Agenda Item 4ATotal Restricted Cash $7,918,317 Total Unrestricted Cash $10,921,094 Account Bank of America - Depository Columbia US Government MTG A Eaton Vance Government Obligations A Loomis Investment Grade Bond A Loomis Sayles Limited Gov an Agency Lord Abbett Income A Delaware Diversified Income Fund Lord Abbett Short Duration Fund Invesco Corporate Bond A Pioneer Strategic Income A Legg Mason WA Cash Reserve Fund MSSB Money Market/Cash SBA - Florida Prime Cash on Hand Police Pension Investments General Pension investments * Denotes the 30 day SEC Yield Anualized Cash and Investments Annual City of Atlantic Beach Current AGENDA ITEM # 4A Percent FINANCIAL REPORT 11/30/12 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 Change December 2012 $2,926,022 $5,016,574 $2,090,552 71.45% Cash Balances 979,249 997,525 18,277 1.87% Prior Current Dollar Percent Fund(s) 11/30/12 12/31/12 Change Change 0.58% General $6,406,046 $8,126,884 $1,720,838 26.86% Tree Replacement 6,493 6,493 0 0.00% Convention Development Tax 46,080 52,752 6,672 14.48% Local Option Gas Tax 99,395 128,150 28,756 28.93% Better Jax 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 147,663 176,438 28,775 19.49% Police Training, Forfeiture, Grants, etc. 179,479 162,351 (17,128) -9.54% Community Development Block & ARRA Grants 34,068 43,352 9,284 27.25% Debt Service 16,628 22,595 5,967 35.89% Capital Projects 2,773,684 2,779,886 6,201 0.22% Utility 4,798,359 5,076,295 277,936 5.79% Sanitation 668,200 669,664 1,463 0.22% Building Code Enforcement 84,002 84,364 362 0.43% Storm Water 1,281,169 1,335,577 54,408 4.25% Pension - Police 20,419 16,315 (4,103) - 20.10% Pension - General 142,353 158,294 15,941 11.20% Total $16,704,038 $18,839,411 $2,135,372 12.78% Total Restricted Cash $7,918,317 Total Unrestricted Cash $10,921,094 Account Bank of America - Depository Columbia US Government MTG A Eaton Vance Government Obligations A Loomis Investment Grade Bond A Loomis Sayles Limited Gov an Agency Lord Abbett Income A Delaware Diversified Income Fund Lord Abbett Short Duration Fund Invesco Corporate Bond A Pioneer Strategic Income A Legg Mason WA Cash Reserve Fund MSSB Money Market/Cash SBA - Florida Prime Cash on Hand Police Pension Investments General Pension investments * Denotes the 30 day SEC Yield Anualized Cash and Investments Annual Prior Current Dollar Percent Yield 11/30/12 12/31/12 Change Change 0.25% $2,926,022 $5,016,574 $2,090,552 71.45% 1.73% * 979,249 997,525 18,277 1.87% 1.44% * 1,323,034 1,319,930 (3,105) -0.23% 2.40% * 1,512,004 1,520,810 8,806 0.58% 1.25% * 1,000,000 997,731 (2,269) -0.23% 2.29% * 1,500,190 1,511,636 11,446 0.76% 2.14% * 1,689,888 1,692,810 2,922 0.17% 3.43% * 1,000,000 1,008,489 8,489 0.85% 2.34% * 1,885,916 1,883,332 (2,583) -0.14% 3.71% * 1,883,332 1,883,332 0 0.00% 0.01% * 1,000,924 1,001,069 145 0.01% 0.00% 0 2,691 2,691 N/A 0.25% 328 330 2 0.52% 0.00% 3,150 3,150 0 0.00% Subtotal 16,704,038 18,839,411 2,135,372 12.78% 7,110,544 7,141,666 31,122 0.44% 12,747,696 12,818,102 70,406 0.55% Subtotal 19,858,240 19,959,768 101,528 0.51% Total $36,562,278 $38,799,179 $2,236,900 6.12% City of Atlantic Beach AGENDA ITEM # 4A FINANCIAL REPORT FEBRUARY 25, 2013 December 2012 Revenues Fund / (Footnote) Annual Estimate YTD - 25% of Estimate YTD Actual Dollar Variance Percent Variance General (1) $10,994,301 $2,748,575 $5,208,724 $2,460,148 89.51% Convention Development Tax 70,000 17,500 23,251 5,751 32.86% Local Option Gas Tax 433,655 108,414 108,227 (187) -0.17% Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sales Tax 657,738 164,435 160,203 (4,232) -2.57% Police Training, Forfeiture & Grants, etc. 109,860 27,465 32,882 5,417 19.72% Grants - (3) 108,866 27,217 68,960 41,744 153.38% Debt Service 71,900 17,975 17,832 (143) -0.80% Capital Projects 5,000 1,250 1,020 (230) -18.41% Utility -(4) 8,610,929 2,152,732 2,068,905 (83,827) -3.89% Sanitation 1,814,950 453,738 453,505 (232) -0.05% Building Code Enforcement - (5) 282,600 70,650 78,807 8,157 11.55% Storm Water 1,097,430 274,358 277,213 2,856 1.04% Pension - Police (2) 1,233,745 308,436 173,262 (135,174) - 43.83% Pension - General (2) 2,174,392 543,598 373,232 170,366 - 31.34% Total $27,665,366 $6,916,342 $9,046 Analysis of Major Variances $2,129,681 (1) The positive variance in the General Fund is mostly a result of having received property taxes. Those taxes began to arriving in November. The bulk of the receipts came in December. (2) The $135,174 negative variance in the Police Employee Pension Fund & the $170,366 negative variance in the General Employee Pension Fund resulted from changes in market values of the investments of less than the assumed amount.. (3) Grant revenues are higher than the budget because C.D.B.G. grant proceeds related to last year's grant expenditures were received this year. (4) Utility sales were slightly under budget for Year to Date through December for both Water and Sewer. (5) Building Permit activity is running above projected revenues. 30.79% City of Atlantic Beach FINANCIAL REPORT FEBRuA Y25, #4A FEBRUARY 25, 2013 December 2012 Expenses Annual YTD-25% YTD Dollar Percent Department / (Footnote) Estimate of Estimate Actual Variance Variance Governing Body $42,645 $10,661 $9,862 $799 7.49% City Administration 2,376,735 594,184 593,720 464 0.08% General Government (2) 811,922 202,981 498,345 (295,364) -145.51% Planning and Building 443,666 110,917 107,542 3,375 3.04% Public Safety (1) 5,589,489 1,397,372 998,272 399,101 28.56% Recreation and Special Events 397,376 99,344 102,809 (3,465) -3.49% Public Works (3) 6,053,366 1,513,342 1,119,510 393,832 26.02% Public Utilities (4) 9,351,075 2,337,769 3,104,757 (766,988) -32.81% Pension - Police 653,056 163,264 163,281 (17) -0.01% Pension - General 789,485 197,371 224,968 (27,597) - 13.98% Total $26,508,815 $6,627,204 $6,923,065 ($295,862) Annual YTD - 25% YTD Dollar Percent Resource Allocation Estimate of Estimate Actual Variance Variance Personnel Services (5) $9,549,191 $2,387,298 $2,164,400 $222,898 9.34% Operating Expenses (2) 10,130,872 2,532,718 2,140,215 392,503 15.50% Capital Outlay (1) & (2) 2,985,082 746,271 513,674 232,597 31.17% Debt Service (4) 2,519,412 629,853 1,773,713 (1,143,860) -181.61% Transfers 1,324,258 331,065 331,064 0 0.00% Total $26,508,815 $6,627,204 $6,923,065 ($295,862) Analysis of Major Variances (1) The positive variance in the Public Safety divisions is primarily due to not having paid for the first quarter of the fire services contract with Jacksonville. This is about 249,000. Also the deferral of the budgeted expenditures on the Police Building adds to that variance - see Project Activity Schedule. (2) The negative variance in General Government results from the purchase of land in November for $225,422. (3) The variance in the Public Works Department is due to project activity budgeted that has not been completed. - see Project Activity Schedule. (4) The negative variance in the Public Utilities divisions results from paying the majority of the annual debt service payments on October 1, 2012. (5) The positive variance in the Personnel Services resulted from vacant positions that have not been filled. The City budgets full employment, so any vacancy contributes to a positive variance. The Lifeguards are typically seasonal employees working May through September. City of Atlantic Beach FINANCIAL REPORT December 2012 Project Activity - Current Year Activity Only AGENDA ITEM # 4A FEBRUARY 25, 2013 Project YTD YTD Project Name Number Budget Actual Balance Status Public Safety Police Building Renovation /Design /Construction PS0504 .1 111 •1 111 $ 60,000 $ - $ 60,000 Public Utilities: TMDL - Lift Station /Main Transfer Flow PU0906 9,282 9,282 0 TMDL Upgrade /Construction - WWTP #1 PU1106 147,862 147,862 0 TMDL Sludge /Odor Improvements PU1110 144,606 144,606 0 Water Main - 12th Street at Ocean Blvd /Beach Ave PU1204 36,962 35,103 1,858 Water Main - 14th & 15th Street at Ocean Boulevard PU1205 201,657 194,465 7,191 Rehab of Interior of Tank #1 PU1301 45,000 44,999 Rehab of Ground Storage Tank #2 PU1302 20,000 19,999 Recoat Both Ground Storage Tanks WP #3 PU1303 40,000 39,999 Replace the Water Main on Pine Street PU1304 90,000 8,149 81,850 Replace 4" Water ?Main at Wonderwood and Finegan PU1305 180,000 16,322 163,677 PT Repair at Lift Station C PU1306 40,000 39,999 PT Repair at West 6th and Stock PU1307 55,000 19,936 35,063 Repair 24" Effluent Force Main PU1308 86,000 85,999 Repair 12" Force Main PU1309 56,000 55,999 Replace Yard Pump PU1310 18,435 18,434 Sewer Rehabilitation 2013 PU1311 202,300 173,744 28,555 Subtotal $ 1,373,104 $ 749,471 $ 623,623 Public Works: Marsh Master Plan Signs PM1301 38,700 38,700 Marsh Master Plan Project Design PM1303 34,000 34,000 0 Rose Park Development PM1302 225,000 19,750 205,250 Dutton Island Road Sidewalks PW1301 79,064 79,064 Sidewalk and Curb Replacements PW1302 25,000 4,519 20,481 City Hall Parking Lot Lights PW1303 32,000 32,000 Irregation Improvements Atlantic Blvd. PW1304 4,600 4,600 Sidewalk on West 9th Street PW1305 33,000 14,523 18,477 East Coast Drive Drainage Improvements PW1306 360,000 360,000 Subtotal $ 831,364 $ 72,792 $ 758,572 Status Key A - Bid Advertised B - Bid Awarded C - Project Completed D - Design Completed DE - Deferred Total $2,264,468 $822,262 $1,442,196 E - Design Phase I - Project In- progress N - Complete /Non - Capital R - Re- budget Next Fiscal Year X - Project Cancelled BUILDING DEPT. MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT COMPARISON REPORT _ REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2013 i -- COMPARISION 2012 - 2013 PERMIT TYPE NUMBER OF PERMITS TOTAL INSPECTIONS YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 SINGLE FAMILY 4 1 $ 300,000.00 1 $ 340,000.00 DUPLEX 0 0 j REMODEL/ADDITIONS 4 27 $ 83,500.00 $ 367,540.00 COMMERCIAL NEW 0 0 OTHER 179 205 $ 461,211.00 $ 357,618.00 TOTAL 187 233 $ 844,711.00 $ 1,065,158.00 345 418 ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2013 PERMITS NO.PERMITS 1 PERMIT COST $ 1,162.50 CONSTRUCTION VALUE $ 340,000.00 INSPECTIONS PERFORMED BUILDING 176 SINGLE FAMILY NEW DUPLEX MULTI FAM ELECTRICAL 96 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS 27 $ 2,707.50 $ 367,540.00 PLUMBING 54 COMMERCIAL NEW MECHANICAL 82 COMERCIAL ADDITIONS �MISC. 10 COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS PERMITS MISC TOTALI 418 ELECTRICAL 38 $ 3,268.30 MECHANICAL GAS 5 $ 450.00 MECHANICAL HVAC 55 $ 5,521.00 PLUMBING 28 $ 2,555.00 ROOFING 25 $ 2,290.00 $ 202,413.00 WINDOW /DOOR 22 $ 1,290.00 $ 56,938.00 DEMOLITION 2 $ 200.00 REINSPECTION FEES Proiects to Note FOUNDATION OCCUPANCY INSPECTIONS 4 $ 400.00 12 -1815 New SFR @ 345 6th St PENALTY FEES 5 $ 549.00 $ 5,267.00 SIGNS 2 $ 150.00 FENCES 10 $ 385.00 DRIVEWAYS 1 $ 70.00 WELL SIDING 2 $ 115.001 $ 3,000.00 SWIMMING POOL 6 $ 875.00 $ 90,000.00 N TOTAL 233 $ 21,988.30 $ 1,065,158.00 ° z AGENDA ITEM # 4A FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach, Fl. Utility Sales Report January 2013 N January 2012 Gallons Actual Revenue Gallons Actual Revenue a Water Sales N Accounts 0000 Revenue Per, ,000 gi Accounts 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gi M Atlantic Beach 5,619 35,665 $134,264 $176 5,583 35,415 $133,460 $3.77 Buccaneer 2,490 15,636 $83,735 $536 2,444 16,108 $88,847 $5.52 Total Water Sales 8,109 51,301 $217,999 $4.25 8,027 51,523 $222,307 $4.31 Gallons Gallons Water Plant Production 0000 0000 Atlantic Beach 38,386 45,004 Buccaneer 17,420 19,133 Total Production 55,806 64,137 Total Water Billed 51,301 51,523 Water Loss for month: 4,505 12,614 Percentage Loss 8.07% 19.67% Total 12 mo. Avg. Loss 13.72% 17.59% 4 Gallons Actual Revenue Gallons Actual Revenue Sewer Sales Accounts 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gi Accounts 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gi Atlantic Beach 5,199 29,692 $231,758 $7.81 ,� 5,158 29,702 $226,636 $7.63 Buccaneer 2,383 17,333 $167,643 $9.67 2,340 17,941 $173,299 $9.66 Total Sewer Sales 7,582 47,025 $399,401 $8.49 7,498 47,643 $399,935 $8.39 _ 7 1'.,,: -*''". '...: .r ;;. r-,- +-:. -„;-, �... ..� _ rr.=^"-„'; --- fir- ar;'z:' Gallons Actual Revenue Gallons Actual Revenue Sewer Treatment 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gi 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gi Atlantic Beach $399,401 #DIV /0! 42.392 $226,636 $5.35 18317 $173,299 $9.46 Total Sewer Treated 0.000 $399,401 #DIV /01 60.709 $399,935 $6.59 WE PUBLIC WORKS and UTILITY DEPARTMENTS PROJECT STATUS REPORT (D) = DESIGN ENGINEER, (CE &I) = CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER & INSPECTION, (C) = CONTRACTOR, (VE) = VALUE ENGINEERING PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. AND INFORMATION STATUS ON 2/12/13 1 TMDL Wastewater Project (D) = J. Collins Engineering Assoc. Substantial completion inspection held on 11/19/12. Contractor Forcemain Construction = 100% (VE) = ATM finishing punch list items. Dedication scheduled for 2/20/13 at WWTP #1 Construction = 100% (C) = TB Landmark (Forcemain) 4:00 p.m. Sludge & Odor Control = 100% WPC Industrial Contractors (WWTP and Sludge & Odor Control) (CE &I) = J. Collins Engineering Assoc. 2 FY 12 Water Main Project (D) = Bowen Civil Engineers Bids received 5/2/12. Commission awarded entire project to Gruhn Design = 100% (Survey) = L.D. Bradley May, contingent upon approving Budget Modification Ordinance, Construction = 98% (C) = Gruhn May approved 6/25/12. Preconstruction meeting held 7/9/12. (CE &I) = Public Utilities Completed replacement of water main on 12'h St. from Ocean Blvd. to Beach Ave., 150' St., and Ocean Blvd. from 140' to 16" St. 3 FY 13 Sewer Rehabilitation Project (D) = Public Utilities Contracts awarded by Commission on 11/13/12. Design = 100% (I) = Insituform, CCI, Gruhn May Construction underway. Construction = 60% CE &I = Public Utilities/PW 4 Water Main Replacements on Pine St. (D) = Bowen Civil Engineers Survey and design underway. and Wonderwood Rd. (C) (CE &I ) = Public Works/Public Utilities 5 Interior Repair and Painting of (D) = Public Utilities Bids advertised, due 2/27/13. Pre -Bid Conference scheduled for Water Tanks at WP Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (C) = CE& = Public Utilities 2/20/13. 6 Mixing Zone Study (D) = CDM Smith Preparing sampling plan for DEP approval. 7 (D) = RFP Drafted, to be advertised mid - February. East Coast Drive Drainage (CE& Improvements _ 8 (D) = Public Works Being designed in -house — in progress. Dutton Island Road Sidewalk (C) = CE& = Public Works 9 City Hall Parking Lot Lighting Two quotes obtained; Miller Electric is low quote. 10 (D) = CPH Engineers Survey complete; 60% Design complete, presented to Rose Park Development (C) = Commission at 1/29/13 meeting. Design = 60% CE& = Public Works 11 Marsh Master Plan Project (D) = CPH Engineers Survey complete; 60% Design complete, presented to Design/Permitting (C) = Commission at 1/29/13 meeting. Design = 60% CE &I = Public Works �> �z Cd Y N y N �t O Wa