Police Employee Pension Board Minutes 02-17-2012 - Special v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MEETING MINUTES February 17, 2012 1. The City of Atlantic Beach Police Officers' Pension Board Special meeting was called to order at 9:01 A.M. The members in attendance were trustees: John Wolfel, Brannon Hicks, Vic Gualillo and Harry McNally. Bob Sternfeld was not present. Nelson Van Liere, Pension Plan Administrator; Scott Christiansen of Christiansen & Dehner, P.A., Pension Board Attorney; Tad Delegal, Attorney for the Disability Claimant; & Lawana Renee Jackson, Claimant; were also present. 2. Scott Christiansen of Christiansen & Dehner, P.A., Pension Board Attorney reviewed the procedures & actions to date. 3. The City's former Human Resources Manager, George Foster was questioned by Tad Delegal, Attorney for the Disability Claimant, & testified regarding the claim. 4. Lawana Renee Jackson testified & was questioned by Board Members Brannon Hicks & Vic Gualillo. 5. Scott Christiansen of Christiansen & Dehner, P.A., Pension Board Attorney discussed the testimony exhibit presented by Tad Delegal, Attorney for the Disability Claimant. 6. A short recess was granted for the Board Members to read the exhibit. 7. Tad Delegal, Attorney for the Disability Claimant, stated Lawana Renee Jackson was entitled to a Line of Duty Disability because the City's Worker's Compensation doctor has stated she is permanently disabled for the police officer's job requirements & has reached maximum medical improvement. 8. Scott Christiansen of Christiansen & Dehner, P.A., Pension Board Attorney opened the floor for discussion. Ms. Jackson was questioned by Brannon Hicks & Vic Gualillo. Mr. Christiansen advised the Board Members that Ms. Jackson was terminated by the City for not being able to do her job & the Board has to determine if the disability is permanent. This permanence is established by a preponderance of evidence. 9. A motion was made to approve a Line of Duty Disability Pension: the motion was made by Harry McNally & seconded by Brannon Hicks. All were in favor with the exception of Vic Gualillo. 10. Adjournment — the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A.M. 9/4— c 1 a Vic Gualillo Harry Mcl ally Chair Secretary