Permit Roof 1085 Atlantic Blvd 2 & leasing office 2013 JLL-11-2012 09:15 FROM: TO:92475845 10:1/1 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT (PREPARE IN DUPLICATE) Permlt No. k 47q�PA Tax Folio No'15950-02209 Sagia of FLORIDA County Of L to whom It may 00000MI The undersigned hereby Irftrms you that Improvements will be mock to corteln me)Property,and In accordance with$action 7J3 ofthe Florida Statutes,the following Information go started in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Lageddescrton of pruporty being jnVroved: 38-2S-29E6.374 Address of property bevv Improvedl 1085 ATLANTIC BLVD Manticbeach FL 32233 General dosed0on of Improvements..Re-Rcof Owner 1085 AtIaMic LLC Address 51`181456THST TAMPA,FL33810 Owner$Interest In aft of the Improvement Fee Slirnple lWaholder(d other than ownw) Name- Addre" Contractor Irtex Wldera LLC Address PO BOX 272379 TAMPA Ft.33688 Phone No.8134*64WO Fix No_8 13448-1746 Surety(if any) Address —A"unt of bond Phone No- Fix No. Name and address of any pwson making a loan for ft construction of the Improvements. Name Address Phone No. Fox No. Mom of person within the State of Florlds,other than him9elf,designated by owner upom whom nosces or ot.hWr documents may be served: Name Address Phone No. Fax No. In addition to himself,owner designates the following person to reosive a copy of the Usn"Notice an provided In Section 713.06(2)(b),Florlde Statutes.(Fill in at Owner's option). Name Address Phone No. Fax No. Expiration date of Notloo ofCommenooment(the eXlWatlon date is one(i)year from the date of recording unless a dWerentdate Is spectrwd): THIS SPACE FOR RECOrtORR�3 usf—ONLY DATE Blom me day of -If I In iho Wi. W re"Mof WPM" :Y hmm by OR SKI-39W Page 1595. ONA F.MNACCI Dm lt�2012143952- Nurrwf Pagpo i Pftft-ftft all Fkwft Reco"Od 0-,,11/xi 2 at(19:2E)AM, *N—alsookes W*5."is J I jLt E R CLERK CIRCUrr COURT DUVAL IM P� IOU TY RL)ING$10.00 FECO