07-01-93 L96(NLTId vm~cis QNAFIff PRDkCiS PAeSf ILL STR116 d 6/le/93 SIRM d 6/25/93 SiRTl6 d 7/2/93 D. YRT91 MAIN QI96Id FaA ~ 9NIei01sA AT4081f 1011I00A 0.0.701aB0 eD p10.TSIS SIOm RR SITF i UTILITY 5LN9i1fD FlII 1/12/93 N9:f116. mDUI10 PLACE a01 CW m ff LDYFSf Df9'.06LLF. A9i10611E DIDDFA. 50E01ED FaA 7/12A3 C81N Nis. 9. Rromaa sA010 SIpAAff p0 - - RYADffD IS7IIDACI ro 71180 t RS~IRIES oiA9:ld staFD Y91 DFAIITS Teas Y®( mrtNCTaN ro SIIYif a Y91 RFTEA HTDAD TRIM RT ASS15l L11E YN E7Y DESI01 R10 Llfff RD17 id Y91 - IIO Yal E 7N161111TE0 m EA i 116. 57AY0 PEOIIT. COB0.TAIR MRPPED Y9t RL A66ISI lAE IIO lOYlTld RWRDIED. DISa11Cf m 1551E EN9BM.Y PEDNIt. IL PRIM SiNr"ET 92iNA( A9EI9ED 6A01f OF ERSBBIf d i/16A3. • 10161ED mI81Y i YIOEA m PDl)® 101181! i YI081 96118715 RE IN s(DI CNI YITY IESIi TIOBI FASBBIf. FIOI DFSld SERE d 7X15 PRDaLT. 11. IEIIE31 A9NBILITRT[d 92-(il-W DFEEIIFD IMfA 6!18/93 D67dN81 dRL i/28A3 IOPIOIFD IIf LITY mll[9o10118:Ta6 CdNISSId NffTU6. L90Bld N9:TaE gam L 6ILLE9olE 96U6RS 4lTINd ID DI~1 NFETU& 12 01187 SRFFf IOAOIOY 92-01181 m ff RM~FAIISED 915/93. m E RDIENTISID 9/SA3. m E IOIWfISED !15/93 IIpOEl0115 a1D1 CDA riCl 13. IFFY 1pAD PRV9811 l3iEFY AD m E RD19aI5m T/25/!i ro E RDPEIYII591 7/25/!3. ro E IOFENfIgD 7/25A3. INPADP90RS •(Dl CW 14. 9M16DR-tA 93~-9116 SfRff DE4AI81116 F01 N0E IKp11pTI0L SiRFF IE'B~iIl6 Fd IdE TMFDiIalOl SSiF STILL ~i116. s(plJ.l0T6 15. YR> k AFJIAB 93-CiD-MI.3 '.EMf 91CLES m IN61eD RIRITII6 Y1D N d LIE 6/19/93. ~E YaDlM6 NIIDS m E NFIETED a1D10.6ffOE FINAL PItE001M FAd NdIE 083E .. - D6Iff TIIM. ~ ffIE FIORIFAIm, IffE ro I16iRLL 91ETINE 7NIS 1nrtx. li. RN9M i 9TX SIRff'i"a, N81p 93i0.9BC0. NFIN STREET 110 967 L96T dIFE le6 1871 ro 116TILL e• FFIIE ! OEAI SaFFT P1(L96 StSI1TiED FU1 Ollff DtmEA RT 110 SENIlBE A005. •IDI J.LId6 IR1pA FRIE PIQD6, SIRF RD 110 96T LD6f OIIFE 110 BIaD r ERSI C06T DI119E 110 RIE01 SaEEf I&DS (gE ITEM b FDA gl(IIQF 10101 96IIffA INYFSTIBITp6 AEL116 11N18F NL9E TfOrs tERiI16. Y PIPE YRS RMREk elEnmalL PFNINS d RION Ea6 IFJNIL[TR3ED. I16iRLLf8 3o Y9N5 R60 Ip DAD SNAPEI S(AEET m E mnETED FAd 9EfAt7 RWITI6 11D PNtQ Fpl NIIAACIDA. pAIFE m JUST 5191r ff 96r tu6r 01I9T. ...t:. a _._.. ~_. _ _ _.saK~is: - =~\ M r^-. msrreTta DFnECrs C1RElll PIRECfS Pf6ECf 10. Sfp1U5 a i/IM3 STNM a 685193 STDTUS a 7/2/93 1. RI YTD !1 t 12 aNRraElns ~. !1-IFYID uN 11 t Q - HlOLISI fON N91iY Y0 !t i2 - g1OlISf Y011 NFRLr OEDI7ATla INS HAD 6/7!/93. U6T +01 fill mYPlF7E ®f F8C06 lFDIIRTI01 mMDIEIED. mNRETm F13CU6 pT YID 11. alLr INPOlf SUNIIIIED 7/I/93 SII~ J01 +UFfl) Sib SaERIID fa i/7!/!3 ! 6:15 D.N. [S mNREiED. +aa NFrRas pYDUR Ym n To JlEIUll111. SiAlIOS. z ml xpIRD! sem Noes 1 RtronY~N alDlnE mNIACf •. IEPRIN As IR7EA D151NIRUla ulEs S Dlla®lp/116 u+a to 311Lns xis amoE! rmmaYL +0) StI N®R1N AIF316. Tappnrt !0 16rtARSEIF FD! LaTE pi06f. 93i-UI ~ arA ira/93 +0) ]. tlnc 011USI01 NfffD6 !2-IFIR RT® afLL illDll3 +0) CW mIM[SSIa IEETUfi +¢) ap sFPTIc !3-Iw-DITa «o acnan nus Imc. •ICI NITI611TIa 3A1105 Tortprtrt em NDrtmlrtn Fa IpiE pIB6f. Da¢Rm anL i/2N93 mNN155Ia N~rINS. RFETtED afA 6/7B193 mNNL551a I~IDC. sPrmm xalf ff TIE DIIUES a wtv91 SPNWED i!E IASf NxF a 6/25193. Tertprlrt !m p9rtNrlsoYOir Nam m ro 7/ItN3 ro 7/75/91 FUR 14) pmmaaL NAln2 Rt6 pNE FINS pPPIRIm pr i/2B/93 CUMI551a IEEIII6. vranl NHT116 IBD 7/2191 {GPllllm pT 6/2!/93 t17N[SSla IEEf116. mlieir t uiaml E161NEF7Ci Nlu sLr Iv PrElol. Soa1Ym SBIINDIE HYO Dna Iltl PORTIC pII/E, pNLIY, f1xF11A 1000, 9WiE TOAD, 2Bt11 STRAT p1O Sb RDO( OF SAVA MDlIE 9[01YI510L i. I16fILL IUD W BI05 pT 92~f IA6S 116Ix1F! a 311E IZIH pND YFJE • ~lI90KBm PA01D1 NI7X 3TRlD a 6/23A3 f111ID YERSp-11Y1 AETpIMINS Inl SY51EN Dt1001a P00 NC) TIE INSPFiIO a JIIE 14TH pMD YF1E SE7 I® DTIEA OESIa ro 51d FLIL IN NINI60TA pR TIEY ulu S00 ApU: C0. DIOPEILY. !I IERF9M JIE I6TN, TIDIL RLTIa a911m A IBI NUF V YF5f xtL 7. lFAa pYB1E 11piE! t BIER RtE SBUIOLE 108 lE11®I I7TX pIR lllx xpC1I6 gRITINY SOFA L11E a RPCI6 SpNIT(RY SOEA LUE a SOIIIRE mffTS SIpNI08 i/tt191 SBttIR1E 10o tE11®I 17TX ro IIIX fdo E11®I 17TH po 1BTX STIffTS, 5TEEI5. 901LG L1Yil I ro 6 usos. xtF YDF TNITBI a DIPI16. NEEf116 a IlYO?fPIl6 lF1D 7/IN3 pT 7:w v.N. pr cln lal.. w = rtslRl ecDml; ffll = casllucna tT6am1 pe nY;orz=Ipl; a rnrtiNCla rim, .~. tea of rlorie. De~Ort~mt o YuIU rd RlAtllllbtlrp Eervlcn l•`L l txf a of labentOry Nrrlcea `r~ v.o. ReY xrD aetsarvllie, nerla SxxSt '~ ~\ ~,l DRINKING WATER \ ACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS srsrrx NAME: SELVA LINKSIDE UNI7 2 srsrEN I.D. Yot 1691- kAd_1 f~ irsr[x pxow R: ADDtess: eaYTr; DQVAL ~ ~ ~ DEe msrRla: 2 caLicrml: ~' :~iE-l.i.; - ~ .,cotttcru rxwE r. 387-1771 SAMPLE SIZE (Lacallty or slmlrldin): SELVA LINKSID£ l[A'I7 1 .../// : DATE AMD TIME COLLECTED: JyE- ~~¢~ ~• •:..,~: ~. ;. ~~ .~~. ~ ':~•-: •. ~ '~ 310E Or ANPLT(Clrcle ene)/COSn~ 1[y wt~yatEY Rarcewnl[Y wev ryttn Ymtrw imt - roteoonlry weer ante `Mrie!!'0![i- seiwinp pool ,EettlM ester ~ Other pbllc ester rysts irpE Of SAMRLE(Circl• eM): COtpl iaKe Rptn tplacirvit~~ In el'orerce ~-Yell ~surJey Other (Ueek tea) (enact Rn) (Speedy) Lb DlatrlMltleq ,,;; ,.lill'•{.]d!Ilk~or. Cn::. a: cli~ vr.. '^.''..i ,; .:.,:... ,: yo r r Rr e w r A COLL. Y0. EAlil( POINT' ~. - (EpKpflb lAdreka]"~ SCI ~ 'REE'D 1pX'I' ;',SADLE'YIa~ER I'•' Ia l~CflyliOUt; igOlAl COMi1RM TOiAI CpIr IRM fECAt ulC '~G . ,. ~- :, .`r , "c~i~4s5;: :' I,, ~ ACT RY .. ; -.: . ,,. I I, I • Rnul to in this colr, are prd burry. ~ rna LCOl ifora cinfirrilin in cool [y ~tld nOncoranltY~wnr system aM tots) col if Orr einlirotiin in all typo pf ester snnYS e(11 /01lwin xl~/E ~hmt. .. p -Cot{}qrp w present ~ ~ n dot - [influent prwth .'~ ' iA -~furbld, Absence Of Doi or acid A - COl iferr art chain[ TMTC - T - IYIEOtEieilOw-tEMARRC 0T PROGRAM tEVIEVER • 3 ~-~ YAMS AMD NAILING ADDRESS Or pERS-0N/rlRx 10 RECEIVE REPoRi j DfLR/[AA lL7ILI7y SERVICEYINC. ~~~ ~.or aux 7087 ±EG jACKSONYILLER FL. 32138-UU87 33~ t;a ,, (> <) sArlsrACrnr (1 IYCOxIIEtE COIIECi iOM INrDRMArI[ ( ) REpGI SAlilEs L E REpLACEMEYI SAMLES REVI EVIYG Orr ICIAL: ~~`- flit E: REGEIV£~ SUN 2 ~ 1993 PuH~ ~ORK9 r RECE ;;;Y. Fie 10 3 s~/ In'93 "'. ...'iii i . oepRrtwrt of wruh rNl t.h.hn ltK iw wreic.a ' OI/1rA of LaMrttay wrylces - .,.E.D wa 210 JKksmNYl l'i, flKlb 322]) c! .ti DRINKING WATER ' BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS /d W IYE eRLT 1.D. r~.) RECD;: ~ ;'~y 1 .. fie 9 'J a) td '33 ~/ ~ .il srsiEN YANE: SELVA LINKSID£.!U'77 2_ srsTEN I.o. Yo: f691-JdD_27?II. ..;y~TEN rxaE s; JDORFSS: ~ _ [aRlir: DlLVAL DER DIS)RICi: 2 COIIECigt ~ ~ tIIIII /F*.:v+.:. n~L.n • .ll '.... v .:I I '. ..i i r..H ,': .: ~... ,-, ~ ca4ecroi rNawE F: 387_f71I sulrLE suE a«.utr or woawmeny SELVA LINKSZDC ¢A'I7 2 DATE AYDIINE COllEC1ED: ~ - __x'~1 ..~ . ~ _ _~ IT-E OE SLNrLT(Al rcl• ene) ~ Ce•o1tY ester R ~ ~~ MarcotvJeY Wter fyattl Rentrarolent - mrceReaoltY ester ryftee F Su(wirp pool Rettlb ester wr pWlic wbr aYate ilrF Of SMPIE(Circle au): CeFpllarce Repeet teplKUm[ wideleirirc~~ lhll survey ~ Other (C11Kk RoY) (UKk ter) (Specify) E(]. DlatDlbotian ... ,.'Ir!•(. NTMTDwn ~,., .. .t;i•••1 )LI. ~_. .. (] ReN .. .-'Y'I:I,Wgid:l 1' II .. ~./•: ~• .. t1 ~'- REMARCS: '~ 1 ' CI; 1 ..:n i., rr I ~ F R)V .d ` .... ~•u ~ T RT , LOLL: iro. ~ 'I 1" ID !; n-. u:!: ^ ~ fY1VlE pvpolM (3pKMle IWYf~li~I11;`"' !:•r it 4 ~Clr 'q~'d .. "J p. ~~' T 1 1 ~r''FAllrl'E~fRM1ER rt" ~ ,,. . II ~~ZOC1fOtlf kTf .' ~ •TOTFI EI rA CgIf IRM CONE ItN i0nl FECAL ~~ /l~l,la .;...: y;~,~ ~,1 ;: oosssrl ~, FAC ORY 'I1, r :IL I: r '111 "U ' ' ~ f.~ i,{. I'. ~i~ e9 /•t .. ..•I, e' r, • Rewlta in thla eelun w prEl binar4 r,iKat~col ldop <mflrrtien blh Fa~Yli,ty ord VnncovnitY ester fyater e,d [otel eeiifon cool lrr•tien an rll type 01 wtsr. syftes.+ill follw an 26i0:MHq., ,,.. .,r ,. r - teUfors ere prnanF li:.~~" bbc-•'Confiwnt~y7wth':+' • .,.+,:TA"+~TUrb1,Y,+Ati:.ncr'ePb.a er KIJ~ECEIVED A -Eel iferta Ke e6earc - TYl[ -Too n~rwR to coot IYTERnEtAllai-RENMRS qr naw,w tEVIEVER JUN 2 l 1993 - YANE AlD IMILIY6 ADDRESS OE rEtSpl/fid TO RECEIVE RErRI .. ~ I. ( ) PUBLIC WORKS 3-i }# _ O unsatttRn F f ) IYCOMLFTE COLIECIIpi IYfORNAi I~ ~yA DlLRNAJ7 IpILZTFJ SfRVlCEEINC. ~.4 ~ P. O. BOX 7087 <) RErEAT RAIPLEf iii`y jACKSOMVlLLEJ fl. 32238-0087 ( ) REEUCEMENT sAllrlES 3=i E '~ REVIEYIMG OffiCl 511: TiftE: RECEIVED JUN ~'- ~~ pUBL)C y,JpRKS HRS Duval County Public Health Unit 515 West Sixth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32206 STATE OF FLORIDA DERARiuEMT W MEALT".RD NEN,dLRATNE d:RVILES District Four February 12. 1993 LAWTON CHI~FS.GOVERNOR ROBERT fl WILLIAMS. SECRETARY Durham Utility Service P. O. Box 7087 Jacksonville, Florida 32238-0067 Dear Sir: .r ED AUSTIN, MAYOR Re: Selves Linkside Unit II City of Atlantic Beach w.T.P. • 1. Lot 100 2. Lot 125 Bacteriological Survey 1692 - WD - 2720 Ibis is to notify you that the bacteriological survey for the above referenced Irvin extension has been satisfactorily coopleted. This survey has only addressed the part of the distribution system which is represented by the above captioned saaple locations. Sampling locations are not alloyed to exceed increments of one thauoand (1,000) feet for these purposes. ey cgry of this lefterr ldEe ar>ptalier of Testa is cr~rEded flat ors ~~+ caapletian of this bacteriological er>cvey does not cautitute authorization to place this project into service. Submittal of the follarirg inforxutian is required before this office will be in a position to consider issuance of authorization far placing this system into service: (1) a certification o£ construction oonpletion by the engineer of record and completion of DeR form titled "REQUCST FOR LeT1RR CP RELEASE 1D PLACE WATHt SUPPLY ZNN SHiYI(E" f17-555.910 (9) (effective 11/01/88); (2) evidence of the satisfactory bacteriological survey; end (3) a copy of the •ae Wilt" plans/specifications for the system. If you have arty questions concerning this approval of the bacteriological survey ac the request for release procedures, please do nqt hesitate to contact me at this office (630-3272). Very truly you[s, w! e. Pound @gineer IZI -, Bwvl[YJtT'BNPAS. EIiGII~ItiG DIVISI(ki WEP/pb/ cc: ,/r..Daniel Baines, Jr. RECEIVED R. L.CYOasdell C®parTy az9 e. Adaxe street JUN 2 ? 1993 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Puauc woFClcs ~QE P PIPE CLEANING Q PIPE INSPECTIJN a NDEO TAPING t ODE SEC ~~ STING J SYOKE TESnNO NC• AHHOLE pENAB P.O. BOX 1812 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043-1812 Of1ICe (904) 2g9-2141 FAX (904) 284.1938 PIPE INSPECTION LOG CLIENT ca.1 orii.i~riES OPERATOR p.w. LINE SECTION RUN M 4 PROJECT gII.VA LINRSIDE INSPECTOR N/A DATE 2/8/93 LOCATION ATt.nNric tlEAat STREET LIM(SiDE A. 1Of0' "°i° 24 Sa, VIDEO DATA ' 27 °.,CR TAPING YES ~ NO ^ 83 Sat TAPE #LCOUNTER TAPE SPEED SP~LP^EP^ ~ 31 SCR 170 Sa. PIPE DATA TYPE COND. WATER ADD 222 226 gcl. sat PVC Cx GOOD ® YES iffi z7g gat RCP ^ FAIR ^ NO ^ „ VC ^ POOR ^ DI ^ TC ^ " LINER ^ " ,> u M.H. DATA " TYPE ' COND . „ PRECAST F~' GOOD O( BRICK ^ FAIR ^ LINER ^ POOR ^ REMARKS a _ DEFLECTION TEST DATA A TESTING 5% PASS ~ ' FAIL ^_ FT. ' YES 1,9 71/2% PASS ^ NO ^ FAIL ^_ FT. ' M.H. # M H # . . 1 11 ' M.H. M.H. DEPTH_ DEPTH_ CAMERA TRAVEL FLOW DIRECTION MEASUREMENT FROM CENTER TO CENTER OF M.H.' , SECTION LENGTH ELF PIPE DIAMErER__g..IN CONTINUATION LOG SHEETS MAY BE USED YES ^ NO ^ R F.CEIVED .JUN ~'_ 193 PUBLIC WO?KS pE PIPE c1EAteNc Q~ PIPE WSPECTION s vloEO rAVINa E TESTNe STING p, HOLE REHAB P.O. BOX 1812 Green Cove SPrlnys, FL 32043.1812 Offlee (904)284-2141 FAX (904) 284.1938 PIPE INSPECTION LOC CLIENT CST (JfILiTIFS OPERATOR R.N. --..~_LINE SECTION RUN # 3 PROJECT S~~'A~ INSPECTOR N/A LOCATION A71.Iwrlc HEA(JI DATE 2/8/93 STREET LIM(SIDE DRIVE VIDEO DATA TAPING YES~d NO^ TAPE # 1-COUNTER TAPE SPEED SP($LP^EP^ PIPE DATA TYPE COND. WATER ADD PVC ly GOOp p YES ~ RCP ^ FAIR ^ NO ^ VC ^ POOR ^ DI ^ TC p LINER ^ M.H. DATA TYPE COND. PRECAST [,Q GOOD 'KJ BRICK ^ FAIR t7 LINER ^ POOR ^ REMARKS DEFLECTION TEST DATA TESTING 5% PASS ~ YES ~ FAIL ^_ FT. NO ^ 7112% PASS ^ FAIL ^_ Fl-, M.H. # M.H. # 12 13 M.H. M.H. DEPTH_ DEPTH_ CAMERA TRAVEL FLOW DIRECTION MEASUREMENT FROM CENTER TO CENTER OF M.H.'S SECTION LENGTH~,g.LF PIPE DIAMETER_8u__IN CONTINUATION LOG SHEETS MAY BE USED YES ^ NO ^ RECEIVED JUN 21 199 ~QE %PE CLEAMNO Q %PE MSPECTION s VIDEO 7A%N6 S raM ~~ mNa SPOKE 7E871N0 C, HOLE pENAe P.O. BOX 1812 Green Cow SP„nga, FL 32043.7812 omce (soa) tea-z~a~ FAX (904) 2841938 PIPE INSPECTION LOG CLIENT Cd.7 VfIL1T1S5 OPERATOR R.W. PROJECT SII.VA LINKSIDE ~--LINE SECTION RUN M z ,---- INSPECTOR N/~ DATE Z/e/93 LOCATION xiiaM'lc Bvlt3t STREET LDO<si~ »plva VIDEO DATA TAPING YES ~ NO ^ TAPEN 1 COUNTER TAPE SPEED SP~LP^Ep^ PIPE DATA TYPE COND. WATER ADD PVC L5~ GOOD ® YES ~' RCP f5 FAIR ^ NO ^ VC ^ POOR ^ DE ^ TC ^ LINER ^ M.H. DATA TYPE COND. PRECAST ~ GOOD BRICK ^ FAIR LINER ^ pppR ^ REMARKS DEFLECTION TEST DATA TESTING 5,/, PASS ¢~ FAIL f7~ FT. NO ^ 712%° PASS ^ FAIL ^~ Fr, M.H. A M.H. $ 14 13 M.H. M.H. DEPTH_ DEPTH_ CAMERA TRAVEL FLOW DIRECTION MEASUREMENT FROM CENTER TO CENTER OF M.H.'S SECTION LENGTH~O.LF PIPE DIAMETER--p~IN CONTIISUATION LOG SHEETS MAY BE USED YES ^ NO ^ RECEIVED JUN 2 ~ 1991 PUBLIC WORKS Q~QE F PIPE CLEAMNa PIPE W$PECIION ~ VIDEO 7APIN6 ' DEFLECTION 7E8'fiNa JOI!!r TEHrINa C RE A(~l Green Cow Sprfnge,tfl 3204&1812 Office (904) 2842141 FAX (904)2841938 PIPE INSPECTION LOG CLIENT CeJ UfII.ITIFS OPERATOR s.w. PROJECT SII.VA LIlQiSIDH ---~-LINE SECTION RUN # 1 INSPECTOR WA DATE x/9/93 LOCATION ~T~'lc 9FA(71 STREET 1.IwISIDr n9lve VIDEO DATA TAPING YES (~ NO ^ TAPE # i COUNTER TAPE SPEED SPQLP~EP^ PIPE DATA TYPE COND. WATER ADD PVC ~I GOOD ~ YES RI RCP ^ FAIR ^ NO ^ VC ^ POOR ^ DI TC ^ LINER ^ M.H. DATA TYPE COND. PRECAST ® GOOD ~ BRICK ^ FAIR ^ LINER ^ pppR ^ REMARKS DEFLECTION TEST DATA TESTING 5"/o PASS ~" YES ® FAIL ^_ FT. NO ^ 71/2°/, PASS ^ FAIL ^_ Fr, M.H. # M.H. # 14 19 M.H. M.H. DEPTH. DEPTH. CAMERA TRAVEL FLOW DIRECTION MEASUREMENT FROM CENTER TO CENTER OF M.H.'S SECTION LENGTH~.LF PIPE DIAMETER~L_IN CONTINUATION LOG SHEETS MAY BE USED YES ^ NO ^ RECEIVED JUN 'L'. 199:1 pUBUC ~YORKS C r3 J UTILITIH6 r'•~ CbN6TRUCTION CQ ~. l~ MACCLENNY•,FIOAIDA 92069 , JAON80NVILLY a8a•Ta01 NAOOLENNY Y89.2722 7ae•Ybz~ JO8 NANB ./307 Selva Linkslde ' LAX D~a - L088 PSR RODR 199200 " ~ ' 8" DR 18 - 1,060' x 8" a 12.24 t 133,200 - .77 •x 2 hrA. - 1.54 4" DR 18 - 260' x 4" z 12.24 r 133,200 - .09 z ' 2 6zq. ~ .18 ~~ 6" DR 25 - 20' z 6" x 12.24 r 133.200 .- • .O1 z 2 hrq. - .02 •*-rrnaawra taarams. - 1.7k. aera oa xsas' 7 - / - 9 s xxetR Ds rs9r~ asoxN /a •,sr,- END ~? ' .~-s' $A0. 88 LN ATTBNDANCB WSRBt .. .c~t° ~. ~ •~'i. t?9.e,.R f, .._, ,.. , ~ AT / G 2 P8I Ar / G D • FLL . AtpD17P oa NATa raae R~~IVED JUN ~ ~ 1993 ~8u~ WORD £66 l i 7 N(I f 03 f~13 ~32i r I m a~ ~> h ~ 1 rr W Qp G U o ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~> ~I p ~ • _~ 3 O ~ ~+ ~ O rn H 7 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ N pq ~ Q Z O (~: tpy p 'J' ~" 1gQ~ ~f 1 [¢ N gOg ci ~ i'G aa~ v o. ~~ ~ gg ~S'~ G 5 ~ M ~ & a g s o 0 0~ s o f .5s] ~gZ y ~'~I x oa ~ N h ° e ~ Q , ~ o r O w N „ F N ~ V V 11 N • ` N t K ~' ' u $ $ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d F 6 0 O h h 1 N O N O d 1 O ~ d N ~ : x S a 8 o S ~8 3: ~ ~ n ~ o r m o ~ `~ N) ~ N vi o p 41 O N N _ H ~ ~ 1 O s ` ' ~ 8 O g ~ O t ~~~ ~ b O W m 41 N S a o s ~ si s o ~ oQl ' S1 ~ ' ~ '~ W ~ N y 'r j ~ O - ~ W OO O O p O p S Z B ~ 1y C In" L' D ~ ~ p N d 1 ~O O N N O 1~ ~ ~ 7 ~ I 1^{ ~ ah ,y ~ ~ M ,~ d Q ~ V , h ~1 C ~ ~ 1N.~ /0 1 y y M W R N M F M p ~ ~ ~ m L 0 f ~ i ~ Q Q $ p m`~ ~oSi 7 H V ~ L O ° e ~ N N S '^°~M ~nend ess~ ~ z mnr a3nia~3a ~I a ~~ I ~ ~~ s ~~ a a~ ~~ Q' I p ~ °~ c ~ ~~ '~8 ~ $ :H :~o ~~~~ ~ ~~~ M 5 ~~~ ~ b ~j ~ n o o 9 M N M o f ,e w~ g O c g y° ~g' ~+ N ~ • \ y` ~ o ~ 0~~~ ~' ~ ~ S ° S 8 8 n 8 m a ~ Si O o V, ° ° O a o ° n '^ o u N a ., oa a~ S '~~ ° ~ o ~~ 8 n N \~ r `~ S ~ S O O ~~ ~ J ~Y ~. N Pl P ry ~~ j~ 1 n YY "~ ~'~.1 :~ ` ~~~~yyyy yy \ H~ N N ~ r0 ~ ~ ~ ~ O S O O O O O 8 ~ ~ O O N O N ~ N Q qq~~ ~ O d `-~~ ~ S V~ S O /~1QQ~l..11~~ q ~ fnO~ V ~ $ p p QoO S ,NI ~ a~~I ~~f1 ~~~V ~ i'b ~~m ~ N ~ v N~~r~'~J O N ll ~14L Y1 O e ~Cpy N f O O N O' S O O y Z 0 ~ 1 1 1 O O H r O O O GD ee O O N N V M ~° .r N ~ ti ~ g~ H~ H H~ a ~~~ ~ g 2 ~ H N 4 Y ~ tll ~ `_ {~{~`~ tt V ~° V N P5 ` M G o6 m K K > > > t-~8B~.1 ~BBY.11~ ~ (r!+ ~F] F S?12f O s_sst ~ z Nnr .. S ~' ~I IMF O y u b~ ~~ I~. Y~y M ~» V i NI 8 I d cl NI z ~I y r $ ~ g $ $° ~ T ~ N o ? "' $ ~ N N o rl M v OO 1 T O O C $ O O p aD ~ O O~ ~ p y CCCppp 8~ $ p 8 ~ P N O O• ll ~ I~ O b N b h N V .p 0' N M M I O O ~ 0 ~ P N N N N $ n M A ~p $ c $ $ $ $' ~ p 0 W ~ _ W N t ~1 ~ N ~ 4 V~ ` N W ~ O O ~O ~ ~ N m m m ^ T o rQi ° ° m _ T m W J v a V \ & p ~ N ~ yUy V d Y 1 Y I N a N O j 1V1~+'~1~ N 1 ~ C OG C ~ 0 p $ O O O n O N O ~ ~~I~~ ~~ CI OOI nl hl n O O N O ~ h ~ n ~ _ ` !T~li N ~ %1 H y j w p W V _ :N J 4 ~ b ~ H ~ O O Z ~9°. V o~~! Q y a l k ~ Y CG m O ^I U v Z m ~ 4 I r P w O ~ 1 ~, 4 O~ M yl N ~b~ ~~~~~ V V V O V V 41 W H~S~~ I I= I" s~~~" .. ~ v ~a ~rn O F y, M K ~~~rr N ® W >Gy. U ~: f.i .W.1 H3 HF rL (al xZ ~ !y S n ~ 0.w ~ O II t ~~~~~~ b~ D ~ 'may ~O ! y I"I N I C a ,~ ~ o D ~~ ~ • ~ • N ~ A ~ ~ + e a, >S g rya ~~ ~~' $ ~ o° ° ~ 8 ° M $ ~ S ~ 8 ~ 8l BI g ~ ~ ~ ~ N M rY ~ ~ 7 O ~~~s $ ,~~ 8 g v 8. ~, F~ 0 ~ 8 a ~ 8 g 8 7 m ~ N ~~~H O n y v ' ~ ~~ 8 g'~ 8. 8' '~ : 3 ~~~~ ~ ~ N 7 ~ N n p 8 Ny ~F VJ mmN W~ N< H w n (~ ` ~~~yyIII ~q L n S ~ d 6 ~~ ~ ti O .~-~ I ~ N ~ }~ O >N y , O F I p K ° s ~ V 01101 YJ a~:aa IIYV~ 6JU J277 PUBLIC IQ:AL78 ' p~~ }yam' //''~~~~~~~~ ~{,,t- ~~yy~~ ~{w~ 111W~WWl~iW!{K: H~BIW VWa sls w~i saran saeee JadcSOevNe, Florida 32206 ovvnw~onv~~eu~w..e ~waiunmaaervm - d.aia rwr _ . uwTa~ c~m.FS coveltnok RSeExraw¢uvu,secnerartr ' Jura 18, 1993 "r L. Dan!eZ i-fairee5, S?., ~. c, R. L. Croa3daiZ ^a. =F2`-r~ Easr Rdanc Ss-ee= 3ncE>,nvZle, Fior ida 822;;2 ' Ra: ?:~R'iAL RE:~~SE i Drink inq 1+at-r .7!str!but!Gn • 3yStQ:a - aeiva L!:t s ire iir.!t Phase Z Only City of Rtiantic Ranch kater i -reat2lnt Punts 's c h'i is Nusbsr :6~-k:r-2rc:i ?7f!s r!!11 sews to ac'rnoaZedge raeeipt c•f cr, tificat cnn _5at :F.e Sub jeCt tlatar prn j±ct~haG Saar Far_iai!y cnni,iltC^, GS ir~d!CatE4' abova. in eccordanca xit.^. the piano a-~ rciatad ante-iz'_a -cued by th is aq:racy un~!er the F:la Nom^er and da*.e shc•wn. ~r Razed nr, th!s certi~ficat!on and antiafacte.^v becteriologicai reSUZte, +iQ ara clsa-inq *.hase fac_::t:es far service. Your cnntinu~' cocp~ration agpreciatad. oy/i?~pl t kf L:` CL'r M2tEr Surply rrC'.3ra^1 iL '• -, truly ours, /.'_' + omaa ^n. i~ .i on, P. E. p~ .-^~v~°i.4CM1'ryE!'.fi'. - _i}i: E.`1G~: ~-F:,°~o17 nrvlsla: ccc Mr. 3arry i7. Cxenr r. E. . _ - IDepartoant of En~!rormanta?. kaqu L•t!e.^. . vr. Robert S. iGosoy: P. E. RECEIVED uirector of FuSlc ::Drka city aT atlantic' 9each JUN 2 ~ 1993 ' PUBLIC WORKS [• 9refu elewal bgLesr lgla dared !w flarl4 (ehere req•Ire1 b •• !e Oparetlaw ud Melwtewewee gaw•el 9 Chy4t tTlr f,1.) 7hie le to eertify roar tAa ope Ntien end eel nt anane• gnwl Ior the ea •ast uatsr feellitlea nee bwn prepared or uulnad b euperN glen, end roar tMra la ne•one bla see ~urene Dy ^n .1 r(du al (e) under t net tna faellit{o, r Olr art ^ 1, •111 f et loo •n n properly ee le 4lned m0 e r Preto clonal Judgoent, ~ ^ • lnlendsd, p+r•t•d !n ec e•rdenee n(th ~ , thlr S/gwetur• s Cn ~ Oanf Pl H-1 dr ~~~~ ginner Ne t ! typ ) fled da gegLtr•t len Mo. R. ~. Lroasdell Lo. cewp.ny xu. _ 429 E._gdams St:_ ~ _ (grry. 5nwl) CMpu,r 'e tlAraen -~___._._.___ Jacksonvlfle F1 32202 _ Del n: 99 -_ -'~-- D• Opeeetlan •wd tlalw hems ~SL lelephgne Ne. (SQq~~SbCSfi~ 1 wrtf ly that ea AetA^rll: lppre•lnq Ceenertlen• h era eenn•etlon (e) to tna uteutar feellft been eoeplet ed to our a•lle rear lon_ r •nlrh •a opar•ta and olnt ein hue end Title (p1J Ua typ•): Robert S. Kaeo P, / 7 -~~~ --~~ -__E. DIRECTOR OP PUBLIC YORKS [oap+ny N•ea: _C1ty of Atlantic Beach Andreae: _-- 1200 Sendnio_er Iane____________.___________.____~~__ b[R ror• 17-1.105(8) C llsetlr• July 31, 1913 Page 3 er 3 RECEIVED ,111N 2 2 1993 PUBLIC WORKS ' :NAIL OI' I LUIIIUA ~ •''~Q~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION NORTHE ICT w,nnnw„4„ ~•°irui uxnue. ~ r I ~ ~ ~ . ; ,lit ~~~.mnu 1. ~ ~ i i „~~ R~CFJVEII !b ~~hiri~"1'~, ,,,,,,~~, , ,,,,,,,,,, , .,, ? 765TIG YAST[YAT[R COLLCL7ION/T[ANBN[SSION STSiCMS ~~ C[[TIPILA7[ON OP COMPLETZO[ OP LONST[UC[f0[ l:ona tcu <tion Permit No.: 0516-222303 Oa teJ: NOVemher 24 7999 _ Namn of Proje <c: Selva Linkside Unit 2 Name of ovn cr: Centex Rezl Estate CDrooratinn Name of deaigo engineer and Flor iJa regiatrat ion number (iC diCCc teat from engineer nir,n- iog ce rC iEic aCion): Na au of [reac me nt plan[ [o cercive vne[evace r: _gilCrtiC BParh 1.M11F __ Date(s) of connection to exiacing system or treatment plant: Su bean Cial deviations from [he approved plans and specifications (attach aJJ i[ionwl a hceca if requ ireJ ): Pha ce-f n ~ t t A $pR,'attacheA ac h 'lt A \~.J..:':iZ (ili:?L:;r DI~'ISIOY J:... -- - DER Form u-I.zos(g) RECE)VED Effective July J1, I987 Page I o[ ) J11N ~ ~ 1.993 J'UE3LIC WORKS C 6 J UTfl-ITIE8 CONSTRUCTIpn/ CO. NACCLEHNY, FL OR DA 32063 JACKSONVILIF 353.7301 MACCLENNY tSY-Z72i CERTIFICATH OP CONSTRUCTION CDNpLETIDN PRDJECT: SELVA LINKSIDE UNIT II PHASE I DATE: 4-23=_ CDNTRALTpR'S AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY: That the work under the above named protect, including nll appurtenances thereto, has been sa tiefactorily completed; that all charges or bills for labor or services performed or materials furnished have been paid in full; the[ no Leine have been attached against the property end improvements; that no Workmen's Compensation claims oz suite ere pending end the[ no public liability claims are pending. C6J P1'ILITIES CDNST$UCTIDN CDNPANy, INC., NEREBy GUARANTEES THEIR WORK PUR A PERIDD OP ONE (1) yEA$ FRDN DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. C6J UTILITIES CDNSTRUCTIDN CDl0?ANY, INC. BY: ~~ William H. Taylor TITLE: VIC_ g-ppT DATE: 4-23-93 RECEIVED JUN 2 ~ 1993 L+ueuc wowcs R. L. Croasdell Comparry 429 East Adams Street Jacfaonville, Fbrida 32202 (904) 356-5640 (904) 356-5649 ro city of Atlantic 3each 1200 Sando[Der Lane 9~antlc Beach FL 32233 _ 1YE ARE SENDING YOU ®AfhKlled p UMSr separate Dore, ria_hand deliver tM following items: ^ Shop drawings ^ Prirds ^ PYns ^ Samples ^ SpaciAr+tbns ® CePY ~ latter ^ cn.n`a order ~ various items ® For approval ^ Apprwed as wbmRted ^ Rewbnit -_oogas for approval ^ For your usa ^ Approved es rgtW ^ Submit-, copies tar disMWdion ^ As roquesttl ^ Returrwd for corrections ^ Ratum__~b PrirKs ^ For review and cammsnt ^ ^ FOR BIDS DUE 19_ ^ PRINfS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Enclosed nl ac find th ahn a listed ttems I believe these Items will complete the "Itemized list for ro c ac t n r our letter dat Aril 1 1993 However if an d i i n ~nf e G [~[sVVVI~Q3 ®lF'17(IEQq~S~ilOV1TG1d 6-21-93 1Oe "°~ •m.rw„ Robe s Ko P ~ Selva Linkside Unit 2- Phase I COPY ro Centex Named CdJ Utilities ~~ /y~ rr ..r4vwrr u. r .. ,rr. ewwv •seM1 .. w ..v.. $70NED~i(L[_ . ////~~~~ ,,,ttt ~ ~dr ants[ ARE TRANSMITTED as checked beloac CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Project acceptance of Salve Linkaide Unit 2 Pheee I SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Morks DATE: June 29, 1993 , BACKGROUND: CRJ Utilities have submitted the folloring ltemized list for project acceptance far the City of Atlantic Beech. 1) Contractor's affidavit 2) Serer certificate of completion 3) Mater certificate of completion 9> Schedule of vsluea 5) Pressure teat 6) Pipe inspection logs 7I HRS bscteriologicel teat B> As-hunt mylare (ester, serer 6 drainage) The above listed certif icetion, has been checked and found to De in order. RECOMMENDATION: Approve prn,ject acceptance ATTACHMENTS: Coplee of affi evite, certifi ations and loge. REVIENED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY OF sf~awtle 8eaek - ~lazlda ew sam+wE au~D Aridp/f•G a&14A. e1.[K~ 7Stgiµ{ ~~ 1711 OM ifFGRS T0: Joan LaVake, Purchasi¢ g Agent FROM: ra-_ ~ ~jy~l~. ~ Forwarded to you hetevith are epeclficationa end other per[i¢ent i¢fotaa- tion necessary for you to call for bide o¢ pro,]ect to be entitled: -1993 !J ...,__ c..~J~._, ,. ~ , Y•mding foz Chia project is identified ae follove: with an approved budgeted a~ou¢[ of S .Z38, ~fyS ~/O PDIPDIPG APPROVAL: Director of Pi¢ance Hid No. 9293-23 - HOUSING REHABILITATION Na111nR Liat (ConC'd): Rhoerav Teymouri 5933 Greenhill Lane Jacksonville, FL 32211 Tillsan Building Con[ractore 1032 Ingleside Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32205 TJ Contractors, Inc. 1435 N. Chazch B[ree[ I11 Jacksonville, PL 32204 Trump Constructors, Inc. 4741 A[lent is Boulevard /B-3 Jacksonville, FL 32207 BSd No. 9293-23 - HOUSING REBABILITATION Mailing Liet: McGowan b Hitchell Construction Co. 8 6 M Industrial Services Group, Iec. 2214 Weet 10th Street 4744 Philllpe Highway Jacksonville, Florida 32209 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Mr. Tom Sturdivaa[ Sturdlvant Construction Co. 3666 Lenox Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32205 Nr. Jerry Butcher DARCCO, INC. P. 0. Boz 56470 Jacksonville, FL 32241-6470 Aladdin Construction Co. 532 Locust Street Jacksonville, FL 32205 Richard Britt b Associates 4310 Plasa Gate Lane i202 Jacksonville, PL 32217 Ren Carpenter Builder 6829 Merrill Road Jacksonville, PL 32211 Custom Construction By Harris 648 East Union Street Jacksonville, PL 32206 D b M Contracting Company 8803 Leoman Drive Jacksonville, PL 32208 Evans b Sone Construction Co. 5454 Ageaea Roed Jacksonville, PL 32214 Jerry Pine 1, Inc. 11839 Brady Road Jacksonville, PL 32223 Ray N. Gross 10257 Puntaaa Court N. Jacksonville, FL 32211 Larry R. Strickland 11017 Nood Elm Drive North Jacksonville, PL 32218 J. R. Novell Construction Co. 2474 Warfield Avenue Jacksonville, PL 32218 Richard E. Kennedy 114 Jackson Road Jacksonville,~PL 32211 Ridaco Construction Co. 9435 Plechette Avenue Jacksonville, PL 32208 Nichnel C. Malcolm Borne Builders, Inc. 2042 Sweet Briar Lane Jacksorville, PL 32217 Mid-Tow Builders, Inc. 1520 Goodwin Street Jacksonville, F4 32204 Munn/Sfarysoa Builders, Inc. 1260 S. McDuff Avenue Jacksonville, PL 32205 G. P. Peterson Construction Company 1621 Edgewood Avenue Went Jacksonville, ri 32208 R. A. Pipitone General Contracting 40 Bafaden Road Jacksonville, FL 32218 Prime Reatoretion, Inc. 1610 North Main Street Jacksonville, PL 32206 Proctor Builders. Inc. 1024 Rings Avenue Jacksonville, PL 32207 ~ Richard Stacey 116 Lore Street Nep[uee Beach, PL 32233 Install gas, oil or electrical heater per code. Increase electrical eerv ice to sinisus 100 amps. Install new electrical panel per electrical specifications. Note: Homeowner has the right to choose all colors and patterns of sew materials sad paints. All items will be agreed upon prior to couencement of work. Aay unforaeen dosage or ~deteriorntion needing correction moat be brought to the attention of the City and eny additional work suet be authorised by Change Order approved by the City. EXHIBIT 8-93 Irene Drayton 6G Jackson Road Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 The following work should be bid: Upgrade electrical wiring and provide additional receptacle outlets to meet current code requirements for each room. All work must comply with Electrical Specification Number 27. Provide and install fill insulation in attic spaces per Specification Number 26. Repair and/or replace all Vaulty plumbing piping and fixtures according to specification Number 29. In kitchen, patch holes in wells, refinish and paint ceiling and walla. Replace non-working plumbing and fixtures. Replace or repair doo ra and windows In living room, add outlets sa necessary, resurface and paint walls and ceiling. In bathrcom, repair walls and floor, repipe water lines, repair fixtures as needed, install light Mixture, install cabinet, refinish and paint walls and ceiling. Install hard wired Smoke Alarm. Re-roof entire structure and replace framing and deck where necessary. Weather proof all windows and doors and replace sareene as needed, in compliance with Specifications 10, 23, and 24. Zn bedrooms, add electrical outlets and light Mixture. Repair windows to operate and lock. Refinish ceiling and walla and paint. Construct closets when feasible. Paint interior of house according to Specifications 16 and 17. Seal end paint exterior of building according to Specification 17. Replace framing and tri^ where needed. A .r...... ~ i. .. .. a...~...~~. a.. a Mu..'i~:~. Install gas, oil or electrical heater per code. lac rease electrical eervice to ^inisus 100 asps. Install new electrical panel per electrical specifications. Note: Hoseowner has the right to choose all colors and patterns of new saterials and pninte. All itesa will be agreed upon prior to copenceeent of work. Any unforseen damage or deterioration needing correction suet be brought to the attention of the City and any additional work suet be authorised by Change Order approved by the City. EXFII BIT 7-93 Sheila Sanford 8T Donner Road Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 The following wort should be bid: llpgrade electrical wiring and provide additional receptacle outlets Lo meet current code requirements for each room. All work must comply with Electrical Specification Number 27. Provide and install fill insulation in attic spaces per Specification Number 26. Repair end/or replace all faulty plumbing piping and fixtures according to specification Number 28. In kitchen, patch holes in walls, refinish and paint ceiling and walla. Replace non-working plumbing and Yixturea. Replace or repair doors and windows In living room, add outlets as necessary, resurface and paint walla and ceiling. In bathroom, repair walla and floor, repipe water lines, repair fixtures as needed, install light fixture, install cabinet, refinish and paint walla and ceiling. Install hard wired Smoke Alarm. Re-roof entire structure and replace framing and deck where necessary. Heather proof all windows and doors and replace screens as needed, in compliance with Specifications 10, 23, and 24. In bedrooms, add electrical outlets and light fixture. Repair windows to operate end lock. Refinish ceiling and walla and point. Construct closets when feasible. Paint interior ~of house according to Speciticationa 16 and 17. Seal and paint exterior of building according to Specification 17. Replace framing and trio where needed. Install gas, oil or electrical heater per code. Increase electrical service to siniaus 100 asps. Install new electrical panel per electrical specifications. Note: Homeowner hae the right to choose all colors and patteras of new ~ateriale snd paints. All itese will be agreed upon prior to couencesent of work. Any unforeeen duage or ~deteriorstion needing correction must be brought to the attention of the City and any additional work suet be authorised by Change Order approved by the City. EXHIBIT 6-93 Marahelle Byers 75 Simmons Road Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 The following work should be bid: Upgrade electrical wiring and provide additional receptacle outlets to meet current code requirements for each room. All work moat comply with Electrical Specification Number 27. Provide and install fill insulation in attic spaces per Specification Number 26. - Repair and/or replace all faulty plumbing piping and fix turea according to specification Number 28. In kitchen, patch holes in walls, refinish and paint ceiling and walls. Replace non-working plumbing and fixtures. Replace or repair doors and windows In living room, add outlets as necessary, resurface and paint walls and ceiling. In bathroom, repair walls and floor, repipe water lines, repair fixtures ae needed, install light fixture, install cabinet, refinish and paint walla and ceiling. Install hard wired Smoke Alarm. Re-roof entire structure and replace framing and deck where necessary. Weather proof sll windows and doors and replace screens as needed, in compliance with Specifications 10, 23, and 24. In bedrooms, add electrical outlets end light fixture. Repair windows to operate and lock. Refinish ceiling and walls and paint. Construct closets when feasible. Paint interior of house according to Specifications 16 and 17. Seal and paint exterior of building according to Specification 17. Replace framing and trim where needed. Install gea, oil or electrical heater per code. Increase electrical service to minimum 100 saps. Install new electrical panel per electrical specifications. Note: Homeowner has the right to choose all colors and patterns of new materials and paints. All items will be agreed upon prior to comeencement of work. Any unforaeen damage or deterioration needing correction moat be brought to the attention of the City and any additional work moat be authorized by CAange Order approved by the City. E1QiIBI7' 4-93 Bertha Weaver 1795 Nayport Road Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 The following work should be bid: Upgrade electricnl wiring and provide additional receptacle outlets to meet current code requirements for each room. All work must comply with Electrical Specification Number 27. Provide and install fill insulation in attic spaces per Specification Number 26. Repair and/or replace nll faulty plumbing piping and fixtures according to specification Number 28. In kitchen, patch holes in walls, refinish and paint ceiling and walls. Replace non-working plumbing and fixtures. Replace or repair doors and windows In living room, add outlets ea neceaeary, reaurfnce and paint walls and ceiling. In bathroom, repair walla and floor, repipe water linee, repair fixtures ae needed, install light fixture, install cabinet, refinish and paint walla and ceiling. Install hard wired Smoke Alarm. Re-roof entire structure and replace framing and deck where neceaeary. Weather proof all windows and doors and replace screens sa needed, in compliance with Specifications 10, 23, and 24. In bedrooms, add electrical outlets and light fixture. Repair windows to operate and lock. Refinish ceiling and walla and paint. Paint interior of house according to Specifications 16 and 17. Scal snd paint exterior of building according to Specification 17. Replace framing end trim where needed. _.__ _ Install gas, oil or electrical heater per code. Increase electrical service to ^inieua 100 apps. Install new electrical panel per electrical apecif ications. Note: Noeeowner has the right to choose sll colors and patterns of new eeterials and paints. All iteea will be agreed upon prior to coeeeneeeent of work. Any unforseen dsaage or ~dete rioration needing correction east be brought to the attention of the City and any additional work east be authorized by Change Order approved by the City. EXHIBIT 2-93 Sarah Thomsa 42 Stanley Rond Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 The following work should be bid: Upgrade electrical wiring and provide additional receptacle outlets to meet current code requirements for each room. All work must comply with Electrical Specification Number 27. Provide and install fill insulation in attic spaces per Specification Number 26. Repair and/or replace all faulty plumbing piping and fixtures according Lo specification Number 29. In kitchen, patch holes in walis, refinish and paint ceiling and walls. Replace non-working plumbing and fixtures. Replace or repair doors and windows In living room, add outlets as necessary, resurface and paint walls and ceiling. In bathroom, repair walls and floor, repipe water lines, repair fixtures sa needed, install light fixture, install cabinet, refinish and paint walls and ceiling. Install hard wired Smoke Alarm. Re-roof entire at ructure and replace Pram ing and deck where necessary. Heather procf all windows and doors and replace screens ae needed, in compliance with Specifications 30, 23, and 24. In bedrooms, add electrical outlets and light fixture. Repair windows to opernte and lock. Refinish ceiling and walls and paint. Construct closets when feasible. Paint interior of house according to Specifications 16 and 17. Seal and point exterior of building according to Specification 17. Replace framing and trim where needed. ._ s..:.:..c.u.,ra.~~. a....:....... ._ . Increase electrical service to minimum 100 amps. Install exterior light at rear of building. Install vinyl windows on front porch. Note: Homeowner has the right to choose ell colors and patterns of new eaterials and paints. All items will be agreed upon prior to commencement of work. Any unforaeen damage or deterioration needing correction must be brought to the attention of the City and any additional work must be authorized by Change Order approved by the City. EXHIBIT 1-93 Sarah Key 51 Ardella Road Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 Tel. 249-4896 The following work should be bid: Upgrade electrical wirf ng and provide additional recedptacle outlets to meet current code requirements for each room. All work moat comply with Electrical Specification Number 27. Provide and install fill insulation in attic spaces per Specification Number 26. - Repair and/or replace all faulty plumbing piping and fixtu ree according to apecificati.on Number 28. In kitchen, patch holes in walls, refinish and paint ceiling and walls. Replace non-working gee stove. Install approximately seven feet of both base and overhead cabinets with counter top. In living room, add outlets as necessary, patch, refinish and paint walls and ceiling. In bathroom, repair holes in walls, repipe eater lines, repair fixtures if needed, replace light fixture, install small overhead cabinet, refinish and paint walls and ceiling. Install hard wired Smoke Alarm. Re-roof entire structure and replace freeing and deck where necessary. Weather proof all windows and doors and replace screens as needed and in compliance with Specifications 10, 23, and 24. In no rthweat bedroom, add electrical outlets and light fixture. Repair windows to close and lock. Replace baseboards. Patch or replace ceiling and paint walls and ceiling. Install door on closet. In northeast bedroom add electrical outlets end ceiling fixture. Paint ceiling and walls. Install closet door. Paint interior of house according to Specifications 15 and 17. Seal and paint exterior of building according to Specification 17. Replace framing and trim where needed. Vent gee heater per code and install window/wall A/C unit. FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC BNTITY CRIMES, including proper cheek(s), in the apace(s} provided, and enclose it with his bid or proposal. If you ere submitting n bid or proposal on behalY of dealers or supplie re who will ship comodities and receive payment from the resulting contract, it is your responsibility to see that copy(a) oP the form are executed by them and ere included with your bid or proposal. Corrections to the form will not be allowed after the bid proposal opening Lime and date. Failure to complete this form in every detail end submit it with your bid or proposal will result in imediate disqualification of your bid or proposal. } } } } } } } } } } } } } k } } * } } } },} } } } } } } } } } } } } } R FLORIDA TIMES-UNION: Please publish one time on Sunday, June 13, 1993. Submitted bq Joan LaVake - 247-5818. ....,.-.r.cv;` June 7, 1993 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive sealed bide in the Office of the City Purchasing Agent, City Hnll, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, until 1:00 PN, Tuesday, June 29, 1993, after xhich time bide will be publicly opened and read aloud for the Rehabilitation of Housing Unite identified in the Bid Package. Bide shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "Bid No.92- 93-23, Sealed Bid for Housing Rehabilitation, To Be Opened after 1:OG PN, Tuesday, June 29, 1993". Specifications and Bid Porma may be obtained from the Office of Community Development Director George Worley, II, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Plorida 32233, Telephone (904) 247-5800. A11 bidders oust be Licenced Building Contractors in the State of Florida and moat file certificates with the City that they have obtained and will continue to carry Workers' Compensation, public and private liability and property damage insurance in adequate amounts during the life of the contract. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to require a Performance Bond for any work in excess of 510,000.00. All goods and services proposed shall meet all requirements of the Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and the specific requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Rehabilitation of Housing Units sa stipulated in the Bid Package. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or sll bide or parts of bide, waive informalities and technicalities, make award in whole or in part with or without cause, and io make the award in what ie deemed to be in the beat interest of the City of Atlantic Beach. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES - Any person submitting a bid or proposal in response to this invitation moat execute Form PUR 7068, SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.333 (3) (A ), u W O c . o > c ~ u \ p O E a . ° t o S Z W g W V v Q P 6 M t Z °D W W V Q r d Q ~ % % % ~ I" W Q ~ < O J °~ W LL x V I e m Q m cD n N r ~ = ~ a ~ 1 O ry P N o .+ 17 % % in + 0 F ~ t 1 V = ~ e~ -. n v m m ~ W "' U V ~ ~ ~ Z F to x x x + Q F 4] X O 1 J H W I m m Q o ~ p W C w+ {~ 0 0 Q 1' 6 4 O O p 0 1 0 O Y u 0 0 m m 0 0 ~ b ut t`l Ol N N % % M ~ O F = O N. Q O Q rf Nf ~ +1 Y Q 9 U M O 0 W u u V 0 O Q 0 w LL H 0 m U f .~ ~ X m < i 2 Vl W P u . m F N y~ ~ U 9 Z6' ~ M y tp ~ Q O $ O W 6 .v N N V1 ~O N O P ~O N .O P Y 0 C U .] ~ F t0 b P ~O a0 x G M 3 ~ y ~O b J~ nl ~O wt Y M u U ~ _ _ > Q F < b 1 0 N M 1 V m ~ I 0 0 W 0 Ci 'h m G o u S H O, ~ M +I rp O ~ m 0 O Q d 0 b ~ 0 W 9 .ui .®i a H u N I ~ p F 9 0 9 0 O C 9 0 t 9 0 ti u U Y 0 WI y t'1I PJ O O O 0 O M M N u ~ ~ N OL u ~ U u w C m ~ W V 01 "~ O 0 a O 0 ~ O x ~ m~ p ' Y ~ O ?i ~ a d s g ~ c • G W 6 6' m ~ N o l 9 ~ 'l p i " . i m ~ m I m a J m' j pp I n v n m b O G F ~ n m ¢ ~ I ~ W I l F m ~, F W V CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Housing rehab bide SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner ~~~ DATE: July 6, 1993 BACEGROUND: Six of the proposed seven housing rehabilitations were bid at this tine. Nine bid packets were picked up by contractors and three bids were subsequently received. Low bide were evenly split between two contractors. ' RECOMMENDATION: Staff recomenda acceptance of the low bid for each house. This breaks down to the following: Richard Britt and Associates 42 Stanley Road f15,570 87 Donner Road f14,200 60 Jackson Road (13,270 A zanier Balfe. Inc. 51 Ardella Road 313,763 1795 Mayport Road 311,298 75 Sinsone Road f13,293 Total for six housing rehabs: 361,394 Budget: (89,000 ATTACHMENTS: 1) Bid tabulation fora REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER AGENDA ITEM NO. for a grand total award of ;81,394.00. Respec [fully, Joan LaVake, Purchasing Agent BUDGEYED ANOUNY (for six (6) houses) ;88,000.00. PONDIRG SOURCE: Community Development Block Grant Contract with Jacksonville RUD. Expenditures reimbursed up to ;238,945.40. .._..~e,~i:~ .,. .:~- ~t71r.+.r..a. __ -,:ass.... .~;~.'-..i,:,-.:~„_ CITY OF ~tlaatle $eauF - ~leuilee am SFMLYOLE ROAD AMYtiC 6ESCM. FIARm15315}Sus rF1Fp110NE ISW12f13a00 FA% flu) ifFSaas July 12, 1993 AWARDS C014fITTEE NINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 29. 1993 The Awards Coa®it[ee met on iueaday, June 29, 1993, at 1:00 PH, to receive bid advertised as BSd No. 9293-23 - 1993 DONNER SUBDIVISION HOUSING REHAB PROGRAM. Present at the bid opening were Commissioner Glenn Edwards, Chairman, City Planner George L'orley, and Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake. Invitations to Bld were mailed to twenty-eight (28) prospective bidders. Three (3) bids were received as follows: Richard Britt b Associates, Alexander Balfe, Inc., and Custom Conatruccion by Barris. Bid prices are as follows: Hatria Brit[ Balfe 51 Ardella Road S 16,821.00 S 14,780.00 ; 13,763.00 42 Stanley Road 16,652.00 15,570.00 NO BID 1795 Mayport Road 15,206.00 14,380.00 11,298.00 75 Simmons Road 13,990.00 14,800.00 13,293.00 87 Donner Road 16,626.00 14,200.00 14,702.00 60 Jackson Road 15,896.00 13,270.00 13,317.00 The low bids were equally divided between Richard Britt 6 Aasocfa ces and Alexander Balfe, Inc.: Richard Britt 4 Associates Al exander Balfe Inc , . 42 Stanley Road ;15,570.00 51 Arde lie Road ;13,763.00 87 Donner Road 14,200.00 17 95 Mayport Road 11,298.00 60 Jackson Road 13,270.00 75 Simmons Road 13,293.00 Total 3 Nouaea ;43,040.00 ;38,354.00 TOTAL ALL SIX (b) HOUSES: $81,394.00 It is the consensus of the Committee that it recommend co [he Ci[y Co®Senion [ha[ i[ avnrd the above three (3) houses to low bidder Richard Bzitc S Associates in [he total amount of 543,040.00, and to low bidder Alexander Balfe, Inc., for the above three (3) houses in Che total emoun[ of (38,354.00, qTL BCH PUBLIC WORKS TEL No .2471304 Jul 6.93 14:10 No .004 P.O1 r CITY OF ~g,~1c ~iecuE - ~lsrGla _~ nAise f~ fit- 93 ps~as~usD atsw[tc ~, noam~ musks ~aDOrs ew xiswo six oeo ir~aw i0: Joan LVaka. Purchasing Agant FgOM: rEDG KOS04r~ v,~. o~ ~si~ wks Yorrarded to ron 6arwitb ara apaeificationa and other pertiaent infor- Ytion nneaeaary far Fw to call for bide on pre~eet to be entitled: /,r~aJ~w /N~ti~+ Xl(.naimo p~'nSccQ~•••//~~fo ~n/_ //~ ~ fe /Z y'y ~~3 CYr GQf~ UIRSs~ /n" Funding £or this proleet 14 identified as follow: vich w approved budgeted ,.wne of i `~ll~,~ BSO .: ~FOI~INC l~PP70Vd1:~ pN (-~,,..~,IV•~ {..:.w.:' P,l/~~. J/~yR'Wf ~~~a--r/ ~s ,fie ° u9, aso . ~. Dizactor of Finance 9204-4 lfia undersigned Bidder has examined Che Plans and Spacificatfona, General Conditions, and other Contract Documnts, and all addenda thereto; and ie acgminted rich and Fully understands the extent and character of the Vork covered by the Proposal and the specified requiremnta for [he proposed Vork. The undersigned Bidder certifies that this Proposal is mde in good faith, without collusion or connec [ion with any other parson or persons bidding on she rork. The undersigned Bidder certifies that no officer or agsnt of the Omer is dLrectly or indirectly interested In ehla Bid. The undaraigmd Bidder certifies that he has carefully examined the foregoing Proposal after the same vu covplated and has verified every Item placed thereon; and agrees co indemify, defend and save harmless [he Owner agai~ut any cost, damge or expense which my be incurred or caused by an error in his preparation of same. Respectfully Submitted, (SEAL) ITS Complete Appropriate Space: Name of Bidder - Typed Its Bidder's Street Address Bidder's Melling Address City and Scete ( ) Corporation - State of Principal Office President Name Street Address City and State ( ) Other - Des ignited as follows: Principal Office President/Owner Strast Addrau City and Sate BP-5 ,.Lb. ~~A.Yia.'.e..c~uC]y.:.w..,.::sa` v~.aHbH:S is 9204-4 Item No. Brief Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit local Price Cost 19 Coneretn Sidewalk Repair 2 SY 20 Conc. Driveray Repair 48 SY 21 BID I Sodding TEMS FOR OCEAN GROVE DRIVE 3,900 SF 22 Clearing S Grubbing IS <S 23 6" PVC, AWWA C-900, DR 18 410 IF Incl. FSttings 24 Fire Hydrant, Couplets 2 EA 25 1• Short Wataz Service, Complete 7 EA 26 1• Long eater Service, Complete 6 EA 27 Cone. Sidewalk Repair 1 SY 26 Conc. Driveray Repair 96 SY 29 Sodding 4,000 SF BID I TQIS FOR EAST COAST DRIVE 30 Claaring Q Crubbing LS LS 31 12" PVC, AWA C-900, DR 18 712 (P Inel. FSttings 32 12" Gate Valve 2 EA 33 6• x 6" Tapping Sleeve 6 Valve 1 EA 34 8" x 8• Sapping Sleeve 6 Valve 1 EA 35 Fire Nydrant, Complete 2 G 36 Reconnect Existing Services 10 EA 37 Asphalt Pavement Rnplacexnt 100 SY 38 Conc. Driveway Repair ~ 54 SY 39 Conc. Sidewalk Repair 29 SY 40 New Sidewalk Construction 205 SY 41 Sodding 1,425 SP BP-4 9204-4 TOTAL - BASH BID - (Bid Item Noa. 1 thru 41 Plus Contingency) and Cents $ •Contingency Alloranea for approved addLtlve change orders. Final contract amount will be deterninad at completion of project. All unused monies rill revert beck [o the City of AtlentLc Baeeh. BID ITHi~ip BLVD DEpp C Aip ^1 in___ Item Brief Deaeri lion No. P Estimated Uni[ Unit io tai Quantity Price Cost 1 Clearing 6 Grubbing 2 2• PVC, Schedule 40 Incl. Fittings 3 6• PVC AWA C-900, DR 18 incl. Pietinga 4 2• Cete Valve 5 6• x 6• Tapping Sleeve 6 Valve 6 Fire Hydrant, Complete 7 1• pater Service, Complete 8 2• pacer Service, Complete 9 Asphalt Pavement Replacement 10 Conc. Drivaray Repair 11 Sodding BID ITP1lS FOR .T p 12 Clearing 6 Grubbing 13 6• PVC, AWA C-900, DR 18 Incl. Fittings 14 8' x 6• Tapping Slasve d Valve 15 6• Gate Valve 16 Fire Hydrant, Complete 17 Reconnect iaeist. Services 18 Asphalt Pavement Replacement LS LS -- 425 I.F 605 LP 2 BA - 2 BA - 2 EA 20 EA 5 EA 10 Sy -- 9 SY 3,000 SF IS yS 566 LF 1 PN ~ 1 EA 2 EA _-_ 9 EA 19 Sy BP-3 ~w-~"vim 9204-4 Bidder agrnes to provide ell neceasnry labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, and other meatu of construction to do all the rock and furnish ell Che materiel specified Sn thla Contract in eha manner and time prescribed and according to the requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach as therein sec forth and that he rill take as full payment, the unit or lump sum price applicable to that item presented in the schedule belor. NOTE: All entries in the Proposal must be made r-leanly, either typerritten or hand lettered in ink. Vhere indicated, prices bid must ba vrittan both in rords and figures. Bidder must insert extended prices obtained from quantities and unit prices. In cue of a diaerepaney, betreen the amount shorn Ln figures and the amount ahovn in vorda, the amount shorn Sn rorda shall govern. TOTAL BID - Va[ez Main Improvements for Ocean Blvd., Dewees Ave. and Coquina Plncn complete as shorn, (Bid Item Nos. 1 thru 11): Dollars and Cents $ TOTAL BID - Vater Main Improvements for Coral Street complete as shorn, (Bid Items Nos. l2 chru 21): Dollars and Cants $ TOTAL BID - Vater Main Ivprovements for Ocean Grove Drive complete as shorn, (Bid Item Nos. 22 thru 29) Dollars and Cents $ TOTAL BID - Water Main Improvements for East Coast Drive complete as shown (Bid Items Nos. 30 thru 41). and Cents S SUB-TOTAL BASE BID - Vatar Main Improvements (Bid Item Noa. 1 ehru 41) Dollars and Cents $ CONTINGENCY - 101 OP Bese Bide and lane Cants $ BP-2 9204-4 Proposal of (hereinafter celled •8ldder• Corporation) organized and existing under the lees of the State of Florida, a pnrtnerchlp or an individual doing business es T0: City of Atlantic Beech, Florida The Bidder, in compliance with your Imitation to Bid on Water !fain Improvements for Coquina Place and Baat Coast Drive in Atlantic Beach, Florida, having exmined the Drawings, Specifications, end related documents prepared by Connelly fam 1 ar with ells the conditions surrounding the cons [ruction of then proposed project including the nvailabili[y of materials and labor, hereby proposed to furnish all labor, materials and equipment, and to construct the project in accordance with the contract documents at [he prices stated below. It is the intent of [ha City of Atlantic Beach to award the Contract within 14 days from bid date. Unforsean delays in project approval by the City of Atlantic Beach and/or others may cause a delay in the Notice to Proceed after contract arard. The Bidder, if awarded the contract, hereby agrees to commnce work within tan (10) days after the 8otlce to Proceed and complete all work within fatty-five (45) days, after begim~ing rork. Furthermore, it La agreed that the owner has the right to delete any of the following BLd Items with no compensation made to the undersigned. Biddez aclmovledges he has satisfied himself as to the types and quantlciea of soils end utter table conditions present on site and, if awarded the contract, will provide end maintain all horizontal end vertical construction staking for utilities end drainage facilities, and replacement (when needed) of steke•outs and controls. Nork shell be confined to the general limits of project ai tea shown, Contractor shall repair and restore all areas disturbed by his construction activities. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: BID SCHCD rt s Contractors must bid on ell Bid Item. Award will be based on the Total Bld. The Owner tarsi rh nti ~ the Bid Items, and to eliminate any of BP•1 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES - My person aubmlt[Sng a bid oz proposal in response to this invitation moat execute Fors pUR 7068, SHORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(A), FLORIDA STATOTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRINFS, including proper check(s) in the apnea (s) provided and enclose it with the bid oz proposal. IDENTICAL TIF BIDS - In accordance with Section 287.087, Florida ' Statutes, effective Jaauarq 1, 1991, preference shell be given to busi- nesaea with drug-free workplace progress. Whenever two or more bide vh1c6 are egwl with respect [o price, gwlity, and service are received by the State or by any poll[ ical subdivision for the procurement of eommoditiea or contractual services, a bid received from a buaiaesa that certifies that it has isplemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference Sa the award process. Established protedurea for processing bide will be followed if none of [he tied vendors have a drug-free workplace progrm. A form for [hie certification is included with the bid forces and moat be submitted with the bid or proposal. Joan LaVake • x:ace •s• f a•:•s seas •! *s **au*caaaisg*A*eRtf ^ FLORLOA TIMES-UNION: Please publish one time on Sunday, May 30, 1993. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 247-5818. CITY OF rPA'art~~ ~iaek - ~lertda eoo ~=u~~a~ RwD AMYIIC BEACN, FLORA Ilil}5y5 TELQHONE (1 Wl 1(~.SIW FA% (9M) ]fi51D5 Hay 30, 1993 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID NOTICE ie hereby given that the City of Atlantic Beaeh, Florida, will receive sealed bide in the Office of the Purchae ing Agent, City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Ploride 32233, until 2:00 PH, Thursday, June 17, 1993, after which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for WATER RAIN IP3ROVEIIENTS FOR COQUZNA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE in Aclantic Beach. lids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "BID NO. 9293-22 - WATER RAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE, TO BE OPENID Ae'fER 2:00 PH, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1993." Bidders may obtain complete seta of Bidding Documents from the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Plorida, after 1:00 PM on 3uae 1, 1993, upon payment of 530.00 per set, checks payable to Connelly b Wicker Inc. Payment amount i.s non-refundable. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will no[ be available. Ali bidders moat furnish the folloviog WITR THE BID: 1. Bid Bond in the amount of SS of~ the bid. 2. References testifying to the qua!.ity of their work. 3. Insurance Certificates, naming the Cicy of Atlent is Beach as Cerciflcate Nolder, shoving they have obtained and will continue to carry Workers' Compensa [Son, public and private liability, and property damage insurance during the life of [he contract. A Perforaance and Payment Bond will be required of the successful bidder. Bid prices moat remain valid for silty (60j da7s zf ter the public opening of the bide. Goods and services proposed shall meet all requirements of the Ordinances of the City of Aclantic Beach. i The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids, waive informall[ies and technicalities, make award in whole of part with or without cause, and to make [he award in what Ss deemed to be in [he beet interest of the CS[y of Atlantic Beach. Bid No. 9293-22 - VATER MAIN IMPAOVElDDi'fS FOR COQUINA PUCE AND EAST COAST DRIVE. Nailing Liet: Onited Brothers Development Corporation 2960 Hartley Road Jacksonville, PL 32217 NGA Construction 1316 Fruit Cove Drive North Jacksonville, PL 32259 Pet[iwat Contracting 11025 Blasius Road Jacksonville, FL 32226 Braddock Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 51328 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250-1328 M Site d Utility Contracting 8023 West Beaver Street Jacksonville, YL 32220 John Noody, Inc. P. 0. Box 60218 Jacksonville, FL 32236 Dodge Report (Hill Pick Up) Construction Report (Will Plck Up) ._Sa. s. - .:V.:,, - __ •.u - .ci{~iYiXillll6i~Y~i. n o P O ~ p N N 1~ U _ ~ N N nl ~~ C .] N U V r . -1 . O I .. ' OI Y . X ` O P N Y Y Tn C U y I Y O \ ' 1 ^I ~ ~ u E o o ~ s ~m g 6 G V D O x ~ ~ O o w o n m ~ o S ~ u ^ + a U .-] 6 C l N h N V l V l k. !. Z 'Y } 2 C X .- 1 .4 N d a W ' ~ ~ + v..v ~ ~ '~ W o > U F O Q Y ~ V 3 '~i ~ W ~ ^ n ^ ; a g ~ ` G .:~ r ~ ~ = r r r ~ ~ X M • W 'y ^+ n{ N Q u d ~ .a ,y J .a w W LL ~ V ~ LL= y ~ OV ~ ~ ~ `d -m, = I H W m (,~ W °` ^1 O V v ~ F "~ Q I J ^ N U W O. ~ '~ a N W N W N W Vl V1 a H• F X .y N N .y N •f i. . w i+ W Y W i+ J ~ W .y ( "~ ~ Q O > W o O s o U m CY 6 L V C m f '] " _ C W O O O w W u V Q O O O O O O 7 b 6 O O. O. N W W V) W m m W V1 W a~i m a .~ p N ~ + } y Y m ~ N N ~ C d '~ ^'~ O .4 U H "^ W Y > u C V O O Q 'o m 6 6 V F Y q m n W o ~ C .+ v ti ' y W L ~ , '. m B .* ~ y K `~ F Z ~ ~ p p W 0 Z Q ~ H 4 . W y ¢ H F y UU ~ v O G N ~i - 1 y T ~ N U { y (/1 S O M N t t r W .. H .t ~ C. O m 2 ~ m K PS } T F 3 _W G ~] V W v y .~ [z C~ J ry m ` F W U i' C! Y pp g v v 41 W ~.aTT 2 C Q O 2 F O hZi Z < ~ y Q 6 ~ O O E+ O ~ W i ~ K J 3 [~ ~ N U p O U G OL N L G m ¢ H L 0 Z I L ~ _ F W O V t CITY OF tle ~eaelc - ~lostda. Imo sAhoFleFn unE AilAhliC BEACH. FU'lamA ]ll].KNI TFI.FPNOhi IrN) 1fFStS1 FAX IeN) mssw June 22, 1993 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Joan LeVeke/Purchasing Agent FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Putilic Morke RE: BZD OPEKING FOR MATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE A bid opening rae held at City Hall on June 16, 1993 at 2:00 p. m. rith the folloring Contractors submitting bide: COIITRACTOR i. M.R. Torneend Contractor TOTAL BASE BID 5123,599.30 References b Drug free cork place forwe rare not rith bid package. 2. AA Site b Ut111ty 3. Braddock Construction 4. John Moocy, Znc. 5. MGA Construction Compsny 9128,215.72 All forwe rich bid package. 6130,900.00 All form^ with bid package. 9133.916.09 All formes rith bid package. 5235,723.20 Drug free work place forms not rith bid package. The apparent lov bidder, M.R. Torneend, did not furnish references nor Druq Free Mork Place forwe rith the Ditl package. The Contractor ha• not perforwed previous utility work for the City of AtlanLie Beach. Me recowwend that the bid De arsrded to AA Site i Utility Contractors •ho rae the lorest reaponwible, rewponeive Lidder. RSK/wc cc: Niw D. Leinbach/City Manager File - 93-AB-MATER CITY OF r~Xa+Etie ~e~u~(c - ~lestda Ea aFAHNOLE 71MD ATLAY7IC aEACN, PLORLLN 7f21Y7~1S TELEPHONE (f W7 2eYS100 FA% MM) 2f1-lep5 AWARDS COlOfITTEE MINUTES TRURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1993 The Awards Co®ittee met on Thursday, June 17, 1993, at 2:00 PN, to receive bid advertised as BSd No. 9293-22 - WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE. Present a[ the bid opening were Assistant Public Works Director Ernie Beadle and Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake. Invitations [o Bid were mailed [o six (6) prospective bidders, and plane and specifications were provided [o the Dodge Room and Construction Bulletin. Five (5) bids were received as follows: TOTAL PRICE BID W. R. Townsend Contractors S Jac ksonv111e, FL ~ 123.599.30 AA SS [e b Utility Contractors Jacksonville, FL 128,215.72 Braddock Construction Jacksonv113e Brach, PL 130,90G.00 John Woody, Inc. Jacksonville, FL 133.916.09 MGA Construction Company Jacksonville, FL 215,723.20 The apparent low bidder, W. R. Townsend Contractors. felled to provide references as required Sn the Invita[SOn to BSd. The Drug-free Workplace form vas roc submitted, but ie not a requirement to bid. In agreement with common to contained in the attached meaorandum from Public Works Director Bob Rosoy, together with his and staff's evaluation of the bids, £t is the consensus of [hc Committee that 1[ recosmend [o the CS[y Commission that it reject the low bid from W. R. iovnsend Contractors for failure to comply with bid requirements, and accept [he second low bid from M Site b Utility Contractors in the amount of 5128,215.72, and make the award accordingly. Reaper [fully, Joan LaVake, Purchasing Agent BUDGETED AMOUNT =114,850.00. FUNDING SOURCE: Capital Imp. Plan Project 2D, A8 Water July 12, 1993 cITY of AruNrlc aFaca CLTY COMMISSIM 1~E'1'71iG STAFF BEPOR'T AGENDA ITEM: MONTHLY USACE REPORT FOR PARKS 4 RECREATION FACLL?TIES-JUNE 1993 SUBMITTED BY: ROSE N. BLANCHARD, PARKS S RECREATION DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 6, 1993 BAC[GROUND: AS REQUESTED: PARKS ACTIVITIES JACK RUSSELL PARK, Schools, Families 6 Churches 288 . DONNER PARK " " 350 JORDAN PARK " " 250 TOTAL USE IN ALL PARKS-OUTDOOR FACILITIES *~888 DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER " SUlDfER CAMP, MAGIC SHOW, FIRE SAF ETY DEMONSTRATION,FREE LUNCHES 671 ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER _ RECREATION BOARD/COMMITTEE HTGS 33 CRIBBAGE 24 M MTGS. SUN. 48 HABITAT BOARD MTGS. 58 SCRABBLE 12 AA MTGS. FRI. 100 ARTS b CRAFTB 8 BRIDGE 16 ABPD-TEST 15 FLA.MOTION PICTURE b TV ASSOC. 14 STATE ATTNY'S HEARINGS 9 BCHS. SOCCER ASSOC. 12 ADULT WORKSHOP 14 CHILDREN'S SUlDgR WORKSHOP 25 TOTAL USE OF ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CNTR. 388 The Parks S Recreation Dept. has served a Total of 1,947 citizens in [he month of JUNE-no[ including Tennis 6 Racquetball 6 Basketball players as yell as "drop ins° to enjoy picnics in the Park of just playing foz [he little ones. RFA50MMP1WATI0N: KEEP 7NE ATTRACTION TO OUR FACILITIES GOING! *Note: outdoor activities STILL exceed indoor activities. ** The 'skin ve llness program For Cancer Awareness vas offered once in the daytime ATSALW~tI'S: and once in the evening. NOT ONE PERSON ATTENDED EITHER OFFERING!!! This vas advertised in [he newspapers, Chanel 47 (Gov't Chanel) and with distribution of posters throughout [he City. // REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ~l~jy7 QC~ rj~ IT. ._~ ACHNDA ITEM 110. BACK-UP DATA FOR FINAL iNVOIC6 Original Contract Amount 53,310,084.75 Change Orders 1-44 f236,414.27 Contract Total 53,546,499.02 Maximum Authori2ed Construction (3,518,684.47 _ 53,489,42fi.44 Less Previous Payments Balance Due CCS/Is/M23.063 S29,258.03 n n L Z j U O O ,~ ~ Z W Q a Q Q U LL H V 0 Z Q Z O Q V `~ I J a a Q W~ _x.-s ~z_z ao<o C ~ ~ C y4's O~ N C - Z ~= O ~ ~ _ G e' G _ C N N N '~O O C A Z U Ou N ~ _ ~~ a _ V V x~ H ti N ` N '~~SJI CP rl b SJ ~ ~'pN pl ~1 .a N G O c .e °0 i~' a~w ~~ Sm °`~~ '~> N v a.~~ ~a~ t~iti n.v u e .~ m O J m V C r h. ~' m° a i\O~ QO V.yh o G ~ ~ Z > o 0 S ;._ O< <U F Z u C Z V Q v J c Q V7 O V Q H Z O ~~ 3a~ ~~ ~ C[t I I !' ~ I~ ~ ~ Z ~u ~ E E e ' ~ ' ?Tti9 - 0 ,,, I rO U : 2 o~i0 <~- 3 V -° : t OF et_~i ~ ~ o _ r ~ V f W C = ~ o O .~.. 7~ V J~` ~~ __ `c ~ r - Z p~ V~< x~ x-. w u C r T ~ V C )f L w O ZOJ ~ c ~ F ~ V o `c V I I a ~ Z o II C I o n I I O N ~ i'1 O Z I- ~ e ~ v _ '" I ~ N ~• .< I _ ;; ~O I;I O ° ~ - ~ j ~ n .. 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Beach work~~conpleted-dn3 dehvery_or ihe~epprovedshopdedwfn,PBi .end~prbvides adore:' ' - - legitile.~back-up'`stieet.•: L. also Lave-~p"reyiously approved.Baicos Sl•,,650903nvoice ."~ .- . for rep]dhehen~ of';104 Yeet ~ curb 'that was btoken Fpm ~au ~ttlanhc`beach veh>.cle+backed aver freshly-poured conEre~e. 9As ,'yox~seep~l; tb~s voice wes ~-. d~scassedYanh apRr6ved ddring our pctuber ~ettlesentyege2ang~wi{p m and - thdv.attorneyN YXjelhave cevfewed the:etirlosed 3nfof~ation~~rlhhd"it anS.ordef ~d~ - - reCbal~eL~~prp~pY ~aypmt.- r y ~w~¢Y .h..~ ¢y etp x I °,. T .a;: ~~ l~ i a {4 9 r ~ ~ 1 .Y x~$ any gpesfi jr .P eaa~~T~ ,~.~~'n~. y ~~ y x {' -' ' y } If Ol~, ii VL' 1 - P OII 1 ,1 ~<'~+ ~4t~Ct~ u 'l .t a; ; ': ~.~1 SFnsere(y -E +, Y, - : .T'i 1 J i.3id ~ 5 r r 4h ~.rr' z' T v BESS a ~"~ ° ..eN a. ,},i~.~ t / Iyal~ -, a h "[ lr l ~ ~ _ "+~~ ~ w ^tr4 ~d y Y.F.y S~ u.. s.4 f~~~ly2 s~~ ~I.L,~ e r ai- 1 ~ a r a a ~. r 7' _-r Charges cR- tM ~ +1^S"~i - r a .. xr • ~ ~ 5 _y inreetor•7of}`ksII v ~~oP~elR. Yh v y r: y?~~+Y ~+ .~ a .~~ m e 1.:' ccS~la~,ltz3.~jb {.~w ~r I ~ -i.. a < '• _ - ~ :.~T - Enclo'su~gsr x 1. .. e f are + .r ~ ' a'. _ r + I ,_ 6 h f. I-e/ E f• 1 M1~4 ~~P L• N I N,~C 5 L~t V F.T 1 Ix _G . NOTICE QF ILLEGIBILITY ILLEGIBILITY OF SOME OF THESE DOCUMENTS IS DUE TO THE POOR QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. THE FAULT DOES NOT LIE WITH THE CAMERA OR ITS OPERATOR. .P'!;. iii ~ ~~ .~~~ ~~ -. .y.cu.._~ • r.- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACB CITY CDRIIZSSIO[ tlFBTIYG STAFF ~T AGE]IDA ITElI: Finel Paysent request, Section R SUBlIITTED BY: Robert 5. Kosoy, Director oZ Public Morks DATE: July 2, 1993 BACKGROUBD: Enclosed is the revised Zinal invoice srid backup Zros 8areo ~Eor baelc services under the Atlantic Beach Section R project. The Figures have been checked and tabulated and Zound to be in order. - ~ ATIOf: ~ Approve final dsyaen't. ~. - ~. _ _ r;•o, . ATTAC@(F7Y5: rinel paysen sedcnt%ion R. REYIEYFD Bf CIT4 MALAGEII: ~ - ~ -v' ~a~~~~~.. ~. - . Continued PROJECT DRAY RECUEST - Kirk Mendland presented EKHIBIT A rhich ie a Project Drar Request that the Barnett Hank rill need for drardorns of the 610,000,000.00 they are loaning to the City. Since 63.7 willion rill be used to defease the Oak Narbor., State Pollution Control Series g, and Buccaneer bonds, Kirk rill need a list of priority projects to expend the regaining s6.3 million. 2.._ SLUDGE MAULING - Ron Fauconniere of Lee Engineering discussed hauling of sludge to the Pecan Ro• Landfill, site near Valdosta, Georgia. He vdrised the Cowvittee that he could provide a turnkey operation and had - obiained all necessary perwits. He will aubwit a price proposal to the Director of Public Norka. After this discussion Mr. Faueonni ere left the westing. 3. RESIDUAL MANAGEMENT STUD! - Tow Hark presented a price proposal for the folloring itewe: a. Alternative Derelopwent 89121.00 D. Iwplewvntation of plan Later e. Request for Land Application 82073.00 Proposal d. Long tern prograw 612008.00 The Cowwittee recowwended that only Itewe a and a be authorized at thi• tiwe. At this point, the City Manager stressed the urgent need to have these itews cowpleted in July 1993 snd advised that he could authorize the covwencewent of this cork pending discussion rith the City Cowwiseion. Note: The City Cowwission concurred yith the City Manager's request later in the day. RSK/tb cc: All Attendees File - 93-MSCR CITY OF r~tlaKtie $'cae! - ~loxldst uw sANSneFx ~ Al1.ANnC afM.T), y1URmA jyv}(V) iFLFA10NE (91p 2lF9H iA% ISM) 2fF5fp Revised Kinutee July 7, 1993 ~7~ July 6, 1993 K E N O R A N D U K TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager - FROM: Robett S. Kosoy/Director of Public Morke~~~ RE: MATER AND SEMER COMMITTEE REPORT t43 The Water and Serer Committee set on June 30, 1993 and the attendees rare: Kim D. Leinbach, Jim Jarboe, Alan Patter, Ernie Beadle, Tim Tornsend and Bob Kosoy. The discussion concerned the Mater and Serer Improvements for Beach Avenue (plane dated 8/90). After discussing the failed septic ayetewa and leaking cells, hydraulic share agreements currently in effect and the premium costa to do parts of the project, e. g. Seminole Road from 17th to 18th Street e, the folloring recammendationa rare made: 1. NOTIFY RFSIDEYTS - Bob Kosoy rill notify the residents on Seminole Road that they have 24 months to connect to the City serer upon completion of the wain. Ma. Pigford rill Pe notified that her septic system must be properly abandoned and she must connect to City serer immediately. 2. PHASING OF WORK - Alan Potter recommended that major portions of the project be phased to control expenditures. After much discussion, the Committee recommended that an eati mate be obtained from the Design Erg ineer to revise the plane, chile considering tro phases and coordination of drainage coneiderationa rith the Stormrater Utility Engineers. The Design Engineer vi 11 prepare a ner permit for the project. The Water and Sever Committee met on July 1, 1993 and the attendees rer e: Kim D. Leinbach, Alan Potter, Kirk Mendland, Tim Tornaend, Tom Har Y., and Boh Kosoy. Items of discussion rare: _,. _ .. .:1a b:. ~.~...yq PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Atlantic Beacn Pire Department Yiahed to acqulie an aYtOmatlC electronic defibrillator to enable Bmargency Nedical Tect~nlclsna to prvvlde bettor emergency treat- ment cf heart attnck victims in Atlantic Baaohl and WBEBP,AS, contribution/ Sn the {mount o[ i~,730.00 from Plaet Landlnq residence have enabled the city to porthole thin 11 Ce-eavlnq equipment. NON, TtlEREFORE, I, Nilliam I. Gullitozd, Jr., Mnyor of the City of Ailantle Beach, in recognition o! their eontributiona toward CM puz<haia of nn automatic electronic defibrillator, hereby proclaim the tollowinq Fleet Landing residents to be Honorary Flraflghtars in Atlantic Beach. w . JRxsr x. uws Li. a XY. L[/INLTX axlLggLi ML . i Ny, pttlm C. ATIIYYi ro" . L w. R[pLp YtLN LCDL. B IIU. LVWLLL aRktL IW . L IW. Y[IRY 1. MLLl GTC 8 XY. NppBp L[[LS[LD X[i. IOYR Y. LYYttt WL. [ NY, iDIW iLLL[ Ltt. L Xw. CXLIL[t [OXRNMg1 roL. L NRS. LVii[LL wY0 w/. awlu r. i[LYYRN Xu. xu[t[r v, iRDYN LTC. [ IW, w[[[T [, iURNXIW Nli. [8C11[L C. 8Vtt Lr. vlwl[u a. /vttw Dl. L MY. Jpq 0. GR18L[ NLi. ADLIAIDL V. CAII[11XLy cot. c w. aaNx [. roLLNIW LTC. L XY. VILLI[X N. CO[LLy WL. f XY. IWN J. CROLLpX Nw. LCMLCi 6 CVYINONNN COL. c 11w. C[Cft L. CYitta Wi . L Nli. LNLL MVti NR. 8 Nl[• ppDµD ONLtt COL. L NRi. RLCNRRD DICXIM[ON WT . L Xl[. XLX[Y DVYCRX NN. L Np. tWARp Y. DVMX CAT . L N[L. Jp1N I. [DACN DR. L XRL. [IDYN CLCN[NXOLTI wL. L MItL. IN1LI[ LLLLOTT LTGW, f MY. NVOX Y. iLV]p0 CDR. [ N11[. JNII[[ [. LN[[iON XxJ. f Mb. CALVIY O. iIIGLISX COL. L Mt[. IL[YY X. LY[[Yk NR. L NA. Pµ1 A. NLWN LTC. L N[i. wtLK 0. LA2RCXftp WT. c NII[. LNSLlt t. IALCON[ Lcpl. i Xq. CWYD X. LW[gl NA. [}XLL D. rLYYY NN. c NY. VaLTCR R. Ll[UfxN Aml. L XA. f.J. ORLR[TSN CxDT. f IW. BCIYWp L. WigJ Wr. c Nli. [pY11lD DWyN C.VT. c MA. L. fAlp CN OMY. 3I: NU. [LOtI! L DItOCf COL. i ,m[. NRRpLD XM[ xA. nRpRLnNt X. xactLaRxs nR. L Np. JRXtl 6 MR1iT LCOR. f IW. RLCIWD L. XRLL LTC. µ[L[ N. XRIIDWi[RCX Wr. c NRi. c.v. NaLLIiDN NDi . W[l,i aYTIYW CLL T. L NY. YWxW Y[LILtCY CYO • NV. i. Lq [U.TDN UDI. a NY. 11pILL C. YYOt CRrt . L Ilt/. JRpt i. NIpY1M. 33t Mt. IMILSi C. NITCNIFi XaJ . a w/. RL/LLT MWIn WL . i NLL. YILLILN J. IgLT, Jl. rot . • ML. iRa[/T a. IIOY01 COL . J01a1 [. 110X[1.1 W T. • NY. iD1NJD O. Nu[TOY w . NRLr a. JRewN MY . ALCC[ N. JCYW} MO N. L Mtl. CRtLTpI /, JCMG LCOR. LAWLR IaXYi [AO NII. R MIU. LL/tq LLLNIYQ COL. c 11Y. VILLIRN WIL}TL w. c Nu. Txvui r. uttR CAI i. f NU. NOON X. LNIi CDR. L NRL. JOIW L. LLYfL LCDL. c Nq. OwLpt D. LND1C xLl. XAIm1LT L. GLYLLL WT. L IW. LaVCL a. LIMLDRY pR. f MLf. JM[IN LCC1CLw WL. c MLL. ALTXYR LYMY nL. i nLS. Jglll C. INLLOLY LCE[. 6pVMp O. IW[jY COL. f M1LL. JRNA 1YLLT1N Nti9 MLLp INttIN COL. i ML[. JgIX D. NCCVLI.Wg1 xRE. JM[i M. XCOAL ,m. C NL/. [WLLD L. 11COMTN Ntl. XLLIaN Y. IICYLIL LT. L NRa. AL4 NLRDWL COL. L MY. FLLMLi NLI[L CYT . L NY. VLR11.Y L. N[CNWL NR. i Nq. R1CIgap M11LLL LL[T . f Ntl. LWpT O. N31[ LAIr . a w. eLI/wW L. ronue CDR. f NY. pppLp L. NppLL LOUT . LCpll R. IIWL[ LT. i IIY. [LY1WL L. IURRItOY CM . 6 NY. pLpROt L. W1pL{Ny FLS. INYI.LIL NWL1W roc. L w. LwLRr e. YLtOXNI WT . f NRi. OKAII t. YLYOY LT. L MY. LOLLLT J. NOCNL xtu XRTNUtY OCII[Y NY. WITH OLINNLLl WL. f 1m1. CWpCi Y. IATTLN GRI T. L IIY. YILLIJ111 1. LLYxL b. L Np. NWYT T. IL[LCR CIIT. • IDy. CIWLO a. IpDLLTOX CDa . a Ntl. RLVl1 L. /YILLIIi NII/ . VIVILN t. 11ro1WW MR. c Ntl. JOIW C. NLCLLL WL• L NY• Neit} J. WINR WL. f Ntl. ODNaLD M. MLi ML. JYtLt [. YYey NY. PJR [. LITgfL w. [urN appcis NY. IWL L. uvotu CJP} . L Mp. YILLUN T. LIVYCR DRLL . L NRL. YILLIRN L. LCRLDDRJVGX NY. /YYY J. saarlu 4CM . a NRi• YINLTDN N. /CHL[CI Wt. 6 NY. tlOl[Y N. LCXLNxlNC car. . J. wLW aaaum NRL. J1J16T L. /COT{ LTC. WDLt1C[ N. /[ARi NR/. LWlii L. L[WY CDR. L NL/, pRV1D N. LXARCI LCDR . L NLL, L. VtaL/ LNfTx NDO . f Np. 1CLfM D. LX1TX CRCT . L NY. LLZCNq tN11L1 V11pN . L Mq. LWnI [. y1Y0[L ML. L NY. N. [µt LSLLCNL[[ CRLT . a IW. CNLLLp Y. /TTCR WT . i MLD. CRLL D. LIIUNLLY LCDL . L NLf. bLLLT D. TAYLDR CL[T . L Kq. NLT3L TCTLLT Wl. c kL/. V. WLp011 tMTCX[R CDL. i IXIL. IWVN L. TNWW.D ax. L Nu. Txaui /, naxe CRLT. Jtegi L. T11{pl/DY COL. i11mW NatTTO MY. LR VM FYC[ CaR. V1LLL11 J. VIYWIT roe. L NY.. VICLOR v. VW/G1xG CRR. a Ntl. LL[pLL1CF VN.G1L LCDL. i MV. WVID L. VLtD WL. L Nb. VRRW imLYLIfL CRIL. L 11Y. a9LLRi L. YATLON CDL. L Ntl. gLiT Y. YC/CP CDL. f Ilq. MYMND V. ViLCN Ltt. L XLL DDLDDN /. YxLL1LR NL. c Nb. ayat[Y V1LL111NS CDL. JYLUIY L YtLLIA14 NL. L Ntl. RLLU[T VIIIOMT IN NITNESS NHEAEOP I have hereto set my hand end caused the official creel of the City of Atlantic Basch Co be affixed Chia 12th day of July, 1993. Page 12 June 28, 1993 .enn~e courts, an thus placed tennis players at ~-j ck, Navor culliford asked Kim Leinbach to arrange a meetj.no with the Community Development Board. There hPing no further business the Mayor adio+n•ned the meeting at ]0:45 p. m. Mayor ], Gulliford, Jr. Mayor/Presiding officer A T F. S T: Matu-ae^ King city Clerk NA4~ OP COMMBS. M S v Y V N Page 11 June 28, 1993 ... .,:•inbarh asked kirk Nendland, Finance t`i terror, to present a request for the purchase of •.~+;7 itv hillinn software. Nr. wendland advised Lhe ~.'iiy was atf Pmptinq to go through the a,nversian prncess of Utility Billing Software. rat;;, n` the ite rt;s that was needed in order to do ti: o. :-nnversion was a software package which inrind~d four wand reader units and computer r<„~•n:n hax<.=.. .!P explained the purchase would ir,ra-raso product. i.vity of meter readers. ue .--'vi sPd the nurchase would be approximately 57°. :~^n; 53.000 represented the software package .,. .. .;.,, and 512,000 represented four wand reader nn -. r,. and rampnrer boxes that were utilized to 7~:.:;< rn<~ meters.. Nation: Approve purchase of software package, and four wand reader units and computer reading t+oxes at approximately 515,000 ;~ was explained the Code did not require that the r;t-v u... ;,ur. far bid in this particular case. ,;~ unestion was called and the motion carried .,...,,. ,r-rnrsly. }ta rrV NCNally, Utility Pldni D1VlsiOn DireCLOr, ~xr;~.+ined :t was necessary to install a new mani,n',e nn Regulus nrive so that the City of ...,rtr s:vroille could proceed with paving. it w,as advised the cost would be 55,350.00. ~,-r.a ::=e of the em Pa-gency nature of the project Nr ;~r r:a;tV asked that the bid procedure be waived any *nr:n w:;n.-:y, Inc. be authorized to proceed with the rnnsrr;::~r:nn. Motion: Authorize new manhole on Regulus Drive at a cost of 15,350 m„< r:nantion was called and the motion carried :,c ar.i m.a.ig1 V . rrt: r'lerk Maureen king advised July 1, 1993 was i h,: +:a:97ino to turn in financial disclosures. rnsm:ssioner waters felt Russell Park was not saf :~n:i :,N:.:'., ~9 additional police protection. ~, r.. .l : rnmy Nil], Fire Department, advised of ..., _.... .~r,nd;rians at. 'russell Park. He explained ...r •r.,;'tr from the saf tbali fields fell on the NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Edwards x x Tucker x Waters x r. Gulliford x 1 Edwards x Tucker x x j Waters x x ~ Gulliford x e ~ Page 30 June 28, 1993 The provisions of Sections ]8-2(91(51 and 18-3 shall not apply to:. . No discussion before the vote. The notion carried unanimously. II. New egsinenS: A. Discussion and related action relative to ramtest for consulting inspection services and resident observation Frnasr. Pead7 e, Public works inspector, reported nrnfessinna] services were needed for upcooing r•nnv:r ruction prnacts due to the heavy ataount of construction work due to start. Mr. Beadle ranortad one construction project was presently underway, four construction projects were due to c,-~Trance soon, and five projects were co®ing into final design stage. He indicated three projects w:,::id Overlap and, thus assistance was needed to rovar the jobs properly. Motion: Approve proposal for Staith and Gillespie Engineers as detailed in article lC of contract dated June 7, 1993 (copy attached hereto and ~sde a part hereof) ^,:m-ri r: ~:, oner Tucker felt the total cost of s77.277.2a was too high for three projects. rr was exolained smith and Gillespie had submitted a nroposal for 523,271.24 for continuing thelr arisrinn prof essional services contract during const rncr.~i nn. rn addition, they had proposed nsina their current resident observer, Mr. Gary r.ehn: ar a monthly rate of 54,500.00. Based on a ;• ~::nri; duration, the budget for resident nhsarvai.icn wag 554,000.00. The City Manages ndvi cad iie had investigated this cost and it was f al; the price was fair. He added the price had h:.an mniified. ccmmi.ssioner waters inquired as to the cost of atr,h,,7ting a parking area on Poinsettia Street,to wln rh t+.r. tie adle explained the cost was „nr;rr, r.~mata7y 575,000. The ronostion was called and the motion Carried rn;.::imn::ply. 9 _ ,,^i t.y_Manaagi_ RPPOrts and/oI Corresoondence• NAND OF COMNBIS. M S v Y V N Edwards x x Tucker x x Waters x Gulliford x Page 9 June 28, 1993 sine no one wished to speak further the Mayor ,ri ~~~:~-' the Public Hearing. Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance N95-93-58 on Final Reading qfr=, ;?i scnesion it was decided to revise the r•+~r nosed ordinance with the following amendments: .. 'v.-^ - Chango the first paragraph as fn)lows: All oe~sons, before entering into or nn:,•~ ~ residential premises within the City for +i;c pn:-Dose of sniir_iting, shall register with the r•it •; ricrk nr_ t~ne Citv Clerk's designated aaert ~n r. obtain r permit, and furnish the City Clerk wish t?~c fo]].owing:. .Sec. 18-4(9) No solicitor shall solicit door-to-door at any residence b?twr•en the hours of sunset ate 9:00 a. m. Sec. 78-4f51 Snlic hors shall solicit under the c:~m;i bons permitted. Sec. 18-8 - change the frr=t sentence to read: The provisions of Sections 7q=?i4l__51 and 18-3 shall not apply to:. . Commissioner Tucker pointed out that the clef snits nn of "Hawker" and the provision ornhihitirq such activities in Atlantic Beach had peen deleted from the ordinance. She felt it was ,manrtant that this be included and after further disrnssinn it was felt this subject would be sore annrnpriate7y located in Chapter 20 under n-r nna!ional t.i tenses and it was agreed an ordinance should be drafted to amend Chapter 20 to ~n:•i..de a definition and prohibition of hawking in At]'+ntic Reach. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance iY95-93-58 on Pinal Reading, a6 amended. Amendments a8 fotlows: Sec. 19-2 - change the first paragraph as follows: All persons, before entering into or upon a residential premises within the City for the purpose of soliciting, shall register with the City Clerk or the Citv Clerk's designated anent and obtain a r,a rmit, and furnish the City Clerk with the following:. .Sec. iR-4(4) No solicitor shall solicit door-to-door at any residence between the hours of sunset and 9:01 a. m. __ section 18-4(5) Solicitors shalt solicit only u e the conditions permitted. Sec. 18-8 - change the first sentence to read: NAME OF COMMEIS. M S v Y v N Edwards x Tucker Waters x Gulliford Edwards x Tucker x x waters x x Gulliford x 1 June 28Pa1993 I SAM AS I M~ S I Y I N had contacted other cities. She reported the City of Jacksonville had not experieshedrecommendedi the allowino the pot-bellied Pi9• that it should gig should be vaccinated Yethat the pig should be not weigh over 125 pounds, at least eight weeks of age when purchased, and th at a popper-stopper should be required as with dons. Joan Bednar, 359 Ahern Street, the owner of the pin, advised the pig was contained inside a fenced yard, and that she was able to visit her hems several times a day to exercise the pig. She indicated she had experienced no problems related tc owning the pig. Since nn one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the -ublic Hearing. Edwards x r. Motion: Approve passage of waters Ordinance N95-93-57 on Pinal Reading Culliford Nn discussion before the voteWithhCommissioneras r•alled and the vote. was 3-1, Tnrker voting nay. The motion carried. R. Ordinance fF95-93-58 - Public Heating AN ORDINANCE ANSNOZNG CHApTBR 18 OP TE18 AgT,AN'PIC BRACH ('ODS ADOPTING VARIOUS RUL63 AND RSGOLATIONS REI.ATRO TO CHARIT~LDSPROVIDINGTANNSPPS~C'4PUIVBIDATS• PERMIT TNBRSPOR, Mayor Culliford presented in full, in writing, ordinance r95-93-58, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. nr,nald Noore, 2313 Pleet Landing Blvd., referred tr, section 18-4(21 and he felt panhandlers should be prohibited from accosting people for purposes of soliciting money. with reference to Section to-G~41 he suggested panhandling should be done rniv doting daylight hours. z r:, ~.cnssion ensued and several suggestions were made to revise the language in the proposed ~~rdinance. It was felt by several persons that wnh:+ndling should be done only during daylight h.-:u r=. Tt was felt the ordinance addressed the m~rrer of prohibiting people from obstructing r,~-~~.nlu in ar attempt to get a donation. Page 7 June 28, 1993 commissioner Tuc Y.er reouested Item A be withdrawn from tije consent Agenda. Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda with the exception of Items A No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Water and sewer couittee report commissiocer Tucker referred to Item 5 of the water and Sewer Committee report dated June 21, 159": reoardiny sludge manayement, and inquired as to the location to which the City's sludge would he ;:a uled. 7t was explained as of October 9, 1993 the landfill would not accept the City's sludge, and :t was necessary to go out to bid to see what i'. would cost for an alternative site. A question arose as to why the City had to bear the cost of this. and it, was explained if the sludge contained a high moisture content it would not be accepted at the landfill. Motion: Accept Water and Sealer Co~wittee Report dated June 21, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried to+animnusiv. 6_ Resolution A. Resolution #93-26 - Resolution authorizing PXPCIIt iOn of Barnett Bank note issuance and attached documentation (this was acted upon pa rl ier in the agenda) 7. gr~iinances: A. Ordinance #95-93-57 - Public Hearing AN nRr,TNANCE OP THP. CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, Fi.ORTDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9, ANIMALS, SECTION 4-7, MAT NTATNING STABLES: KEEPING OF NOGS, BY ALLOWING ('F.RTATN VIETNAMESE POTBBLLIED PIGS AS HOUSEHOLD PP.TS AND PROUiPING AN EPPECTI VIi DATB Navnr rulliford presented in full, in writing, nrd:nan~P ca5-~~?-57. said Ordinance having been pnsred jn accordance with Charter requirements. :iu r.re npd the floor for a public hearing and :nv,rcd r,,;,aaa me from the audience, PPC .:..y r.P Stpr, Animal Control Officer, reported =r,.- i,ad j"Pf p]VPd additional information from the F?.-~r;'a F'.`.-bel7lpd Pig Association, and that she NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N Edwards x x Tucker x haters x J: Gulliford x l Edwards x Tucker x x haters x x Gulliford x 1 ~J Page 6 June 28, 1993 Fact Finding Committee to the City Manager and the City Attorney to be presented in resolution Eon Mayor ctiiliford asked if the document would be added to the present rental policy, to which Commissioner waters replied the document would over-ride whatever policy was in existence. Commissioner waters added every facility was being addressed, and not just the Community Center. The q~.ie scion was called and the motion carried ~manimnusly. niscussion and related action regarding park and ride bus program t<im t.e inbacb, City Manager, reported Jacksonville Transnoration Authority (JTA) had agreed to prcvide a park and ride service to resolve the parking problem related to people going to the ocean. He reported the bus would pick up riders at the Pic-n-saee parking lot and would drop them ~f f. at various points along Ocean Blvd. The shuttle would begin operation July 4, 1993 and continue on weekends throughout the susmer months. The JTA would like Atlantic Beach to Show its commitment to the project by securing permission from Pic-n-save to use their parking, and to contribute toward the promotion of the service. Notion: Approve reCONendatlbn t0 secure permission frw Pic-n-Save to use their parking lot, and for a contribution by the City toward the promotion of the service No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unarimonsly. 5_ Consent Agenda: A. water and Sewer Committee report R. AoProval of Bid X9293-17 water main improvements on 3rd and 8th Streets C. Approval of Bid N9293-18 Buccaneer chlorine contact chamber n. Approval of Bid A9293-20 fabricate and install six wetwel] liners E. Approval of Bid N9293-21 trash truck with boom P. Aonroval of Change Order /1 Sanitary Sewer Rehab-Ahern, 9th Street and Seminole in the additive amounT. of t9,042.80 NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Edwards x Tucker Waters x Gulliford Edwards x x Tucker x x Waters Gulliford r. Page 5 June 28, 1993 refined as not oviceedinn a total of 100 hours w•irh in a three month perrod of time and, if fees were to be charged, the contract would be negotiated by a negotiating team. with reference to the long term contract, he explained long term was defined as exceeding a total of 100 hours within a three month period of time, and that the length of the contract would be negotiated annually. He added no sales would be allowed in a sh n,t r?rm contract. na vr.r cullif.ord Questioned the need for furnishing a financial statement, and Commissioner waters explained this would be a matter of public record, nOiV A disrn ssior, ensued relative to the organizations that "urrently used the Community Center. ROSe Blanchard advised at the present time scrabble, hridoe, and art classes (which had recently rnn~iuded? occupied the center, and that Habitat maintained an cifice at the center. A discussion ensued c-QncerninQ the drama workshops for children and ~r was Questioned whether or not it would be nocossary to obtain an occupation license for ore ration of the classes. ?t was felt by some citizens that groups using the ran*or sh gild contribute toward its utility h,i'.=. v,irk wendland was asked to advise the rnmmi.c si rni the cnct of utilities at the center. A discussion ensued concerning whether or not the r~ry wished to charge for use of the Center. 2t was felt by Commissioner waters that citizens shnnld be entitled to services, and they should be ahie to use the facilities at a very small charge. rnmmi r.si nner Tucker commended the committee for irs work in reviewing the matter. She felt voting nn rho matter should not take place until rnmm~ssi over Fletcher was present. In the meantime. she recommended the City Attorney review t ile document. t was eecided to turn the recommendations of the r.riv~~:,ry cte creation Board and Fact Binding rmm~:rrea to 'rte City Manager and the City arr,.:~n~v to present the proposed document in Pe snLrtinn form. notion: Refer recotaendations of the Advisory Recreation Board and NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y v N Page 4 June 28, 1993 of Foley and Lardner, and advised a representative of Barnett Bank was also present. Commissioner waters thanked everyone involved for the time and effort that was put into the matter. Kirk wendland thanked everyone for their hard work and cooperation. Commissioner Tucker thanked Aian Potter for the tremendous service he provided to the city. Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #93-26 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding Bid #9293-19 Brnest Beadle, Public works Inspector, reported additional information had been furnished to the Commission relative to bid #9293-19 for a BacY,hoe. Case Power and Bquipment, Jacksonville, Florida, was low bidder with a base bid of 543,715.00 and options bid of 510,831.00 for a total bid of 554,546.00. The Commission felt information had been furnished to their sat :.sf action. Motion: Accept Case Power i Equipment bid of :51,546.00 for Backhoe with options, Bid 19293-19 no discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. e. Discussion and related action relative to the general policies for the Adele Grage Community center Commissioner Waters presented the results of several ;oint meetings of the Advisory Recreation p.nard and the Fact Finding Committee. After r~refill study, he reported, the members recommended a Short Term contract, with guidelines, and a Long Term Contract, with m;~delines, for usage of the Community Center. 1^ony of the report and recommended contracts, with guidelines, dated Juna 21, 1993 are attached ;;,.;<in end made a part hereof). NAME OF COMMRS. M S v Y V N Edwards x x Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x Edwards x x Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x ... .. __..~,......,a:, June 28Pa1993 I COMMAS. I MI S I Y I N the e>:isting use and to create an office for the Ft,-e chief; move the Fire Marshal's office to the i~nh)iC Safety building by creating an office on ri{~ first floor; and create a new bunk room by building a second floor in the apparatus room. It was estimated the additions and renovations to the p„hlic Safety Building would cost less than suo,ono.oo. Tt was explained the next step would be the final rir-soon. The City Manager asked the Commission to .i!a'Jl se if they had any questions or suggestions. Ma Y++r Gulliford reported a dedication ceremony had r.gken nlace earlier in the evening naming the w•;.r er Plant after Halter J. Parks, Jr., who had nee r. the city engineer. Agenda Item 6A was taken out of sequence and acted anon at th i.s time. A. Resolution #93-26: A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORZ ZING THE ISSUANCE OP THE CITY'S HATER AND SENER R$VBNUB uOTP., IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT T'O B%CEED N.A. 510,000,000, TO BARNETT BANK OF JACKSONVILLE, RY NF.GOTTATED SALE TO REFINANCE EYISTING 7NDEBTEDNBSS OP THE CITY I~RESAYE~E COSTS OF~R AND SF.NBR IITTLITY SYSTEM, CERTATN IMPROVP.MP,NTS TO SUCH SYSTEM, AND TO PAY THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE: PLEDGING THB NET REVENUES OP THE CITY'S MATER AND SBNBR UTILITY SYSTEM TO S^:.'i~HE PAYMENT OP THE NOTE: CRBATZNG A DBBT SF.RV7CP. RESERVE PUND FOR TFB BENEFIT OP THE NOTEHOhDBR: HARING CERTAIN COVgNAN'PS ~pLOBR: AGREEMENTS POR THE BENBFZT OP THE NOTEN AUTHORIZING THB EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF LOAN pOCUMF.NTS: AUTHORIZING THE DEpgASANCE OP THB CITY'S 5900,000 OAK HARBOR MATER AND S$NER OISTRTCT BONDS: AUTHORIZING Tf~ DEPBASANCS OP THE CITY 52.800,000 BUCCANEER WATBR AND SENBR DISTRICT RfLiD :: AUTHORI7.7 NG THE DSPEASANCB OP THB CITY'S 1,500.000 LOAN UNDBR STATE OP PLORZDAUTHO RING pn7J.tJT TON CONTROi, RONDS, SERIP,S "Q°: !'i nt~?eR OYFTCIAL ACTION IN CONNECTION MITH THE NOTE: ANO PROVTDTNG AN EFPBCTIVB DATE. rr r:~,7lifm-d presented in full, in writing, E•r~ wendiand. Flnance-Oirector, reported all ,..+t.,e nt documents were provided for the perusal roc {., ~. Comm]t;s t. rnt. He in U-oduced Chauncy Lever, Page 2 June 28, 1993 experimental Theater (ABET) was currently filing naners to establish non-profit status. She advised officers were in place, and she announced the names of citizens who would act as an Advisory committee, as follows: Nary Lou Boyer, Ray Breatelt, Dr. Joan Carver, Lyman Fletcher, Mary Ann Frohwein, Jeff Goldberg, Lynn McManus, Jeff Nontanye, Susan Rodgers, Sally See, Bob wales, Karen Wolfson; officers/Board: President- Negan Phifer, Vice-President - Debby Draper, secretary/Treasurer-Beth Robertson, and Artistic Director-Carson Merry Sallie. willi_am J. Ryszykow, 535 Royal Palm Drive, inoui red as to why the uniforms of the police department were blue in color instead of brown, as in the past. it was explained the color blue was lower in cost than the traditional brown, and thus it was felt it would be financially practical to utilize the color blue. It was explained the logo on the police cars was the exact duplicate of the police badge and since police cars are white when delivered it was decided to change to white cars. 3. Aooearances• A. Presentation of Tree City USA Award Larry Figart, State Forestry Department, presented a Tree City USA Award and explained the requirements the city had to meet to receive the award. He added it would be necessary to recertify every year to requalify for the award. Ne presented a flag, and he added the City~s application was one of the best that had been received by Tallahassee. B_ Preliminary report from Fleet and Associates on expansion of the Public Safety Building Janice Pleat, Pleat 6 Associates, gave a preliminary report on the expansion of the Public Safety Building. The following renovations were recommended: expand the Investigators offices out towards the council chambers, approximately 130 so. ft.; expand the Record/Police Chief offices cowards the parking lot on Seminole Road; expand the record storage area on the same side of the soli ding, which would add approximately 203 sq. fc.; cover the sally port; enclose the outside 5toraoe area to allow better use of the storage !:paro: create an office for the Fire Chief in the living/dining room--the area had ample space for NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y v N MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD ZN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 P. M. ON MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1993 PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor Glenn A. Edwards Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. De2mOnd Waters, III, COmm16610ner6 AND: xim D. Leinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen ring, City Clerk ABSENT: Lyman T. Fletcher (excused absence) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Mayor Gulliford, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 Ammroval of the ^inutes of the regular meeting of June 14. 1993 Motion: Approve ^inutes of the regular meeting of June 14, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Gulliford announced he would be in Russia in August and would not be able to attend the meeting of August 9, 1993. He explained the purpose of the visit was a program to assist in the establishment of small municipal governments. Steve Jarrett, 1040 29th Street, requested wavver of 1,500 foot separation requirement for sale of alcoholic beverages at 645 Atlantic Boulevard. Alan Jensen, City Attorney, advised no provision existed in the code for this type of waiver, but that the Commission had granted similar relief in the past. A discussion ensued and it was decided to hold a public hearing on July 12, 1993 at which time formal action on the request will be taken by the commission. it was felt there was a need to have a system of appeal for this type of relief and the City Manager was instructed to draft an amendment to the existing ordinance to allow for appeal to the 1,500 foot separation requirement for sale of alcoholic beverages. ME OF COMMRS. M O 7 1 O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O Edwards x x Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x CIIY OP ATLARTIC BEACe REGULAR lOrElI11G OP Y'HE CITY ODIRIISSIOR, JDLY 12, 1993, 7:15 P_M_ AGE10)A Call to Order Invo<a[ion and sledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meting of June 28, 1993 2. Proclamtioos: A. Proclamtian declaring Flee[ Landing residents es Honorary Firefighters 3. Recognition of Visitors: 4. Old Buaimsa: A. Public hearing [o consider the request of Thorns Dorn to waive the provision concerning the distance of a like business being ' within 1,500' of another B. Request approval of Change Ordec No. 2 for sanitary sever rehab of Ahern and 9th Siree[s and Seminole (toad (PN Dir. Bob 8osoy) ALL MATTERS LISTID UNDER TdE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROPfINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION YP THE FORN LISTED HEIA/w. THERE i7ILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OP THESE ITEMS. IP DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM PILL BE REMOVED PROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND 17ILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUID:llfATION AND STAFF RECOMIff17DATI0N5 HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEHS. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Wacet and Sewer Committee report B. Final payment for Section H project C. Approve bid /9293-22 Nater min improvements for Coquina Place and East Coast Drive D. Approval of Bid /9293-23 housing rehabilitation E. Usage report for Adele Grage Community Center foz June 6. Ordinmcea: A. First reading of Ordinance relative to hawkers 7. Rev Business: A. Request approval of project acceptance of Se lva Link8lde Unit 2, Phase 7 (PN Director Robert Kosoy) 8. CSty Mamger Reports sad/or Cozrespoodexe: A. Report and presentation of a check Cowards the purchase of a defibrillator for the Pi re Department 9. Mayoz [o call w City Camalasioners, City A[[orm7 end Ci[y Clerk: Adjournment AEMIFDEA: Me eying beginning a[ 6:75 p.m. in [he Commisaion Chambers relative to hurricanes and pzedit[ions of same. i~ =`°z s F &`~ ~Y 1 f Mo E ~ ~ ~ Y.e .8 ° ~ ~ ~ .. ~ $ ~ •- o ' ~ ~ W o - - _ s R < < - ~• I S ~ W M ~ I I P ~ ~ ~ p C p e ` + ~ y ' _ o" I I I ~ 1 ' ~ .M~ v ~O " 8 f ~ 3 a O rx ! ! 1; i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ 8 Y _Y i. v ~ r Y ~' r v 1 .O r I ~ Y i 1 r a j O g i~ i~ ~ i l i_ r 1 1 p O ~ s r ^ r ri ~. .. o "' LC ~i 'F t ~ i ti p W ~ 2 N i) ^II ~ $ g I x d ~ i ~ Y c ~ u i p ' ~ ~ S _ ~ Y Y a ~ ~ C s s g ~ S O r .~ I W N ~ O V _ $ ~ _ ~ ~ a ~ y _ _ v _ '~ s E ~ .. ~ S =~ S - 'o LR i e~ N ~ e r O S z ~' O < ~ f ~ E ~a _ ~_ F .. a ~ a. h - _ > ~ I _ '~ =~~ `s ~~ ~ = c a °- - ' ~ .a °s ~ e i s si 8 ~ } ~. a_ ~ _ ~_ s = i e€~ = ~ gre i ves c s >< W r. ~ III ¢ sr ~ n - g g ~c ~ s ~~ $~ az i `s:< ~ G ~ G= ~ . .. S { ~, 3~ . - SS ~ ~ ~ i i rs ..E 0 e' r ~ e _ ~ •- . . 8 t t S~ S _ ~~ _ ~= ~Y _~ ! r~e e ~ ?z3 ~ ~~ =a eg ~ ; a _ - s ~ ~ ~ SS8 m °.C es - i :3 d rs i i c- a mss s ~ = a~e __. -. -_ < <a s~~ s s s~ s s s N a ~ >n ~ a ~ s ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ s is W ~ ~ W ~ W a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s3 a ~ ~ ~ '; _ ~ ~ s ~ s 's _ s _ i -_ C E 3 i _ _ r ~ - s z E ~ _ ., g _ s Y Y < Y ~ V O_ 1 u a r: ~ ~ z - •-. a ° s e a s 6 g ~ ~ ~ 4 T ~ 5 = - - s = s ° e e a ~ ~ - z s - a s s .. x _ _ _ _ ~ . i ~ Y r q .q .~. .+ .n r ^. .~. ~ u u _ r u r .+ r i 8 m g ? ` .~' ~. .' s s z o` i o u r u r y u z x =~ ° ~a ~ o z ~ r `° _ _ ' € , ~ v - a ~ o o ~ ~So, ~ c i~ 0 U a =~z .~CH> :am& ~~ ~ " 3 . I ~ r W . r . r _ H r ~ _ Y t 'u 8 ~ ° e r i ~ e ' $ & $. $ .~ g`,~ a ' `o r e ~ QQ S y 4 y 2 yy S t ~ ~ R ~ M ~ r m a r a s' Z Y s a s .~ e = Y s a °a e u r M _~ W w S a •~•` ti -g s ~~ Y, S .. 'a: s`; =a: ~ 6~ s- _ s~ a° s > :r _~ j ~ ~ ~ Y e - 3 Y Y ~± _~ o` n. g _ = w ~ A v E N ri a a ga ~a ~a =a 'sa ~a = >i ~ ~~ ~~ s ~~ ~Q so ~~ ~a _ ~ _ S 0 N N o ~ T + W W ~ Y1 i ' W W Q ~ s ` e ~ t N of r J O f o G O O 0 0 ~ O ~" W O s a ~ ~ ~~ e~ = s - e - ~e ~~ ~ = ~ ~~ ~~ _~ g _ ~ ~ ~~ c 7 g. ~ .. W. s > ss- a _ ~~ ~ 8 M ` :8 ~ a _i: z ~ .. . 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EY :~ '8 L E _^ °~ e- ` e si - R, i ~g °' 3 _ e ~g~ Y S _ ° ° ' ~ `e ~ F . ° S F so ° g e - ~-Yv '" ~ u ` ° ~ o '- e ~ e ~ ~ ~ S = ~y~ % \^ M ~ V1 YI p~,~ W.> < K ~ U ? 5 Z VM LL~ ~~Yy> O < O W F U N ,~_` VV~ y `3~O ~pN~ v W<WV~1S H ly F n ~W SFFp 0~0 P F.2 < U N ', Op N C 1'1"; ci k' A1'LAN'1'I'-' bEhC Y. l'1 T'i COINI1551GN ^L'L'1'l p~ ~'!'AFk };E Pr~k'1 AGENDA ITEM: Citizen SurvE Vs SUBIII TTEU 6Y: Uavid 6. '1'h crq;son. Cfu Ei ci }c licr DATE: JUly 15, lyy~ 6ACKGkOUND: 's'he Citv ct Atlantic k!e acn :,tazi r, ,, .. discussed the imps n_ance cr he h5en51Lll'a to nu nleSpGna pe oCCitLE Ow15hEE CaI}d nE Eri bCCL'Che LCiL12EnSCl t'• r needy tc Aster revs et+vl9 several options, the Police GEFartment has selectetl Citizen SurvEys as a means Co increase direct participation by citizens. The surveys will be mailed to a randomly selected population hased on vat? The surveYS well include a self-adtlressed, r hillin9 records. stamped envelopes for easy return. The design of the surveys was largely baseU on a similar curve utilized 1n Clearwater. 1'hr respondents are not required to include citizen names or street addresses lalthou h Y developed antl rate 15 tayora L•le, we ho e g street names are regUestetll. If the return better serve the p to learn more aL•out how the Folice Department can people in Atlantic Eeacn. dlledred5 OISCbesClty dLeedtlegUdLelprGCeESed, then ue will LrV LO aSSUre that determine the priorities in va ri ous ysections not dthe Cit reponses. ile plans and strategies based on the reponses. Plan to Y. and we will adopt If the police Department finds this to Le an etrective means of increasing its IE5pOb51VeneSS to citizen needs, then Lhe City may initiate 51m11dL SULVeV£ dealing with other departments in the oity, _ RECOII11E1JUATIDNS: I kECOI111E NG TNAT THE POLICE DE k'Ak TIIENT EE AUTHOkIZEU Tv D1STkIE9TE AND CDLLECT TH E.`JE ::UkVE'i~. ATTACKLEI:-Z: I Survey k'..:~m / F. E'JI Eii bf Ci'1'Y 11ANAGEK: ` -__ A~EI:UA I'1'E I1: ~~ «~ivi r4ee... -.. a... POWER OF ATTORNEY Knave all Wn Dz' LMae -rawnst. Tnat the FEDERAL INSUMNCE CAMPANV s5 Mounum Wow Roan. Warren. New JerypY, an Irbana Corpora tbn, nos connrcmea ana appwdea. sna aces nereq wnsmme orb appam Tom S. Lobrano, III, A. B. Lynch, Jr. and James C. Congel io of Jacksonv113e, Florida________________________________. aacD rcs Due arla IaWUI Mbrroy,n.Fad b snows whet such 6es~gw~on in in wme sM b sav iu mrpwau zeal m anD aelwwr for aM on m DstuX as WM mereon a dDSnvisa. Ddbs a aM d lne ldlOwng classes. brit 1. gOrlas ana Unaertakinga (doer man Bail gurbsl nlaD in aM swt, manor or pmDaea~ng in arty Court. w 1!pD won aM SMnD w Mag~mrau, IDr tDe awa Or nd a0irlg d arllMmg EpKaNa in SuCn BDna Or Unaena4rrq 2. $1aa1Y Dalad b IM UnaW Sltlea d Amerau a sM agency niere0r, InclWmg moss rsguirea a permmeE uMer me Wws w uq a doer Rasmus: Liceae bb Rrmit gwlas w doer mWmn1ty Dabs urbtr IM urs. da~nances w rsguutbns d aM Su e. CM Twm. Y~Ilapa, goon MixalM yp s ~organiiation. pupl1c w private. DoMS to T anspwutron CompanMZ Lest Irutrumenl Dorgs_ lease portls. Mprkers' Compamalpn poigs MY DoMS arW Dorcas Dn woos d NWr!M -udb. SMraN. UeputY Sneritls orb Lm~ur WDI!c aflbuls 3 galas dl DMIa11 d gNnrKM15 in gMlMdbrl veto Dbs. PrOpDEala w COnt2ds. M ~br rErnbr, M f[.l rEpE11LL aIEYIYnCE WYNNr np wvyiy b a ayun. [yyf uw[ w[Wn w b µJW q O V[e VrV.y,v aV 4py[ $[[nyry yC 6 yppr W b e. n..b armor Ist eqe Way 's 90 cb!zwr sw 0 f / / rAN y e D orewo are[ iwrrr anTEaxEw,ewtEr Count' d Semersn ~ ~"` __ 6vr 15C aMd Way q9O e.be+boezb~rrUnRUwvD OLOVV bnern~nwn q.wbs bYyimn! DDYMrrr M. ew{vwu~ Oww4J n W wiq artwy M bNnS~ tl 4d s.w.uytlwrmEaEltt(WM`a r[CHYLaWYa4 COwarwr~v.wvmr ws w.q ewwN bw waW.CD OCaw s'niq^wM rvn babwrWMSrti e.[r.n 6[p.yrlre ra"wwv sewib yba.[.e rwb.tlam[wr4«ub s«~uytlv[eww+,gb..,,!.wb nw.mowl.. wroa.e.~v.DD.n.b.~b..~nW...bu~r~r~..s~.wn~eE y~y aeww WW[r tlEwe Jw4.D CRa.vuwb4a lT tlMnrevenwe 9.r+'b Nyibe~gtlue LA.DD.mw.vTw[bwe[w q.ueb'gtlueaVi~.wbn eplrn["rw~V Mw.r C`. t~ ~ Auro.wwTe[r .qv baler. ~/MnTI.%` t :Viu w. ' ~~~~/ ~~ ~~ NICOIETIF T IAXJUI raver rtlr[ daiela:ba Nosry IebL[. Sw al Nr. 1..,.t' tuiE a icw ,a=.aaEr ) Nc 2066."! Gounry d Somerset 7 ss f°"["i.wn [+w•+ Ouoe.r I. 199a >. Yb[[~wW ~[ Sr[u ^tl ~ ~ryaR4 r5Vaa1ICE Cplrur m.Y~[q ur1n~ w w wry [ [ er [.[rw rw.. mr stun a ~w ua Cw~r,r aa.wse q y eyp a p,.Da, EWAE im Sou. ] 4OwY u4ry.egs [vVrN wb qV ~Ne.mwb veal !un a ia[ b K m Mir tl W CU^WA [K. [ [ Fnvm q!r s 4 wvwr n ~ruw !M YVI veal M ~a YN.> V[ W[pbV [bb• R M CN[nY. w M V[[ C W.+w w W r.V W V w.VO V.wn[r, Twr wO M1[ wrnyw V[4+on ePN MwbbiwV[ylunwwb.nn,.n.Iwa Wq~sJnwV bwMa evy eyewgwyeww wl tuww wn ~wN[rl rwuwea/pYM b n $Ne~ J bV._ ^M frcw, +A rRn be vbrwN b r~ ew9wu, tl waan n wn iwWm b vent u wbrw Sem S 4w~.tlbrbr b Yb.r wrtlsro~obnw vyyy rrrawen Fiw.bwua•asee V[(gp!y Wr bob CNrmwbF Vm Clb.+bnwrb r.a[vE Vo1!ryr drb Eae[rq~ Gr~W oLVn~n gwnlrt 4.Nn5w.wwYVb[b[7}yyyr9rA nb rntlw.ewes.c..wrwv..o V[Yeb ViWfM llV grwVd Wl~ w1 V4 Gniwe wY.Vrr.'V Vorbgq ww 5[awwr bYaYM YTalwe[b W tl~ wwwV wwrrr r.rn NloO orb/ u[[nI. /Nb. SOwwwbMPM/gbPVVi wgwbov9 wb Ywrq eb4Nbprlr[pwbrY~w4~Twrnw[biWw uw[q.i[w rbY+[r gWn.>[YUnV[ rw W Y uYl IC ud9 Vto-. r!r w+rwrwbawwwuvrsu nbo-wq wa e.cw.b.,r wnawuwesu.nob..[,~..~.v4.b.b.b.e.ze..rwwrewa~ur w.w~e.. ~ b^s wrw..e rEOEw sruaawd wrwbi b otl, twer b nwbrv zarbr rb.ww. m..r brm orb setl n anal se tl ar..[. as~ecens rwb am wbrstlr. e~w~.r..nc.wu.new®m!>n.[.Ee.wa~u.~n wb.eee.re~e.ebeso~..s..... s..w~e..b. na... s.~+sebnw..e>!r r n w.q r 4. w. s.bwn a EE oEa4 auwaxcE caws.. m ~w[q [na w w b[w~a as. a 4[.~br [ n a wn s.e sc c+...wbw.ywure ~+....!>4ccww+c wb."n_~~._ 30th tl June 93 ~. ryR:.r ~~.. ;`' •"( ten nlEomaw .~ ~ +r a.. „G' SURETY'S R 1Fa<e Proj. No. 91.323 Atlantic BeacG, Florida We, the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY having heretofore executed a performance bond for the above named contractor covering the project and section as described above in the sum of one million thr~ hundred nine ih d h nd ed for d 7 /100 Dollars (51.309.247.75), he reby 'agree that the City may make full payment of the final estimate, including the retained percentage, to said eontrac tor. It is fully understood that the granting of the right [o the City to make the payment of the final estimate to said contractor and/oz his assignee, shall in no vise relieve this surety company of its obligations under its bond, as set forth in the specifications, contract and bond pertaining to the above project. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be executed on Its behalf by its_ Attorney-in-Fact and/or its duly authorized attorney in fact, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, all on [his 30t hday of June A.p. lg 93 FED AL INSURANCE COMPANY ( Company) (Power of Attorney must be attached if executed by gy; attorney in fact.) (Attorney in Fect) James C. Congelio STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James C. Con ael io to me well known as the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument in the name of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY , as its Attorney-in-Fact and Che said James C. Congelio acknowledged that he executed said instrument in the name of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY _, as its Attorney-in-Fact and/oi for the purposes therein expressed and that he had due and legal authority to Execute the same on behalf of said FEDERAL INSURAIY-'E COMPANY a corporation. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Jacksonville, FL [his_30 Uyay of June A.D. 19 93. 1,~ - Tom S. Lob ranootI~ Public) My Commission Expires 10-31-94 (Seai) 2 oft ..a,c. Meadors Construction Coe, IriC. oene~u~conTrtncrons N!! LCNOX AYCIIUC JACR1011Y11,LC. 11pInpA 1770! I.O. 00X an0]a IIIONC aa»I larJloa JAfalOFYmLC, IIANDA l71la rAX ~soH as-nos' Juue 16, 1993 Saith end Gillespie Engineers, Inc. Post Office Box 5313E Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Attention: Nr. Douglas E. Layton, P.E. Cooatruction Coordinator Reference: Yatez Treatment Plant No. 1 Atlantic Heach, Florida SaG Pro3 act No. 8505-16-01 Gentlemen: This ie to confirm our proposal [o furnish sad install two inch high, cast alumim~ letters with lacquer finish a[ a lump sYm price of ;762.00. The plaque is to read: PALTER J. PABRS, JR. PATER TREAT2ffiNT PLANT Very truly yours, MEADORS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. •,, w. +•,..~~ ~ Jack Y. Neadors, III Vice President JYNIII/wm cc: Ni. Aobert S. Roaoy, P.E., Dlreetoz of Public Yorks, Atlantis Beach Nr. Ernest F. Beadle, Aset. Director of Public Yorks, Atlantic Beach Nr. TSm Townsend, Utility Plan[ Division Director, Atlantic Beach ~/Nr. Cary R. Debo, SiC Resident Observer ATTACLIMENT •B' CHANCE ORDEB NO. 7 FINAL VATER TREATMENT IMPROVF1ff.NiS PROJECT NO. 91-323 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 25, 1993 CONT'D B. ADDITIONAL VORK: Item No. 1 AL the City's request the contractor has furnished and installed cast aluminum letters to identify the dedication of the Valter J. Parks, JR. Pater Treatment Plant at 469 Eleventh Street. ... ATTACNHENT 'B' CHANCE ORDER N0. 7 - FINAL WATER TREATMENT IMPROVEHENTS PROJECT N0. 91-323 ATLANTIC BEACN, FIARIDA JUNE 25, 1993 CONT'D Item No. 16b. The actual quantities of Bahia grass sod installed a[ Water TzeatmenC Plant No. 1 are less than the original estimated quantities. The contract amount is reduced to reflect this cost savings. Item No. 16c. The unit price for Bahia grass seeding vas not utilized during construction of Water Treatment Plant No. 1. This bid item vas deleted from the contract in its entirety. Item No. 25a. The actual quantities of stabilized pavement shoulders installed ac Water Treatment Plant No. 2 are less than the original estimated quantities. The contract amount is reduced to reflect this cost savings. Item No. 25b. The actual quantities for construction of new asphalt pavement installed ac Water Treatment Plant No. 1 are greater than the original estimated quantities. The contract swan[ is increased to reflect this additional coat. Item No. 25d. The actual quantities for construction of 1-inch asphalt overlay installed ac Water Treament Plant No. 2 are less than the original estimated quantities. The contract swan[ is reduced to reflect this cost savings. Item No. 29. The actual quantities for the grass seeding of disturbed areas installed at Water irentment Plant No. 2 era leas than [he origiiul estimated quantities. The contract amount is reduced to reflect this cos[ savings. Chance Order No . 2: Item No. 1 The actual quantities for the construction of a concrete driveway at the fire truck [urn around area at Water Treatment Plant No. 1 are less than [he estimated change order quantities. The contract amount is reduced [o reflect this cos[ savings. Chance Order No . 4: Item No. 10. The CI[y plans to install reservoir level recorders at Water Treatment Plant No. 1 in the future. This work would preclude the modification of the control panel previously requested by the City and the value of this change authorized by Change Order No. 4 i• deducted from the concrac t. ATTACHMENT "B" CHANCE ORDER N0. 7 - FINAL HATER TREATMENT IlIPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 91-323 ATLANTIC BFaCH, FLORIDA JUNE 25, 1993 DESC3IPTION and JUSTIFICATION A. QUANTITY ADJUSTMENTS: Item No. lla. The ac coal quantities of asphaltic pavement installed a[ Hater Treatment Plant No. 1 are less than the original estimated quantities. The contract amount is reduced to reflect this cost savings. Item No. 12. At the City's request the original sideralk layout at Haler Treatment Plants No. 1 6 2 rare increased to provide adequate ralkrays and protect the landscaping. The contract amount is increased by the accepted unit bid price. Item No. 13c. The actual quantities of 6 foot high stockade fencing installed at Water Treatment Plant No. 1 are less than the original es tinated quantities. The contract amount is reduced to reflect this cost savings. Item No. 14. The unit price for free transplanting ras not utilized during construction of Hater Treatment Plant No. 1. This bid item ras deleted frog the contract in its entirety. Item No. 15a. At the Ciry's request additional live oak trees rare furnished and installed at Mater irea[ment Plant No. 1 as part of the Northaide mitigation. The contract amount is increased by [he accepted unit bid price. Item No. lit. At the City's request additional rax myrtle trees were furnished and installed at Haler Treatcenc Plant No. 1 as part of [he Northside mitigac:an and et Hater treatment Plant no. 2 for additional buffers to the golf course and Mayport Road. The contract amount is increased by the accepted unit bid price. Item No. 15e. AC the City's request additional East Pela[ke holly trees rare furnished and installed at Hater Treatment Plant No. 1 as part of the Norths ide mitigation. 'Ihe contract amount is increased by the accepted unit bid price. Item No. 16a. At the City's request the original estimated areas of St. Augustine grass cod rare increased to Lvprove the landscaping at Water Treatment Plant No. 1. The contract amount is increased by the accepted unit bid price. ATTACHMENT "A" CVANCE ORDER N0. 7 - FINAL VATEB TREATMENT INPAOPEMEN'fS PROJECT N0. 91-323 ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA JOKE 25, 1993 A. Ouancie Ad fast ant Item No. Deserinti Amount lla De'_ete 40 sy. Paving: Asphalt @ $22.50/sy. (5900 00) 12 Add 191 sy. Sidewalks @ $1.50/sy. 286 . 50 13c Delete 80 lf. Fencing and Gates: . 14 bft. Stockade fence @ $7/Lf. (560 .C0) Delete 3 days Tree Transplanting @ $1,200/day (3 600 00) 15a Add 3 ea. Furnish end Ina tall , . 15c Add 20 Tress - Live Oak @ $300.00/ea. 900 .00 ea. Furnish and Ina tell 15 Trees - Vax Myrtle @ $150.00/ea. 3000 .00 e Add S ea. Furnish and Install frees - East Palatka 16a Add 1002 sy. Holly Crasaing - Sodding @ $200.00/ae. 1000. 00 16b Delet 1 - St. Augustine @ $2.00/ay. 2004. 00 e 2 sy. Greasing - Sodding 16c Delete 200 sy. - Bahia Crasaing - Seeding @ @ 51.80/ay. $1.00/ey (21. (200. 60) 00) 25a Delete 65 If. Paving - Stabilize 25b Add 48 Pavement Shoulder @ $2.00/lf. (130. 00) sy. Paving - Construct 25d Delete 50 ay. new asphalt paveaent Paving - Construct 1• @ $35.00/sy. 1,680. 00 29 Delete 833 asphalt overlay @ $7.00/ay. (350. 00) sy. Seeding of disturbed Chanc e Order No ~: arena @ $0.50/sy. (416. 50) 1 Delete 33 sy. Concrete driveway - Plant No. 1 @ $26.00/ny. (858. 00) Chan Or ^r No 10 Delete L.S. Modify control panel @ VTP al (224. 00) B. Addition al Vort: 1. Furnish end install s ignage for the dedication of Pater Treatment Plant No. 1 per the City's request and the contractor's proposal dated June 16, 19 93. $742.00 TQTAL ADDITIVE CHANGE ORDER N0. 7 - FINAL $2,352 .40 .ALL. ~.m -'i:~,ari~L..a-M..ySa..i~.- ... Change Order No. 7-FINAL Cont'd... Project No. 91-323 Aelantic Beach, Florida June 25, 1993 Page 2 IC is further mutually agreed by the CONTRACTOR end the OYNER Chat the change(s) when completed by [he CONTRACTOR shell ~n teas the present Contract price by the amount of vo t vusand [h hu dred fLfev d 40/100 pollars account any and all previous changes in the on iiul Contracts zi~c~e,~ b) ahilhinakthe into quancit ies of materials used to tha Unit Pzieesglisted above or attached heretogand an (i tease/d ~a~g) in Contract time for completion of construction of "o' days. ACCEPTED FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTED FOR THE CONTRACTOR By: By. Rim Leinbach Jaek Y. Mendota, III City Manager Viee President Date: _7vw.F ZC ~qq3 APPROVED: SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. By. ~/~ Data: Jun. 25. 199 Douglas yton Construction Coordinator O.F. CHANCE ORDER N0. 7-F na Dace: June 25. 1993 To Contract dated April 28, 1992 between the firm of: Meadors Construc cion Company, Inc. Post Office Box 60039 Jacksonville, Florida 32236 (hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR) and: C1ty of Atlantic Beaeh, Florida (hereinafter referzed to as the ONNER) for the construction of: Pater Treatment Improvements Project No. 91-323 In compliance with Division •E•, GEA'FRAL CONDITIONS, of the above referenced Contract, CONTRACTOR and 017NER do both hereby agree that the CONTRACTOR shall make the following changes, additions or deletions to the work specified in the plena and specifications, upon the approval of SNITN AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC.: Niscellaneous ilnit Price Quantity Adjustments and items of additional rork as listed in Attachun[ 'A• attached hereto end made a part hereof: TOTAL ADDITIVE CHANCE ORDER NO. 7-FINAL: $2,352.40 - ._ s,f:; :;w.. .~aora ;:.~.~-:~.-dear `o 0 Y jnP ~ P ~ ry nines moo n1 Y :~ n r a G ~~ a ~~ s tl~ ~ ~~ o ~~ V s a ~~ 8 8 8 0 ~ C T N P P p r F ~ n ~ ~ : MM 7j 8 S 8 6 gr !~ w ~ „ 4 i ~ g ° y V F s r ~ ~i _ ° p1 p' s 8 8 8 8 P ~` ° q a n 8 8 8 8 w n n ~: ~. kY '~` n n n ~ u G ~ ~ ~ d i 3 ~ : r u ~ ~ .. p i ~ ~ ~ e i ~ § ~ : ~ a „e ~C~,1 ~ ~~ Y ~ ~ O O + 2 ^ eE~ ~ r ~ I~ 06 ~ •~ ~ z..~ ~+~~M ~ -~ r ~ Rk- ~~E x .. ~ :~ a~ E°b~ A 3 ~$ ~ :. ~oin * i~~ ~~ 6 w n i p O P p p ~: O N r N m N O M N r F O p p n 8 8 8 S P O p O p O ~ pj w T O O r p 8 g ~ a ° ~ '= p ~ i n r ~ r ^ - n 0 8 % ~ e° n w r ; ~ ~ ~ y !~ s ~ °. ~ 5 p ~ ~ V C i ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ 0 `o P Y P P Z yP~ yC r O O S 0€~ ~a T '~ P ~# ~~ a ~ n rts o ~~ C ~I ~; ~~ ~~ ~i a+ E~ ~~ S .r = °~ s?^ ;as ~Ta '$~ ~~` ~~~ ~E^ Q ~~~ ~~~$ 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 SI 8 S S : 8 ° m d N ry S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o Q 0 0 0 0 s s a s s 4 s r Isl 8 8 8 8 8 8$ 8 ~`n= 8~~`I P r 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 '_ ~ 8 n N « T w1 8 O O O O O 0 N O YN [~ C 1V N M ~ N 8 8 ~ S 8 8 e o o e e M 1t M M M M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8, 8 8 8 8 8 .. o S c 8 8 8 8 8 8 w +: e a ' e ~ .. ., 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 S 2 ~g E . 3 Y ~ ~ 3 ~ - s ? a ~ .. ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ R B G ~ g 3 ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3 3 3 3 a c w i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ `o 0 ZPP ~P. 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L ..~ w ` C Y ~ n S e tl ~ L O y p ~ `=N C C ~ C ~ C N 1 E ~ F b si ~ C G ~ ,~ y ~ r}. m4' ~~ .A ~ ~ $ ej G . q~ eo ~ ~ E py~.~.a G. a b ~w •• U 'y ' = ji U m~ U z 0 .] ~< : G 8 zoo°~ °: d= g z $ ~ ~d61~~M ~e? ~i = <r N IA I N .O l~ tll F H N e O C = T v F M 111 N ^ H P 1~1 N O O) N V s m L ° e _ O+ O f 6 ~ ~ ~ s ° ~ ~ c S m o O 6 ~ O C V t V c~ r 4 f F ~ iO Y U 2 ~ OyY Y E T~ O ~ C v ~ a C ~ Y u .°. Y Ow ~av • SC O = _ V ~O ~~ w°~ _ _ z ~~ _ 6 s ~e~_~ N ~'$_ r ~ -= -~ ap: . e ~~ V r ~?~~~~ ` ~ e o~ e c~si~m __o m - _ z~ i w M ~ a =mm~s~ ~- _~~ -_: ..P _-__~~ e ~ °c b __~~ =& M,i. Z e ~ ° i ~~ -=i~ir $ 6 ' . ~ ~_ ~~-_-_ ~a ~ ~_ e i r 's ~ u v a'<_°~ ~ ^ s ~ e i Zy=sue- :~~ -. SMITH ANG GILLES PIE ENGIN EER S.INC. Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Final Contract Documents S6C Proj eat No. 8505-14-01 July 2, 1993......Page 2 It has been a pleasure for us to have worked with [he City of Atlantic Beach on this project and ve look forward to our future assig~moents with [he City. If you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, SMI'Ikl GILLESPIE ENGI~N~EJE~RoS/,~ INC. uglas E.~3yton DEL/SBO/ay Enclosures cc: Nr. Ernest F. Beadle, Asst. Director of Publie t7orks Meadors Construction Company, Inc. Mr. Gary R. Debo, 56G Residenc Observer -, SMITN AND GIL LES PIE ENGINEERS, INC. a i ~r• !OM 6]i]B J M1C FSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32201 !90 ~1 1A]-6 G50 DDWLfS E LAYTON, PE. cwsrwnnN coxm...]cn July 2, 1993 Nr. Robert 5. Kosoy, P.B. Director of Public Yorks City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Oravez 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subject: Final Contzect Documents Pater Treatment Improvements SQG Project No. 8505-14-01 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Nr. Kosoy: Enclosed herewith please find eight (8) copies each of the following eloae-out documents on the above subject project: 1. Periodic Estimate No. 13-Final in the amount of $77,922.11 2. Change Order No. 7-Final in the additive amount of $2,352.40 3. Contractor's Release forns 4. Surety's P.e lease forms These documents have been reviewed by Smith and Gillespie Engineers, Inc. and appear to be in order for execution by the City of Atlantic Beach. Pith your Concurrence, final payment may now be made [o the Contractor in Che amount of $77,922.11. Please make the following distribution of the final close-out documents: 1. Retain Tvo (2) copies of all documents for City files. 2. Please forward your check for $77,922.11 along with two (2) copies each of all documents to Neadors Construction Company, Inc. 3. Please return four (4) copies of all executed documents to Smith and Gillespie Engineers, Inc. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION NESTING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Final estlmete and final contract documents for Atlantic Beach Mater Treatment Plants l b 2 Improvements -~y~ SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Koeoy/Director of Public Rorke T ~~ DATE: .Tiny 7, 1993 BACKGROUND: Enclosed are the final closeout documents on the }later Treatment Plant end final pay estimate for Meadora Construction Company, Inc. for a current (final) payment of 877,922.11. The final payment Sneludee the final change order amount of 82, 352. 4g. If the Commission concurs rith Lhe StefE's recommendation belor, please note the distribution of documents as noted in Mr. Layton'6 letter of 7/2/93. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Einal pay estimate, final change order and accept pr o,J act as complete. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from DouglapaEE•datedo7/2P93, to Robert 5. Koeoy, 8 copies of 4 documents noted Sn Mr. Layton'e letter. / REVIEMED BY CITY MANAGER: /~ AGENDA ITEM No.~ ~CTm.°°~er-'oe~` Ol'1J-G~ .L~~C'Y~~ 2.Q-CF-e~~ ~leR_~i.GC.~eO _,, '' ,.. , , .I ,i~ { i I ` 7: . .., I ~;(R I OF FACT - i L Inps•o •nd •Br•i1~o'p$5'C~s~y •nd propo•idJ, •LruoturM i^ •d•qu•t•.; . rNt qul•r rK•r•no• i• ~ ^•d• 'to '. wtowtir• •nd~ S•n pt•tY •nd convni•MO•. !r•ttlo tl•r'' t in ao•. rr~Z o•tptropMjl 8, jt '~ lttral •nd •bw•• , 'Y 11 1y~ t 1 ~ i 2. Ot!-rar••t p•rkinp iadl ~' P•rtioulrr •tt•ntion. i•., P•1d~'tolth••At•uuin•~ 1. i •bov • th• wono•So.;:..no1p ~~' •tt•ot^ ~ot th• ^ ~a;'pl•r• and odor P•o1.1. •xoijltYo• on ;•d oininp i prop•rtie• ••d prop•rtip. '~ di•triot~~ ~ i ~~ ~ r•ily~ in i th• ! ~ X11 i 3. ~ Loo•tioru of rKup •od~ ~~ eo•p•tibl r1tA prrou•d! ~SO• .•r••• •» a•Sly • p1b1•. ~ ~ . Y tip ,•nd •r• i -~~ ~ t I~~fll 7~, 3 ~ ~ I 4. Loot on•, •vil•bS11t ~ v. , ~.. i - ; i y7 oo•p•tibAlity of utilitip •r• •dpurt•. 1) , ~~ ~it , , 1 3. TYP•. di••n•Son• ~•nd oh ~o!•r of •orNninp •nd butZ• SnB •r• •d•qu•b., _- ' I /. 7 ., 6. BSBh~` •nd prepowd.! r•t•r•no•~ to ~~' lABhtinp, rith h•r•on p1N• •nd tsaf~ 10 •Ly, •r• : in Y •r• dorp•tibl• d~ ~ Ij. prop•rtip in th• di riot. ~ r"~ i K - , ! ,a sl~ri ~ ~ ~ I 7• Bpu1rW yrd• •nd of •p•p• ~•r. ad•qu•t•. I ~ h , 1 ~y A1i~,{ - - I .'• I ~ i i ,41 ill` i 8. TA• u•t i• Bp•s•lly ~oo•p•t 'bl'rith adI• I nt • prop•rtip,•nd otlwr Pi'?P•rtY ~ ~ A• di•triat.' ,tl~~ ,. ~ ~ , ~, ! , COMMUNITY DYYCLOPMRNT BOARD ~" i' 1 1i ~. ~ _;,:,. 1 ~ I,RCCQMM6NDATIONB 1 ~. rl ....i^ 1 ~I > , ~ ~} I ~ n"~it u9! ~ .I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~,;~ ;. ACTIONS BY TH6 CITY COMMIBRipRr{~ '~~ ' ~~ AA ~h,e,~ , t "~ 1 tl: ~ „t ~'. I _ ;:1 ~: Y6S NO • y;'~' I _ ., L i:, h YW or Prin! ~ia t ' Iw~~; i ~ ~ ~:~ i •~ APPLICA ...,;r ,;~ D.t. F rd, ~_L1 ~~ i f~~ M.N .n Addrq. oZ Orn.• ~_ _sz, __ ~ ___Mn.,o.ar e_i~ ___~wGAL~14_~~~ Str«t Iddr.q .nd 1 i .:.' by Exa.4tdon• i. r.ow~c., == ,' A d~i'l,plion n1 te''I~ .nd p.r~ieul.rly d..o~ •Ow hT~~xo.ption•t t„ ~LltJ~, it { . n R :•; a 5e~e7~sin1_ ;, roitio~seuon. rhy ~~; Zoning Clu.itioaion~ ~' ^~ v _i~ r~ f 1(bp ~ APPlio.tion F« r~ i ~ 71f •USE BY; EXCEPYIOI • ~UJ~~ ,~j t] r I fl'il~fl`il V~7ii ,;I , ; i JUN _ 1 19931 ~i L. Building and Zonin nint•~in ~po.l .ion lot Pre.i...i i y; .. ~ ~, ~ _ 1 Phon. ition of t'h.I pr..i«... to rh1cA thr •Us ~~ - ,~; ., i ! ~ Len• d«!r«, rhioh .h.ll .preit1c.11• ...oh.r~ots .nd .xt«t oZ tM propore~ ~\ . _ I ~_ 1«ls the r.qu..t .hould b. Qr.nt.d~ '.. .~ ~ T_ ~sxx'Zwx~i~---1~'----~------- ~ • _ _ _ f I ' N r ~~. Drl Sipnaur. oZ . ~' ~--~ ~-~ / p o.nt/. li •uthoriz.tl oft ~• rO.nt or .ttorn.y;~r2t _ Sipn.tur. o~~orn.r of Drop A .p.nt Or ~. •ttorn.Y Snolud. l.tt~r lro..pplio.nt t pplioatlon o.nnot pr Droersod rithout or o tha K!•ot ~ :~t:~~ n.r. .ipn.turr. , ~ . f,~ 1 , APPlia.nt , Do no!-till-ins r i~' i. respond t th. tol3orinQ;i4y 1~Ll s ..~ 1 thi. point~_ Nor vrr, b. pr.p.rrtl to ~. l ,i f. 'I. ~.: . '{` =1~' i NEW BUSINESS; I. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Donald Ray to operate a retail outlet for the sale of motorcycle parts and minor repairs at property located at 1245 Mayport Road. Mr. Ray introduced himself to the Board and explained that the Use- by-Exception was requested to supplement his check-cashing business at said l oration and that there would be no repair work. After discussion, Mr. Wolfson moved to recommend approval to the City Commission with the stipulation that no repair work would be performed. Mrs. Gregg seconded the motion and the application was unanimously approved for recommendation to the City Commission. II. Application for Variance filed by Gary and p, d. Wetherhold to construct a home which would encroach the rear yard setback on propert yl located at 82 Nicole Lane. , Mrs. Wetherhold introduced herself to the Board and explained the reasons the variance was requested. Mr. Wetherhold also introduced himself •o the board and explained that it was their desire to enhance he neighborhood by not building their home straight up as other h es are constructed in the area and additional space was required to accomplish this goal. After discussion, Mr. and Mrs. Wetherhold decided to amend their application and the matter was deferred until the next regularly scheduled meeting in duly 1993. I III. The board discussed various matters regarding accessory buildings and structures and the proposed revisions to the code relating to these items, I It was suggested to the board that they write their suggestions and ideas down and present them to Mr. Worley for discussion at the Zoning Committee meeting. There being no further buainees to come before the board, on motion made andcarried, the meetingwas adjourned. ~ ~ I SIGNED: ~ ATTEST: .~-.f...___... _. _. PRESENT MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 15, 1993 ~- 7:00 P.M. I ~~ CITY HALL • Greqq McCaulie .Ruth Or~egq 'Don Wolfson Marp Walker Mark McGowan Robert Frohwein AND ~ Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, II, CD Director ' Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT .pat Pillmore Acting Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of .the corrected minutes from the meeting of April 20-, 1993. Opon motion duly made and seconded said minutes were approved as corrected. The Chairman then celled for approval of the minutes of the meetingof Map 18, 1993. On motion made and seconded. the minutes were approved. OLD BUSINESS: I I. Application for Chaa9e in Zoning from RS-2 to RS-3 filed by Louis H. MacDonnell, et. al., for construction purposes at property located at the dead end of Cornell Lane on the north side of the street. i i Louis MaoDonnell introduced himself to the board and explained that the rerbning was requested to allow the construction of Jacksonville HOD single family buildings. I Mr. MacDonnell introduced Glenn Richards to the board. Hr. Richards presented a drawing of the proposed construction project to the board. Bryan D.!Hensley, Project Manager of the Blodgett Redevelopment for HUD,i introduced himself to the board and explained the procedures and guidelines used by the department regarding housing projects; I _ Mr. MacDonnell informed the board that the application needed to he changed to incorporate three additional lots. Since thi application would be amended and presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting no action was taken at this time. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFP REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Uee-by-Exception for sale of Motorcycle parts SUBMITTED BY: George Morley, City Planner ~'~~- DATE: July 19, 1993 BACKGROUND: The applicant is the owner of a business located in the CL Couercisl Liaited district on Mayport Road. The sale of autoaotive parts ie permitted as a Uae-by-Exception because it ie listed sa a peraitted use in the CG Couercisl General district. RECOMMENDATION: During discussion at the Couunity Development Board seating the applicant stated that no on-site repairs would take place and that no outside display of aerchandiae would occur. The Couunity Developaent Board agreed that this business would be coapatible with the existing buainesaea at Lhat location and recouended for approval of the request. If the prohibition of repairs and outside display are a condition of the grunt of this request, staff concurs with the recouendation for approval. ATTACHMENTS: 11 Application for Uee-by-Exception. 2) Minutes of the Cou//uf~i ty Develo a Board. REVIEWED BY CITY NANAGER~((~ ~~~~~ ~';'. AGENDA ITEM NO. UI ~ t ~ 00 ttJg C_A5 t ~VOYYI rf la:~oo.-i ~: ~O 401 ~oc<"-~ vfES I fe;; ~a~l<1u f--. ~ ~ r,~=O- ~1'h~ 61 T '~On <-_ _ ~~~ ~ _ _ .~;.~ :-- I U~EJ ipr C~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ rN- ~ I'~~~'t ec, 1J ~•'•'-lv c''rO i'/~ ~JJES I _ .. _: _,~ NE THE VNDERSZCNED NEREHY ACRNONGEDGE. PETIT70N. 'SVPPORT AND FORNALL7 REQUEST THE CITY OF ATLANTIC HEACH• FLORIDA FOR THE eENSFIT OF PAN AM HINI STORAGE. INC. LOCATED AT 2383 MAY- PORT BOAD• ATLANTIC IiEACR• FIARIDA 32233 PERMITS 4 ZONING PORt (1) ODTDOOA STORAGE AND RENTAL PARKING (RV•S. BOATS• ADTOS); AND• r (2) INDOSI'RIAL LIGNT AND NAREHOUSINC/STORAGE (SECTION 24-112). NAME ADDBESS PAONE i SIGN TORE DATE . vv ~~ U'3 Q;u 27D'C~O.I .2/9~Nyf~ p ~ ,,,7, uzs IAd4 fof.F ~ Q bM•~r~ B' ~.-'i z ~o spa, w ~--- Zi 4'~pd~l.. a tissY.fchuc ~J~sSo1 ~~~~ a.2-P+~; Jland Zu~tmc: c~ . • .. c< - ~n((.y~~e5 I/ //~~ ~~ d...---- ~ .... .N/LGIVNNi(,(11.1~'r ~SS •kR•1 FlW/nk ~.~?U-$~"~ ~ ,(~4`u`.""' 2r/.[M14ir a 'Qg7E3h6R_ uss Pvazsv lixu }7D-SS P.Y ~~~~,,,,(( ~r~ - n 2Y7-bill P/~/`~U,u` 1 -fir .~a Qic~,a•,Y mc(Ywr P6 6 Y`1 A416~~- . ~J ussY~enar~ ado-ssot~ ~e~r<:.~..~.- ~._r~~~* a~fo~ l~iaR-R- ' -. R{on,~gek_ ass yose>r.~le ~.~ossc,a Q/l~.fa-1~~....: ~1:n,t,~,` LSNma,Bo7n(e. S9•FOzbournAv2 a~i)-bCi83: ~ .~ru~cc~-ate ~cA~I~JG~~.P: Urs ~4,J~ d)o•ra3o ;zT+.~~3 ~~'/Sc~..,,l~ zseo ~yAwd ~I 241- yv7y ~++~'~ y,,Y.r..l,. }IDC~{) Sce77"/ y.70Y ~.IcRw-,aTL ~•R ;v.~-YUf -;S..a93 i .DQ..~Le]/Vlar~ a (9 sue, /c.•s{~~• Zvi-os7~/ ~ ~o ~c ~„~, ,aa 2~0( Ghu.e~+r+Bl a-, g a'1~'GL3 t_ C~,L (a'EI~~ CA,IL, 1-Ep~o /o/)O Lo.•msvno./ G A'TC .15CN~FL. )Z2)~ 370 ~3~~ ~~~ /LJ ~•/`~. ~) ~~ . :f4~EZT,G7 -kliGEiwlS (~ i1~6(<-~7J aA 58~~ ~7~ L7y~.(!/~,.~ ~. ~%Z-Oi%r~. „c •,~~ Wi°rccaal~accrn G's~/ 0_ , Qi[zw,.rc vss ~-~(... //.wre./Cao~ ,z~s-ss~„ ~D~ j_/q HE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ACRNONLEDGE, PETITION, SUPPOR'/' " • AND FORNALLY REQUEST THE CITY OP ATLANTIC HEACH, PLORIDA POR THE HENEPIT OP PAN AN NINI STORAGE, INC. LOCATED AT 2383 MAY- PORT ROAD, ATLANTIC eEACH~ PLORIDA 32233 PERMITS i~•ZONING FOR: (1) ODTDOOR STORAGE AND RENTAL PARKING (RV•S, BOATS, AUTOS); AND. (2) INDOSTRIAL LIGHT AND NAREHOUSING/STORAGE (SECTION 24-112). NAME ADDRESS PRONE • SIGNATORE /~D/ATE J1r~ /{~~cr, lz7) ~arP°>_tR ,~•'//-yS9y.2~~~~~d~i'~s. S-y~5 .~!~ Slgcv~ ab/o S~,a-~- ~'d nair~ ,v/,.y_ A/ o~.16S~~(hnE9vt o~4q -) e7-i. ~ -, S'4' ~/~~ r G ~L~/..1JL o77~S ~lAj//aR1a~a aY6-o 3Sr ~. ~~y/~'~r .M,~,~t6;/k7>~ 2rSS M.•.P.4~.e/~. ~y/_883v S~Yf,~; i ., ~~d,A,~l~~'~~~N41 'Z~'_~ l~}~'ArzlMy a'fq-~ ~ -- i/7`f" p3: 3q .ler~h.,.5. u5s SP~y~„~erP°pn3'~•YSU~It~o-~L•Ye 11'1,,.~1'~S/?s~53-. F•e0 U• /,~3~i1 ~i~ 6^ ~~. S *3 dv7 it6c ~fi. ~ . s~d`/%3 ~"~"' w~~ (ss LbniE vE 6R/ss~ aA'so,~3 /~~ , -5~1~5 ~~ G,~~ Uss ~r+zv+nw cr-ci w 9•P. ~7o-7$z ~ T .: ~.1.,~o.Ei.za~..+en. ~. ryp- -~ 4W 1'ir~r< s.rt, ~~D-4U1Y Y~Ivel.~,,,._ s~,~~93 _~• 3 ve Gev~,•~s~ (_~ s~ ~~ ~9r/S f~; /~n.. E. Sm ~ ~ h /9U C~/ ,Lem lya/.vcs ai~6llB~._y~4imt ~'. N •'~~f9-?7c~ ~..,.: ~ 6~9~f.~,:~ ~ 79 ao J ° _. 3 S M'+X~ Tc~vnF-y c.fs 6F1T%/r <:: ra~•~ dx- o,..a- rs/: ~„~,e&~,~~~p/, //6 ~< (~~ ~73.8gz~ lJ~~rci 6 /y/y3 /% .-. Blu, (i.~.aaea4 yIY~! Lore (~. tl~I;_y;iS ~./L(.-.P.[•- x/3/93 ;•~ AMV THE HENEFIT•OF~pAN~AN, HINI STORAGE, INC. LOCATED AT 23tl3 NAt- •• PORT ROM, ]1TWUITIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 PERMITS b ZONSNC FOR: (1) OUTDOOR STORAGE AND RENTAL PARKING (RV'S, BOATS, AUTOS); AND, (2) INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND NAREHOUSING/STORAGE (SECTION 24-112). NAME - MDRESS PHONE t A~.~/Y~.~ 7/I %s.uci~,~ Lyf~~/33 SIG E ~ DATE ~~~ ~Toar6rJ'd Gaol rsa}Qor4 Rd. a~((u-OL~1( '~/~ e~y~ •.. t,..cur~-y zao~ 1'.~ay~tc~ ~4oouiy Iit.~ ~, `-. 5-1-q3 ;:. 5''t' y3L I'' ~..~ ~6/o Srar< Rd.hi-R ah'%-3sar /~ S-y-ra . TRIG S. nl za ,-~~uA~ ~~d des os98 ,3"-~ 93 J'roNESW..~ei.~.,i /akll/ruo~+('.s~Cr.E. 29/•&9%F J''`{•93 : ~~if~D~1 a~~~ ~~i~fa~ c+~)17:5 ~ Gt/aa~r~i7~G S-Y--93 /oE //Jef~ivE/ e~v./.Gqu~e~v „~7o•Gs~9 ~ S--! 9~ ~ - ~`a!,~sziea~ a~s~-r•u'sr. ~1 WA1~c^ 3 5--~5 1 ee~ ~ (~_ ~S UW rlDa _ ~ ~ -~ .;" 1 vys ~ ~~o!~ ,~Ec (~ - a Bv ~" - n Z r^ ~M- 5-5 Ip , . . . ilYS K . 27o-7at;co . i1 /II~CE ~~ ~ ~ S S~-S -k'S - __ ~ ...._- / 7 , . ula2LS V31-33zF K-kSSE2L~isEtL kss r+.<~w+~n,.v-~ . S-f 93: ~ sygi Z~0p yEMN9A1 //G0 SF.f~ATY /1+G N0~1I£ 2 S-S ~ ~: , J,~, -L~r../ rur e~U.~A- M~ s. .-NY7- rn3 5- S -F3 /~ ~ ~ ~ / ti Y~,z~r4 .~-9~ /J ~~2.d/Kil U-55. 5AEA>or+'~(c.,s~) ~,-b~s 7"A,,.`r~~~ 5'8-93 K " P c ~jl: t,,°.( 0.15 .fAal IOyf ~~:.w) 2:b-Grit !/ ~jr~ S P' S3 ~ r'h,%/.p S fie,jL vss e~6.y.pprn. SeoCy>-a'i ) ~ ~^~~~ , ~~„y ~:~an P.ca~sc2i (uV3c meNm«.~H cr, Jr~-a~9e " A ~~ slY/53 QQ 'v>ZAD ~aFRSo~ v53 J•QwtncF 1J~963 2'+a -5450 S Ilo` ~A/ill~ NANO u55 SPR~An)cE Ob963 ~7o-5690 ' S/io~9~.: Max ~(5~9 ()So Srx.r~ C--~aDe ~i~. Bd,. zdG-Yf~ ,~oli. S ;~q~23 .~~.,. n~~~oe ~b~,v3aa5-- 2Y9-~T~ .~ .c//~ly'3 / ~/~ ~/~„,~ (/sS ,ASS ~,,~/./~ Ad)S . fPn f>Yi s y,~ -asid aa ~~;t - L.~.-~ s/•H x: (:,~~. Rv-.person 1a~~ w~:.t4ler4h~r. '731.1157 ~ ~~h~,.,.l,onmr, slw/ Ax. ~w 3~~(1 ,J v ..le ;v6. yid HE '3'HE UNUENSIGNGU ncn~u. . AND FORHALLY REQUEST THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE BENEFIT OP PAH AM MINI STORAGE, INC. LOCATED AT 2383 MAY- PORT ROAD, ATLANTIC HEACfl, FLORIDA 32233 PERMITS S-ZONSNG FOR: (1) OUTDDOR STORAGE AND RENTAL PARRINC (RV ~S. HOATS, AUTOS): AND, (2) INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND NAREHOUSING/STORAGE (SECTION 24-112). aaNANB ~~// ~~ ~~~~ ADDRESS /(A~.3 7r,(/b4.. /,~~8 S/Mr~l iaA~f y}.3/C ~~ l~k>~f~ /3ksa sr+~sa i~r u,' ~~~,,~ a,eo n+.-,ypaa,..S oc. (~aitiAl Qpnm~ a~ws tva,~(~ ~ ~fFls ~lEvt ~BJUG dssi~%~ ~'t ~ PRONE ; SIGNATURE DATE ZT•(~ $~ 36 4 s«~G - _ r ~~ ` f ~-4~, zu-8~3E " .' 'i ' { v-3p._~.. syz-/obi av~-~«.~ ~~v~ ~ v'~-y~ ' ~f-~ se~y~/~. ~3~•S3 2N3 ~ o4S ,o((,.Ff,Qb~ >i aye vo~~ ~t-~ •q~ CN1F15,-ap(d~- l9SS ST~Q.1-- Z70-S97o .T ~-97 j.. ~n,c6 - Cq TJGH /IA.PC A, MAC.rh /908 nAx c,accB 2Y7-ITSI 5-1-93 `S /e:oSfvilLt /~. ~~9-~9ai ~ ~( .~ -/ - q3 ~ av~~ ~"'~r~~- mss- s/ri ~ ~~y~~~- s-/-93 US5 sp29•ToGR- 270iC'f'Fl~-/Lt~ Qncdo4T S=!-f~ '; 22GY m~fyP''°{'~"iY2v9 SYit ~ ~ .,. ~~6-/-9.~ -. d.o.[?' Ma.Ypa/'F /Qo{~'16y 2/l4-Rkc Q. _. f2f-A ~trEn ru ZY/-9G8Z ~ ` N/.L A M-4r- ~ /- 93 JoH~ LL.~f~awyeLl uit. Aaff 6u3F 270'5966 (~j S-3-y3.. `. ~A~ {L?x/Cl~+ p~l~Q~.7 143'S~'Ec~-'o2Y6~1~ilob' /JU!/ s~ fWl • ..fgr~y Es' /i mq~i.i /919/ss~y~a4lD~ /~ /1~~~ s ~. 3 C~Q.t.~..~~19- lao MaY(i~rT RO uT % aci6-~9a~ Dd~l fi.~r S•3= vt S Si~R~sG/' z 7 ~- f z z~~s'- ? -,s~~1 /i ~ ,„aTh,~' f~ ~9USTA a7oss3a~ s• }.47 d~ LP¢Q/_d'~J`_ vy5 Md>".vrR.vE ~`- !-(EU~SFt ~• ~1VFlC fPV a~+ 3'+~9z- 7r~ pp //~~~~ O 4'S~, CovE LFr,vn.,,r~ ~p ~vC/wnJ Ch~P~f[<,~ oZ/d.r't3,y~ C.9AD7~J Ke(,f,~. L . ~"~``1 P~snc 3'~zsl Ml~l,~~d. F~ 3i-z 33 ) z slz6 ~30~~ r-9 3 5</-2 r-Yaa S-4-q3 1tE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ACRNONLEDGE, PETITION, SUPPUR'a' •• , AHD FORHALLY REQUEST THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE BENEFIT OF PAN Ali MINI STORAGE, INC. LOCATED AT 2383 MAY- PORT ROAD, ATLANTIC eEACA, PLORIDA 32233 PERMITS 6~ZONING FOR: (3) OUTDOOR 'STORAGE AHD RENTAL PARKING (RY•S, BOATS. AUTOS); AHD, (2) INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND NARENOUSING/STORAGE (SECTION 24-112). NANE ADDRESS PAONE ; SIGNATURE DATE l~-E: k/aP~f/ 3~~ Rr>rr~,~.re:.. y tea zv ~-s.~p .2Q~Le y-ao~,3 ~. S. EAuM1/C06/ G(5S G~3BufG CG 6v .770 -7700 ~~~ v-sv -1S A. Cca~~tY UssSAQA7D6ACV•LO xi:565~ Y-3o•93 M 9cAeJ.t C><..u¢G.n.eZ Av:rrwrc N.,•m+y~ -~P'^)A~SH ~jSS SARAT06A ~~-moo a7o-aan ~:0~•~ y~ •J (1~. 7UEfrIG ~~~a~"Q~s~/`~~.szs !`09~.xfif~ y"~" ~, /J ~ 5-30-~3 3a.-Ik G v ~/ ,, ~.e~L~( ,b2.S~-~ ~i-~a/v ~'/l~Yl (;ec%eC.Qt '/~•~~93 !llu+no, ~,~~ 9f~zr~( G;,. 5, 0?4~-0~ J~+er ' `{~3g'9 Rd~ p ~hr~n~- 1-Lk 4o mxy~,.+ r-z aza,2 s ~l ~ 7'D-6(35 y-3o •53 . 7~1JNEFx ~• (F1,wti.NS uss t7A(z~ A)A1P,cr ~.. a7o -SSQa ~G!/S4t?P: n. D. BIOR/ tOdSq~sy ~~. 7NY~ X R70 -590 ,9i~ y_~, LAaea~"b"' i,el ndl~ztra M»fp+1A.l xw~9~8t 05'w-r(,•y.•y-- Y-~+y~: J~nn~t Sn-„`~ ia38 t~br*~w.~,xoc~ p, a'+9.7u~ ~ / J~/7~~/' u,-.3o-S Lwwil~ SIFydWS L(3S H~T.~~utY (PFb Y) Lp{e-S'f9i ~i..a,;, ,.~j" / ~" `I-Srb• !wL ~av.dSw-) (65o PAnk 7ERP.tice w~.~ zY9• Zi4 (/~~_ ~, ~/ ~ ~ 4/3o y. A7l~Hu.~j~C ~0~ ~ R't9' 3~ ,, ' / q~~r /~ C G/icTM ~uB.r<' `n 9°5 ~T1oa,taq/jr'O"' ~L~/ 5~~93 2Llea..e~ Jw ac/ elm:. /~9 ~vV,do._.i ~,vr,~ ~1-,S gaysrlD2e. 02 ~yi~3s'Y ~ • 8ais,~ •s/I/X. MERJtI LHARLEfI 2975 BRySN~RQ 0/L 2111 o38y q~ti~zZ~~~~yfiJ~,-~., ,s~~~y3 /~/~" a.~~. /66/ GLCax.~..So, dYG-236j ~ ~lu ~g~ ~//1`s AN~%QRsonl Ca2t uss ~(R6 ago • ~9ob ~~ S~ ~ JoN.~ NAB>.fwgY vss sRR.s>OC,Q zzo-czzr ~~'S~s THE BENEFIT OP PAN-AM MINI STORAGE, INC. LOCATED AT 2383 MAI- ` ~ PORT ROAD, ATLANTIC HEACR, FLORIDA 32233 PERMITS S~ZONING FOR: (1) ODTD008 STORAGE AND RHfTAL PARBING (RV•S, BOATS, AOTOS); AND, (2) INDOSTRIAL LICIR AND NAR®OOSING/STORAGB (SECTION 24-112). MANE ADDRESS PHONE # SIGNAI'ORE DATE -~{ohr~ /IRGC /sw .sEP,cu arc a~{9-89ai ~,~ apBP29s' /~fG~!c tSccpor~Gc 174i1fp >\l u55 SII~?A)~ Zro-Fa2!/ ////~.i' 29AR293 AA~'3Y~/i'Z~yO x-7z'f7 rC "~-- N~tkue~µl{}I.3~*~ 1.t55~(oSP~t,`(-e a~u-rg~6 ~tGC~- ~-~°,) FPots Yerf~f¢_Aq-ly A / q~ rr''~ RR FL 3rMS-.25K. d70 S$e~(o ,~/./~~ y/i~~J ~a ~^'fBuR~J ~ . uss ~ cc.-•i9 a7ag-gpp Q,QQ~~ FPo /tiA 3'!040-143 ""'-~1'~~- `f -34~ 93 ~oD,.E%wCKn-^sy u55 %owrnrrf 90-~y~~U-SY~6~j ,~,,//JJ - _ ----. FA?.,gA 340$3-~SId ~~~ ~,a~i243 _Su~'/~ A I'~+OAW~aI`. /00? SUf~+.K Jf IQfh.lf.t D6IC -(~-\J v qFc ~22)j ~ ~A'~9) ~'Gr-~ `nWfnfon = qi W. (I *`s~. AEI- ~!l.l ~L: Zel(-(.403 '/_.: / 3'~.. {~ dYi ~ fey e?a~~_~SS ` / %~ ~,~-1/S.~/.~f.,-~. 229'2- "~"~e~2i!/-`t-tl8 0 -- l y ~. P 1 a't. l~ . ~~~~ ~~w~~ Tica. -~ J~1 ~.=- x-93- f7aypo rd- t 1. H 13- /Ff(o.H- /3c..o% 3,1.321 !oo y~4u-t~R ~rvcK A r fH. X FL 3z2 ZS' /~ Oe~n~~zLZ.S- 2292 M wy paT Rb #6 101ror1c ea.N zesx ,ter. ~ ~ - ~, ~,,fi~/ 5'-30-73 ~~~~~~ ~~ •,..... • ice'';' _ • ~ - - - AND FORNALLY REQUEST THE CITY OF ATLANI'll' tlEACM, FLUN1Yn c.,,. THE BENEFIT OF PAN AM MINI STORAGE, INC. _ PORT ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 ~MITS tT2ONINGNFOR: (]) OUTDOOR STORAGE AND RENTAL PARAINC (RV ~S, BOATS, AUTOS); AND, (2) INDOSTRIAL LIGHT AND NAREHOUSI NC/STORAGE (SECTION 24-]12). NAME ADDRESS ~/Q~~ //~A'' y~ PAO~NgE i SIGNATORE -'-"`•~~"""'( ~7 ~I~L~311~ GIl•I328 /~j~, ~J,~~ DATE G~•ay# ~,SG~/~yJWi{~ryk, ~ -~`f9'695tr ~..I.,~i~o-lv~. 3,gr,y3 ~~~' U ~/ /I 15.0 ~{/637 ~p.~, 3a A~t 9. !(~ !dr/J.sjyfsr,pL JaoSft, 3zaaS ~ ~a AP,Q g3 . yXy'~Y~i'r'~3o ~ir,Cat i ~°3 '~ ~~~.L_ ~.hec93 ~ ~~ I~ rd ,mac. s~;~ 4A7 4~~a1~ ~ 2~11.2S4G , 7514- ,~~y-s~,~ ,tyy z.~-Y~ ~~; ---- ~-~ 1A,f,~p3 - -- -- - aS~~Ia-v~+-~fl dVrQevS ~;~daSh p4~d a7wml~p•~r+Z~. X49-rV7L ~,,,~,: a--ti tsa ~~/ PiJ~ r R~ l~yf-~c~3~ 4-io-43' J - fiat r6r4 c~IU~si] Std/G T'`. >+z-~: ,'~ y.r ~~ c9i9 •dJ/a' ~. s~~dd 93 m3 Z06513i) f;oe,~ 24`(-b16, • ~ '~[ag'Z3 ~~,,~ 77D .~.:,~ ~n a~8- dacY ua /~'7tLI.U 1l3~ F~ ~ ~rn-vgb~,,.tR~ aC~/-sir ~-°¢P ~Fl/~' I ~ '~js+A~ao~` ~0~ z~ ~lod?F a~-3~ay ,~ ~~ h/aroo,cr ,Pd• x91-/775 v21y~d/~jr~brr //~~ylo7~' ^~s5 !v4/SI"EG.}]7o•./e+~~y o270 /~/ ,/ /~~ ~)~1~3 f~~`Y~ %3°/R y/3o~ - ~--tlni.._YCi NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES '~ olrvu couNrY rwxntc ADTNOaRIES 4214-012595 . P. O. BO% $2658 ' JACKSONVR.LE. FLOIIIDA •'PERSON$ RENTING OR LEASING LIVING DUARTERS OR SLEEPING OR MOUSE KEEPING AGGWAMODATIONS MAT BE SUBJECT TO THE REGISTRATION PROVISIONS OF PART 1 OF CXAPTER 212. FLOIIIDA STATUTES. AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO STATE SALES TAX ANp OTHER LOCAL TA%ES_ $MOE%D TW NAVE ANY pUE5T10N5 CONCERNING THE APPLICATION OF SALES TA% OR OTNER LOGAt TA%E$ TO THE REMAL OF LIVING ACCOMODATIONS. PLEASE CALL THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE' PAN AN MINI STORAGE, INC 2383 HAYPORT RD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32233 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PT GOVT LOT 7SAECD O/ROHR 6410-183 RL NO.: X6[9 y98-04 e0 ~ SE: 4n8J Tw ..+! «IaY.Na .. Mfem. •n.Y ,.. w.n. -•n wu NRrc r.lr[s n .a.N •rtwa w u u. fY w wY m. u M Yu Kfl6 Mt[iiF: i[ Y ..[nu •I.nM ~•r Y uMN YMn ..[ a M[.N F.Vn•[ ~ v N•N[,[ o. [.[7. M r[fn ii.r' %r iJ[Wi .µ aLIIOY I.n u.w .M C, Y./ tw.1 0 alit[ Y[ NyiYn Y M wY1n. !Fa Mole.n m tans n.s w A PUBLIC FEARING ON THE PROPOSED TA% nits r rFFrtuF FnpT r ~ FeRT AurKpRm un nu n..u n r.r 1 TAXES AND BEAGET WILL BE FELU DueN u Par ;~ -T3T2if:75~3556.~b~~~PFfTO~TD'S~P9Bi ~T5fF~ i rWR S[eFNL n sc.n ue 8843.17 914 2 i ~•Q PM TUESDAY SEPT 8TH" ` F, INw Farm 35 3.33 61 32 3 73 20 7 PRUDENTIAL DR JA% FL ~ 30 TH T M S Y ~~ 34¢73.2 f,•t 4. i . 1 ¢276 NIA I4I FL NE 12 STH ST NO 3747 86 3747 86 , 7.15 PM MONDAY BEPT~4TH I 3688 03 . ATL BEACH I ..:e! r•FaN- . ITY HALL ATLANTI C BEACH, FL . 501 14 nuR I 503.96 it 525.07 SS ~ RN WYY P L 4? PB ~ ES . w Ps KA, FL 100 A . IE LD G H I 'wf^°n 1618.86 tnuu MsTlKTt 1618.86 55.Q1 TNURSDAY SEPT 10TH 1630.82 1350 13TH AV 8. JACKSONVILLE BEACN '0f"'M0"' 1866.05 1842.96 ~ 1842.96 rrt ralrm mu MBNm Tans 33308.59 33354.89 ~ ~T~ ox PDEKbEM vECIAt asTRCTS 33000.11 AIO YDiER APPFDVED [RBT. CONTAR rpR TA% w ien• ui10 Few. ~~ Ar: 630-2000 m DsuMt~ TDAI rFOfUtt VANE atufuF tyti mrlsF tASaw lAIFE ~' As n JAMJFRY t 1,407,700 1,407,700 LAST TEARS ASSESSED YALIE: 1,407,700 e .w nu it• nNfuo •wr a lots rF>Im n tuRaan s FNF of NruR ru N[t4T •Nr. unlit YIFF tIP•It rFNNn uNluEF AT: 3RD FLOOR 231 E FORSYTH ST JACKSONVILLE, FL e i~ rwEm arnalun rfK2 n sANM TF RIRn •r corn! •t .F r.rn •wr roc v. fu a nmN! ra •F~s:wn rite Tw •YM wean*wn Feus. NtmP ,Fry ar ¢aFU rw Tr caret rFOrlm •ftuni..~ wi M icK T P MiRI( 09-08-92 f%rUNATION C0.LMN l - 'YDRI MDrEFTT TA%ES LAST VFM- ibf cOWm FMv1 /le uaK ere fFWle! Iwi N r Nff pNtfry~ Tntu nwvn,:.![. wHe . Eleyen Ante M, K. W rw o'mati ntetxe .Nw. CO.WN 2 - "rpDt TAFES P PROPOSED BUDGET [RANGE iS MADF- in~3 ctlum~ s,it..[ wNt Kv u•ef w.n 1e tl.f vet• uMH Ve BUDGET <[TVAIIY Pt0PO5E0 h sect IeW oat, a+rpiry. int Drtfnll i3 M01 IxP W mry Ot PlnMte tl oe tuMR w:NxMi iMww Mt. 207595 C0.UM1 S - -TGBI TA%ES E ND BUDGET DIAIRi IS AMOE' TM iFll•tA FMMYf MM YM IFaK triF M: WF Tor f EACH TANG Aurlgm Dafs RDT .CREASE Rs PRaERTr TA% LEVT, itrM rFrnn P! Fuse M Mn lei f FedFf4 W Trn nn.em nMFtnMnL TIM Mlne.ce FeT+tm cFMms 2 W 7 n m u. ce.ye aoroNe N t.cA bcr u.ty watiny W a rqT eR Teton FI nprr nusn¢enA Men. Aeyr¢{ tFFne M pr[ irn M MOT fl1Hn erN FFYn'en /MPAn tW /hp Mt rKtfRe P vrV Ot tlyi4 M fKt[R. Onct•nU re • mlunt•n FI t FrceN el er rrrelnf NrYt n r:F 1rrJ •'YOUR iMAL TA% BILL MAY CONTAIN NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS WMICM MAY NOT BE REFLECTED ON TNI$ NOTICE SUCN A$ ASSESSMENTS FOR ROADS, FIRE. GARBAGE. LIGNTMK DRAINAGE.WATER, SEWER, OR OTTER GOVERNMEMAL SERVICES AND fa CARTES WNICN MAY BE LEVIED BT YOUII COUNTY. CRY, OR ANY SPECIAL DISTRIQT.' ~x11.~.1.~ n M ~. ,.. ~an c~rn ~i.ni, eSEoza9e, ~ne. 1969 oifaywJ :/load • dJl~ d:e ~~•~, 919+199 • ~lio+s ~9aC~ }di-t9aa :+C on all construction blueprinting and former zoning applications several years ago. It is onz intent to rezone to Section 24-112 and remain in compliance eith all codes, ordinances and regniations within the city of Atlantic Seach. Reaoval of vehicles 16 currently difficult at Che present time for it will take several weeks to con- tact them and further time to make arrangecents. Ia closing, pan Aa Mini Storage, Inc. believes St is the only storage facility specif1ca11y designed to acco®odate outside storage of large vehicles and ve request an extension to mid year and/or until the formal reyvesC in change of zoning has been determineC by the City Co®ission. Let me thank you for givigg ary letter your attention. vezp truly yours, Terence p. Rana OYamr, pan am~Miai Storage, Znc. 904/241-2300 904/241-1103 _ y a1 '%f '.~ =i 24-Hn~ir Electronic Controlled Access • On-Site ResiA.nr manager Air Conditioned Units • BOaf SloragB • Record Mana^amPnf JJan d'/'lYL OV~c/ZC c='3[.u~cuc,c, ~.__. +JSa eN.yp•r cR•,J . dIi( ,:, 13...t. +Jl y++ . J~A;. ss ,. (void +v+foo March 31, 1993 1ffi. KARL r. CRONtIiALD CODS ENPORCEME}IT OFFICER CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH - FLORIDA B00 SENINOLE ROAD ATJ.ANI'IC HEACA, FLORIDA 32233 904/297-5800 ]Jean Mr. Crunerald: Thank you for your letter dated March 9, 1993 regarding pan Am Mini Storage, Inc.(part Government Lot 7:RS169398-0450-2) and for visiting our facility ritb Mr. Don Pord. After diecvaeiona and meetings rith Mr. Don Ford and Mr. George Norley, II (and further ara lys is by the City Attoznel ), pan Am M1ni Storage focmal3y submitted an application to rezoning under Section 24_112 (Ind- vsttfal Light and Narehouslnq Districts - i.e. outdoor Storage). The purpose of this rezoning request submittal vas to relieve any aabSqu ity or confusion of previous Permf ttf ng efforts and fully comply rith all current and updated codes, ordinances and regulations. Fan A• Mini Storage, Inc. believes only Section 24-111 is at issue for re try to maintain thin laci if ty a! the Cop o[ rho market fn aesthetics, design and sec- vrlty. Ye anti of pa to that on[ [acility rill Ue under eonafdaratfon for upgrade Sn rezoning by the Coounity Development Board April 20, 1993 and the City Coo lasion shortly thereafter for final adj ud Scation and deteraination. Currently Cheze are thirty eight cnstoners or so that have entered into formal contract of th us for the vse o[ outside storage that are located throughout tha rorld. Thu subject outside vehicle storage and rental parking area is located directly shoes a formerly open State of Florida etozm drainage ditch. The former open ditch rat pf ped, filled and paved Dy us at great expense rf th the Idea to provide a large covered carport-type storage structure. Due to rho poaci ble servicing o! the pipe Pan Am Mini Storsys decided to forgo covered storage and remain of th open storage. This vas clearly documented 24-Hour Electronic Controlled Access • On•Sile Resident manager Air Conditioned Units • Boat Storage • Record Mpnaoement EXI~SG ~r ~ LL' 4 Jean ~-n ~ini eS'toza9E, ~ne. nss.N•ypw d'.J . ogeL.e:, S..sC +Jl s++n • rp1••• /V•a) +<~-+f•a Monday, ifarch 6, 1993 riE. DON C. FORD INIILDING OFFICIAL riE. GEORGE NOYLEy, I2 CIS! PLANNER CISI OP AT[.ANTIC BEACH - FLOHIDA 800 SEMNOLE ROAD ATLANTIC HEACH, PLOEIDA 32233-5495 TF.LEPAONE tiD7BER (904)247-5826 TELECOPIER NOFIDER (904)247-5805 Mar Neeeerc PozO and NOriey, II: Shank you both !or aateting with se Friday afternoon, riarch 5, 1993 and for prev7osaly visiting Pan Aa NSni Storage, Inc. regarding storage at oar :acid ey. Enclosed you vili fled docnaentatlon that Ton requested oa thin taellity, as vall as, aealed bloepriats cad rarwya associated rlth the eoaatrnctidn of this atoraga facility. I Lace a160 enclOSad letteza, pessits and ocher docoaentation Eton the Steta or Florida Mpattaxnt of Tranaportatlon for our previously piping, Li111nq and parlnq a large drainage easesent loeatld oa the north side ot'onr property for the use of outside storage and rentai parking. Onr initiai intent vas to pra-ide covesad storage, bot due to the laz9e Pipiaq regafzed foeteza wre not reeoweaded in vane nay eszvicing is the Lntazc wze accessary. To ease the drainage on Mayport Road and drastic:lly laryrow the aasthetfc Qaallty of the fa•edfate area, Pea Aa •" riiaf Storage, Inc. !Wearied coats of approxiaaattly ;300,000.00. Me hope yov rill look fawrably apoa oar regoeeC eraf continw the fine raSatfonshlp thaC carreatly exists for the benefit of the ccoanlty. Please tevler Cba enclosnraa at yon coawaieap. " Ia cloalnq, let ac thank you Lor giv7 ng ey letter yoar attention. " rcry truly yosrs, /~ ~ , Terence P. Rene 24-Hour Electronic Controlled Access • On-Site Resident manager Alr Conditioned UnNa • Boal Storage • Record Management Exl~7~.T ° k" ~ - ". Y 'Atlantic steps up Hv parK~ng G~~t~+~~•••.•-•~ ~F JYY IIewY ~ 'Met d W Ylee Y NeN adK .. eltt tY aotlYlelN b bb eteYlt F'~NY~ 1Wiy YOeaabN a IeNa1W11/ b pn 111etet dOt Yt mmmurY~ AIIAME fP.eil - IFewlll MI nwplWel' VelYt NN. hcelONteeY Bbd PN Illts W r.Y+b rw Ne R~' b Ue ue~ A. Jew• INN IN'aarl Yei wM YI'larel rY. M Yle d> eewtd IN Ise b 6w M IteY YtwYNe Yawn nlfNatea 4 tiNYl YM Wes+Yb a ~'~ d0 We wuWll tlYd w1lNV b aY+lNee. PIIIileY mtr ullol¢NeM Olt¢r 'ae11YY'~ed e11Y YM Yr Y t wR 1leeal0.lle.erv, We dal e W Ve.Ytl LN salt 1 Wet a YW~ a ueeeY Vbab t••d°w••N Mwwrt+ YM NY. Me IbW by Wt k,bY ' was YeaYef OM4. b nbM .are self Yv t1lYlld Nre Eael WON p a Ye dNt ItaeaYtY w1Yde teartt Y aN. GarlewY a1L b mdN. elJOrtemml d YY Y•. f bee tltl eldlla+q. aY Yw rNdrt Neu 4onln. lYna The Jeve we tllyd telee be dal y l l WaYf k alY01SY b nratele a W teen Iee0ve b b NaN Yelwd Its bele Newt M eelallYN'et le ee ~IY~1f 111! fV rlluea4 W[ YIL Y tl ' bb pYYllfala k. +bT4a . Yn lee NM lel•J wn Ya opM'e rt roero tY Ya bd bY IefetYl{ Ya M: Ye. Jane W. M W MYef-'•4~ Ya Yliwbe eel{b Yell eeeY+p NM Ilr Y W yeeY N Reaal YwnYYe. w CauYw4 . w alavf allib esNwM ealybY s Oapn. 6la We y 111!) pereYyseY fwt Ye~tt • Atea :a~t0leYaY ~~~fa•Yt twi/NweYMrlllof Y4mYab Yf pa YYrtYweOYlYe ftt lbeld . aN wYteNb NGeanabYeee SeupgbOeeY Ya YY bYM Out V111dWS eNn Pdf tlOee aYe bt. pY YlYettte0'. Vaelq eb tY N de eOaa®t amee tu11'aN. MN W Yealne4 Ylt Jen etld Ilt Jelsa b YM alaat t YedY YM elet Yemen Y ftl YlmllfY@dN. we be hYfb OINbeTe llY tV by M+IWMM IN6 ' bW b YYrt Vain vY Yrt IOO'rt Cle9tlnf ro BeeA ARIYR VOM/ oK '11'e a NIN YbN, P~ I It 'T OQf fN1MIMLf~eWF YUtWa T.nNJ ATLANTIC BEACH/NEPTUNE BEACH Big water, sewer rate hikes looming b Ji YewL twN ~ ~~ lab r we Ya colt flli s tM eb rr w rr A pt tN1Yl{ Y OMOY rt v a/eeaaY M. Y f ~a+ea+f. ater erN Ner Yaeee f.. ua sls erba. d a. alY b ftF • NeIY b IfY.1te Y/rt Yee Nsfl aNe Y ti Yb ei abw~ peat Y JYIi) r NX few Ieer.wYlae fia a ttleal ftlf • NseY NY11vaa Y 'eaYbtl Yaoata Y YlenYd b~l~I~ 1.gWYeYtfaearbd e b fJ170 aJYrt d atC NeE ,.,,~ utae aaeeb, rYe n b eNn ~jleYwf aie. edfaYa eNW 141W ptlelOt a b iCW fias dawa. Yfa fIJ! w d eaYleYY IAOp ~e d s 'Ifs peaty r r b eefaw abwffiteNYY1K KA Y14 ffO Y Y16 W YIf Y Yfl. h b b alW YYlY~ IA00 life eeefl Obaa Y 01Af 41NI• bw IabaIYYYY pagtq lmff • tNlla b fY M f)~ fraa flla »Y b ewl lit /~~ ew r feN ar. n pabf d., f..erf.a w Neafd Yb m a fft66 lit pra Ylla 6f b ewq eYer Ilm fefati b Ilfl iY PeteN/ fb ab b w b"'~'nff.le'~fa~tf'1'aiiw TM fw ed tfrbal 11000 rfeY wJd were b tlQ F IM fv> Ck~ ir-t " f ff t0ablw.aM Yb ae w fYwa 'IY Y pYl .efl~tt..yEl ras Ye YNe b rae r fN66 ~ a 7r pert CITY OF !~1la book -~(aI(dn n~xuxsomAVA~n ~ r. o. sox» Al1AMS DEA(S. llAlamA iOA ~~ teaeoxeenniw.v(e Noveaber 70, 1968 Nt. E. Conrad Corart - 339 Pente Vadra Boulward POnte Vedra Beach, Florida 32082 RE: 2363 Nayport Roadi PAN AN MINI STORAGE Dear Mr. Corart, ~ - Thies i• to adviu tMt tM City Cooieeion of thr City of AtLntie Beach preated an exuption to operKe the shove referenud a1n1 ~atorape lae111ty( Phase Fend Phap II (w atUehed s1b plan). ' Thr sxuptlon stlpulKas that the apaus are to he used only for Karage of non-flasable sad aea-hszardow utrriela end are aot to.De rented for uw a offius, rKail steeps or Ouelneaws. If you nave any puestions plew feel free to Gll en w. ATLA1(TZC BEACN i oc:file Cx~,<<~T "1" l~.ftc , x%i~t..-. .-v ...~.~ &i.:~~:Aird.~n.Yfl"4[.:aL~i:b. G (Rprtifirufr of (~rru}~sury cirr of ,17antic 8ud.-FfN41o ~eperLnmt ~ inil~ing 3nspertiun Tu. Csr6firW io:w ~vnr +. u, .spe.e.m, d sta;.. /w e/ .k seY.. Sw6./ s:uvr Ger amq~yW aW e.e q i.sro. Yi.+n.av..myw .oot.W .le wi.., wlirw.gdries Iwlfiq.~ri.. w es. iw Ys Jw~Lot. 3 .ra.r~ f`.r..~a _grrr.9un~ u.• tiw~---- rr 9r,~Atimtie Beeeh a,,,,~~ Coatad C9veY[ _ uti.W ~$~ wrpolC 71uE _ .. Rene' Anjrrs ~ . -~- a.: Ekh<<<T " N" :5 Y Form N. 592-13(3) ' To De completeo Dy Applicant Tne aDOVe contlitions are hereby accepleo an0 agrtt0 to Inis 17 tlay of Feb • , 19 BB Ql ' this applitaliOn i5 Sigpetl Dy a repre5e0idtivG OI Ine permilltt. then 8 I@Ilef OI dulh Ori2allOn from lne permillee mull be attathetl.) ' ._ witneisetl t. John'S Fnti near (MAII APplitefit '/'~^^^~-~- ~ ~~_ wimessetl ey:'>Yx~6.rQll~ (,Ci P(Cir~ln>wl Ponta VeCra Beach. Fla. 32082 t. John's Enoi neerinD.inc. Jacksonville. Fla. 32216 IcITTI tsrArEl tzlP) tMAILINri ADDRESS) IGITYI (STATE) I21P) To be completetl Dy DOT - Theabove repuesi nas been reviawatl antl has Dttn fountl to meet the regulations as DrescriDetl, and is . i hereby approvetl, subject fo the following special Conditions: TAE DEPAR1TgAT OF T7WVSPORTATZOR, BY ISSUAACE OF TBIS PBIp/IT ASSUMES BO I~ RESPORSIBZLZTY POR DISPOSAL OF k'ATsyt OR MATERIALS OF AAY XIRD BY THE PEIAlITTEE AIPJ THE PERMZTfEE, BY ACCEPTAACE OF ?EIS PERMIT, ASSUMES RESPt'IASIBIZITY POR ' ~~ SUCH DISPOSAL ZBCLUDIAG•DRAIRA(T. - pefo°~, ifleni of Transportation: - ~ ~ ASSISTABT MAIRTEMAACE ~ ~ ~ - ' J//~~b~, ~n~ ~ ~~ SACIBEER. PERMITS APRIL OB, IHBB T~~ ISlrrurVRE) (TITLEI IwrE OF ADRROVALI To be wmpMetl by Applicant ' ' The strove special tlontlitions ere nereby aeceptetl aM apreetl to Inis 1 Y say of Feb. 19.x- . _ _ Witneixo B ~ ... Appica~ !,•~+~~ I• -X~--~- St- .lobo's Fnpi no ~I~sanvi lle. Fla. 32216 (MANNG A RESS) ltRYl ISTATEyt21PI wnnessetl ey: f ~ y .llc-~ -~ St. John's C~oineeri nD Jacksonville Fla. 32276 (MAUNG ADDRESS) tCrTq (STATE) (21P) Form N. 592-13{2) (2. The Drainage connection z5 amnorize0 nerein snxu De constructed ano inereaiter maimained in jaccordance with the Documents ali:cned nerlb and incorporated Dy reference nerein. FII construction On . jthe Department's right of wzy shill conform to Department specilitatipns and the Depznmeni s minuet on jTraffiC COnirels and Sale Practices for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance and Utility ODerztion. ISUth construction anal) De subject to the sucervision ano aDOroval of the Department. end Ine Department - {miy.al any (im! make SUCK inspections xs it Deems necessary 3o assure ihzt Ine dramzge Connection is in compliance with this Dermit. ' ~3. The entire expense of ConSiruCfion within the Department right-Ol-wzy. incluoing replacement o: existing pavement or other existing features. snail be borne by me perminee. - <. Tha'permiltee shill maintain ihxl portion of Ine O~ainage connection tutnorize0 herein locztetl on his Property in yDOC cOrttlnipn. The Depznmeni Sn211 mainizin inxi poniC° of the tl cinzge connection IauUOrize0 herein loCated'witnin its none-o:-wzy. ~ ~ - 5: If the tlrainege connettion is not conslruclBtl, oDerzte0 or mxintainetl in sccorCZnte wim Cols Dermit. the IpermlCmay De SuSpEnDed or revoked. In finis event mDDiliCalipn or removal Ot any portion o: tnG Drainage 2onnemion from the DeDartment's nghi cl wxy shall De at Ine permitlee's expense. 6. Tne Department reserves the rigor to motlity or remove the tlrzinage connection to Orevent Czmage or in conjunction with roaC improvements. - ";7:'The Derminee shall mzke no attempt to forbi0 the full Intl free use Dy the public of zN navigxDle waters at or iadjacent io the tlrainzge connection. e: Itrsunderstood anC zpreedtnat the ripnt: and privilepernerein setout are grantee only:o the eaent of the Department's right. title antl interest in Ine land to De entered upon and used by me pet r..iuee, and the - Dermi7lle wiN, at all limes. assume sll risk of antl indemnify, tlNentl. antl save harmless fine DeDanmsnt from - and against any and all loss. damage. cost or expense arising in soy manner on account o1 ;he exercise or attempted exercises Dy said perminee of these ripn:s and Orivile8es. regardless of :rte respective degrees of fault of th6 Daniel. - -~ 9. Tne permhtee shall notify Ine Department of Transportation Maintenance Office located at _838 EZZie p""8 •rO^ya n+~f p1°,r~? 32203 Tekpnone (809) 883-x000 24 hours in atlvante of starting any work on the drainage Connection autnorizeE by this permh antl aIS021 hours prior to any work within the right of way. Construction o1 any work on the ripltt of way shall W comDfeted within 80 Oays after auto rtoDlication. II sucn Construction is not completed within - 80 'Eays after auto notification, the permlttee sMll notify the Departmem o1 the enticiyaled completion tlate. ,1f1.Utililies. incluoing gas lines. may be located wRhin the right of way. Priorto beginning work the perminee shall contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the name, atldresf, ano IeleDhone number of any gss line owner who will provide information upon reduest On possible conflicts between the g:s line antl fine Dermiltee'z - Drainage COnntGtipn.Theplrmittee shill Sl50 bC:Il all utilities and Obtain information from utility owners as ' to OOSSi Dle conlFCis between utilities an0 the Drainage connettion.Thl perm Ntel shall De SClely responsible for any Damage to or conflicts with gss lines. utilities ano/or lhir0 persons. 1. This permit shill expire i1 construction an fine Crainxye connection is n0:. egvn wi;nln one year Irom Ne Czle of approval an0 if construction cn Inc Drainage connection it no: CCmpleieC by (DZte) 9-Oft-89 i t2. hll the orovisiocz of this Dermi; snzu De DinCing on ary ssignee orsuccessor in interest oL•ne Dermiuee. Form N. 592.13 ~ ~ ~ sT"n or noalo. on.arrur*or rruwsroar"no• ' 10/66 ~ ~ ' DRAINAGE CONNECTION PERMIT , To be comDleleC by DOT ' ' ~DreinSge Connection Permit No.~. 2-J0.38R6-2.1DR State ROio No. ]d] Construction Project No. R/A Section No..~PiO - Station N/A N/A iRWI TO , •--~Milapost ~-rvn To be completed by APPliranl Terence ~P Kane , 904 241-4300 I, ' -' jNxuEO°"PPL'c"°~t3vi San Pablo Rd. Ponte Vedra Beach Fla. 3~6~LP"oNel WILING xDORE551 ~ ~ ~ ICrtTI IBT>:EI tun {tavmg read me terms :ntl contlitions which follaa. repuest permission to construct and operate a drainage connection oetween loascRlBE TOUR Ewc,u7r1 IIE`. -n nn of n exi st.48" R.C.P., - --- •__B• R.C.P. Dy 272 L.F. Ni th a new endvall to the same existing outfall point . (.SPS also attaC_hs4 dratri has) ~ - ' and ln! 12Cililies OI the Department 01 TraniponiliOn Oy DOnStNCnon 01 a (DESCRIBE PROPOSED . CONNEGTONI ~ - ~. . - ~ . 779 t F of 48"RCP frds exist endwall tD exi Sting Wtfall ppi nt i -..t:. _. ... .. __ ~ .. - . ~dn the pepanmsnis right of way arthe lollowiitq bcation: Pan-Am Storage Caopl ex (currently under - ' conztructi on] East side of Mavoort Road (Mile Pozt 2.730) _ I Duval ' on~State Roatl No. 101 U.S. Highway No. - CAUntY ~ To be completed Dy DOT t. This Darmil is;license for permissive use only and opts notconvey any properly rights aitner in real esta!e or material, or any exclusive privilege and i;ooes not autnonze any injury to private property or , '~ invasion of Drivafe rigMS. or any intringemem of Federal. State or bcal laws or regulations; nor doas it obviate the necessity of obuimnq any reCUireC state or local aDDrovals. - Ex~~G~T a.G.. yr, viuwm c. ,ua,y, aaa., ~. e. April 06, ]98B page 2 ~~ ~.. :. U+'ri'+9 eomtnction, alt safety regulations of the Department shall bs observed and the holder aa.at Poke meaa~rea, including plating and display of acfaty da- vicsa, uhirh may be necessary in order Lo safely conb.ct the public thrmgh the project area in d ' , occo~ ance with the Departavns s Nm+sal an 7'raffie Control asd Safr Pavctieea for Strtet and 8ighun Consiruefim M i y a .ntsnm~es and Utility DpeMtion. The applicant is required to notify :he Departmrnt of Tavnaportation office at (8091 688-900o within ten, (1g1, days after campZetion of the project so that a firm impaction may bs co~esed. FZeaas req~set your contractor :o eon pct my office at 838 Aarth CZL:'s Rood , Jacksonville, FZOri.da 42288, (S09i 8?::-9800,. tumnsy four, (291, hours prior to eoaeameing eomtruction in crdar t}at I may arrange for the necessary impaction ad advise him of maintenance of traffic regLiremanta. Sincerely, / '~ ;~i /. 'Yr ~~'i a1;~.Tr ~ .. " . . Assistant Naintn~ancr lY~gimsr, Permits ?~ f.`+ J3D: kt tnoZaaure: ~. - x: .I. V. X{ZZim~, DGtriet Pa+stt ES~g{nett ?. 7}(er, Impsetor B• McAonald, lraffie Engimer, City of JaeksonvilZt - fils ''Florida "~ eoa u..+.wz coc..on April 06, ]988 Department of Transportation Poe Gffice Bo. 6884 Jacksonville, Florida 32236 u,a w. aaaaex uua,u. Nr. Mi ZZiars E. 7LZZy, III., P. E. St. Johns thginaeriuJ, Inc. ]1330-4 Si. Johns Irduetriat Parkway JacksonvitZe, Plorida 38276 Re: Section 72230, State Rood 10] Pan Am Stornae CwrpZes Permit Rumber 2-JD-5986-2JDR Dear Nr. TuZZy: Thie un:Zt aekno~utedoe your re0ueat on behalf of yaw client, Terence P. Xane, to woke drainaos improvements ar. Staia Rood ]Ol ct Mite Poet 2.130 in Jacksonville. , Terence P. Xmas is hereby gronied pemieaion to extend the sristing furry eight, (481, inch RCP culvars by eonatructing rip kundrad eeventy rip, (E721, 2inea2 feat cf forty eight, (481, inch RCP with new anmpLZ, ae ahw.m on the enclosed, cpproved plan m'd peraii end Simdard Index 230. A copy of shr approved ptme and petmit shalt bs on she job nits at art sve4e. ~ ' Construction on she Dapar7eent of 2'+~+aportation Right of May ah¢Z1 east ail -~ ~ ~- af the Dspartmrnt'a stendcrd aowtruetion spscifiwtions and safety criteria.. This penrit is isauad with shs understanding that eonesruesion shalt be par- famed in accordance uriih Deparenent of Trmapori¢iion speoiftiwstone by a Departwret approved aonsraesor and that all shs awe of oonstruesion shall bs borne by she applicant. zt is aisc ands»tood mid agreed that the rights and privileges herein ass out ors granted only to slue extent of the Ssase'e right, sills and inUrest in the lard to be sntrrad upon mui weed by the holder, and the holder viZt, as all times, weums all risk of and indemnify, dafard mid save hamZese ihs SLnts of Florida and Slaparteent from and against any and all Zoes daA- age, coat or expense arising in cry msrmsr an account of tits rsareise or attempted ezereiass by said holder of the aforesaid rights o'ui privileges. 6k~~G 1T ~e~ ~, 000355 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CRY OF ATUNTN: BEACH ----- PERKIT INFORMATION ------ Permit Number: 355 Permit Type: BUILDING Close oI Vork: ADDITION Constr. Type: STEEL Proposed Uae: OTHER Drellinge: O Code: O Eat Lated Valve: - s0. 00 LpraY. Cvat: 6677000. 00 SotelyFeesl 61303.87 Amoun A. Pa1J: 61303.87 DALiPaidx 1/ 5/84 -------- LOCATION INFORMATION -------- Addreae: 2383 NAYPORT ROAD ATLANTIC BEAC N, FLORIDA 32233 ---------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---------- Lot: Bloekt - Section: Plat Books Page: O Subdirislon: ---------- OVNER INFORMATION ---------- Name: PAN AN NINI STORAGE Addtras: 6:23 NAYPORT ROAD A't L..tNTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 F n.:~~a: :?~ ~4 > 241-2300 ~`. '_ -- - ror k•Deac.: TO COMPLETE SECOND PHASE OF (NINI STORAGE rAREHOUSE -------CONTRACTOR151 -------~~~'~ PAUL N.' YON ~. ~. 2383 Hayport Road Atlantic Beach, F1orlda 32233 ?]1~ (~:1:.~ i i'ii 1. IX-w.t ;... i a~ „ - A .___-__-~-_ ----- APPLICATION FEES ----- PERNIT =3303.87 VATER IMP A+.T FEC 50.00 S ENER IMPACT FEE 40.00 ' MATER METER 90.0¢ ~BADON GAS-H. R: S:Yi' s0. OU ~ ~ .I 3GyiO7 RADON GAS - 5X 60.00 1303.87 MATER TAP 40.ogQZ iAC3i~1 SEVER TAP _ . .- .40.00_ ~ _ HYDRAULIC SHARE _ s0. ~~ .S _00'~ 14 I/I RE-INSPECT FEE 40.00 OTHER ~ - lO:pO'~. I EX~PIIDM' Granted rith the understandins tlut the smees rmld l.a vsad far. storage only and that spaces rould not be sorted out for of_'icss and other ratan shops.aD~~ businesses. In addition, no fla>osable or hazardous ssterials are to be stored in the area due to the ptoRislity to the eity~s rater plant. Gsaated On August-1987 rith xhese $tipulationa. NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS ANO FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING ` PERMIT VOIDSI%MOHTHS AFTER GATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIR L.RUEBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE ANp MUST BE. CLEARED UP AND HAVLED AWAY 8Y EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OW NE R. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF TNI$ PERMIT AND SU EJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLFTION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF UW. ATLA~~N,~'fy~~yS .C H//BU~iL DING Dj: ARTMENT _ 1 11~'I _ CONTRACTOR COPY oLeAerNLNr or emioma ~ 9 $ 9 5 bn W ~IYA,C eTKN RMq~ eL11MIT N0. PERMIT TO BUILD 1N15 vlaMrr Musr ee roster oN Yoe D„a March 22, 19 88 Vduaow i- x5.500,00 ~i 189.75. rr ra: ~.+: r.:..r.r~.. ,.lrcar~..l: .4u .,.:ri.-.. Jwu:e..~~r.. P l Y au on Tld,u waruej ,6u 880008350 1011 Huron Street, Jacksonville 6., pumudoa w bold - Mini-storage addition - Ctoeee~cial 7~m F6. by. aLCeption Owed by Terrv Kane 8 Conrad Cowart I.et_ ^7oa cm Name Ne 2383 MAYPORT ROAO s. evi' - NOTi~-AU CONCRETE FONAT = AND FOOTWGS MiJ57 eE IN• SPECTER DEFOAE POURQiG: PFIU.if1' VOID SIX MONTHS ~1 AFIE0. DATE OF <QL7E ~~i ~ ~ ~ rL6Kb etl MMi, .~ [wim dY wk me em M ~L rebGc ,pem, ud eme M n.r. .....rh .ww. 4 u~°a[ea,~r MM • YR gyfYafq NY~amp nscTncv ~a..a. TI~Ra ~.i~.T uDu ~a - _ - - ' RT -- _ _ . S _ ~• ~; ~~ a w ~: J 3 i IS .U: ~' ~ . ~~~A{{ ~Vtl a' . r;`/ i .l 1 1 ~1 1 i . i ' c~}ylyv.. `"• DEPAgrMEMf 01 WILDING "_ f> •: ~ ,'..^ J V O y cm'w.n,.„e<eeaen npa PERMIT NO PERMIT TO GUILD ' I iMIS PERAUi MUST aE TOSTFD ON IOB -, - 3)ate ti...I..~ tR,.._19$L ~~ :. ~1~499.62 TI I49i.620:T~ Vilmani A50 82D 00 a. 1.499. 6Z S ~ s. 2. ~~ '~ IR 12/II:/N ~ 936U .. . Un.L.C~ ;- to h.-..u~a..Yt.t-PULLr.-~..~. 2-4~ IA 12/19/0 .itn.w~i. ... J1f.Yr /..-. YY.. ~.I.... 77riwr m m18r der PAUL M. YON - R80006350 1013 Nluon Street Jack sonville,=FL 3 ka PvslUiee le oa'Id urns _ctnre pl faei]ity with ~- - ~ on-site security ^n.;6u,;® ~Wmeiclil+' low •~xc'eotion~issu`ed -._ Owrd by SN .. . -~ ~:a: w.,.,.,.r n..A ~ pIn d Ilm periwf ~ _ _ 1~ .~v~t .R.r.~i. Y~ -. PERMR VOID SIX MONTHS AFTE0. DATY OP LSSTJE 6e0diPa aaaiel, nbei.h end debi, ban d'n perk al9f M M Pl.ad P.61:c .r.c.. end ms k dea..d .p eal~.kd .wq h eider awe Pww.a This emit is iastxd subjec elsc~n,t.. to approval Dy St. JOM's :._-' 4 I i 1 ~ aynow ~I:- y,-c-..'... r)~..,,- 35 f w 7 ) ,: t ~, - ~ ~ F .~ CJPq..lT Cap/. ~~~~') ~l~ , V `` I / u ufl ~ ~N N ~ ~iF 1 ~ ~ ~ I for CN/I ~/ / ~~ ' ~./ ~ ,` ~~ ~~ ~~ \-Z ^y~ t, ` :. t"`~` a~ A0 ,( ~; •i Ex~••c L \ "c `~ l I A m v~ Q.I c"' __.~ :~ ~~~-. '„~• ~ ~•'l-. ~-r ,~'.+ 007'DOOR I RAGE'AND RERTAL, PARR G AREA ' ~ p~r.« ~ ~ Crnryt,~ ~ i (EOAT-ROTC-TRAILER-RV) 3s~ - is i t : ~uiL' J: l '~I.1' r . :. p.. i ~ ~ . ,' O 17 ~~, • :-~,• - PAN AM MINI STORAGE INC S -~" ~,. , I~ . ?3S3 ~ aypwE /goad _ ~ / ~lfa..tc 9~eat~y ~r!a. 3??33 ..' . pdonc /904/ 24/-2j00 :. ~~~ ': ~ . . ~ :. , ~ i .. •?<.. ~.ir - i .. L I Ex~.b,r "t3" '~ OFFICIAL. RECOROS~ _„~P . E%HIBIT "A" A part of Government Lot 7, 5?coon 8, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida, being more particularly des- cribed as follows: COMMENCE at the Northwest corner of Fairway Villas as recorded in Plat Book 39, pages 22 and 22A of Che cur- rent public records of said County; thence North 01'42'10' west, along the Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road (State Road A-1-A, a 100 foot right of way as now established), a distance of 806.59 `_ee! to the intersection c_ szid Eatterly right of way li re with the South line of Government Lot 2, aforesaid Section B and the POINT OF BEGINNING;-thence South 01'42'10" East, along said Easterly right o` wav line of "aypc rt Road, 116.59 feet: thence North 88'14'32" East, 299.6d feet: thence South 01'43'23" East, 390.06 feet, thence North 88'16'14" East, along the North line of the lands described in Official Records Volume 4163, page 112, 385 feet more or less, to the Centerline of an existing .drainage canal; thence Northwesterly along said Centerline a distance of 527 feet more or less, to its intersection with the South line o£ said Government Lot 2, said line bezrinq North 88'17'50" East, 539 feet more or less, from the POI1."f OF BEGINNING; thence South 88'17'50" west, along last said line 539 feet more or less, to the aforesaid Easterly right of way line o£ Nayport Aoed and the POINT OP BEGINNING. SOBJECT TO: Taxes for the year 1987 and subsequent years. 2. Right-of-way Easement recorded in Official Reeorda Volume 5810, page 2256, of the current public records of Duval County, Florida. , 3. Easement recorded in OffieSal Records Volume 5998, page 714, of the eurient public records of Duval County, Florida. OlOs,i 9 p~: Sg 8'; ' 12u1U± ~.- L ..,.,,,..~.: ;.~ V iy. ~~ .~ ;I ~, s __ b r~ ~.9 .r `OFFICIAL RECDR06j~ ; _ LTATe Dr PLORS DA ., STATE of FL:ORIDA~' COUNTT OP DUVAL „ DOCU .F HUAaT 9TAMr TA I. ,I • - ri c acorn 9 9 0.0 0-f. STATE of FLORI A ~ `- f ,~ µOCU~aY fAMI IAX~ c - ~ GENLML MARRANTY DEED - =d°~•ru ~ 900.001 1 F L'- S tr f J..~ °.~y~ ~~g~ . ~~°~~ 8G3as SNIL Deep, made as of the ~µ day oC October, 1987, by end between The Developxnt Group, Inc., a PlorLda eorporatlen, whose address is 9000 Cypress Green Drivn, Jacksonville, Plorida 33716 (the 'Grantor'1, and Pen Am Minl Ltorap<, Inc., Mose adtlress is 333 'Bade, iPJ.?nr Viso EaUK 3.lea~ lthe 'Grantee'); N I T R C L s e 2 e: That Grantor, (or and In consideration o[ the purchase price eM other good and valuable conslde raci on, the receipt and suf- [iclency n( rhlcn ere hereby acknowledged, has grnh[ed, bargained and sold-to Grantne, Grantee's hel ra, successors and assigns, terever; those certain tracts or parcels of land more particular- ly described on Eahl bit A attached hereto and by this reference l neorporeted herein, TO NAVL AND TO NOLD the sax in fee ximple: and [he said Grantor hereby fully rerrantn the title to said Lod, end rill defend cne same against the lar[ol claims of a31 persona rhomao- <ver. 7N N1tMC5L NREReOr, the said Grantor has hereunto set !ts hand and seal, the dry and year U nt shove set cut. Llyned, sealed and delivered !n the presence of 6TAM Or rLORIDA eolnrrr or DOVAL THE DLYEI,OPNEfrf GP.OUP, INC. ....,~, F..-.1.. I:fr. • <C IIN L,n A~ ~.j `1 •''r~7 -` ` Ak Dpi BerORe Re pe raonally appeared _ Q , py' ,~-ar.~ to x well known and k:rovn to x to t va~r eS scra63-~ lm and who executed the (oregoiry lnacruxnt, and acknowledged to ae Chat he caseated the saes for the purposes thereto eap«aaad. ~NITNLL9 sy hand •nd effieial reel, this 9r1 day of October, 19at, •t Jaekaomille, County •rM staee •(oreaTad. Tie tosvgbLy'~sf .ea acbawledge( be[er:`rm this 1h;i .Ly o[ Rtobar. 196). by Jsp• 'DUnmrai; (lmirsen of tie Devel- c[nent,GewpSyn.Ir9olf of Ile mrlura- tionr}, - ~~:.:...... ~ .j: , Ltste o r ors at 'asion expires: 9 ac-i7 n.~~ r!_ f1 Mita~ V!"r~e, Lute •t barge NY to®i~slon es p!«a: . ~ ~~-: 9-1t•r9 ExL.I G tT~ 4 q/•~ ~;pJ "I ~O INDEX TO EXHIBITS (LOr-ATION Letter at Bottom of First Page of Each Exhibit) EXHIBIT LOCATION 1. C*enenl Warranry Decd , A 2- -Site Plan _ B 3. AB Permit (Bldg) No. 93G0 C 4. " AB Pamir (Bldg) No. 9595 D 5. AB Pemtir - Contnaor Copy E 6. FL D.O.T. Permit Lttrtt F 7. Drainage Connecvon Permit G 8• Cenifitate of Occupanry H 9. AB Grant of Etortption I 10. Amide on Residrntial RV Puking prohibition I1. Pan Am Lertei ro Ciry of AtLmric Beach (318/93) K 12. " Pan Am Letter to Ciry Of Atlantic Beau (3131/93) " ' L 13. Nonce of Proposed Property Taxes - 1992 ' M ]4. PttitionofSupport N 15. Photographs of Fan Am Parking Areas O Page 8 ~~ := in the Ciry of Jadctonville, refusing to authorize Pan Am vehicle storage by failure to -;: adopt the requested r¢oning for the propcrry simply enhanors a like business aaoss -` the s:reef (but out of town) at the expense of an Atlantic Beach business and .^.; significant taxpayer. Respectfully submitted, PAN AM MINI STORAGE, INC. r ~-- • . /. 7~ ~ Tcmnu P. Kane, Exuattive Yue President ROBERT A. SKEELS, ESQ. 444 Third Strezt Neptune Beach, FL 32266 (904) 247 - 1305 Counsel for Petitioner Page 7 ~ .:_ ... e- -- ~~ to locate an outdoor vehicle storage facility as well as the worry about damage or loss -'= of stored vehicles since Pan Am's facility is state of [he art, incorponcing electronically controlled access, resident management, security service and controlled lighting, and designed co withstand a medium level hurricane. `~ If the Ciry of Atlantic Brach thou not to rezone the property, a potentially rgv catastrophic result would occur. The grnt majority of both inside srorage space and vehide storage space is taken up by naval personnel assigned to Mayport. If they were ^' required to move their vehicles to another facility (such as across Maypott Road in the Ciry of Jacksonville), thty would logically move their belongings stored in an enclosed unit as well. Amass exodus of storage customers mans grn[, and until the ships y return to Mayport, likely irreplaceable loss of income. As it sands, the revenue derived from vehide storage in many months mans the difference between being able i to pay and roc being able to pay dte mortgage on the property. :..', " ^ CONCLUSION ^ s~ The Ciry of Atlantic Bach should grant the rezoning request submitted by Pan "'~ Am and rezone the property ILW to permit [he continuation of vehide storage en the i-~ property. It is both fair and reasonable to do so; Pan Am has described the parking ¢=; ~ am in every dewing submitted to the Ciry for approval; has described the vehide "s storage plan in the ndy meetings with the Ciry and its various officials leading up to ' ~ initial permitting and wnstruction of the fadlity, and went co grnt expenx to install -+. the piping in the open ditch situate in the Florida D.O.T. right of way and then cover and pave is to complete the vrltide storage improvements (which experts Pan Am would not have incurred if vehide storage was not [o be permitted). Moreover, storage of vehicles on Pan Am's property imposes no burden on any adjoining property nor does it detrimentally or adversely affect any nnrby commercial activity which, of course, is the only activity along Mayport Road. Since outdoor vehicle storage is permitted for mini warehouse facilities located across Mayport Road Page 6 ~~ _. _...Y. ~ __._. ~ ._ _ .,__~_ ~._ ~:' Shore-rcrtn parking of vehicles on the property, as well as other properties all ~,:° along Mayport Road, is already authorized. Pan Am merely seeks to extend the ~: authorization to longer term parking -vehicle storage -which «rtainly creates no !+,t` additional burdens upon nearby or adja«nt raidemial or commercial attivitia as ~. precluded by the above Ordinan«. G;: ~'° NO ADVERSE EFFECT ON ADJOINING PROPERTIES ' " There are no protected residential or commercal activities adja«nt to two sides of the property; on the Wat is Mayport Road and [he Ciry oFJacksonville and on the 5; Sou[h is Atlantic Beach Water Treatmem Plant No. 2. In faa, the Water Treatment Plant itself would probably fall within the requested zoning classification if it were in _=~' private hands. Lying east of the property (separated by Sherman Creek and f=~r'~ bamers of [tees) lies Flea Landing. The parking area is simply not visible from Flea "`, Landing and has no other potentially undesirable effects - no no Et ise, no pollution, no ~~. impact whatsovu. ~": Finally, an unimproved and heavily wooded pazcel lies on the north side of the t~_. property. This is the only adja«nt property in Atlantic Bach from which any portion u` of the parking area could be observed -provided the barrio of trees separating the .~- ro is were first removed. Sin« irtcd of vehicles already oowrs, Pan f`~. - P P~ P~ ling ~'~; Am submits no inueased burden is pla«d on rho adjoining property by authorization ti of parking in the nature of storage. ~* '`? PAN AM'S LOSS IF PROPERTY IS NOT REZONED ' j" Pan Am has a very significant investment in its property and business which it - would never risk by engaging in a business praai« iniminl to iu business interests including provision of what it bdieva to be the Gnat, cleanest and safest storage service around. Allowm« oFlonger term parking simply enhances the xrvi« Pan Am provides its customers. Loss of [hu xrvi« mare a dramatic loss of income for Pan Am. Moreover, the xrvia relieves the pressure on Atlantic Beach residents and others Page 5 'v~" ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS '. ;:r Copies of the permits, certificate and other d«umenrs supporting the above - `narrative, including a site plan and photographs of the property, commence at Tab "A" hefCCO. CURRENT ZONING The propetty is currently zoned CG commercial general under Section 24-111 ~'` of the Atlantic Beach Ordinances. The Ciry oFAtlantic Beach granted Pan Am an exception to zoning under Section 24-I11(c)(7) of the Atlantic Bach Ordinances ~.° permitting Pan Am to use the property For its mini warehouse storage business. REQUESTED ZONING `` Pan Arn seeks to have the property rezoned ILW industrial light and r" warehatsing under Section 24-112 of the Atlantic Beach Ordinance to permit Pan ,µ~ Am to Wore vdcicla outdoors. Local and secure vehicle storage is very important to - ~ RV owners in Atlantic Beach who can no longer park them at home az well az to :sue vehicle owners who mtut leave home for extrnded periods of time. The lattv A:2. `?4 category, of courx, signifitarrtly include Navy personnel assigned [o Maypott who :~ have no place eke to store their cars when their ships depart. -'Y M l ''~ ILW INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND WAREHOUSING DISTRICT ~'r According ro Section 24-112(a) of the Atlantic Beath Ordinances, ILW industrial light and warehousing districts: "are intended for light manufacturing, stooge and warehousing, processing or fabrication of nonobjetzionable produtts, not involving the use of materials, procasa or machinery likely to caux undesirable effects upon nearby or adjacent residential or commercial aaivitia rdated to the character of the district." Page 4 i,~ which was obtained from the Discrix pursuant [o iu inuantx of Permit No. 42-031- ~~, 071ON on January 7> 1988. ,w_ 1f~' Approximately six weeks later, [hc Florida Depanmenc of Transports[ion issued ='.= its Drainage Connexion Permit No. 2-JD-5986-2JDR (on February 18, 1988) which ~a~ -+;. permitted Pan Am to constntx and open[e a 48 indt wide drainage pipe wnnection i=G =; running 272 feet along the northerly interior boundary of the property and within the }~'~ Florida Dcpanment of Transportation right of way. The DOT ako permitted Pan f ~ ;_ ~:3? Am to use its righ[ of way for parking purposes. On March 22, 1988, [he City ofAdantic Bach issued its Permit No. 9595 for c. ~ the cotutruxion of a mini storage addition on the property. This Permit reflected an ~' improvement valuation of $45,500.00 for the additional improvements co be made to . the property. y By August 1988 construxion was completed. On August 22, 1988, the Giry ~=` of Atlantic Bach ictued its Certificate of Occupanry for the property following whidt Pan Am commenced i[s mini storage business which induded the storage of vdtides ~r;i within the parking ara described in the approved plans. ~~ -_f VALUATION AND PROPERTY TAXES E"a 'Ihe ro has a currrnt valuation of 41,407,700.00 according co [he ras ,_;~ P- Pent :~1:3 collector. Last year, property razes amounted to $33,308.59 induding $3>747.lf6 [o Atlantic Bach, $13,120.75 to Duval County. 512,376.50 For public schools, 5503.96 ~y to the Water Management Distrix, 51,618.86 to Independent Special Districts, ._-~' $1,866.05 for voter approved debt paymrnu and $74.61 for F.LN.D. Ownership anticipates little or no dtange in taxes for the current ynr. PROPERTY USAGES The property u fully built our as a mini warehouu storage facility. No additional improvements arc anticipated on si[e and beause of its Brat value and use as a mini warehouse facility no dtange in operations is considered likely. Page 3 ~'~' by an exterior lighting system. Management is resident on site. Ingress and Egress to and from the property is controlled through an emnttce gate located at its Mayport ~: Road scars. A Florida Department of Transportation right of way tuns in a general ~~; east-wac direction within but paralld ro the northetly boundary of the property. r`t Parking is looted within the above right cf way. :., SURROUNDING PROPERTIES .` The property is bounded on the South by Atlantic Bradt Water Treatment Plant No. 2, on the East by Sherman Creek and a barrier of trey (to the Eric of r which lies the Flea Landing devdopment), on the North by a thickly woodai vacant ~~~; lot (to the North of which lies the Waffle House property) and on the Wat by '^°`* Mayport Road and the easterly boundary of the Ciry of Jacksonville. The property is K~ generally visible only from the Atlantic Beath Water Treatment Plant, to the South, and the Ciry of Jacksonville, to the Wat. i PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT The property was purcltascd as vacant land on Octobu 9, 1987 by iu tztrrent owner, Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc, a Florida corporation. Previously and in August 1987, the Ciry of Atlantic Beach granted the esisting ownership an acreprion to the property's inning classification of Commercial Gmenl in order to consmta and operate a mini vs-arehouse storage facility. °'?? Subsequently and on December 16, 1987, the City of Atlantic Beach issued its ti Permit No. 9360 for tfie constntction of mini storage facility with on site security on ''*' the property based on engineering and other drawings whiclt, among other things, _: described a parking area within the area of the Florida D.O.T. right of way which at the time was basically an open ditch. This Permit reflected a valuation of $850,820.00 for the improvements [o be made to the property. The Permit was issued subject to the approval of the St. Johru River Water Management District Page 2 INDEX TO CONTENTS AND EXHIBITS ITEM LOCATION Location Of Property And General Description :..::::.. ` `...:... ...::.::..:_:..:. Page 1 Surrounding Properties ...............................................................:.........:.:::.:.:.....................: Page 2 Property Dcvelopment ...........................................................:...:...:..................:.....:.:.....:.... Page 2 Valuation And Property Tazes ................................................:.....:........:....:.:.:......:............: Page 3 Property Usaga ...............................................................°... -------- _..:.. ........ Page 3 Attachmcnrs and Exhibits .......................................................:......:.........:.:_:.:...:.:...._------... Page 4 Currcnt Zoning ....................:.................................:....................:.-----.:.:......:.................:..:. Page 4 Requested Zoning-° -° ..............:................................:.......... ------:.. ..:.:... :........ Page 4 1LW Indusvial Light And Warehousing D~stricc ........ :....... .......: ...:..... Page 4 No Adverx Effect On Adpining Properties..... :..:.... _.:.::_ .._..:..._.._.:.. Page 5 Pan Am's Loss $ Property Not Rezoned......:... .:.:.:.. :..:...... -::-........::._. Page 5 Condusion .............................:...::.......:...............................:......--•---••----•--.:.:..:.....:.........:... Page G Index to Exhibits .........:.....•---......:........:....:..........:........:............_...............:....:.::...-•----..:.... Page 8 I _ .. .. - LOCATION OF PROPERTY AND GENEP.AL DESCRIPTION PAl`` AM MINI STORAGE is located at 2383 Mayport Road, Atlantic Bcadr, Florida. The property consists of slightly less than 4 i/2 acres of land upon which is situated a mini storage warehoux comply of several storag_ buildings, some of whidr are dimare controlled yrrr around, facility office and designated parking arms. The property is filly xcured against intrusion by chainlink fcna and is further protected Page ] __ v .. _._~ _, ..,..._..,,~e .i ZONING SUBMISSION TO CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION Submicced by: PAN AM MRiI STORAPiy INC. 2383 ^rsprt Reai Alhnlie e••~k FL 32233 Robert A Skals, Etq. 444 7tird Shsat Mevdne ^sack, FL 32266.5145 1904) u~ -1365 l.awrel for r.uuo..r COMMISSION MEETING ^ JULY 26, 1993 ^ i., one.. xoe~xr ~ sKms AUo[rp i Ca~sWr k I.w ~/! 7YY~19peet tisde Bari, FI 32ffi8 Mr. Kim Leinbach, Ciry Manager CitTy Of Adantic Beach, Florida 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1~ 11, 1843 Re: Pan Am Mini S[onge, Inc. Retuning Submission Premises at 2383 Mayport Road, Atantic Bach, FL 32233 Dar Mr. Leinbad[: idHiae n18s1 M7-t3~5 Fa N8n N7~86 Please find enclosed a copy of Zoning Submission To Ciry O£Adantic Bnrh Commission including all referrnoed «hibits. My dirnt, Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc, xeks to retune ics proper[} located at 2383 Mayport Road, Adantic Bead[, Florida from CG with «ception to ILW in order m formally permit outside vehicle s[orage. The matter is arrcndy stfieduled m be heard by the Commission on July 2G, 1993. 1 would appreciate it if you would review the rndoscd material before your upcomu[g Commission meeting and Itt me know if you have arty questions or comments. The matter is very important to Pan Am sins inability w store vehicles outside {working vehicles only!) will resin[ in considerable finanaal loss m Pan Am. I appreciate }roar artenuon to this maser. Sincerely yours, `Robert A~S RAS/rd Ends: as stated CCs: Members of Adamic Beach Commission City Manager Ciry Planner Building Official Code Enforcemem Officer Lend Developeent Code~ndRthe ~ Soton! r1Lh. the adopted by the oity. Preheneiw Plen 3• Ths ohen0e in zonin0 ol~iiloetion ri11 further the purpop et tM,blenninp propree, 1. The oAznpe in tons ~ ~ __~ ___ etfeot the hglth end wteLR o~l! not edwreely the oity. Y he reeident~ of ~i -~- -__ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD R6PORT AND R=CONNENDATIONB~ ~ ~ . ~ ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMIBBSONi ~ i I ~ .t ~. .. i I '~ I A eonplete lint of •11 properly ornsre, ailing addreeue end legal deaoriptione !or ail property rithin three hundred (300) Sect of the au6jrot parwl as reoordid in the lalea! ottialal tax roll in !hr Duval County CouzthoueelI(attaoh eeperale eherte it needed) Property Ornrre end Meiling Addreeeee Lrpel peeoriptionn ~ Il 1._-Leon Beealer. Jr. ' 2. 3• _,D~DLHi~_L'JtSgiSet~~__ ~ _ -Yok sake Je an___`~"_"-"~__ _________~i___F._~________~ _ _ 4•_.Bmma_1.._lY+ttl• 9zoo1t8__ ~ ~ __St._ZRor_1B6~~__ _ ___~tavtlwrrer_Flnrida.._32byD ~~ $. _yi i l l Im 8._llebr.T__1TT ~ i __ ___J121_ ~3L9p6„_Tnl~, 17r i_~y.S~_~'__ ___~Iacks sllx.9.eath:.._FS~_322SD 6.~ Linde Adama ! ; ___1Lr ~8.p rim Nnwrh _Flnri d• 9~~~i ~• _11ea].es_.L_YsrJt.__~ ~ ~ y ___J.D.L1'`._3S11~SS2S t ~ .. i " ___Atl S,~S ~PAL'~a_P~DS~.d6L~~~~____ 1 A. 1 9. S0. ____~_-______~~ Atlentle BeechS Section H _~~c ~r~~~Ti SAf t Lo ~ ZL 5 ~ e n ~' Atlantic Beach_ Section N _allt_d2~_I.ata_L._z_.iec.. --clneetLat_____________ Atiantic~eac4__Secclaa H _ rE~ic_92~Lnta_4.S_@.ec__ _rlgaeL_3t1_____________ ~tlanti`flench._Sectiaa H ~ik~43_Lnta_lta3._4___ _Ea._Pt-Sn_tiss_ss._____ dtlantl~_9sash+_Sgstiss x ~11G_IQ4_Lss@+_ls~a4____ Atlantic Beach, Section H _Atlantic Bepehj-Section H _Blk_104y'Lot ~y6~_____ I The eipnsture of enoh and every ornrr of the lnndel i ~_- Applioanlt Do not Mill-in ~bgond this point. Horrvrr, br prepared to rrepond to the tollorinp itewe, i FINDINOB OF FACT ~_ ~ Y6S NO 1. There rziste • need and jwwtltioation for the ehsnpe in zoning elaeeitioation. A complete list of ell property ornera, msiling eddreeeee end legal deocriptgone Sor ell properly rithln three hundred f300> feet of the eub~eat parcel ae recorded in the laleeL ottielel tax roll in the Duval County Courthouav~ (attach aeperate eheete 11 needed) Property Ornere and Nailing Addressee Legal Daecrlptlone i•_@ea_G~_SLCaziet--------------,--- fl¢_kL__4Lh_SLCeec_____~___________ ___Atlantic_@eacG~_ELaCida~37Z33.____ 2. Dgl QYgg_~,,_~CaLz__________________ ___88 Ne,gg_4 LILSLCeeL__~____________ ___Atlantic @ga£7._~L£CLQa__~~.~.,~~____ 3. _LaCrY_us_~~~1n_8A_-__-__-___~ i ___ __ b~_li€.£L_3Cd_@LCeeL________________ ___Atlantlc BggLhy elati4a_______---- 4._FirgY,_Union Bank____-_~-~__~_-~- Attn: Peggy_Gless__ ____________ ______________ P. 0. Box 2080_ __ __ ___ Jacksonville, Florida 32231 _ 5. JaMES N. Manton 90 W_ rd Street--~--~-------~-~ ____A[lan[ic_Uear~hi_Florida __32233____ 6. tFrenk W. DazeY___-___ ___92_W__3rd Street ___A[lantit Beachi_Florida 32233 7. David A. Coates ___94_W. 3rd Street ___6ilantic_Beach.,_E1aLida-_32233__-- 8•_.Iahn_Heans-Telhezt_______~~____ ___ ___114_Matgacet_Stteet___~__~__-___ ___Neytane_Beach._Elatida_~2233~___ 9•_Jatk_-__Hheelez-- ------_~_r___ ---44_-sacay_Yas_____________________ ___Atlantic_Beach~_Elatida__32233____ lo.EasEna_~._Hasnas------------------ ___~S_W._Zad_SSLEEL______~_ ___ALiansit_~eash._f1sLlde__3Y293~__ A[laiiti~.8aach_ tett~ }{ .ELL~~.nt.A_---------- _~1.LS.atiLlC B C.~S.)L S e c 4,~o n H Atl~n r~ic Beach Section H Blk_ 79 ~ i~Q~ 2 _~EX _E __20FT; Lots 3~4 ~5~ E_ 20 Ft Lot 6 Atlantic Beath Section H _Blk _~9 17ese50 ft __Lo[ 6 Atlant i_t 8ea c_h_,_ Section H Bak ~S Lo[ 3 ________________________ Atla_nt i_c Beacham Section N ___ __ Blk 80 Lot 5 ____________________ Atlantic beach, Section H 6f~-gS~ Loy-g---------- ------------------------ _Aiiaatic_fleach~_Secciaa H _Hlk_flO~.ac_fl___________ _AClaatic_flrach..~ecciaa H _@Lk_flL.~.acs_L~2_______ _ALLaatic_fleach.._SeeLiaa H _@lk_$L._La4_l~_@._14_LL Lot c The elgnsture of eeah end every orner of the lsndet Applicant) Do not Sill-in beyond this point. Horever, be prepared to respond to the So11or1ng iteae) FINDINOB OF FACT YEB NO 1. There exists a need end ~wtitloalSOn for the change in zoning aleesiiieetion. A cowplete list of •11 property ovnsre, wailing eddreesew a deecriptionw for all property vityin three hundred t300f feet of the subyeot nd legs! the Duval Counlreel a• recorded in the lsteet otfloiel tsx roll y Courthouses fwttwoh aeperete ehaete if in Property Ornere and Mwiliny Addresses needed) 1. E.R. Macson - Lepil-D __ 455 Palm Velley_Road ~-~--------- __-Ponta Vaa_e Beach F1' j~agZ ----- 1--------r------- 2 Marie Patten ~ ~ ---AL1.~.ot1s_9.eacb.,_F1ti3FZ33_~___---- 3. Randlo h Se l_den Etel ~ ' ---.Tn~4 __- _ - -L1.J.G.-F1.4LiZ$_~22p 5-_--_- 4. Mike Asshourian __~- ~' ___-J-arkrwnvi.],].~Ft.].asldt~_31.131-_ _- s. , -~azDns-t13s~nth.?91L--------- ~ ----P.J.rrilta~g~u~.r~xw nAAAAn __ ---- - At a~t Heeth, Floil~a ' ~-_--_ 6. Jac k_sonville S_h_ip Ya r_da, In-- .1z29~_---- -- J .~.L~€111L9Jlt.F_.RBpSL_--~_- _~- __ Eck sy_n v~13eA~Zy1Z~~p _~~}§ N_-_ 8. _ I.S L4F9_ R : GAtoiJSIJ-Y~ i ~I - --- 401 Ocy~er_ oo_Q _D,F,~ve ____ ~ -- ___ Ney_t une Beath Flo de 322'6 T--' -----~----'r ~----__§ _____ 9. Jemea ~G. Johnson __~ ' ____________________ _ 922 N~ 10th Street ~---°------ ___ J _c k s_d_n__i 11 _ Beechy Florida _ 32250 30. Meude IA, St ~l cklend ___ ~'r~_ 4[bbtreet __-__---__ -- _-- - ___ et fenElc geadi~ ~lori'da ~'3'i~'--- esoriplSone Atlantic Beath} Se[CSon H Blk 26 Lota 1-} j---°-- ___--__-_~ --1-1-------- Blk 27 Lots 1-? Atlantic Beach, Section H B7F_33_L-o~"s_Z_S_G_77i_Loc Atlantic-Beach-Section H Atlantic Beach S~c[ion H 91k_Z2_LsSsll_E_39_fi._i~oc Blk 80 Lots 1 8 2 d21BD11L_$EBLb_$lSLl--_f( 91Jc_12LD2_1=1____ ____-- Atlantic Beach, Section H 91J~JD_I,Dts_1=Z_--__---- 91.k_~1_1.Dts_1=Z_________ Blk 32 Lots 1-7 A31.9Dtls_FsBSD~_Se~tisn~N Al lancic Bgech_Section H Bak 77_L_t,¢_1-_&2_8_3__-- Atlantic~Beech Section H Blk 77 Lots 4~516______- Atlantis Beath __S_e_t_[!_o_n_H B37c_3~ L_o`ts 1_~--------- The wipneture of eweh •nd every orner of the lwndss A pplieents Do not still-in ~beYond this point. Norever, he prepwred to respond to the tollorinp itewes FINDINGS OF FACT i YES NO 1• There exists • need end ~ustitioation for the change in zoning oleesitioelion. APPLICATION FOR CHANBE IN 20NfN0 OLA68IFICATS D Date Filodi Iia rch 31 ~ 1993--_- ~ ~~~~~~~ u~ h1AR 3 0 1993 Name and address of ell orner^ of the eub~eot_propertyt mike Ashourian - BuIlding slid Z~Nr' _________________________~- Elnine Ashourian 2294-24 Ma -----~-------- yDort Road 2294-24 Ma _________________________ __ YDor[ Road Jacksonville, Florida 32233 _____________________________ Phone Jacksonville, Florida 32233 Phone --46S=rsr=56Qd------- -Howe ---------°------------Mork --------_---------------xc^e _ 90_4_-_2_4_1-5_0_0_0___-______Nork The ed~rese and legal deeeription, Snaluding the lot, block end eubdivl Son of the property tb be rezonedt -Lot 1 and Eas[ 20' Lot 2 Block 79, Section H _________________________ --ots 1 and 2 Block 80 Section H,, Atlen[SC Beach Present zoning ci property for rhloh ehang^ of zoning cleaeiticetion ie requeatedt_:S~rtII-}~Familz----~~z_1-G~(J_-_---__- Proposed zon:.ng oleasifioationt Commercial __________________ A STATEMENT OF THE PETITIONER'S INTEREST IH THE PROPERTY TO RE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF THE LABT RECORDED MARRANTY DEEDt ANDS Zf point or eeversl ornerehlp, ^ rrittsn consent, to th• rezoning petition, by ell orner^ of reoordt or Sf s eontrect purohaee, a copy of the puroh^ee oontr^at and rrittsn consent of the seller/ornert or if sn sulhorized agent, a Dopy of th• •pency agreement or rrittsn ooneant of the principal ornert of SZ a corporation or other business entity, the Haas of the otfleer or person responsible for the ^pplicetion and rrittsn proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, rrittsn proof that th^ person ie, in fact, an offleer of the eorporetiont or if a group of continguoue property ornera, the ornate of ^t least fifty !50) percent of the property deeeribed in the petition moat provide rrittsn coneentt _ Mike and Elaine Ashourian ~a re 1002 owners of the property at [he _ time of purchase__ A statement of special reasons for the rezoning as requeeted~ This parcel of land is one of three 3a_cels that make u [he_land _____________________________________ ________--_p____ _____ [ha[ is par t__of B_euches__M_!n_i_S[_o_r_a_g_e_,__3_I_0_MeY port_Roady_Thfs parcel _ has alvays been commercial and--_-_-in_conj u__c t_i o_n _v_i_t h-[he operation __nf the mini_ stor_a ge. - Th_i s_ pe_r c e_l__f_s__con_[igu o_u_s_v_i_t_h_th a-_e_z istin~_ _ mini_ arehouse __ This land vas purchased _ith the knovledge of __c ommercial zoning. ~l' ~ ~J ~~ 1 1~ ~, `~~ V\ 4.; -. ...; V; O t:~ .___...4_ 111. Application for Change-in Zoning from Residential General One (RC-1) to Commercial General (CG) to operate a mini warehouse business at property located at 310 Mayport Road. The applicant, Hike Ashaurian, introduced himself to the board and explained that the rezoning-was required to operate an existing mini warehouse business at sai d location. He presented a showing the existing facility as well as the additional in question. property Ben Btrozier introduced himself to the board and voiced his objections to the rezoning and presented a petition and letters from other adjacent homeowners. After discussion, Ms. Gregq moved to reconznend that [he City Commission deny the application. Hr. Wolfson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. IV. Application for Variance filed by Robert and Leona Lowther to enclose a porch that will encroach the rear yard setback at property located at 251 Ocean; Forest Drive Horth. Mr. Lowther introduced himself to the Board and explained why the variance was requested. After discussion. Hr. Wolfson moved to deny the application. Hs. Gregq seconded the motion and the application was denied by a unanimous vote. V• Application for Variance filed by William H. Dukes, Jr., to allow a 10-foot x 36-foot trailer for office and storage space at property located at 880 Hayport Raod. Mr. Dukes introduced himself `to the Board and explained that the variance was requested for storage purposes at his property for 12-month.peri od. . After discussion, Ms. Gregg moved to g;ant the variance for a period of six months. The Chairman seconded the motion and it was granted by a vote of 3 - 1. This matter will become an automatic agenda item for the October 1993 meeting. I vI. App icati on for Variance filed by Herbara Hubbard to enclose a patio which will encroach [he rear yard setback at property located t 329 Sherry Drive. MIN(iTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF.ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA April 20, 1993 .7:00 P.11. CITY HALL PRESENT • Gregg McCaulie Ruth Gregg Don Wolfson Mary Walker .. AND • Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Horley, I7, CD Director ~ Pat Narris, Recording Secretary ABSENT ~ Mark McGowan Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore PProvaln ofr theMcCaulie, called the meeting to order and asked for a minutes from Upon motion duly made and seconded is aid minut s werer ah 21, 1993. NEW BUSINESS: Pproved. I• Application for Use by Exception filed by Thomas C. Johnson to operate a neuromuscular therapy clinic at 441 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 3A. Mr. Johnson introduced himself to the board and explained the nature of the Drop os ed business and presented letters of reference to the board. After discussion, on motion made and seconded, the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Use by Exception to the City Commission. to Industrial) Lightr and Warehousing/Stora commercial General (CG) 9 (ILW), Terence P. Rane introduced .himself to the board and explained the change of zoning Was needed to a11oW outside storage of automobiles at a mini-Warehouse/storage facility at property located a[ 2383 Mayport Road. After discussion, Ms. Gre9g~; moved to recommend to the City Commission the the request for rezoning be denied. The motion Was seconded by Mr. Wolfson. and unanimously approved. PASSED By THE CITY COHHISSION ON SECOND READING: ~'~~. ATTEST: William ~I. G ulliford, Jr. Haureen Bing, Cit y Clerk Approved ea to Form and Correctness; Alan C. Jensen City Attorney ~ Esquire ....ay„_ aeiw. .~, ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS LOT 1 AND EAST 20 FEET OF LOT 2r BLOCK 79, SECTION H, AND LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 80, SECTION H, FROH RG-I RESIDENTIAL TO CG COMMERCIAL; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO P.EPLECT THIS CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERA BILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Community Development Board of the City of Atlantic Beach has held a Public Nearing on and considered a request to change a Zoning classification for certain parcels of land submitted by the owner, Mike Ashourian and, WHEREAS, The below described parcels will be used for the purpose of the operation end future expansion of Mini storage warehousing, and, WHEREAS, The City Commission has determined that the rezoning will not adversely effect the health and safety of the residents of the area, and will not be detrimental to the natural environment or to the use or development of the adjacent properties in the general vicinity, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED B}- TF1E CITY COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: here by0changed tohreflectgthepnew zoningtopof Atlantic Beach is as Lot 1 and East 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 79prSectiondNscanded Lots 1 and 2, Block B0, Section H as CG, Commercial General. SECTION 2. Severab111ty. If any section, sentence, clause, word, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconatitutlonal by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Th1s Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage. PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON FIRST READING: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEgCH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Re-zoning of Ashland Mini Storage SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner ~'U~~ DATE: MaY 17, 1993 BACEGROUND: Applicant is requesting to have three and one half adjacent to his existing mini storage business re-zoned from RG-3 residential to CG commercial to facilitate ex lots, business. Two of the lots (1 k 2, Block 80 grandfathered in store a Pension of his other lot and one g units but are ~ contain half are vacant but adctu ally zoned RG-7. The units. joining exiatin g storage RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board found during its deliberations that granting the proposed re-zoning would not further the comprehensive plan of the City in that the existing zoning was intended to become a buffer zone between existing commercial development along Mayport Road and the anticipated low density residential development to the west. Extending the commercial zoning could reduce the buffer and encourage further encroachment. The Board found that the existing use of lots 1 k 2, 80, pre-dated the zoning change, they are grandfathered in as long ae they continue. Should that use 81 ock that property moat be residential. Lot lease, all future use of of lot 2, Block 79 are vacant and the Board ndetermined that the existing RG-1 zonin Se feet g appropriate. Recommendation of the Community Development Hoard is DENY the requested re-zoning. to ATTACHMENTS: l~ Application form 21 Community Development Board Hinute<. 31 Ordinance 4) Comp Plan Puture Land se Mep '/ ^ REVIEWED BY CITY HANAGER Ce{ / J1 AGENDq ITEM NO. . , , ~ ~;.; Hark Rredell introduced hiaieelf to the board as builder of residence and stated the rgisona a variance was requested. Hubbard also introduced hen 1 ,_ the of the property, ~ • f~to the board and presented Ms. pictures Mr. David Johnson, ~ ~~ ', the board and voiceddnocobjept!onrto theeC~ introduced himself to 99 ~: Propoa ed construction. After discussion, Hary Wal~l(sc moved to deny the request for variance. Mr. Wolfson aecoaded the motion and the variance uas unanimously denied. ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ ' . OLD BUSINESS: .~i -' ~. ~~' I •i~ I• The board reviewed and discussed the proposed amendment Department twilldmak elthenchangescdiacussed y and structures. The y the board and present the draft ordinance to the Ci,tp Commission for the first reading. I ! ~ r II. Mr. Worley asked the board their views regarding the use of a semi-truck trailer beinq~Uded at the Pleet Reserve Building or, Nayport Road for recycling pUrpoaes. The coneens us was that any such cequeat would have, to dq'mply with any other requicements by the City for that applicant.:~t ;.,~.; There being no furtheribus!nesa motion duly made and esoondedJi,t i ~ ; ~ , SIGNED: '~ ~- ATTEST to come before the meeting on was adjourned. III. Application for Change, in Zonin from R? nne (RG-1) to Commercial General (CG) to o arat PS idential Generai business at property located~at 310 Ma p a mini warehouse yport Road. The applicant, Hike Ashourian~ introduced himself to the board and explained that the rezoning-.pas required to operate an existi r,^, mini warehouse business at baid location. He presented a mao showing the existing facility as well as the additional property in question. Hen Strozier introduced himself to the board and voiced t.is objections to the rezoning and presented a petition and letter= from other adjacent homeowners. After discussion, Hs. vregg' moved to recommend that the Commission deny the application. Mr. Wolfson seconded the roc: c, and it passed unanimously. , Iv. Application for Variance filed by Robert and [.Dona Lowther enclose a porch that will encroach the rear yard setback a~ property located at 251 Ocean: Forest Drive North. Hr. Lowther introduced himself to the Board and explained why the variance was requested. - After discussion, Hr. Wolfson moved to deny the appli^_atior.. r.s. Gregg seconded the motion and the application uas denied by a UnanimOU9 vote. } I . V. Application for Variance filed by William H. Dukes, Jr., to allow a 10-foot x 36-foot trailer for office and storage spare a- property located at 880 Maypott Raod. ~ ~ !1 r. Dukes introduced himself 'to the Board and er.plhined that the variance was requested for etorage purposes at his property for 12-month period. ~ , After discussion, Ms. Oregq moved to gran[ the variance fcr a period of six months. The Chairman seconded the motion and it vas granted by a vote of 3 - 1. Thia matter will become an automatic agenda item for tSe October 1993 meeting. 1 '~I~ Application for Varianee~filed by Aarbara Hubbard to encl ese a patio which will encroach the rear yard setback at proper[:. located at 329 Sherrq Dli ve. ; i ~- i t ~ _ I ' i ~ HINUTES OF THE C014tUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APril 20, 1993 ~~:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT I ~ ' Gregq~MeCaulie Ruth-CEregg Don Wol Es on Mary Walker AND ~ ~ Alan Jensen, City Attorney George! Worley, 2I, CD Director Pat Norris, Recording Secretary ABSENT Mark~HcGOwan RoberE Frohwein Pat Pillmore Chairman Greqq McCaulie;~called the meeting [o order and aske~ for approval of the minutes,+f rom the meeting of March 21. 1;93. Upon motion duly made and seconded said minutes were anpcoved. NEW BUSINESS: i ': I. Appl~i cation for Use!by Exception filed by Thomas C. Johnson t_ Suitet3Aa neuromuscular) ther'py clinic at 447 Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Johnson introduced himaelf to the board and er.plainhd the nature of the proposed business and presented letters of cefereice to the board. ,.~ :, f After discussion, on ~nl~tion~made and seconded, the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Use by Exception to the City Commission. ~ 1 1I. Application for Change in Zoning from Commercial ;eneral f^,; to Industrial Light and Warehousing/Storage (ILV), I i Terence P. Kane introduced h~meelf to the board and exola:ned tr.e change of zoning vas nedded t0 allow outside storage o! automobiles at a mini-warehouse/stdragelfacility at property located at 2'?~ Mayport Road. _ i After distr. ;lion, Ms.I Gregg moved to recommend to the 7ity Commission [he the request fdr rezoning be denied. The motor. va_ seconded 6y Mr. Wolfson. and unanimously approved. I I I i NOTICE OF ILLEGIBILITY ILLEGIBILITY OF SOME OF THESE DOCUMENTS IS DUE TO THE POOR QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. THE FAULT DOES NOT LIE WITH THE CAMERA OR ITS OPERATOR. .u. ir--~~ ~~~ ^i~~ \L__JI .u. ~~. Y~G410 ec 184 ' OFFICIAL RECORDS p~ ....,.. EXHIBIT "A" A part of Government Lot 7, Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida, being more particularly des- cribed as follows: COMMENCE at the No[thweat corner of Fairway villas as recorded in Plat Book 39, pages 22 and 22A of the cur- rent public records of said County! thence North 01'42'10".West, along the Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road (Stat6 Road A-1-A, a 100 foot right of way as now established!, a distance of 806.59 feet eo the intersection of avid Easterly :Lgt:t of way lir.c with the South line of Government Lot 2, aforesaid Section 8 and the POINT OF BEGINNING ;~ thence South 01'42'10" F.a st, along said Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road, 116.59 feet; thence North 88'14'32" East, 299.-68 feet; thence South 01'43'23" East, 390.06 feet, thence North 80'16'14" East, along the North line of the lands described in .Official Records Volume 4163, page 172, 365 feet morn or less, to the Centerline of an existing drainage canal; thence Northwesterly along said Centerline a distance of 527 feet more or less, to its intersection with the South line of said Government Lot 2, said line bearing North 88'17'50" East, 539 feet more or less, from the POINT OP BEGINNING; thence South 88'17'50" west, along last said line 533 feet more or less, to the aforesaid Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road and the POINT OF BEGINNING. SJBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for the year 1987 and subsequent years. ~ 2. Right-of-way Easement recorded in Official Records Volume 5810, gage 2256, of the current public reco rda of Duval County, Florida. 3. Easement recorded in Official Records Volume 5998; page 714, of the current publi r records of Duval County, Florida. r :~ V 01OCT g P ,~ ; 5 8'7 12u16s rfCC~ ~ hbLL CoCAl 7.ilA. °J~ Of C!RCVI fpURi OFFICIAL nCGUtlU~t a STATE aF rAM pr A ~ STATE OF FLORIDA M DOCl1MENTAPY I n[~t. Ur xtV\bVl pL~~p~ COUNTY OP DUVAL .~ _ vY _ en-rnC 9 9 ~. ~ ~ I i -- _ _ •_'!_~ _ I _~ _,,_ '_,TAT'E aF FLORIL7AI ~~ :~O:~h+F NtA RY a':~STA MP TAXI ' '-.e°t'""E ' GENERAL WARAf NTY DEED - \,_ -! THIS DEED, made as of the ~~~ day of October, 1987, by and between The Development Group, Inc., a rlor lda corporation, whose address is 9000 Cypress Green Drive, J~•ckeonvillWhoseuadd reas~ls (the "rrantoc"), and Pan Am Mini Stores ~, Inc., 33 j `~'ra0c< ~ ,~ ,~ V.n~ ~~ Ft-• lea} (the "Grantee"); H W I T N S S 8 S T F: The[ Grentoc, for end in coneide ratlmt of the purchase price and other good end valuable consideration, the receipt and auf- ficlency of which are hereby ecknowledgef_ has granted, bargained and sold•to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors and asalgne, ' forever; those certain tracts or parcels of land more particular- ly described on Exhibit A attached hereto an.i by this reference l] incorporated herein, ' (~~<t)/ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in-fee simple; and the said ~ Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to se l.i land, end will defend the same anainst the lawful claims of el) persons Iwhomso- /fir) ever . ~ ~~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has het unto set its hand and seal, the day and year first above set out. ~ ti i li Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence o~ i ,~~~ t lzky. STATE OP PLORI DA COUI:TR OF r""~ `:~_: THS DSVSLOPMENT GROU `, I'NC. ,. ..•.. gyt~2~•-__-SEAL) 1"~'i.. tE'FG%F. N.L pnrsnnally eppte red ~_ ~~~^-r~ ,. -. r we:l tcsvr, and known to me to t te -1n%S:.rPli s~ describel ..__ .: _... ^,., ~:~,.., ~te~1 tt.e foregoing ins*_rvm~n' rnA a^%now1...1,7nr1 ±'~ r. _'. a'. .:_ nir•r at,.d the name Cor the p•rrp~...., the rnir, nz pr••r. e. ~,:. :;/:-sE ° ..+ry hand and offlalal aAnl, !his '!'t rlny of net nl,~.,, +.; 5,?, .. ;a^. k.sorv 111e, CO JP±y and Ftoto afr,r~ea Ll. --e `cr'Y#i~~G 'rc:? was acYra:ledged 'a`cre px+ this St:t ?ay of October, 1937, :r: J.?. 1lnrrtt:m.; C73irman of The Devel- :,p:ert Gmupt ,on~l://la--lrrf,, of thenncorpora- .......• ''I.QYP.~ l~-t :Z'~ !i State o: Florin at a>• e ~ .issicn e~ires: ~.ll~(-..-.C~ Note c, State at Large My commission expires: 9-26-g9 '~ ! I I I I. I- I' ~~..l, ~f 1 I'~•, I, ~~ I I I i.l I I. 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ •! •:.'•. ':• OOTDOOR STORAGR' AflD '. °AN AM MINI STORAGE, INC. qq a2353yy~~ayporcf7e~oad JYttanlic l~.~rac~, .tCa. 3??33 phone 1904/ 24/-2j00 '.. ~~•' ~' fj.:: r ~. ~. ~.' . .i i .I'.~~ !+I ~, . 4' ,I I ): , . _--___--- ---yy--- ^~ i ^ Omaa am N^ma --- NmPr Nbr nP P OP~~ Ua N Lf N - m f. mPr NNPV mNON -m-P fn ONrn .</ bN anon ' n P m NP n .NN OaNn NPmn n mO n'om tM1~NN f m bN 10 NN N Nf^O N'N~ ^ P rv as O NN „N111„ < ~ -' u' ' 1 J J Y < J Q J% Q p 3 C ~ i ~ I O Q ~~O° ~ J ~ ~ 1 G {{ J~ ~ Z U O' NO ' >SOU O'JNO o < N t f O O f C N NJ m 76 5 V~ itJ< U' NJ4___. _~. - ___ ONJ< __ ______ ~ _ U.__VIJ - ~". _. ((fI _ .. 1_ _ .. _ _ ~rv N' M1 Nf°`IN Wm N=ry NnM1 NNN ° ~ N I 1 N N ° msN OeN ` l~ ° om~ owr om° ~ mr o omr v mn oe c `~ ~ _ . ~NM1 ^PY 'PN LPN LPN = £ ~Prv . LPN ~- ~ n ., _. • ~ _ _ ._ g .__ ° ....~ °°$ QQ _ 4S! ~S ` 00 m 00 rr r o mo XE w a e _ ` J N n ~~ f1 NN NN N < I N, 7 ~ r ~ °l YP ~ C~P ~~ y K 3 _ ~ ~ < --N .-- -m"- --~-- i 000 00~ 801011 O ') O N O N N 2 O N O N O N i , m m ~ i aog o~ n o ,o ~ Z ~ n n y J O. ~~ P J i Q ~NI Q 1^Ni > U i ~ ^ ~ ~ i N ~ ' r ~N 6 !< ~ ~ i a 1 a ' o W _, I n a OI - m ~ _ ~ .n r. ~ Z Zm r uYu C <~ QPJ Nj 1 ZN J ~ a'U OJ t n ° ~ g~ _ J o. iii' '- O 6 U L Y 6 I F~ N ~ ~ >•tl F QOFY Z O ~ ? J o, < z maw F u3 ITilm°oi z ~• 4 Q N O . nl J P O L Ci N m of ~ m of Oo I mb _~ ON 1? C ~ o n , ~_ P CU IN pq O n d ~~ O Pn~ < - )ONN J N J O _ 2 Jnb ONmW - _ Om P uO PVm WOY16 PUm ml. ^ u ~ u0 1 ~ .. ~ PV' NOm S Q 6 1 U ~'~Y ~F~ . ~J Y°ION N O N deg ~~~ n l~ ~ .~. \° J'~ ENO yy94jj N LBW8 rl l~il2 F~ga<a 0 n 0 n T NI J i, r`e r r f% 1 m ; W J J ~~! ~9 1~ ~J fJ ~~ ~~ _p pr b pN 8°N OON O°N NON y1 N N O q O 1e11 O N O N ~oJJ~s ImP,1~Z mm o£ °PC pQ~ m y1Z ~NS ~uJii 1^NZ J g ~ _ry ~ n m N 1° y le ~~ R lc $ ~~ - 2 J ~ ° ~ W F PO a K )OOW 1 C uN W UNZ LNK_ rjGr `~~~`~11 < ~W ~~CW A J ~ ~>J 7~OJ ~?~~ soa8~t=~~ t~~o ~y[ N O 1'1 yuyu '~I[L.O ~1ym~~JU •NWO Ij~lm'IQ t~<If'1< ~OOm V1'J `SZ Ol NL' n 1 °P o « ~ O O N q m N ~ 1 n I r ° a = p i ma b m Y nYd mo n°m ~~m jO I ~~W ~~ JO O al .~ nom; NVmM1 P8 OQ VAIN ~ ^~ ._ -- 'S I ' 1, 3 B o dr -u. n a ~5°~ os ¢n ~' o o g ' r 1 a ~ 1, `' ' ° o i <: 1 NOTICE OF ILLEGIBILITY ILLEGIBILITY OF SOIIAE OF THESE DOCUMENTS IS DUE TO THE POOR QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. THE FAULT DOES NOT LIE WITH THE CAMERA OR ITS OPERATOR. ': ~~ TH£ c°,Qr~nT Heal E54te ~orealmenls arq DeMbynem , March 17, 1993 To Whom It May Concern: RE: tlayport Commercial Proper-y Hayport, Florida I Be it known that J. P. Thornton ie the Chairman/Executive Vice President of The Development Group, Ina. ~. Aasietent Secretary , The Development Group, Inc. 63b! Du E:6s Trad Su4e t00 ~ _ i Jackaonvire, Fbrida~ 32256-8296 (904) 4 4.0007 ticonsad Rul Estate Ero'.er ~-' ) , ( I ,~ '~ ~; ~, FAX (904) 363.t 636 ^:~~ :5 '93 12:12 NORTH. I?KE FOO,QS c305)P4~~flOnt7n Iw. +nlD+ce a. ta[ ten ~ .__P.z I • Ng1Hw 1111 wf wla ~NNrtY WnsrR. •wrorl DtlMR fwI wll /IwlwetY gtnlw t tnw w r/l/y INrrwrow tN 1wNl 11N IIyMIN IDDOI fMt w! wv ))Nt MINI N INwIAN !w tN MI Dtvta CNN D aNNt Rffbiwl tr Iwll In Y trrtNrw~ INt{.f0 NDNDN MNtI a! wNfNl -rN N t D r N rw Y Nl MNlly yVRRrw ytRi DwwrtRtlwr p ~[ Q ~L ~ j} ~j ~~ g i__~S41J~1`CQ~..IF ~ i/A r 1 p yDp)~O-D}--t --- -- ----------------'---- _l ~ _ •~ ••_•••••••••_ ~~ a ~i.WtY_ra1Ml y _aus a~ u~A3D=: . . Q Nr wN wrIIY wvwN N tM 1wNw. ~j'~ ~+..... ~ . r ~ t - ~. A,Ivr}d.1.1.G. ~zadti ~..._ (W,~ffG. ~--, _"_' ~~~r~~ ~ I a-Dilrnt. DRIN, Mf/~ an trywN tDN NMIt, IIRtN.I/i N IrI-aMI tom ~~~ itMIJ IiM2MD 4 -ao7 ~ ~ ~ ~ YRD MO I 1. T1MIR MawM w waN 1M ~NtafaNtar 'fN NtnN aw wwaN ~awrataNtar. tN _ ~, ~ I ~ rr. I ~ . J a~77 a__ ?c%~J ~~ .~ ''3 1212 fKftTN ia<E FJODS (36578x3-4100 P.1 Your Pauoiik RerJavna! SNpplbr I FRX DR'FI. Fq RM DNTE, ...._. 3ftre/~.~___-.__. TIMES _...I,.?t..!ti , ~'} ; i .._ . TO _ .... ~.(.V. lp. ._L_.___LfM^7~ . ....... ....._..._.....~_.....~_ ~ , ._ ~__ ~.- RE[iNRDING: _ 1~jp,/~_-.7~c(1/~`I.'~.}'- _;~~/y~~S~. 1~•'Z~y4T____._-_ ~ _ (~.fY _._ _ _. __~..1N~ P -~-- ... • . ._.... _ NUMBER OF pGgGE6 lINCt.UDING CCOYER BNEET) FRr. Nf fO~~_'Z.~F~~ ~~uJ G)eete cell !407) 843-4100 !f thla fex !s not received Ln it's ent lret y. ThenN ycu. 4i61 34U151reec S.W. Orlando, Pbrlda 32811 ~ (40n 843;100 Fax (467) 8434045 ;. I ~ I I ~2. The change In zoning Se conei~tvnt vith.the Land Development Code and tha Co~prvhenalvv Plan adopted by thv city. ~ ___ ___ 3. The change Sn zoning ola~vlSloatlon rill further the purpow of tM planning proprav. ___ ___ q. The change in zoning rill mat adversely effect the health end safety of the sasidsnts of the city, ___ ___ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARI'~ REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS eCTIONS BY THE CITY GOM~ISSIONi i i i A casplete lint of •11 prap~rty ornara, oiling addreoee and legal descriptions for sll property rithln throe hundred (300> feat of the euDlvct parcel e• recorded Sn the latent offlelal tax roll Sn tM Duval County Courthouae~ <attaoh operate aheete if needed) Property Ornery and Maillnq AddrNNe Legal DeaoNptiona 1, COMFORT INN - APPILIATED AME11. INNS LTD RE169398-0300-9___-___ 2?O1 NAYPORT RD _t, ATLANTIC BC~1. ,_PL. 3223'3 PT GOVT I.OT 2 RECD OrR BR 6'3'.i~-'L'1?~___ 2. JOHN X_ SHEA ET 11L ______ _________ 8100 C1jP_R_ESS NOLLON C~QIjItT ______„__ _-_PQtjTE VF~,DR71~_~L,y 320_82 _________ _„ 3. NAF_FLE HOUSE _ CNL _~,NCOTIE POND ~' :: _ LTD 40Q EA~T_~QUTH STR_P~ET~ S_U_I_TE_ 500,.,, 4• _BES~_rIAHT_= JiH~~JBg~l4LTY FQA? ____ ---se~_ae~s_er~aze____________________ ___eQQgaei~e..~aai_QaQ2s_____________ 3,_DEVELOPMENT GROOP, INC. _- ___e3ei_p3z_~i%E~ TR71IL_ SU_I_TE_300 - ~ _ RE1 9398-0100-3 -____- PT GOVT [.OT 2 R_EC_D_OIR BR_6058_872____ HE169398_0150_8________ _pT_GOVT LOT 2 __ RECD OAR BK 6830-7406 - ------ -~- _JtE169398_ 0410_ 6________ _PT__G_O_V_T I,0_T_ 7_ _ _~Cp OjR BK 6641_ 1920__ _ RE169398-0400-7 _ PT GOVT :l_____________ _ -_ - RECD O R BR 6b 1'2-93'[- 7.----------------------------------- -~~-.. 8 ------------------------------------- ----- 9•_____________._______----------_-~ 10.__________________________________ ~. The signature of each and every orner~ot the lsnde~ Q -- -?~-- -- - - ~ ® _ 'SIGNATURE ENCLOSHD ON PA7CED ADDENDOM PAGE(Ui,TINAX DrSTRIBUTORS) ~ W ~'----- --- - -- - -- ~ Appllunt~ Do not fill-in beyond this point. prepared to respond to the follorlnq Stge~ FINDINOB OF FACT 1. There exist^ • need and ~ustifioatlon for the change in zoning olaaelfieation. I Horevar, be s. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN ZONING GLA66IFICATION Date F11eds_ ~~[Y~`1.~________ _ ~ g`•+~ V (C I' PAN AM HINI STORAGE, INC.: MAR 1 81993 Names and address of all arnes• of the ^ub)ect propsrtys MR:_ TERENCE_P__KANE TIR: E._ COIIRAD CONART _ _$fli~AlfJg~~d ZODIR~ 333 PABI.O ROAD__________________ 3851 ORTEGA BOUT.EVARD {`ONT E_VEDR~_4~9~Hi Ftu __32082 ____ JJIC~CSON'!ILLE~_FI,. 32210 ________ ________ Phonr Phone _________I4441ZQ~_3444_HOee _________.~904)389_8707_Home ______..__l4441~41_2344_wcrk _________ ~9_o~j_z_nl_ z300 vork Tn• address and legal description, tnoluding the lot, blook and ouDdlvielon of CM property to be re coeds 2383 MAYPORT ROAD1_ATLANTIC HEACHi DG~'AL COUNTY, A PART OF GOVF.RNMFN'I' [.OT 7, SECTION R, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29, RECD O/R BK 6410-183. R F.1G9398-0450-2. ST,OCATED NEXT TO ATLANTIC BEACH HATER TREATMENT PLANT No- _________________ __________________________________________ Present zoning of property for rhlch change of zoning cl•asifleetlon Se requestedsCG WITH _'OSE _IlY EXCEPTION'_ SEC. 24111.- Proposed zoning claeelflcetlonc~NDUSTRIAL LIGFIT AND WAR F.HOUSING/S'CORAOR _______________ SEC. 24-112. A STATEMENT OF THE PETITIONER'S INTEREST T.N THE PROPERTY TO BE RE20NE D, INCLUDING A COPY OF THE LA6T RECOF.D S'D MARRANTY DEEDI ANDS If )Dint or eeveral ornerehlp, a rritten consent, to the rezoning pacition, by •11 orner^ of record) or it a cs~ntraot purchase, e copy of the Dutch ue oontrsot •nd rritte.i consent of the eelleriovners or it •n authorized •grnt, a copy of the agency agreement or rritten consent of the pcinoipa7 orner) or 1f a corporation or other Dueinsae entity, the nsme of the oftlcer or person reaponeible for the •ppllcation and rritttn proof tA~at said :epreeentative hoe the delegated- authority to represent the corporation or ocher business entity, or Sn lieu `:hereof, rritten proof that the person Se, in Sact, an otfleer of the corporation! or Sf a group of continguous property ornate, the ornate of at least fifty f501 percent of the property deecribec. Sn the petition must provide rritten consents • I, TERENCE P. BANE, OWNER OF PAN AH HINI STORAGE, INC., FORMALLY RE UEST INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND WAREHOUSING/STORAGE SECTION 24-112 ---g--------------------------------------------------------------- UNDER THE ATLANTIC BEACH ZONING CODE. THE USES PERMITTED UNDER THIS SECTION INCLUDE NINIWAREHOUSING, OUTDOOR STORACI! FOR VEHICLES, ECT., STORAGE AND WAREHOUSING. ----~--------"- A etstement of special reasons for the rezoning ae requeatads TO UPDATE ZONING C[,ASSIPICATION TO ADHERE TO ALL CODES AS:;OCIATED HITN THIS FACILITY INCLUDING INSIDE AND ODTSIDE STORAGE. I'f IS TIIF. PO[.TCY OF PAN AM HINI STORAGE, INC. TO STORE ONLY OPERATING AND gIIAI.I TY 'J F.HICLES IlHII,E MAINTAINING THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF AESTHET]CS AND SECURITY. _IT_IS OUR IN'CENT TO CONTINUE TO HE AT THE 2.'OP OF TI{E NARRET AND CONTINUE TO REMTT PROP F.RTY TARES ANNUALT,Y TO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACFI S COUNTY. _70 OPERATE TI{IS PACILITY IN COMPLIANCE KITH AL[. PERMITTING PROCEDURES AND CODES PREVIOUSLY PASSED AY THE COMMUNITY DEVF,LOPMENT BOAI:D AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION. <%~an ~m c~i.rzc cSfozac~e, ~rzc. -.>*-tL.vp."' -h'...,.( . fie! „n, B.o,6.Ol yrrts • .n4:.•.. /qnd/ u,. rno March 12, 1993 ~ Continued. ~ it is the policy of Pan Am Miai Storage, Inc. to provide outside storage and rental parking to operable and quality vehiclos of moat all siSee. Also, it is our intent to remain at the Lop of the market in storage in [he beaches cammunity and Jacksonville. This facility '. vas engineered to rithetand a medium level hurricane rhile incorporating on-site resident management, security guards and electronic controlled access. The purpose of our outside storage area Ss to supplement the large amount of property taxes which is remitted Dy Pan Am Hini Storage, Znc. on an annual basis.' I humbly request that you give our application the due diligence and consideration necessary Sn determining the designated outside storage and rental parking area that ve provide for the existing tenanLS and community at large. In closing, let me tha rk yon for giving my letter and application for change in zoning classification re- quest your attention, and, if I can be of assists na:c in any way please don't hesitate to call on me. Very tr)uly yPours,// Terence P. Kane Pan A• Mini Storage, Inc. .I. ~~ 24-Hour Electronic Controlled Access • On-Site Aesidont manager Air Conditioned Units • Boat Storage • Aecord Management i;~ ~an ~_ ~m i ~in~ ~c-S~o~zac~e, ~nc. e~Ft ~q..ypo. e ;h'.,~d ~. .AIf „t., ~meS, 9l/3:z33 • '_a`f,,,,,, I lyu.~f zgo-=roc. ' March 12, 199 MR. GEORGE NORLEY, III, CITY PLANNER ~~ ' MR. DON C. FORD, BDILDING OFFICIAL MR. EARL W. GRIINEWALD, CODE HNPORCEMENT OFPICER COMlNNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONERS AND OPFICIALS OPI~ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINO[.E ROAD - CITI HALL/ZONING DEPARTMENT ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 ~: 904/247-5800 904/297-5626 904/297-5805 (TEI,ECOPIER) Dear Madam(s) and/or Sir(s): I, Terence P. Rane, PrineipaloE Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc., hereby formally submit this application £or change in zoning classification for your formal Consideration and appr- oval. Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. request a change in zoning from its' current classification .of Comcercial General with 'Use by Exception for Mini Storage' to Industrial Tight and Warehousing/Storage. This minor modification from Section 24- 113 to Section 24-112 will permit Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. to continue outside storage of boats, autos and recreational vehicles within the Atlantic Beach Code, 7.oning and Subdivision Regulations. The subject outside storage and rental pa Acing area is located directly above a former open State of Florida Depart- ment of Transportation storm drainage ditch which provided Eor runoff of Mayport Road into the Sherman Creek. In the year.; 1986 and 1989, Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. obtained permits from the Department of Transportation to begin piping, filling and paving several hundred feet for the benefit of the state and community at a cost exceeding one hundred thousand dollars to De incurred by Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. for the use of open storage. Our intent vas to provide covered storage for boats and recreational vehicles but the possibility of servicing the eight foot pipe arose and Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. decided to Forgo sinking steel pilings into the DOT easement. Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. submitted detailed blueprints highlighting an outside open storage and rental parking area ` which vas signed and sealed by the City of Atlantic Dosch. On the blueprints there are signatures, seals and dates indicating "In accordance with use by exception stipulation::". The letter received by pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. on March 9, 1993 from Mr. xarl W. Grunewald, Code Enforcement Officer regarding violation of Section 24-111 concerned us and discussions with Mr. Georye wort r_y, II and Mr. Don C. Ford recomended rezoning under Sec- tion 24-112. ~:; ,i i 1 -- 24-Hour Electronic Controlled Access ~' On-Site Resident manager Air Conditioned Units ~ Boat Storage • Record Management CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for Rezoning of Pen Am atorege SUBMITTED BY: Ceorge Worley, City Planner /~' DATE: ~T `~ ~ July 19, 1993 BACRGROUND: Pan Am Mini atorege has applied for a zoning classification change from their current CC Commercial General to ILW Industrial Light and Warehousing. The City cited Pen Am for outside storage of automobiles which is not listed as a permitted use in the CG district. Outside atorege (of an undefined nature) is permitted in the ILW district. The applicants request for rezoning has been entirely attributed to the desire to continue the storage oP automobiles, they have expressed no intention of undertaking any other use permitted under ILW zoning. RECOMMENDATION: The request was heard by the Community Development Board and after a thorough discussion a recommendation for denial was made and approved. The Board expressed strong concern that the potential existed for much more intensive once to develop on this property in the future if the zoning were changed. The ownership and use of this property in the Puture cannot be guaranteed and the rezoning would legitimize the encroachment of Atlantic Beaches highest intensity zoning district on to Neyport Road. Staff recommends denial of this rezoning request. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Application Por rezoning. 2) Community Development Board M ut e. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER 4 -~ AGENDA ITEM NO. 0ItDIEAHCB HO. 70-93-11 •L0EIDAIHAECB O! THE CITY O! ATLAETIC HEACH• III. ~ AII~DIH6 CHAPTER 20, '1'11Z11TZOi~ AETICLB OCCD?,TIOID-L LICHIfBE T712~ BHC. 20-51 DE1ImITI0HH• TO PEOHIHIT "HAREERE^ EZTHIH THB CIS! OE OE THE CITY BENCH. AHD PA0VID]7ki AH E1IECTIVE DATE. HE IT 0ED11IEEp by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida: BECTI0H 1: Sec. 20-51 of the Code of ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to include the following: "Hawker shall mean any person who shall rent or sell or offer to sell at wholesale or retail any commodity, product, goods, wares, or merchandise of any kind from a stand, wagon, parked vehicle, container, push cart, or tent upon any street or public property or any vacant private property. No person shall be engaged as a hawker within the corporate limits of the city or on the city beach." HSCTIOH 2e This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. of ,7upy~,B~y~ the City Commission of first reading this day PAEHSD by the City Commission on second and final reading this __day of August, 1993. Attest: MAUREEN ICING City Clerk WILLIAM I. GULLZPORp, ,7R, Mayor, Presiding officer Approved as to form and correctness: i -< u ALAN C• JSEN, ESQUIRE City A orney .~ ' j.J Any combination of violations oC any applicable rules and regulations where the violations have been rnntiausl or repeated or where the utility is not actively seeking resolution. 2. All regional facilities have the responsibility to insure compliance with all rules and regulations; any violation of those rules and regulations may subject the facility to removal from regional status. Facilities removed from regional status have the right to appeal or rernnsideration pursuant to Section 360.112, Ordinance Code- f- Availability oCend Connections to Regional Sewerage Required. 1. The property owner of each "lot or parcel" of land upon which any building shall Gave been rnnstructed for residential, rommercial or industrial use having an onsite disposal system (septic tank/drainfield) permitted pursuant to FAC Rule LOD-6, and Chapter 470, Ordinance Code, shall rnnaect to any gravity or tow pressure regional sewerage system in a right of way which abuts the "lot or Parcel." Commercial or industrial property shall conneM to gravity mains is a right of way which abuts the lot or parcel or to any gravity, low pressure, or force main which may be economically reached. Generally this will mean any line within 1,000 feet which does not involve crossing major obstacles each as railroads or 4-lane roadways. Connection shall be made within 365 days ofeither- (1) date that the regional sewer is installed, or (2) effective date oC this rule, whichever is later- 2. Every wastewater facility which is not regional as defined in sections §3.409(b) and a above and those regional Facilities which have been delisted pursuant to §3.409(e) above shall connect to a regional sewerage system through its appropriate [rook line as described in the WQMP Cor Duval County and in duly- adopted subsequent engineering reports; or shall connect to the trunk line provided pursuant to [he Master Plans for regional sewerage development of the City; or shall connect to the trunk line provided pursuant to the Master Plans for 13- -_ .: h ~~- ¢ 22 88 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ~~~ s (d) /aspectiona. The division end the city manager shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction. The applicant Cor the permit shall notify the division when the work is ready for final inspeMion, and before any underground portions are covered. (Ord. No. 80$323, § I(Art. III, 44 2, 3), 6-27$3) Sec. 2280. Compliance regarding type, capacities, location and layout. The type, cepaci[ies, location, and layout oC a private wastewater disposal system shall comply with all recommendations of the City of Jacksonville Health, Welfare, and Bicenvi- ronmental Services Division. (Ord. Nc. 80$3-23, 4 I(Art. IH, ¢ 9), 6.L7-83) Sec. 22-90. Connection to public sewers; cleaning and £dling. AL such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private wastewater disposal system, as provided in section 22$9, a dixtt connection shall be made to the public sewer within ninety (90) days in compliance with this article, and any septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private wastewater disposal facilities shall be leaned of sludge and filled with suitable material. (Ord. No. 80-8323, § hArt. III, § 8), 6.27-83) Sec. 2&91. Maintenance. The owner shall operate and maintain the private wastewater disposal futilities in a sanitary manner at all times, at no ezpenae to the city. (Ord. Na. 80$3-23, 4 I(Art. HI, 4 6), 6-27-83) Secs. 22-92-2&100. Reserved. DMSION 4. BUDDING SEWERS AND CONNEC190NS Sec. 2&101.: Coats aad.e:penaea: jndemni6catton of eityagatart;Ioy, stn. . All costa sad eipeaeee iacidentali$Yhe imtalLticn and coooatiun'dtLe building sewer shell be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the uty Sum say lass or damage that may directly or indvactly 6e occasioned by the installatiirn d the bonding sewer. (Ord. No. 8083-23. 4 I(Art. IV. 4 3). 627&9) Sec. 2&102 Permits-Rt4oued....;.. .,_. No unauthorized person shall uncovei, make any conntttiom with or opening in W, use, alter, or disturb anY Public sewer or apparteaenoe thered without fort obtaining a written permit from the aty~anager._ .. ,- (Ord.No. 80$3;28, y,I(Art. IV,41), 6~I,~3)_ - - - Sec. 22.103. Sanx-Qaaaifeatioa: application. .. . There~shall be two (2) classes of building sewer permits- (]) For residential and wmmercial service sod .`~ ]288 1/FII FAUCONNIERE INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 10150 Belle Reve Blvd, Suite 2009, Jacksoovt7le. Florida 32256 Telephone (904) 565-9809 Tdefaz (904) 565-1174 Once the material is in form of acceptability to the landfill, we will deliver same for disposal at the Pecan Row landfill in Valdosta, Georgia using our trucks and personnel to do so. 0057' APPROACH we propose a long range plan to accomplish this goal. we will charge the city at the rate of eighty one dollars per ton (581.00) for the first year. Every year thereafter the price will remain the same (E81.00 per ton) vith the only change being the C.P.I. "All City Average" will be in effect after the first year. This firm will of course insure it's personnel and hold harmless the city for any injury of it's personnel in the execution of their duties. We would propose a standard form of contract to protect both parties in this project. We would propose to start operations as soon as possible but not later then 15 Sept 1993. " Thanking you for your considerations in this matter, I remain pectfu , Ron Fa onn~r~~y C.E.O. RF/ec "- CC: G.C. Lee, Lee Engineering ~ -_ Donna Davis, Geo-Waste - Jim JarboN, City Manager bep„{y iir~t FA UCONNIERE INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED l 0150 Belle Reve Blvd, Suite 2009, Jacksonville, Florida 32256 Telephone (904) 565-9809 Telefax (904) 565-1174 17 July 93 City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-9381 Attn: Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Public Works Director/Engineer Dear Mr. Kosoy: Thanking you for the courtesies extended this writer by you and your staff, I am pleased to present for your considerations the following proposal; WASTE WATER TREATlB;N'P SLODGE REnOVAL 6 DISPOSAL CURREN'P PROCESS' Waste water is being treated at your plant with flocculent being added to the waste stream to increase density of the affluent from a liquid form to a form of 158 solids or less. This material in it's present state is not acceptable for landfilling-either by state standards or Class 1 landfill standards. This is in no way a reflection upon your personnel or present equipment or process, only the way things are being done under present conditions. OOR PROPOSAL' We will install, at our cost, the equipment and personnel that it will take to convert your material from 158 solids to an acceptable rate that the landfill will accept. This will be in the range of 908 solids or a Bladeable consistency of material, or whatever it takes to be acceptable at the landfill. This process may necessitate changing your current drying facilities to accommodate our process, but all cost will be borne by this firm. To illustrate, I.E. increase the size of your holding facility, to include specialized equipment to mix your material with drying agents or to incorporate drying agents prior to loading into our containers. I will emphasize that all cost related to the above will be the responsibility of this firm. CITY OF Bartle ~eaelc - ~(ou~(Q rloam~ J1yJyJ81 _ ~K>•\E i90112fF5W -~y~,,~ fAX IfM13li58U July 19, 1993 M E M O R A N D U M TU: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works ASK 1-~b RE: MATER AND SEWER COKKITTEE REPORT s44 On July 15, 1993 the Mater and Serer Committee met at Aasisi Lane and the attendees rere: Alan Potter, Tim Tovnaend, Harry KcNally, Tom Havk, and Bob Kosoy. Items of discussion rere: 1• CONNECTION TO CITY SEVER - Attached is a copy of Sec. 22-90 of the Atlantic Beach Code rhich requires residents to connect to the public serer rithin 90 days of its availability. In addition, a copy of the Environmental Protection Board's Rule 3: Hater Pollution page 13, requires property ornere to connect no later than 365 days from rhen the City serer ie installed. The Committee will continue their efforts to educate and advise the Commission and other staff of the environmental and economical needs to enforce the City's ovn ordinance and/or the County ordinance. 2. BUCCANEER NASTEYATER TREATNENT PLANT ODOR CONTROL - Harry McNally rill revier the proposals submitted several months ago and prepare a recommendation regarding rhich Consultant proposal should De accepted. 3• CAPITAL IMPROYENENT PROGRAM - The Committee discussed the need to complete all the projects on the C. I. P, plan and that monies need to be made available for this purpose. Currently, 63.5 pillion of the 610 million borrored ie being used for the defeasancea/retirement of prior bands, 4• SLUDGE MANAGEMENT - Ron Fauconniere presented a proposal to the Commission for sludge removal and disposal. See attached. Hie price rill De 681.00 per ton or approximately 6405,000.00 per year. Tom Hark rill revier this proposal in hie Residual Management Study. RSK/tb Attachment (3) cc: All Attendees File - 93-WSCR HTL BCH PUBLIC WORKS TEL N D.2471304 CITY OF J~4dlc ~tdtp(_ ~legGleg Jul 6,93 1410 ND.004 P,O1 ~~uw rwrm~ ~ ~toeeiap~"~ ie+aor ~~ Joan 4Vaiw, Purchasing Agent PgOM: ~ KO V'4 i`orrardad to you 6aravith ere .pecificationa and other perrineot infar- aacfen oecauary far you to call for bide oo projetc to be entitled: ~ s M 7N Pundlpg for this project 18 ldentifiad ae fo11oW: n -i _ rith eo approved budgeted aaoa~t of i ~~l~ gsQ -PDNDING~!~~~ AL: Direccoz of Pinance ~•••~~ ,~ g //q~8SO,10 D'`Tg~1~$- 93 ~- 9204-4 SUBMITTAL STATEMENT The undersigned Bidder has exmined the Plans and Specifications, General Conditions, and other Contract Documents, and all addenda thereto; and is acquainted rich and fully underctands the extent and character of the York covered by the Proposal and the specified requirements for the proposed York. The undersigned Bidder certifies chat this Proposal is Dade in good faith, without collusion or connac Lion ri[h any other person or persons bidding on the cork. - The undersigned Bidder certifies that no officer or agent of the Over is directly or indirectly interested in this Bid. The undersigned Bidder certifies that he has carefully exmined the foregoing Proposal after the sme ras completed and has verified every ilea placed thereon; and agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the Omer against any cos[, damage or expense rhich may be Sncurred or caused by an error in his preparation of ame. Respectfully Submitted, Name of Bidder - Typed BY (SEAL) Its ATTEST ~ Bidder's Street Address YIINESS _ Bidder's Mailing Address and State Complete Appropriate Space: ( ) Corporation - State of Principal Office President Nave Street Address City and Space ( ) Other - Designated as follors: Principal Office President/Owner S[zeet Address Citv end State BP-5 ~ ~ 9204-4 Item Brief Description Estimated Unit Uni[ Total No. Quantity Price Cost 79 Concre*_e Sidewalk Repaiz 2 gy 20 Conc. Driveway Repair 48 SY _ 21 Sodding _ 3,900 SF _ BID I TEMS FOR aN CROV DRIV 22 Clearing 6 Grubbing ~ ys 23 6" PVC, AVNA C-900, DR 18 410 LF Incl. Fittings 24 Fize Hydrant, Covplete y ~ 25 1• Shozt Yatez Service, Complete 7 EA 26 1• Long Uater Service, Complete 6 EA 27 Conc. Sidewalk Repair 1 SY _ 28 Conc. Driveway Repair 96 SY _ 29 Sodding 4,000 SF _ BID 2 TEMS FOR FAST 0 T DRIV 30 Clearing 6 Grubbing yS IS 31 12• PVC, AWA C-900, DR 18 712 i8 Incl. Fittings - 32 12' Gate Valve 2 ~ 33 6• x 6• Tapping Sleeve 6 Valve 1 gA 34 8• x 8• lapping Sleeve d Valve 1 EA _ 35 Fire Hydrant, Complete 2 ~ 36 Reconnect Existing Services 10 EA _ 37 Asphalt Pavement Replacecent 100 SY 38 Conc. Driveway Repair 54 _ SY _ 39 Conc. Sidewalk Repair 29 SY _ 40 Nev Sidewalk Construction 205 SY _ 41 Sodding 1,425 SF BP-4 ~~ki 9204-4 TOTAL - BASE BID - (Bid Item Nos. 1 thru 41 Plus Contingency) and Cents g •Contingency Allovance for approved additive change orders. Final contract amount will be determined at completion of project. All unused monies will revert back to the City of Atlantic Beach. BID ITEMS FOR aN B VD D AV AND Cm INA P rF Item Brief Description Estimated Unit Unit Total No. Quantity PrLCe Cost 1 Clearing 6 Grubbing IS LS 2 2• PVC, Schedule 40 425 IF Incl. Fittings 3 6• PVC AWA C-900, DR 18 605 I.F Incl. Fittings 4 2• Gate Valve 2 gp 5 6• x 6" Tapping Sleeve fi Valve 2 EA _ 6 Fire Hydrant, Complete 2 EA _ 7 1' Vater Service, Complete 20 EA _ 8 2• Va[er Service, Complete 5 EA 9 Asphalt Pavement Replacement 10 SY 10 Corc. Driveway Repair 9 SY 11 BID Sodding ITEMS FOR WRl1 S FET 3,000 SF _ 12 . Clearing S Grubbing >S ~ 13 6• PVC, AVVA C-900, DR 18 566 LF Incl. Fittings 14 8" x 6" Tapping Sleeve fi Valve 1 EA 15 6" Gate Valve 1 EA 16 Fire Hydrant, Complete 2 EA 17 Retonnec[ Exist Services 9 Ep IB Asphalt Pavement Replacement 19 SY BP-3 9204-4 Bidder agrees [o provide all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction to do all the work and furnish all the matezial specified in this Contract in the manner and time prescribed and according to the requirements of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach as therein set forth and that he will take as full payment, the unit or lump sum price applicable to that item presented in the schedule below. NOTE: All entries in the Proposal must be made clearly, either typewritten or hand lettered in ink. Where indicated, prices bid must be wri t[en both in words end figures. Bidder must insert extended prices obtained from quantities and unit prices. In ease of a discrepancy, between the savant shown in figures and the amount shorn in words, the amount shown in words shall govern. TOTAL BID - Water Hain Improvements for Ocean Blvd., Devees Ave. and Coquina Place complete as shown, (Bid Item Nos. 1 ehru 11): and Cents TDTAL BID - Water Main Improvements for Coral Street complete as shown, (Bid Items Nos. 12 [hru 21): Dollars and Cents TOTAL BID - Water Main Improvements for Oeean Crowe Drive complete as shown, (aid Item Nos. 22 ehru 29) and Cents TOTAL BID - Water Main Improvements for East Coast Drive complete as shown (Bid Items Nos. 30 ehru 41). lays and SUB-'fOTAL BASE BID - Watet Main Improvements (Bid Item Nos. 1 ehru 41) and CONTINGENCY - 108 OF Base Bid* lays and BP-2 9204-4 BID PROPOSAL Proposal of (hereinafter called 'Bidder' Corporation) organized and existing under the lays of the Stste of Florida, n partnership or an individual doing business as T0: City of Atlantic Beach, Florida The Bidder, in compliance with your Invitation to Bid on Yater Main Improvevents for Coquim Place and East Coast Drive in Atlantic Beach, Florida, having examined the Drawings, Specifications, and related documnts prepared by Connelly 6 Bicker Inc., dated June, 1993, and [he site of proposed work, and being familiar with all the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of mterials end labor, hereby proposed to furnish all labor, mterials and equipment, and to construct [he project in accordance with the contract documents ac [he prices scared below. It is [he intent of [he City of Atlantic Beach to award the Contract within 14 days from bid date. Ihiforseen delays in project approval by the City of Atlantic Beach and/or others my cause a delay in the Notice to Proceed after contract award. The Bidder, if awarded the contract, hereby agrees to coomw;nce work within ten ~ (10) days after the Notice to Proceed snd complete all work vi thin forty-five (45) days, after beginning work. Furthermore, it is agreed [ha[ [he owner has the right to delete any of the following Bid Items vi th no compensation mde to the undersigned. Bidder acknowledges he has satisfied himelf as to the types and quantities of soils and rater table conditions present on site and, if awarded [he contract, will provide and mintain all horizontal and vertical cons true tion staking for utilities and drainage facilities, and replacement (when needed) of stake-outs and controls. Work shall be confined to the general limits of project sites shown. Contractor shall repair and restore all areas disturbed by his construc cion activities. Bidder acknowledges receipt of [he following addenda Contractors must bid on all Bid Items. Award viii be based on the Total Bid. Th Owner sin h on ion o r 1 all bid and to eliminate any of the Bid Items. BP-1 PUBLIC ENTITY CRINES - Any person submitting a bid or proposal in response to this invitation must execute Form PUR 7068, S40RN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(A), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES, including proper check(s) in the space(s) provided and enclose it with the bid or proposal. IDENTICAL. TIE BIDS - In accordance with Section 287-087, Florida Statutes, effective Janwry 1, 1991, preference shall be given to busi- nesses rich drug--free rorkplace programs. Nhenever ~tro or more bids which ate equal with respect to price, quality, and service ate received by the Scale or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractwl services, a bid received from a business chat certifies that it has iaplemented a drug-Free rorkplace program shall be given preference io the arard process. Established procedures for processing bide will be fallored if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free rorkplace program. A form for this ce rt£fication is included with the bid forms and muec be submitted vi th the bid of proposal. Joan IaVake : + + + + + + + + + + + + + x + + + + + + + + + +u+c+a~ixg+Atg,e~t+ + z + FLORIDA TIt9?S-UNION: Please publish one time on Sunday, May 30, 1993. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 2G7-5818. CITY OF 1'1tla,rtic Btaek - ~leslda sw sr~wwoie awn All.Arflf. BEAGti, FI,ORmA JIIJ.1511t TBLEPNONE pM 2(!-S!W FAX pN) uaaps Hay 30, 1993 CITY OF ATLANTIC BBACH INVITATION TO BID NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive sealed bids in the Office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, atlantic Beach, Plorida 32233, until 2:00 PM, Thursday, June 17, 1993, after which time [he bids rill be publicly opened and read aloud for WATER MAIN IYJ'ROV@'J:NTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST GRZVE in Aclantic Beach. lids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "BID NO. 9293-22 - WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE, TO BE OPENED AFTER 2:00 PH, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1993." Bidders my obtaia complete sets of Bidding Docwente from the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road. Atlantic Beach, Florida, after 1:00 PM on June 1, 1993, upon payaent of 330.00 per sec, checks payable to Connelly d Wicker Inc. Payment amount is non-refundable. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available. Ali bidders Host furnish [he following WITH THE BID: 1. Bid Bond In the amount of 5; of- the bid. 2. References testifying io the quality of their work. 3. Insurance Certificates, naming the City of Aclantic Beach as Certificate Bolder, shoving they have obtained and will con[Inue to carry Workers' Compensation, public and private liability, and property damage fosurance during the life of [he contract. A Performance and Payment Bond will be required of the successful bidder. Bid prices must remain valid for sixty (60) days zf ter the public opening of the bids. Goods and services proposed shall meet all tequ$emen[s of [he Ordinances of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach. The City of Allan rit Beach reserves the tight to reject any or all bids or parts of bids, waive informalities and technicalities, make award in whole or part with or without cause, and [o make the award in what Ss deemed robe in [he best interest of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beath. Bid No. 9293-2.2 - WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE. Hailine Lis[: United Brothers Development Corporation 2960 Rarcley Road Jacksonville, FL 32217 MCA Construction 1316 Fruit Cove Drive North Jacksonville, FL 32259 Petticoat Contracting 11025 Blasius Road Jacksonville, FL 32226 Braddock Coastruction, Inc. P. O. Boz 51328 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250-1328 M Site S Utility Contracting 8023 West Beaver Street Jacksonville, FL 32220 John Woody, Inc. P. 0. Boz 60218 Jacksonville, FL 32236 Dodge Report (Will Pick Up) Construction Report (Will Pick Up) __ _ -~ - - ~-+~ w o 0 ~`~ O U ~ N V _ Q N M N ~ 3 p ~ H ~ ~ W W ' O -i u X ` o P h N N N . C u ~ Y I rn . r . y C ~'1 . i 7 u .-I ~ N W O E c c V o .z ~m g n ~ a f ~ O E •] 2 O m W O ~ F ¢ ~ .O o. 6 "t :J ..1 N N Vl N N w F f N i+ Z i+ Y Z v d X W .-i '~ .y N .i m .-~ .~ "~ W F C U O C •m G ~ U f_ y = 3 W ~ ~ ~ U ~; . Q P N y ~l Vl ~ N N W N Vl vl N G ~ µ N '~ Y~ } ~ % ~O N m y~ W ^I N ~ y ~ ~ ~ ' J w~i W LL V i c ¢ LL = ,~ °m a O ~' r ~ ~ W ~ ti j m °' U W P .-~ ~ M V ~ ~ ' .' ¢ ^ n N Z N (a. 6 r1 P N V1 V1 N N Q F~ rv N n W i+ W Y W i+ W Y W Y X ti M J ~ W "'~ .+ T ~ Q O > o ~ 3 U ~ I ¢ ~ 2 I i x.. a..f+ .s.. _. _._~=clw.~ •.Lc:. vc.6yG.I~I~e'~si-~ CITY OF ~tlaftlc $rat/i - ~lnl+da 120011\DYIPF:r LA\E ATIA\ll(' eEACB. FLnRIDA )2U111F: TLLFPKO\E :fIMi Mf%A1 FA% If WI 2(I-%L' June 22, 1993 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Joan LaVake/Purchasing Agent FROM: Robert S. Koeoy/Director of Public Morka RE: BID OPENING FOR MATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE A bid opening vas held at City Hall on June 16, 7.993 at 2:00 p. w. rith the folloring Contractors aubsitting bide: ODNTBACTOR TOTAL BASE BID 1. M.R. Torneend Contractor 6123,599.30 References i Drug free cork place forwe rere not rith bid package. 2. AA Site b Utility 6128,215.72 All forwe rith bid package. 3. Braddock Construction 6130,900.00 All forwe rich bid package. 4. ]ohn Moody, Inc. 5133,916.09 All forwe rith bid package. 5. KGA Construction Cowpany 6215,723.20 Drug free cork place forwe not with bid package. The apparent for bidder, M.R. Torneend, did not furnish references nor Drug Free Mork Place forwe •ith the bid package. The Contractor has not perEorwed previous utility cork for the City of Atlantic Beach. Me recowwend that the bid be arsrded to AA Site b Utility Contractors rho raw the loreat responeiDle, responsive bidder. RSK/wc cc: Kiw D. Leinbach/City Manager File - 93-AB-MATER ,. u:. sa .._.. .,:. ,. ., sT . .. sue.<_...;=`.min- `Yr 3-"'~..:. !" .G CITY OF !'~aKtic $caeli - ~le:ida eao sFAUntNE anAD _ _..- _ _ AMN'f1C BEACH. FIDimM ]ril}3N3 TELEPHONE (f W12f1310B ~~ FA% IeM) X13!!3 July 12, 1993 AWARDS COMMITTEE MINUTES THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1993 The Awards Committee met or, Thursday, June 17, 1993, a[ 2:00 PN, [o receive bid advertised as Eid No. 9293-22 - WATER MAIN IHPROVEl~NTS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST DRIVE. Present a[ the bid opening were Assis rant Public Works Director Ernie Beadle and Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake. Invitations to Bid were mailed to six (b) prospective bidders, and plane and apes if Stations were provided [o the Uodge Room and Construction Bulletin. Five (5) bids were received as follows: TOTAL PRICE BLD W. R. Towsend Contractors S Jacksonville, FL 123,599.30 AA Site b Utility Contractors Jacksonville, FL 128,215.72 Braddock Construction Jacksonville Beach, FL 130,900.00 John Woody, Inc. Jacksonville, FL 133,916.09 NGA Construction Company Jacksonville, FL 215,723.20 The apparent low bidder. W. R. Towsend Contractors, failed to provide references as required in [he Invitation to BFd. The Drug-free Workplace form vas not submitted, but is not a requirement to bid. In agreement with co®en is contained in the attached memorandum froW Public Works Director Bob Y,osoy, together vi rh his and staff's :valuation of [he bids, i[ is [he consensus of [he Committee [hat 1[ recommend to the City Cov®ission [hat it reject the low bid from W. R. Towsend Contractors for failure co comply with bid requirements, and act ept the second low bid from AA Sice G Utility Contras [ors Fn the amount of 5128,215.72, and make the award accordingly. Res pet [fully, Jozn LaVake, Purchasing hgen[ BWGETED AMOUFT 5114,850.00. FUNDING SOURCE: Capital Imp. Plan Proj ec[ 2D, AB Water ~ngtand•ThimS ~rE~~~ 31319- ~ BhAfRood Sa ,Iocl~arwYe.R 904ba2-8990 April 12, 1989 To Yhao It Hay Concern: Reference: Letter of Reference Y. R. Townsend Contractim~, Inc. & Rliller ,Inc. 37216 PRIJL'P,ftS JmwuE PE ResiCSN Rbbw1E VfYat Sec Ou,ptu G AT•er, PE V. Rat N /ipn MoMews Pf. V. Rat kfnesM AbOYUp1 PE V. Ras Since 1986, Y. R. Townsend Contracting, Inc. has perfonaa!d water, sewer earthwork, drainage and roadway construction on protects designed and administered by England, Thims 6 Miller, Inc. Ye have found Y. R. Townsend Contracting work to be of the highest quality on-time and on- budget. Additionally, we find their personnel to be easy to work with including putting the protect goals above aqy company obtectives. Yith these thoughts in mind I would highly recommend Y. R. Townsend Contracting, Inc. for future site work or highway construction. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ENGLAND INS 8 HILLER, INC. ~~~ DDD~~~u91 ~. Miller, P.E. Vic resident OCH:kI ^ ~ w~_i'i B '.~~~ April 14, 3989 r Hr. Rick Johns ' M. R. Toansemd Company 6711 Salisbury Road Jacksonville, FL 32216 1 SUBJECT: Site Conatructian for CSZ Techmlogy (ReFaraxe Letter) - ' Dear Riek: From a Latter of Intent, dated February 17, 1989, for site eoutrection for a f nem state-of-the art eamputer facility for CSE Technology, Y. R. Tesasead Coapmy started to work ~ srJredala March 1, 1969. Sims atartiog work, ve have fomd Y. R. Tovnsend Coastznction Coapmmy, 'Ina. to bs a milling sad able ' morker and team player. The eompeay has stayed ahead of sehedala sad mithin oar budget throughout the project. All areas of waearn hen 6sm handled quickly and professionally during this very critical mW tlaely project. ' fotb these thoughts is mf,d, 7 weld highly recommend Y. R. Tomasead Company any fatnra site work that L needed as a tiaely basis. Rick, should additional lnforwetion be needed, please do aoL 6asiGta to contact me. JYH/jdk cc: Jerzy Drench ,-.:.v: Siaeeraly yomrs, CS7C LDC! ~~~~ John Y. tlmgu., III ~(Wnoloq ~a~aCh aamfmYb~aac ___-±. tiGfA...i~~.;.~r..::...~: ---~.i_=ice T~ Champion Realty Group, Inc. 4110 Souihpoinl Boulevard, Suite 112, Jacksonville, Florida 32216, (904) 281-0199 March 30, 1989 W. R. Townsend 4311 Salisbury Rd. Suite 1 Jacksonville, fl 32216 To ffiom It Nay Concern: Thfs letter Ts to coMirm the excellent work W. R. Townsend Contracting has done on Mnrsh Sound, a 75 acre subdivision on San Pablo Road. N. R. Townsend has been on time in all work and come in on budget without aqy change orders or surprise problems. It fs ary sincere feeling that W. R. Townsend Contracting is the best in its field in the Jacksonville area. I would not hesitate to recommend them to any prospective client and I plan to ase them again. In High Esteem~9L~ ~~~~ ' -"`~ Thomas D. Champion President TDC/rma ~_ ._ ~. _ .. _ ....r- __E._ - - - - - I i 1 ,1 ~ , -. flOflI~D 01= CODDIy CO(DDIISSIODCRS `` dfufo[maf csf. ~~„s eoanfy, `3fot~[ C0UM1 CoU[IMOUS[ R.I111L 1JlINC rtoup~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OYSI sl Y 4 YW! [ Wn P. O. DRAWER J4p ST. AUDUSTINL FLORIDA J2O8J-0J~p. April 11, 1989 Mr. Gary L. Wilson - w. R. Townsend Contracting, Inc. 4311 Salisbury Road, Suite 1 Jacksonville, Florida 32216 Re: St. Johns County Public Golf Course Dear Gary: T¢vMOMC~ B2p.aa66 DR. 4D3 It is with pleasure that I take this opportunity to thank you and your company for your participation in the construction of the above referenced project. The successful and timely completion of our Eighteen Hole Championship Golf Course has been a new and enlightening experience for St. Johns County. W. R. Townsend Contracting, Inc., as~ General Contractor for this project played a most critical role, and through your efforts, we now have a Championship Golf Course that is as ueautiful as it is challenging. The expertise and cooperation demonstrated by your firm has played a large part in enabling us to meet our commitments in the extremely tight construction schedule and tight budget imposed. Should the County's activities in the future bring us into the areas you service, we will certainly make every effort possible to work with you again. Additionally, we would not hesitate to recommend your firm for any work you may solicit. If we can be of any assistance to you, feel free to call upon us for a recommendation. n >>_ ~` `~~l Sind / ^ ~ ` .~ l 1. ~~ i - Neal Poteet ~ :~ ~.' . Construction Manager St. Johns County .. NP/kt ~ ,. ~f ~. J..i~~~. THW & ASSOCIATES INC. 5ik design landscape archiktture maskr planning January 13, 1988 LAND PLANNING I Mr. W. R. 7V ~n5end W.P.. 4Vansend Gontractirg 4311 Salisbury Imad Suite 3 JarJcwnville, Florida 32216 ~; ltte lgaiott @ Sawgrass Project Tb. 8601.0 pesr W.R.: In the day to day practice of business, ill ~ often that we take the time to write oalpliments that are dfe for a job I mould at this time, trne~er, like to take this opportunity to tell you Note tlaEpy we are with the Mork }our ool~any did at 1be Marriott at Satlgrass Hotel in Ponta Vedra Bmch, Plorida. 7tle result is especially plmsing ~flsideritxl the unuatally tryifg circtmstances under which the W.R. 7b.rnsefd ¢e,+s operated ruder. JiaFmy, Gary and ytw- entire staff were tFaaal players throa9hout the tAtlree tf the Proj~t in the toughest of times. I aamwsd their peYf0[aanCe. I have enclosed slides of the final product for your rise. Again ~~ to Ywr optpaFly f¢ a job ttr11 tone, ofd be assured that we hope to work with you in the future. ~~~~~~ pa01 E:. FYank, Jr. I 4L't.: Ultn Tnompzon FIanCOtk Wdle 6 ASSOtsales. InC 4055 Roswell Rwa NE AI18~la. Guag~a 30342 a04/252.8G40 4WSUR ~p~T[rt nO~r.w~5w twpy5pr. cE0 wkb0l5 itCt tatYO[n~t moww tkO.v «NOY~rE Mp .r„uvw rnitF u..x., R'~•wn xwr. wni.a ~ t .Cp F . au. (v+ __ Sincerely, RES I'ONSIBI CITIES 6J1 PAN & DOZER (295 S 95 INTERCHANGE SOUTHEND) OPERATING DOZER (295 S ST AUGUSTINE ROAD) 1970-1972 SAN MARCO CONSTRUCTION, CO. POSITION OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES DOZER OPERATOR, MOTORGRADER FINISHING LIMEROCK, (295 5 PRSTCHARD ROAD. 1974-1976 WARREN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION. CO. POSITION OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES DOZER OPERATOR (295 6 US-1) 1976-1981 CADDELL CONSTRUCTION, CO. POS ZTION OPERATOR & LABORER RESPONSZBI CITIES ESCAVATOR (LAKE CITY-US 90 S I-75 WEST) MOTORGRADER LAYING PIPE (BAY AVE) ESCAVATOR, IAYZNG PIPE 6 BUILDING BOX CULVERT, PIN- ISHZNG LIRE ROCK (STATE ROAD 100 & CENTREE STREET) HOTOR- GRADER 6 GPADE POREMAN (HON- CRIEF) MARCH 1, 1989 MAJOR PROJFrm rvnrnZENCE POSITION SKILLS OTHER EXPERIENCES PAST EMPLOYERS 1964-1966 POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES 1967-1968 POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES 1968-1969 POSITION JIMMY HACK CRAWFORD SR. LOT 8 DEERWOOD ESTS HACCLENNEY, FLA 32063 H-(904) 239-6088 W-(904) 636-9802 GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT FRONT END LOADER, PAN (EARTH DRAG~LINE,~ESCA~ VATOR,~GRADER READ BLUE PRINTS, FIGURE 3 SHOOT GRADE (STATE JOBS] CADDELL i JACKSON CONSTRUC- TION CO. LABORER (SAN JUAN POIIA CANING) FAONT END LOADER, OPERATOR, (CASSET AVE FOUR CANING) DOZER OPERATOR, (JASPER FLA BUILDING ROAD) SAN MARCO CONSTRUCTION, CO. OPERATOR OPERATING DOZER, (CHAFEE ROAD WHITE HOUSE) HOUDSILLE, DWAL 4 WRIGHT DOZER OPERATOR ES HE Ed yard Duncan Reed 1939 Gentle Breeze Road Middleburg, FL 32068 PRESENT pOSITION• PREVIOUS EMPr.OYMFNT• Foreman, Finishing Crev Florida Asphalt Co. J.B. Coxvell Dickerson,inc. Ten, years experience in zoadvork, sub- grades, limerock and utilities. Excellent skills Sn finishing work. Equipment: 12 G. Grader 7 yrs. Dozer 6 yrs. Loader 3 yrs. Pan 9 yrs. Roller 8 yrs. Worked on 1st part of Interstate 95 for about four yeaz~. Interstate 95 - 20th St. a 8th St. 8 years ago McCarthy 9A Beaches Hospital Marsh Sound Sanctuary Imperial Inn CSX Windsor Parke Plantation RESUME Terry L. Prescott 10550 Ashviev Road Jacksonville, FL 32218 p$E~E 7J~ POSITION: Foreman, Dirt PREVIOUS RXP RI N F Land Formations Green Cove Springs, FL 1986-1989 Duties: Site preparation, pipe foreman, land clearing and dirt hauling D.N.Equipsent Co.,Inc. Jacksonville, FL 1982-1986 Duties: Grading, cutting, filling land 1988 - CSty project Supervisor - .-~ underground utilities ?~ Casset 6 1lppleton - water, sever, stoz^ drains, set lift stations at Savgrass 2~4-,.T~ EXP ~RF~F` McCarthy 9A - Supervisor 5 aan pipe crew, 3 men dirt crew S 3 men concrete crew Road extention for D.O.T. while with Land Poz orations - Project Point of Vlev Reat. EOUIPMpNT EXPERIENCE: Dozer, loader, twckhoe - 15 years UH James Williams 9105 103rd Street Jacksonville, FL 32210 Phone: 909-771-6818 pRE -HT pCSITION• Maintenance Supezinte ndent Duties: Supervise and co-ordinate maintenance and repairs of all equipment - ten men. Co-ordinate activities of Euel trucks and drivers for equipment. Order parts and supplies for all equipment. ~~. EXPER_. I N p. Caddell Construction Jacksonville, FL 1981-1989 Shop Foreman Houd Salle Jacksonville, FL 1961-1981 Mechanic EBIFATION• Hydraultc School Allis Chambers Factory Caterplller Factory Ring Power Schools D.O T EXP~FRI NCF Interstate 95, worked as mechanfc Interstate 10, repaired equipment Interstate 295 ..a....wxc~..;;. -ru. Reliance Insurance Companu ' ' ~ n Ntliu~tt Group IIWUmgs CumNm Maitl.elE larum ORK< HuUeisW 1 M1lp 41a Wcicn @ivt. SmR 101 PI1 Wes Sflq) MYIIaM. Fl JDSIa1p9 <O1 B15.1)11 Poe a0) 815 1)85 Reliance April 2, 1992 Mr. Fred Stroud General Manager W.R. Townsend Contracting, Inc. 1465 State Road 210 St. Augustine, FL Policy Number: QB 5 QU 8487310 Effective 01-01-92 to O1-O1-93 Re: Druq Testing Program Dear Fred, This will confirm our conversations during my visit to your office. As a result of your comprehensive risk management efforts including a formalized safety program, we are extremely pleased with the characteristics of W.R. Townsend Contracting, Inc. operations. Our Loss Control Services Department conducted surveys on both your headquarters and job site facilities. As a result, there were no recommendations for improvement. This is a direct result of your efforts and some of the formalized programs implemented by your operations. The surveys were on your commercial property, liability, automobile, and umbrella coverages provided by Reliance Insurance Company. Fred, I could develop a substantial list of the positive risk characteristics displayed by your operation but one of the most important pertaining to safety from a liability standpoint (automobile, general 11abLlity, umbrella) is the drug testing program. This risk management technique should result in a favorable loss record and quality work by your employees. Mr. Fred Stroud Page Two If I can be of any further assistance do not hesitate to let me know. Again, we appreciate the opportunity to entertain W.R. Townsend Contracting, Inc. Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance. Sincerely, ~~~.~e~~ Paul Williamson, CIC Senior Commercial Underwriter PW/dq cc: Wendy McCUn Cecil W. Powell 6 Company Jacksonville, PL 27. SUNRAY UTILITIES S.T.P. (1987) OWNER: JAX UTILITIES MANAGEMENT (904-396-7699) CONTACT: MIKE MADDIX FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: DESIGN i CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER PLANT PERCOLATION PONDS i BERMS 28. SALT CREEK BRIDGE - SAWGRASS (1987) OWNER: ARVIDA CORP. CONTACT: ED WATERS i SONS (VAN HOGAN/904-268-4419) PIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: 16" S 12" BRIDGE CROSSING FOR FORCE MAIN i WATER MAIN 29. HILLER ST. - ORANGE PARK (1987) OWNER: TOWN OF ORANGE PAP3C (904-264-9565) CONTACT: LYNN OVERBY FIRM EMPIAYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 30. CANAL UTILITIES EXPANSION - BEACH BLVD. (1987) OWNER: JAX UTILITIES MANAGE!ffiNT CONTACT: MIKE MADDOX (904-396-7699) FIRM EMPLOYED HY: W.R. TpWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: 3,500 L.F. OP 10" i 12" WATER MALN, 2,000 L.F. OF 8" FORCE MAIN, 3 EA - 16" i 24" D.O.T. JACK i BORES 31. OCEAN RIDGER @ SAWGRASS (1987) OWNER: ARVIDA CORP. (904-285-5115) CONTACT: BOB STEVENSON FZRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 20. ST. JOHNS COUNTY MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE (1988) OWNER: ST. JOHNS COUNTY (904-824-8131) CONTACT: BILL BRYAN/NIEL POTEET (904-829-8899) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DRAINAGE & IRRIGATION 21. BEACHES HOSPITAL - JACKSONVILLE BEACH (1988) OWNER: BEACHES HOSPITAL CONTACT: CENTEX-RODGERS, INC. (RUSSELL TNOMPSON/615-889-4400) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: EARTHWORK, DRAINAGE, PAVING 22. 18 ACRE TRACE - SAWGRASS (1987) OWNER: ARVIDA CORP. CONTACT: BOB STEVENSON (904-285-5115) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: LAKE CONSTRUCTION AND 700 L.F. OF 54^ RCP 23. FERNANDINA PAPER MILL (1987) OWNER: ITT/RAYONIER (904-261-3612) CONTACT: RALPH LASALLE FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: EARTHWORK, WATER, STORM DRAINAGE i PAVING 24. IMPERIAL INN (1987) OWNER: IMPERIAL 400 CONTACT: METRIC CONST. (904-281-0822) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT.,INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 25. OAKBRIDGE @ SAWGRASS (1987) OWNER: ARVIDA CORP. (904-285-5115) CONTACT: BOB STEVENSON FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: DEMOLITION 6 COMPLETE SITEWORK 26. RIVERSIDE CONDUIT (1987) OWNER: BARNETT BANK CONTACT: PROFESSIONAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS (904-739-3697) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: FRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: 4^ CONDUIT INSTALLATION i ROAD CROSSINGS 13. HICKORP HDLIAW (1988) OWNER: FLORIDA FIRST COAST REALTY CONTACT: RAY OSTEEN (904-268-8741) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 14. GATES OF PONTE VEDRA (1988) OWNER: LAGUNA VISTA CORP. CONTACT: ELLIOT BUTTS SR. (904-387-1123) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 15. }iAMMOCK COVE (1988) OWNER: HARBOUR DEV. CONTACT: HOWARD MCDONALD (904-285-0802) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 16. CLUB COVE (1988) OWNER: HARBOUR DEV. CONTACT: HOWARD MCDONALD (904-285-0802) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SZTEWORK 17. S.R. 9A (1986-89) OWNER: FLA D.O.T. CONTACT: MIKE MCCARTHY (MCCARTHY CONST./314-968-3300) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK 18. WILMA LIFT STATION (1988) OWNER: CITY OF JACKSONVILLE CONTACT: DENNIS DUPREES (904-630-1196) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POS I'TION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CONSTRUCTION OF A 34' DEEP, 14' DIA. PRECAST WET WELL AND APPURANTACES 19. VORELCO PARTS CENTER (1988) OWNER: VORELCO, INC. CONTACT: DICK Si7IEDEk (313-362-7296) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: EARTHWORK, DRAINAGE 6 PAVING 6• BAPTIST OUTPATIENT CENTER (1990-91) OWNER: BAPTIST HEALTH PROFERTIES CONTACT: BOB CHRISTOPHER (HASKELL CO./904-791-4500) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE AND PAVING 7• PLANTATION TRACT "C" (1991) OWNER: PLANTATION DEVELOPERS CONTACT: DAVE STRICKLAHD (FLA. TITLE CO./904-396-1010) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, GRADING, WATER, SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE AND PAVING 8• NORTH LANDFILL (1990) OWNER: CITY OF JACKSONVILLE CONTACT: CHRIS PEARSON (904-630-0973) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. :bWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, GRADING, DITCH EXCAVATION AND GRASSING 9• ST. JOHNS FOREST (1989) OWNER: SUNRAY UTILITIES, ZNC. CONTACT: MIKE MADDOX (904-396-8802) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: WATER, FORCE MAIN AND WET WELL INSTALLATION 10. ST. AUGUSTINE RD SEWAGE PUMP (1988-89) OWNER: CITY OF JACKSONVILLE CONTACT: RON NEISON (CITY OF JAX./904-630-1612) FIRM EMPIgYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: WATER, FORCE MAIN, AND PUMP STATION 11. NEMOURS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL OWNER: NEMOURS FOUNDATION CONTACT: ED LYNCH (TURNER CONST./904-396-6247) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, DEMOLITION, WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE AND PAVING 12. KINGSTON DUNES (19E8) OWNER: LANDMAR PROPERTIES CONTACT: ED BURR (904-247-0115) FZRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: COMPLETE SITEWORK JOB REBUEjg March 25, 1993 NAME: W.R. TOWNSEND PRESENT POSITION: PRESIDENT/W.R. TOWNSEND CONTRACTING, INC. PREVIOUS PROJECTS: 1. AES CEDAR BAY CO-GENERATION PLANT (1992-92) OWNER: AES CEDAR HAY CONTACT: STEVE WOLF (904-751-].438) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, GRADING, DEMUCKING, UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION AND HAUL ROAD CONSTRUCTION 2. INDIAN MOUNDS SHORES (1991) OWNER: ESTATF. OF HARRY EARL CONTACT: RALPH COLTON (904-223-4159) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: KLEARWAY MOWING AND UNDERBRUSHING 3. SEMINOLE KRAFT - BALE STORAGE (1991) OWNER: SEMINOLE KRAFT CONTACT: BLAIR PIERSON (WATKINS/904-757-8791) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, GRADING AND DEMUCKING 4. SEMINOLE KRAFT (1991) OWNER: SEMINOLE KRAFT CONTACT: BURT RHYNE (904-751-6400) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDENT JOB SCOPE: GRADING AND DEMUCKING 5. RITZ CARLTON (1990-91) OWNER: AMELIATEL CONTACT: DAVE GLUSKO (TURNER CONST./904-396-6247) FIRM EMPLOYED BY: W.R. TOWNSEND CONT., INC. POSITION: PRESIDEN'P JOB SCOPE: CLEARING, WATER, SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE, AND FAVING April 22, 1992 1978 TO PRESENT EXPERIENCE RESPONSIEILITIES W•R. TOWNSEND 1465 C.R. 210 WEST JACKSONVILLE, PL 32259 Fulltime owner and President of W.R. TOWNSSND CONSTROCTION, INC. Eaads on owner with full knowledge of equipment operation and maintenance. Pull knowledge of all phases concerning site preparation; water, sever, storm drain construction; limerock and road construction; golf course construction; lake construction; seeding and grassing. General management of all projects with specific responsibility to estimation, bidding, equipment coordination and production progress. ~~~~~ un1PMM Nino Aw~lapnrnl July 19, 1993 Joan Lavake 800 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Ms. Joan Lavake; JACKSONVILLE: (!0/)354!202 ST. AUGUSTINE: (fW) a2i-Sp20 FAX: (9Ot) f2f-1613 P.O. BOX /713 • JACKSONVILLE, FL 3225-143. REC~~VFD JU(~p1991 It has been noted that we inadvertently had forgotten to include with our bid the required letters of reference and company resume. I respectfully offer this package for your review. Please note that we are a fairly well entrenched, long established, locally known company, established in 1979. We employee over one hundred persona and have n bonding capability over seven million dollars. If I can be of any further assistance, please do hesitate to give me a call at (9043) 354-9202. Thank yov for your considerations. Respect ~ R.G Lister roject Manager cc: Rim Leinbach, City manager Bob Rosoy, Head of Public Wozke enc: 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Update on Bid Number 9293-22 for Coquina Place C SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Hosoy/Director of Public korke 1~,SK~' DATE: July 21, 1993 BACKGROUND: Subsequent to the City Commission meeting on 7/12/93, r e received a letter dated 7/19/93 on 7/20/93 from M.R. Tovnaend Contracting, Inc., the apparent for bidder. This letter furnished 31 references end re attempted to cell ell r eferences rhich shored a jcb scope including placement of rater mains. Our results ra re: Ref. No P of t Cont ct L 7 leohone Yo• Co~mente c5> Ritz Carlton Project Dave Gluskc Disconnected 396-6247 (6) Baptist Outpatient Bob Christopher Not in Center 791-4500 l7) Plantation Tract •C' Dave Strickland Gone from Co 396-1010 l9) St. ]ohn'e Forest Mike Maddox No I in this 396-8802 area code 1904) (10> St. Augustine Rd. Ron Nelson Yill call Savage Pump 630-1612 back (11) Nemoure Children Ed Lynch Disconnected Hospital 396-6247 (23) Fer randina Paper Ralph Lasalle No • in area Mill 261-3612 code l2B) Salt Creek Bridge Van Hogan (Fair) One 268-4419 job only. 5 years ago. 130) Canal Utilities Expansion Beach Blvd. Mike Maddox Gone from co 396-7699 RECOMMENDATION: Me recommended not accepting the late submittal. Me recommend arerding to AA Septic, ea previously recommen ed. 'ATTACHMENTS: 19 page lette . REVI EYED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM AO. RESOLUTION NO. 93-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH CONMSNDING THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBP.RS OP THE SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE POR DOING AN OUTSTANDING JOB IN STAGING THIS YEAR'S RECYCLHRAMA. NREREAS, the members of the Atlantic Beach Solid Waste Committee gave freely of their tine to develop the Recyclerama aad, KEERHAS, these members spent many long hours in planning meetings on behalf of our city, aad KNERBAS, the Committee's hard xork led to a successful feativel on the 4th of July for the residents of Atlantic Beach, and WHEREAS, the festival served as a aucceseful recycling educational experience for the citizens of Atlantic Heach, NOW, '1'BBnBFORH, be it resolved by the Citp Commission of the city of Atlantic Seach as £ollors: SECTION 1. The City Miahes to express its recognition and appreciation to the members of the Committee - Allison Johnson, Bob Rosoy, J.P. Marchioli, VernKeatherford and Theresa Blanchard lataff). SECTION 2_ The City commends Theresa Todd for her tireless leadership in organizing the festival together. SECTION 3. That a true copy of this resolution be made a part of the permanent records of the City of Atlantic Besch Adopted by the City Commission of Atlantic Besch, Florida this 26th day of July, 1993. Killian Z. Gulliford Mayor/Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: ATTEST: Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen Ring, City Clerk _. ~__,.~s_y.-.. ,, Page July 12, 199 ~~-~:•-~+- .+~~ ~ or announce wit regret that Ray .... ;:~:au had resigned from the Water and Sewer . ..u.l:j tract. ^av sa]man advised the Charter Revision Committee ,.-,+n rt he meeting with Municipal Code c-an•esentati ves Tuesday, July 13, 1993, at 7:00 pm. .tha cnmmiss i.on Chambers, and he indicated the +-~~~7~c was invited. :^.r+~n~ rnt]iford indicated he had received a letter .r,m Mr. Wilkins regarding handicapped parking at i~r~ street beach access. He indicated he was .. ..,...~ to park in the handicapped parking space ?;a r,,+:ce the snare was being utilized by those who ~,-:~ ~c~r-~'-date parking permits. Police Chief ;avid Thmm~son was asked to look into the matter .. -eporr at the meeting of July 26, 1993. a-:p:-.r ;+:7.liford complained the Atlantic Aeach ^.:m was in poor condition, and the City Nanager ar7v: cart th i.s matter was being handled. xt =v:~r Gu 1.l iford felt there was a need for more care .., the P•:I i.ce Department, and the City Manager -.1 eA the roi i.ce Chief was requesting three ..:n;rinna7 ra rs f.or next year. m.~,+~~ being no furr.her business the Mayor adjourneC t'~•a -aaatin^ at 9:30 p. m. Mayor I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor/Presiding Officer . T T R c T: _-- c Y' nc :r~, rlar): 11 3 NAME OF COMMAS. M S y Y y N I Page July 12, 199 ,.:. :-,rt.i nn, and Mr. Knsoy reported staff intended . u*hr thi= fjne. i:: ri: wend7anci, Finance Director, advised it would ..~ necessary to set a tentative millage rate by the *n.^ r:f J:^ y. He advised it would be necessary to t-~~-all a sne m al meeting next week to submit the re neral ennd Audaet and to set *_he millage rate to -•m:ly wiri; TRTM. yim l.ei nh ar•h asked the Commission to accept the r,v:nr+ca7 of pitman, Hartenstein & Associates, Inc. ,:, the rota] amount of 511,194.00 for engineering c-rvirns ;r. connection with Contract Authorization !~:. a, Short Term Residual Management :'.!,~~~-~/Pro?tam. He P%plalned PitPlart, Hdrten6teln 6 Acsnriate6 nrnoosed to develop, examine, evaluate are!! :rriemenr immediate short term alternative ,methods of siudne treatment in order to comply with rhF ;.-~:idua7 management and quality requirements. Motion: Approve Contract Authorization No. 9, Pitman, Hartenstein & Associates, Inc., Short Term Residual Management Study/Program in the amount of 511,194.00 . -, Qj crnAClnn before the vote. The motion carried ~~n animonsl v. Commissioner Edwards reported he had met with Mr. 1A nt,,-e relative to sponsoring a National Pearl narh07 i,av of Remembrance on December 7th. Efforts ware beinc made io invite Re_oresentative Tillie r;.;•ter in sponsor the bill. Mayor Gulliford asked that a resolution be prepared requesting the ....rt jrina tirm of Tillie Fowler. ...,:.:m;:aio;;er waters reported YMCA had provided a r-~in-riv7e %f expenses and services provided to the .~ Fose Rlanr:hard was asked to check report r~-.n --r•rninn the number of P~!an!. i:- Reach children that participated in YMCA ~....'t Ir _. r+, •, ~;~ C,,;7lifnrd asked Alan Jensen to draft a letter . :he s,;nerviscr of Elections opposing their -~stlon that the beaches purchase ballot ., ,~.r inn eonl nment. He felt this was a County 0 NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N Edwards x Tucker x x Waters x x Gulliford x Page July 12, 195 A. Request approva o pro7ec accep ante o Selva Linkside Unit 2, Phase I P^.'-, rn cnv r<mnrted Phase i was the area that was raved from sandpiper Lane to the end of the paved area, and Phase II was the Portion that was not yet r-: ~.. 7. a~ reoo rf ed ali documentation had been r=•-~:vPd from C 6 J utilities, the contractor for ... ~•~ vnm•==, it was the recommendation of staff ri;.,+ Ph a.~e of the PrniPCr be accepted. Motion: Approve Acceptance of Selva Linkside Unit 2, Phase I r•-•mmissinnPr Edwards asked if the drainage had beer nrnnPrry corrected, to which Nr. xosoy replied he h='+ ~,~r r<•reiv=d any rnmnlaints regarding ,=rainanP. Cnmm~ssioner Paters referred to an ,_.-~•=ss +har ones nn-nugh the city yard and he aske[ if ih~ accts=, was cnrstructed of concrete. Mr. x~a:. •: Pxn]ainPd the access was concrete and coverer with crass. He added it was not accessible to the .,.. r:t ;-. hart Holy from the public works yard and ti,~r ;r was an easement. between two homes. ICI. ~:~sov e?:alained Unit 2, Phase Z was the area twat was paved and that the commission was ..-~-<nr '.no the streets, the storm drainage, water, pPwPr and ail work involved in Phase I. ....e sr;nn was called and the vote resulted in a~•~ ., yPS. The motion carried unanimously. A. _City-Manage;- Reports and/or CorresDOndence: vim ~,Pinbach. City Nanaoer, introduced Fire Chief n-,n wi ll ia,a. Chief Williams reported he received a check from sevilia Condominium Association for s.: -ass reward the purchase of a defibrillator whicl .., ,::nht the tr,tal collected to ER,500.00. He ~-r n-t Pd !:-ff was SeeklnQ blds to buy its first ~. ~~'l.' I'•P . .., r.. ,.~+::b a•-7; repo rtPd U:e EPA had put the City on .., ., ,:~r ;;..- sr ar ns regarding a pH monitoring ;~. i:.n. ~.:;h Y.nsny e:tPlaineri the city's pH ,~_+. ... :. sr ;~ur•k by lightening, and the City ..... •., : :nn ;r.y Attorney visited Atlanta to .. ..;~n ,:•~~„ r;ry~= no.=.j tion to EPA. correspondence 1~,-:~-? rec<;;t?~: hP~n re cervod from EPA advising they ,: ..,. a rn<:c-~ +i:<• cir:y 57n,000 for this NAME OF COMMflS- M S v Y V N I. 'Edwards x x~ Tucker x x Waters x IGUllford r x I 1 ~ Page Jnly 12, 19 Motion. Defer Item C on the Con Agenda until the next meeting of 25, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried nnanimnusl y. Reference was made to item B of the Consent Agenda, Final payment request, Section H. Bob Kosoy i'ivised the commission that staff had contacted the c~.n anlting engineer on July 12, 1993 and it was Mr. Y.nsoy's assumption that the consulting engineer hac airea~y race i.ved from Barco a release of liens, a reiease from sorely, and a release from the contra~rnr, but the consulting engineer could not affi ra that a release of liens had been received f roan T+a rco. Mr. Kosoy advised the last time any work was done was about a year and one-half ago, end it was determined Barco was well outside lien rioters. commissioner waters asked who was responsible for rha wall that collapsed at the retention pond in Sect ic•n H. Mr. Kosoy replied this was constructed nr'nnar-)v by the contractor, but the design was inccrrect. Mr. Kosoy was asked to discuss the mnbi em of the inaction that had been evidenced by the design engineers relative to this matter with tiu• r•i tv Attorney. 6. Ordinan,~s A. Ordinance >t70-93-11 "taYcr c•i]]iford presented in full, in writing, ordinance >Y70-43-11. Ara ORnINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, F': ~'%RTf`A. AMF,NDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, ARTICLE TiT. O^. !'i1PATTONAL LICENSE 7AX, SEC. 20-51 nF.PTNTTIONS, TO PROHIBIT "HAWKERS" NITHIN THE CITY Or ON THE rITY HRACH, AND PROVIDING AN EFPECTIVE DA'IT, . Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance ~dwards N70-93-11 on its first reeding and ucker set public hearing for July 26, 1993 aters Nr, discussion before the vote. The motion carried ulliford ~ni.:nimnu<ly. ~._ NPW BU6inesS• OMMRS. IMISIYIN ford x xlx I x x x Page July 12, 19 r'::: nrn;PPta wnnld have to he deferred if the nr~;PCrs coer nured to he over budget, it was the nna'. not rn haVP tha f, happen. Unfortunately some of me urn iPrrc wrre coming in above the city's P =r imatesr~ therefore, some of the projects would have rn be deferred. It was explained the origins '?„rt ~~~t-Pd aanunt was 5]94,915 and the low bid was O t.'~, 5<~o.an. However, staff recommended the bid b .w., r•tad f. r. ti,P sarnnd lowest bidder because the to 7~i~r.~r faire? rr• provide references. It was ~•-~~cmn,P n~Pd tha hid he awarded to the second loaves hirl rier at S12b,2t5.I2 which was 519,000 over ,•"'•^`. wh,-. ;, wv,ld Pnable water lines to be r^.nsrrnr-rPd nr. Third and Eighth Streets. Mr. Koso '••r+;";,red residents were concerned about getting ::.-te nnate water nressure, and thus this was a very ,a r.-.:-r anr. pr.:iprt. = ?,.-~'r;scion ensnPd relative to the reason the l:~wc.-: hi rt was not recommended. It was explained ++ was mainly indicated what the city requited in ~. `~,d pacY.a oe and, if a uidder did not meet ail r,ri requirements staff felt they had no choice bu ... ;~~cnmmend against the bidder. with reference r-. rhP matter under discussion, the ].ow bidder did ~,.. ;nr7 ndP references in his bid package. Motion: Approve Item C on the Consent Agenda and award contract as recommended by Staff ,r anPStion was called and the motion resulted in -~ ,-. r- of 7-~. mhe motion failed. ~. disrnssion ensued concerning whether the lowest i:: ~. -i. ,~ was capah].e and should be considered even , h~,n nh hP d;.d not include references in his bid ;.-•t-::nP. tr was eyn]ained staff was not authorized -, v:,ry specifir_ations; however, the Comnission had .he :.nthr.riry to waive what it considered to be -~~•,nrralitiPS. The Mayor cautioned not • .vmP mom:, +L.~ iowPSr kidder when taxpayers' ~+: •,,.'% was be;ng spent. Mr. Kosoy explained the bid .~•:"~,-P¢Pnrs snetied out exactly what the ~•:-.~, ~,•r nrs were required to include in their bid -~~~ ~. and hP was not familiar with the low ~'?,. •~,- xhn sncm~trPd no references. Alan Potter -•i:. •:n, r,•m~nrs wrrP in place and should be ~.~., •,.-rt Fd. .. ~.:ns ri.=r~„ie c7 rhat this mar-ier would be considered • .: rv•::r n.ami.csinn meeting. 3 NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y v N Edwards x Tucker x x rla tern x x '~Gul liford i ~ x ~ I 1 _ 1 e w t Y t Page July 12, 1~ C. Approve bid 7f9293-22 water main improvements for Coquina Place and Bast Coast Drive D. Approval of Bid 69293-23 housing rehabilitatic B. Usage report for Adele Grage Couunity Center foi June c~.mmissioner waters requested Items A and C be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda with the exception of items P and C No dis^ussion before the vote. The motion carriec urani mnus7 v. A. Mater and Sewer Couittee Report Commissioner waters referred to Item 1. of the water and Sewer Committee Report 843 dated July 6, 1^^+93. He objected to the time frame of 24 months given to residents to connect to the City sewer. Commissioner waters felt it was agreed in the past that homeowners would not have to connect as long as their septic tanks were operating properly. Zt was agreed it was the city's policy not to require homeowners to connect to the city's sewer lines if senti r_ tanks were in proper working condition. Motion: Accept water and Sewer Committee Report N43 dated July 6, 1993 Nn discussion before the vote. The motion carried nnanimousi y. Approve bid X9293-22 water main improvements for coquina Place and Bast Coast Drive commissioner waters was concerned regarding staff' rNrnmmPndation to accept the second lowest bid fro AA site & Uti: ity Contractors in the amount of S17f .275.7? for water main improvements for Coquin Pace and Fast Coast Drive because the bid was sic iF5.77 wet budget. r_ommissioner waters asked why this was placed nn Lhe consent agenda for art;-,:. He asY,ed where the additional money was cr.m;~;n from. to which it was explained the money was -~.~ming from the Capital Improvement Plan P1'~~iect 2D, At]antic Beach water. ';r. i:nsoy explained when the Capital Improvement clan was developed the City tried to come up with a~•c•+u a}e fi p~nFS. while it was understood some of i9 V V NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N m Edwards r. x Tucker x Waters x 'iGUlliford l x Edwards x x Tucker x aters x x Gulliford x July 12ag1,, ~r'te gne.cti rnt was called on the motion action until the July 26, 1993 to defer catt,ed by a 3-7 vote, with commissioner Whe moti voting nay. aters s• Request approval of Change Order No. 2 for sanitary sewer rehab of Ahern and 9th streets and Seminole Road Bch K^soY presented change order No. 2 for Sanitat sewer rehabilitation of Ahern and 9th Streets and Seminoie Road. He indicated the design drawing he been completed by J. Lucas and Associates, Inc., Engineers for the Extension of the Sanitary Sewer htne nn 18th Street from Seminole Road to Ocean Greve Drive. In addition, he added the City had a annrr.ved permit from Bio-Environmental Services fo this sewer line extension. The Contractor had snitmitted a change order of 527,336.76 to complete this work. He reported since this work was not ~„~t of the YhEi$eal Improvement Plan and was an ti.on to ach Avenue hav.- to he obtained from project, monies would owners for this sewer assessing the property main. A `>>s`'ussion ensued and it was determined two ?1'r nett}. owners who would be assessed in connectio with this project had not been notified by City Staff. commissioner waters felt the existing sewer line o ocean crove should he extended to the end of street, and thus avoid ercessive cost to the that hnmenwnerg on iRth Street. Bob Kosoy explained plans for such an extension had been included in a when elan resident,slvoted ralines down Heach Avenue, but "t~"°ct: the ocean gainst the Beach Avenue ahanHnned Grove plans were also Bet Y.nspy was instructed to contact the homeowners I wi,o would be impacted for the cost of the project a'~^ r~nort back to the Commission at the meeting of .iu ;.. 'S, 799 ho i-, .. tab[ 3, at which time the change order will back for consideration. „t ,~~~te vsewa~cated he would also prepare costs cc ,rote ge of Ocean crove thy. ~:,~^•est_ n Dtive to ~ n ~f commissioner waterspursuant Co 5: consent Aaenda- A- water and Sewer Comeittee Report B. Final payment for Section N project NAME OF ~ I Y I N COMMRS. M S Y July 12, 19 rh ;t nn nna wn lld bP ahle to o a har-tuna 3 NAME OF COMMpS. M S V Y V N hnarness at a later time. iEdwards x Substitute Motion: Giant waiver of ~~TUCker provision requiring a 1,500-foot Waters x separation requirement for sale of Gulliford alcoholic beverages to Thomas Dorn tq open a retail wine shop at 645 Atlantic Boulevard, for off-site consumption of alcoholic beverages only George Worley, r_ity Planner, advised on-site rnn snmotinn of alcoholic beverages would require a (ice by F.xceptinn. commrssloner waters indicated he was under the i.mr.,-ession an amendment to the code was being +:r~nared to allow for an appeal of this nature. Aron aensen replied tLe amendment to the code woul ~ i+e hrnnnh T, before the Commission upon [he return of ^nmmissinner Fletcher. Alan Jensen added there wa nn +:rnvisinn in the existing code to waive 150 sea rerni rement or 1,500 foot requirement. P'.+-mr Gulliford felt it was not up to the city to r.-onia:.e types of businesses that desired to come to the r_ity. He questioned whether it was a fnn•'r ion of government to set some distance between ~~,ue business and another. He felt the ordinance j sit: n~id he cha nned rather than set a precedent for I I hvnas=rnq the law. He added such an amendment w^.vtd ha ready by the July 25, 1993 meeting. I . Edwards - x~ x Notion: Defer action until meeting ( Tucker ~ x ' x of July 26, 1993 Waters I x I, GUlliford~ ' x srev~ ,la rrett desired the Commission to take action 'm riro matter. He indicated presently there were ~~r,r.t ishments that were operating less than 1,500 fF.-r frn,i Parh other, and he asked for equal rnnsr~l~;-a rion fcr the proposed business. He .r~~i;.-azec he wec under the impression that the r~:n:missrnn was going to act on this request at this m.-.r i.; ~,. and h= was afraid the matter would be Dnvrti~~n prj analil And d(Shcn. lr ~,,.,,~, ,. ;;nlanieri an amendment to the code would be ~~.; +h~ July 2n, 799'• agwrda for first reading, but +n..+ nrrrnn r•n the requast to waive the 1,500 ft. ,FCr;-l ~~s rnn won td he taken at the meeting on July Page July 12, 1! Navnr Gulliford opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, explained the p, n~pnst of the 1,500 ft. provision was to prevent tag many businesses that sold alcoholic beverages from incating close to residential sections. Elizabeth James, owner of "On the Boulevard", urgE the commission to protect her franchise. she felt if the request was granted the business at 645 Atlantir_ Boulevard would be on the doorstep of "Or the Boulevard" business. David Cole, Nentune Beach, felt the intent of the provision was so that businesses selling alcoholic beverages would he located 1,500 ft. away from achonls or churches. with reference to the case ender discussion, he added, the proposed business would not be located within 1,500 ft. of any churches or schools. Steve Jarrett, 1040 29th Street, Jacksonville Reach, asked the commission to take action on the matter because a real estate transaction was being held un pendino outcome of the matter. Kathleen Cole, Neptune Beach, advised the proposed establrshment would not be 1,500 ft. from "On the Ba,levard." She added ti~ere would be no r_nnanmptior, on the premises. The proposed busines wn„ld be strictly package sales of fine wines. Thomas Dorn, carnesville, advised he was the proposed owner and he felt there was no desirable location in Atiantic Beach which would not violate rile 1.500 foot rule. He added there were several evistin~ tramples of establishments selling beer and wine within the specified buffer zone. S,n-~~ m one wished to speak further the Mayor tins.>d the Public Hearing. Motion: Grant waiver of provision requiring a 1,500-foot separation requirement for sale of alcoholic beverages to Thomas Dorn to open a retail wine shop at 645 Atlantic Boulevard Cor r.i sr:iones wafers stated the proposed business was not a har and there would be no on-site rcn:;nmrti nn. Ht felt the business should be ~~~~~-nsnd to sell packaged beer and wine only, so ~ NAME OF COMMBS. M S v Y V N , Edwards x Tucker Waters x Gulliford Fage July 12, 1~ ~ri,i i Y i ,~ ~ l rl.....L r i~~! I,andi no^ 3 Recomli F V' it Bob Weiss, 253 Seminole Road, requested that the city consider doing additional business with Barnett Bank, especially considering recent cooperation from Barnett Bank in connection with the 510,000,000 loan. Tom Dooma6, 32nd Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach, indicated he was a representative of First Union National Aank. He indicated First Union desired t finance additional construction at The Courtyards of Mayport in an effort to provide affordable housing. He suggested the City and First Union form a public/private partnership to facilitate th development of low to moderate income housing and requested some type of waiver of impact fees to accompJ.ish this goal. Mayor Gulliford felt the Commission lacked the ability to make concessions because of bond covenants. He advised Courtyards of Mayport was not within the limits of the City. He suggested commuinity Deveiooment funds were available that perhaps could be applied [o impact fees. Since this was out of the boundaries of the city he suggested the City of Jacksonville could assist, a7 ono with the City of Atlantic Beach. Alan Jensen, City Attorney suggested favorable financin( mich[ he another alternative that could be or,rsned. Mr. Jensen was asked to research the matter: make contact with the City Manager, and report back to the Commission at the meeting of July 25, 7993. 9. Old Busin ss- A. Public hearing to consider the request of Thomas Dorn to waive the provision concerning the distance of a like business being within 1,500 of another Mayor Gnliiford presented a request to open a r~-pail wane shop at E45 Atlantic Boulevard. He ~~rntained under city law the proposed business w~.;~i9 he too close (within 1,500 feet) to another eatab7 ishment that sold alcoholic beverages. He added the provision that prohibited the opening of a business that sold alcoholic beverages within 7,5nn feet had er.i sted in the City's Code for a number of years. ~ 3 NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V H I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC HSACH rITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOL6 ROAD, AT 7:15 P. N. ON MONDAY, JULY 12, 1993 PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, JL Glenn A. Edwards Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. Dezmond Waters, IIZ, Mayor commissioners AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Nanagei Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk ABSENT: Lyman T. Fletcher (excused absence) Gulliford. The invocation, offered by commissioner Edwards, was followed by the pledge t the flag. Approval of the ^inutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 1993 Notion: Approve ^inutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Bob Kosoy, Public works Director, pointed out what he perceived to be a discrepancy in the ^inutes of June 14, 1993 relative to a joint venture with the City of Jacksonville to place sidewalk and roadway widening/resurfacing of Church Road, west of Mayport Road, at a cost of 514,093.22. Under discussion, Nr. Kosoy felt the minutes should have been recorded as follows: ^Commiesioner Waters requested that the sidewalk continue on the South side of Church Road from Mayport Road to the end o the_ Road. Bob Kosoy explained the sidewalk would be on the south side from George Street to Donner Park. ~~ 2. Proclamations: A. Proclamation declaring Pleet Landing residents as Honorary Pirefighters Mayor Gulliford presented a Proclamation declaring Fieet Landing residents as Honorary Piref fighters. He explained contributions in the amount of 59,730 were received from Fleet Landing which enabled the city to nur rrase an automatic electronic def ibriilator to provide better emergency treatment of Heart attack victims. He reported five ME OF COMMAS. M O T I O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E 5 V O 7 E D N O Edwards x x Tucker x x Waters x Gullifor x f 9. City Blamager Reports a~/or Correspomdenee: A. Bepor[ on the number of children participating in Y. M. C. A. activities (Rose Blanchard, P6A Director) C. Bepor[ on Cicizen Survey (Police Chief David 76ompson) 10. Mayor to call m City Ca~ieainnera, City Attorney and City Clerk: A. Report relative to request to waive impact fees for Courtyards of 17sypor[ (City Attorney Alan Jensen) Adjournment RElIIiD1ER: Executive Session, 5:30 pm, Conference Boom (Collective Bargaining) and Budget Briefing, 6:30 pm, Comission Chambers -. ~~.~. r....,..--..~. - Ciif OP ATLAMTIC BEA® BEGW.AR IOZTIAG OP THE CITY ~[f.SSION, JDLI 26, 1993, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge [o [he flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July l2, 1993 2. Presentation: A. Presentation of petition and request for resolution concerning topic of proposed Ocean County (Robert Weiss) 3. Recognition of Visitors: 4. Resolution: A. Resolution -93-27 recognizing the Solid Waste Committee and their work with Recyclerama 5. Old Rosiness: A. Biscussion and related action to consider the request of Thomas Dorn to waive a provision concerning the distance of 1500' between businesses selling alcoholic beverages (City Planner George Worley) B. Approve bid 19293-22 Water main improvements for Coquina Place and East Coast Drive ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER TBE CONSENT AGENDA APJi CONSIDERID TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COIOfISSION AND UILL BE ENACTID BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTID BEIAN. TBERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OP THESE ITEMS. IF _ DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT iTEM WILL BE RIIiOVID PROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCONENTATION AND STAPF RECOMISENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO TBE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 6. Covaent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report 7. Ordiaaoces: A. Second reading and public hearing of Ordinance /70-93-11 relative to hawkers B. Second reading and public hearing of Ordinance 190-93-160 relative to rezwning of Pan Am riini Storage C. Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance relative to procedure for relief of code provision D. introduction and first reading of an Ordinance relative to adoption of a new City Charc er 8. New Business: A. Public hearing for applicat ioo for Use by Exception filed by Donald Ray to operate a retail outlet for the sale of motorcycle parts (George Morley, City Planner) B. Approval of final pay estimate, and final contract documents for Atlantic Beach Mater Treatment Plants l b 2 Improveaents (Bob Kosoy, PW Director) -REGULAR CITY COlpZSSIOA ° JULY 1993 .u.-_..:. Y' ARTICLE XVIII. WHEN ACT TAKES EFFECT Sec. S0. Effective date of Act. This Act shall go into effect subject to the referendum and in accordance with state law under F.S. 166.031. Sec. 81. Effect of changes in state law In the event of changes in state lawwhich are in conflict with any pravisions of this charter, state law shall prevail. 23 board, commission, or agency by this Charter, shall be transferred and delivered to the office, department, board, commission, or agency to which such powers and duties are so assigned. If part of the powers and duties of any office, department, board, commission, or agency are by this Charter assigned to any other office, department, board, commission, or agency, all records, property and equipment relating exclusively thereto shall be transferred and delivered to the office, department, board, commission or agency to which such powers and duties are so assigned. Sec. 75. Title to property reserved The title, rights, and ownership of property, uncollected taxes, dues, claims, judgments, decrees and choses in action, held or owned by the City of Atlantic Beach shall continue to be vested in the corporation under this Charter. Sec. 76. Continuance of contracts and public improvements. All contracts entered into by the City of Atlantic Beach, or for its benefit, prior to the taking effect of this Charter, shall continue in full force and effect. Public improvements, for which legislative steps have been taken under laws or Charter provisions existing at the time this Charter takes effect, shall be carried to completion in accordance with the provisions of such existing laws and Charter provisions. Sec. 77. Pending actions and proceedings. No action or proceeding, civil or criminal, pending at the time when this Charter takes effect, brought by or against the City of Atlantic Beach, or any office, department, board, agents, commission, or agency or officer thereof, shall be affected or abated by the adoption of this Charter or by anything therein contained. Sec. 76. Short title. This Charter shall be known as the "Atlantic Beach Charter." Sec. 79. Separability Clause. If any section or part of a section of this Charter shall be held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Charter or the context in which such section or part of section so held invalid may appear, except to the extent that an entire section or part of a section may be inseparably connected in meaning and effect with the section or part of section to which such holding shall directly appJ.y. 22 "I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution and will obey the laws of the United States and of the State of Florida, that I will, in all respects, observe the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, and will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of State law reference - Oaths required"of persons on payroll, F.S. 876.05 Sec. 69. Effect of this Charter on existing law. All laws, ordinances and resolutions relating to or affecting the city in force when this Charter takes effect are hereby repealed and superseded to the extent that such are inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter. Sec. 70. Publishing. As used in this Charter, "publishing" shall mean printing in any newspaper published and of general circulation in the County of Duval. Sec. 71. Rights of officers and employees preserved. Nothing contained in this Charter, except as specifically provided, shall affect or impair the rights or- privileges of officers or employees of the City of Atlantic Beach or of any office, department, board, commission, or agency existing at the time when this Charter shall take effect. Sec. 72. Continuance of present officers. All commissions, administrative and executive officers, agents, department heads, board and committee members and their powers, duties and obligations at the time this Charter takes effect shall continue in effect until provisions have been made in accordance herewith for the performance of such duties or the discontinuance of such office, powers or obligations. Sec. 73. Continuity of offices, boards, co®issions or agencies. Any office, department, board, commission or agency provided for in this Charter with powers and duties the same or substantially the same as those which previously existed shall be deemed to De a continuation of such office, department, board, commission, agent or agency with the power to continue its duties and obligations. Sec. 74. Transfer of records and property. All records, property and equipment whatsoever of any office, department, board, commission, agency, or agent, all the powers and duties of which are assigned to any other office, department, 21 body, or by the officer making the investigation, and shall be served by an officer authorized to serve such process. The authority making such investigation shall have power to cause the testimony to be given under oath, such oath to be administered by some officer having authority under the law of the state to administer Oaths. Failure to obey such subpoena or to produce books, papers, or other evidence as ordered under the provisions of this section shall constitute a violation of the municipal ordinance and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars (S500.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty days, or both. Enforcement of any violation of this municipal ordinance shall be by the State Attorney's office. Sec. 65. Publicity of records. To the extent required by Florida Statutes Chapter 119, records and accounts of every office, department or agency of the city shall be public records and open to inspection under reasonable regulations established by the city commission in accordance with the Public Records Act. Sec. 66. Personal interest. No member of the city commission, any officer of the city or department head shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or in the sale to the city or to a contractor supplying the city of any land or rights or interests in any land, material, supplies or services. Any wilful violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and shall be grounds for removal or termination. Any contract entered into in violation of this section shall be voidable by the city manager or the city commission. State law reference - Code of ethics and public officers and employees, F_S. 112, Part III Sec. 67. Official bonds. The city commission shall determine whether or not each officer, clerk, or employee shall give bond, and the amount thereof, but all officers, clerks and employees handling any funds or property of the city shall be required to give bond to the city, which bonds shall be procured from a regularly accredited surety company, authorized to do business under the laws of Florida, the premiums on such bonds to be paid by the city. All such bonds shall be filed in the office of the city clerk. Sec. 68. Oath of office. Every officer and employee of the city shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation, to be filed and kept in the office of the city clerk: 20 Sec. 60. Authority to borrow. The city may borrow money, contract loans and issue bonds as provided by F.S. 166 Part II from time to time to finance the undertaking of any capital or other project for the purposes permitted by the State Constitution, and may pledge funds, credit, property, and tax revenues for the payment of such debts and bonds. ARTICLE XVI. SUITS AGAINST THE CITY Sec_ 61. Suits No suit shall be brought against the city fur damages arising out of of an alleged tortious act, unless all provisions of state law have been met. Upon receiving notice of any suit, the city manager shall diligently investigate the matter and file a written report with the city clerk to be presented to the city commission at its next meeting. The city clerk shall determine if a special meeting should be scheduled to deal with an emergency situation. Upon receipt of a written claim for damages by an injured party the city commission may, by ordinance, make a settlement of the claim. ARTICLE RVII GENERAL AHD NISCELLANEO S PROVISION Sec. 62. Removal of officers and employees Any officer or employee to wham the city manager, or head of any office, department or agency, may appoint a successor, may be removed by the city manager or other appointing officer at any time pursuant to amity ordinances. Sec. 63. Removal of members of boards, commissions, or agencies Except as provided in this Charter, an agent, a member of any board, committee, task force, commission or agency of the city who has been appointed by the city commission, may be removed by the city commission in the same manner as provided for the removal of the city manager in Section 25 of this Charter. Sec. 64. Investigations. The city commission, or any committee thereof, the city manager or any advisory board appointed by the city commission for such purpose, shall have power at any time to cause the affairs of any department or the conduct of any officer or employee under their jurisdiction to be investigated; and for such purpose shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and other evidence; and for that purpose may issue subpoenas which shall be signed by the president or chairman of the 19 Sec. 55. Repealing ordinances Initiated and referred ordinances may be amended or repealed only by a four-fifths affirmative vote of the full city commission following a public hearing. ARTICLE XI. RECALL ELECTIONS Sec. 56. Procedures Recall elections shall follow those procedures prescribed by F.S. 100.361 ARTICLE XZZ. FRANCHISES Sec. 57. Granting of franchises. The city shall have power to grant a franchise to any private or public enterprise for the use of streets and other public places in the furnishing of any public service or utility service to the city and its inhabitants. All franchises and any renewals, extensions and amendments thereto shall be granted only by ordinance, and under such limitations as may be provided by the laws of the State of Florida. If the proposed franchise is for fifteen years or more, the ordinance approving said franchise shall not be effective unless it is approved at a referendum in the same manner provided in F.S. 166 for the approval of issuance of bonds. ARTICLE XIII. TAX ADMINISTRATION Sec. 56. Tax administration Tax administration shall be in accordance with Florida Statutes oI as otherwise provided for in the Code of Ordinances. Note: Currently F.S. 193.116, F.S. 205, and Code of Ordinances Chapter 20. ARTICLE XZV. ZONING Sec. 59. Zoning Zoning regulatlons shall be in accordance with Florida Statutes or as otherwise provided for in the Code of Ordinances. Note: Currently F.S. 163, F.S. 166, and Code of Ordinances Chapters 14 and 20. ARTICLE XV. MUNICIPAL BORRONING 18 Sec. 50. Consideration by city commission Whenever the city commission receives a certified initiative or referendum petition £rom the city clerk, it shall proceed forthwith to consider such petition. A proposed initiative ordinance shall be read and a public hearing shall be held upon the proposed ordinance. The city commission shall take final action on the ordinance not later than sixty (60) days after the date on which such ordinance was submitted to the city commission. if such ordinance is referred for reconsideration by the city commission, it shall be brought forth for its final vote upon such reconsideration and the question shall be, "Sha21 the ordinance specified in the referendum be repealed?" Sec. 51. Submission to electors. If the city commission shall fail to pass an ordinance proposed by initiative petition or shall pass it in a form different from that set forth, or if the city commission fails to repeal an ordinance referred for reconsideration, the proposed or referred ordinance shall be submitted to the electors not less than thirty (30) days nor more than one year from the date the city commission takes its final vote. If no regular election is to be held within the specified time frame, the city commission may provide for a special election. Sec. 52. Form of ballot for initiated and referred ordinances Ordinances submitted to a vote of the electors in accordance with the initiative and referendum provision of this Charter shall be submitted by ballot title prepared by the city attorney cr other legal advisor of the city. The ballot title may be different from the legal title of any such initiated or referred ordinance and shall be a clear, concise statement, without argument or prejudice, descriptive of the subject of such ordinance. The ballot used in voting upon any ordinance, shall have below the ballot title the following propositions, one above the other, in order indicated: "FOR THE ORDINANCE" and "AGAINST THE ORDINANCE." Sec. 53. Availability of list of qualified electors. Lists of qualified electors or registers may be purchased from the Supervisor of Elections for Duval County in accordance with the provisions of F.S. 98.211 Sec. 54. Results of election. If a majority of the electors shall vote in favor of a proposed initiative or referred ordinance it shall become an ordinance of the city. If conflicting ordinances are approved by the electors at the same election, the one receiving the greatest number of the affirmative votes shall prevail. 17 paper. Signatures on such petitions shall be in ink and shall be followed by the petitioner's place of residence by street and number. There shall appear on each petition the names and addresses of five electors who, as a committee of the petitioners, shall be regarded as responsible for the circulation and filing of the petition. Attached to each separate petition paper there shall be a notarized affidavit signed by the circulator of the petition stating the number of signatures, that all signatures appended thereto were made in the presence of the circulator, and that the circulator believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names appear on the petition. Sec. 47. Filing, examination and certification of petitions. All petition papers comprising an initiative or referendum petition shall be assembled and filed with the city clerk as one instrument. Within twenty days after a petition is filed, the city clerk shall determine whether each page of the petition has a proper statement of the circulator and whether the petition is signed by a sufficient number of qualified electors. The city clerk shall declare any petition paper invalid which does not have attached thereto an affidavit signed by the circulator on each page. If a petition paper is found to be signed by more persons than the numbers of signatures certified by the circulator, the last signatures in excess of the number certified shall be disregarded. If a petition paper is found to be signed by fewer persons than the number certified, the signatures shall be accepted unless void on other grounds. After completing the examination of the petition, the city clerk shall certify the result to the city commission at its next regular meeting. If the city clerk certifies the petition is insufficient, a certificate listing the defective items shall be prepared and provided to the committee of petitioners- Sec. 48. Amendment of petitions. An initiative or referendum petition may be amended within ten (10) days after the certificate of insufficiency has been sent by the city clerk. An amended petition may be filed as provided by Section 46. The city clerk shall within five (5) days, examine the amended petition and if the petition is still insufficient, shall file a certificate to that effect and notify the committee of the petitioners of such findings. The finding of the insufficiency of a petition shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition. Sec. 49. Effect of certification of referendum petition when a referendum petition, or an amended petition, as defined in Section 96 has been certified as sufficient, the ordinance specified in the petition shall not go into effect until and unless approved by the qualified registered electors. 16 Sec. 43. Elections: Canvass of returns. The polls shall open at seven o'clock A.M. and shall close at seven o'clock P.M. or as otherwise provided by Florida Statutes. The result of the voting when ascertained, shall be certified by return in duplicate, signed by the clerk and a majority of the inspectors of the election. One copy shall be delivered by the election clerk to the mayor-commissioner and the other to the city clerk, both of whom shall transmit such returns to the city commission at its regular meeting immediately thereafter.. At such meeting the city commission shall canvass the returns and the result as shown by such returns shall be declared by the city commission to be the result of the election. The city clerk shall not later than noon of the second day after the canvass of said election, furnish a certificate of election to each person shown to have been elected. ARTICLE X. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Sec. 94. Power of initiative. The electors shall have the power to propose any ordinance, except an ordinance appropriating money or authorizing the levy of taxes, and to adopt or reject the same at the polls, such power being known as the initiative. Any initiated ordinance may be submitted to the city commission by a petition signed by registered electors of the city equal in number to at least twenty-five per centum (25$) of the registered electors at the last regular municipal election. Sec. 45. Power of referendum. Under the power known as the referendum the electors shall have power to approve or reject at the polls any ordinance passed by the city commission, or submitted by the city commission to a vote of the electors, except as provided in F.S. 166 Part iI for bond ordinances. Ordinances submitted to the city commission by initiative petition and passed by the city commission without change shall be subject to the referendum. Nithin twenty days after the enactment by the city commission of any ordinance which is subject to a referendum, a petition signed by registered electors of the city equal to at least twenty-five per centum (25$) of the registered electors at the last preceding regular municipal election may be filed with the city clerk requesting any such ordinance be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors. Sec. 46. Form of petitions; committee of petitioners. All petition papers circulated for the purpose of an initiative or referendum shall be uniform in size and style, and shall contain the full text of the proposed ordinance. The signatures to the initiative or referendur~i petitions need not all be appended to one 15 within two days after the filing of a nominating petition the city clerk shall notify the candidate and the person who filed the petition, whether or not it is found to be signed by the required number of qualified electors. If a petition is found insufficient, the city clerk shall return it immediately to the person who filed it with a statement certifying wherein the petition is found insufficient. Within the regular time for filing petitions, such a petition may be amended and filed again as a new petition, in which case the time of the first filing shall be disregarded in determining the validity of signatures thereon, or a different petition may be filed for the same candidate. The petition of each person nominated to be a member of the city commission shall be preserved by the city clerk until the expiration of the term of office for which the candidate has been nominated. Sec_ 40. Elections: Primary A primary election for the nomination of candidates for the office of city commissioner of the city hall be held every two (2) years on the first Tuesday in October for each seat on the city commission which shall become vacant at eight o'clock P.M. on the first Tuesday in November of the same year. The two candidates for each seat to be filled receiving the greatest number of votes in said primary shall be certified as candidates or nominees at the general election, provided, however, that should any candidate receive at such primary election a majority of all votes cast, he shall be declared regularly elected and shall not be required to enter the general election as hereinafter provided. However, should only one candidate be nominated for a particular seat, an election for that seat will not be required and the unopposed candidate shall be declared elected to the office of city commissioner. Sec. 41. Elections: General A regular or general election of candidates or nominees to the office of city commissioner shall be held every two years on the third Tuesday in October, unless all vacancies have been determined by the primary election in accordance with Section 40 of this Charter. The candidate or nominee receiving the majority of votes for each seat at such general election shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie between two candidates in the general election the candidates shall draw lots in accordance with F.S. 100.181 to determine the winner. Sec. 42. Elections: Absentee voting. Except as herein specifically provided all elections and absentee voting in the city shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of F.S. Chapter 101. 19 that each signature appended thereto was made in the presence of the circulator and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. Each signer, including the circulator, shall provide his/her place of residence, including the street and number. The farm of the nomination petition shall be substantially as follows: "We, the undersigned electors of tha City of Atlantic Beach hereby nominate whose residence is for the office of Commissioner, Seat No. to be voted for at the election to be held on the day of A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for the city co.~mnission. Name, street, and number address from which last date of registered (if different) signing. (Spaces for signature and required date) STATEMENT OF CIRI'ULATOR The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature appended thereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. SIGNATURE OF CIP.CULATOR Any signature made earlier than the fifteenth of August next preceding the election shall be void. All nomination papers comprising a petition shall be filed as one instrument with the city clerk, not earlier than 12:00 noon on the second Tuesday of September nor later than 12:00 noon on the third Tuesday of September before the election. The city clerk shall make a record of the exact time at which each petition is filed, and shall take and preserve the name and address of the person by whom it is filed. No nominating petition shall be accepted unless accompanied by a signed acceptance of the nomination in substantially the following form: "ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION I hereby accept the nomination for Seat No. on the city commission and agree to serve if elected. SIGNATURE OF 13 Upon final adoption, the budget shall be in effect for the next fiscal year. A copy of the budget as adopted, shall be filed with the city clerk. The city shall abide by the requirements established by the Truth in Millage (TRIM) ACt. ARTICLE VIII. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Sec. 35. Director of finance The director of finance shall be the head of the department of finance and shall be appointed and removed by the city manager subject to approval of the city commission. The qualifications, powers and duties of the director of finance are defined in the Code of Ordinances. ARTICLE IX. ELECTIONS Sec. 36. Elections. The city commission shall, by ordinance, make all regulations which it considers necessary, not inconsistent with this Charter or state law, for the conduct of municipal elections and for the prevention of fraud therein. Inspectors and clerks of elections shall be appointed by the city commission. Sec. 37. Nonpartisan elections. All elections for the office of commissioner and mayor-commissioner shall be conducted on a nonpartisan basis without any designation of political party affiliation. Sec. 38. Electors; registration Any person who is qualified to register to vote and is a resident of Atlantic Beach who has qualified as an elector of this state, and who registers in the manner prescribed by Florida Statutes Chapter 98 and ordinances of Atlantic Heach, shall be a qualified elector of the municipality. Sec. 39. Nominations. Any elector of the city having the additional qualifications and limitations as set forth in Article II, Section 6, may be nominated for a seat in the city commission. Such nomination shall be only by petition. A petition for this purpose shall be signed by not less than ten (10) qualified electors of the city. The signatures on the nominating petition need not all be subscribed on one paper. Each separate paper shall have affixed a signed statement of the circulator thereof stating the number of signers of such paper and 12 Sec. 32. Powers and duties The duties of the city attorney shall include: (1) acting as the legal advisor to, and attorney and counselor for the city and its officers in matters relating to their official duties; and (2) preparing in writing, all contracts, bonds and other instruments in which the city is concerned and giving an endorsement of approval as to form and correctness; and (3) prosecuting and defending for and on behalf of the city, all civil complaints, suits and controversies in which the city is a party; and (4) furnishing opinions on questions of law relating to the powers and duties of city officers; and (5) performing such other duties as may be required by ordinance or resolution of the city commission. ARTICLE VI. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Sec. 33. Appointments and responsibilities The appointment, duties, functions and other responsibilities of the director of public safety, police department, police chief, fire department, fire chief and their respective staff members are found in the city code. ARTICLE VII. BUDGET Sec. 34. Preparation and adoption Each department head shall be responsible for presenting a budget request to the city manager by a date established by the city manager or his designee. The director of finance shall provide the city manager with a preliminary estimate of revenues and beginning fund balances for the upcoming fiscal year. Upon receipt of all budget requests, estimated revenues and fund balances, the city manager shall make any modifications which are determined to be reasonable and justifiable and thereafter present the budget to the city commission. The city commission shall review the budget as submitted by the city manager and make such revisions as deemed necessary. A public hearing will be set to approve the tentative budget and millage rates. A public nearing will be set for final passage of the budget and millage rates. 11 - (4) provide the city commission with periodic reports as requested about the effectiveness and efficiency of the legislative programs of the city government; and (5) serve as supervisor of election for city elections; and (6) serve as custodian of all city records and the seal of the city; and (7) administer oaths; and (8) conduct such other activities as may be specified by this Charter, the city code or the city commission. Sec. 29. qualifications The city clerk shall be chosen by the city commission solely on the basis of education and experience necessary to carry out the responsibilities of executive officer to the city commission. Applicants for the position of city clerk shall meet the following educational and experience requirements: (1) at least a baccalaureate in Business Administration or a related field acceptable to the city cownission from a college or university accredited by a recognized accreditation agency in the United States or from a recognized college or university outside of the United States which is acceptable to the city commission; and (2) two years of experience in public administration satisfactory to the city commission. (3) In lieu of the required baccalaureate degree, the city commission may in its discretion, accept four additional years of acceptable experience in public administration or a related field of public or private service. Sec. 30. Removal of the city clerk The city clerk shall serve at the pleasure of the city commission. The city commission may remove the city clerk by the affirmative vote of not less than three (3) of its members. ARTICLE V. CITY ATTORNEY Sec. 31. Appointment and qualifications. The city commission shall appoint a city attorney who shall be an attorney with at least five years of experience in the practice of general, civil or municipal law, admitted in and having authority to practice in all courts of this state. 10 (9) preparing and submitting to the city comuission at the end of each fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the city for the year just completed. Sec. 24. Absence of the city manager The duties of the city manager during any temporary absence or disability shall be carried out by a deputy city manager, or in the absence of the latter, by another administrative officer of the city designated by the city manager or the deputy city manager. Sec. 25. Rmoval of the city manager The city manager shall serve at the pleasure of the city commission. The city commission may remove the city manager by the affirmative vote of not less than three (3) of its members. Sec. 26. City departments Administrative departments as established by ordinance shall report to and serve under the city manager. Sec. 27. Governance of departments The city manager may head one or more administrative department or select and employ persons qualified in accordance with city personnel practices to supervise, direct and control such departments- ARTICLE IV. THE CITY CLERK Sec. 28. Appointment; duties The city commission shall appoint an executive officer to serve the city commission and to assure that all its enactments are effectively carried out. The title of the executive officer shall be "city clerk" and as such, shall be under the direction of and compensated at a rate set by the city commission. The duties of the city clerk shall be to: (1) establish and maintain a line of communication between the city commission or individual commissioners and the city rt~anager; and (2) prepare an agenda for every commission meeting and a permanent record of each such meeting; and (3) disseminate information as necessary about activities, findings, or decisions of the city commission; and 9 LL:. ~... -~~ Sec. 22. Qualifications The city manager shall be chosen by the city commission solely on the basis of administrative qualifications and with special reference to education and experience in and knowledge of accepted practice with respect to the duties of this office as set forth hereinafter and in the city code. Applicants for the position of city manager shall meet the following educational and experience requirements: (1) possession of at least a baccalaureate degree in Public Administration or a directly related field from a college or university accredite3 by a recognized accreditation agency in the United States or from a recognized college or university outside of the United States, which is acceptable to the city commission; and (2) not less than three years of administrative experience as a city or county government chief administrative or executive officer or as an assistant or deputy city manager. (3) A graduate degree acceptable to the city commission may be substituted for not more than one year of the required experience. (4) Two years of additional experience acceptable to the city commission may be substituted for each year of education towards a baccalaureate degree, up to a maximum of eight years. At the time of appointment, the new city manager need not be a resident of the city or state, but during the tenure of office shall reside within the City of Atlantic Beach. Sec. 23. Powers and duties The city manager shall be the chief administrative officer and as such, head the administrative branch of the city government. The powers and duties of the city manager shall include but not be limited to: (1) administering and enforcing all enactments of the city commission; and (2) preparing agenda materials for the city clerk for every commission meeting; and (3) preparing the budget annually and submitting it to the city commission, and being responsible for its administration after adoption; and 8 the City Commission establishing a fine or other penalty, a fee for service, appropriation of funds, the contracting of indebtedness, or the sale o£ real property shall be by ordinance. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be: "BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COIMIISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA." Sec. 18. Procedure for passage of ordinances and resolutions The minimum procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions as set forth in F.S. Section 166.041 shall in its entirety constitute the process for such by the Atlantic Beach City Commission. Sec. 19. independent annual audit At the beginning of each fiscal year the city commission shall designate a certified public accountant or a firm of certified public accountants who, as of the end of the fiscal year, shall make an independent audit of accounts and other evidences of financial transactions of the city government end shall suWoit a written report to the city commission and to the city manager, Such accountants shall have no personal interests, direct or indirect, in the fiscal affairs of the city government or of any of its officers. They shall not maintain any accounts or records of city business, but within specifications approved by the city co®ission, shall post-audit the books and documents kept by the finance director and any separate or subordinate accounts kept by any other office, department or agency of the city government. Sec. 20. Right of city manager and other officers in city Co®ission. The city manager, and any such other officers of the city as may be designated by vote of the city comwission, shall ba required to attend city commission neetings, but shall have no vote therein. The city manager shall have the right to take part in the discussionof all matters ding before the city commission, and the other officers shall ba entitled to take part in all discussions of the city commission relating to their respective offices, departments, boards, commissions, or agencies. ARTICLE III THE ITY MANE ER Sec. 21. Appointment The city manager shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of this Charter and shall be compensated at a rate set by the city commission. .._. „. Sec. 12. Vacancies in the city como~ission If any vacancy occurs in the city commission, the city commissior. shall elect, within fifteen (15) days, by the affirmative votes of not less then three members, an eligible person as defined in Sec. 6 of this article to fill the vacancy until the next general election. Sec. 13. Creation of new departments or offices; change of duties - The city commission, by ordinance, may create, change or abolish offices, departments, authorities or agencies. With the exception of the city clerk the city commission may, by ordinance, assign additional functions or duties to the offices, departments or agencies established by this Charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, department or agency any function or duty assigned by this Charter to a particular office, department or agency. Sec. 14. Induction of city co®ission into office; oeetings of the city commission. After each general election, the newly elected city commission members shall assume the duties of office at the first regular meeting of the city commission in November. All other regular meetings of the city commission shall be fixed by ordinance, but there shall not be less than one regular meeting each month- Except as provided by Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law, (F.S. 286.011) all meetings of the city commission shall be open to the public. Sec. 15. City commission to be judge of qualifications of its members. The city commission shall be the judge of the election and the qualifications of its members as set forth in Section 6 of this Charter. For these purposes, the city commission shall have the power to subpoena such witnesses and require the production and presentation of such records as may be deemed necessary. Sec. 16. Rules of procedure; journal of minutes The City Commission shall determine its own rules and order of business. It shall require a journal or minutes of its proceedings to be kept and the journal or minutes shall be open to public inspection. Sec. 17. Ordinances In addition to such acts of the city commission as are required by statute or by this Charter to be by ordinance, every act of 6 (8) lease golf courses, hospitals, airports and parks, or any portion thereof, after the city commission has passed an ordinance authorizing any such lease; (9) sell golf courses, hospitals, airports, parks and the public utility system, or any portion thereof, now owned by the city or hereafter acquired by it after the city commission has passed an ordinance in which there is a finding that public welfare no longer requires the operation of any such facility and in which are stated the terms of sale and after such ordinance has been submitted to the qualified voters of the city at an election called for that purpose. (10) provide rules and regulations for all purchases and sales made for and in behalf of the city; (11) appoint, remove and fix the compensation of all officers and employees appointed by the city commission as hereinafter provided; (12) exercise any right or authority given or permitted by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Florida to city commissions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter. Sec. 10. appointment of city manager The city commission shall appoint an administrative officer of the city, who shall have the title of city manager, who shall have the powers and perfono the duties provided in this Charter and who shall be compensated at a rate set by the city commission. No member of the city commission shall receive such appointment during the term for which the person shall have been elected, nor within one (1) year after the expiration of the person's term. In the event the City Manager is incapacitated and unable to appoint a substitute as required in Sec. 24 of this Charter, the city commission shall appoint someone to perform the duties of the city manager. Sec. 11, Appointaent of assistant/deputy city manager or city clerk The city commission may, at its discretion, appoint an assistant/deputy city manager and assis*_ant/deputy city clerk who shall be compensated at a rate set by the city commission. Sec. 7. Salary The salary of the members of the city commission shall be set by ordinance. Sec. 8. Presiding officer: Mayor The mayor-commissioner shall preside at all meetings of the city commission and shall be recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the governor for all purposes of military law. When directed to do so by the city commission the mayor-commissioner shall execute all instruments to which the city is a party, unless otherwise provided by the Charter or by ordinance. The mayor-commissioner shall have no regular administrative duties except as authorized in this Charter. In the temporary absence or disability of the mayor-commissioner, all duties of the mayor-commissioner shall be performed by the mayor pro tempore who shall be appointed by the city commission from its members. Sec. 9. Powers Except as may be otherwise provided in this Charter, all powers of the city and the determination of all matters of policy shall be vested in the city commission. Without limitation of the foregoing, the city commission shall have power to: (1) adopt a budget; (2) authorize the issuance of bonds, revenue certificates, and other evidences of indebtedness; (3) appoint members of official boards or advisory groups; (4) adopt and modify the official map of the city; (5) regulate and restrict the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of a lot that may be occupied, the slze of yards, courts, and other open spaces, the density of population, and the location and use of buildings, structures, and land and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposes; (6) provide for an independent audit; (7) pass ordinances and laws for the preservation of the public peace and order and impose penalties for the violation thereof; provided that the maximum penalty to be imposed shall be a fine of not more than one thousand dollars (S1,000.00) and imprisonment for a period cf time not longer than ninety (90) days; 4 which powers shall be limited only by the Federal Constitution, State Constitution, general and special law and any specific limitation in this Charter. The enumeration of particular powers shall not be deemed as necessary as it is intended that the city shall have and exercise all powers which it would be competent for this Charter specifically to enumerate, including all extraterritorial powers and jurisdiction previously granted by Chapter 57-1126, Laws of Florida as amended, or by any special or general law. The absence of such enumeration shall not be construedas limiting; indeed, it shall be construed liberally in favor of the city. ARTICLE ZI. THE COHMISSION Sec. 5. Number of commissioners; selection; term. The city commission shall consist of five (5) electors of the City of Atlantic Beach who have the quali _'ication5 as defined in section 6, of this Charter, elected at large without regard for any designation of political party affiliation. The seats shall be known as seats 1 through 5 respectively, and seat 1 shall be designated as the mayor-commissioner. The mayor-commissioner shall be elected for two-year terms and the teens for seats 2 through 5 shall each be four years. Effective with the municipal election in October, 1993, anyone elected or appointed to the office of mayor-commissioner shall not Serve more than four (9) consecutive two (2) year terms; and anyone elected or appointed to commission seats 2 through 5 shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive four (4) year terms. Serving any part of a term shall be considered a full term. Nothing contained herein shall prevent anyone who has served as a city commissioner from being appointed or elected to the position of mayor-commissioner and then serving in that capacity four (4) consecutive two-year terms. Sec. 6. Qualifications and disqualifications Members of the city commission shall have been full-time residents of the city for at least one year immediately prior to qualifying. They shall be electors in the city. Fu11 time residency shall be defined as the person's principal place of abode during the year. Members of the city commission shall not hold any other elective office. Any member of the city commission ceasing to possess the foregoing qualifications or who shall have been convicted of a crime punishable by more than one (1) year of imprisonment or a crime involving moral turpitude, shall forfeit the seat prior to the next meeting of the city commission. Absence from four consecutive regular meetings of the city commission shall operate to vacate the seat of a member, unless the member's absence is excused by the city commission by a zesolution setting forth the fact of such excuse duly entered upon the minutes. meander line of the Pablo Creek salt marshes, being also the easterly boundary line of unsurveyed Section 19 in said Township and Range, to the intersection of the last mentioned lines with a line sixteen (16) feet northerly of, measured at right angles from and parallel to the centerline of Atlantic Boulevard; running thence easterly along said parallel line and a prolongation of same to the point of intersection of said prolongation with the low water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; and running thence northerly along said low water mark of the Atlantic Ocean to the point or place of beginning; excepting from the territory hereinabove described that part thereof lying in said Sections 8 and 9 occupied and used by Selva Marina Country Ciub as described in deed recorded in Volume 652, page 484, Official Records of Duval County; and jurisdiction of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean two miles from the low water mark between the north and south lines of said city as above described, projected easterly two miles; and police jurisdiction for traffic control purposes over Atlantic Boulevard from the Atlantic Ocean to the westerly limits of said city as hereinbefore described, over said Mayport Road from the city limits as above described, northerly to the northern boundary line of said Fractional Section 5; provided, however, that the city council of the City of Jacksonville, Florida, acting in its capacity as the governing body of Duval County, Florida, is hereby authorized to construct and maintain any and all streets, roads, or highways that have at any time heretofore, been adopted as county roads by the board of county commissioners of Duval County, Florida, as it may deem necessary and proper for the benefit of the public. (Laws of Florida Ch. 59-1054; Laws of Florida Ch. 86-461) Sec. 3. Form of government The municipal government provided by this Charter shall be known as "Commission-Manager Government." Subject only to the limitations imposed by the Constitution and laws of this state and by this Charter, all powers of the city shall be vested in an elective commission, hereinafter referred to as "the city commission." Sec. 4. General powers The city shall have all powers, governmental, corporate and proprietary, in accordance with and including the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 166, enabling it to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions and render municipal sex vices, end may exercise any power for municipal purposes; CHARTER A NEW CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, IN DWAL COUNTY, PROVIDING FOR ITS GOVERNMENT AND PRESCRIBING ITS JURISDICTION, POWERS, PRIVILEGES AND IMMINITIES, WHZCA ABOLISHES THE PRESENT CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACR. ARTICLE I. INCORPORATION: FORK OF GOVERNNENT• POWERS Sec. 1. Present Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach abolished and new Charter established. The present Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach in Duval County, Florida, is hereby abolished; and the new Charter, as hereinafter set forth, is hereby established. Sec. 2 Reaffirmation of the incorporation of City of Atlantic Beach The establishment of a municipal corporation, known and designated as the City of Atlantic Beach, organized and constituted in the County of Duval and State of Florida, by an act of the Florida Legislature in 1957, is hereby reaffirmed and its territorial boundaries are as follows: Beginning at a point oh the beach of the Atlantic Ocean which is the intersection of the low water mark line of said Atlantic Ocean and an easterly prolongation of the southerly boundary line of Kathryn Abby Hanna Park; running thence westerly along the southerly boundary line of said Kathryn Abby Hanna Park to the easterly right-of-way line of Old Sherry Drive (County Road No. 551); running thence southerly to the north boundary line of fractional Section 5, Township 2 South, Range 29 East; running thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of said Fractional Section 5 in said Township and Range, to the eastern right-of-way line of Mayport Road (State Road A-1-A); running thence southerly along the easterly right.-of-way line of said Mayport Road to the north boundary line of Government lot 15 of Section 8; running thence easterly along the north boundary line of said Government Lot 15 to the northwest corner of the east one-half of said Government Lot 15; ruining thence southerly along the west boundary line of the east one-half of said Government Lot 15 to the north boundary line of Sections 17 and 18 in said Township and Range; running thence westerly to the northeasterly corner of unsurveyed Section 18, in said Township and Range; running thence southerly along the U.S. Government Sec. 56. Procedures ARTICLE XII FRANCHISE Sec. 57. Granting of franchises ARTICLE XIII. TAX ADMINISTRATION Sec. 58. Tax administration _ ARTICLE XZV. ZONING Sec. 59. Zoning ARTICLE XV. MUNICIPAL SORROWING Sec. 60. Authority to borrow ARTICLE XVI. SUITS AGAINST THE CITY Sec. 61. Suits ABLE RVIZ GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 62. Removal of officers and employees Sec. 63. Removal of members of boards, commissions, or agencies Sec. 64. Investigations Sec. 65. Publicity of records Sec. 66. Personal interest Sec. 67. Official bonds Sec. 68. Oath of office Sec. 69. Effect of this charter on existing law Sec. 70. Publishing Sec. 71. Rights of officers and employees preserved Sec. 72. Continuance of present officers Sec. 73. Continuity of offices, boards, commissions or agencies Sec. 74. Transfer of records and property Sec. 75. Title to property resexted Sec. 76. Continuance of contracts and public improvements Sec. 77. Pending actions and proceedings Sec. 78. Short title Sec. 79. Separability clause ARTICLE XVIZI. WHEN ACT TAKES PLACE Sec. 80. Effective date of Act Sec. 81. Effect of change in state law ~~, ARTICLE IV. THE CITY CLERK Sec. 28. Appointment; duties Sec. 29. Qualifications Sec. 30. Removal of the city clerk ARTICLE V THE CITY ATTORNEY Sec. 31. Appointment and qualifications Sec. 32. Powers and duties - ARTICLE VI. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Sec. 33. Appointments and responsibilities ARTICLE VII. BUDGET Sec. 34. Preparation and adoption ARTICLE VIII. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Sec. 35. Director of finance ARTICLE IX. ELECTIONS Sec. 36. Elections Sec. 37. Nonpartisan elections Sec_ 38. Electors; registration SeC. 39. Nominations Sec. 40. Elections: Primary Sec. 41. Elections: General Sec. 42. Elections: Absentee voting Sec. 43. Elections: Canvass of returns RTI LE X. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Sec. 44. Power of initiative Sec_ 45. Power of referendum Sec. 46. Form of petitions; committee of petitioners Sec. 47. Filing, examination and certification of petitions Sec. 48. Amendment of petitions Sec. 49. Effect cf certification of referendum petition Sec. 50. Consideration by city commission Sec. 51. Submission to electors Sec. 52. Form of ballot for initiated and referred ordinances Sec. 53. Availability of list of qualified electors Sec. 54. Results of election Sec. 55. Repealing ordinances ARTICLE XI. RECALL ELECTIONS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DiR~ CHARTER ~ ~®~ ARTICLE 1. INCORPORATION; FORN~ GOVERNMENT' POWERS Sec. 1. Present Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach abolished and new Charter established Sec. 2. Reaffirmation of the incorporation of City of Atlantic Beach Sec. 3. Form of Government Sec. 4. General powers ARTICLE II. THE COMMISSION Sec. 5. Number of commissioners; selection; term Sec. 6. Qualifications and disqualifications Sec. 7. Salary Sec. 8. Presiding officer: Mayor Sec. 9. Powers Sec. 10. Appointment of city manager Sec. 11. Appointment of assistant/deputy city manager or city clerk Sec. 12. Vacancies in the city commission Sec. 13. Creation of new departments or offices; change of duties Sec. 14. Induction of the city commission into office; meetings of the city commission Sec. 15. City commission to be judge of qualifications of its members Sec. 16. Rules of procedure; journal of minutes Sec. 17. Ordinances Sec. 18. Procedure for passage of ordinances and resolutions Sec. 19. Independent annual audit Sec. 20. Right of city manager and other officers in city commission ARTICLE ZII. THE CITY MANAGER Sec. 21. Appointment Sec. 22. Qualifications Sec. 23. Powers and duties Sec. 24. Absence of the city manager Sec. 25. Removal of the city manager Sec. 26. City departments Sec. 27. Governance of departments