4-2-13 ,Sr �D. ,..s.:„ J� CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday,April 2, 2013 for cancelled meeting of March 26, 2013 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:00 p.m. Present: Lori Gaglione (chair), Cris Garrard,Jolyn Johnson,Tammy Lally,Wanda Martin, Lynne Roskein, Hollie Stephens,Jeff Wight,Timmy Johnson (City liaison) and Della Giovanni (recording). 1. Call to order- Chair, Lori Gaglione,called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes-The committee reviewed the February 26, 2013 minutes. Correction to remove Jay Shoots from attendance list. Timmy has submitted for a new committee member to replace Jay Shoots. Cris motioned approval and Tammy seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written. The minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events, Updates, Reports i. Mid-Week Market-Jeff reported that the market is busy and stable; have regular visitors attending. Overall,going well. Timmy explained procedures of vendors to get in market as follows: Vendor submits email of interest and type of booth, Dig Local sends email to Timmy for approval. ii. Songwriters' Concert&Acoustic Night-Timmy reported that Songwriters'is packed; Mike is doing a great job. At times people have to be turned away. Acoustic Night had opening night March 24,about 100-110 attended-good turnout. iii. Public Art-Jolyn had nothing to report. Concern brought up about how "Look All Ways"got permission to go on Radio Shack building. Timmy is going to get with police department to find out who their point of contact was to get permission. iv. Arts in the Park-Jolyn reported that it is almost ready. Programs are being worked on now with placing artists on map,etc. 1. Lynne suggested volunteers be put in a spot that does not block the artists view to the public 2. Sheri is working on volunteers 3. Timmy advised that committee members are to work the event, if unable to make it,need to get a volunteer to take their place 4. Volunteers will have times scheduled 5. Food vendors deadline is this Friday,April 5;Timmy will confirm vendors with Tammy v. Budget Review for 2013-14-Timmy distributed budget sheet for current year and asked committee to review it and make suggestions/proposals for the 2013-14 budget at the next meeting,April 23. 1. Issues of concern: Amount going out for Songwriters and Acoustic; question of expenses being accountable. Committee advised by Timmy that he maintains expense sheets for all events. 2. It was suggested by Timmy that the committee come up with new ideas and proposals to next meeting. He also advised the committee members cannot work on the proposals together due to Sunshine Laws. Ideas presented at table... City Race, Yoga in the Park, Cooking Class, Spelling Bee, Line Dancing 4. New Business a. Jeff reported that First Place Sports is on Board for MarshFest,already have a volunteer group,race would begin at Donner then go through Dutton Island. b. Correspondences regarding to city events/business,per Timmy,all need to be sent from the recreation office. If a committee member needs to send an email to anyone regarding a city event or business, member needs to email the message to Timmy; he will in turn send the email and copy the committee member. This is due to security of city and representing the city. If an issue arises,the city would have the right to confiscate the member's personal computer. 5. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting-Tuesday,April 23,2013, 6 pm,Adele Grage 6. Adjournment-with no further business,Tammy motioned for meeting to adjourn,Jeff seconded the motion at 6:40 p.m. dig Agiogij L �A agione, ha •� tts - Date