6-25-13 1-04,00 CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday,June 25, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. Adele Grage Cultural Center Present: Lou Catania, Cris Garrard,Jolyn Johnson, Tammy Lally, Wanda Martin, Hollie Stephens,Jeff Wight with Timmy Johnson (City liaison)and Della Giovanni(recording). Excused:Lori Gaglione, Lynne Roskein 1. Call to order-Timmy Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. for Lori Gaglione,chair 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes-The committee reviewed the April 2, 2013 minutes. Tammy moved to accept the minutes as written and Cris seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved. 3. New CARAC member Lou Catania was welcomed by the committee.Timmy will send Florida Sunshine Laws information to Lou. 4. Timmy emphasized importance of attendance to meetings. Miss three consecutive meetings, excused or unexcused,will result in automatic dismissal of committee member. 5. Ongoing Business a. Events,Updates, Reports i. MarshFest-Jeff reported that the deposit is in,flyers and ads will go on 1st Place Sports website. Once on website, copies will go out to the committee. Volunteers will be needed to work the 5k the morning of MarshFest,November 16. 1. Trail run from Donner to Dutton,loop on trail,finish in time for MarshFest to begin at 10 a.m. ii. Budget Decisions-some reductions:Artisan's Fair,donations to schools,deleted Mid-Week Market. Budget/monies have been placed in a discretionary account to pull from for new ideas later. Budget meeting in August. iii. New event ideas: Timmy spoke to Linda White about yoga. She recommended beach location instead of park,morning hours are best. Jeff proposed new idea of a Fun Sport/Exercise summer session for kids. $10 fee for each child ages 4-7 for 3 days of participation at AB Elementary School, maximum 12 kids each group. Timmy advised we have access to equipment and facility for such event. Per Timmy,monies collected should go to committee budget since ABES already receives donation from CARAC account.Would need insurance coverage. 1. Cris thinking about proposing Pickle Ball to committee next meeting 2. Lou has idea that will be sent to Timmy for review,has no religious attachment,low budget cost idea, if proper funding/support obtained. iv. Tennis Tournament- Lori was going to organize for spring,but since spring has past,possibly aim towards November- discuss at next month's meeting. v. CARAC members reappointed: Jeff Wight,Wanda Martin and Lynne Roskein vi. Arts in the Park • went well based on artists' comments • is a committee event,committee will be involved in planning • committee will judge applications/submitted art at a special meeting in January to select artists for show • all correspondences,invitations,etc.will go through recreation office • 70 applicants will be accepted • no application will be denied,those not accepted in first 70 slots will go on a waitlist • Artists will select 3 choices on a map area of choice for booth placement,will be submitted with application-assignments will be given on first come first served basis • Refunds-should they be allowed? TBD at next meeting • Art will be accepted and judged in different categories • Designers vs.artists,tbd as we get closer to receiving applications • Suggestion made to possibly cap the number of entries to 80-85 since only 70 artists will be accepted. • Application will go out in September,will be accepted postmarked Oct. 1 - 31 for early entry of$50/Nov. 1 - Dec. 31 for$75 • Parking issues/concerns-will add police to assist next year, some areas are not safe to park in 6. New Business a. Meetings will be throughout the summer b. Any ideas that a member would like to have added to an agenda for a meeting, contact Timmy to have added 7. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting-July 23, 2013 Adjournment-with no further business,Tammy motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by ris.40•eting was . 1 j s urned a/.:34 pm by Timmy Johnson 11110 A . AKA( N, r Chan Lori Gaglion: ____/ ta:44_ .-z } 4 Date