07-27-87 yil~ 11. Action on Ord lnantes: A. Introduction and firsC reading of Ordinance No. 95-87-32 authorizing [he Mayor and Ci[y Clerk to execute documents in connection with the exchange of property be[veen the City of Atlantic Beach and Che Planned Unit Development of Selva Links ide, and se[[Sng of a public hearing for August 10, 1987 B. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 65-87-16 ' vacating, closing and abandoning all of Lot 725 and [he vest fifty fee[ of Lo[ 736 in the Saltair subdivision and setting of a public hearing for August 10, 1987 12. Miscellaneous ' Mnyur to call on Clty Cmnmlaalon cra, Clty Clerk, nod C1[y Muuagcr for reports and/or requests _ Adjournment ~. 5 €.. i.T _ A AMENDED TO ADD NEW ITEMS 8 7 ANO 8 AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH July 27, 1987 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to [he Flag 1. Approval of [be minutes of [he regular meeting of July 13, 1987 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Coomi[[ee Reports: A. Report by Commissioner Bob Cook on [he committee recommenda- tions relative to paving and drainage bids for Russell Park 4. Commission discussion and action relative to accepting a sewer line easement across property owned by [he Communf [y Presbyterian Church 5. Discussion by the Ci[y Commission. on adopting an amendment [o the Personnel Rules and Regulations by adding a new Section 4.12 providing a written policy on [he accrual and use of compensatory time ~._~ 6. Action by [he City Commission [o hear an appeal by Wesley Bunce of 1144 Easc Coast Drfve appealing a decision of the Community Devel- opment Board in denying him authority [o subdivide his lot 7. Action by the City Commission on recommendation from [he Communi[v Development Board on application for use by exception by E. Conrad Covar[ [o construct mini storage facilities in a CG District, and setting of a public hearing for August 10, 1987 8. Application by Mealy Street Properties for acceptance for maintenance of Che infrastructure improvements in [he Haypor[ Industrial Park project 9. Action by [he City Commission to grant authority for [he use of [he Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act for [he selection of engineering services Sn connection with water main improvements in Royal Palms and on Beach Avenue, and for water treatment plan[ improvements Sn connection with a report furnished by Connelly and Wicker, Consulting Engineers 10. Action an Resolutions: A. Introduction and approval of Resolution No. 87-25 making budge[ transfers for [he purpose of providing additional funds for the paving and drainage improvements in Russell Park, and salary adj us[men[s for [he City Nanager ~.