05-16-12MINUTES POLICE BUILDING AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING May 16, 2012 — Week 10 COMMISSION CHAMBER, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Jack Varney Mr. Arthur Corsano Mr. Don Ford Ms. Juliette Hagist Mr. Stephen Kallao Mr. Louis Keith Ms. Darlene Kelley Mr. Steve Lindorff Mr. Mitch Reeves Mr. Chris Rule Mr. Jim Smith Mr. William Whittington Facilitator Tiffany Busby Chief of Police/Liaison Mike Classey HANDOUTS (Week 10): Agenda, Minutes from May 9, 2012, draft copy of the Recommendations of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee to the City of Atlantic Beach City Commission WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER (Jack Varney) Chairman Varney called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. He confirmed there was a quorum. BUSINESS ITEMS (Tiffany Busby) Facilitator Busby read the Ground Rules to the members. Action item: Approve the meeting minutes from May 9, 2012. Mr. Lindorff made a motion to accept the minutes from May 9, 2012; seconded by Mr. Smith. Chairman Varney advised the minutes from May 9, 2012 are approved. REVIEW OF THE DRAFT COMMITTEE REPORT Facilitator Tiffany Busby prepared a draft of the committee's report to the Commission for the members to review as a committee to ensure inclusiveness of the information and to contemplate whether the wording was reflective of the committee's intentions. The members agreed to include the following as a recommendation in their report to the Commission: install a culvert in the creek in order to move the proposed new building eastward to alleviate a lot of issues concerning the park. The members discussed that ADG representative Ian Reeves previously advised the committee that ADG sent a representative to the St. Johns River Water Management to inquire into the feasibility of building over the creek, but ADG's response to the City was negative due to permitting bureaucracy. The members of the committee concluded it was easier for ADG to design a two- story structure. The thorough proofing, discussions, additions, and editing session finalized the input and endeavors of the members for the past ten weeks which resulted in a committee report to be presented to the Commission. May 16, 2012 Police Building Ad Committee Meeting Page 2 Week 10 Action item: Approve committee report to the City Commission, as revised. Mr. Ford made a motion to accept the report as drafted and completed for final publication; seconded by Ms. Hagist. The motion carried by a unanimous vote by the committee members. Chairman Varney will submit the finalized report to the Commission, as directed by the City Manager Jim Hanson and/or Mayor Borno. Wrap up This concludes the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee. Adjournment There being no further discussion, Chairman Varney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Minutes prepared by Diane Graves