03-08-12 MINUTES POLICE BUILDING AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING March 8, 2012 — Week 3 COMMISSION CHAMBER, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Jack Varney Mr. Arthur Corsano Mr. Steve Lindorff Mr. Don Ford Mr. Mitchell Reeves Ms. Juliette Hagist Mr. Chris Rule Mr. Stephen Kallao Mr. Jim Smith Mr. Louis Keith Mr. William Whittington Ms. Darlene Kelley Facilitator Tiffany Busby Chief of Police /Liaison Mike Classey ABSENT: HANDOUTS (Week 3): Agenda, Minutes from 2/29/12 (Week 2), PowerPoint presentation "Police Building Committee Presentation Financing & Timing ", Architects Design Group - Estimate of Probable Cost: 3/07/2012, Construction Consultants & Associates, Inc. — Site Work and Building, PowerPoint presentation "Police Building Comparisons ", PowerPoint presentation "Decentralization of Services ", and Presentation by Mr. Arthur Corsano ( "Why Bother with another option, anyway ", floor plan sketch and "Single Story Option w /Renovation ". Ford — passed out two printouts: http: / /quickfacts. census .gov /qfd /stats /12/1202400.html and a "2010 Population Growth and Population Statistics" regarding Atlantic Beach. WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jack Varney called the meeting to order. Chairman Varney introduced Mr. Jim Hanson, the City Manager for the City of Atlantic Beach, who is on the agenda to present the financial aspects of the study. He advised twelve committee members were in attendance He confirmed there was a quorum Business Items Review meeting minutes from February 29, 2012 Lindorff made a motion to accept the minutes; seconded by Rule. No discussion. All in favor to accept the minutes, oppose - no nays. Chairman Varney advised the minutes from February 29th are approved. New items posted to FTP site — The addresses for the documents are listed at the bottom of the agenda sheet. An email was sent prior to the meeting with the hyperlinks to the documents. Discussion - a committee member expressed his opinion that the agenda and minutes should be provided to the committee members no later than the Monday prior to the meeting on Thursday. Discussion — A committee member voiced concern that the minutes did not reflect the committee's consensus that all ideas could be presented to the committee. Facilitator Busby advised her sense was that Corsano had a specific suggestion that the committee members thought was worth a strong consideration. Other detailed considerations are acceptable for the committee to discuss. March 8, 2012 Police Building Ad Committee Meeting Page 2 Week 3 0"'"‘ Chairman Varney noted at first he thought there were basically three options; he soon learned there was a fourth option and looking at the history (on the FTP site) the options were even broader. Tonight; after Mr. Hanson's presentation regarding the financing, he requested Mr. Hanson to present the tools the committee could use to put a price on the alternative options. The consensus of the committee is other issues can be brought before the committee. Minutes stand. Facilitator Busby reiterated the Sunshine Law. She cautioned the committee members about emailing one another as members of the committee. She read from pages 4 and 5 of Sunshine handout. [Week 2 handout] She reminded the committee members that they are to operate within the Sunshine Law. Discussion followed regarding the process committee members should follow to obtain research information and how to distribute the results of the research to the committee members. Staff emails all committee members, but one member, who is provided a copy of the email with attachments. The concern was if members of the committee forward information via email to one another, some committee member(s) might not receive the information. The committee member clarified that she receives emails, but cannot open attachments. Facilitator Busby clarified the Sunshine Law. Information exchange among members is acceptable, but members really should avoid dialog in the emails. By sharing the information through the chair "" or the staff, helps to organize the information and prevents discussion. She reminded the committee members that the Sunshine Law applies to them on the committee. She encouraged them to talk to their neighbors, friends, and other people to gather information, but should refrain from discussing the information outside the meeting with other members. Motion or discussion Kallao made a motion that committee members request future information from the Chairman, Mr. Varney; seconded by Smith. Discussion — the majority of the comments were favorable of requesting information from the chairman. Majority in favor — motion carried; one nay. Reminder of ground rules Action item: Approve meeting minutes from February 29, 2012 [Minutes from February 29 were approved earlier in the meeting.] FINANCIAL CONSIDERATONS FOR LAND ACQUISITION & CONSTRUCTION (Jim Hanson) [handout] PowerPoint presentation by Mr. Jim Hanson, City Manager of the City of Atlantic Beach. P The questions (Q) directed to Mr. Hanson and the response (R) given are listed as follows: Q: Construction cost estimate - does that number include the design of the building? R: If you decide to design a new building and assuming no land March 8, 2012 Police Building Ad Committee Meeting Page 3 Week 3 AP‘Q: Cost of a new design of a new building R: $400,000 — 10% Q: 14,000 square foot building? R: Yes Q: How will the 167,283 per year be funded? R: Half Cent Sales Tax Fund slide (Better Jacksonville Plan fund) Q: Does this fund run out? R Another 18 years, a little under 20 Questions regarding the Water, Sewerage and the Storm water funds were discussed. Mr. Hanson is of the opinion that it would be inappropriate to subsidize the water and sewerage plants. They should at least stand on their own. In fact, now, they make a yearly transfer to the general fund. Q: We already have land so why go to Mayport Road to buy land? R: That discussion keeps coming up Questions and discussion regarding the price of $4,885,000 was discussed. What is included in the price (site work, building, FF &E (Furnishing, Fixtures and Equipment {$200,000 }). Noted: the design fee has been paid for these plans. Issues and concerns discussed were: was a budget given to the architects and how the architects configured that amount. The discussion included comparing the cost today for a builder to build per square foot and the specialized components of a police facility. The interest amount was discussed. The interest rate is almost nothing and the City of Atlantic Beach is not immune. The committee members discussed their terminology regarding the existing building. Facilitator Busby clarified for the committee, the consensus of the committee is that the current building is deficient. Mr. Hanson included in his PowerPoint an estimated timetable for Police Building Construction. MINUTES WERE AMENDED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS /RESPONSES: Q: Are you alluding to a traditional architect/builder? R : yes Q: Is there some reason why you have not looked at a design build concept? R: Mr. Hanson explained that he is not comfortable with the design build concept as he is use to using traditional bids. He commented some cities have been successful, but he, personally, is not comfortable with the design build concept Q: Could you ever get comfortable with design build? R — Sure, probably could, I do not have experience with it. He advised he was not saying he would oppose the design build concept. Q To sum up, it sounds like from your presentation, you have figured out a way for the city to afford the building that has been designed. R planned for Q Based on their costs March 8, 2012 Police Building Ad Committee Meeting Page 4 Week 3 Q: Question was raised if the city had money set aside for the committee to obtain from the current architect or another architect to put together a sketch concept type plan and submit their best guess cost estimate. Will the committee have to request funds from the city for the cost information? R: The city has budgeted for some expenses for this committee A committee member commented he felt somewhat limited in going off in some kind of combination or permutation of an idea beyond what is on the table and was interested in seeing Art's presentation. Question from a committee member for the committee — is anyone still interested in looking at an off- site solution for this? NO - consensus [Facilitator Busby interjected that not enough time was designated for this section. She asked if the committee members wanted to continue with the discussion, due to additional presentations scheduled on the Agenda. The chairman asked the committee's approval to extend the time.] Smith — made a motion to not go home at 8:00 p.m., but have open discussion and extend the time until the committee is done. Kallao seconded. Q The Pension liabilities cost for the current year, $400,000, was mentioned. Committee members are concerned about the pension liabilities and asked if it could have an effect? R Cannot use half percent sales tax for operating costs Any more questions discussions Question was asked about the cost breakdowns. The cost breakdowns are on the FTP site and a shorter version is included in your handouts. The architect provided a spreadsheet with a detailed breakdown of the construction costs. History of facility needs Identification and prior actions (continued from last meeting) (Mike Classey) PowerPoint Presentation (continuation from Week 2 meeting) Continuation from last week....Chief Classey stated that some of the information might not be needed at this time. Unless the committee would like him to continue with his presentation, he recommended they scan over the section he did not cover last week. He had left off at the Site Selection Matrix on page 9 with only a few slides left. [A suggestion was made by a committee member to place your name on documents submitted to the committee.] Questions and discussion Chief Classey pointed out the Cost breakdown for proposed new police building handouts from ADG provided to the committee members. [Handout] oom SURVEY OF OTHER POLICE FACILITIES (Tiffany Layson) A PowerPoint presentation entitled "Police Building Comparisons" was presented by Commander Tiffany Layson. [handout] March 8, 2012 Police Building Ad Committee Meeting Page 5 Week 3 The members discussed the cities of the police departments compared. The discussion was a little more in depth regarding Jacksonville Beach. One committee member is more familiar with the Jacksonville Beach Police Department. It was noted Jacksonville Beach had more land available to them when their facility was built ten years ago compared to the land available to Atlantic Beach. A tour of the Jacksonville Beach Police Department facility was mentioned. One slide comparison was of Meredith, New Hampshire generated comments and discussion. The term "Calls for Service" was discussed. A member felt the number is misleading to citizens. The term "Calls for Service" was explained to the members. The number is derived by "calls for police service and when an officer contacts the dispatcher for documentation of an officer generated incident (for example, traffic stop, the officer is going to be with a suspicious person, et cetera). Every incident is documented and categorized. Chief Classey advised as far as he knows every police department calculates the number the same. POLICE DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS OF A TWO- BUILDING APPROACH (Vic Gualillo) PowerPoint presentation "Decentralization of Services" by Commander Gualillo [handout] The following paragraph was amended: The Property and Evidence protocol for storing items was discussed. Commander Gualillo explained to the committee that the Property and Evidence section is a high liability area. Question was raised if anything has been lost out of the Property & Evidence Section. The response was there is a possibility. He was not aware of any lost items, but he is not aware of all of the history in Ow the Property and Evidence Section. Storing bikes at City Yard was suggested; Chief Classey stated the bicycles are already being stored at City Yard. Discussion included the size needed for the Property and Evidence room; the length of time items are stored, and if was feasible for the Property and Evidence section to be located at another location. PRESENTATON OF A POTENTIAL TWO- BUILDING APPROACH (Arthur Corsano] Presentation of a potential two - building approach (Arthur Corsano) [handout] Mr. Corsano's presentation included the following handouts: "Why Bother with another option, anyway ? ?" [handout] Floor plan sketch [handout] "Advantages and Disadvantages" [handout] Mr. Corsano's presentation was well received by the committee members. Some of his points noted during the discussion were as follows: he tried to reflect the building plans of ADG to a single story structure, rennovate the existing facility, include an enclosed walkway between the two facilities, and the cost (between $3 and $3.5 million) Minutes amended - the following paragraph was added. Mr. Corsano's sketch page included a notation at the bottom of the page: ^ single story -9300 sq ft - 2.5 million renovate 6000 sq ft - .5 million 15,300 sq ft $3.0 million March 8, 2012 Police Building Ad Committee Meeting Page 6 Week 3 Renovated Bldg.: Animal Control, Locker rms, EOC training, conf. rms, Secure car @ Sally port., more storage, break rms, dual purpose Questions and discussion: The committee members discussed the points from Mr. Corsano's presentation. Facilitator Busby's noted from the meeting tonight the following points: Look at operational needs w /more limited functions Look at building and renovation needs Certain functions needs to be consolidated Expandability be evaluated Want feedback — investigate options 31% factor Facilitator Busby advised the committee members that the staff will strive to get the paperwork to the members earlier. Chief Classey reminded the committee members the architects will talk about the proposed building at the meeting on March 15 and asked the members what issues they wanted the architects to address. Staff will mark the site infringement. Chairman Varney advised: IN ORDER TO SAVE TIME IN THE MEETING ON MARCH 15 THE COMMITTEE WILL MEET IN THE PARKING LOT AT THE PROPOSED NEW SITE. Wrap up (Tiffany Busby) Next meeting: Thursday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. Review of action items Homework: Review two reports — ADG evaluation of the 2005 expansion plans and ADG spatial analysis report: There being no further discussion, Chairman Varney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ck Varney, Chairm; Minutes prepared by: Diane Graves REVISED