Agenda Item 8BAGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONER MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Police union contract for October 1, 2012 thru September 30, 2015 SUBMITTED BY: Susan Danhauser, Human Resources Director DATE: February 26, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJ: Goal #1 Pension and Employee Benefits BACKGROUND: The City and Coastal Florida Police Benevolent Association (PBA) have agreed to the provisions of a contract to be effective 02/26/2013. The key provisions in the contract are: Art 4.2: Discriminatory practices shall be addressed and handled pursuant to Article 28 of the agreement. Art 6.4 — 6.7: Association Time Pool is eliminated Art 12.3: Holiday pay is applicable beginning the start of the shift that the holiday falls on and continues through the end of that shift. Art. 13.1: Chief of Police has 7 working days to respond to leave requests. The Division Commander may approve leave request for less than 40 hours without 14 days notice of leave. Art. 13.1 d: Personal leave sell back is eliminated during employment. Maximum accrual of personal leave is 680 hours. Use it or lose it by September 30'' of each year. Art. 13.1 f. Employees hired prior to 10/01/2012 with less than 10 years of service at time of termination will receive 50% payout of personal leave and employees with more than 10 years of service at time of termination will receive 100% payout of personal leave. Employees hired after 10/01/2012 will receive 50% payout of personal leave at termination. Art. 13.3: New accrual schedule for personal leave Art. 17.7: Employees required to appear as a witness when scheduled off will receive 3 hours of pay at employee's regular rate of pay. Art. 26: Employees will receive 1.185% pay increase to their base annual salary upon passage of Atlantic Beach Code or Ordinances, Part II, Chapter 2, Article VI, Section 4 ( "Police Officers Retirement System "). On October 1, 2013 employees will be eligible for 1% merit increase to their base annual salary. On October 1, 2014 employees will be eligible AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 for I% merit increase to their base annual salary. Art 26.3: Effective with the passage of above mentioned ordinance, employees' pension contributions will increase from 4.815% to 6 %. On October 1, 2013, the contribution rate shall increase from 6% to 7 %. On October 1, 2015, the contribution rate shall increase from 7% to 8 %. Art. 26.11: Longevity pay will be discontinued. Current employees will receive pro -rated amount, in accordance with their current years of service, to their base hourly rate of pay. No additional longevity pay will be given. Art. 28.2: Any violation of discrimination law will not be allowed in Step 4 of the grievance process. This does not restrict an employee's right to file a complaint or claim under applicable state or federal law. Additional Ordinance changes: For employees hired after 10/01/2012 the major pension revisions to the defined benefit pension plan will include: 2% multiplier; 10 year vesting; no early retirement option; and retirement age is 55 with 10 or more years of credited service or age 52 with 25 years of credited service. TIME LINE: Once approved by the City Commission, it will require approximately 60 days to complete the revisions and 2 readings of the police pension ordinance, prepare a letter for the State to approve the changes to the pension plan and receive the actuarial report. BUDGET: A budget amendment of approximately $58,000 will be needed to cover the onetime costs to sell down personal leave balances and pro -rate longevity to current non - civilian employees. OTHER: A full copy of the agreement in strike through and underline format is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Police Union contract and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the city. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal Nkk h /,o AGREEMENT February 12, 2013 � between /:1►� AGENDA ITEM # 8B 4 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Article No. Title Page AGREEMENT.............. ............................... 1 Article 1 RECOGNITION ............. ............................... 2 Article 2 PAYROLL DEDUCTION AND DUES .......................... 3 Article 3 NO STRIKE PROVISION ..... ............................... 4 Article 4 EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES . ............................... 5 Article 5 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ..... ............................... 6 Article 6 SPECIAL MEETINGS/ ASSOCIATION TIME 1240L .. . , ... , .. , , g Article 7 PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES AND SENIORITY .............. 10 Article 8 RULES AND REGULATIONS . ............................... 12 Article 9 DISCHARGE AND DISCIPLINE .............................. 13 Article 10 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ... ............................... 16 Article 11 ARBITRATION PROCEDURE . ............................... 19 Article 12 HOLIDAYS ................. ............................... 21 Article 13 PERSONAL LEAVE HOURS .. ............................... 23 Article 14 LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY ....................... 26 Article 15 MILITARY LEAVE .......... ............................... 27 Article 16 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ..... ............................... 28 Article 17 HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME .......................... 29 Article 18 INJURY IN THE LINE OF DUTY .............................. 31 Article 19 TUITION AIDE ................ .............................33 > 2190875.1 AGENDA ITEM # 813 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 Article 20 INSURANCE ................. ..............................3 -536 Article 21 SAFETY AND HEALTH ................. . ........ ............ 3-63 7 Article 22 BULLETIN BOARDS ......... ............................... 3738 Article 23 UNIFORMS ................. ............................... .3939 Article 24 MILEAGE .................. ............................... 4041 Article 25 LEGAL SERVICES ....... ............................... I ... 44-42 Article 26 WAGES .................... ............................... 4?43 Article 27 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING 4-547 Article 28 ANTI - DISCRIMINATION ..... ............................... 4,648 Article 29 ................ 51 Article 30 AMENDMENTS .............. ............................... 48-52 Article 31 SAVINGS CLAUSE ........... ............................... 4953 Article 32 SEVERABILITY .............. ............................... 5054 Article 33 ENTIRE AGREEMENT ........ ............................... X55 Article 34 DURATION OF AGREEMENT .. ............................... �?56 ii 2190875.1 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 / City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ✓ '� AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this 9`4- day of 2013 between the City of Atlantic Beach, hereinafter referred to as the Public Employer, or City, and the Coastal Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Association. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to assure sound and mutually beneficial working relationships between the parties hereto, to provide an orderly and peaceful means of resolving misunderstandings or differences which may arise and to set forth basic and full agreement between the parties concerning wages, hours and other conditions of employment enumerated herein. There shall be no individual arrangements or agreements covering any part or all of this Agreement contrary to the terms provided herein without coordination with and approval by the above parties, if appropriate. It is mutually understood and declared to be the public policy of the Public Employer and the Association to promote harmonious and cooperative relationships between the Public Employer and the Association and to protect the public by assuring, at all times, the orderly and uninterrupted operations and functions or government. Whenever a male pronoun is used in this Agreement it shall be construed to include reference to both sexes. 1 AGENDA ITEM # 813 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 € City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION 1.1 Pursuant to and in accordance with all applicable provisions of Part 11 of Chapter 447, Florida Statutes, the Public Employer recognizes the Association as the exclusive collective bargaining representative for those employees in the unit certified by the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) per Unit Certificate 1665 in the Atlantic Beach Police Department for the purpose of bargaining collectively in the determination of the wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment of those public employees within the bargaining unit. 1.2 It is further understood and agreed that the Association Staff Representative of record (who is the certified bargaining agent as per F.S. 447.301 (2) will be the official spokesman. In matters other than collective bargaining (i.e., the resolution of grievances, etc.) or in the absence of the Staff Representative, the Unit Representative or the alternate of the Atlantic Beach Police Department, will be the official spokesman for the Association in any matter between the Association and the Public Employer, only, however, on the matters which the Association has authority regarding its membership. The Association shall designate in writing the name of the Unit Representative and alternate. 1.3 The Association agrees to provide the City with the names of the officers for the Association and will specify the name of the alternate spokesman. The Association will also notify the City of any changes in Association negotiations team as soon as possible. AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 f/ City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal i February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 2 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS AND DUES 2.1 Upon receipt of a written authorization from an employee covered by this Agreement, the Public Employer will deduct from the employee's pay the amount owed to the Association by such employee for dues. It is understood that this provision will provide for deductions equal to the number of pay periods per year. The Public Employer will submit to the Association the deducted sums within fifteen (15) calendar days of the normal payday. Changes in the Association membership dues and rates will be certified to the Public Employer in writing over the signature of the President of the Association and shall be done at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date of such change. The City may notify Association members of any increase in dues in advance of such increase being deducted by the Employer. The Public employer's remittance will be deemed correct if the Association does not give written notice to the Public Employer within seven (7) calendar days after remittance is received of its belief and reasons stated therefore that the remittance is incorrect. 2.2 The Association will indemnify, defend and hold the Public Employer harmless against any claim made, and against any suit instituted, against the Public Employer as the result of any check -off of Association dues. 2.3 An employee may revoke his authorization for deduction of dues provided the employee gives thirty (30) calendar days written notice to the Public Employer. Upon receipt of such notification, the Public Employer shall forward a copy to the Association and terminate dues on the pay date immediately following the expiration of the thirty (30) calendar days notice period. 2.4 No deduction shall be made from the pay of an employee for any payroll period in which the employee's net earnings for that payroll period are less than the amount of dues to be checked off, Net earnings shall mean net after required deductions. 2.5 If there is an amount deducted in excess of what is authorized by this Agreement, the employee affected shall seek recourse with the Association and not the City, provided that the excess amount deducted was in fact remitted to the Association in the form of union dues. 3 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 3 NO STRIKE PROVISION 3.1 The Association and bargaining unit members shall have no right to instigate, support, promote, sponsor, engage in, or condone, in any manner, any work stoppage, boycott, slow -down, strike, intentional disruption of City operations, or to withhold services for any reason. Management shall have the right to discharge or otherwise discipline any or all employees who violate the provisions of this paragraph. The only question that may be raised in any proceeding, grievance, judicial or otherwise, contesting such action is whether this provision was violated by the employee to be discharged or otherwise disciplined. 11 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 4 EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES 4.1 a. The Association, its representatives, members or any persons acting on their behalf agree that the following "unlawful acts" as defined in Chapter 447, Florida Statutes are prohibited; 1) Solicitation of public employees during working hours of any employee who is involved in the solicitation; or 2) Distributing literature during working hours in areas where the work of the public employees is performed such as offices, warehouses, schools, police stations, fire stations, and any similar public installations. b. The circuit courts of the state shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this section by injunction and contempt proceedings if necessary. A public employee who is convicted of a violation of any provision of this section may be discharged or otherwise disciplined by the Public Employer notwithstanding further provisions of this or any other agreement. 4.2 The Public Employer and Association agree that the basic intent of this Agreement is to provide a fair day's work in return for a fair day's pay and to provide conditions of employment suitable to maintain a competent work force. The Public Employer and Association affirm the joint opposition to any discriminatory practices in connection with employment, promotion, training or assignment; remembering that the public interest requires full utilization of employees' skills and ability without regard to race, color, age, creed, religion, national origin, union affiliation or non - union affiliation, handicap, sex, or marital status. Any complaint or issue concerning discrimination or discriminatory practices shall be addressed and handled pursuant to Article 28 of this Agreement. 5 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 5 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 5.1 Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, the Public Employer retains the sole and exclusive right to manage its operations and direct the work of the bargaining unit employee, including the rights to decide the number and location of work stations, the operation of motorized equipment, the scope of service to be performed, the methods of service, the schedule of work time; to contract and subcontract existing and future work; to determine whether and to what extent the work required in its operation shall be performed by employees covered by this Agreement; to maintain order and efficiency in its work stations and locations; to curtail or discontinue temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, operation whenever in the opinion of the Public Employer good business judgment makes such curtailment or discontinuance advisable; to hire, lay -off, assign, transfer, promote, demote, and determine the qualifications of employees; to create new job classifications and to create and amend job descriptions; to determine the starting and quitting time and the number of hours to be worked; to require an employee to take a physical or mental examination, given by a health service, or a physician or psychiatrist selected by the Public Employer; to assign overtime work; to discipline, suspend, and/or discharge employees for just cause; and to have complete authority to exercise those rights and powers incidental thereto, including the right to make unilateral change, subject only to such regulations governing the exercise of these rights as are expressly and specifically provided in this Agreement. 5.2 The above rights of the Public Employer are not all inclusive but indicate the type of matters or rights that belong to and are inherent to the Public Employer in its capacity as manager of the Police Department of the City. Any of the rights, powers, and authority the Employer had prior to entering into this collective bargaining agreement are retained by the Employer, except as expressly and specifically abridged, delegated, granted or modified by this Agreement. 5.3 Any and all aspects of wages, hours, and working condition, which are not specifically covered by this Agreement, may be initiated, instituted, continued or discontinued without notification of or consultation with the Association. The Public Employer is not required to continue those voluntary aspects of wages, hours, and working conditions not included in this Agreement, but which were in effect prior to entering into this Agreement or instituted thereafter, nor shall the employees have any binding right to such matters. 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal t February 12, 2013; 5A It is agreed that every incidental duty connected with operations enumerated in job descriptions is not always comprehensive and employees, at the discretion of the City, may be required to perform duties not within their specific job descriptions as long as they are related to Police Department operations and have the approval of the Chief of Police or their designee. 5.5 Whenever it is determined that civil emergency conditions exist, including riots, civil disorder, hurricane conditions, or similar catastrophes, the provisions of this Agreement may be suspended by the Mayor, City Manager and /or Chief of Police during the time of the declared emergency provided that wage rates and monetary fringe benefits shall not be suspended. 5.6 The Public Employer's failure to exercise any function or right hereby reserved to it, or its exercising any function or right in a particular way, shall not be deemed a waiver of this right to exercise such function or right, nor preclude the Public Employer from exercising the same in some other way, provided such do not conflict with the express provisions of this Agreement. AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 j City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal i February 12, 2013 ff ,� !f ARTICLE 6 SPECIAL MEETINGS AND ASSOCIATION TIME POOL Special Meetings: 6.1 The Public employer and the duly appointed representative(s) of the Association agree to meet and confer on matters of interest upon the written request of either party. 6.2 The written request shall state the nature of the matters to be discussed and the reason(s) for requesting the meetings. Discussions shall be limited to the matters set forth in the request or other subjects mutually agreed to, but it is understood that these special meetings shall not be used to renegotiate this or any other Agreement or for the resolution of grievances. 6.3 Such special meetings shall be held within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of a written request if said meeting is jointly agreed to by both parties in writing. The meeting shall take place at a time and place mutually agreeable to by the parties. The Association shall have the right at these special meetings, to make recommendations to the Public Employer to improve department operations and resolve problems identified by the Association. :: ♦ /. - r � v - - ♦ / _ ♦ : : v - ♦ MI. - OrWI.O.".20 / ♦ /. _ V; gzw AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 t City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 r Y Z ♦ ♦ M AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 i City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal , February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 7 PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES AND SENIORITY 7.1 All employees shall be classified as probationary employees for the first twelve (12) months of continuous uninterrupted employment, during which time such employees may be laid off, disciplined or discharged with or without cause and without recourse to the grievance procedure but will be afforded all the protection as listed under F.S.S. 112. The City Manager and/or the Chief of Police have the discretion to extend the probationary period with cause. Provisions as to seniority shall not apply to probationary employees; rather, seniority shall date back to the time of hire after an employee has successfully completed his probationary period. If more than one employee is hired on the same day, seniority shall be determined by the day (1 -31) of birth, with the employee with the lowest numerical day of birth having the most seniority. The employee with the longest date of position is most senior. 7.2 Seniority: Seniority as used herein, is defined as unbroken, continuous service with the Atlantic Beach Police Department as a full -time, sworn law enforcement officer. Authorized paid approved leave shall not reduce the officer's seniority and seniority shall compute from the date hired as a full -time, sworn law enforcement officer in accordance with applicable State and Federal Laws. Any unpaid leave shall be in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, i.e. Military Leave or FMLA. 7.3 Classification Seniority: Classification Seniority shall begin with the most recent service in the employee's classification, (e.g. Officer, Detective or Sergeant). Employees shall not attain seniority until the completion of the probationary period in their classification (probation is defined in Article 7.1 of this Agreement). Seniority shall relate to the most recent date of promotion in that classification. Employees that are returned to a lower grade position shall retain their seniority as if they had been serving continuously within the lower grade position. 7.4 Seniority shall benefit each classification as follows: a. Layoffs. Shall the need to layoff members of the Bargaining Unit exist, the City should use the documented performance records of the individual(s), seniority and the overall record before the layoff begins. 10 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal Februaiy 12, 2013 b. Position Elimination. If a sergeant's or detective's position is eliminated or abolished, the sergeant or detective will return to the position previously held, if a vacancy exists, without losing seniority in the classification to which he /she is returned. If there is no vacancy within the previously held position, the sergeant or detective shall be returned to the next lower position and be given priority consideration whenever a vacancy within the higher position previously held occurs. 7.5 Seniority shall be lost for the following reasons: a. Voluntary resignation b. Retirement C. Termination d. Failing to return to work from authorized leave of absence 11 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal t February 12, 2013 rt ARTICLE 8 RULES AND REGULATIONS 8.1 Any general order issued after the effective date of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, if not in conflict with any Article or Section in this Agreement. All other general orders shall remain in full force and effect and the Employer retains the right to issue other general orders in its sole discretion as long as they comply with State and Federal Laws. 8.2 The City shall have the right to establish, maintain and enforce, or rescind, amend or change, reasonable rules and regulations and standard operational procedures as long as they comply with State and Federal Laws. 8.3 Any employee violating a rule or regulations or standard operational procedure may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. 12 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 /�� City of Atlantic 13each Package Proposal r February I2, 2013 t ARTICLE 9 DISCHARGE AND DISCIPLINE 9.1 The Employer has the right to discharge, suspend or otherwise discipline employees for just cause. The Employer shall consider, among other things, the seriousness and frequency of offenses when determining the appropriate discipline, which may include a warning, suspension or immediate discharge. Employees are not entitled to a particular number of warnings prior to the imposition of discipline, including discharge. 9.2 The following acts shall be grounds for discipline up to and including discharge. a. Falsifying statements or records; b. Stealing; c. Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages while on duty, unless authorized by the Chief of Police; d. Possessing, using or selling a controlled substance, including but not limited to, narcotics, marijuana, or barbiturates, other than that prescribed by a physician of the employee unless authorized by the Chief of Police; e.. Being under the influence of a controlled substance other than that prescribed by a physician for the employee, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage which would also be a violation of Article 9.2j; f. Recklessness or negligence while on duty; g. Violation of the no strike provision of this Agreement; h. Violation of a published work rule or regulation or standard operational procedure; i. Failure to immediately report vehicle accidents involving damage to any City property; j. Conduct that could bring discredit to the Employer; k. Having committed and /or convicted for felony, driving while under the influence of alcohol, or narcotic substances, crime involving moral turpitude, or a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement, or a 13 AGENDA ITEM # 8B I� FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 rr� misdemeanor evidencing bad moral character; 1. Leaving the working area during working hours without authorization; m. Sleeping while on duty; n. Fighting, wrestling, horseplay, or any other act which might interfere with the safe or efficient operation of the Employer; o. Unauthorized absence; p. Unauthorized tardiness; q. Repeated failure to achieve a satisfactory evaluation of work performance; r. Refusal to cooperate during an investigation; s. Insubordination; t. Conduct unbecoming a city employee; or u. Refusal to obey the lawful commands of a superior officer, City Manager, or their designee. The foregoing enumeration of grounds for discipline are by way of illustration and shall not be deemed to exclude management's right to discipline, or discharge, employees for any other cause. 9.3 Failure to discipline an employee for violation of these rules, regulations, and /or standard operational procedures shall not affect the right of the City to discipline the same or other employees for the same or other violations of the same rules, regulations, and/or standard operational procedures. 9.4 The City may use progressive discipline keeping in mind the officer's previous records and the ability to use training as a means to correct the situation. Except for serious violations, supervisors and department heads are encouraged to utilize progressive discipline. Progressive discipline is an approach in which a sequence of penalties is administered, each one slightly more severe than the previous one. The goal is to build a discipline program that progresses from less severe to more severe in terms of punishment for similar or like offenses. Steps within a progressive discipline system that should be considered are: a. Counseling. Does employee understand rules, policies, etc., and what is expected of them? Such action may or may not be documented in writing; however, the supervisor should maintain a record (date /time /subject) of counseling. This action does not constitute official disciplinary action and is 14 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal j February 12, 2013 considered as an administrative action. b. Written Warning. Places employee on notice that further acts will result in more severe disciplinary action. Such action must be documented in writing by use of an official Employee Counseling Form and may, or may not, be placed in employee's official personnel records. This action does not constitute official disciplinary action and is considered as an administrative action. c. Official Reprimand. Written action that is placed within employee's official personnel records. Such action should be documented, in writing, by use of official Employee Counseling Form. d. Suspension. Normally, the final step in the disciplinary process prior to termination. Such action must be fully documented and should be coordinated with the Human Resource Manager prior to implementation. e. Demotion. Depending on circumstances, it may be appropriate over removal. Such action must be fully documented and should be coordinated with the Human Resource Manager prior to implementation. f. Removal (same as termination). The most severe disciplinary action. Such action must be fully documented and should be coordinated with the Human Resource Manager prior to implementation. 9.5 Florida State Statute 112.532, (the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights as amended from time to time) shall apply whenever a law enforcement officer is under investigation and subject to interrogation by members of his/her agency for any reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion or dismissal. Florida State Statute 112.533 shall be complied with for the receipt and processing of complaints received. 9.6 Employees shall be notified at the earliest practicable time following the request by a private citizen to review the personnel file of the employee. 9.7 Files maintained by the Internal Investigation Division will be purged by applicable State and Federal Laws. 9.8 The City will comply with Section 119.07 of the Florida Statutes and will not release information of members of the Bargaining Unit unless allowed by law. It shall be the right of any officer, at any reasonable time to inspect and request a copy of his/her personnel records and completed internal affairs files. 15 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal / February 12, 2013 N ARTICLE 10 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 10.1 In a mutual effort to provide harmonious working relations between the parties to this Agreement, it is agreed to and understood by both parties that there shall be a procedure for the resolution of grievances between the parties arising from an alleged violation of specific terms of the Agreement as provided in this Article. 10.2 For the purpose of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a disagreement between the Public Employer, Association and one or more of its employees concerning the interpretation, application, or compliance with this Agreement, including disagreements regarding discipline. 10.3 Grievances may be taken up during the working time of the grievant upon the mutual agreement between the Public Employer and the Association. Affected personnel of the Department will follow the steps as numerically outlined where they are organizationally feasible. In issues dealing with discipline, the City and Association agree that due to the organizational structure of the Police Department, subordinate supervisors are not authorized to circumvent decisions of a higher ranking supervisor or the Chief of Police. Therefore, a grievant may file the first step of the grievance with the supervisor who is alleged to have breached this Agreement. If the grievant is grieving a discipline issue, the grievance shall be filed with the supervisor who directed the discipline. 10.4 All grievances proceeding to Step 11 must be reduced to writing and must contain the following information: a. The specific Article and Section of this Agreement alleged to have been violated by the Public Employer; b. A full statement of the grievance, giving a description of the facts and dates and times of the events involved in the alleged violation, and the specific remedy desired by the grievant; c. Signature of grievant, or Staff Rep. if grievance is being submitted by the Association , and date signed; and, d. Designation letter signed by the grievant, if applicable, designating any representative appointed to represent them during the grievance process. Failure of the grievant to comply with this section shall make the grievance null and void. 16 10.5 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 s / City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal I February 12, 2013 'A l All grievances shall be processed in accordance with the following procedure: Step 1 - The grievant shall orally, or in writing, present his grievance to his immediate supervisor within ten (10) working days of receipt of an official written notice or of the occurrence of the action giving rise to the grievance, provided that should the action giving rise to the grievance occur while the employee is on authorized paid leave of absence or is on his scheduled day(s) off the grievant shall have ten (10) working days from returning to duty to orally, or in writing present his grievance. Discussions will be informal for the purpose of settling differences in the simplest and most effective manner. The immediate supervisor will discuss and make an effort to resolve all legitimate grievances with fairness and justice for both the grievant and the Public Employer. The immediate supervisor shall orally communicate a decision to the grievant within ten (10) working days from the date the grievance was presented to him. Step 2 - If the grievance is not settled at the first step, the grievant and /or his designated representative shall within ten (10) working days of the response under step 1 present the grievance in written form (in compliance with Article 10.4) to the Chief of Police with a copy to the City Manager. The Chief of Police or his designee, shall investigate the alleged grievance and shall within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grievance conduct a meeting with the grievant, his representative (as appropriate), and the Association if the grievant requests Association representation. The Chief of Police or his designee shall notify the grievant, in writing, of his decision no later than ten (10) working days following the meeting. Note: If the Step 1 Grievance was submitted to the Chief of Police and a Step 1 meeting with the grievant has been held, another meeting at Step 2 is optional and at the discretion of the Chief of Police. Stet? 3 - If the grievance is not settled at the second step, the grievant and /or his representative shall within ten (10) working days from the date of the Chief of Police's decision present the written grievance to the City Manager or his designee. The City Manager, or his designee, shall investigate the alleged grievance and may within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grievance conduct a meeting with Public Employer representatives, the grievant and the Association if the grievant requests Association representation. The City Manager or his designee shall notify the grievant in writing of his decision not later than ten (10) working days after the date the grievance was received by the City Manager, or from the date of the meeting, if conducted. 17 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal I V/1 February 12, 2013 Step 4 - If a grievance, as defined in this Article, has not been satisfactorily resolved within the Grievance Procedure, the Association Staff Representative of record may request arbitration in writing to the Office of the City Manager no later than ten (10) working days after the response is received in Step 3 of the grievance procedure. 10.6 It is the mutual desire of the Employer and the Association that grievances shall be adjusted as quickly as possible and to that end the time limits set forth in this Article are to be strictly enforced. The time limits may only be extended by mutual written agreement. The term "work days" as used in this Article include days that the City Hall is open for business (excluding authorized absences of either party). For the purpose of calculating time limits, the day on which a grievance, or a reply by management to a grievance, is received, shall not be counted. Failure of management to observe the time limits for any step in the Grievance Procedure without a mutually agreed written extension of time shall entitle the grievant (or the Association in the case of Step 4) to proceed to the next Step of the Grievance Procedure as outlined in this Article. Failure of the Association to observe the time limits for any step in the Grievance Procedure without a mutually agreed written extension of time shall terminate the grievance. 18 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 J City of Atlantic 15eacn Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 11 ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 11.1 Whenever the Association requests arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Article 10, the parties shall within ten (10) working days following appeal to arbitration jointly request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit a panel of seven (7) arbitrators, each of whom shall be a member of the National Academy or Arbitrators. Arbitrators shall be selected from such panel by alternately striking names from this list (the Association shall make the first strike) until only one name remains on the list. 11.2 The limitations of the powers of the Arbitrator are as follows: a. The Arbitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, or alter the terms of this Agreement; b. The Arbitrator shall have no power to establish wage scales, rates for new jobs, or to change any wage; c. The Arbitrator shall have only the power to rule on matters arising under this Agreement and is confined exclusively to the question(s) which is presented to him which question(s) must be actual and existing; d. If the subject of the grievance submitted to arbitration concerns disciplinary measures (including discharge) taken against one or more employees, the Arbitrator is only empowered to pass upon whether the employee or employees concerned actually committed, participated in, or were responsible for the act of misconduct. The Arbitrator has no authority to pass upon the nature, extent, or severity of the disciplinary measure(s) taken, such determination being solely a managerial prerogative. If the Arbitrator finds that the employee has not committed, participated in, or was not responsible for, the act of misconduct for which he has discipline, the Arbitrator has the power to make the employee or employees whole, including ordering back pay (less compensation received from any other sources) for time lost, and reinstatement when applicable. 11.3 There shall be no appeal from the Arbitrator's decision; it shall be final and binding on the Association and on all bargaining unit employees and on the Public Employer, provided the Arbitrator's decision is not outside or beyond the scope of the Arbitrator's jurisdiction, or is not in violation of public policy. The authority and responsibility of the Public Employer, as provided by Florida Law, shall not be usurped in any matter. 19 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 to� City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 1�- �" 1 11.4 The Arbitrator will charge the cost of his services to the losing party of each grievance. Each side will pay its own representative and witnesses. The cost of a court reporter and the transcription fee shall be paid by the party requesting the court reporter and/or a transcription of the proceedings. FA NOTES: For union members that work shifts, Holidays shall be observed on the actual date that they occur. For union members that work a Monday through Friday workweek: 12.2 12.3 Whenever Christmas falls on a Saturday, Christmas shall be observed on the preceding Friday with Christmas Eve observed on the preceding Thursday. Whenever Christmas falls on a Sunday, Christmas shall be observed on a Monday with Christmas Eve observed on the preceding Friday. Whenever Christmas falls a Monday, Christmas shall be observed on Monday with Christmas Eve observed on the preceding Friday. Not Scheduled to Work a Holiday: Employees who are not scheduled to work on the observed holiday shall receive at the discretion of the Public Employee either eight (8) hours pay at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate of pay or eight (8) hours of compensatory time, at the straight time rate. Scheduled to Work a Holiday: Worked the Holiday. Employees whose work shift starts on -werks on the holiday shall receive Holiday pay equal to their scheduled shift (8, 10, 12, etc. hours), plus be paid 21 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 j VY City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 12 HOLIDAYS 12.1 The following are recognized as holidays under the terms of this agreement: New Years Day January I" Martin Luther King's Birthday 3rd Monday in January President's Day 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4th Labor Day 1 st Monday in September Veterans Day November 11th Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November Friday after Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve December 24th Christmas Day December 25th Any day that the City Commission may designate NOTES: For union members that work shifts, Holidays shall be observed on the actual date that they occur. For union members that work a Monday through Friday workweek: 12.2 12.3 Whenever Christmas falls on a Saturday, Christmas shall be observed on the preceding Friday with Christmas Eve observed on the preceding Thursday. Whenever Christmas falls on a Sunday, Christmas shall be observed on a Monday with Christmas Eve observed on the preceding Friday. Whenever Christmas falls a Monday, Christmas shall be observed on Monday with Christmas Eve observed on the preceding Friday. Not Scheduled to Work a Holiday: Employees who are not scheduled to work on the observed holiday shall receive at the discretion of the Public Employee either eight (8) hours pay at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate of pay or eight (8) hours of compensatory time, at the straight time rate. Scheduled to Work a Holiday: Worked the Holiday. Employees whose work shift starts on -werks on the holiday shall receive Holiday pay equal to their scheduled shift (8, 10, 12, etc. hours), plus be paid 21 AGENDA ITEM # 8B AA FEBRUARY 25, 2013 ' V City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 the employee's regular hourly rate of pay, or provided compensatory time, hour -for- hour, for each hour worked during tha halm that shift. The minimum accrual of holiday pay will not equal less than eight (8) hours. Did Not Work the Holiday, i.e. approved to take the Holiday off. Employees shall receive Holiday pay equal to their scheduled shift (8, 10, 12, etc, hours) and shall not be required to take Personal Leave or receive any additional compensation for the Holiday. 12A In order to be eligible for holiday pay the employee must have worked the last scheduled working day immediately prior to the holiday and the first regularly scheduled working day immediately after the observed holiday unless the employee is on paid vacation, military leave, paid sick leave substantiated by a doctor's certificate, or other paid absences excused by the Chief of Police. Employees must be expected to return to work in order to receive holiday pay. 12.5 Employees who have been assigned holiday work and fail to report for and perform such work without reasonable cause shall not receive pay or compensatory time for the holiday and shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. 12.6 Employees who are on an unpaid leave of absence or layoff on their last scheduled workday proceeding the day on which such holiday is observed shall not receive pay or compensatory time for the holiday. o - 12.7 The accrual and payout of compensatory time under this Section shall be governed by the provisions of Article 17. 22 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal 1 February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 13 PERSONAL LEAVE HOURS 13.1 The "Personal Leave Hours" concept is advancement from the traditional vacation and sick leave system. a. When a Personal Leave Hour is used for illness or other emergencies, employees are required to notify the on -duty supervisor, or if he /she is unavailable the Communication Center of the nature of the illness or emergency at least one hour prior to the start of the employees shift. When an employee is planning to use Personal Leave or Compensatory Time off, he must submit his request for the leave in writing to the Police Chief, or his designee, at least fourteen (14) calendar days, prior to the first day of the intended absence. The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall respond to the request within seven 7 days, not including Saturday, Sunday, or holidays, of receipt of the request. Approval of the leave may be denied if in the discretion of the Chief, or his designee, such leave would pose an undue disruption of the department. The employee's supervisor may approve any leave without fourteen (14) days prior notice so long as the employee is not absent for more than forty (40) hours. The granting or denial of this request shall be the discretion of the sh epi- serDivision Commander of the work shift that is affected. OEM _ '- - v � b. Minimum units charged against Personal Leave under sections 13.1 a shall be in increments of fifteen (15) minutes or more. C. For Personal Leave hours used for illness, the City always retains the right to require medical documentation of the illness. 23 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 9 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal =f February 12 2013 Leave limits: Eaeh employee may seleet-a-pepAwal leave lifflit of 120, ■- r. ash-In Dates; ac=v i &sii in Earut or dates 6f:- ■ rr a�.w d. Effective on the date of ratification of the Agreement by both parties (the "effective date ", _the maximum number of personal leave hours which may be accrued and carried forward to the following fiscal year is 680 hours. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective date, any employee who has exceeded the limit of 680 hours will receive a buyout of accrued personal leave for all hours that exceed the new maximum accrued limit of 680 hours. Thereafter, the maximum number of personal leave hours which may be accrued and carried forward to the following fiscal year is 680 hours. Employees should make every attempt to schedule and use their personal leave prior to the end of each fiscal year. Failure to use the personal leave time will result in forfeiture on October 1 of each fiscal year of any time that 24 - ' N.M. HVIRWORMI rr a�.w d. Effective on the date of ratification of the Agreement by both parties (the "effective date ", _the maximum number of personal leave hours which may be accrued and carried forward to the following fiscal year is 680 hours. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective date, any employee who has exceeded the limit of 680 hours will receive a buyout of accrued personal leave for all hours that exceed the new maximum accrued limit of 680 hours. Thereafter, the maximum number of personal leave hours which may be accrued and carried forward to the following fiscal year is 680 hours. Employees should make every attempt to schedule and use their personal leave prior to the end of each fiscal year. Failure to use the personal leave time will result in forfeiture on October 1 of each fiscal year of any time that 24 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 J City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 exceeds the 680 hour limit. If a personal leave request is cancelled by the City due to no --fault of the employee and cannot be rescheduled prior to the end of the fiscal year, their City Manager head may approve the employee to carry -over the personal leave hours that were canceled In such unusual case, the employee must use these personal leave hours prior to the end of the next fiscal year. e. No Personal Leave Hours may accumulate to an employee who is in a non -pay status or utilizing donated leave. f. Eligible employees who resigns with at least two weeks' prior written notice of resignation to the City Manager, is—are laid off, or whose e,,p „+ h t be .avol ntar- l terminatedretire shall be paid for M to 680 any - unused personal leave hours acet-aale as follows: .(1) Employees hired by the City before October 1 2012, with ten (10) or more years of completed service on the date their employment ends shall be paid out 100% of the personal leave hours accrued (up to a maximum of 680 hours). (2). Employees hired by the City before October 1, 2012, with less than ten 10 ears of completed service on the date their em to ent ends shall be paid out 50% of personal leave hours accrued (up to a maximum of 680 hours)- 3) Employees hired by the Citv on or after October 1,_2012,-shall be said out 50% of personal leave hours accrued (up to a maximum of 680 hours). 13.2 In the event of the employee's death, the balance of the employee's Personal Leave shall be paid to the beneficiary of the deceased employee. i 13.3 Effective on the date of ratification of this Agreement by both parties .Personal Leave time shall accumulate during each pay period and shall be credited to the employee at the end of each pay period using the following schedule. Years Hours Per Total Annual Pay Period Hours r it won NEELIMM., 25 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal - February 12, 2013 { b Beg_ th Beg-.46" and evef io.47 Beginning Thru Hours per Total AIZrlual Year of Year PU Period Hours Em la ent First Year 4.62 120 4 5 6.15 160 6 7 6.77 176 8 10 7.69 200 11 12 8.31 216 13 14 8.92 232 15 9.54 248 26 AGENDA ITEM # 8B Al) FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2413 �, ARTICLE 14 LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY 14.1 The City shall conform to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) with FMLA eligible employees entitled to leave per a twelve (12) month period for the periods and reasons as specified in the FMLA. 14.2 Leaves of absence without pay may also be granted for other reasons deemed acceptable to management other than those covered in under the FMLA. 14.3 All leaves, with or without pay, should be requested by the employee in writing and should be approved in writing before becoming effective. 14.4 Requests for Military Leave shall be submitted in accordance with Article 15. 14.5 Any approved Leave Without Pay (LWOP) shall become effective only after the employee has utilized all available paid leave and compensatory time to which they may be entitled. 14.6 An employee's starting date will be adjusted for leaves of absence without pay, unless restricted by State or Federal law. 27 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 20I3 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 �� l ARTICLE 15 MILITARY LEAVE 15.1 The City will grant employees leaves of absence for military duties as dictated by the requirements of state and federal laws. 15.2 Employees requesting military leave are responsible for notifying the Chief of Police as soon as possible of the dates for such training period(s). 15.3 An official set of military orders should be submitted as soon as possible, but in no case shall an employee be paid for Military Leave until an official set of orders or appropriate documentation have been received. 28 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 f +,� y City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal ; February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 16 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE 16.1 Employees covered by this agreement may be granted, upon approval of the Chief of Police, time off with pay not to exceed three calendar days, in the event of a death in the employee's immediate family for the purpose of attending the funeral and/or attending to related obligations of the deceased relative. An employee may be granted up to four (4) hours off with pay if the employee is required to act as a pallbearer for a deceased member of the Atlantic Beach Police Department. 16.2 The employee's immediate family shall be defined as the employee's spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, father -in -law, mother -in -law, grandparents, step- parents, step- child, step - brother, step - sister and any other member of kinship who may be residing under the same roof with an employee during the time of death. 16.3 Funeral leave or bereavement leave shall be paid leave and not charged to personal leave days. 16.4 The employee may be required to provide the Chief of Police with verification of death before compensation is approved. 29 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 C � City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 17 HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 17.1 The bargaining unit employee's basic work period shall be based on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) with a work period of fourteen (14) days. The basic work period for an employee covered by this Agreement will consist of up to eighty -four (84) hours per 14 -day work period. When the City deems it necessary, the basic work period may be changed, provided the employees are given at least seven (7) calendar days notice prior to the change. 17.2 Whenever the Chief of police or the City Manager permits an employee (at the employee's request) to attend a training seminar or training program which is not specifically assigned, the employee shall have no right to receive any compensation or compensatory time for the hours spent traveling to or from or attending the seminar or program. However, the Chief of police or City manager may at their discretion compensate the employee for attending the seminar or program and /or reimburse the employee for travel or lodging expenses. Such decision is not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures of this agreement. 17.3 Except as provided in Section 17.4, all hours worked in excess of 84 hours during an employee's basic scheduled work period shall be considered overtime and shall be compensated at the rate of one and one -half (V/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. 17.4 An employee will have the option of receiving compensatory time off or overtime pay provided 85% or more or the overtime budget has not been expended at the time the overtime work is performed. However, the maximum amount of compensatory time, which may be accrued under this agreement (including Article 12 and Article 17), is one - hundred (100) hours of compensatory time. Under this Article, compensatory time shall be accrued at the same rate as overtime pay. Once an employee accrues one - hundred (100) hours of compensatory time, no further accrual of compensatory time will be allowed. Thereafter, hours worked in excess of an employee's regular scheduled two week work period shall normally be paid to the employee. 17.5 For the purpose of taking compensatory time off, the employee shall, in accordance with procedures for personal Leave, Article 13, request to be allowed to utilize his accrued hours. All accrued compensatory time off must be taken during the fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) in which it is earned. If not, the employee shall receive a cash payment for the excess unused compensatory time on or after the last pay period of the fiscal year but no later than September 30th of the same fiscal year at the regular hourly rate earned by the employee at the time the employee receives such payment. Note: 30 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 j 1 Employees will not be paid for Compensatory Time unless their Compensatory Time payment amount equals or exceeds one hour. 17.6 Hours worked in excess of the employee's normal scheduled hours due to emergency situations such as hurricanes, tornadoes, civil disorders and other like matters as declared by the Chief of Police, will be compensated for at the rate of one and one -half (1' /Z) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. 17.7 When an employee is required to appear as a witness at a deposition, trial, or hearing on a pending criminal, civil, or traffic case or as a witness in a pending departmental disciplinary action, where the employee is or was involved in his official police capacity, and such appearance occurs when the employee is scheduled to be off duty, he shall be compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay for the reasonable time spent traveling to and from the location of the deposition, trial, or hearing and for the time spent in performing his duties as a witness, with a minimum of three (3) hours. Provided, however, the employee must submit to the Police Chief a copy of any notice of deposition or subpoena and must remit to the City any witness fee or fees received in connection with the appearance that exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) excluding travel reimbursement, unless City transportation is furnished in which case travel reimbursement should not be requested or accepted or if receive such fee will be signed over to the City. 17.8 In changing individual work schedules, management will take into consideration the interests of the employees affected and the needs of the department. The City will give as much advance notice as possible. Where possible there should be a minimum of twelve hours between the completion of the employee's prior work shift and the beginning of the next work shift. This section does not apply in overtime circumstances. 17.9 Training days are viewed as hours worked, and the City may assign and /or reschedule training days at the City's discretion. Scheduled training days are mandatory work days and are generally in addition to the Officer's regular schedule. Failure to attend scheduled training will be treated as any other missed work day. Training days will be scheduled by the City as soon as possible but in not case with less than 30 days notice to the employee. 31 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 1 J ARTICLE 18 INJURY IN THE LINE OF DUTY 18.1 Any employee covered by this Agreement who sustains a temporary disability as a result of accidental injury in the course of and arising out of employment by the Public Employer, shall, in addition to the benefits payable under the Workers' Compensation Law of the State of Florida, be entitled to the following benefits: a. When an employee is absent due to compensable injury, the City will pay one - hundred percent (100 %) of an employee's average daily earnings for each regularly scheduled work day missed beginning with the first calendar day of the authorized disability, and continuing through the seventh calendar day of the authorized disability. However, in no case shall these payments and those paid through Workers' Compensation exceed the employee's normal net salary. Any amount paid by the city to the employee who is subsequently paid by Workers' Compensation shall be reimbursed by the employee to the city. b. An employee sustaining a lost time injury under this Article may use accumulated Personal Leave days to cover the time off the job due to an injury until he is compensated by Workers' Compensation. Personal Leave days can be used to supplement that percentage (33 1/3 %) of his pay which is not covered by Workers' Compensation. The request to allow the employee to do the above must be made to the Chief of Police in writing. 18.2 In addition to the benefits afforded under section 18.1(a), an employee, subsequent to exhausting all Personal Leave days, may be awarded special benefits by the city if special circumstances are found to exist in the sole opinion of the City Manager. But such payments shall not, when added to Workers' Compensation benefits, total more than the normal regular pay received by the employee immediately prior to such disability, nor may such payments continue longer than one year from the date of injury. Factors which the City Manager may consider in each instance are as follows: a. Consideration of degree of responsibility of employee /employer. b. Obedience to or violation of laws, statutes, or ordinances involved in connection with the causes of such disability. C. Obedience to or violation of any Department rules, regulations and policies procedures, published work rule or instructions to the employee by supervisors involving the cause of the disability. ON AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 The decision to grant or deny special benefits is not subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of the agreement. 18.3 The City may require the employee to be examined every twenty (20) calendar days by a medical doctor selected by the City to determine whether the employee should be continued on such leave or returned to duty. 18.4 In the event that an employee fails to return to work due to a disagreement between medical doctor(s) for the employee and the city, then the city shall select a third, duly qualified medical doctor who shall resolve the medical disagreement. This medical examination shall be at the employee's expense. In resolving the disagreement between the employee's doctor and the city's doctor the decision of the third doctor shall be final and not subject to grievance. 18.5 Where injury is caused by the knowing refusal of the employee to use a safety appliance provided by the City, the Workers' Compensation benefits shall be reduced twenty -five percent (25 %). Failure to obey safety regulations or to use safety devices shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. 33 AGENDA ITEM # 813 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 l City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 j ARTICLE 19 TUITION AID 19.1 Any full time employee who has completed the initial probationary period will be eligible to take courses which are approved in advance by the Police Chief as being law enforcement related or for career development. Upon successful completion of the course, the city shall reimburse the employee as follows Reimbursable Items. An employee who successfully completes an approved course where grades are assigned with a grade of "C" or better, or obtains a satisfactory completion certificate when grades are not assigned will be reimbursed 100% of the tuition, lab fees, registration fees, and costs for books. Any member attending courses toward a Master's Degree may be reimbursed up to 100% at the sole discretion of the City Manager. Non - reimbursable items. 100% of the costs of supplies, transportation, parking, equipment, plus all other fees not listed in this article will be the responsibility of the employee. The employee must present written evidence of completion of the course and the grade achieved to validate payment from the employer. The employee shall supply the Chief of Police with written notice of the course(s) to be taken, information on the course(s) content and the cost of each course, and receive approval prior to registration for the course(s) which the employee is requesting reimbursement. 19.2 An employee who does not remain with the City for a minimum of one (1) full year after completion of a course for which he has received education assistance shall repay the reimbursement to the city at the rate of 1 /12`h of the total received for each month remaining on the 12 month commitment. 19.3 Should there be no funds available from the City Training Fund the City will not be required to reimburse the employee under Section 19.1. The City will advise the employee before the employee takes a course if the City anticipates that no funds will be available. 19.4 In the event the employee is eligible for tuition aid from any other source, such as, but not limited to Veteran's Benefits, the payments due under this article will be reduced by the amount of benefits paid by other sources. 19.5 In addition to salary incentive monies called for in Florida State Statute 943.22, an employee shall receive a monthly educational incentive from the City as follows: 34 Degree Associates or documented evidence of eligibility for an Associates Degree Bachelors Degree 35 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 W/191 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal I J February 12, 2013 Monthly Amount $ 50.00 $ 100.00 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal t February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 20 INSURANCE 20.1 The City agrees to provide employees with a group term life insurance policy providing for coverage equal to the annual salary of the employees, but not to exceed $50,000. The City agrees to pay the premiums for the employees' coverage for such insurance. 20.2 The City agrees to provide employees with the basic health insurance group program as offered to other City employees. The City agrees to pay the same amount of premium for the same insurance coverage for bargaining unit members as it does for other City employees. Dependent coverage for medical and other insurance offered by the City will be available by payroll deduction at the employees' expense. 36 AGENDA ITEM # 813 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 r' City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal ` 1 February 12, 2413 1 ARTICLE 21 SAFETY AND HEALTH 21.1 The Public Employer and the Association agree that they will conform to all laws relating to safety, health, sanitation and working conditions. The Public Employer and the Association will cooperate in the continuing objective of elimination safety and health hazards where they are shown to exist. 21.2 Safety practices may be improved upon from time to time by the Public Employer and upon recommendations of the Public Employer and the Association. Protective devices, apparel, and equipment when provided by the Public Employer must be used and any failure to obey safety regulations or to use safety devices shall be just cause for disciplinary action. 37 AGENDA ITEM # 813 FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 22 BULLETIN BOARDS 22.1 The Association may be permitted to provide for its own use one bulletin board not to exceed four feet times three feet (4'.x 3') in dimension, provided the bulletin board shall be located only in the squad room. 22.2 The Association agrees it shall use the space on the bulletin board provided for herein only for the following purpose: notices of Association meetings, notices of internal elections for Association offices, reports of Association committees, policies of the Association, recreation and social affairs of the Association, and notices by public bodies. In no event shall the bulletin board be used to post political material or controversial material. T--he President are tea ry �« ,-.� The Chief Representative or Alternate Representative of the Association are the only authorized representatives to post material on the bulletin board. Said representatives shall initial and date all material, which is posted. 22.3 The Chief of Police or his designee shall decide whether or not Section 22.2 has been violated. Should it be determined that a violation has occurred the material shall immediately be removed by the City with the removed material provided to the Association Staff Rep. 22.4 The Police Department may post training, promotional, or transfer information on these boards. Such material shall be removed from the boards within five (5) days of expiration. 38 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 +' City of Atlantic Beach Package Pro osar /^ February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 23 UNIFORMS 23.1 The City will furnish all sworn bargaining unit employees who are required to wear uniforms in the performance of their duties with uniforms and equipment approved for their use. 23.2 The City will replace or repair the above items as they become torn, worn or unserviceable due to the performance of the employee's official duty. Any claim for a repair or replacement under this Section must be accompanied by a written explanation to the employee's supervisor, setting forth the circumstances necessitating the replacement or repair. The torn, worn, or unserviceable item shall be presented to the Chief or Police or his designee for inspection and determination as to whether the item should be replaced or repaired. It shall be the decision of the Chief of Police or his designee as to whether the item shall be replaced or repaired. 23.3 Any employee who damages, destroys, or loses any furnished article of uniform due to carelessness or negligence will replace the article (or at the satisfaction of the City repair) the article at his own expense, or such cost of replacement shall be deducted from the employee's pay. 23.4 The employee shall wear the articles of the uniform provided in Section 23.1 only for official City business or as otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police. 23.5 Upon termination of employment for any reason, the employee shall return to the City all articles of the uniform issued by the City or be required to pay for such articles prior to receiving his final pay check or have the cost of the items not turned in deducted from the employee's final pay check. 23.6 The City agrees to provide for the cleaning of uniforms sets (shirts and pants) per employee per quarter as authorized and funded for within the annual approved budget. 23.7 The city shall provide for the Detectives and Crime Suppression Unit members covered by this agreement a clothing allowance of six hundred and fifty dollars ($650.00) per year to be paid as indicated below. a. An initial payment for the first two quarters in the amount of a $325 clothing allowance shall be paid within fourteen (14) days of the employee's initial assignment as detective. 39 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 b. Following six months, additional payments of $54.17 will be paid monthly within the first pay check of each month. 23.8 Any prescription glasses (not sun glasses) contact lenses, false teeth or partial plates damaged, destroyed or stolen while an officer is acting in the performance of his official duties for the City, shall be replaced or repaired by the City, up to a maximum cost of $300.00, provided the damage or loss is not the result of the employee's negligence. Such claim for repair or replacement shall be supported by written explanation as to how the damage /loss occurred and be accompanied by documentation of the original cost of said item, and shall be subject to provisions pertaining to the processing of claims as set forth by the Chief of Police. Wrist Watches damaged/destroyed shall be repaired or replaced up to a value of $50.00. The same restrictions, requirements and procedures shall be followed as set forth in the above paragraph. If the loss is covered by any insurance policy owned by the victim employee, then the City will be reimbursed for any replacement item in the amount allowed and paid by the insurance company. The victim employee shall assist the city in obtaining restitution from any subject, suspect, or party through all legal processes. Any reimbursement or restitution received by the victim employee shall be immediately paid to the City. 40 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal ,! February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 24 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 24.1 Employees directed by the Chief of Police or his designee to use their private automobiles for City business, shall be compensated at the I.R.S. Mileage Rate. 41 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 20I3 f City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 25 LEGAL SERVICES 25.1 The City agrees to provide at no cost to the employee, the services of an attorney to defend the employee against any civil actions brought against him while acting as an agent of the City, in the line of duty and on the City's behalf, unless such action is bought about by an act of the employee due to his own violation of Department Rules, Policies, Procedures or Instructions, negligence, carelessness or the employee acted in bad faith, with malicious purpose, or in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard for human rights, safety, or property. 25.2 It is understood and agreed that all employees shall furnish notification in writing of their intent to file suit in any court of law, to the Public Employer, no less than ten (10) working days before the actual filing date, provided the lawsuit affects or is related in any manner with the Public employer. 25.3 Any employee involved in an accident with a vehicle owned by the Public Employer, and said accident is the result of equipment failure or defect and the defect was such that a reasonable and prudent person would not have noticed or become aware of the defect, shall not be held accountable by the Public Employer or results thereof. Any equipment failure or defect must be reported at the time of the accident and included in the vehicle defects section of the report. Neglect by the employee to notify his supervisor of any defect in the vehicle will make this provision null and void. 42 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 i .ARTICLE 26 WAGES 26.1 E€f�etive Oet„be+ 1, 20W The salary ranges within Exhibit A have been retained at the October 1, 2008/2009 rates. Employ�ee. is r eonsidere "year found", 1�eduled "yearr='ound" bass and have f'eoei..e ...y...:l:,i +....,. per—ee t (I.!%') lump sum. " ati 11 b + vsr — c�chiizi'rs —cis v De mbo 2010 Said bonus shall net count + ,.,1 perm final ak,era, al: .1 „l.,t;. or have einpleyee pension eontr-ibution d uote . Bonus shall be based— upon the e 1 '. al base , as �otv . , — d�49/4G 0—Employees with more than 6 months service as of the date of ratification of this Agreement by both parties, and are in a position that is considered "year round" working on a scheduled "year round" basis, shall receive a one point one eight five percent (1.185 %) cost -of- living increase adjustment to their annual base salary upon passage and state approval of amendments to Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Part II Chapter 2 Article VI, Section 4 ("Police Officers' Retirement System "). Effective October 1, 2013, employees with six (6) months service are in a position that is considered "year round" working on a scheduled 'year round" basis, and have received an evaluation of "Meets Requirements" or above shall receive a one percent (1.0 %) increase adjustment to their annual base salary Effective October 1 2014 employees with six (6) months service of the date of ratification are in a position that is considered "year round." working on a schedule "year round" basis, and have received an evaluation of "Meets Requirements ": or above shall receive a one percent (1,0%) increase adjustment to their annual base salary. Notes: Evaluations: If an employee does not receive at least a "Meets Requirements" overall evaluation, they shall not receive a pay adjustment and the supervisor may take action to terminate the employee or the employee may be counseled, placed in a 90 -day improvement period, and reevaluated in accordance with the City's performance evaluation program guidelines. - Minimum Pay: In no case shall an employee's pay be set below the minimum established for the grade of the employee unless the employee receives less than a "Meets Requirements" overall evaluation. Maximum pay. In no case shall an employee receive a pay increase that would result in the employee's pay exceeding the maximum pay for the grade of the position to which the employee is assigned, 43 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beacb Package Proposal February 12, 2013 - Bonuses. Employees of the bargaining unit are eligible to receive a bonus based upon performance in accordance with the City's performance evaluation program guidelines. Applieabili -y. Pay adjustments will only be provided to individuals who are employees of the City on the date that the Union contract is finally approved by the City Commission. - Pay Ranges. The pay grades and salary ranges for classifications within the bargaining unit are incorporated herein as Exhibit A. 263 The City shall assume the responsibility for certain pension contributions for bargaining unit members. Effective c "- 'AO7 on the date set forth below, the bargaining unit members contribution rates wns- f:��- p- �- �-r��v pefee-nt-(4 ). will be as follows: 1) Effective upon passage and state approval of amendments to Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Part II, Chapter 2, Article VI, Section 4 ( "Police Officers' Retirement System ") bargaining unit members' contribution rate shall change frorn 4.815% to 6.00 %. 2} Effective_ October 1 L2013 ba�aining unit members' contribution zate sha[1 change frorn 6.0% to 7.0%. 3) Effective October t 2014 bargaining unit members' contribution rate shall change from 7.0% to 8.0 %. 26.4 Any Police Officer covered by this Agreement who is assigned by the Chief of Police to work in the Investigative Division or Crime Suppression Unit as a detective shall receive pay at a rate ten (10 %) percent above the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. Such percentage shall not be added to the base pay but shall be in addition to the base pay and apply to all pay, overtime, compensatory time paid, etc. received by the officer. 26.5 Any Police Officer or Sergeant covered by this Agreement who is assigned to work as a Detective in the Investigative Division or the Crime Suppression Unit (CSU) shall have their title changed to Detective and shall receive an annual clothing allowance of six hundred fifty dollars ($650.00) in accordance with Article 23.7. 26.6 Any employee covered by this Agreement who is assigned as a Patrol Investigator /Evidence Technician shall receive pay at a rate of five percent (+5 %) above their normal pay. Such percentage shall not be added to the base pay but shall be in addition to the base pay and apply to all pay, overtime, compensatory time paid, etc. received by the officer. 26.7 Any employee covered by this Agreement who is required by the Chief of Police or his designee to perform the duties of a Field Training Officer (FTO) shall receive pay at a rate of ten percent (10 %) above the employee's regular rate of pay while the employee 44 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ( �� �.1 is actually performing the duties of an FTO. Such percentage shall not be added to the base pay but shall be in addition to the base pay and apply to all pay, overtime, compensatory time paid, etc. received by the officer. 26.8 Any employee covered by this Agreement who is assigned as a member of the Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) shall receive a rate of pay five percent ( +5 %) above their normal pay while such officers are performing actual SWAT duties, not including training. Such percentage shall not be added to the base pay but shall be in addition to the base pay and apply to all pay, overtime, compensatory time paid, etc. received by the officer. 26.9 Any Employee covered by this Agreement who is temporarily required by the Chief of Police or his designee to perform the duties of a Sergeant or Lieutenant shall receive pay at a rate five (5 %) percent above the employee's regular rate of pay, provided that no other Sergeant or Lieutenant is on duty and that: a. The duties and responsibilities of the higher classification are assumed in full for a minimum of four (4) uninterrupted hours; and b. The assignment is not for the purpose of on-the-job training. C. If the two (2) conditions set forth are not fully satisfied, the employee will receive the rate of pay of his regularly assigned classification for each hour worked in the Sergeant or Lieutenant position. Such percentage shall not be added to the base pay but shall be in addition to the base pay and apply to all pay, overtime, compensatory time paid, etc. received by the officer. 26.10 Promotion. Officers promoted to the rank of Sergeant shall receive a salary increase at the time the promotion becomes effective, to at least the minimum of their new pay range or an amount equal to the percentage difference between the current and new grade midpoints (not to exceed 12 %), whichever is greater. a. Calculating a Promotional Increase. Since a promotional increase is granted to recognize the assumption of additional job duties and responsibilities, the size of the increase is calculated as a function of the size of the promotion, rather than as a percentage of current salary. The formula used to calculate the promotional increase is as follows: New Midpoint - Current Midpoint = Percent Promotion Increase Amount ( % *) Current Midpoint Or An increase to the minimum of the new pay grade, whichever is greater. 45 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 * Not to exceed 12% unless required to bring the employee's salary to the minimum of the new pay grade. b. Anniversary Date. Anew anniversary date will be established as the effective date of promotion. a. Minimum Pay. Tn no case shall a promoted employee's salary be set below the base salary of the position to which they were promoted. 26.11 End of Longevity Pay. Effective on the date of ratification of this Agreement, by both parties, longevity pay will be eliminated as a benefit-, however, employees receiving lgngevity�ay on such date will have their base pay enhanced within thirty. (30) calendar days following such date as follows: a prorated amount of $5.00 per month per each Rear of completed service up to a maximum amount of $100 per month for twenty (20 )or more completed years of service as of the date of ratification of this Agreement by both parties. additional twenty f 1 17 «r loo menth, . per the City as ows! When applicable a one time exception to Section 26.1 — Maximum Pay will be permitted for this base pay enhancement. 8_ - - - -- -- $ 0.00 x:00 p - - -= 15 $-50,00 -6 —_ 20 $75.40 fill 1 -- -- ., YT 9-1 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal (I 4 February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 27 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING 27.1 Both the City and Union recognize that drug and alcohol abuse is a problem among our nation's work force. The City and the Association also recognize the tremendous cost, both in terms of efficiency and in human suffering caused by needless workplace accidents. Acknowledging the necessity for action, both parties agree to the promotion of a drug free workplace pursuant to the Florida Drug -Free Workplace Act (FS112.0455 & FS440.102). 47 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 28 ANTI- DISCRIMINATION 281 In accordance with applicable Federal and State Law, both the City and Union agree that they will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, age, handicap, or Union membership or non- iembership. The City and the Association affirm their joint opposition to any discriminatory practice in connection with employment, promotion, or training; remembering that the public interest remains the full utilization or employees' skill and ability without regard to consideration or race, color, creed, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, age, handicap, or Union membership or non - membership. 28.2 Aniviolation of this Article may be grieved pursuant to Article 10 ogoyer_nina the grievance rp ocess up to and including Step Three(3) as outlined in Article 10. Under no circumstances shall Step Four (4) of the i evance process and /or Article ll governing binding arbitration be allowed. This provision in no wa y restricts an employee's right to file a complaint or claim according, to City polic or a licable state or federal law. AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 29 [SAVE FOR FUTURE USE] 51 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 ! �� City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 30 AMENDMENTS 30.1 This Agreement contains the complete Agreement between the City and the Association and no additions, waivers, deletions, changes or amendments shall be made during the life of the Agreement except by mutual consent in writing of the parties hereto. 52 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 / ;1 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal 1 �1 February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 31 SAVINGS CLAUSE 31.1 The Public Employer retains all rights, powers, functions and authority it had prior to the signing of this contract except as such rights are specifically relinquished or abridged in this contract. 53 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic t3each Package Proposal L.? February 12, 2013 I , � j + ARTICLE 32 SEVERABILITY 32.1 In the event any Article, Section or Portion of this Agreement should be held invalid and unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction such decision shall apply to the specific Article, Section or Portion thereof specified in the court's decision; and upon issuance of such decision, the Public Employer and the Association agree to immediately negotiate a substitute for the invalidated Article, Section or Portion thereof. 54 AGENDA ITEM # SB FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic teach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 33 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 33.1 The parties acknowledge that during negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining and that the understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the Public Employer and the Association for the duration of this Agreement each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargaining collectively with respect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to or covered in this Agreement even though such subjects or matters may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the same time they negotiated or signed this Agreement. 33.2 The parties agree that this Agreement only applies to active employees and members of the bargaining unit on the date of City Commission approval and for the life of this Agreement. 55 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 ARTICLE 34 DURATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall commence and become effective on and shall continue in full force and effect until midnight on the thirtieth day of September -204-2 2015 or until a successor agreement is ratified. Each party may reopen Article 26, Wages and two (2) other Articles of their choice in ?-04- 0- a*d- ?{a-]--1- 2013 and 2014. If either party desires to negotiate a successor agreement, it may do so by giving the other party written notice to that effect no later than June I" of each year. FOR THE CITY FOR THE ASSOCIATION Jinn Hanson Date Vincent L. Champion City Manager Date President, PBA ' e«rge- —re Date John F. Dickinson Chief Negotiator Ratified by Union members on: 1——f Approved by the City Commission on: 44- 22-1.0 56 AGENDA ITEM # 8B FEBRUARY 25, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach Package Proposal February 12, 2013 In addition to the contribution changes set forth in Section 26.3 of this Agreement, amend" the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Part II Chapter 2 Article VI Division 4 "Police Officers' Retirement System "), Section 2 -310 as follows For members hired on or after January 1 2013 the age and service requirements for voluntary retirement shall be age 55 and 10 years or more of credited service in force: or the age of 52 and 25 years of credited service in force. ® For members hired on or after January 1, 2013 there shall be no earl retirement option. ® For members hired on or after January 1, 2013. the credited service requirement for separation from City employMent with entitlement to deferred retirement shall be 10 years, that any member who attains 10 or more Years of service with the City and elects to leave his or her accrued contributions in the plan shall be entitled to a benefit under the provisions as set out in section 2- 310.7(a) UDon attaininia normal retirement HXV ® For members hired on or after January 1 2013 termination from City employment prior to satisfying the 10 year requirement for deferred retirement under section 2 -310.5 shall result in entitlement to a full refund of his or her accrued contributions plus interest as determined by the board of trustees. ® For members hired on or after January 1, 2013, subiect to section 2-310.14, the amount of level straight life pension shall be equal to the retiring member's credited service multiplied by 2,0% of the retiring member's final average compensation. Amend the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Part 11 Chapter 2 Employee Benefits Article VI, Division 4 ( "Police Officers' Retirement System ") to conform to Chapter 2011 -216, Laws of Florida (Senate Bill 1128).