335 Sailfish Dr (vault) ST77, �05~_*04T OF f UIL*11"Q ty 0 F`ATLANTIC 8 N PERNI r INFO NATION, LOCATION INIFORNATIO ------ poiait Number t, 57,77 Ad rooms t 3135 SAILFI,SH,1 DRIVE P*rwit-Ty )v i XEC�OANICAL ATLANTIC BEAt, % ' FLORIDA�. 322:�3 *h 'ION a 0 0 I W 16. ADDITION, L DESC PT Lot I Block t Soctiom, Pt*' pomod U so s-� $11GLE FAMILY I Cod*t: 0- Su �divissidrt% ,ROYAL PALMS age Ue Timpro Tot $251400 *25,*00 Dal, OUTLETS IN ADDITION J ow 40 AT-1010 4 APPLICATION .FEES PERMIT *25*C 0 Odl- got "ISH DRIVE WAIE. ' , I)IIPACT, M *O�v 0 FLORI "y' 4, $0.00 RA009" GAS H , A ------ FORMAT N R D04-GAS 5% *0.( 0 Kismo 3 X No, A WATER TAP, *O.CO BwL-2 *0' CO, K LLE BEACH# F-L 3225C HYDRAULIC *0! CO Typet 3 119.-IRSPECT FEE *Q.,t 0 *O.'t 0 SEC. H IMPACT FZ9 Norei A I LLC NC AETS FORMS AND FOOTINGS M A* BE 9 CTED BEFORE�IPOURING PC PERMITWID SIX MONTHS AF'ER DATE OP:tStbe 4 MATE,R I IAL, 'PLACE ST'8E RU 06SH AND�DEBRIS FROM TH IS WO RK h U ST NOT BE, D IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND 4 CLEARED UP ANIYHAULED,�WAY 13YEITHER CONTRACTOR OR C WNER All to URE, TO MPLY�WITH THE MECH "NICS , LIEN LAW- "AN AESUI IN C 'R AWE Dtt THEPROP PAYING TWICE R BUIL 40 IM ATy# 10 ACCOR Nia TO APPROVED:PLANS WHICH ARE PART W'THIS PERMIT,AND SU Inal TI E ftREVOCA LATION OF LICAKEPROVASION'SOFLAW, -PARTMENT AtI1Af4TtC-BEACH,Ji1U1LbING Dt W ::Lp BUILDING AND'ZONING 14SPECTION DIVISION' CITY OF ATLANT C BEACH ATLANT#C UWACH. PLO t10A 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT — CiLL-lN-NUM*8E-A, IMPORTANT Applicant to complete all items in sections 1, 11. Ill. a nd IV. LOCATION Site*#Addis st: OF Intersecting Sit@##$: $*#**on BUILDING And 11.PIDENTINICATION — To be completed by all applicants! In consWereCon of Permit given for doing the woA at described I" h a --th the attochpd pl&As and specifications which at@ a part # a ni�vo 1.1,41omnant Vo hereby grog to laid -0-1 , .,Co .0 - of good practice listed thiproin. hereof and .."t $he C;tyIof Jocksonw.l'o o1d;Aamcot #-,a Name of Mach ic C C infractor$ (I 1�e ho ester Contractor Ima."t) Name of Property Owner si"ature of Owner w Awfloorilotl Ago*# nature of Architect or Engineer Ill. GENERAL INFORMATION A. I.if ;.nw Tym-01 hooting two#: 13 Elledric IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING Done ON 0 Gas—0 LP El Natural E3 Central Utility THIS BUILDING On SITE?_. /,,U r) E) CIA IF Yes, Give"UtAve"or CONSTRUCTION 0 Other — spoely, PERMIT IV. MICHANICAL SQUIPMAN7 TO N INSTAUED NATURE OF WORK Via"a 44MPIOfO 10 of compoftofth oil back of Wit feml 11 Residential or Commercial 0 Wait 0 Space C3 Reconeci C3 Cenhaj a Row 0 NOW BUIlding 0 Ail Coadhiiaming: 13 Rom C) Central 0 Existing BUIlding C3 " System. matedat 0 ROPISCOMOnt of existing system mashossits capacity 0 NOW Installation(No system PrOVIOUSlY i"1111111141d) C) Rom"ftfion 13 Extension Of add-on to OxIsting system Cooliat fow1w: Capacity Other— Specify Ara cissrinklors: Nvinbor of it"&- *Iwotw E3 Gawks,pvm---- —(aurnber) THIS SPACI FOR OFFICI UU ONLy T&A. --j"umb"I I a Marks 13 LPG COM8140016�(Swenbor) 0 UO&W pewwo 1) Awnif Apiwe"d by_____� 00#0 0 Other — SPK*f Permit UOT ALL EQUIPMENT Alit CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIpblENT rtft�fqtr ApplapbW DeftirfpUon 39*4d WwrAer HEA FURNACES. BOILERS, FIREPLACES NUmber Units Dwrfpuan X00d Aftimbor CGINICItY Afpmvft f TANKS new X"y Nolibw es"City Type UqU14 memo of Serw A a" Dbnobilms Oontainocl No. A4ency I-po DEPARTMENT OF i WILDING CITY'OF ATLANTIC BEAC PER T: INFO ION ------ -------- LOCATION INFOR"ATION ------- roit Nuall or .5700 Addreest 335, SAILFISH,, DRIVE Porvit T')pe 1 8 ' ,LDIWO ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32Z33 -- -------- LEGAL ,DESCRIPTION ------- T) pv: Lo t% 14 t, Black,:' 27 sectibli: 'tow: UMITY T(altnoWLp 11 RNG:' �O ad*t C), SuDdivislo' ni : ROYAL PALMS *5346.00 t 000. *62.43 AA%ou 462.43 -/23/92 Work, Do DITIOR FOR STORA W ROOK Pg*,,, PLANS 4PIPLICATICAR, RES r ATloN T* Tt r *60.co dd DRIVE USH WATER XJlPAC'T PER ' *0.(0 Aft' PIW oo;� SEN 'mow 3 4 RAWN R FORKATI#K -------- RAPOK Poe J111 $0. O� 0 f A46 f; A :1, WATER TAP Name i HYDRAAJL LIC StARg�j' TYPO% E iP]ZCT F9 SEC-0f, !1111PACT FEE #'o t/F �.q NOTICE.-ALL C6NtRETE'FORMS AND FOOTINGS M JST BE tt4SP-E,C"r$b,$,tFOfIF.�','POURtNO "0: PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AF'ER DATE,OF ISSU BUILDING 1, 015 FROM THIS'WORK BE PLA OUBOC$PACE,AND M JST BE AATERtAL�.R'VI30ISHAN C901 f4UST NOT - CED'IN, 0 ARED UP AND HAUL110AWAY BY,EITHER CONTRACTOR OR JWNEW _0 ' S" LIEN',LAW 0 AN RESU 'I ILURE "COM THE MEC IC PAI, fty WITH V M PROO A PAYING TWICE OROV I.L fi, ��'.tl 0 4 arm. "7 0,�ACCO AN S" RDING TO,APPROVE6 PLANS WHICH ARE PART f THIS PERMIT 0 U EV4 N OFIAOP ICASLkIiROOSIONS OF LAW, 0 ADD, Q�D 13 UILDING, rzpAATMF-NT -,BEACH CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIO Owner(s) :- -------------------------- Address ----------Phone: 3:. -�Jd- ---- L Lot *4 Block or nit # Subdivision: on't cl-A Contractor:--,:§--2 ---- Describe work to be done:-1�7, �2e--------------------- ------ -------------------------------------- -------------------------- Present use of building:_ 41.)Ab _4 - ----------------------- ------- Valuatil on: � ___# .;2 ------------------------------------- ------ Proposed use: -,a'*9�-1--a-�-- -------------------- ------ Is this an addition?......... If yeB, what are the dimensi ns of the added space:__ ----ft. X -a- 1--ft- Will the added area be heated and cooled?- a,New E-lectrical (or increase� ? New plumbing fixtures?Alt- New fi7e:)Iace?4-New Heat/AC?-��-- SUBMIT THREE COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS,, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTPACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER:........ ------- Date: Signature CONTRACTOR: e----- ---- ------------ Date-.----,------ poll ? in i Building an Zoniinl rLA. 1967 LAWS RAMCO FORM 409 FS 711.13 4k, r, of Cammracrturnt IVACIPARK IN DUPLICAT" to tahm it Mq =me= The undersigned hereby Informs all concerned that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Description of propert) ..........# Z....... ....... A. .................. x ..... .If................................................. et .... ... .... . ................................................ . .. ...................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ............................................................................. ....................................... .................................................................................;...........I............... General dewiption of improvements......... ...... ........S.,.!) P ............................................................................................ .......... .I.......................................................................................................................I..............................I.........................................................I......... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 4 Owner...... 44...... -&--r....................................................................................................... Address.....9 ...... ........../&. :! ...... .................................................. Owner's interest in she of the improvement................................................................................................................................................ Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) Name......6-Ali.Nto....................................I Address............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Contractor.....................................................................v................................................................................... Address.........................................................................I............................... Surety (if any).......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Addrea....................................................................................................................... ............................Amount of bond $................................ Nam Of P*rw within the State of Florkla designated by owner upon whom notices or othw doo"nis may be served: ........... Name Address.................................................................................................................................................. In addition to himself, owner designates the following person'to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (F), Florida Statutes. (Fill In at Owner's option). Name..................................................................................................................................................................... Address THIS 81PACK FOR ftjgCO^OXR-g USK 0"LV .. . . .. ........... ..............I........... 0wner Swom to and subscr' be4re me this......Zo/................ . . .......... ................. ..............;................. .. ......f ......... .......... .................................................................................. Notary Public 41 r--Y) < 70 C'n rT) OTI 7zJ Pl- rp_ rn C> GN: C:: t 16 7'J- IX op 03 CZ Z:l Q�. OWNER BUILDER PERM�T AFFIDAVIT State of Florida City of Atlantic Beach RKFQRE HE t personally appeared undersigned au hority, ------------ hO Upon first being duly sworn, deposes and- sayss Z' ------------------------ and the legal owner of the followin§ propertya Subdivision Block AKA I am applying for a building permit pursuant Lo the Owner Builder exemption not forth in Florida Statute, Section 489. 103. Florida law requires that I have beell provided with the following DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ..State low requires construction to be done by licensed Fontractors. You have applied for a permit under an exemption to that low. The exemption allows you, as the owner of your property, to act as your own contractor even though you do nct have a license You must supervise the constructicn yourself. You may build or improve a one - or twc family residence or a farm outbuilding. You may also build or improve a commercial building at a cost of 025, 000. 00 or less. The building must be for your use and occupancy. it may not be built for sale or lease. If You sell or leak& more then on* building you have built yourself within one your alter the construction is complete, the law will presume that you built it for sale or lease, which in a violation � of thin exemption. Your construction must be done according to building codes and zoning regulations. It in your responsibility to make sure that people employed by you have licenses required by state low and by county or municipal licensing ordinances. '%v acknowledge that I have road the above DISCLOSURE I comply with 811L the requirements for the ""ilder permit. nwner M i NO Tl 7D z rl Cl) rn CI ttj: to 0 4 crcl A �eated'Square Footage @ '3 06 per sq ft = $ Gara-e/Shed @ er sq ft = p S Carport/Porch @ $ er sq ft = $ J De ck per sq ft Patio per sq ft 3 t-/ MAL VALUATION: Total Valuation lst $ 41) :3q - Remainder Valuation _5-. per th usax L or port-ion thereof q0 C) ----------------------------------------------I Total Building Fee ADDMONAL PERIM and/or FEES REQUERED I + k Filing Fee a 00 Fireplaces @ 15.00 : $ lech�nical <D PlLubing, BUILDI%-PEFMT FEE $ Electric/New L-------------------------------------- ---------- Electric/Temp Septic Tank BUIMING PEIWT $ I WATER MEM CMP�E 4ell S,.TimTdng Pool SEWER IMPACT FEE $ Sign WAM INPAM FEE —0 — Water Cormction NEI us $ Sewer Cotmection Z/- 2 O�A 3 0 water lieter Elevation Certificate mm TOM Dut $ a 4-3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALDJLMONS and/or NOM -K OJIPART VIENT Of BUILDING CITY 00�ATLANTIC I EACH w , ERMIT I' ,0OR#ATI0,N Op, --- ----- L ATTOWINFORNATION A P *it Numbert 9,29, dd�-eua t 3�1 SAILFISH DRIVE EAST r*it Tyrpe: E L E TRICAL ATLANT BEAC�, FLORIDA :32233, Cl I as 01 Works ALTERATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION str. Tyl :ot ' w000 Block; Sectionj FRAME, Lott aponed Us e s, S Towom ip,: IMPLE FAMILY b, ' 0 Subjiviaion�;� 1041*44tv- luet $0. 010 at $0.00 :rImprov. a 3 J t , , : *17. 40 Totol Veit 17.40 A 'I Da PAR EL ONLY Wdirk' "Do APPLICATIO N, FEES ATION PERMIT *17. 4 Addr, set ISH DRIVE EAST VAT T)lP, ACT *0. t 0 ov FEE," "Ps V"V" 'H,.,R.9 06N 4k,", FORMATpu RADON GAS 5% WA Name; Ic TER,1,AP Sun, TA $0.0 ULtc �'$HARE :�2220 *0& �K HYbR'A RE-I ASPEC 'TE *0.0 Typet 2 T P 'ACT FEE, SEC.H' 1,40 *S. LL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS Mt ST BE I NSPECTWagpont POURING NOTICE �A LIE PSRMITVQ1DSIX MONTHS AFT ER DATE OF IS18 �'�'SUJLDING MATIEPIAL,R06BISHAND THIS WORK M JST NOT,BE PLACED INPUBLIO'SPACE,AND ML ST BE EARED UP AND HAULED WAY�ISY91THEAdONTRACTORORO�l,,VNER- IN iFAI'LU RE,.'o.C10#01fty W ITH-THEMECHANICS' LIEN14W CAN RESU PwpR A ON, TY�O*E'A`PAYING TWICE FOR Hm FOR, UED ACCORDING.TO-APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART C F To RIP.0 THIS PERMIT A A In DPAPPLICABLE ROVISIbNS OF LAW. TON or Cbn Pli- 61 0 ww. UWAR 'N q BEACH 8 JII'DING TMENT "C E. _4 CITY OF ATLANTIC B�:.ACHI FLORIDA Approwd bV APPLICATION FOR EL TRICAL PERMIT 19 TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING TH WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE ITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDA E WITH TH ECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL IRM: AASTER ELECTRICIAN SIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN NAME —ADDRESS: RFn RtYk BLDG.SIZE ETWEEN: Z/V RES. APTA COMM. PUBLIC INDU i. NEW OLD(1-f" REW. ADDITION (vr_-TRAILER I TEMP. SIGNS SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( INCREASE ( RE I R FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS /As C PPER I ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH � W OLT RACEW -AY �74 EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH JW 7,3/vOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE "I NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALEDI OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALEDI OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMPS. 31-100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 1 0.100 AMPS. I OVER APPUANCES I . I I I BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.,RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS �MPS -CEILHEAT:1 KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PHS1 MISCEL4fiNEOUS 1*714* TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. �VER 600 V. NO. I NO. lKVA NO.NEON TRANSF.- _�O. VA. MA. MOT DR SIZE SWITCH FLASHER EACH SIGN FORWARDED $ TOTAL FEES 0 STAFF REPC RT AGENDA ITEM: Requested abandomned of part of Cypress Street Right-of-Way SUBMITTED BY: George Worley 11, Community Development Director DATE: July 15, 1999 BACKGROUND: Mrs. Susan Cane has expressed an interested �i acquiring part of Cypress Street right-of- way which adjoins her property. As can be seen on th attached map the portion of Cypress Street (striped) adjacent to her property(shaded) serves only her lot. All other properties in the inunediate area have street access from the remainder of Cypress Street or from other streets. An easement for water or sewer lines exists oss a portion of Mrs. Cane's lot. An easement must be retained if the designated portion o�'Cypress Street is abandoned to allow access to the existing easement. The eastern portionof the street must remain in City hands to permit access to the lots fronting on Belvedere Street but the western portion, marked in stripes, could be abandoned and/or sold if the City Commission so desires. The abandonment of this portion does not create any adverse impact on the City. Abandonment of public right-of-way is accomplished by adoption of an ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: If the City Comrnission desires to pursue this -equest Staff will coordinate with the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance and easement documents. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Map showing portion of Cypress Street. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGE )A ITEM NO. 17/2-4a J-Q 9 Lfl-, 4e-4k*"t CI-LdAIV� Ct 0 41�A/ 4.1 4�4 40 ta -74 4-A Cat n it Pirvimr 44� ea f! fA I Sal:; je 40 G-e9 a j, 4Zit 'Zot scl x IZZO Gel Alt z of 1 10 FOR OFFICE I= DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING Date 42-ft 191,/ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, Ft4RIDA Permit *Ly I se $ tion $ Valuai on Application ,for Permit f HOUSE I Miscellaneous Alteration ir and Repairs DESCRIBE: 4U&4 Z O�AeA-Z� A74c�4 r (Stal e if to repair, alter, add to or move building, 'erect awnings, signs, etc. ) Building on: Lot No._./44 Blk No. ub.Div S 2�t6 valuation A4dress ?"V- $ $s, Name owner it-AC BUILDINGS *0 OCCUPANCY Building Use 4- Residential or Busine "to be done? What Pli5mbing,work Size of Pr 0,8%e0t Bldg. Sizer o:- .Extension Lot Size-L' _ No. ofstorie now.after altered r __.._;4ateria Of ob; _ Material of'.Ptesent Building. Material of, Xxtehoion NECESSARY PLANS TO BE SUBMIT .TED MRSWITH OIL BURNER OR OLINE EQUIPMENT - - Typ Name of. Oil Burner or, Gasoline P e or Model TO B MIR Name and Addr4 ms I of Manufacturer P io a In co ction herewith, application s also made to install: me gal. ,c acity! tw*'(�s) made —Of "MCI a ground. (Name of Manufacturer) 'Ur6i-if or Ab6v Or (Under Ab�ve ' of building. For (Instre or 05-UsMe-3 (VINe- of ' PUtESES'er) FURNISH DRAWING SHOWING, ENTI" LAYOUT ON RSVERSSISIDE OF TMIS BLAU SIGNS SizeL_� Classification (State whetWer grouiZ,* rool, wall, pf"5]5c:EU@7U "mar material of Construction Illuminotad,7 of illumination ZVEate WHeEfier 4 Wp-a—or veoW Will sign be ic property? over publ SUBMIT DRAWING, SH _OWTX U ON _g CoNSZLOI or Sim AND M8TH0D OF HAD WRITE ADDITIONAI, INFORMATION BELOW:' (For: canvai awaings, provide dimensioned drawing on rqver Be e IMPIORTA VT NOTICE:, -in, iderationof permit given for doing the work as des' cri d in the ove statement, we hereby. agzee to perform said �work in acco=r ce with the attached plans specifi C cations, which are a part heteofj and in accordance with 1hebuilding regulal;Jons of tl%e City of Atlant h. (Soutt!!!5?! *c Beac Buildinq Code) . Buxldvr Signature of or Owner Kai 10 es-A N Addre �o Phol r"C U-41 CITY OF Aa"l Office of Building Official Date x1/'I REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Time Permit No. �!!57'200 ReZv:.d District No. P* 5 Job 69qress Owns 's 1�11 Locality Name Contractor CB-U�,L CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing Footing RoughWiring E Rough 0 Air.Cond.& 0 Re Roofing 0 Slab Ej Temp Pole I Top out ED Heating Lintel El Fire Place READY FOR INSPEI'TION Pre Fab Mon. Wed Friday A.M. ( _P.M. Inspection Made / 0 — Inspector Final Inspection El Certificate of Occupancy Date CITY OF 4&aa4c B"!-Qoia- Office of Building Xf lcial REQUEST FOR INSPECTION 57 0 0 S '777 Date Permit No. Tirn:i"ad R. District No. JqkAddress Locality Owner's Name C (!6�1�131NG CONCRETE (::jELECTR1,CA PLUMBING C�M�ECHANICA ugh�V,� C & \-traTing Footing 1:1 RoughWlrinq J1 Rough 0 Cd�nd.�& Re Roofing 0 Slab 0 famp" —Ie,-, 11 Top Out U Heating Lintel El Fire Place READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab A.M. Mon. Thurs. Friday_P.M. Inspection Made Inspecto Final Inspection 0 Certificate of Occupancy Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date............!-./�...r/,7,A9 ...... Permit -------Fee$.12-.;=........ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 0,L-),-) Valuation $.... .. ............. FLORIDA House *-------- ..... ....... ..................................../.......... ....................... APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMII� ........................................................................... ..........*'***.......................... Application is hereby made for the -approval of the detailed statemen; of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws f the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of tha City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is autom9tically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlanflc Beach,Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of su contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. ............................... Date................Z�_ 19............ .... - ------ --- --- Owner.. ------------------------------------------.-Address..............................---------------------------Telephone No............................. Architect----- _41<6_ ------------------K --------------------------------------Address,....................-------------------------------------Telephone No--------------.............. Contractor uilder_...t_�: ------ ----------- ------ -1-----------------------------Address------- ------------------- Telephone No------------_-_----------- -------------------------- Lot IsT Block No-----7:�_7------__------Sub Div!3ion......OF-----t--------------------------------------------------------Zone'.1.19-7 ------- ------- ... eet-..----------- --------Side Between---------------------------------------------------and---------_------------..............................sts. Valuation $ % --For what purpose will building be used-------------------------------_-----Type of construction.--------------------- -------- .. ... ........ ------- ' / _/// ------ Dimensions o Building.-------/_TX------------ Dimensions of Lot---- ........ .........Size of Footings------—K-------_--_---------- Size of Piers....-----X-----------------------_Size of Sills.... -------GTeates; Sill Span in t__X-----------------Type Roof-------.............................. -------_----- 'i How will Building be Heated?--- ..........Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?....................................... .o" Size of Ceiling Joists---------- --------------------- Distance on Centers....... ..............--------------------- Greatest Span----------_-_--.......................... Size of Floor Joists_--------- r--------------......Distance on Centers...... ........................... Greatest Span...................................... Size of Rafters--- ------- - ----------------__...... Distance on Centers...... .................. ..... Greatest Span---------.................................. This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from -all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. A 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. Z 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing is completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed,-and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is coi ered. 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. M U2 S. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection,re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plFs anKds eeifications, wUch are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of tk e jlantir;t't ...... ................ Signature of Build4 %el� .................................. Address---------------------------------.............---------.........-.................... ---------- Signatureof Owner.........................-----------_..................... ---------------- Address............................................................. ................................ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 3373 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB May 11, I.A77 Date— PlumbinG Fee 2.00 Valuation This pernmit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law Rato gomter P I&ggb I nq This is to certify that r has permission to build rOp ac n Classification ne— Owned b- Lot Block_S/D House No- '�35 go I A I k. g—'s According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. P El' V13 SIX MONTHS NTIET D TE OF ISSUE IF 1� 4-10. 0 Building material, rubbish and debris Z from this work i last not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hatiled away by either contractor or owner. R. C. ..VOQOI Building Official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT DATE CONTRACTOR USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWE q N ATER UF MIANr!'j MA04 PEOmor w ,72 LOT KID-- --PLOCK NO.___ SID OWNF IU C WSTER PUX*W� WILDER aq LXWMT1 L)l s/ TYPE OF MOLDOW —56W�_LAVATOR�--BATH rJBS_­UWWj.�_Cj.0SEjS ,—FLOUR IDRAI NS�-��ERS. WATER + iTV6 —or, "'WASHERS T, 7d 4 .--DO 7,0-"7jfR— ' ' TOTAL F 0 XTURE�. @ $11.CD W LIM H0-- gg UNTIL A.Mc K." AND SPECITDCATIONS fttst show a pien ai'd description of the sl ze and 0 ceatl on of, all I the sol I and vent ;i pes, and the number and goeation of all flytures, tin accordance vilh Ordlawce, 14o. 088 of the City of Atlantic Beach, Norid0 must shown on back of appil- cation and be approved by the POurobing 0 Oro M SM�E 0 CAT I Qh ASM(NVIE WOWL—O&AM - U Approved P F,Umb I no I aspeclor Dbt,QL-— VOR OFFOCE USE ONLY) RMWON OW3,PECTW__.__ REWM FONAL ONSKMON: ._­_jCERTHFOCRTE OSSUEM__­__ CITY OF ATLANTIC, BEACH INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT NO. ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLU11BING PERMIT NO.--,L— MECHANICAL PERMIT N�.__ JOB ADDRESS---3,-s Jljttt� CONTRACTOR OWNER--- insaeated called in approve - isap r�ved reinspected JEA FOUNDATION FOOTING SLAB PLUMBING (R) TOP OUT #jf,,7WER iEMP POLE ELECTRICAL (R) ELECTRICAL (F) FRAMING PLUMBING (F) LINTEL/BEAM COLUMN STEEL SHOOT GRADES LOT CLEARING FTNAL INSPECTION CITY OF 4&4ak-c Office of Building Official Date REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Permit No. Ti me A.M. Received P.M. District No. Job Address Locality Owner's Name Contra6t6r BUILDING ./ PLASTERING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING Fo ndation ... Wire ........... Rough Wiring ..[3 Rough ... ....F-1 Rough ........ Chy ney ...... Lath .......... Finish Wiring Final .... ....[] Final .........C] "m Framing ...... Scratch .......E] Fixtures .... ..0 Sewers ... ....C1 Water Heater . E3 Fina .......... Brown ........ Motors ........[] Gas ..... ....El FootIng .......E] Finish ......... Temp-Pole .....0 Cesspool . ....E) Slab ..........C] Wallboard ..... Final Inspection.[] Top-out .. ....0 Lintel Beam ... Water .... ....M READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. P.M. A.M. Inspection Made P.M. Inspector- CITY OF 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.0.BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 i TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 July 14, 1987 David A. Shadwell 335 Sailfish Drive East Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Lot 14 Block 27 Royal Falms Unit 2 A Dear Mr. Rocha, We have determined that the above property is in violation of Ordinance No. 55-82-19 in that weeds, grasses, or other deleterious, unhealthful growth is exceeding a height of twelve inches. The ordinance stipulates that upon the failure, neglect, or refusal to out and remove weeds, grasges, growth, etc. , the city is authorized to cut the growth and pass on all costs, plus a charge equal to 100% of such costs t3 cover city administrative expenses. You are respectfully advised that we are not obligated to provide written notice each time the proaerty is in violation of Ordinance No. 55-82-19. We are howev r, writing this letter as a courtesy and ask that you take imme iate corrective action and continue to maintain your property on a regular basis. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, RenfeAngers Community Development Director cc: Building Inspector City ManagerK File