Permit 307 Plaza (vault) `,j 7DEPARTMENT OF BUILDRM-- FOR 0mov IUSE TOWN OF.ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Per nit NO. Fee valiatioll AppUcation for Peffilit for, Hot J80 No. Miscella, neous Alterationg, and 'Repairs -:M To aw SUPWvjW of suadjW. hereby applies for pern!dt 40, 1Ft*r4;;ir, 41i'tW add—to ­----­- rect&wiling, sign, Building on_ J�Alt t4 a ��rdov*buil4ine.s ($We tMetional pArty --Block No,—/-/-------Sub. Div-- At­—Side No. -----St. Between-1 and---StL Valustion $-�-I"A (StaLte e0st Of improvement) SU=INGS AM 0,CMANCY What is Present Use Of building—R4esidential or Business? If residential, what,tvpe.—Dwelling, Garage,A, t, Apartments or Rooming]-rouse? How many famili" accommodated nw AWWROW Inany when alter"? If business, w;ljat tyl*? --Vlu food be Prepared for sale on Premises?— What plumbing wm* to be done Size of present. e of extendon­--�-----Size of lot—L— Number of stories ACW............................................after altered.... --_-__Materla1 of roof- Material of present building-- of extewion�--- NECESSARY PLANS IN DUPLICATE To BE SUBMr#ED HMMIT11 OIL BURNER OR GASOLINE EQ Unh W rT Nam of On Rumor or Gasoline Pump.........,........................... --.---Type or Model.-- Name and Address of minufacturer—.�—­ In connection herewith, application is also made to install:— ----�—gaUori capacity tank (a) (How M*ny) metal—j� ground Truff-fe. Alloys) ------—Of building. For--.---. (Inside �r outsi FURNISH,DVAWING Snowm(I RNMIC.LAYOUT ON SWZ,OF 2WS SLAM; SIGNS Classification­_­­­­­ *Wsr gmnd,,i;�i. — --izi. (State Wh Weight----�-----Materjal of comt ruction___- Illuminated? -------- Type illumination--- Will sign be over public WWqrt3r?--,-- SUBMIT DRAWING IN DUPLICATE SHOWING CON, STRUCTION OF SIGN AND METHOD OF HANGING VVR= ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BELOW Oror awas awnings provide'dim,ensioned drawing,on reverse side) NE: W-4"NOT I'D consideration of permit ven for dol the work as described in statement, we hereby agTft to perform njans, and specifications, which,a a 1part hereof, and in &Cco said work in accordance with ge,4ittathed the abov building regulations of the Town of Atlantic each� re rdance with the Signature of Builder --- Phone No— Signature Of Phone No DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 7749 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA PERMIT NO.- PERMIT TO BUILD 7,50 TL THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB 7*50CKTO 5,173 1 5/311/1 Date May 30 1986 7749 *00CAC 5073 1 q 5/30/9 Valuation$ 1.1000-00 Fee$ 7.50 1 riall I This perrnit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer,and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that— Rocky Russell has permission It RS2 Classification residential —Zone Rocky Russell Owned by Lot Block S/D House No. 305 & 307 Plaza According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE No 0 Building material,rubbish and debris ZI from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- tra tor or owner. Building Official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT DATE CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL �SEWER W TER WAATER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR ROOFING PERMIT BUILDING OWNER 0 s5el PHONE 1 JOB ADDREAC-� PAO LOT# 4+-s- BLOCK OR UNIT # SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOR C7 C jl''!, ka 'SS-e- PHONE 2-6 24 ADDRESS LICENSE NUMBER ado EXPIRATION JOB VALUATION s MATERIALS: SIGNATURE OWNER DATE SIGNATURE CONTRACTOR DATE _-?,O McW