-yLxor. Lu .e ux tr rt'yuirw~mntc u a yL,r:n~~J uut Jeyt•luyena.t .Lal1'xu~l ude +rl ru vu yn qua 1 y.-tan ard.. vL UI. uJJr er-s LLr ful luvinu: 11 bull) iuy anJ ucwyaucy types; 2) hu•iyht of all str uct ur..-a.; 7) Lu1lJ my ~~atwr iaL; 5) lauJ_ apxr~y antl v.~y.-Lutxun prraea vu Lun; ' ~:_. Y ORDINANCE N0. 65-89-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF BELVEDERE STREET, MORE PARTICULARLY , HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, RESERVING UNTO THE CITY A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COlMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Ci [y does hereby close, vacate and abandon that portion of a road right-of-way known as Belvedere Street which abate Lo[e 601, 604, 605 Sa hair Subdivislan, and reserving unto the City of Atlantic Beach a perpetual, unobstructed 10 foot easement bisecting said street Co utilize for drainage, utilities, severe and pedestrian purposes over, under and through [he parcel hereinafter described and is shown on the map attached hereto. , Section 2. The Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. # # * * * # * * k # # * * * # # # # * # * # * * * * # # # ~ Passed by [he City Co®ission on first Reading Passed by Che CS ty Cammisaion on Second b Final Reading v1111am I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to Form and Correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney (SEAL) ATTEST: Haureen King, Cf ty Cletk *... ~~:. . i RESOLUTION N0. 89-34 YBEREAS, the partners of Buceaneer Nanagesent pat[nezehip wish to extend the redemption date of bonds 1n [he Buceaneer Water and Sewer Diet rite; and flHEREAS, in order to encourage the city to comply with their requests the partnership will convey to the City of Atlantic Heach real property located at 902 Assisi Laney and WHEREAS, it appearing the proposal is mutually beneficial NOW,THEAEPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci[y Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Sec [ion 1 In consideration of the conveyance of the real property at 902 Aselel Lane, Jackaom111e, Florida from [he Buccaneer Mamgement Partnership to the City of Atlantic Beach, [he Ci[y Commission hereby agrees to extend the redemption date on the Buccaneer water and Sewer ~ Dis[ricc Bonds until May 15, 1994, et which time they may be redeemed in whole or in part at [he price of par plus accrued interest to the redemption date. _ Section 2 This resolution shall Cake affect upon its adoption Introduced and adopted this day of June, 1989 William I. Gulliford Jr, Mayor Presiding Officer Approved as to form aad Correctness: Claude L. Mullis, CSty Attorney ATTEST: i i Tlaureen King, City Clerk .-,a- ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 89- 37 WHEREAS, the CSty Co®1eslon of Atlantic Beach underetande plans are underway for renouriahment of the beaches !n our area; and WHEREAS, the renourishxnt plan calla for the pulping of clean river sand onto the Atlantic Beaches during the harbor deepening project; and WHEREAS, the lest renoutiahment of the Atlantic Beaches used similar types of material which were found to be completely unacceptable; and WHESr~s, river Band is of a conaietency entirely different from that of clean ocean Band; end WNFREAS, the Clty Ca®iaeion of Atlantic Beech strongly opposes [he use of river sand for renouriehmen[ of [he Atlantic Beaches NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED by the City Cosadaelon of the City of Atlantic Heath; SECTION 1 The City Commission strongly opposes [he use of any river sand for renouriehnent ac[Svlties on the At lent is Beaches from the j attics, South to Atlantic Blvd. SECTION 2 That certified copies of Chia resolution be famished to the Corp of Engineers, the Florida Cabinet, Govemur Bob Martinez, [he Duval County Legislative Delegation, the Duval County Congreeafonal Delegation and U. S. Senators Bob Crahm and Connie Mack. SECTION 3 Thia resolution shall take affect upon its adoption. Introduced and adopted thle day of June, 1989. William I. Gulliford Jr, Mayor, Presidieg Officer Approved ae to fora and Correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney ATTEST: Maureen Ring, Ci[y Clerk CITY OF ~larlle ~iaek - ~lesida -~- --- ~ ~ ~p.~urlu#ion NO. 89-35 WFfl:AFIVS the guided missile destroyer VSS ~3p3 F. ARMS (DDG 2) is the lead ship in her class and one of three ships in that class hamported at Naval Station Msyport; and ~~~` 1~ ~ F. AO1M6 returns to her home port on June 30, 1969 after a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea with United States SIX7H Fleet; and wF~RFAS this is the fourteenth a~erseas deployment ca~leted by USS CFpHIPS F. ADNS; and wFfl:R£.~S the Departrfent of Defense has announced that f8S CIAHIpS P. ARMS will he deoomnissioned during fiscal year 1990 alxi therefore, is unlikely to deploy again; and WHEREAS the ship and her crew of about 320 officers and men brought great credit to themselves during exercises, operations and port visits throughout this deployment. ~• i$ TT AE90IVH,1 that the City of Atlantic Beach recognizes the many contributions OSS ~$ P. AOMS has made during this deployment and throughout her distinguished career, and e;nourage all citizens to join in welcrnung harc the ship atd her crew. Introduced and adopted by the City Crnmission this 26th day of June, 1989. William I. Glilliford, Mayor/Presiding Officer A2RFST: Maureen King, City Clerk ~ CITY OF ~ ~aatic $eacli - ~lotCda ~ ~-- --- W~ ~PSQ13Itiltri No. 89-36 WHEREAS, the guided missile cruiser USS LEiSE CULF (CG55) is one of three T ICONDEROGA-class AEGIS cruise ra homepor[ed a[ Naval Station Maypor[; and WHEREAS, USS LETfg GULP returns [o her home port on June 30, 1989 after a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea vi[h [he United States ' SIXTH Flee[; and l.'NEREAS, USS LEYTE WI.P is [he first Naypor[-based AEGIS cruiser to complete such an overseas deployment; and WHEREAS, [he ship and her crew of about 360 officers and men brought - greac credit to themselves during numerous exercises, operations and port visits throughout Ch is deployment NOV, '1'~REPOYE, E6 Ii RESOLVPD chat [he City of Atlantic Beach recognizes the ac<omplishmen[s of 055 LCYTg GULP during her fl rst overseas deployment and encourages all citizens of the city to ]oin in ve lcoming home the ship and her crev, Introduced and adopted this 26 day of June, 1989 Yilliam 1. Gulliford Jr, Hayor Presiding Officer A7TE5T: )taureen King, CS[y C12rk ..o,_,. . ~_~ ~ ~'1 orFl<E or GENE72AI. COUNSEL CITY OF JACKSONVILLE JAMBH L HA$$INON SUITE TIS TOWNCENTRE tlT6 VHN 6. $ORAN OEN[RwL [OYNS[~ q21 WEST CHURCN STREET u,i[[. O[rv[w.urgnTq+ TNOMA.9 R- wELO, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202-415E TELEPHONE W1/6]0.~H00 TELECOVICR 90V0."f01091 June 13,1989 Chief David Thompson Atlantic Beach Police Department 850 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE:OFFICER VICTOR RAYNOR Dear Chief Thompson: I wanted to take a moment to inform you oC the exemplary performance of OBicer Victor Raynor of your Department. On Tuesday, June 6, 1989, Officer Raynor went out of his way to assist me when my car was unable to start. In the scheme of things, that may be of small importance to many, but Officer Raynor's help was the only way 1 was able to get to important appointments that day. His attitude and professionalism are a credit [o your Department. Best B NM.F AHERTY ~' istant Counsel F:mlr CITY OF r4kfii.~tie ~eae/ - ~lnlda il60CEAN BOULEYAAD -~ ___ P. O. BOX 26 - pTW: ~T1C BEACH, FLORmA 32233 TELEPHONE190112132a96 ~. June 23, 1989 i MEMORANDUM To All Employees From: City Manager Richard Fel loos (~~ Subject: PERMITS FOR CITY WORK A[ the last Community Development Board meeting a citizen alleged [ha[ the City of Atlantic Beach inscalls fences and engages in other activities which, if they were being performed by [he private sector, would require permits. The CS[y is required to comply with all lays and ordinances the same as 41 a private citizen unless changes are made. The City as a matter of fact shoulri ae[ the example for others, therefore any work the City undertakes [hat would normally require a permit must follow the same procedures as if i[ were a private individual. If [here are any questions as Co whether or not work you are undertaking needs Co be permitted please contact Rene Angers, Community Development Director at City Hall for clarification. -- - __.__ ._._.. ,_~,~1 .' ~, I'l eves Typv ur print Su Inlt :Applicetlon Fev k79. UU APPLICATI OII FUtt •US6 OY EHCEP I'I G11• . ' Uoty I"iladi 26 May 1989 Ilnmv and ndJr'a nn of bx~~n n~~r~q/~/or 1'a nnut iu Vomrtnni err vl 1•rn~.~l uvur ' _Cido1:QD_8111..1__ .f-Se5e5REf~____ phone 3B1 Sanl:e fivc 8oulevertl - ~~- _F.t-._uml~.,..8~~yl,r Plnr_Lda_32SA8_ - _ ~ Nvrlcl _.j3R41_.2A4-3127 __....~___ ________________________.,___ __ ~ Ilo mel (904) 243-8346 Strvat vJdrvva and legvt de orlptl.en vL !Lp preminan ..n !e •Lioh !hs •Un, 4y F.n c•-p Cl m+' in x'aquvoled~e -3LL,.3z3t32S AilACl7.IC_tl olllOYDL/1________ _ _______________...____•_ .1"At.A.._4L2Gis_l.._9t7 antiF_eeocn__________,^^_ A description of the "Ups Ly Exceptlan' detiir4d, xhich shall ppecliicolly and pectic u.to rly deocrlbp the typal rharooter nud vxteut o1 tba propooed "Use Ly' Exception'! Sp¢c111n reowoup xhy tLe epplivaut fevly tha raquaat sLould Le preukadl Same ea Page 1 ~~- J i ~. CA9~~ r ~ . lpnsture of al+pll it/n•ptivwnt's ~ .y)pnoture f owner of the proparty, nuklw rtzad vgent ar me y• If Appilcstivn vannok L ngen! yr pti,vrney invlvde Lv!!er a provevaed from eppllcont to that effevl: ~ xithvut ornere sipnpa Gtrr~ Gaorfle Bull, Jr Gearpa Bu11~~~GC,.~ Applicauli- Uo no fill-Sn beyond thin pUlnl. Ile xrre r, Lv prrparad !o iovpond ~ +hv ivl l~~x lny Sf.empt - Pepe 2 - ~ ~ .. , . ///.0~ ~J ~ / ~i'cV y /O wi/C.nt S7 /Ildj. ~C.~cftt~- ~C t ,4".S i~J (/ /9CJf. ~llT / %J v NG''%1 /TT. NS /ifs y~p~EZn, Atia 7EdEC+~O/»E.Jr eF A Sit>/i/LL F ET/~/ c. CL'.vTE.C' LO.f+nJ ~• G/icc/+an+~ Ou/,~EL ~,.,,.. ~~I ~ _ . Pleoue 1)'pe ur 1'r lutin lu!e ~Applicntlon fee A7 V. VU I` I i 1 \ I ' SI ~. ~ ~ M ~kittt~ / ' ' AI'1'L 1CA'1'l oll FUII •USG !lY EXCF.1'TI UII• 4 ~ 141,Z Uot¢ 1'l ledr 2E. Ma 1989 ' ______.-y ______________ 0n~.o unJ AdJrn nr, 01 U"n.rr m~ l'wnuuk lu 1'o nnnnnlou ur 1'r u~~~lumn Lorin V. an^ Joan 8. Wllli~ms __ ~. - 1,}.ono ' 3821 Hermitage Road East -----`------------------------- ~ Worhl_Z93=23~g__----____------ _~}acksonyllleu-Florida 322'11 -_ ~ Ilomel_c~e_.___________________ Street nddren¢ end legal devoripkluu of Ura prnminnn nn to .Lion thn •Vna ! Ly q.vrpr.Lmi• Lr rnquenkndr . _.3E3_AClan_4is Boulevard - See enclosed survey For legal description ~- A deocrlptlon of tlw "Una by Gxceptieu" deniredr xhlch nhn)1 nprcliicnlly mrd pnrtlculnrly dcocribe tLe type. ch¢x-nater mrd extent et the propon r.d 'Uoe by IGlceptlon'1 t_ Requeat_use by exception-From harking-requ_rements_as per Zoning Ordinance. Zoning required 140 sp=_ces per Jesi~ed usage, 102 spaces -- ---- , _~~_Re_q_uest Alcoholic Beverage'-License 4 COP ~ - ~. i;pec111u reuoou¢ xLy 6Le applionnt Se¢ln the requent nLuuld Le grnntedl t. Restaurant should only be half occupied .during daytime use, thus should only require ha1F -the spaces ~ur•3 ng tTi7-s 'CfMl'--mops a~,d oFFiees - wiLL_2e closed during-night-time use thus providing adequate parking for ______ ___________________ the restaurant at. night. ---------------- -2~Ga¢6C_dQCS_UO~_desire_to_construot 15C seat restaurant and Site will not support same for parking, thus 4CUP license requeefed-----'-' Zon1n r lilcu mrl ~ CG 1 ulgn¢tur~ ppll rnn /nppllcont'¢ n utlm razed agent or nClorney. IS agent or nttorucy, .i uclvd^ 1Ptter Tram uppllcnnt to lLnt clleo t.' George Bull, Jr. ~. ,. Slgnntura ui nxn n+' of the proper t+}•. APplicntiau .conuot be prucenned rlt6oUt oxuern nlgnatur n.. Lorin V..Williams ' ~ - '~. r /1v J.. ~ `lay y.,:Tr: Appllcan 1.1 Uo not fill-1n LPyond khlrf polo Iloxevn r, bn prrpnred to rnnpuud to LL•• Sv1lux LrV Stemnl Pffage 1 ~ ~ ~ G vt,~h h.r-.1 PrYCi.:.ff";..;t t3'. C•Rl Inrr r_Y~; u., pw.'~ f'4;!1~ ~~(.~' '•r.-J val. ~.\,.~1~~ r-,.~:~r1.:1~.,pS~ iu rr~.c~.~.. ~ 1-v JU Sxt•_ .- ..__...- ~, Stewart Sub Replat PB-93, PG 56 Samuel W. Waters Lift Station 1207 N. 21st Street 172374-0502 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Samuel W. Watecs Lots-11, 12 and 13 1207 N. 21st Street 172374-0504, 172374-0506 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 172374-0508 s/'' Lewis Sub. PB-24, PG 92 Martha P. Nixon 1917 Mealy Stc Bet Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Willie Johnson and Macy N. Johnson 1921 Mealy Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lola Mae Johnson 2013 Mealy Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Sylvia A. Cooper 1909 Mealy Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 William E. Jobes 1905 Mealy Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Fred W. Carlson 14081 Pine Island Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224 Samuel W. Waters 1207 N. 21St Street Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Samuel W. Waters 1207 N. 21st Street Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 South 21 ft. Lot-1, North 19 ft. Lot-2; South 40 ft. of N. 89 ft. of East 3 ft. Lot-5, Block-3 172351-0000 North 49 ft. Lot 1, North 49 ft. of East 3 ft. Lot-5, Dlock-3 172352-0000 South 40 ft. of North 59 ft. Lot-2, South 40 ft. of North 129 ft. of East 3 ft. Lot-5, Block-3 172353-0000 South 11 ft. Lot-2, North 29 ft. Lot-3; South 40 ft. of North 169 ft. of East 3 Et. of Lot-5, Block-3 172354-0000 South 41 ft Lot-3, South 41 ft. of North 210 ft of East 3 ft. Lot-5, Block-3 172355-0000 Lot-9, Block-3 172356-0000 Lot-5 (Ex North 210 ft. of EAST 3 ft.; PB 43-56) Block-3, 172357-0000 Lots 6,7,8,9 and 10, Block-3 172358-0000 through 172362-0000 Samuel Si. Waters Lots 1,2,3,4,5,16 and 12, 1207 N. 21st Street Block-4 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 172363-0000 through 172369-0000 17-25-29 E Gladys B. Millis Pt Lot-4, Recd 1611 Main Street OR-4637-99, 172327-0010 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Jerry Hoey 102 Steward Street Atlantic Beach, PL 32233 Pt Lot-4, Recd OR-5703-2067 172327-0070 Timothy G. Shea, William R. Gellatly and Robert J. Rnauss 14500 Beach Boulevard Jacksonville Beach, PL 32250 Pt Lot-4, Recd OR-5648-2022* (Ex Pt Recd OR-5703-2067) *Rerec'd OR 5715-1297 172327-0050 Mealy Street Properties, a Pt Lot-4, Recd Florida General Partnership OR 5777-2273 (Ex) 2215 S. Third Street, Suite 201 172326-0000 Jacksonville Beach, PL 32250 Y.-. oe-zs z9 e Cha[lie P. Bane and Nancy Bane 2030 Sallis Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Pt Lot-13, Recd OR-3215-877 169417-0000 Lee C. Cogswell Pt Lot-13, 2051 Sallis Lane Recd OR-4889-21 P.O. Boz 295 169414-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Clarsons Colored Sub PB-17, PG. 41 Lee Cogswell 2057 Ballis Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Thomas J. Bennett 2156-6 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Mary Stewart Liptrot 1850 George Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Alma Stewart Nealy 2460 NW 60th Street Miami, FL 33142 Lot-15, (Ex S. 30 ft. 6 P[ Recd OR-5106-452) 169490-0000 Pt Lot-15, Recd OR-5106-452 169491-0000 Pt Lot-1, Recd DB K-1517-39 169465-0000 Pt Lot-1, Recd OBK-1517-41 ' 169966-0000 Recmie M. Olaes and Rolly R. Olaes 1054 Cove Landing Drive Jacksonville, PL 32233 Cornelius R. Holman 1357 Church Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Henderson Land S Lumbec Co. 2303 N.E. 27th Avenue Gainsville, PL 32601 Louie H. Johnson, William Nodge, Jr. and Philip K. Nodge 512 W. Adams Street Jacksonville, PL 32202 Chucch of the Living God Pilla[ S G[ound of the Truth 818 4th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Robert Law[ence and Suele Lawcence 335 Dudley Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Loretta R. McEl[oy 370 Dudley Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Eugene R. Fludson P.O. Box 452 Greenville, AL 36037 Pt Lot-1, Recd OR-6015-153: 169467-0000 E 1/2 Lot-2, W 1/2 Lot-2 (Ex S. 30 ft. in Rd 6 Pt in City St.) DBK-1536-423, OR-43-72, OR-3430-360 69470-0000 Lots 3 6 8, Block-1 172339-0000 Lot 4, Block-1 172340-000 Lot-5, Block-1 172341-0000 Lot-6, Block-1 Lot-7, Block-1 172342-0000 Lots 5 and 6, Block-2 172349-0000 Lot-7, Block-2 172350-0000 2. The change in zoninp 1• oanaletent rith th• Lend Developwent Code •nd the Cowpraheneive plan adopted by the city. 3. The change Sn zoninp claeeltlaation rill iucther the purpose of the plsnninp prograe. ___ 9. The change 1n zoninp rill not adversely efteot tl.e health and eatety of the residents of the alty. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ACTIONS BY THE CITY CONNISSION~ r A coeplete list of ell property ornate, a fling addressee end lrg deeorlptlona for ell property rlthin three hundred 13001 Seet the eubJect parcel ae reoorded in the lwtwnt ofSloiel tax roll the Uuvel County Courtl~ouee~ <etteoh eeperste sheets 15 nevdedl Property Ornerq and Melling Addresses - Legal Deecrlptlone 1, See Attached List. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. uuQQ~~QQ The gnat a of each and a Ery orner of the lande~ - -~~~-___ SAMUEL W. WATERS _________________________________~~ F f Appllcanl~ Do not 5111-in beyond this point. Horevet~ be f prepared to reepond to the tolloring Stesat 1 _ FINDIH65 OF FACT 1. There exlete a need and juetS5loetion Sor the change in zoning cleea151cation. YES HO -- . _ _ _. - _ . - - W M M N p w -~ h a: o ~ ~ F v ~` M o - ---. - J . .i M ~ a n Q -'-___- ~ ~, m ~+ ~ h J r ~ T m i D ~ Q r w 0 r ° NH7 /( d3W „, ~ - ~ v~ vnN' 4i' •° ~ i 4 r `~ °y o `t ~ _ N ~ r ~ ~~„ °' v `F O n' M ~I 1 Yl ~ ' ~ O C Q. ~ ~ O v -1NaW35Yd 3 ~~YDO -/ f ' o a ~ J w ~ W/ ,eb/ ~ a - r N _- ~ ti X ly ~ h `~ C P O ~ R ~ 4i ~~ h EE Q "~ w R G ~ n ~ i~ W N~ ~ ~~ ~ _ i N ~ 7 n ~ v- I ~' 3 m N t' ¢~ r Q C / / y v J .P M ~ ~ =. ;.~ ~ , o .; ~ o~ a o o m ~ J°o o e1 O ti m ` J ~ h o ~ .E[. `~at~ ,at .99 .7S ~ N n ! rv~ f ~,y,(~ 7 s/ 77 6'S ` b 133X15 ANY ~ d ~ n h 1/1 n! ~ o o I N ~ ~ ~ ~ I O p o Z-~e4" ~.' r o ~ ~ t ~ N r ~ 7 m ~ C J o r N ~ "` ' pb,~ . Ob / i i o - ~ ' fj ,09 ,. ~ „ .9r ,OF C: ~ V O 0 M ~ N rv '' n~ T N a ~ o ~B ~~ APPLICAI~ OR CHAN6E IH 2ONINO OLA68IFICATION avR i a i~a9 Ds to Filedi__ Buildin¢ anit~orring----'---' Name end eddreee of all ornere of the •ubjeo! propertyi Samuel W. Waters 1202_NOrib_21si_SYreet__________ Jacksonville_Beach,_F1~_3225D___ _____ Phone ~ Phone _291.3]52_____________ Home _291.3752_____________ Mork The sddreee end legal deeeripLlan, Snaluding the lot, block •nd subdivleion of the property to be rezonedi 1.~LS._E111CIL~_1.F.lVj.~$1!j111j,11TC Tf1N _ ATi.A NT T(' gF.Af {jam Fi.nRTnA Present zoning of property for rhlch ohanpe of zoning olaeslf Scatlon Se requeetedi_~,~___________________ _ Proposed zoning claeeiflcationi_RG_rZ______________________________ A STATEMENT OF TlIE PETITIONER'S 'INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY TO SE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF TIIE LAST pECORDED MARRANTY DEEDI AND! If joint or several ornerehip, a rritten content, to the rezoning petition, by all ornere of record/ or 1f a contract purcheee, s copy of the purchase contreot end rritten connrnt of t11w nailer/Dense/ or 1f en autliorized agent, a copy of fife agenoy agreement ar rritten consent of the prlnoipal ornerj ar if • corporation or other buelneee entity, the note of the officer or person reeponaible for the application and •rltten proof that said repreeentetive hoe the delegated authority to represent, the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, rritten proof that the person Sm, in fact, en officer of tha corporation/ or if a group of continguoue property ornere, the ornere of st leeet flf ty I50) percent of the property described In the petition suet provide rritten coneentt The ~etitioner_is the sole owner of the. property being rezoned ____ _________________________________________________ per the attached warranty deed. ___________________________________________________________________ A etetement of epeolal reasons for the rezoning ee requestedi Approximately eighteen (18) months ago, the City of Atlantic Reach granted my to that being requested by the rezoning. However, at that time, the Consolidated T.oveimenE oTTFie Zity o'I-Ju'k~ofi0i77P't~6f5B12TdT'dlZp-glanLetTttl[!-r~rlattiTic~___ only on the condition that a closed-end portion of Chruch Street adjacent to my property 6e. irtQrove3~witli cu1•verts anaan eziensTon Eo'j3Tn'tSo21S'Pttt15 OfT.T!DTCTr Street be builr_ t}vreby allowing a thoroughfare from Mayport Food to Main Street. _______________________________ I strenuously objected to this since I did not want L~itizcfi-$£reeE'being S""- j _t_horoughfare through a_resi denr,ial_ne ighborhood. Additionally, I did not think it was fair that I had to bear the total expense. of the irtQrweimhE since ims£- ~.LhC.GlDR'.Fty_¢oisg_i~rovFd did cwt even adjoin mine _ The_reforP, I forewent the replan ing of the property. If the property is rezoned, I wily e6re to achieve the cjreater densityy I tried to with the redlathing without having to give in Lo the City of .laclcsonvil7eTS danands and wt*_FiouCF~evirx3 {o eca~a'nicel7y burden myself and my family any further than is needed and without having to a open up anon her residential neighborhood to thoroughfare traffic from Mayport i Road. ((``J ~rLAn_ ~~i-Fi 7.ISSER, ROBLSON, SI'ONRER & WIL11iR, P. A. 6AR0.Y LZISSE0. ELLIOT ZISSE0. W L BOU 0.0BISON119YYI9801 ROBERT 1 SGOHRER NJRU'MD S49LNER IOHN S MJRDEUI .MK HAEL l MAREES CREGORYH MA%WELL InISAIUI B0.0WN NANCY N NOWLIS 11ME5 CCUSLBIE City Manager City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 624 OCEAN SIAEET IACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 n:1FPHONE' 9D6! 3516055 FACSIMILE ;9001350~OD1) June 16, 1989 Re: Extension of Call Date of Buccaneer Mater a Sewer District Revenue Bonds Cear Mr. Pellows: Pursuant to conversations with regard to the above-captioned matter, the partners of Buccaneer Management Partnership have authorized me to extend to the City of Atlantic Beach the following proposal: 1. That the partners of Buccaneer Management Par tnecahip will convey to the City of Atlantic Beach the real property located at 902 Assisi Lane, Jacksonv ills, Florida, as is, subject to all existing taxes for 1989. 2. In consideration of the deeding of the property as stated above, the City of Atlantle Beach will give to ue a resolution of its city commissioned to the effect that the city commission by resolution will not redeem the bonds until a date on or after May 15, 1994, in whole or in part, at the price of par plus accrued interest to the redemption date. Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation and assistance, I remain, Very truly yours, /, Barry L~er ~ ' ~~ ..... ra BL~lf ec: Jerome Stcayve cc: Donald Zell cc: Robe[t B[aid 96 a m o ~, o O N b n o n m a~~iyaD ~ "dz~~ ~~~s~ ~, 59:~ ~{<~ m m m m K` C~ W U U E F F H /i F F F .7 F F ~ x FF~'J [MFA W H G O C Q C C G pFp ~+ pG iC ~~y FOyG ~ 4 4 4 ~ 4 R 4 H ww .C Q 9: < y~ W ajF ~ ~ m m a~9 ~ 0~0 o~C m ~ W ~ a~0 iC 24[94Rf po m O M h n Mr. Richard C. Fellows City Manager - City of Atlantic Beach June 23, 1989 - Page Two $528,981.24 for the construction of Base Bid Part B, plus Bid Additives B-1 through B-3. It is our professional opinion that award of these bids is in the best interest of the City of Atlantic Beach. We have checked references on both contractors, and the second low contractor, WPC Industrial. Milmir Construction was praised highly by all contacted, and several referenced felt they were of the best plant contractors in the State. Scott Plumbing, Inc. has performed excellent construction on several Gee 8 Jenson projects in northeast Florida, and has additional favorable references from other firms. WPC Industrial does not have a record of consistent performance nor quality construction. They are several months over contract completion time for the Neptune Beach wastewater plant improve- ments, and have approximately $80,000 in liquidated damages assessed against them. They have proposed using the Belloit Company for the Part B work. Mr. Harry McNally report 8elloit was difficult to work with and executed poor quality construction on the City's Lake Elizabeth water main project. Given the significant differences in performance and the construction quality between these contractors, we accordingly feel that award of construction to Milmir Construction Co. and Scott Plumbing Co. best serves the interests of Atlantic Beach based on performance and bid price. This recommendation for award is made contingent upon the bidders providing the valid performance and payment bond and insurance coverage that is acceptable to your legal advisor. Gee b Jenson is pleased to support the City of Atlantic Heach with their implementation of these important improvements to the City's water treatment and distribution facilities. If we may provide any further assistance, please advise. Sincerely, (N"'N~ ~Y Project Manager ARM:vwn cc: Mr. Don Ford, Director of Public Services GEE B ;BISON ~~, :.... . r =o:-~: ~.. a. _. n OEE 6 JENSON =.y+sers a_ ~:s Aann.,z. nc. June 23, 1989 The Honorable Mayor and City Commission city of Atlantic Beach Post Office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Attention: Mr. Richard C. Fellows City Manager Reference: Water Treatment Plant Improvements and Water Main Replacement G&J Project No. 87-560 Atlantic Beach, Florida Subject: Recommendation of Award Dear Mayor Gulliford and City Commissioners: Pursuant to your direction, bids were received by the City of Atlantic Beach for the construction of the subject project on June 8, 1989, opened and then publicly read aloud at 2:00 PM. Three (3) bids were received for the Part A work (water treatment plant improvements and expansion), two (2) bids were received for the Park B work (Royal Palms water main replacement), and one bid was received for the construction of the total project. The bids have been checked, verified and evaluated for confor- mance with the criteria set forth in the bidding documents, and the intent of the plans and specifications. Please find attached ten (lo) copies of a project summary of the bid results. AFter mutual consideration of the bids and the project budget by your staff and our firm, we respectfully submit the recommendation that two contracts be awarded. Subject to the concurrence of the Commission, the contract for the improvements to the Water Treatment Plants should be awarded to Milmir Construction, Inc., Post Office Box 9400-A, Jackson- ville, Florida 32203 in the amount of j1,250,758.00 far the construction of Base Bid Part A, plus Bid Additives A-1 through A-3. The contract for the construction of the water main replacement in the Royal Palms subdivision should be awarded, subject to the concurrence of the Commission, to Scott Plumbing Co., Inc., 5130 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32257 in the amount of ae5+ Sa~rsan, waa .soar 3~~ . vs~s~~.::e_ ~e.na 32?w5'. a~ . vua3:. r9o l AYA6D8 COMQITEE ISINDLES ~ Y6D8PSDAY, JD88 21, 1989, 2 P.M. ~ The Awards Committee met on Ne dne sday, June 21, 1989 at 2 p.m. [o receive bids for Annual Landscape Maintenance of Ci[y Facilities. Present were Commissioner Glenn Edwards, Chairman, City Manager Richard Fellows, Buccaneer Division Chief Harry McNally, Finance Director Royal and Purchasing Agent LaVake. Three bids were re<eived as follows: BIDDER NA.NE PRICE First Coast Landscaping ;18,581 Creeu Magic 553,560.80 Growing, Ponte Vedra ;17,575 After review of the bids and ascertaining chat all figures had been cabulaced and added up correctly, [he Committee voted to recommend [o [he City Commission that a contract be awarded to Growing of Ponce Vedra for annual maintenance of [he C1 [y's landscaped areas in the amount of 517,575 effective July I, 1989. , T.. calla for 10,300 sq.tt. of relsil shop.. 19.000 sq.tt of attics spew snd • 116 seat restaurant. Th. Board rewarnds tMt the Coasiuion grant approval of sn exwption lot >8 spsoes) to the parking requi»sents snd an exwptien to •llor on praiw eonsusptlon o1 •leholie beverages st tM reslsursnt. ^ Under Old Business, the Bosrd spDroved sn spplicstion for tepee height variance by John McRsnus, rhish had been deterred until the !coca ordinance fsethad of sessuresent) mould br better defined. TAe Bosrd agreed to sllor the fence to resaln Sn place it Br. ReRanus epreed !e out oft portions of the teace so that 1! ru the saw helpbt •s the fro vast panels on !M north elde tB'1. TAa decision ras contlnpent upon Rr. RoRanus bringing the trent panel. into contorunce ss agreed •t s previous adsinistrstiw hearl~q. • In Olher Business, the Bosrd unanisously spreid rlth s suppestion by Me.ber Yoltson, that the City consider purchasing personal rater craft to W used by the lils guards. The Bosrd recoaaends lhst the oily proceed ritA nepotions vith sanutaeturars of tM ester craft to obtain at lass! one for use through the suuer soaths. Respeettully Subaitted, ~ /17 Rene' A rs, rotary Coounlty Developsent Board CITY OF r~A'aallc Mack - ~lsslrfa e. o. col n A71Ax71C swcY, rioemA mn7 TPJ.EPNg76 Bail MFnN MEBORABDUB Toy TM Honorable Mayor end City Cooiufon Fros~ TM Coeeunity Developeent Board 3ubleat~ Board Aotlons end Reooewndetions at June 20,• 1989 Your Coeeunity Developwnt Board took Lhe tolloring cations et it'^ reguly weLing on June 20, 19Hl~ • The Hoard reeouends approval of sn sppllutlon 6y Saeuel Paters to rezone tros RO-1 to RO-T. hi^ property on Church Road betreen Mary end Mealy Streets. Sow Heard webers exp»ued ^ desire to see Church Roed opened through to Meyport Roed Sn the future. Rezoning of the property rould require en ewndwnt to tM Coeprehensive Plen. • The Board granted • rest yard variange to Charles Perrltti to construe! fro net 6ethrooas in line rith his existing structure. One of the additional 6athroow is needed to eecoaodate Mrs. Perrlttl'^ rherlchalr bound wthes rho is eoslnp to live rith thee. The Perrltti'^ how Ss boated at 413 Sherry Drive. ^ TM Hoard granted • rear yard verienw to Kerl end John Grunereld, orner^ of BiJ Cvstos Cabinets, ourrently operating et 92 Yot Bth Btreet. The 6runeralds plan to deaoitsh en old •sheek• located next door to their building end replace it rith • net office and shorrooa. The varlenoe allots eonstruetlon rithin 3' of the rear property 11ne, in line rilh their existing building. • The Board granted ^ front e~M side yartl variance to Maxislno Agosto st 8y Forrestal Clrele SoutA. TM variance allots construction of • carport rlth no setback to • DOT draiwpe right-of-ray looted ad~aoeat to the property. The verience is contingent upon there being no obisotion trop the DOT end upon triwing of shrubbery wusing a visibility problw for Forrestal Circle traffic pulling onto Bayport Road. ^ The Board studied • plan by Oeorpe Bull, Jr. for developwnt of the Bennett's Motel property on Atlantic Boulevard. The plan Jun^ 21. 1989 ~ a M~1'1!C ~ xr crrY m~u, A~11R1iC m~®, xr ll:ao aM n+ PRIOIIY, JRS 16, 1989. FOR ~ PUdCKB OP Il+ ifD APPISCAtirS POR Tt$ P06Pt1017 ~ C11Y 1Q1tA(iIIt Present for the meeting were Mayor (iilliford and Nnmissiaoexs Nolc, Fdwrar'ds, Jensen aid 1VCker. Also present were City Hanager ftillows, City Clerk Ki.ig, Comaittee Member Kerbez and George Pull, Sr. ll3yor Gullifozd called the meeting to order and confirmed that each Crnmissiores had received a copy of a list of Bngg08ted questions which covered a variety of subjects such as past experiences, zelationships with elected officials, employees aid department heads aid the press. It was decided the Mayor would ask each applicant the listed questions, then give Comaisaianers an opportunity to ask additiofal questions, aid then allow each applicant to ask questions of the Co:.mission. The applicants interviewed were: Kim Ieinbach of (Peen Cove Springs at 11:00 AM, aid Steven Agnes Erna Fettering, Ohio, at boon After the interviews the Mayor said that tentative interviews had been scheduled for the following week, but since Mr. Fellows' retiresent date was very close he felt the Oomnission ceeded to move quickly. tle said he had received very positive oaments about Mr. leinbach aid had barn cautioned about hiring someone outside the State of Florida because of the lack of krowledge of the Florida Statutes such an applicant mould have. Camsissioner Fdwaxds said he had spoken with three people at a recent meeting of the Northeast Florida league of Cities aid all three had spoken very highly of Ft. Leinbach. m~isaiorier 1UCker said she also bad received excellent cvrmenta. In order that the CUSaission wand be in a positicn to take official action following the interviews on wedresday evening. the Mayor declared this maetiixl would be a special called meeting. there being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Maureen King, City Clerk 4FyFy- E~ Y { MIIUISS ~ T! 1~ Q ~ @~LLTIS~ CF 1106 ~$ ~D l~ Ci1Y ~.. XQANEIC l~l®. Qi JO[B 12. 1989 R7[t 7~ P~1~ Q+ WB~~ iHATi{IS 10 T!$ ~ffi1ZQi CF A M01 C11Y MatA($i The Heeling was called to order at 9:40 lM by Mayor Gulliford. present, in addition to the Mayor, were Qmeiasiorera Cook, Edwards, Jensen enrl Tlrker. Alan present were City Manager Fellows a:d City Clerk Rirg. 1t:e Mayor confirncd that everyone had received copies of the resuoes of the five finalists and ore alternate. Ile asked the Coamiasiorers to sugyest questirx:a which would be sent to each applicant by express Hail. The City Manager reported that Rim Leinbach from Green Noe Springs, was also a finalist with the City of St. Iwguatire in their aeamh for n rev City Manager aid it was suggested an interview be scheduled with Mr. Ieinbach as soon as possible. 1fie question of travel expenses was disa:ased and it was agreed by the maaittee the city should reimtxsse the applicants for travel expenses. It was pointed out Mr. R~yle in Alaska was planning to visit Florida and the City Manager was asked to telephone him a:d sae if an interview could be schedule to coincide with his visit here rather than have the expense of an additional trip. In the meantime. the City Manager would follow thcax)h with the questian*:a;*p a:d the CavHiasion would plan to meet again as interviews were scheduled. here being ro further i._eass;e scion, the mayor declared the meeting adjauiT:ed• Maureen Icing, ty Clerk PA(E TfiO !@llll£S OF SPECIAL MEEPIIC Jtllb' 21, 1989 3. Aw OtlpS BIB1MBa Amer B>tiaidls confiraed that each Comaissioner had received a copy of a letter h° had drafted to Mayor Trnmy Hazouri opposing the Proposed Plan t4 svwrish the beach with river said. Oon NUlfson said the North BeacMa Association had opposed the project when the beach had been ra~a:tished wlth river sand some years ago: however, their efforts had been too late to be successful. He had donntetlts from that effort which he felt might be helpful and he would give these m Comnissiorer Edwards. The City M~a9er was directed to draft a 8eaolution opposing the project as currently planned and also to write State Conyesamn soliciting their support. There being no fi:rtl~er business to woe before the Conndssicn, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. llias I. (Aslliford, Mayor Preaidirg Officer Maurea~ ALxg, City Clerk Y .. MIIKA$ OP '11~ ~IAI, MFEflrY; DY '~ A'IIAIR2C ~ Q'Ey C>OtlQgglQl BHD AT CLT1C ®1I7. CB JOrl6 21, 1985 Al' 7:00 17r . I.. (hl.l t0 Ordrs The meeting was called to order by Mayor GUlliford. Present in addition to the Mayor, Mere Crnmissiorers mok, Edwards, Jensen, and 1UClaer. Also present were City Manager Rid~ard Fellows and Ctty Clerk Maureen King. The meeting had been called for the purpose of intervi two applicants for the position of City Manager, and action reletiv~e tb a selection. 2. d]nt;n.el;,.. ~ in6exviaie of aoolimts fa Cttr 1a~finer roeition Dmsld B. ~ of Cmtle Aack, Nlc:ad~, case intxo~3~d and tM Mayor asked questions fma a suggested list. Questions covered such subjects as past experiences and aocxnplishments az aCity lHnageri relationships with elected officials, department Mods, employees a~ tM Presst strengths and wealmesses, etc. The Canmissioners then asked questions of the applicant who was then given an opportunity to azk questions or address airy mncenis M may have. aye Mayor then called a ten minute recess to give Crnmissioners an opportunity to talk infozaally with Mr. Cooper. l~l'h Hsi of Uym Bavrn, Plori.dn, was introduced at B:00 PM. He was asked the questions fran tM suggested list arcs then the C®nissionera asked their individual questions aId responded to those of Mr. Hester. Tfiis was again followed by a t„^ minute recess to provide an opportunity for the Oamdssimers to talk infoaffilly with Mr. Hester. Tfie Mayor reconvened tM meeting aId asked the wishes of the Ctmni.ssion relative to tM four applicants who ha8 been interviewed. O7adssirner Cbolc cooed the pasitim be offered to Kis ro+,+e.a. of (x'eet Ootie Sprites. ale aotim wm sacafdad by Amer » aiN was unaniaoomly approved. It was the general oonaensus the caliber of applicants was nmellent arcs all had been highly rated, Discussion then ensued relative to wMn Mr. Ieinbach would be available, and salary and benefits which mould be offered, whereupon it was decided to offer ;45,000.00 per year, Other benefits would include health insurance, sixteen vacation data Par year, his choice of ~*{~°"°^t benefits through tM ICMp plan or tM city's retirement city vehicle. sYstev, and a At this point the Mayor requested a brief x~eoess eo M mild telephone Mr. Ieinbach to see if M was agreeable to the city's offer. Upon rewrrvenirg the meeting tM Mayor reported Mr. Leinbach had indicated M would accept the offer and it Mss the gereral m~aenaus it was rot necessary to rank the other three finalists. ~' PAGE EI.1:V1N NINNIES JIP1E 12, 1969 NAME OF C.Ol~.BtS. M S V Y V N Fie also pointed out an item in a Natiaul league of Cities publication which reported the senate had refused to fund the war on drugs and that cities throuc)lrout the mim~try had been requesting that the artount of f820 million be restored to the budget to ford this effort. He requested a letter be sent to our state senators strongly supporting the other cities in their position. p~s~s:...ar H3+atds repa:ted the question of the unfunded state mirdates will be on the 1990 ballot aid requested that every effort be made to inform the public on this matter. He also said the city needed to proceed with plans for the consolidation of the Atlantic Beach aid Buxaneer plants. The City Manager said data provided by the recently installed flow meters indicated the city is rot in a crisis situation. However, several large capital improverents would soon be needed in the Buccaneer plant and he felt the city should proceed with developing plans and specifications for the consolidation and advertise under the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act. There being ro further business to care before the crnmission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 lM. William I. (U1liford, 1r. Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTESI: Maureesi King, City Clerk PAGE TfN MIMIIPS .TUNE 12, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N B. Or+dinenoe Ro. 90-89-IM -First Reading AiA 01O71011i7s A!@DI1R; 7~ OIiDIIa11(8 ~E OF ~ CITY DF A17AN1TC B®i~, PIORIDA/ AM@DIMG C&1P18i 24. 178 X5718 ZQ~ 4O17i41R8 AlD 7lHD DeVIIaltHPP Q7~ RY AMF3DIllG 118 OFPICIAI, F41P 7A R6EDt8 IO17ia 41, 42, I5, 46, 47, 48, 54, 59, AND 60, liI[a1E ATfAN1TC BBl1~ QIIT ND. 2 F101 I52 1>LSIffiiP7AL GHd+RAL Knmrvra . FAlIILY 71) IGI R>?5111~'IAL ($$qL 170 FAMLI~(, A!D P[WIDING AN BFFHTIVB 0117E Mayor O:lliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-89-144 on first reading. ~°~: APR P~9e of Ordinance No. 90-09-1M m first Ooolc Bd+ards x x x reading asd xe5er m Oosnity Development Board J et:sen x x No discvssi.a: before the mote. the motive: cazried ,•ti,+;,~,,,=ly n~ite~ , x 9. Mig++l la,r,ry,e BIffilrleS6• 10. City FUnager Reports. The City Manacp_r reported the Buccaneer District had experienced a sewage spill of abort 20,000 gallons on hbnderwaod Rcxd on June 1 , 1989, a:d city a~ployees had beer. assisted in the clean-up operation by lhvimmmntal laecevery personnel. tie said the problem had been resolved and requested authority tD pay the Environrental Reewery inwice in the amount of 56 127.15 on an emergenc basis Cb l , y . o c x llotim Authorize payout of HtvirotmmaMal Recovery irnoioe Fdwar+3s ,TeRga: x x x x Nb further discussion. The motion carried unanvrously. 1hc9mer ~T=r .,a x x 11. flavor m cell on Citv ~issimers City Attorney City Cleric for reports mld/ar reouests ~ The City Attorney repotted Mr. Blackard had gotten a tengor ~ restraining order enjoining the City of Atlantic Beach fr an prooaedrng any further with the construction of the Sixteenth Street beach access steps. Fie said he felt the judge was probably rot aware that Mr. Blackard had given an easement veer the property where the steps are being constructed. the case had subsequently been reassigred to the original division in the circuit ca¢t which had rel,dered the final judgement giving the city afive-foot easenent for access, a:d he felt the ratter would 6e quickly ~ resolved and the work mould be crn~leted. Oaolc inlimired about the legality of a a 6-foot fence on OCean Boulevazd. 1fie City Manager reported the fence had been =netted without a permit and the property owner had been notified of the violation and if it is rot corrected, this mould be a matter for the CUde FY:forcecmat Boazd to handle. PAC£ NINE MINUl'FS J[R~ 12, 1969 lotion: Approve passage of Qrdiiwxz ro. 95-89-AD on fir:al ~M No discussion before the wte. 1fie notion carried unani~>.sly. D. Ordiiiaixx: No. 80-89-41 -Public Hearing AN OI~I2ANLE AMBNDING Di9ItY4iE NO. 80-88-37, RBIASINC' 10 7~ OAR HANBON FW1ER AND SH~t DLSIRICT AND OAR BAliBDR NPYQ~It AND S®~E8 DLS1RICf I~VHiDE B[7iU^; PIOVIDII~ POR AUII[HtltfD DF2Rll~A1TOtS AND OI+ BQll6t A!@>O3?t; TII4R5 PLR2 PA1QHdf AND 1~12Q4 OP BCNDS II~RRFJlSII4G DEBT SERVICB OUJEItA(i: ie~[1II~3T15: II>SSIDlli; A mVHLINf 1O B~, 'P !1!O APPS lEQ1ii.Y AVAIIAH[E !IIi-AD VAiQ~I PSVHiBS POH PAlaHlf QF 1EC HClilS; APPDINPIIR; A SiJ0~90R PAYITR', AffifP AND NBGISfBAN: APPRIVII~R; A HH7PPFRINC CII43AAR AND N@pHICETiN(: OP 17iB EOtiLS: AND P1WIDIlii AN EPPHCl1V8 DAZE Mayor Qilliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 80-69-41 on second aid final reading. Said ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter requirements. Rhe Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing and invited eamients frgn the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the ordinance, the Mayor declared the public Hazing closed. Notion: Appzoue passage of Orrli,wrve No. 80-89-41 m final reading In discussion before the wte, Camdssioner Jensen asked for clazification relative to the use of non-ad valoran revenues. Dan Liverrore of Livermore, Klein and Intt, said the city could expect to pay from those sources, however, it would not be necessary to pledge those revenues. Iie explained the unden+riters for the burls had requested this change in order tv Hake the boils nore easily marketable. The City Attorney explained the city had entered into a mazketing agreement, based on the assumption this wind rot cost the city any additional revenues. Mr. Livermore pointed out all the changes other than the non-ad valorem revenue cFiange, had already been agreed to at the time of the closing. However, he said the city was not obligated to agree to the non-ad valoren revenue change. flirther discussion followed during which reservations were expressed relative to ornmitting the non-ad valorem revenues and Camussioner Jensen amended his imtion as follows: ANHit® MDTI(I7: Delete all reference to o®m~errts to pay frpBO non-ad valor® revaax~ aid approve passage of Ordinance No. BQ-89-41 as aided No further discussion. The notion carried unanimously. NAME OF COMMNS. M S V Y V N Oook x Bdtrards x x Jaisai x x 1Ldoer x Q:lliford x E3aards x Jensai x mdi x Fdsxds x x Jenaen x x 1lxyrer x (]rillfrn~i x PAGE EI(dR' MLN[IIES JUNE 12, 1989 I NAME OF COMM6S. M S v I Y ' v N 'hie City Manager explained the additional lard would provide access to the park from amain thoroughfaze but it was his opinion the property should be appraised before a decision was made. It was the general feeling of the Cortmission this would represent a north while purchase for the city aId the City AHnager was instructed to proceed with the appraisal and report back at the next meeting. 8. Actin on Ordir~atcps: A, fMiirwrrp go, 25-89-21 - ArbliC Bearilg A9 OlaII'Yft><E AlH~DII1G Tl~ 0[ODAN(E CLt06 OP 1!~ C11Y OF A77ANPIC 801, AlBDIlR: Q1P~t 6, AOOPPIlG A MII~ID[M BQ06ING ®E, AtD PIOVIDIR: AM HPPiI!.7iV6 t»'!E Mayor (#rlliford presented in full, iIl Wrltillg, OL•7i narvw Np, 25-89-21 on second and final reading. Said ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter rarn+i ~<+++~nts. 1fie Mayor opered the floor for a public hearing and invited camients fmn the audience. Since ro ore spoke for or against the ord;.u.,m, the mayor declared the public hearing closed. Cook x i ltrtim: Apprvue passage o£ Ordir~arrce No. 25-89-21 on firml o+~+^i= x I x reading Jensen ' x x , Tudrrs x ~ No discussion before the wte. The motion carried unanimously. p,7l;foxd i x S. ~dvw~ee lb. 25-89-22 -Public Hearvg Ali QOIIAHS AMH~DIIiG Tim 09DIIif1TAE OCi.7e OF 196 C11Y OF ATSJWPIC liAf®. A!l8lOI1C Q1Pffit 6, AOOPlII7G 19E 90V1ffid7 STAIOAI~ BOIIDIMG ~ C~HiP l~D117CH, AtD PlOVIDII~ Ag EPPBCfIVE IIA1E. Mayor (;ulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 25-89-22 on second and final reading. Said ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter requireients. The Mayor opened the floor fez a public hearing and invited camients fran the audience. Since ro one spoke for or against the o+-~i~~, the Mayor declared the public heazinq closed. CUOk x , ltrtian: App:cue passage of Ortiinanoe !b. 25-89-22 m firol Jam ~ x reading Fduardg x x TIICXeS x x No discussion before the wte. The motion carried u~ninously. p,+l;ford ~.x j C. CktL*+~9 !b. 95-89-10 - Rblic gearing AM OImI~BAE 1+3fA&dSFmt' A PIffiSC l ~Pl~. BOAId) A!D PIOVIDIM; AM EPP8.7IV6 ~ ~ Mayor Qnlliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-89-40 on second and final reading. Said ordirance was posted in accordance with Charter requirmients. the Mayor. opened the floor for a public heazing and invited cements from the audiecee. Since ro ore spoke for or against the ordinance, the Mayor declared the public heazing cla9ed. PAGE SEVEN MINUIFS JUNE 12, 1989 6 Old Business: A. Approval to execute lease with Atlantic Mobile H®e VilLage for an aQe of p~zeperty off Mayport Road to be vend as a zeczeatim area The City Manager explained the lease had already been approved contingent upon Atlantic Mobile FiCme Village providing insurance with the City of Atlantic Beach as additionally insured. The city had subsequently received the insurance donarents. Motion: Authorize ei76PSIllg illt0 agzeement with Atlantic ~. Mobile 9me Village for L3ase of paopezty as ~~ No discussion before the wte. The motion carried ++~a~;m~+=ly. 7. New Bllsiness• A. Actin on a x~uest by the developer of Ooaan 7Yrraoa for an ameldvrnt to his peoposal to ze3z>? density frm 14 lots to 12 lots The City Attorney explained changes were not requested in the covenants and restrictions or the quality of the developmnt. The only request was to reduce the nuHler of buildable lots fran fourteen to twelve arcl Mr. Akel had provided the City-Manager with copies of the revised plat. Motion: Appzove rniv~ttn.. from 14 to 12 lots old approve amended plat In discussion before the wte, Comaissiorer Jensen asked whether this was similar to amendvK7 a PW and whether this action shro,t.l be done by ordinance. the City Attnnxy explained the quality of the development had already been approved by ord;.,a.,~, this action was to approve the revised plat. The questron was called old the motion carried ++++~ mm+~ly. B. Disaussion bf the City Co>•isaion on a prapoeal from the principals of the fo»~er Bnor~r Service Coapany to re'37ce the rate of interest frm 9i to 7 3/4! old xe3xx: the try of the bonds from fifteen m tl.;+a,m.. years on the purl~ase of Bllocaneer utility ard the offer to lease m the city for ore dollar a year, the old Buccalxier Service CDrpaoy building on Assisi Lane This item was withdrawn from the agenda C. Discussion lly the City Qmissim on the drBirability of mnsidPSvq a prt;nsal fxoa Aobrrts Mt. Pisgah Chvr~ to ,^~++~ a tra[.t of land on Chiu+dl Boad adjacs~t m Ou.x~ Park seaalring some 145' x 180' for ;10,000 NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Cbolc x HdYarda x x Jafsen x x Tixdaer x (x+11 i fnrA z Ooak X i Hlarde z z JaLS® x 1Umer x n,l l; a,~.l x C. eve was bar the inc dr be list the to In have 111c 3 Aide by P~ Prot said ~Y at 17ie a 3 the Mayor PAGE SIX MINUIFS JUNE 12, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y Y N O~aisairner A.~i~i,b 1lxdvei, Quid of the City 4Hnager Evalmticu ~ittae, rlth a rnport m the o®ittee's fL~dirx}a on the apPLiostions xernived fro Qty !tanager issicner 14cker reportrd the cavnittee had met twice and had oafed approxvu~tely ore hundred applications. A point system established to grade applicants on education, experience, essiorulisn arc! location. the City Manager had checked the gnxuds of those short-listed and the oonmittee presented the s of five £inalists arc! ore alternate. She explained due to provisions of the City Charter William S. Fbwell had not been ulled in the finalists. issioner Cook asked that the City Attorney be instructed to whatever or~i;~~ was necessary to allow Mr. Howell's name to added to the list of finalists. 1fie City Attorney said the fission could act as a whole to add whoever it desired to any arc! Cannissiorer Cock asked flat Mr. Howell's name he added to list. Mayor QAlifozd explained the Commission was enpwsra3 consider arty additional name, however, the Qurter, as it ds, precludes Mr. Howell from serving and an amendrent to the ter would be required in order to. oon.5ider his application. lbtirn: Itmtruct City Attoaiey to dray wfutever ordirranoes Cbolc H3raals x x x have m be dram so it mould alloy 1~. Howell's two Jensen , x to be added to the list flicker x x bother discussion, Carmissiorer Jensen asked whether the (ii]].iford '~ I x went to the Qurter could be done in time to meet the :a~eit date of the current City Manager and whether this would any impact on the ornmittee's remmrndation. Conmissioner n pointed out an o*+i;~~..~ amending the Charter required a y advertising period. Mr. Mullis added that order the dome Rowers Act, charging or abolishing departments mold be done runiivoi>,s mote of the body, or an emergency ordinance mold be ll by two-thirds mote. Cavnissioner Jensen said he had a mi with changing the rules for ariyorie. Commissiorer Edwards while he supported Billy Howell, he felt charging the Charter ~ resent additional problems later. 4illiford read a prepared statsrient, a copy of which is ied tieretn. question was called and on roll moll mote the motion failed on 2 vote with Caondssiorers Cook and 7UCker voting in fawn and ssioriers Edwards arc! Jensen and Mayor Gulliford wting against oticn. GUlliford called a brief workshop meeting following the ssion meeting for the purpose of discussing procedure for iewing the finalists. i Crnm l f k ruroe L Comm aw stan Quar ke Oka u se l p Mayor tall - Crnmr v Camu interv PAGE FIVE MINUIFS ' JUNE 12, 1989 Bill Dorsey, Chairman of the Jacksonville Sports a:d Entertairnent Crnmission, and a resident of Atlantic Beach, said the Conmission is responsible for bringing major events to the Jacksonville area, and outlined the type of events he felt would he attracted to such a facility. Fie said he had visited Indianapolis and presented a drawing of a similar facility in that area which featured a diving pool, a conpetition pool, and an instructional pool which could also be used for exercise or therapy. Discussion ensued relative to other possible uses for the bed tax revenues aid doubt was expressed as to whether a parcel of land was available in Atlantic Beach which would be large enough to accamalate such a facility. In the meantime, the city manager was requested to ca~pile any available information relative to the bed tax for further discussion at the next meeting. 5. O~ittee Deports: A. cYfwn; ~iorer Glen saar.la, C1ait>~ of tla bards ~ittee with rec~adations of the m~ittee relative to the purr3ase of a ner deep tnxic for the public aor'ks departaact Cmmissioner Edwards reported three bids had been received and after review by the ccmaittee, it was decided the bid of Nike Davidson Ford of Jacksonville met all the specifications a:d was necamerded as the lowest and best bid. - lbtim: hard bid for the parrhase of a new deep truck m Mike DavidaQ: EtRd at a oust of f22, 367.46 No discussion before the vote. the :moon carried unanimaisly. B. C~ssiornr Glen &3+ards, ClV•ir®l: of the A;azds Cimittee, with a report aid xeooardations telative to the aczlltisitim of a nnfi+lar ~uy]~g to be nN ltsal fts offices fior the ]aCA ald the city's Parks aid Aaseatia; at R>ssell Fork Crnmissionez Edwards reported four bids had been received for a mdular office building for Russell Park. 'the ca`mittee reviewed the background of the bidders and it appeared the hest and best bid was that of Geloo Space of Jacksornille. lbtia:: hard bid for the p:m3wiye of a m3:7ar office building to (;elm Space of Jadmolnille in the aeeant of 128,629 In brief discussion before the vote it was pointed this building was being purchased with monies received fran the City of Jacksonville for recreation pnsposes. ;30,000 had been allocated for this purchase and the savings would ruin in the find for recreational purposes. NAME OF COI~7RS. NI S V Y Y N Qlok : H3erda x x Jensal x 11xioPr x x GLlliford x mole x Fklianis x x Jareeo x ltxioer x x cariltford x PPl,£ FpUR MItifTiP.S JUNE 12, 1969 NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N I. AdmovLadge reoaipt of lefts addrrzsssi m Captain Jahr Mitdrell, O~odirg Offi[ei• Naval RFah;m, Mayp~t, relative tD the Sea Gdet Trwinim Picx¢a• In this area J. Authority for the 1989 Sea iialk beginning at 8c30 AN m July 27, 1989 at the Sea 1latle in to ~~*;~ Heath ~ inqui.ry as to whether anyone in the audience wished to address airy Caneent Agenda iten, t>ar Wolfson, 1725 Reach Avenue, directed the attention of the Onmi.ssim to Iran G. Mr. Wolfsai said lre was opposed to the proposal of the Army Carps of Fhgineers to du~p 'clean river bottao said' from the St. Johns River on Atlantic Beach. Wtwr this had been done sane years ago the material dusped included shredded tires, cans, g]asa, garbage, and silt and alttxxx~ it tad been buried in a trench, over a period of tyre this material lashed to the surface aid becrose a hazard on the beach. Although the beach has been ezoded, the said is ra+ white aid clean and it weld he Mr. Wolfson's wish if the beach cannot ]re xeinurished with clean ocean sarcl, that it be ]eft as is. Fie pointed out the beaches at Neptune aid Jacksonville beach were scheduled to be renourished with ocean sand. lte requested the Caaatssim tc protest the plan as currently proposed. Mayor Gulliford pointed out the Wnsent Agenda singly acknowledged ter aid was rot an indication of approval of the receipt of t h e l et , ., ,, „, w a plan. Be requBStst ~n1881oner Fihnria tD dleck lllt0 th18 IllattPS aid report back at the next meeting. Ooolc x x lii3+aids x x !brim: Appcoue passage of the Oooeest Ageda as prrearted Jei~ ~ x lUrJss x '171e vl0tidn CarTled .manirtr~..nly, Np d1 nr~.nnial bafore tlYe VOYe (~+llifrm7 x . ~. ~ne~Al0e8: A. 91dc Nidnlsm of the 7aclrnonv; I7P Haab [7~ Of CY>•rice will silos a pcmartatim regarding a McaLi Class evlm Oeate[ Nick Nirinleon, Q~ai®n of the Com~mity ileveloprent Caanittee of the Beaches Q»ber of Camierce, requested the City of Atlantic Beach to ford all or a portion of a feasibility study upon which owild be based funding, managmrznt, aid where the facility mould be located, etc., o£ such a cvrQlex. fle said the Qianber felt this facility would benefit the youth, the elderly, the business community aid the medical profession for use Sn therapy aril xeaeardr, aid suggested the city consider using its bed tax revenues tc fold the study. aid further suggested the city wnsider wlunteering to act as the ~+^~=tratar for the feasibility study. 2Uni Bonfili, vice chaizman of the Comamity UetelopoPnt Cnvnittee of the Chamber passed ou[ *__~_.._ aril hicklighted the uses of similar facility in arotlw.r area. PA(~ 17B~E l4IIilT1FS JUNE 12, 1989 inches. He asked the mmdssion for direction in light of the fact he had been issued a permit to eonstiuct the fence. Mayor Gtilliford requested Mr. Wheatley to fully donment the events which had transpired. 1fie city meager said he felt M[. Wheatley needed to oamly with the instructions of the cede enforc,~nt officer. A part of the fence had been cut down and was now in ernpliance and if Mr. Wheatley would follow the durr*;,.. of the Code F2iforcenent Officer, the situation would 6e zesoltsd. Mayor (?rlliford said this was a matter the Axle Htforcasent Board should resolve. Mr. Wheatley said he felt his fence was built in accordance with the design and specification for which the permit tad been issued, however, the Code fhforoemertt Officer did rot concur. Mr. Wheatley was advised tie could appeal the decision of the Cbde Enforcarest Officer to the C<xmamity De.elopient Board. I 3.~ (bnsatt Agada: . A. City Oo®issinn action to adanrledge the Florida league of Cities Aural Cta7vatGion will 6e held this year in Jaricamvi77n, Florida, in the Prise Oahma COnV@ILiail O®6P.r In DCtOher B. Adaarledge letter Etta Neil Perry, 9rrlff of St. John Gasify, to Chief David ~ ~9 the ta77it Of Bavid Archer mwltlag in the arrest of a 7.,~t.~;,7o ampaceY C. Aclatorledge tt7oeipt of an opinion fxta Clattde !ul].is mI,M:Oe ha the Eredeli property to the eout~t corner of Bead? Ave7ne and 18th Street D. (iactt autffiity floc the City to ~++~ a grmt a~anl in the atartmt of X11,500 far a need oil recycli7g ~ E. Giant auttraity to e7aa~he audit ®rpg~t ]efts Vith Aavis Gray and Ct7ap7aty in the a7a7mt of ;14,000 f~ tLe fiscal year 1989 audit P. Adatorledge Zeoeipt of faits and mpp Of .Ta,far.,vi77s Orditaroe increasing the fine for u7a7rtAtabal ps¢kiag in ta7alicappad larking spaces to i<250 G. Adatorledge rec7:ipt of letter bra Nayor Baxw7ri relatita! to 1>~ rataurisl77tent in a«7...r;,. g~ H. Aclolglletige raoeipt Of ;155,000 izt>• the City Of Ta.i,u~.w+777n far use in the developaest of Use dty's regimal peck in ^~*;m H sad the acquisition of a aodalar batldiag fa the 50[71 eId the dty's Parks a7d Depert>ett ]n 77nmw77 Park NANOi OF COltt4H3. M S V Y V N PAC£ 1NA MII7lTi'F5 JUIg 12, 1989 NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N Mary Fthite, 310 Skate Read, addressed the cannission on behalf of the residents of Skate Ibad area relative to the drainage ditch Much nau; behitd their hones. She presented a petition fmn the residents along with pictures showing the neglected and overgirown ocediti,on of the ditch. She said the residents have problens with atalces, rodents, and mosquitos and stressed the need for urgent action. . 'lhe city manager reported the city expended about ;25,000 recently to have that ditch, along with others, evaluated fors an engineer- ing stacd~»int relative to closing it in. 7t~e mst was estimated in the neighborhood of ;400,000 and there was a question as to whether the St. Johns River Rater Managaoert District world allow this ditch to be closed in because of the press for allowing storm water to seep into the soil. Ne reported this ditch had been cleared within the last year aId the city had a contract for regular sprayiig, however, he adagwledged that a pmblas existed. l4syor GUlliford said he would personally get with the city ma~gPs and lode at the ditch aid Dose up with a way to effectively clean it. However, ro mvsitsent could be made to close it in, but in the meantime the city is awaiting the engineering report relative th the city~+ide drainage systas. Jody Ford, ou;.,~n of the Beautification Caimittee, said the camittee had been oor~centrating their efforts on having illegal signs rasoved. She requested the guidance of the cgmission relative to the pro~re to he taken when letters requesting the x~val of the signs had been igrored. Mr. Fellows responded that the city had tried to work with people a6 such as pos63ble and get them to Obey the Law but 6aid it was laposeible to enforce the letter of the law. but rather, that the city tried to enfarce the spirit of the law. tie indicated the casplair~ts had been turned over to the Ode Fhforcemetlt Officer but flat due process would take time. Mayor Glillifard said he felt the city should establish a timetable for handling Oooplaints of this cature so the Beautification 0®sittee would have some idea Morn the violation would be corrected. Lt was f„rrl.o. suggested that violators should be given a ~~+7e of fires and peialties. Jim Fl~eatley, 2008 Selva Madera Court reported M had constructed an 8-ft, fence. w1Mn he had been Snforned the fare *~ the height permitted by city n7de he r~•ed the fence and rebuilt it m a berm aid had beat further inforned he was still in violation. He had since then cot the height of the farce da+n considerably and was told in places his fence exceeds allowed height by score seven ~- r NIIiTRS OF T18; I~AR M66f1N(' CF '1ffi AtI1WrIC B8AL9 CI1Y O]M- NL'aSION B6ID M CC1Y ffiJL QI J018 12, 1989, AT 7:15 Rl PRFSElTf: William I. GUlliford, Jr., Mayor/COmnissioner RY~ert B. Q~ok, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards Alan C. Jensen, and Adelaide R. Tucker, Crnmissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager Claude L. Millis, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk inwcation, offered by Clrmissiener Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. ARawal of the airu0es of the regnlar ~aettrq of Nay 22, 1989. !brim: Appoue minttes of the regular saetiig of Nay 22, 1989 No discussion before the wte. The motion carried nni~imm,sly. 2. Ascognitim of Viaitozs: Michael Besamm~, 1070 Ocean Boulevard, addressed the Omnission on behalf of the residents fran Rbnth to Fifteenth Street relative to speeding m Ocean Boulevard. They presa:ted a petition with twvrity~ight sig~tues requesting the installation of stop signs at 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th axd !5th Streets. Fie said the 25 MPH speed limited which is posted was adequate, however, in his opinim, it was not being adequately enforced. Others tAio expressed support of the petition were Sandy Bell, 1175 East Coast, Gail Cooper, 1178 0-ean Boulevard, and Connie Besaneor:, 1070 Ocean Boulevard. Lt. Va:derWal said studies had teas done on the traffic in this area and while a pmblem existed, it was rot faaid to be as aev~ere as the residents indiceted. Additional. officers were being t*ainwt in the use of radar equipment. Dearocd Waters, 1835 Sanirole Ibad, said he felt stop signs would not solve the problem and although speeding was a problen, especially on Semimle Read, airy more than ore additional step sign was unthinkable a:d would rot be supported bf the North Beaches Association. Mayor Gulliford asked that the police department look into this natter again and requested the city manager to report hack at the next meeting. Ug OF C014T91S. b O T I O N S E C O N D V O T e D Y E S V O T e D N O Ozic x Bl3erde x x Ja~em x R1:doer x z Gltllifiord x JUNE ~ btm~tla ar 3y~ ~~~ i._