Resolutions 2003 RESOLUTIONS 2003 03-01 FDOT State Highway System Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation Agreement 03-02 Requesting Florida Legislature to save the $30 million Annual Beach Management Trust Fund (Beach Renourishment funding) 03-03 Adopting the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) 03-04 Interlocal agreement with Jacksonville, Baldwin, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, and the Duval County School Board to coordinate the location and development of public school facilities throughout Duval County 03-05 Changing the term of office and establishing term limits for members of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory committee 03-06 Setting the millage rate for FY 2003/2004 03-07 Approving an FDOT Maintenance Agreement 03-07A Authorizing an application for a FRDAP grant to construct a skate park (50% match) 03-08 Authorizing an application for a FRDAP grant to construct a skate park (25% match) 03-09 Appointing the election poll workers and setting their compensation 03-10 To restrict the sale and possession of fireworks in the local community 03-11 Declaring the results of the municipal election held on October 7, 2003 03-12 Memorial resolution – Raymond Dagley 03-13 Outstanding Citizen resolution – Sandy Forsyth 03-14 Recognizing Alan Dickinson, developer of North Beach Center 03-15 Recognizing the service of Commissioner Borno on the City Commission (term limited out) 03-16 Endorsing the redevelopment of the Mayport Road corridor and the conceptual recommendations in the Metropolitan Planning Organization study 03-17 Opposing transfer of potable water from North Florida and opposing the establishment of a state water authority