Permit 1150 1152 Rose St (vault) MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF : 7�'Hf z1 r^,ew e- v ZO' 0,,w 1-0 r Z 4 e-4 oocr 4 0 r 15.1.44/,0 7-Ae_- -t/.0,47 'V/40 ��- according to plot recorded In Plot Book page of the current public recordsof 01"14 County,Florida. Examination of Flood Hazard Boundary Map, Comnwnity No.- Panel 002" doted Indicates, that the property shown and described hereon lies within a Zone area. V001, f 0 ('- \j 0 4 4C d Al 7- '4' W0000" /0 2. 0 0' eoo�-"7- tj N pz— 9 WW':5 7- A:14.4 Z,4 -5 7,4?,Ca'7- UTILITY SERVICE AGRE-U-NENT (Water and Sewer) '1111S AGREEMENT entered into this day of between the City of Atlantic Beach a Municipal corl)orati()Il, Ilereillafter called "City", .and a rPOrz1tiOJl, its successors and a ssigns, hereinafter called "Developer". I T N E S S E 1, 11 WHEREAS, Developer owIls land in Duval -lorida, COUJItY, F more 1),'I'ticularly described as er to ac eage, plat engineering As, or legal description a LWlibit A and WHEREAS, Developer pla jis to -develop 'said land by colistructillg buildings,* residences and/or other improvelliellts thereon Consisting of . . . . . . . and WHEREAS, City is tile owner of water and sewage treatment plants and Water distribution and scwage C011ectioll systems i 11 tile vicillity of tile I)roperty described above; and WHEREAS, DcvclQl)er desires that City provide water and sewage collection service to said property and City desires to furilisil same; and Agreement under this Provision, City re serves tile right to negotiate With DeveloPer a new agreement for any additional sums to be paid by Developer to City as PI.alit capacity aid s.ervice availability charges, fees or other charges base.d upon increases in .the cost of living and/or such other factors as relate to the cost Of supplying water and sewer service. 4 . All taxes Or charges imjip)2sedjW to them and to their occupants water and sewer service subject to all terms and conditions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, in order to provide water and sewer services to Developer it has been or will be necessary- for City -to enlarge and expand its offsite water and sewer plants and facilities and it is the desire and intenL of Developer Lu conUlbuto fillanclally to the costs of building such additional offsite water and sewer plapts and facilities aid to reserve capacity in City's wafor. and sei�age treatment plants so that City can provide service to the Development withovt imp9si.ng a burden oil its existing customers; NOW, THUREFOR0, in consideration of the pTemises and other good and . valuable considerations and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, subject to any necessary approval by other governmental agencies having jurisdiction, it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows: 1 . Developer pgrees that City shall have the exclusive right to furnish water and sewer service to the real property described above and Lu stild sLaLc road Y- Developer Silall further gralit to tile Ci ty, its successors and assigils., tile exclusive privilege and easemen't to collstruct .recojist*ruct -perpetual right, operate, maintain, repair, replace, improve, altero, remove, relocate and inspect water transmissions and distributioll njaills, s I ower collectlu 11' -;eWc." lif L stations, pip, lilies, lateral lilies, valvesp connections and appurtenant e(lull)"Ielit over, across and under th.e Devel.oper's property, ilicludilIg the right to ingress and egress to eacii of tile building sites oil Developer's property wilicl, are served' by City. All such easements shall have a midth wi,icil is acceptable to the City. 7. City does not guarantee an'un interrupted supply of water, or water at Illy p"."cular pressure,, and reserves t.1le, rigilt to silut off the water ii, its main a.t ally tinle for the Purpose of making repairs or extensiolis of for Providing temporary or elliergency water supply. City will hut be resP011sible for ally damage caused. by loll pressure or interruption of service. Neither !Developer i I or any of. its successors or Purchasers shall dischar.ge iilto the sanitary. sewer system water fro,,, If lion-domestic" drains including wit hOut limi.t,atioll swil1linilIg pools at r collditi011ilig condensatioll lilies,-. coo I I.ing li�es or other discharge from ally type of equipillellt. . City shall ]lot b.e obligated to .f-urnis)I ally water or seller service to ally building w)lic11 is built oil Developer's properfy to w1lic1l tile City does liot Ii.ave access. The Developer hereby agrees and warrants that tile City will lot be held , XeSPOilsible for flooding Problems wilicil ,lay result frO)jj the failure Of sewer line back flow prevelitor valves oil Developer's property. The Developer hereby agrees I to hold harmless and indemnify City for all costs and dalil'ages resultilig fr011i flooding due to .back flow prevelitor valve failure. 8- c011struction and desiull nF I I Develol)er or its contractor. Developer will pay the cost of all such c011struction. The Developer's engineer sliall incorporate into the Developer's engineering desigii, plans and sPecificatiulls tile aPplicable standards and specifications of tile City. A. If tile Developer modifies his development plans for DoveloPel-'s PEOPOxLy which would require, greater water usage, greater fire f lows, additional water facilities, greater selvage flows, or additional selvage facilities. than the water and sewer d' emands previously approved by tile City, tile" tile Developer must o btain approval by the City for tile c011structi011 of such additional wa�er or s I ewer facilities Which shall meet all City and governmental design requirements. The Developer shall pay all additional contributions and fees as may be authorized by the city,s' service availability Policy w1licil is ill effect Oil tile date said new agreement is executed. In addifio 11 to Paragraph 9A above, any OtIlcr clullige order between Developer and its utility colltractor issued after City approval of or'9111"ll Plalls 111ust be api.)roved by tile City before the change order is Put into effect. , C- City shall have the rigilt to review tile. systems design drawing and specificatioils to ensure that they meet tlie -requiremelits of tile City. The sYstellis design drawing and specifications are to be in accordance WiLli tile MY of Atlantic 130ach requiremoilts Unless Otherwise .sl)ec'f'cd by City Or its ongineer. D. The City als U reserves tile right to approve the utility contractors to wjlicl, CO 11struction bids are Selit by Devel oper as well as the Contractor to Which the award is Made. A representative of City or i tS' engineers will be tile nq rip r Fri r 4 1.- —.- I absolute and exclusive owner of the facilities of said water and sewer Systems Whether located on, under, above or Outside of the prqwrty described and regardless (of Vio may have 1AIStalled or constructed same to the extent described below: A. All water mains pipes, valves and fittings qnd appurtenances up to and including all meters shall be dedicated to and Will be owned, operated and maintained by City, All water pipes on the customer's side of the meter shall be owned, operatel and maintained by the customer or its assigns. B. All sewer mains, manholes, pumping ytations, force mains and appurtenances, including service pipes in public right of ways and dedicated casements, shall be owned,, operated and maintained by tile City- Except as provid.ed in paragraph 9C', all sewer lines oil the customer's Side of the property line shall be owned, operated and maintained by & customer or its assigns. ly1th reference to any blanket . casements for multi-family projects such as apartments, mobile home developments, condominiums and PUD's or for commercial developments, all water mains to and including the Water meter, all Sewer 111aill's,' force ;nains and manholes in such blanket casements over privat& property allowing- utility Aperations shall be dedicated to and shall be owned, operated and maintained by thb CI ty except that the full length of sewer services from the sewer main Or manhole shall be owned and maintained by the customer. All such City lines Shall terminate with a manhole. D. By these presents, Developer hereby transfers to tile City, the LiLle to the Water d.istribUtiOn a�nd sewer collection systems to be installed pursuant to this Agreement, Such . conveyance to take effect WiLhout further action upon the completion and acceptance by City 11. Developer shall pay the City upon. execution -of this Agreement the 511111 of io� per water connucLion per equivalent residential connection (ERC) as an advanced deposit to cover engineering, plan review, inspection, test, legal and administrative expenses of City ill connection with this Agreement. Developer shall also pay to City upon execution of this Agreement the suni of I 0� per sewer connecti oil per ERC as an advanced deposit to cover engineering, plan review, inspection, tests, legal and administrative expenses of City in connection with this Agreement. The charges for engineering and legal expenses and for engineer's inspection and plan review. fe.e for non-residential units shall be based upon estimated cost to City Actual cost will be determined and a refund or additional charge will be made for the difference between the advanced deposit as calculated above and actual costs. City agrees to provide water and sewer service to the Developer's property ill consideration for plant capac ity charges, fees and other charges to be paid by. Dev.eloper,a's, follows: A. A water plant"capacity charge at the rate of $20.00 per fixture unit. Such- charges shall be du'e and payable as provided ill paragraph 12. B. A sewer plant capacity charge at. the rate of onethousand thixty five dollars (s 1,035.00 per single falnilY Ullit. Such charges shall be due and payable as provided ill paragraph 12. C. A sewer pla.lit capacity charge for any commercial customers on the land as described above at. the rate of D. A m.etcr installatioll fee to. cover meter cost and meter 11istallatioll (but not including curb stop or meter box) according to the City's service availability policy at the time of installation which currently is $85-00 per 3/41, x 5/811 meter U. If available, construction water will' be charged to building based oil metered usage in accordance with current rates. F. flydrau.lic share of main extensions payinent or refund. 1. Developer recognizes that water or sewer utility service to the Developer's property.. is prgvid e d by the use of a jn�ill extension and other improvements constructed by a prior developer and that Developer is obligated to refund a said prior developer'Developqr's share. of the cost of said main ext6sion or other' iniprovenients. Accordingly, Developer shall pay its pro rata share of the cost of said' inain ext ells.3-011 or other iinprovements to city. Said pro. rata share shall be based oil Developer's percentage of the hydraulic capacity of said extension or otlier ill1provenients. For the purpose of this Agreement, the cost of Developer's said hydraulic share shall .be $ payable upon executiO."' Of this Agreement, 2. IVIL11 1-c5pOct to utility facilities installed by Developer to which future developers connect directly, and consideratioll for monies expended b y Developer toward said facilities, City S11,111 refund to Developer, or Developer's 'successors or assigns, solely from monies collected frojii said future developers, said future developer's pro rata share of 'tile cost of said facilities. Said refunds shall be calculated oil the bas i,s of the iiydraulic capacity and demand of said futu I re developer whenever feasible. I'lle refund obligation of city at a cost of $ 12. All charges to Developer shall b; paid by Developer to the City in accordance with the following formula and procedures: A. The ndvanco (1p.por,,j,t L I'll LIV 0 Illid legal fces and the inspection and plan review fee upon the execution of this Agreement, a total of and B. Water Plant capacity charge upon the execution of tus Agreement, a total of and C. Sewer plant capacity cha.rge upon the executio.ji of this Agreement, a total of 0-0 and D. Meter installation fee according to the City's service availability policy at time of installatio'll which currently is upoll application for hook-up of in dividual lo ts, apartments, multi-family lots or units; and 1:- Construction water based . oil meter readings in accordaj�ice with City's rate schedule; and 1'. Hydraulic share payment, in, accordance with paragraph IIF-I of this Agreement upoll execution 'of this Agreement, in a total alliount Of'$. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and G. Service availability charges and other additional aids in COnStrUCtiOn '11 "cco""111cc wj-Lh lIG of this Agreement in a 13. City agrees -.t o connect individual buildings and structures oil the developed property upon application by �he builders, plumbers or individual Owners subject to the opera.ting rules and regulations of the City and payment of. all fees and charges . in effect oil date of aPplication and compliance by Developer with. all provisions of this Agreement. 14 . The charges; ...costs and f ees. for any separate emergency fire protection water syst,eins. for subject, project will be subject to Ilegatiations between City and Develope�r. If buildings of more than two stories are a part of. the project, Developer ' shall furnish at its expense water pumps and. other appurtenances as necessary for pumping water above. 15. All plant cal)a,city alid service availability charges, fees and other charges as outlined above are based on normal domestic sewage defined herejn a s con taining not 111ore flian three hundred (300) parts per Million biochemical oxy, gen demand or three hundred (300) parts per million suspended solids. Whenever water which contains more 'than these amounts is to be admitted to t1te sewers', bo.th the City and the pollutioll control agelicies mus,t .spe I c-ificall.y agree to the -connection. Ali additional charge will b. e calculated, iii..direct proportio'n to strength at seventy-five celits ($0.75) for each part per million of either biochemical oxygen demand or suspcjlded.� Sol ids over three IMIldrCd (300) parts per 111illion.. All, such -co.m.iection's shall provide for a suitable point for the I.Ya' ste to be sampled by, the City or the regulatory agencies. An additional diarge equal to the -. pro rata share of ally additional sewage treaLment p'l a i t costs ab*ove' ninety percent (90%) treatment, and of the cost. of any additional required outfall pipes to subordinated to the terms of tile Agreen.iept and easements required herein prior to any acceptance of the i-acilities by, tile City'. 17. Upon applicatio.n Py owners, builders or their autharized representatives, tile City agrees to conliect tile requested dwellings or structures oil the said property at no. additional connection fee (i.e. , ill addition to those provided for above;. ill .04s Agreement) , but subject to tile contilluill I g Operating rules and regula t.ions of the City including, Without limitation, the periudic Payment of tile wat.er usage and sewer usage charges ill effect on the dat,e of such-'application or thereafter reflected ill the City's rate schedule. 18. This Agreement shall be binding, upon and -shall inure to the bellefit of tile J)ev Fl0J)cr, Cl Ly mid Lhoir'. ' SLlCCCSSV1'5 a.nd ussigils. tile event' 'tile Devel, opek has llot� I'mid and delivered to tile City tile plant capacity and service avail ' -ability charges, fees and other charges provided to be pald to ti d City by Developer under the terms of ,,tills Agreement, and all easement and: :colly.0y4lices required by tills Agreement'. thell tills Agreement s1hall. no.t illure to t)ie 'benefit of the successors or assigils 0 f tile Devekoliek. 19. It shall be .�the responsibility of, Developqr to-'locate for builders any water and sewer tali.s or lilles 11 ecessary in colijulictioll witil residential or commercial calls tructioll. 20, Unless the damage to any onsite i 111provem,ents are the result of tile Ilegligence or willful act of tile' Cit y 0, it S .,Off Icers, or employees or authorized agents, tile olvne,r or Developer of: Such property upoll which the damage occurs shall by respollsible for Lhe, .':p*ayjnent to tile City of Such damage to City's property 111,cluding' all necessary a nd reasonable revairs whirli m,,,!f- 1— -1- 1-.'. f prior liereto, for PaYMe"t of such jieces�aky` and reasonable Costs and exPellseS for effecting such repairs and .' restoration to sucil ullsite facilities located upoll the uwtler'�S or Developer's property. 14otice of Such liell or claill, of, lien describing . the real property and the amount oiled may be filed with ill Hillety (90) days. of .the date from tile las t date UP011 Which any Such repairs. or. res.toration were made by the City or its authorized repre.senta.tive.s. Thereaf ter, tili3. City sila.11 be entitled to bring all action for the foreclosed uilder the laws of Florida. 21. j1rjor to fi nal. acceptance of the'.utility and other public facilities improvements by �Jle City the followilig requirements must be Met tit Developer's A. If tile 'JAY Oatted .1:oPL Sr one.'copy of t.110 recorded I)l t Shall be furnished to tile City. ' "As built" drawiligs improvement Shall be furnished one week prior to filial illspe�tiollC, '.'As built" drawings 5 hall be Certified by a registered engineer witil t1l' �e 'Cost being burne by the Developer, 1*11 u Illylar and three .,PrijiLed copie�'of said drawing shall be furillshed to City, C. All lot Corners shall be proper Jy-!narked, so-that utility compally or its ellgilleer call, Upoll receipt of as bullt.'.l drawlljg5, verify tile marked water and/or Seller Services ,as to' iocatioll and depth. it, addition, for purposes of locatilig and pro �ectillg illstalled servi cc lilies and va1v es Developer or Ilis contracto r shall mark eacil service lille and all valves witil all eigllt (8), joot pressure tr6ated Wooden post ill tile manner as s1low, Oil tile desiga� drawi.11gs and 'Specificatloils. Developer's Contractor is required. to ills �all curb. s top, 11leter box and Yalve box oil each water service aqnd valve as showli fill irrevocable letter 0.1' credit, tile terms Of Which Will inde"Illify and save harmless tile citi from ally loss, damages, I costs, claims, suits debts or P demands by reason of defects ill tile jqorj�lliaiis hip or materials used ill the facilities discovered within a period of One year from and after the date of acceptance by the City of the f acilities A Bill Of Sale fur facilities froin tile Developer to City. CO"Veyalice of easenients as req*uir�d under this Agreement. A decd for ally and all land On Which lift sLatjull�g or Water 5taL!ujls Or utile,r improvemelits if required by City- The title eviden.ce, mortgage releases and mortgage subordinatialls as required ill tills Agreement. I"Or 011site and offsite Cullstructioll provide City all accounting of tile .actual. costs' (schedule Of values) and releases of I jell.s f roln u t"'ty colltractOrs ill such detail as tile City requires. Y,. City shall have the riglit to refuse t.o accept title to Developer's construction ullitil Develo er's Cer.taill tests, ilicludin ' P collstructi011 has passed 9, Witiluut Ifilitatioll, closed circuit televisjoll inspection of tile gravity selver IiliqsP Witnessed by a city representative I to deterillillc Whether the Developerls'.' collstl,uctioll is C0115tructed ill accordance witil tile EII)pro ved eligilieerilig pjails and specifications Said tesLs may be Perfoxined at - least .three (3) times' tile . first test call,I)Ietioll of tile Sys telln; tile . second test upoll completion of all building, roads, - pavilig, Araillage, and all colisLructioll lqjt1lill the r.igilt-of-ijay easeinent area of adjacelit areas. A thlxd Lest sliall be required if tile City deems it Ilecessary lvitilin a ulle Year Period after acceptance. Letters of acceptance frolll* tile approl)riatt. 22. All notices that may or must be given Uinder this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be valid if mailed by United States registered or certified mail, postage and chaiges prepaid from addressed as follows- To Developer.: To City of Atlantic Beach City Manager 716 Occan Boulevard Post Office Box-25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto 11 a'v' e executed this Utility Agrecinent the day and year first writtej,i above. Signed, sealed and ,delivered in the' presence of: Deve per Witness e v kel.)e lty I Atl ity of Atlffjit ch Witness CY BUILDING, PLANNING AND ZONING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WORK SHEET Date Requested : Building Contractor: Building Permit Number: U t3 L� Address: I a-S (D"�-Roa�L— VAI� Legal Description : Improvements to the above described property have been completed in accordance with the term�ol the permit and is certified to be ready for occupancy as Lowest Floor Elevation: required as built n/a Sales Tax Certificate: date submitted BEFORE ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY,.THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE DEPARTMENT DATE NOTIFIED: DATE APPROVED: - BY: Fire Chief Public Works Planning Director ... A Building Inspector b —WICES Aft Z Alft rr? co `7, - _0 oll n M 0 0 0 07 0 0 M co Z 0 0 rn OD Z r� ZD 0 'D --I Z 0 M rn 0 Z 0 4 03 hi OD J6 0 o X� 0 164 (0 00 \4 3J6 0 to ._j co 44 0 0 IV ty 306 .1w 0 m CO 16q M v m -0 0 --40 *4 m co ZD 0 o Z 0 CO 0 :4 OD :D 177 _f7 ZD ,r'7 rr? 0 r_� v_ M co 0 0 M x 0 M z M C0 0 Q ::E --( D z CD 0 My M cc z 0 0 0 x co M '0 M 0 0 M 0 OD 0 0 1.4 0 :V x 0 00 0 M Ab. 0 X M 0 0 Q ::! 0 0 z 0 M All 0 X q 0— M CY) 'D M!n M '0 0 t37 8:;0 Z 0 0 z 14 M < M M 0 0 -'. 'rr, CO 'V co C: M 0 0 C/) CD :0 CQ 0 --1 D11. M --j C/) M CO) M z M 0 C Q 'W"trfif 1-ratr of Orrupauru CITY OF AN4ft& hok- Rai& Oppartinput of Butibitto This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Southern Standard Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the following UseClanification Bldg.Permit No. A I- I Grouv--TvDe.Construcfion Fire District- BUILDING, PLANNING AND ZONING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WORK SHEET Date Requested: Building Contractor: Building Permit Number: , � A d d r e s s c4k- - Legal Description : Improvements to the above described property have been completed in nocoraurice wi-th the ter o of the permlt and Is certiiied to be ready for occupancy as Lowest Floor Elevation: required as built n/a Sales Tax Certificate: date submitted BEFORE ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY,-�H'E FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE DEPARTMENT DATE NOTIFIED: DATE APPROVE D: '- � BY: Fire Chief Public Works Planning Director Building Inspector ------ 0 -03, oo� it rtAENT,O IN F SUMP, ,bEeA ISOCH ry tLAN110 A IT LOCATIOW IrMfoRtIATION STREET IT IN000"Alriow. 12!5d Rosel A 32234 . 60 A pboirl, - ' t SEAM, FLORIO ATL NTI AL DESCRIPTION NEW ts ;Siocki 7'' 0 coowti,�.:�, Tiowg� wi*6 . 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 . ks Pages "I'l - i I I 'plot pool Pt OP"*d: U*41P H 0 bdiviaiO 0 O�NV.R INFORNATION Nome s TERRY lncculsll valuo 0 ;3RD " 40.Oo C t,* STREET *0 :00 2 DA 322331, ot EptUNE REACH, FLORI utit jj� !gj, mil A*buh't j............ ACAT'IroN FEES ----- $222. 75�sj,',' P MIT #420. TER- IMPA PCK 2 113" '3 33, I? 1 TW' ',ff, Tt;H �T DO", OAS H. R R '3 VI I I W# GAS t OO_, TER TAP $0. 00 9 VER TAP DRAULIC SHIARE _111,1SPECT FEE, iw, 0 v,1,Im N�l 74 4,� NOTE,$: G N ECTED BIEFORE POUAIN INGS MOT 0.9 11 SP 'ALL,,�tso* -FORM$AND 0 dpET-F FOOT TIC9 N S AFTER DATE OF ISSUE PERMIT VOID SIX MONTH -BE, N&BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BRISrFROM THIS WORK MUST �,1,�.DtNQ.M,ATER14L�,-Fk,Ui�14.ISH AND DE OR OR OWNER. N .0 AWAY BY:EITHER CONTRACT CLEARED UP A CAN RESLJLT' IK'-- N LY WITH' THE MP H' NIC, 'qttE LAW �' Tfft- I ROPE: G 1UPR N OVEMENTS LJ RVOC,A 15 T, '0 THIS PERMIIT-ANO�60 PPOOVED E PART A PLANS WHICH AR CORDING,T�. jDVISIONS OF LAW. OF AlOPLICA0 PA 'PARTMENT zf u"'00604 &T IENT 0 WILDING TY OF, A14ANTIC BEAQH. I Ip # w LOC*TIOm INFORMATION ptstir ar Ot r " 'i't Numb 125;1 Rose STREET 70 ATL��TIC, REACK,, FLORIDA 32233 C, LEGAL DESCRIPTION -------- ypot *at i 3 Block I Section't pr,'0,0 00'004 000c Plot, 06oks paget. 0 a t lubdivislors i FECTION 0 OWNER INFORMATION --------- N TERRY XCCU9 000 was$ 13R­JD STREET OPTUNV�-BRACUP, FLORIDA 32233 , '7� 3UUT 420440 CAT' ION FEES I tAT9R V(PAq 44120"t"0001VI ot 4i r 14" 44* ADOU GAS-11i K S 3/9 19 AVOK GAS 1 $0. 53 OTCA r . ...... 00. 0016-91 1A 3/21/15 *TIR TAP EVER TAP *0. 00 'YORAULIC SHAR9' , I"","�A $0. 00, TRISPECT FEE *0. 00 NOT'8 _, :�WOTICe'—ALL�CONCRETE FORMS:AND FOOTINGS MUST 13E INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE TI 'SUA,�01N.G. -MATER IAL�RUSBIS14 ANb.'QE8RI S FROM TH I S WO R K M UST NOT BE PLACED I N PUBLIC SPAC E,AN D M U ST BE UP AND HAU L8, C1, ,D AWAY BYEITHERCONTRACTOR OR OWNER. ]FAILL LIEN LAW CAN RESULT'IN'- " :,(W, RA�PAYING TWICE FOR BUIL13ING IMPROViEMENTS, 'T, POPEATY 0 ADING, TOAP006VED��OLANS WHICH ARE HIS PERMIT AND'SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR OF ::VIOd I � . 11 0R­O`VJ$IONS OFL:,LAW. LE: AT C, P RT C MENT bv. j 3K17 Address jA;!�-D Heated Square Footage er sq ft = $ ZO/ Garage/Shed er sq ft = $ @ $ Carport/Porch Z-23 @ $ per sq ft = $ Deck @ $ per sq ft = $ Patio @ $ �.) er sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: TotaL Valuation lst $ Rmainder luation pei Liousand or portion thereof ------------------------------------------- Total Building Fee ADDITIONAL PERMITS and/or FEES REQU= $ + k Filing Fee -114echanical k-*fireplaces @ 15.00 41unbing BUII.DTNG,PERm FEE, S .-V,lectric/Neg A. lectric/Tmp Septic Tank BUILDING PERMIT Well WATER METER. C1MCE &dm-ning Pool SEWER IMPACT FEE $ Sign WATER DTACT FEE $ 4ater Comection M[ISCELLANEOUS $ ;-'!�ewer Comection Pdater na-ter ,vFlovation Certificaue GRAND TOTAL DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES Address Heated Square Footage er sq ft = $ Garage/Shed per sq ft = $ Carport/Porch @ $ er sq ft = $ Deck Ca $ ____per sq ft = $ Patio $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: Total Valtiation Ist $ Remainder Valuation per thousand or portion thereof ------------------------------------------- -1 Total Building Fee ADDITIONAL PERMITS and/or FEES REQUIRED + Filing Fee $ /Mechanical PT�ireplaces @ 15.00 $ BUILDING'PEIMT FEE S 41urbing /Electric/New Alectric/Ten-p ------------------7------------------------------ Septic Tank BUILDING PERMIT Well WATER METER CHARGE� D.dmidng Pool SEWER IMPACT FEE $ Sign WATER E'1PACT FEE $ Y/Water Connection MISCELLANEOUS $ /Sewer Connection XP�0 ter Meter lcv,-Itian CcrtificILC GRAND TUEAL DUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- CALCULATIONS and/or NO= PLANS REVIEW CHECK LIST Address Owner----- ---------------------- ----------------- Legal Description� Contractor-7.4L --------------- License Number -2-------- -------------------------------------- ----- License on File YES No Qqgtion 24-101 Zoning R2R_�Ajgtions t Proposed Use Zoning Distric --- Required Lot Size------------ Actual Lot Size----------- Setbacks Required Provided Section 24-17 front CORNER LOT INTERIOR LOT --------- -------- rear --- Flood Zone ---------------- side-I ---- - --- --- Required Elevation........ side-2 -------- -------- Max. Height Allowed Proposed Height_ ---------- Section 24-82 * Minimum Lot Coveragg Required Heated Area Proposed Area 41­�' Section 24-161 * Offstreet Parking Number Spaces Required Spaces Provided - ----- Section 24-82 Duplicate Buildings Is there a similar building within__�00' _ of -proposed- building?YES .,NO Utilities Water and sewer service is to be provided by: Buccaneer Utilities City of Atlantic Beach Utilities Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL Date Plans Reviewed by:........ ---- -------------- ISSUED DENIED Building Permit #(L CitY Of Atlantic Beach Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water Impact Fee FIXTURE UUITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED T THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TWENTY DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER S�STEM_ ---BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF . WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH ----,-SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND TUB OR S140WER STALL (6) _2WATER CLOSET VALVE -----WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED (4) : VALYE 6PEnATED (8) BATUTUB/SHOWER (2) ---- URINAL WALL LIP (4) -----SHOWER GROUP PER IIEAD- (3) - ----- FLOOR DRAIN (1 ) ---/ -SHOWER STALL DOMESTIC (2) 7 LAUNDRY TRAY (2) -----LAVATORY ( 1 ) -----COMBINITION SINK AND TRAY '(3) L----WAS14ING MACHINE (3) -----POT, SCULLERY SINK (4) ....DISHWASHER (2) __�___' WASH SINK EACH SET OF I----KITCHEN SINK (2) FAUCET1 (2) ____ ' DEUTAL LAVATORY ( 1 ) "T"E" SINK WITH WASTE GRINDER (3) ---- -DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) -----BIDGET (3) ---- 'URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) -----FLUSHING nin SINK (8) ,-COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY WITH FOOD DISPOs. (4) -----URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON JET BLOWOUT (a) �DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1/2) -----LAVATORY, BARBEn/BEAUTY SHOP (2) LAVATORY01 SURGEONS (2) -----SURGEONS SINK (3) -----ICE MAKER (1/2) -WET BAR (2) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS_'�' liq ------- @ $20. 00 EACH L-01-- --------- JOB INFORMATION ----------------------------- -------- - City of Atlantic Beach Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water ImPact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED' AT TWENTY DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY MATER S�STEH. , -&---BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH - -----SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND TUB OR SHOWER STALL (6) -----WATER CLOSET, TANK ----' WATER CLOSET VALVE OPERATED (4) : VALYE OPERATED (8) ---j--BATHTUB/SjjoWER (2) ---- URINAL WALL LIP (4) -----SHOWER GROUP PER HEAD- (3) -�-FLOOR DRAIN (1 ) SHOWER STALL DOMESTIC (2) ----' LAUNDRY TRAY (2) 7 -----LAVATORY ( 1 ) -----COMBINITION SINK AND TRAY (3) ----WASHING MACHINE (3) -----POT, SCULLERY SINK (4) ....DISHWASHER (2) -' -- ' WASH SfNK EACH SET OF L----KITCHEN SINK (2) FAUCET1 (2) SINK WITH WASTE -_ - DENTAL LAVATORY ( 1 ) GRINDER (3) ----'DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) -----BIDGET (3) -----URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) -----FLUSHING RIM SINK (a) COHBINATION SINK AND TRAY WITH -----URINAL, PEDESTAL, Sypnon FOOD DISPOS. (4) BLOWOUT (8) JET -_ -DRINKING FOUNTAIN (1/2) -----LAVATORY01 BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2) LAVATORY, SURGEONS (2) -----SURGEONS SINK (3) ICE MAKER (1/2) ---- -WEI' BAR (2) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS_:" @ $20. 00 EACH 7-- --------- JOB INFORMATION aj--- -- ------- -------- - N 0 T I C E T 0 C 0 N T R A C T 0 R S S C H E D U L E 0 F I N S P E .0 T 1 0 N S Requests for inspections will be accepted from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. All inspections will be made the following day between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. SCHEDULE OF INSPECTIONS: 1. Footing 2. Rough Plumbing 3. Slab 4. Framing, Rough Electrical, Mechanical, Top Out Plumbing, Fireplace 5. Final Inspection 6. Certificate of Occupancy Other inspections may be required in certain situations. Building Card MUST be posted or no inspection will be made. Pour no concrete or cover-up any work until building card is SIGNED by the inspector. You will be required to uncover any work that has not been inspected. In case of failed inspection, $10. 00 r,e-inspection fee must be paid prior to calling for re-ine .pectioh., BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 249-2395 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PEP1111T Owner..- Address !tW.5-1 v JP,00 Je /,&�4/zip ;Zeeg Phone Architect Address z. ip_Phone Contractor_,4!�,e- �,,-�Address _zip_?22y,? Phone2-�!E;,,,P9/ Contractor's License Nunber Expiration Date 6�IAO Ar,9 Copy on File Y--.s Lot # —Block or Section # Subdivision _Zoning_ Street Between and side Valuation $ 77-- T�rpe of Construction Purpose of Building X"e;'s Nurber of Units 2 Fireplaces Utility Service: Water ewer If the City if providing water or sewer service, do we need to make taps? Dimensions: Building_ 6a x T-5- Lo.t--Size Footings-,f xle Sz. Piers—Sz.. Sills Greatest Span Sills Sz. Ceiling Joists Distance on Centers Greatest Span Sz. Floor Joists Distance on Centers Greatest Span Sz. Rafters &V,­ ,��yss��Distance on Centers .por Greatest Span Method of Heating .-�_-�" solid-Filled Ground—/—.-:r Roof A, Flood Zone —If located within a FLOOD HAZARD cormplete page '2 SUBMIT: Two complete sets of plans, including a detailed site plan. Florida Energy Efficiency Code Sheets Recent Survey Inspections Required: 1. Wben steel is in place and ready to pour footings, 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns/lIntel. I When steel is in place and ready to pour bean. 4. When frandng, mechanical, plunbing, electrical, fireplace, is completed and ready to cover up. 5. Final inspection. SETBACKS No INSPECTION WILL BE MADE' IF BUILDING CARD' IS NOT POSTED ON JOB. Reai: t Line In case of rejection, reLnspection MST be' called for after corrections are made. wl-o In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we W H. FJ- hereb agree to perform said work in accordance f . y with the attached plans and specifications, 84 r Miich are a part hereof, and in accordance rt rt with the building regulations of Atlantic Beach. (D -r Signaturd(��----- t Signature Contractor —Yr—dnE46T-rJ--ne FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Type of Development :' New' Building Alterations to Existing Building Flood Zone Required Floor Elevation Actual (as built)Lowest Floor Elevation If located within a flood hazard zone (zone A) a survey must be made after the slab has been poured certifying that the "lowest floor elevation" s equal to or above the base flood elevation established for that zone. No Final Inspection will be made and No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with the Building Department. COMMENTS Applicant acknowledgement : I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans 'and supporting data have been' or shall be provided as required. I agree to comply with all applicable provisions of Ordinance No . 25-7-11 and all other laws or ordinances effecting the proposed developemnt . Datea A pplicant ' s Signatu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Department Use Survey filed with the Building Department on Certified Lowest Floor Elevation Required Lowest Floor Elevation Building Department Representative APPLICATION FOR WATER METER DATE: "x CONTRACTOR: rvl ------------------------------ BILLING ADDRESS: -------------- SERVICE ADDRESS: 12� ------------------- LOT:---a--BLOCK: -------UNIT:---------SUBDIVISION:__Z_��__,_A-�------- ACCOUNT NUMBER:V,_`L�L�L__�)_rj - METER SIZE:__'�)l I HEREBY REQUEST THAT A WATER METER BE SET AT THE ABOVE SERVICE ADDRESS. ' I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL BE BILLED FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WATER UPON SETTING OF THE METER. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES TO THE METER, BOXES, VALVES, LINES, AND ANY PARTS THEREOF, UNTIL PERMANENT WATER SERVICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BY THE CUSTOMER. ------ ------ -- ^GONTROR %000��� iTi a ------------- H�t CITY OFF ATLAN C iBEACH APPLICATION FOR WATER METER DATE: CONTRACTOR: r ------------------------------ BILLING ADDRESS: Oo3- --i�z 77----------------- -Xi SERVICE ADDRESS: LL-2--- -L LOT: BLOCK: UNIT: SUBDIVISION: Ll D ACCOUNT NUMBER:- ------ METER SIZE:--- I HEREBY REQUEST THAT A WATER METER BE SET AT THE ABOVE SERVICE ADDRESS. I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL BE BILLED FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WATER UPON SETTING OF THE METER. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES TO THE METER, BOXES, VALVES, LINES, AND ANY PARTS THEREOF, UNTIL PERMANENT WATER SERVICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BY THE CUSTOMER. ---- .U, �- c.---,---- NTR CTOR - ------------ -- ------- -------- CITY OF ATLANT B CH 000635 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH LOCA,TIOfj ItIFORHATION ---- --- PERMIT 1"FORIIAI'109 OSF, STREET Addres8l 1250 'R periltit Number- 73 5 ATLA"TIC BEAC14, FLORIDA 3223' permit Type: ELECTPICAL --------- - Class of waric 1 , 1%,% TEMPORARY LEGAL DESCRIPTIO14 Block Sections Constr. Types N/A POLE Pages . 0 plat Book: proposed Use, sjt4(3I.E . FAfllLy Subdivisig. it Dwellingal 0 Go(I e 1 0 int SECTION Estimated Value, AO. 00 OWNER INFORtIATION .00. 00 Name i JERRY i KC CUE �ROSE STREET $20. 00 Address 1' 1250 TotaX Feeat A 32231 Amount ' l?I nid *20. 00 1 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORID -t 3/227_89 W -k �D j3q.77"(,-fjV-;If74, So AlIPS, ALUM/ W_ UKKIR 50 anro, 1 ltzrw 240 "ItItT -;4�' APPLICATION FEES CONTRACTOR(q) PERMIT $20. 00 EARLYl,,,ELECTRjCj:COtlPAHY IfIC, 110. 00 WATER j"PACT FEE, SEWER I H P 4 K S WATER ilEitk -$0. 00 -H. R. S. $0. 00 RAD014 ,GAS T - RADON GAS '5% "Y7 9P IA 3/c ,/119 - WATER TAP: 10. 00 riocp T_ SEWER TAP_�, $979P IA 3/21P/ ISO. 00 HYDRAULIC� SHARE RE-INSPECT � FEE 150. 00 .10. 00 ENGINEERING OTHER 1110. 00. NOTES- NOTICE ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT,BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER, PAYING TWICE FOR BUILPING IMPROVEMENTS.99. ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT By: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approvod by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: J 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. Z,/& V A&0;'ll Oci ce-ra URI JOURNE 4ELECTRICAL FIRM: ------- NAMEIZ14�-A ec RESS:j RFD—BOX BLDG ftl7F BETWEEW. RES.(411-�APT.I COMM.I INDUS. NEW W' OLD( REW. ADDITION ( TRAILER TEMP.I NS I SO.FT. I a SERVICE: NEW(,,-*" INCREASE REPAIR I FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AY AMPS --rQ COPPER I ALUM. SINITCH OR BREAKER AMPS I PH -1 W VOLT �lle— RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 1 0-30 AMPS, 31-100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. 0.100 AMPS, OVER FIXED APPLIANCES BELLTRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS- CEILIHEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I N.P. IVOLTAGE PHS —7— MIMMAROUS 00089S DEPOTMENT OfSUIL. 011"G. CITY QF ATLANTIG SEACR -PZt01TT INFORMATION, 7 j2$D,,ROSv 5TREET - 'Addre*02 ��';Perj*jt N�A*00r 2 499 :11 1 1 � t ORIDA 32233 J ATLANTIC REACH, FL oe-voit Typw�t' ---------- DESCRIPTION -tlaow of Work s Nkw�, Section I C I onotr'. Ty'pe N/k ''Lot: Plot Books. Page 1' 0 pxopooe It% I I I . d Owes Codo 0 0 �00. OWNER INFORMATION Valuo-A TERRY MCCUS Address,,,' It,250_ROSE STREET FLORIDA 32233 *38. 00 AT�ANTIC 99ACII -a251 R 2419 N" 1,4 alm Mum, 4, , " '1� ` 11 --4- '14 I�ATION FEES 4 -4 3a 00 TL PER WATER, Trip, 3, T�11 FEE -3 4, 4 Wr 3 14" r J� 40 RADON GAS, V RADONGAS 5% 00. 00 WATER TAP, . 00 SVWER TAP ��"Aml �?k 00- 00 HYDRAULIC $HAOC 4wC R -INSPECT FEE *0- 00, Rr 41 XA,OR§�Iwo�, VOW "i,40"A ENGINEER 77 ''NOTES: NSPECTED BEFORE POURING NOTICE ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE I PERMIT.VOID.SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF�41SSUE i j BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH ANDDEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BEPLACED IN,PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UPAND HAULED AWAI�BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER S� TO,.COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC IEN LAW CAN RESULT IN "OWN PAYING TWICE FOR BUIWING IMPROVEMENTS." THERROPERTY ,, _1 R, AP HICH ARE PART OF THIS PE IT AND SUBJECT TO FIEVOCAT104 FO D,,ACCORDING TO PROVED�PLANS W :VIOLATIONOF APPLICABLEPROV[SIONS OF,LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PARTMENIT ay:, BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections 1. 11, 111, and IV. Street Address: LOCATION And—,— OF Intersecting Streets: Between WILDING I Sub-division 11. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants , In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attachpd plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accofWd h1th City ofpJacksonville ordinances and stan I clards of good-practice listed therein. 'A<7 Contractors No** of Mechanical Master Contractor I print) Lr_eAAo1 Nome of Property Owner C_ A Mof Owner Signature of azisod Agent Architect or Engineer I111111. 601811AL INFO A, — V V B. Type of hooting W: IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DOME ON soctric, THIS BUILDING OR SITE? Gas—0 L? 0 Natural 0 Control Utility IF yES. Gl�E NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION 00 PERMIT 13 0#11W — Specify IV. Ugaiii�"W.Aj WUIPMINT TO 16 INSTAUJID ATURE OF WORk (Provicle complete list of components on back of this form) Residential or El Commercial "*at 0 Space 13 Recess" I Control 0 Floor Now Building Y Existing Building Air Consirtioning: 13 Room ; Central . i _(�'00^ Replacement of existing system Duct System: Material 0"+J%""_ TMck"WL'::_ Now Installation(No system previously Instolied) Maximurn capacity C3 Extension or add-on to existing system 0 Other Specify C) Cooling low"- Capacity 94)A- (3 Fin qMnklors: Number of do 0 Manuft 0 Escolloft _("umber) THIS SPACE 0011t OFFM 004LY C3 Gasoline PumpL__ (number) (Reftived) 13, -48 lnumber) Remarks 13 LM confti (number) Un4tred Pressure Most Parmit Approved Boom Permit 00W SP*cifY. - pff AU EQUIPMENT A]3t CONDMON]ING AM RUIUGERATION EQUIPMENT C%vadty AppivVilair KOM Number Wanuf4abaw (1II1111111111Y A811111111W. go . 12k zQa C/ 000900 UILDING DEPARTMENT Of 0 6E H CITY OF ATLANTIC AC ATIOR IHFORiMATrOff TREZ Address$ 2 Rose S Numberi SOP, PERMIT 'iANTIC gSACH,, FLORIDA 32233 pet MECHANICAL ATi Poroit_Ty, RIPTION ---------- - - --------- - LEGAL DESC Cl ass df WorktL 'NIVW t Lott $lock'' Sectiont 'Canstr. Type i R/A FAMILY plat'[ Sook s Page% 0 Proposed Uset SINGLE I 1 11 010; 1 1 Oubdivisi .0 : Code't Dvollingo, 00, 00, ---------- WNER ImFOROATIOR Estisated Value* 00 00 TORY MCCUE j*prov., Cdati a STREET To 438.00 Addroavi 1 4,252: ROS ATLANTIC VEACH, FLORIDA132233 'Awo $38- 00 11 1 L -8251 (904)249 D Phooe* Work 1 21 TON 14VAC TION FEES P CA 038.00 05 wal WATER,: INPACT FEE $0. 00 $EVER I FEE: Pok, �Xkl� ED- iffi TAM, iAl w 0A CK rr A' 9P14 IA OPV 19 R IR RADON GA 00.00 `211"1' sanc WATER TAP �N SEWER TAP W74 IA f,/qP HYDRAULIC SHARE *0., 00 -RE-INSPEC IFE T ! ENGINEERING 001,00 OTHER, , M R NOTE& NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTEDSEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF:ISSUE ACE,AND MUST BE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBtsHAND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BEPLACED IN PUBLIC SP CLEARED UP AND�HAULEDAWAY,BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER, LAWL S L 11. 4 FAtLURE,,TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC 1EN CAN RESULTIN THE PROPEATY'OW0*ER'PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS'. 'PROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERIMIT AND SUBJECT TOIREVOCATIONTO, is , kt) ACCORDINIG TO,Af VIOLA SIONS OF LAW. �TION OF APPLICABLERROVI Tot' 1"0'0-0- Da' TIC B BUILDIN G16EPARTMENT ATLAN -fACH -�-Ad BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections 1, 11, 111, and IV. Street Address: MATION OF Intersecting Streets: Between V PA And f SUILDING I Sub-division-- 11. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants. — In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attack9d plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in a wi C of Jacksonville ordinances and stan dards of goo&,practice listed Aeroin, Contractors Nome of Mechanical Contractor (Print) Master 17 9- G Name of Pftporty Owner /y,'CC,d kA-or-,)D 5-,?,36 Signature of Signature of Owner Architect or Engineer or A#Awiwd Agent;--"", A, of hoot ing fuel: IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DOME ON THIS BUILDING OR SITE? 13 Ges—0 LP 0 Natural C3 Central UtilitY IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCU40N C) on PERMIT Speally IV. #AICH�XIIM PUWMW TO 19 INVALL1111111 MATURE OF WORK (PmwWo oamplete W of components on back of this fonvil f C0 Residential or '0 Commercial AS, ftat 0 Space E3 R*C.W 4 ca"hall 0 ROW A Now BuIlding Air COW010ni,619: E3 Room C0111111111'., 0 Exis.fing'BuildIng 0 Replacement of existing system cod SO": Material. jQjA New Installation(No system previou I sly Instolled)— maximum copecity, ch". A 0 Extension or add-on to existing system 0 C3 Other Specify C) Cooling. lower: Coi;soclty 9-pin. E3 Fire oriinklers: Nvmbor *F C3_ flevotair 0 M*Wft .0 Escalate, THIS SPACE M OFF= US ONLY Sovell"iii Pumps. —(mimber) M To (numbor) 13 LPG o"fall 13 UrArW P"Ourils vow Permit Approved Date- 13 43 Other — SPocifY Pomit Fee Uffr ALL EQUIPMENT AEK CON011TIONING AND ItElFlUGERATION EQUIPMENT Cq"ty Appmvbg NUMbor UnitA Dewdption Moilell Number manufattliva (TO") AgMW T FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 900-A-89 SECTION 9 —RESIDE.NTIAL POINT SYSTEM METHOD CLIMATE ZONf-&, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NORTH 1 g.3.2 PROJECT NAME tlJQf 4E- 1PAIM L-L-Y BUILDER: lamzy er, AND ADDRESS: PERMITTING CLIMATE OFFICE: (SQA ZONE. 1E 2E] 3 OWNER: PERMIT JURISDICTION I NO.: NO.: LJ I I EEI NEW CONSTRUCTION IF MULTIFAMILY,NUMBER OF CONDITIONED GLASS AREA AND TYPE UNITS COVERED BY FLOOR AREA S"T. ADDITION THIS SUBMITTAL: PREDOMINANT CLEAR TINT,FILM,SOLAR SCREEN SO SINGLE- so. EAVE OVERHANG SINGLE- [T-17 FT' PANE FT MULTIFAMILY ATTACHED HECK IF THIS SUBMITTAL LENGTH FT PANE EPRESENTS A WORST CAS-E PORCH OVERHANG DOLIBLE- SO DOUBLE- so. §INGLE-FAMILY DETACHE2�2� 'CONDITION: LENGTH M 11 FT PANE FT PANE [77 FT NET WALL AREA AND INSULATION EXTERIOR MASONRY R EXTERIOR FRAME R EXTERIOR STEEL R EXTERIOR LOG R so. P so so, so. FT �q�] FT FT I I I --"FIFT R AD ADJACENT MASONRY R ADJACENT FRAME R ADJACENT STEEL JACENT LOG R So so. FT.I so so. FT, = . FT. FT CEILING AREA AND INSULATION FLOOR TYPE AND INSULATION UNDER ATTIC R SINGLE ASSEMBLY R SLAB PERIMETER R RAISED:WD 0 CON 1: R SQ.1 —T--r--MsQ-1 FTI FT F�3 - F FT DUCTS COOLING SYSTEM HEATING SYSTEM HVAC CREDITS NOT WATER SYSTEM HOT WATER CREDITS IN UNCONDITIONED CENTRAL ELECTRIC STRIP HEAT 0 CEILING FANS ELECTRIC SOLAR: KPUMP S.F. = 11 -IE SPACE R ROOM El NATURAL GAS F CROSS VENTILATION >tTURAL GAS HEAT RECOVERY tCHECK) � I El PACKAGE TERMINAL D ROOM UNIT OR F OTHER 1 711.�� AIR CONDITIONER PACKAGE TERMINAL FUELS F-I WHOLE HOUSE FAN El OTHER FUELS DEDICATED IN CONDITIONED HEAT PU c NONE HEAT PUMP: El NONE BARRIER E.F. SPACE R MP NONE ATTI RADIANT COP/HSPF/ MULTIZONE NUMBER OF o AFUE SEER/EER EF BEDROOMS INFILTRATION PRACTICE USED + 1 cl X loo #1 >�,#2 El #3 TOTAL AS-BUILT POINTS TOTAL BASE POINTS CALCULATED E.P.1 CALCULATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX MUST NOT EXCEED 100 POINTS. ' A-MOT)EL FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE ` FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Section 9 Compliance program--Residential Point System Method Version 1 .05 March , 1987 Department of Community Affairs Printout Submitted in lieu of Form 900A-86 ___________-_______ _________________________________ ` ------------ | PERMITTING OFFICE: �OJECT NAME: ��� ������ ��. � _A�v(�~_ -�-�--��~�~�----... ....- | CLIMATE ZONE: 1 2 4D ADDRESS: ______________ | PERMIT NO. : ]IL!AIR: -T -------------- l���U�8���_����=���e��.�-�-�-�_-�-�-�-�-' | | JURISDICTION NO. : TNER: ______________ ------------------------------ � _____________________________________________________' ______-__ -- BUILDING OFFICIAL VALUE CHECKLIST COMPONENT INDOWS Double Clear Total Area: 197 .0 _____-_________ 4LLS . Ext Wood Frame Area : 993.0 _______________ R-Value : 11 .0 Area: 141 ,0 ________-______ . Adj Wood Frame _______________ R-Value: 11 .0 _______________ EILINGS . Under Attic Area: 1044 .0 _______________ R-Value: 30.0 . Under Attic Area: 113.0 ------------------- R-Values ______________R-Value: 19 .0 _______________ LOORS . Slab-on-Grade Perim: 168 . 0 _______________ R-Value: 0 .0 _______________ JCTS Uncond . Space Length : ALL _...............__..........---- _ R-Value : 4 .2 ---------------_- Central ______________Central A.C. SEER : 9.00 _______________ EATING COP : 3 &0 . Heat Pump . JT WATER Bedrooms: 2 --------------_-- Electric ______________Electric EF : 0.92 ---------------- AF I LIVAT I ChN ______________AFILTRATION Practice: 2 ------------------ Conditioned ______________Conditioned Floor Area : 1017 .0 ------------------- A"..i.3 ______________AS BUILT POINTS / BASE POINTS * 100 = EPI 3 20806.9 99 20953. 2 . ` GLASS TO FLOOR AREA RATIO = 0. 1937 ` ' ' ** PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all residences) ** =============================================================== ]MPONENTS SECTION =============== ===========================================REQUIREMENTS .INDOWS 904. 1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per linear foo=============== t or operable sash crack . ------------------------------------------------------- KTERIOR & 904 . 1 ' Maximum of 0 5 CFM ----------------------- DJACENT DOORS Includes sliding glass per sq . ft . ft ^ s- ^ iofdoor. ^~rarea^ = , _____________________wood_panel , _insulated , or glass doors - nly . �............. ............................................�......... XT . JOINTS & 904 . 1 To be caulked , gasketed ----------------- or- RACKS' , weath erstrzpped or otherwise sealed . ----------------------------------------------------------------- 'ATER HEATERS 904. 2 Must bear label indicating complian------ce --HR---- standard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss requirements. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric ) , or cut-off (gas ) must be provided . An external or built inheattrapmustbeprovided . ______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ __________ �IMMING POOLS 904 .3 Spas and heated pools must have covers ( excep` -------- SPAS solar heated ) . Non-commercial pools mus a pump timer . Gas spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 75% ]T WATER 904.4 Insulation is required only for recirculati----- IPES ng systems. In such cases, piping heat loss shall .................... ______________________be_ limited_to_ 17.5_BTU/H/Linear Ft . of pipe. ------------------------ �OWER HEADS 904 .5 Water flow must be restricted to no more th----- an gallons per minute at 20 to 80 PSIG. ..........____.................._................................................... ..._................................._-..............___........ _ ... ................._ ... ____....................---------- VAC DUCT 903.2 Constructed in accordance with industry ---- ]NSTRUCTION 904.6 standards & local mechanical codes. Ducts in Unconditioned space must be znsulated to minimum R-4.2 & joints must be sealed . ---------.... ...------------------------------------------------------------------- �AC CONTROLS 904. 7 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. - ___________________________________________________________________________ cILING INSUL . 904.9 Minimum R-19. ** INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** ]MPONENTS REQUIREMENTS OACTICE #1 Comply with Infiltration Prescriptives in above table . '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <ACTICE_#2____________________Comply_with_Practice #1 and the fsllowing . - ... ............ ............. ....�..........�........................��������������� ±erior Walls & Floors Top plate penetrations sealed . Infiltration ' barrier installed . Sole plate/floor joint caulked or sealed . iterior Walls & Ceilings Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior . surface caulked , sealed , and gasketed c�worx ' Equipped with outside combustion air , doors , replaces and flue dampers^ haust Fans Equipped with dampers . Combustion devices see 903. 2 M . ` mbustion Appliances Provided with outside combustion air - .... ir . ' __________________________________________________________________________ n Accordance with Sec . 553.907 F .S . , | Review of the plans and specificatzons Hereby certify that the plans and | covered by this calculatio- indicates zecifications covered by this calcu- | compliance with the Florida Energy ation are in compliance with the | Code. Before construction is completed lorida Energy Code . � this building will be inspected for | compliance in accordance with Section | 553.908 F .S. � ` 44ER/AGENT : ......................... __ | BUILDING OFFICIAL:____________________ | ATE:.. ............................. 1 DATE: _________________________________ ' ' ` ****************************************************************************** SUMMER CALCULATIONS ****************************************************************************** ` === BASE === | AS_BUILT === ASS------ - ______ | RIEN__AREA_x_BSPM_=__POINTS_ | TYPE _SC___ORIEN__AREA_x__SPM x SOF = POINTS N 20.0 38. 3 766 .0 | DBL CLR N 20 0 - 3------------------ E 73. 0 79. 7 5818. 1 | DBL CLR E 20^ 0 7u^� 0^82 624 ^6 . . 9. 7 0. 77 1234 6 S 72 0 66 2 4766 4 � DBL CLR E 53 ^ 0 79 ,7 0. 57 2407 ^7 . . . i DBL CLR S 20.0 66.2 0.65 861 '8 1 DBL CLR S 34 .0 66.2 0.71 159O^^6 | DBL CLR S 18 0 66.2 0.52 6196 W 32.0 79.7 2550.4 | DBL CLR W 12 ^0 79 ^7 0 ^72 685^ 1 | DBL C L R W 20.0 79.7 0. 77 1234 ^6 | . | | ` | | | _ | | -----..............-----------------------------------------------------------....................- ... 15 x COND. FLOOR / TOS TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS � ----- GLASS pu AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINTS ' ______________________________________________________r _ _-___ ____ | 15 1017.0 197 .0 0. 774 f3900 9 10764.4 | --------- .============925G.8 | AREA _____ __x__BSPM = POINTS | TYP _ _ _ __ E____________R_VALUEAREASPM = POINTS..... �LLS----------- | � -------- at 993.0 0.90 893.7 | Ext Wood Frame 11 .0 993. 0 1 .70 1688. 1, �j 141 .0 0.70 98. 7 | Adj Wood Frame 11 .0 1410 0^70 98^7 | ]ORS----------- | xt 22.0 7. 70 169.4 | Ext Won-.1 22 .0 7.70 169 4 �j 19.0 2.90 55. 1 | Adj Wood 19.0 290 55^ 1 | HiLINGS---------- | � 1018.0 0.60 610.8 | Under Attic 30 .0 1044 .0 0.60 626.4 | Under Attic 19. 0 113.0 1 . 10 124. 3 | -OORS--............. ----- | |b 168.0 -37.00 -6216.0 i Slab-on-Grade 0 .0 168.0 -41 .20 -6921 .6 | AFILTRATION--------- | ====1017^0====8.00===8136.0= 1 =Practice #2 1017 .0 8.00 8136.0 }TAL SUMMER POINTS | 14512. 1 | | }TAL x SYSTEM = COOLING 1 TOTAL x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING ]MPTS MULT______POINTS__ |_COMPON______MULT_____MULT_______MULT__ POINTS +512. 1 0.46 6675.6 | 13235. 2 1 . 100 0. 380 1 .000 ---------- ==================================^======^========^==========^Voo======55�2,3 WINTER CALCULATIONS*************************************** AS-BUILT === === BASE============� ================================================= ASS------------ | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS IEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS | _________________________________________________ ---------------------------- N 20 0 7 3 1 .27 185.7 N 20,0 7.3 146^0 | DBL CLR E 20^ 0 _q^ 2 0 .39 -72^6 E 73, 0 -9 .2 -671 ^6 | DBL CLR E 53.^0 _9 .^2 _0 .24 117 ^0 \ DBL CLR S ^72.0 -28 .4 -2044.8 | DBL CLR S 20 .0 -28.4 0.74 -420.3 1 DBL CLR S 34 .0 -28 .4 0 .81 - / /u.� | DBL CLR S 18.0 -28 .4 0.46 -233.4 W 32 0 -9 2 -294 .4 | DBL CLR W 12 .0 -9 .2 0 .24 -26. 1 ^ ^ | DBL CLR W 20.0 -9.2 0.39 -7E.� | | | | | | \ _______ _______ | _________________________________________________ ----------- ADJ GLASS | GLASS 15 COND FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS � ADJ . x GLASS = » ^ AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS AREA | POINTS __________________________________________________________________ ------------ 0.774 -2864 .8 -2218.4 \ -1301 .3 15=====1017.0========197.0========.=======_====,===========,================== | AREA x BWPM = POINTS 1 TYPER-VALUEAREA__ __ xWPM _=_POINTS ��� �� ___ ����������������������������������������� ALLS---------- � - 11 0 q93 0 3 70 3674 1 993 xt 0 2 20 2184 .6 | Ext Wood Frame . . . . ^ ^ 60 �j 141 .0 3.60 507 .6 | Adj Wood Fram110 1410 3 507 .6e . . . � | ]ORS----------- 22 0 15 40 338 8 t 22 0 15 40 338.8 | Ext Wood . . . x ^ ^ 0 13 19 30 252 7 � j 19 .0 13.30 252.7 | Adj Wood . . . � - | HLINGS---------- 30 0 1044 0 1 20 1252 8 � 1018 0 1 20 1221 .6 | Under Attic . . . . ^ ^ 19 0 113 0 2 00 226 0 � Under Attic . . . . | | -OORS---------- 0 .0 168.0 18.80 3158.4 lb 168.0 8 .90 1495.2 | Slab-on-Grade � VILTRATION--------- | 1017 0 7 40 7525 8 1017.0 7 .40 7525.8 | Practice=#2===================.=====.=========.= ]TAL WINTER POINTS ) 15634 .9 11307,9=| ================================================= � 3TAL x SYSTEM = HEATING | TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING IN PTS MULT POINTS | COMPON___RATIO__MULT____MULT_____MULT____POINTS_ ������������------------- --------- 6671 .7 1 15634 .9 1 .000 1 . 10c') 0. 465 1 .000 7997 .3 1307.9====0^59===========^=========^====.=====^=============================== ****************************************************************************** WATER HEATING ****************************************************************************** === BASE === | === AS-BUILT === ============================================================================== JM OF x MULT = TOTAL | DESCRIPTION EF CAP x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL FDRMS | RATIO MULT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 3803.0 7606.0 | Electric 0. 92 1 .000 3638. 7 1 .00 7277 .3 ****************************************************************************** SUMMARY ****************************************************************************** === BASE === | === AS-BUILT === ============================================================================== 3OLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL | COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL MATS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS | POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS -----..............----------..................--------------------------------------------------------- ..............................-..........-- 6675.6 6671 .7 7606 .0 20953 .2 | 5532.3 7997.3 7277.3 20806 .q ============================================================================== ' ***************** * EPI = 99. 3 * ***************** ' FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CLIMATE ZON FORM 900-A-89 SECTION 9 —RESIDENTIAL POINT SYSTEM METHOD NOR DEPARTMENT OF C43MMUNITY AFFAIRS BUILDER: ar-2-c-2—'t PROJECT NAME PERMITTING CLIMATE 1E] 20 3 AND ADDRESS: OFFICE: ZONE: PE IT JURISDICTION OWNER: NO: NO.: %47f IF MULTIFAMILY,NUMBER OF C NDITIONED - so GLASS AREA AND TYPE NEW CONSTRUCTION dEl'4- UNITS COVERED BY F R AREA 1 0 7 FT' CLEAR TINT,FILM,SOLAR SCREEN [] THIS SUBMITTAL: P E INANT SINGLE- SQ. SINGLE- SQ. ADDITION EAVE VERHAN' FT PANE FT PANE FT HECK IF HIS SUBMITTAL LEN H DUBLE- SQ. MULTIFAMILY ATTACHED REPRESENTS A WORST AN FT ,_�A� PORCH OVERHAN PANE CONDITION: LENGTH SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHE NET WALL AREA AWINSULATION EXTERI R EXT RIOR MASO R EXTERI R EXTERIOR STEEL ISO. R so. M S so. FT [D FT F m FT k ADJACENT LO R ADJACENT MASON Y R ADJACENT FRAME R ADJACENT STEEL so. R so* so.. FT so FT MR FT. FT FLOOR TYPE AND INSULATION CEILING AREA AND INSULATION SLAB PERIMETER R RAISEU UNDER ATTIC R SINGLE ASSEMBLY R = SQ. Fm i ISO. 171 FT HOT WATER CREDITS OUC COOLING SYSTEM HEATING SYSTEM HVAC CREDITS NOT WATER SYSTE SOL R' I N ELECTRIC STRIP HEAT CEILING FANS K ELECTRIC S.F. * [I - DI gC�E'NTRAL PUMP [IrNATURAL GAS HEAT COVERY ICIE111 UNCON ITIONED NATURAL GAS CROSS VENTILATION 0 SPACE R ROOM OTHER WHOLE HOUSE FAN OTHER FUELS DEDICATED El PACKAGE TERMINAL ROOM UNIT OR FUELS HEAT PUMP: AIR CONDITIONER PACKAGE TERMINAL ATTIC RADIANT NONE E.F. IN CONDI;IONEO HEAT PUMP NONE BARRIER SPACE R NONE NUMBER OF MULTIZONE EF BEDROOMS L--= COPIHSPFI SEER/EER AFUE INFILTRATION x 100 PRACTICE USED TOTAL AS-BUILT IMINTS TOTAL BASE POINTS CALCULATED E.P.1 I I j, WI 111j ; loo POINTS. i El #3 CALUMAICLO LVIF-FIGY�PERFORM #1 ANC ` ^ B-MODEL FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ` Section 9 Compliance Program--Residential Point System Method Version 1 .05 March , 1987 ` Department of Community Affairs Printout Submitted in lieu of Form 900A-86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROJECT NAME: ��� | PERMITTING OFFICE: __�� �_�������/_______ | __��-�===��=�~� 10 ADDRESS : | CLIMATE ZONE : 1 2 ------------------------------ | _.......... __-____��=� JILDER: _ jV��=^`z, | PERMIT NO. : �-��c�c�� .~ _________ � --_----------- JNER: | JURISDICTION NO. : . ------------------------------ | -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - BUILDING OFFICIAL COMPONENT VALUE CHECKLIST INDOWS Double Clear Total Area: 258.0 ..........___....._____..... ALLS . Ext Wood Frame Area : 990.0 R-Value: 11 .0 ..........___... ..............______ . Adj Wood Frame Area : 87 .0 R-Value: 11 .0 __............................_ ................ __ � EILINGS . Under Attic Area: 1103.0 R-Value: 30. 0 ' . Under Attic Area : 48.0 R-Value: 19.0 _..... ............... ............... ______ �-OORS . Slab-on-Grade Perim: 172 .0 R-Value : 0.0 JCTS Uncond . Space Length : ALL R-Value : 4 .2 7OLING . Central A.C. SEER: 9.60 EATING . Heat Pump COP: 3 .20 ]T WATER Bedrooms: 2 . Electric EF : 0.92 KILTRATION Practice: 2 Conditioned Floor Area: 1076.0 AS BUILT POINTS / BASE POINTS * 100 = EPI 21446.3 21734. 3 98.7 GLASS TO FLOOR AREA RATIO = 0.2398 ' ** PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all residences) ** ============================================================================== JMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS ============================================================================== rNDOWS 984. 1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per linear foot of operable sash crack . ---------------------------------------------------------------_______________ XTERIOR & 904 . 1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per sq , ft . of door area . DJACENT DOORS Includes sliding glass doors, solid core, wood panel , insulated , or glass doors only . --..........-------------------------------------------------------------------------- XT. JOINTS & 904 . 1 To be caulked , gasketed , weatherstripped or RACKS otherwise sealed . -_____________________________________________________________________________ 4TER HEATERS 904 .2 Must bear label indicating compliance w/ASHRAE standard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss requirements . Switch or clearly marked circuit breaPer ( electric ) , or cut-off ( gas) must be provided . An external or built in heat trap must be provided . _.......... ........... __.........__ ........... .........._...................................................---------------------------------.................................._....................___ �IMMING POOLS 904 .3 Spas and heated pools must have covers ( except SPAS solar heated ) . Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer . Gas spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 75% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ]T WATER 904 . 4 Insulation is required only for recirculating JPES systems. In such cases, piping heat loss shall be limited to 17. 5 BTU/H/Linear Ft , of pipe. -------- .........-................................................-------------------------------------------------------- KWER HEADS 904 .5 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 3 gallons per minute at 20 to 80 PSIG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �AC DUCT 903.2 Constructed in accordance with industry !INSTRUCTION 904. 6 standards & local mechanical codes. Ducts in Unconditioned space must be insulated to minimum R-4.2 & joints must be sealed . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VAC CONTROLS 904.7 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILING INSUL . 904 .9 Minimum R-19. ** INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** ============================================================================== ]MPONENTS REQUIREMENTS ============================================================================== 7ACTICE #1 Comply with Infiltration Prescriptives in above table. ------------................. .....--..........-.................. ........................-- ........................................................................... ................................................... .......-.......................... ....................... ---- RACTICE #2 Comply with Practice #1 and the following . ..... ...... .............._ ............_____......... ............................................__..................___...............__................................. ...................................... ........ ................____... ........ ......... xt�rior Walls & Floors Top plate penetrations sealed . Infiltration barrier installed . Sole plate/floor joint caulked or sealed . xterior Walls & Ceilings Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior. . surface caulked , sealed , and gasketed Olu''uu Op.Oa must oe sealeo . ` 'ireplaces Equipped with outside combustion air , doors , and flue dampers. xhaust Fans Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 903. 2 ( f) . ambustion Appliances Provided with outside combustion air . ........ ....._....____............. _.............................._..........___..................................._.........................................................__...............__..............................._____________ n Accordance with Sec . 553.907 F.S . , 1 Review of the plans and specifications Hereby certify that the plans and | covered by this calculation indicates zecifications covered by this calcu- | compliance with the Florida Energy ation are in compliance with the | Code . Before construction is completed lorida Energy Code:, | this building will be inspected foi- 1 or| compliance in accordance with Section 1 553 .908 F .S. | MR/AGEWT: .......................... | BL|ILDING OFFICIAL : ____________________ | ATE: | DATE: _________________________________ ****************************************************************************** SUMMER CALCULATIONS ****************************************************************************** === BASE === | === AS-BUILT === -ASS------------ | �IEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N 6b.0 38.3 2527.8 | D8L CLR N 20 .0 38 .3 0 .82 624 .6 | DBL CLS". N 34.0 38.3 0.54 708.3 | DBL CLR N 12 .0 38.3 0.73 337 .0 E 75.0 79 .7 5977.5 | DBL CR E 22. 0 79 .7 0.65 1133.9 | DBL CLR E 53.0 79.7 0 .57 2407.7 S 53.0 66.2 3508.6 1 DBL CLR S 53 .0 66.2 0.75 2646.5 W 64.0 79.7 5100.8 } DBL CR W 30 .0 79 .7 0 .72 1712.8 | DBL CLF. W 34 . 0 79 .7 0.82 2216.0 � } � ` | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POI NTS POINTS 1 POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 1076.0 258.0 0.626 17114 .7 10706 .6 | 11787.0 ============================================================================== | ' AREA x BSPM = POINTS | TYPE R-VALUE AREA x SPM = POINTS ----...................... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLS----------- | xt 990.0 0.90 891 .0 | Ext Wood Frame 11 .0 990.0 1 .70 1683 .0 Jj 87.0 0.70 60.9 | Adj Wood Frame 11 .0 87.0 0.70 60.9 | DORS---________ | � t 22.0 7 .70 169.4 | Ext Wood 22 .0 7 .70 169.4 Jj 19.0 2.90 55. 1 | Adj Wood 19 .0 2.90 55. 1 | EILINGS---------- | A 1077.0 0.60 646.2 | Under Attic 30 .0 1103.0 0.60 661 .8 | Under Attic 19. 0 48.0 1 . 10 52.8 | . 00RS---------- | lb 172.0 -37.00 -6364 .0 | Slab-on-Grade 0.0 172 .0 -41 .20 -7086 .4 | !FILTRATION--------- | 1076.0 8 .00 8608.0 1 Practice #2 1076.0 8.00 8608 .0 ============================================================================== ]TAL SUMMER POINTS | 14773.2 | 15991 .6 ============================================================================== | ]TAL x SYSTEM = COOLING | TOTAL x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING JM PTS MULT POINTS | COMPON 111J, "1*' MULT MULT POINTS ...............___.........__...................._.........................------------------------------------------- ..........___..... _______ 4773.2 0.46 6795.7 1 15991 . 6 1 . 100 0. 356 1 .000 6262.3 ============================================================================== ' ****************************************************************************** WINTER CALCULATIONS ****************************************************************************** === BASE AS-BUILT === ============================================================================== -ASS------------ | .VIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS ______________________________________________________________________________ N 66.0 7.3 481 . 8 | DBL CLR N 20. 0 7 . 3 1 . 27 185 .7 | DBL CR N 34 . 0 7. 3 1 .72 426. 1 | DBL CLR N 12 .0 7 .3 1 .40 122.9 E 75.0 -9.2 -690. 0 | DBL CR E 22.0 -9.2 0.01 -1 .3 | DBL CLR E 53.0 -9 .2 -0 .24 117.0 S 53.0 -28.4 -1505.2 | DBL CLR S 53.0 -28.4 0.85 -1285. 9 W 64.0 -9.2 -588.8 | DBL CLR W 30.O -9.2 0. 24 -65.2 | DBL CLR W 34 .0 -9.2 0.51 -158.7 | | | | | | | | -_____________________________________________________________________________ 15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ . x GLASS = ADJ GLASS | GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS | POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 1076.0 258.0 0.626 -2302.2 -1440.2 | -659.4 | AREA x BWPM = POINTS | TYPE R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS ______________________________________________________________-----_______________ /ALLS----------- | xt 990.0 2.20 2178 .0 | Ext Wood Frame 11 .0 990.0 3.70 3663.0 dj 87.0 3.60 313.2 | Adj Wood Frame 11 .0 87.0 3.60 313.2 | 3ORS-------------- x t ----------xt 22.0 15.40 338 .8 | Ext Wood 22 .0 15.40 338.8 dj 19.0 13.30 252.7 | Adj Wood 19.0 13.30 252 .7 | EILINGS---------- | A 1077.0 1 .20 1292.4 | Under Attic 30.0 1103. 0 1 .20 1323.6 | Under Attic 19 .0 48. 0 2.00 96 .0 | -OORS---------- | lb 172.0 8.90 1530.8 1 Slab-on-Grade 0 .0 172.0 18.80 3233.6 | !FILTRATION--------- | 1076.0 7.40 7962.4 1 Practice #2 1076.0 7 .40 7962 .4 ============================================================================== ]TAL WINTER POINTS | 12428 . 1 | 16523.9 | ]TAL x SYSTEM = HEATING | TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING IN PTS MULT POINTS | COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ?428. 1 0.59 7332.6 | 16523. 9 1 .000 1 . 100 0.435 1 .000 7906.7 ============================================================================== ****************************************************************************** WATER HEATING ****************************************************************************** === BASE === | === AS-BUILT === ============================================================================== JM OF x MULT = TOTAL | DESCRIPTION EF CAP x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL EDRMS | RATIO MULT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 3803.0 7606 . 0 | Electric 0.92 1 .000 3638.7 1 .00 7277.3 ****************************************************************************** SUMMARY ****************************************************************************** === BASE === | === AS-BUILT === ============================================================================== ]OLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL | COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL ]INTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS | POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS ... ....._......................................_..........__................................ ............. _.............................._....._............ ___ ....... ........._..........................__....._...............................................__ 5795.7 7332.6 7606.0 21734 .3 1 6262.3 7906.7 7277. 3 21446.3 ============================================================================== ***************** * EPI = 98.7 * ***************** , , DOOT11 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING _4 -CITY OP'ATLANTIC BEACH T'O" ATION INFORKATION '7 it Addreows I ' ' ROSOSTRECT �P'4r**t Ty PLUMSX- 40 LANTIC :$EACH, FLORIDA 32233 PO ' 'c I iliam 6% woik 4 i;fcw _'4._-A'_­ jLZ0AL 00SCRIPTIOW---------- : donxtr. Types JI/A Lots slook's propooed' Uses VJUPL6X Plot�� 10ook i Pao*$ 0 Subd4v 064, �O Codw* 0 00 lOWN9R INIFORMATIOR IMOV6Vi" 'Coot I V lic CUE *W 00 Addrv*� 40618 STRICXT ,C BRACH,, FLORIDA , 2233 *4$ 90 T ta,4 A � 'Vrx"W AWD LIMUS ', ATION P1968 ----- P :y #414S. 00 � �:'_ - , , l0f: ", I WA 'I'VIP40T, Ito 400 S"ItR Vee omf 4-* 4AS 43000 *0 RADONI Al A' 4/17/1,9 VATICR TAP -3 14' A/171 *4 A R TAP w" I Oct nr" MYORAULIC *0. 00 OTH ........... rw 4� : ,NOTES, 'INSPECTED BEFORE POURING NOTICE—ALI.CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE�, PERMIT,VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE'OFISSUE �,BUILDINGVATERIAL,RUBBISH A40 DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE'PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR.OR OWNER. M COMPLY:WITH,THE MECHANICV �IEN, LAW CAN RESULT IN �PAYIN THE PROPERTY OWNEA� G TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS. IS$UEDACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS,WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION_� VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIO:NS OF AW �'46 ATLANTIC BUCH BUILDING 919PARtMENT By, Twow . ............ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JAPPLICATION FOR, PLUMBING PERMIT 249-2395 JOB LOCATION PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F. W. FAIR PLUMBING COMPANY 4 LICENSE NUMBERS mP145 StAte RF0037503 OTATNER u :i f�>,(i'�%j C)f BUILDING CONTRACTOR TYPE OF BUILDING. SINKS ' -SHOWERS -LAVATORY WATER HEATERS BATH TUBS 1I DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS_ CLOSETS . . j WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS OTHER J/_TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT X$3- 50 $10. 00 :DATE 6/1 TOTAL AMOUN 3- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE.-, �.7 000712 No -N '10i,010 TMENT01FRUJILD! -�OFATLANTIG BEACH '7 plan 4ON IMPMAIMON STUXT. ,alt IC' *tA"* ot"I lc* -sip -00 t oo"t� T'l 01 K/ lot, UP 0 h rofthAttow 4:06004 loo X04"' tod— at To A- ojlx`� -W w 'o A mom, our it4 4-i U 7� 4/ coca cs -40.oc6l �A 4il 1�ttI time NOtES: 4' -A TICE,—,AL L!!= W,�,t �00 I -MUST TED 1300REPWRING f Vol D,Six MONTHS AFTEf 1 4 Offs, DATE� §U T AOMLTHISWORK M,US;.'N'I:)T BEIPLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBIISH,ANOt 'CLEARED UP ANIJ,�'HAULED AWAY'61e:51TH5 IRC 0 TRACTOR�OR OWNER.� LAW CAN RESULT IN "FAILURE, T PLYNIT -IkE MECHANI-C$ 1,AEN Com 0 8, 1 �VING IMPROVEMENTS*91 THE PROIPERT- Y WN R��PAYIN.G TWICE'FORSU ja�6ukb ACCO ODING TO APPROVED PLANS.WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR . ION OF APPLICABLE PROVISJONS OF,LAW. VIOLAT ATLANTIC 81�,A�CH BUILDING DEP, TMENT By: AV CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH �. 1-� APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT 249-2395 JOB LOCATION PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F. W. FAIR PLUMBING COMPANY LICENSE NUMBERS MP145 State RF0037503 OWNER T,-5?,V,>, ftl (- BUILDING CONTRACTOR ---771 TYPE OF BUILDING_ SINKS SHOWERS -LAVATORY WATER HEATERS "BATH TUBS _DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS CLOSETS WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT X$3- 50 $10-00 :DATE 6 7 /9� TOTAL AMOUNT INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE.'� 000634 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PER"IT 114FORMATION LOCATION 'INFORMATIOU Permit Numbers 63 4 AddreL993 .1252 ROSE STREET permit Permit Type: FLECTRTCAL ATLA14TIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: NEW t --- ------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION Constr. Type: N/A Lot: Block,. Section : Propoeed Use: SINGLE FAtfILY Plat Books E"Limated Value3 0 0 0 ------ OWNER INFORMATION Improv. CosLi $0. 00 Names TERRY HC CUE ToLal ,Feesi f$' 40. 00 Addreas: 1252 ROSE STREET Amount�.P id I -140. 00 ATLANTIC � BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Date �Pfiid- 1/22/89 Phone s (904)246-4964 Work Desc'. � 'CON 2/0, 150 AMPS, ALU"/SW-13RKR t-30 AMPS, lPf(3W 240 VOLT SEU RACW q, �4,4--�f,APPILICATION, FEES 40090CMrp EARL 'w I ,Y1�-,ELE,CTR1C 'COMPAHY-INC. P 8 R 14,1 T 11� ;, 'r --:. 'I I '. *40. 0Q749 IA 3/21,1/IF WATER ItIPACT' FEE 00 '-EWER �,,IMP ACT'� FEE to. o6749 19- 3/22/1 WATER',j1ETg­' '090. 00 lor 11 RADON GAS-H.-R. S. $0. ()o RADON GAS . - 5% $0. 00 WATER TAP $0� 00 -0 SEWER TAP $0. Q HYDRAULIC SHARE $0. 00 R -INSPECT FEE E ENGINEERING $0. 00 OTHER- $0. 00 NOTES: NOTICE —ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIE I N LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING-TWICE FORPUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS, PERMIT AN D SUBJECT TO REVOCATION VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. FOR ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT BY: 77 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approwd by APPLICATION FOR ILECTRICALi PIRMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:— IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS, DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. e-_ ELECTRICAL FIRM: kAAAVELECTRICIAN SIGN E JOURNEYMAN v NAME /41 —ADDRESS: —RFD—BOX BLDG.SIZE —BETWEEN: RES.( W____"APT.( I COMMA PUBLIC INDUS.I NEW(e4- OLD I REW.I ADDITION( TRAILER ( TEMPA SIGNS ( SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW(,I' INCREASE I REPAIR FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE 8�2 AMPS COPPER ALUM.(1,V-' f WTCH OR BREAKER A'<0 AMPS Z PH 9 W d5bVOLT CC11 RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY ,FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 1 0.30 AMPS. mps. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. ovot APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0-1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS ""Ion enn%I 000633 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH- PFR"TT 111FOR"ATT011 6:.33 LOCATION INFORHATIO14 Pex*mit Types ELECI'nfCAL.' Addreass 1250 ROSE STREET Class Of WOrks NEW A TLANT,IC. BEACH, FLORIDA -------- 32233 Constr. Typt-: ti/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---------- px'opoeed Use,' S.f f4r-I Lots Block I$I . Lr. rA11ILY Section: Dwellingal 0 Code plig t Books Page: 0 Subdi 0 Estimated Valuet VIBiOnt' SECTION H !i;ol 00 ------- OWNER . Improv. Cost % ZNFORHATION � ---------- Total *0. 00 ' Namet�' TERRYAICCUE Feeat Addressi A mou n t" r' 1 . I , 1250 �ROSE STREET. d- $40. 00 D a t i�,; I . FLORIDA 32233 Paldvi� J'3/22/813 PIjQne: ' (9O4)246-4964 Wark P*sP4'2,' CON ,2/0, 150 A11P,1.:3. ALUI1/SW-BRKR 150AMP ' ........ SvlPH3W, 240VOLT SEIJ RACEWAY CONTRACTOR(3) APPLICATION" OEEs EARLY;."ELEC'tRIC�"CWIPANY��: INC. 040. 001, L WATER INPA&: FEE� ," $0. 00 �EWER I MPA,C 40,11MCI( [I A FEE : � $0. 0974 W tI E T, 0 4 . 0 6 n r r,E 6 RADON dA -H,. R. p - 1 k, 1A 3/22/111 RADON_GAS $0. Oo WATER $0. 00 SEWER, *. 0 oo ------ HYDRAULIC SHARE *0 . 00 6-INSPECT FEE'�� $0. 00 R ENGIHEER,ING�!: IN` 00 ...... OTjj �ER 0.00;� I NOTES: NOTICE —ALLCONCRETE FORMSAND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE��--'.':`� BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,,AND MUST BE 6LEAREP UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN I LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING'IMPROVEMENTS.1) . R"IT 111FC)"A r RHATIO11 AddrL-rjs,. 'C pel-oil t T�11-,L I t;EW C1.a Be at Wurk F ..... fC nstr a Tvvt T ERI WA TI ;WI A,, SE Kl� ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA t�3 Approwd I APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. zw'v 4�z- e ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTE CTRICIAN SIgNATUA JOURNEYMAN NAME- f/WL /4 AD 1,2 60 ko5.1 g 77 RFD-----BOX_ BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES. APT.( COMM.( PUBLIC I I INDUS. I I NEW(-i` OLD REW.I ADDITION TRAILER ( TEMP.( SIGNS ( SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW INCREASE REPAIR I FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS 4/6-0 COPPER ( ALUM. (-I-" SWITCH OR 13REAKER If5o AMPS PH 3 W AYQVOLT S,6�IJ RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE INO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 81 1 31-100 AMP SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. I OVER APPLIANCES I BELL TAANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEA 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS1 MIERMNEOUS :p -n W zo m 0 0 C W:E 3 3 6 ig CD 0 CD SL < 5- U3 z 0 CD toy' El D > cl m Ln -n 0 0 0 0 a 2 5 Z U3 0 m q m 11 11 El m c M Cl) CD M 3 r- -q 0 .110 m ol .4 0 0 0 CO) m CA =r 0 0 m 0 > z oi 'a z z 0 0 0 z 0 3 00 r > I CD m 0 cr 43 3 FL 90 Z > F) I El > INFORMATION MANAGMIENT SERVICES A** AM 0 C- z m 0 0 > cn 0 0 CD 4 z z m --4 > m m A m r- m 0 m 0 0 > 0 0 z cn J m 0 m z > 0 0 CP --i cn > --q m z 0 0 0 K a m M :0 m z m -0 m 0 C oz 0 1 :0 r N m bo. v z z 0 EJ :Z H En 0 0 C) Lo C w M 0 in in < K) 0 :No- U) r z tn tn a r r :0. r cn 0 m C) 0 z 55 z 0 z o X mz > 0 EA) :j (A) om � z -0 Z w > LP M m 0 OEM CP _0 'D m M M m X 0 Z > 0 z > I �w m 0 -1 0 cn -0 tri -0 0 -0 C m x 0 M r- M CO :1) < 0 > m o m -0 Cl) 7— tD > 0 cn ::i 0 < cn 0 --j C/) C) m -n -< In 0 * -0 0 0 C 0 M t,) z U) a M z W Eri tn C*l a z w a M C 0 0 -V 3c z 86 0 r m ob tri tv Fn 46 X H m 0 z 0 m INFORMATION MANAGMENT SERVICES oe > cl) 0 0 m 0 --I "D m z 0 z co rry m x > m m z m r- > m 0 a C) z m m z 1 0 0 cn -.1 U) > cn m z 0 0 0 K 0 m m m z m m 0 m z 0 m M > z W�< z tj 0 < no Ln :x M H tyl t3l Ln r > En > :0 cn t%l to. w m M 3 c -i z r z 0 w z 0 H 0 mz > 0 G) —1 Ej 50 � z m Z mm — �z ma -4 0 U) 0 w MEW MO Imm > 0 z Z > -0 m 0 -0 0 '0 U) -0 0 m r- m c: m < X 0 > co M m > -0 U) 0 K -1 0 c/) < --i M cn 0 m m --A Cn 4k > c 0 m z > cQ 0 0 m 0 a z tD En m 0 z tri 1-1 CD p c L71 c F- 00 m lo rL H z 0 0 r r m 6th M 0 4 x H 0 z Alk 4^ 4ft Aft 4w 4w, wh 0 MA 0 El M 'D ol rrl x 0 ll� -q X 0 rn 0 0 )l 0 0 M X 0 'a C Z! 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M -0 CP LD (f) 0 # > 0 0 -n ;5 0 W m rn I vi C: -V IC M 0 M rn C) --A m 0 0 4,ft ANk MENT SERVICtS A4W AW INFORMATION MANAG AW 4m Oft c- 0 0 0 rn U3 0 G) z r, C) cn 0 z > rn 0 0 1 ?� -0 m -4 r- m 0 rn rn x m a z rn rn W CP > z T cn 0 7- 0 4 rn z 0 rn z (D m 13 rn 4 0 C: 0 0 z --i > M r U3 0 tz o C) C: > En EA r 0 > rn 0 0 r 0 > m z);p Cl o G) w4 W a r bi m .0 Z :z EA) m 10 -40 OEM 4 M fn Cl) LTI Z );, M o 0 rn z -40 o 0 rn > 4 Cl) -0 0 0 C M _0 m M 03 :1) m o > C) 0 > < m 0 (D 0 m a -0 LD > c 0 rn 0 > CP rn 0 a z 0 00 z :13 m rn o 0 63 z G) Z 0 < D 3*- L. CD El 0 0 0 33 M k m :4 0 m m C: 0 m m 0 < m CD r -n tb ,n 3 . m o - 0 � :E -4 0, CD ::� W D EL On o z g V > CA m 0 -0 0 M 0 0 z ?* z z 0 p 0 oco a r =r CD CD :,n 00 0 CL m 'n 0 -V 0 0, 10 . X FL > 90 z V F) C3 0 INFORMATION MANAGMENT SERVICES 4ft AW* oft AWA, 4w 0 0 c- 0 > c/) 0 0 m 0 -4 _0 1) z G) z m m > r- m 0 m 0 m U) --4 > 0 0 z 1 -0 m 0 m z > 0 cn --I cn > (n m z 0 q :13 :X) m z m m 0 c 0 m z 0 m -i > > > Ul -41K z 0 co --3 z C) 0 0 r VJ Inc > 0 -1 tr, 0 m 0 0 T z > z En 0 "i z 1 4 > 0 — > mz > 0 t a d ti 0 m U) Ul z T z Ul m M tyj 2 a q 5 cn -0 oc 'o m m m -4 M M > 0 Z > 0 z _0 0 m m �- M 'D 0 _0 cn -0 0 0 Lq m r- m c m x < 0 0 > co M m > -u (1) 0 K 0 a 0 c/) < cn 0 IV In -n cn En 0 * 0 0 z m m A :fj Lf) 0 En m m 0 z L) r m Ln > 0 r M 4 'AW Aft 40okk 4ft Allk, Awl' ZO M-4 0 3. F' r- CD to m co cr 0 El 0 su 0 0 0 o o 7 o m m -0> 0 -4 c M cn (D -n "n 3 m 0 =r 0 0 c 0 M = 6 -=I CL 0 z oz V > CA 0 m 00 r- -a = 0 M j 0 0 r 0 (D Li -n ol FL 90 z > 5 0 0 7-0 CD 00 C: ID Cf) -n 0 0 0 0 z to 0 0 POW 4 rn m 0 1 0 0 sit c 0 03 CD 3 0 C) -4 o C.) CA 0 U) to t "0 > 0 m 0 rn 0 C) 0 0 z -4 R 0 0 V ,n 0 5 c s 03 00 IC3 m > T-n ID OR Z 5 > m 0) C CD.M Cb 0 a CD CL CD -n 0 0 0 cr a Z 0 m m El 0 m C: 0 m m > cn m CD f- -n 3 rn o 'o o 0 CD Z o z ag > 0 m m Fj V 0 rn j 0 0 z �; z 0 0 0 '0 c c 0 CD z CD ;n 0 )ral CL 3:> :Coy M n 0 z 0 C3 > ORMATION MANAGMENT SERVICES AW AW AW INF Aft 'Aft Alk C) 0 0 m 0 0 z z > rn -4 0 0 -0 M rn 71 0 a > z m i m 0 m > z (n cf) -4 cn K 0 0 0 0 m m z m —j :07- cn m c: 0 m _0 m In 0 J 0 Z— m 0 03 r- 0 71 > F-I 0 cn m z 0 > 0 z tj U)a "n fn Z o G) 4 a z 0 M Z .a Z fn 0 -0 -40 0903 z cn M rn 0 > 0 Z p m z -40 > g 0 x 0 'M c) 'a C M m r- M 03 M 0 > o > a < > _0 (/) :2 0 CP 0 rn -n -< 0 a * -u z c 0 M Yj cf) M tr.) m 71 Z c: r r rri m m 0 m AWk Aft INFORmATION MANAGMENT SERVICEIS Aft Am #41%, 4w Am Aft AM -1 INFORmATION MANAGMENT SERVICES 0 lb. C7 - 0 .2 :: prifli"R 0 c- 0 0 ::E 0 m G) > cn 0 z z 0 > m r- 0 rn m m m 0 0 > z rn z --I m 0 rn > z 0 U) 0 0 0 4 z 0 cn m :13 m rn z 0 m -0 m m ITI > 0 --4 c 0 z 0 > U z > l'-1 (11 f- 0 > 03 r, tic rr, 0 IZ rr. 0 tr, > Ki > c o r rr 0 cl, m 0 0 c c: x a 0 a rr, -0 z ii: 0 to rp. > z > m z 3;0 0 z -4 0 M Z Z fn M, -0 -40 0 cl) -4 M M a 0 Z p m z o 1) > 1-4 m 0 (n '0 -0 0 -a c M M r- M 03 M 0 0 > C) 7- < > 'a cn m o (P < --i (1) 0 V3 # M -n 0 * z 0 M M 7z c: T c r m rn m 0 m 0 low "m INFORMATION MANAGMENT SERVIGIES 7 A%. Aft 0 m 0 0 > cn 0 a) --1 -0 m z G) z m > r- m m 0 0 > m co --i m m 0 z m m z > 4 'a cn (D > cn m z 0 0 S. 0 m z m m -v 0 c 0 ii z 0 m :I� co tn CD w r- :0 r N < t- 0 m :0. Lq 6.4 z 0 0 1 z 0 C) 0 4b En 0 0 to tri -3 c m to Ln :0 M tilo En 0 0 H m 0 5 v m C z :x 0 z EP o > 10 0 In I r EA :x r U)a V 0 mz > m > :1b. 0 0 r r z H -4 m c 0 0 m > 0 m i N, z -0 Z w En z Ej m > -4 H X bi mm — C-E I K) -0 -4 Cl) 03 0 m m m C) 0 z m z m .-f > 0 m cn T 0 0 Ln c m r- m < 0 0 > :13 CD m -0 (n 0 0 (1) Z =i (n 0 Fn m -n U) 0 M z U) m I.D nK T 0 kth (A En I tn rn 0 0 m I.D -q Er) -i m 0 H ON m 0 H m r $4 0 EA) z :K m z En G) 13 0 F1 r 0 -1 tn m :0 0 41 X C) > 11 ADDRESS--Za�;a-- -------------------- CONTRACTOR OWdER- -------ol - ------------------------------- BUILDING-6290-3--- MECHANICAL........ PLUMBING ELECTRICAL------- TEMP MISC ----------- ELECTRICIAN --------------------------- DATE FAILED DATE PASSED TEMP POLE JEA IS/ - ----------- -- ------- FOOTING - ----------- ----------- ROUGH PLUM81NG - ----------- ----------- SLAB ----------- ----------- FRAMING ----------- ----------- MECHANICAL/FIREPLACE TOP OUT PLUMBING -------- ----------- ROUGH ELECTRIC ----------- ----------- FINAL ELECTRIC ----------- ----------- FINAL BUILDING ----------- ----------- ELEVATION SUBMITTED ----------- ----------- - CERTIFICATE OF�'OCCUPANCY DATE ORDERED DATE ISSUED ----------- ADDRESS__1 ------------------ CONTRACTOR—a ----------------------------------- OWN*ER... 17, ------------------------------- BUILDING MECHANICAL ........ PLUMBING ELECTRICAL....... TEMP POLE......... misc ELECTRICIAN --------------------------- DATE FAILED DATE PASSED TEMP POLE JEA - ----------- ----------- FOOTING ----------- ----------- ROUGH PLUMBING - ----------- ----------- SLAB ----------- ----------- FRAMING ----------- ----------- MECHANICAL/FIREPLACE TOP OUT PLUMBING ------- ----------- ROUGH ELECTRIC ----------- ----------- FINAL ELECTRIC ----------- ----------- FINAL BUILDING ------- ----------- ELEVATION SUBMITTED ----------- ----------- - CERTIFICATE OF�7OCCUPANCY DATE ORDERED DATE ISSUED ----------- ,;r CITY OF 800 SEMINOLEROAD ATIANTICBLACH,FLORIDA 32233-5-445 TELEPHONE(904) 2,47-5800 FAX(904)247-580; March 19, 1993 C & S Bank 301 North Third Street Neptune Beach, FL 32266 Dear Sirs : our records indicate that you are the owner of the following property in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida : S. 20 ft. Lot 2 —1ot t 4 Section H a/k/ RE#171007-0010-9 Investigation of this property discloses that I have found and determined that a public nuisance exists thereon so as to constitute a violation of Ordinance Section 21-24(b) , Code of the City of Atlantic Beach in that there is an abandoned vehicle i_.-e. 1979 AMC Concord VIN#A9AO67E260476, Registration 1991 expired . You are hereby notified that unleso the condition abovt.,� described is remedied within ten (10) days from the date of your receipt hereof , this case will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 162 .09, the Code Enforcement Board may impose fines of up to $250 . 00 per day for a first violation and $500 .00 per day for a repeat violation. Sincerely, arl W. Grunewald Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah cc : City Manager VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED SENDER: • Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the • Complete items 3,and 4a&b. following services (for an extra • Print your name end address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. fee): - Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space 1. IgAddressee's Address does not permit. • Write"Return Receipt Requested"on the mailpieco'balow the article numbe"I 2. El Restricted Delivery • The Recei t fee will provide you the signature of the person,de Were to and=t.of delivery. 1 Consult postmast r for fee. 3. Article Addres d to: 4a. Article Number zo �e 'nr -0 776 4b. Service Type CQV El Registered Insured Certified COD 0 Express Mail �Return Receipt for :Merchandise 7. Date of a (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address(Only if requested and fee is paid) 6. Signature (Agent) PS Form 3811, November 1990 *U-S-GP0:1991-287-M DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT CITY OF 1*5(40� Vead - 96v�& 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AITANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32213-;�4� TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(9t)4)247-SNOS March 19, 1993 Occupant 1250 Rose Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Sirs : Our records indicate that you are the occupant ot the following property in the City of Atlantic- Beach, Florida : S. 20 ft. Lot 2, Lot 3, N 10 ft Lot 4 Section H a/k/a 1250 Rose Street RE#171007-0010-9 Investigation of this property discloses that I have found and determined that a public nuisance exists thereon so as to constitute a violation of Ordinance Section 21-24(b) , Code of the City of Atlantic Beach in that there is an abandoned vehicle i__.e. 1979 AMC Concord VIN#A9AO67E260476 , Registration 1991 expired'. You are hereby notified that unless the condition above described is remedied within ten (10 ) days from the date of your receipt hereof , this case will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 162 . 09, the Code Enforcement Board may impose fines of up to $250 . 00 per day for a first violation and $500 -00 per day for a repeat violation . Sincerely, Karl W , Grunewald Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah cc: City Manager VIA CERTIFIFD 14AIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED C CITY OF N00 SEMINOLFROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE k904)247-5800 FAX (904)247-5805 MEMO��krNDUM February 9 , 1993 TO: David Thompson, Chief FROMr/��,,/6` arl W. Grunewald, Code Enforcement Officer RE: Junk Automobiles Please have the following towed: 1 . 1250 Rose Street - Rear Yard - South Side 1979 AMC Concord VIN#A9AO67E260476 FL Regis Expired 1991 KWG/pah cc: City Manager X/ NOTICE TO THE OWNER AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ATTACHED PROPERTY This property, to wit: A'O' located at: ,A'S�.4 is improperly stored and is in violation of the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida; Chapter 21, Article 11, Division 1, Section 21-24 (a) and must be removed within ten (10) days otherwise it shall be presumed to be abandoned property and may be removed and destroyed by order of the City of Atlantic Beach. If the property is a motor vehicle, the owner will be liable for the costs of removal and destruction. Dated: 913 Signed: Code E forcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904) 247-5826