ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT 2012 * s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH j 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247 -5800 Jj31� August 28, 2012 Avesta Homes, LCC Attention: Brooks Amster 3534 Smithfield Road Jacksonville, FL 32217 RE: Property at 1085 Atlantic Blvd 1 -12 RE# 177391 -0000 Legal Description 38- 2S -29E 6.374 B DE Castro Y Ferrer Grant PT RECD O/R 15950 -2209 Dear Mr. Amster: As per your request, the property address at 1085 Atlantic Blvd have been assigned as follows: All buildings as shown on the attached map will be addressed 1085, and according to the apartment number, such as 1085 -87 for a downstairs apartment, and 1085 -88 for an upstairs apartment. The leasing office will be known as 1085 -A. It is your responsibility to paint the correct address on your meter can in black enamel and install four inch (4 ") address numbers on the front of the leasing office and each dwelling unit in a contrasting color. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office (904) 247 -5826. Sincerely, 4 Michael Griffi , CBO, CFM Building and Zoning Director Cc: Duval County Property Appraiser, US Postal Service, 911 Coordinator, Public Works, Public Utilities, Police Dept, Finance, JEA Attachment c l0 LO LO l0 ~ ' so Q N 4. 01 00 3 CM lD l0 LO LO LO to I- W U9 •-.I lO LO 00 0 LO in 00 00 03 O - ao 00 CO u zI co 0_ Q > 00 0 0 3 00 w M MCI C m o0 00 = I" 00 H N N = flri Q co I i ° to E ": m Z IQ 0 00 0 al N O Q ca) n V g n N v 00 0 c CO CO rn C:n al O In N NJ C 3 r1'I =--. v VI W - l0 o m �^ n D �0 0 0 al - N O N N C D °' 2 70 CD c , C O NJ NJ et - 03 r y c w N l v U 1 ui rn D al 4 -Pb o 00 C 00 A Q D W � o Z c In In In In - -P W W -' �I U'7 W N l0 V 1- r•-) O. n 3 act 00 01 - N.) CD 00 W - D � ' 7a K (J, Map Output Page 1 of 1 JAXGIS Property Information Bt M• F AF 4.41.. CUTLASA on Q M a NSt W K IL; C m 4 47 M, O 44 ck A m 0 q t i O ! p A4 k 4j w tO 4 cl, w AlP S _ % - CAV414,4 -.. r a 4 f• 1 s T , F ,1 "' s tl w i r ? 4 w f t$T ST V7 a i i rc , : ATLANTIC IV -.... ATLU(TT *TPA Yo y} F. Ceptrq�NICINw Cit£�14abonrM.p" �k �. t, , F i668ft 1..'c":"'"'" MA ud vacuation o /ao Iv I v l ight/ng !v o l 073 �� �� Lo Daacnptiona one . ehoo / choo /.� orre o ca an o one one Mayport 8- 2S -29E 6.374 of in of in TLANTIC BLEAC � VD N/A / oraonta 177391 000. 1085 ATLANTIC LLC . • 159500220•. DE CASTRO V FERRER GRAN : to Ente one ' � rprise plannln� urface A ,2 ;T RECD /R 15950.2209 one � 300' X2233 •IC B 233 Dist ley http: / /maps.coj. net / WEBSITE /DuvalMapsSQL /toolbar.asp 8/29/2012