Agenda Item 8ADiG
February 1.4, 2013
Dear Commissioners:
AG 13 NDA HEM 11 8A
FTBRUAR Y 25, 2013
Dig Local, a sub -group of Beaches Habitat for Humanity, is a not - for - profit organization
founded upon the idea that access to good nutritious Rood is a human right. By way of
corrinlUnity garde:n.s, tanners' markets, and accessible education, Dig Local works to
provide Conlintlnities of all economic levels a choice when faced with [lie ills of the
inoderri food system. To this end, the Dig Local Board, its sub- conninittees and
vOlui1teers are organizing a fundraiser to engender cominnnaty support and raise funds to
further this mission aind goal. The invitation -only event will be a catered farm -to -table
brunch at the magical DUU011 ]gland Preserve.
fltnrUest Noon - z.1 Ifi rin- tee -Table Brunch, will be held on Sunday. April 14, 2013, fronn
I I -30am - 2 :00pm. The INrunCh setting will be at the east campground on the North end
ol' button Island. It will be an elegant sit -down nieaf served faivily -style and guests will
be serenaded while they eat by the jazz b and, 'Pala Trig. There will be a maxii,luirl
11Umber of 80 guests. The west campground. which Dig Laical has also requestc -d to rent
l'or this date, will. be set up as a ;stage for the silent auction to help boost proceeds for the
Milt. It is our hope to inCludC the serving of mimosas in this space, as a before - brunch
open iningle. We would like to include in this space high top tables can which guests nmy
place their drinks. congregate and talk as they peruse the silent auction. Once all guests
arrive we will move: to the seated brunch at the aciliacent campsite. After bi- tinch, we will
go on a guided walk of the island to learn of some of [lie medicinal plants and herbs riff
local landscape has to offer,
Proceeds from this Event Fundraiser will support Dig Local's continuing of forts to
expand the education branch. ofour organization. 'Phis includes planned and ongoing
al3erschool ,programs at Jordan and Donner comintalnity centers. These programs aini to
introduce school children to important concel*, of organic gardening and local food,
while incorporating elements or literacy and science into each lesson.
Dig Local appreciates your consideration to provide a permit for the controlled use and
consumption of alcohol in designated areas at Button Island oji April 14, 2013.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Genevieve Fletcher
Director of Development
Dig Local, Inc.
in ta)d i glt�c a 1.o r
(904) 465 -2293