1-24-12 ,.,a r s S� ;.- ;, ''Jf3 9r CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:00 p.m. Present: Lori Gaglione (chair), Jolyn Johnson, Cris Garrard, Holly Stephens, Lynne Roskein, Jeff Wight, Timmy Johnson (City liaison) and Karen Kempf (recording). Absent: Tammy Lally, Wanda Martin, Visitors: JU students Jillian Lesko and Gail Evangelista. 1. Call to order - Chair Gaglione called the meeting to order at 6 pm. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes - The committee reviewed the December 6, 2011minutes and made one correction regarding the sale of T- shirts at Marshfest - Correction "sold out" to "sold most" of the T- shirts. Cris moved to accept the minutes as amended. Jolyn seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events, Updates, Reports i. Mid -Week Market- Jeff reported that he took to the Commission the committee recommendation to move the Market to Johansen Park. After discussion by the Commission, they decided to table the decision until Jeff could talk with neighbors in the area. They would not support a trial move for 3 months. Jeff told the committee that he does not have time to go door -to -door. Jeff said the market is losing energy and needs to bring in more buyers to support the vendors. He will talk with vendors about staying at Bull Park for now. ii. Songwriters' Concert - Timmy reported that the Songwriters' Concert was a full house again, 80 people in the theater. iii. Public Art- Jolyn said that Fleet Landing is still interested in a public arts project and that Jay Shoots would also like to see locations for possible artwork. Additional sites have not been approved by the commission. 1 iv. Arts in the Park- Jolyn reported that the applicants for Arts in the Park 2012 have been juried and notified. She currently has a waiting list. Jolyn is now working with Wanda on marketing for the event. Posters and postcards are ready. Cris will be helping with the music and musicians this year for Arts in the Park. 4. Other Agenda Items /Announcements a. Upcoming Events b. Next meeting - Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 6 pm, Adele Grage 5. Adjournment - With no further business, Cris moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeff seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm. 0 1 f , , „ mu. an'., _ _N. il l - Chair, on Gaglione a . 1 D - - 07 1 2 - , Date 2