Agenda Item 8AAGENDA ITEM# 8A FEBRUARY 11,2013 AGENDA ITEM NO. ___ _ DATE: ________________ _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Pedestrian/Bike Education Campaign SUBMITTED BY: Michael D. Classef.tw.efofPolice DATE: January 31,2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: Goal Number 3; Pedestrian Safety BACKGROUND: Pedestrian and bicycle accidents have been steadily increasing over the past few years. The commission identified pedestrian safety as the number 3 priority for the city during strategic planning last year. The first step in the process was to collect and analyze the accident data for the last three years. This allowed staff to track where, when and why the accidents occurred. One fact became quickly apparent which was that the vast majority of all the accidents occurred at intersections with either Atlantic Blvd or Mayport Road. When developing a pedestrian/bike safety plan, it is essential to consider the three Es, Engineering, Education and Enforcement. Preliminary staff evaluation did not reveal any inherent design problems at these intersections. However, the two state routes are under the purview of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). They were contacted to conduct an evaluation of the intersections along both corridors. The FDOT concluded that there were no engineering problems associated with these intersections. The traffic analysis also revealed that the accidents were caused by either pedestrian, bicyclist or driver error. The fault was pretty closely split down the middle between the vehicles and the pedestrian/bicyclist. Education is one of the three major tenets of a traffic safety plan. Over the past several months, staff has partnered with the North Florida Traffic Planning Organization (TPO) in planning and designing an educational campaign created specifically for the problems we are encountering. Pennington Marketing and Public Affairs, in association with the TPO, also reviewed accident data and conducted telephone surveys with not only people involved in the accidents, but other area residents to see what their observations were and to provide feedback of the problem(s). After review of all the information, it was evident that the educational campaign needed to address drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists equally. AGENDA ITEM# 8A FEBRUARY 11,2013 The decision was made to concentrate the campaign to a specific geographic area based upon the accident data. Four intersections along Atlantic Blvd were identified, Sherry, Seminole, Sailfish and Royal Palms. Next, the campaign slogan was created and is "Yield To Life ... LOOK ALL- WAYS". Advertising the campaign is an integral part of educating the public as well as letting them know what Atlantic Beach is doing to address the concern of increasing accidents. A media release will be forthcoming in the immediate future. Capturing the attention of those who travel through the specific intersection so the message is communicated is, of course, a major component as well. There are flyers, posters, stencils and t- shirts which all bear the slogan and logo. Starting in February, the flyers will be included with the water bills to AB residents. Shortly before the campaign begins, we will be speaking with the businesses in the area to inform them what we will be doing and ask them to hang a poster in their business or perhaps display the slogan on their sign, if applicable. There will be stencils of the logo painted on the sidewalks and roads. There is also an extra large stencil and Radio Shack has given us permission to use temporary paint to display that on the side of their building which will provide excellent visibility! We will be giving the t~shirts away to the local business employees and citizens that we contact during the campaign. Further, at varying times we will have Police Officers and Explorers at the actual intersections speaking with motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists about safety. The campaign will be conducted beginning February 28th and continue through March lOth. Accolades and special thanks should be given to the TPO and Pennington Marketing for partnering with Atlantic Beach on developing this educational campaign. They were instrumental in identifying a slogan and completely created the logo. In addition, the TPO completely funded the design work and all printing costs which exceeded $10,000. This has been a joint venture and their contributions were beyond the capabilities of city staff. BUDGET: $500.00 RECOMMENDATION: For information purposes only ATTACHMENTS: Water bill insert REVIEWED BY CITY MAN·~A~G~E~R::: :;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.::::;~~~----------- AGENDA ITEM# 8A FEBRUARY II , 2013