1021 Atlantic Boulevard UBEX-13-00100077 Public HearingAGEN OA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY : C ITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF n~PORT Publi c Hearin g for UBEX-13-00J00077 Mi cha e l Griffin , C BU, CF M Buildin g and Zo nin g Directo r Jeremy Hub sch Redeve lo pm ent and Zo nin g Coordin ator DA TE: Pebru ary 14, 20 I 4 STRA TEGTC PLAN LINK: N/A AG ENDA IT EM fl 8A MAR 1-1 10, 2014 BACKGUOUND: T he appli can ts arc seek in g a Use-By-Excepti on fo r a Pa nera Bre.a d a t 102 1 Atl a nt ic Bo ul ev ard , whi ch is loca ted in an oulp arce l in th e LA Fitn ess Shoppin g Ce nt er. Th e res taurant will be 4 ,125 squmc feet and is pro posed to have a d riv e through lane. Sec tion 2 4.111 (c) (4) of th e La nd Deve lopm e nt Code r equires a Use-By -Exce pti on for "Restaura nts with drive-through service wh er e th e s ite conta in s la nes d e di ca te d solely to drive-through bus in ess". Res t a ura nts with drive-thru lanes a re required t o get a Use-By -Exce ptions beca us e they ca n pote nt ia lly ha ve nega tive imp ac ts on s urrounding ne ighborhoods or properti es. In th is p arti cular in s ta n ce, s t a ff is of th e opini o n tha t the re will be mini ma l nega tiv e imp acts (i f a ny) as a r esult o f th e drive thru Ja ne. Th e outpa rcel wh e re the Pa n e ra is proposed is loca te d far a way from any r es id e n t ial hom es. with th e nea r es t being be hind th e LA Fitn ess on Cava ll a Road. Th e re a r e als o three diffe re nt ingress/egress access poin ts t o th e prope rty. The re is a s igna li zed e ntrance on Atl a nti c Bou leva rd, and access driveways on Roy al Pa lm s and Aqu atic Driv es . Th er e a r e curre ntly two r es taura nts with drive-thru lanes on Atl a ntic Boul e vard on the Atlanti c Beach side. Th ey are McDona lds a nd Dunkin Donuts. The Dunkin Donuts was pre viou s ly approve d as a Use-By-Exce pt ion in 200 6 a nd McDon a ld s was gra ndfa th er e d in . The Co mmunity Deve lopm ent Board cons id e red thi s reque st a lo ng with co mm ents fr om ta ff, th e pub lic and th e a ppli cant s at th e January 2 151 meetin g. and th e Boa rd recomm end ed approva l by a vo te of 7-0. BU DGET: None . RECOMMENDATION : Moti on to approve UBEX I J-00 I 000 77 , as reco mm e nd ed by th e Co mmuni ty Deve lo pm e nt Boa rd . ATTACHMENTS: Draft minute s o f th e January 2 1,201 4 Community Devel o pm e nt Board meetin g; copy of Co mmuni ty Deve lopm e nt Boa rd staff re pot1 ; co py o f U BEX-t3-00 I 000 77 a ppli ca ti o n. AG END A ITGM II M MA RC il 10,20 111 Draft Minnlr.s (if/Ill: Jmwary l l , 2014 ;•egular mceting of /he Conu;umily Devclnpmenl Board MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD January 21,2014 1. CALL TO ORDER .-6:00pm Chair Brea Paul v erified the presen ce of a quorum with the attendan ce of, Kelly Elmore, Harley Parkes, Patri ck Stratton, Kirk Han son and Lind a Lanier. The meeting was call ed to order at 6:00pm. Al so pres e nt w as the Buildin g and Zoning Dire ctor, Michael Griffin, Redeve lopment and Zoning Coordin ator, Jeremy Hubsch and Re cording Sec r etary Je nny W alke r. Sylvia Simmon s arrived at 6 :05pm. Brea Paul int roduced the new m ember Lind a Lanie r. 2. ADOPTION OF MEETING MINUTES -November 19, 2013. Bre a Pa ul called f or a motion to approve the minutes of the Nove mber 19 , 2013 r egular meeting. Kelly Elmore moved that minutes b e approved as written . Pat r ick St ratton se conded the motion and it carried by a vote of 7-0 . 3. PUBLIC COMMENT. Chair Brea Paul stated that the City Commission requested that t h e Community Development Board hear additional comments from the public regarding the Beaches Habitat project on Mayport Road Brea opened the floor for public comments. Public Mik e Wh ale n, 14·20 Mayport Road, s ta tes th at he does n't kn ow how th e Commun ity Developm ent Boa rd co uld a pp ro ve Beaches Ha bita ts' proj ect on Mayport Ro a d. He s tated for th e r ecord th at he is a to tal pro pon ent fo r Habitat fo r Hum a nity but he feels thi s would be gutti ng our zonin g r eg ulatio ns. He ca n't beli eve t hat we co uld put th ese familie s at risk by cr a mming th em all in on e ce ntra l loca ti on walle d in by co mm e rcial di stricts. By s ticl<in g 8 0 famili es in sam e s ocio- e co nomi c group, it is not go in g to do th e famili es nor th e child re n a ny go od He says we a re con de mning th es e fa mili es t o a s itu a ti o n th ey ca n neve r get o ut of. He said th a t th e loca tion is in a Comm ercia l Co rri dor a nd t ha t Beac hes Habita t s ho uld be in a Reside ntia l Corrido r. He s tated s eve ral lo ca ti ons a round t he country wh e re th ese sam e type of communiti es fe ll a par t. 4. OLD BUSINESS. Non e. Page I of 5 AGENDA ITEM# SA MARCH 10,2014 Draft Minutes of the Jam1my 21, 2014 regular meeting of the Community Development Board 5. NEW BUSINESS. A. UBEX-13-00100077(PUBLIC HEARING) Staff Report Applicant Comment Public Comment Board Discussion Motion Request for use-by-exception to allow a drive-thru permitted service lane associated with a restaurant per Land Development Regulations Section 24-111 (c) (4). Jeremy Hubsch, Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator gave a presentation about UBEX-13-00100077. He stated that both the Use by Exception and Zoning Variance are for Panera Bread. It will be located in the outparcel of the L.A. Fitness shopping center. He showed an aerial map of the location. The proposal is for a 4125 square foot Panera Bread with a drive thru lane. Our zoning code requires a Use by Exception approval when a restaurant opens that will have a drive thru lane, due to the fact that a drive thru lane could have some negative impact on surrounding residential areas. Some of those impacts were lighting and the noise from the speaker. Mr. Hubsch showed on the map that there really isn't any residential areas in close proximity to the proposed site. The closest residential area is buffered by the shopping center. He showed that there will more than enough parking also. There are 3 findings of fact for approval and 3 findings of fact for denial which are to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compliant with the Zoning Regulations and consistent with the CG Zoning along Atlantic Blvd. Jeremy Hubsch introduced the applicant, Lance Willis, architect and designer, who flew down from St. Louis to be present. He stated that they did research on Atlantic Beach, visited the site and got a feel for the demographics here and the residents. They also research the existing architecture and try to stay in line with the elements already in Atlantic Beach. Building was positioned to accommodate the drive thru lane. None. Harley Parkes believes this is the type of business we should be encouraging in Atlantic Beach. Motion made by Kirk Hanson to approve. Seconded by Sylvia Simmons. Motion is passed unanimously. Page 2 of5 AGENDA ITEM CASE NO LOCATION APPLICANT DATE STAFF STAFF COMMENTS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT 4A UBEXM13-00100077 t\GEN DA ITEM II !!A Mt\RCII 10,2014 Req uest for use-by-exception to allow for a drive-tllru se rvice lan e associated with a restaurant, per Land Deve lop ment Regu la tion s Sec ti on 24-111 (c) (4). 1021 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD EQUITY ONE (FLORIDA PORTFOLIO) INC. JANUARY 14, 2014 JEREMY HUBSCH, REDEVELOPMENT AND ZONING COORDINATOR The su b jec t property is lo cated at 10 21 At lantic Boulevard . ll is a n outparcel in the shopping pl aza that is a nchored by LA Fitness . Th e applica nts a re proposi ng a 4,1 25 squa re foot Panera Bread with a drive-t hru la ne . Sectio n 24.111 (c) ( 4) of the Lantl Developm e nt Code req uires a use-by-exce ption for "Resta urants wi t h drive- through service where the s ite co nta in s la nes dedi cated solely to drive-through busin ess". Res ta urants with drive- thru lanes are require d to get use-by-exce ption s because th ey ca n potenti a lly have nega tiv e im pacts on s u rroundi ng n eighborhoods or properties. For insta nce, a 24 ho ur drive thru may make excess ive noise or create light pollution when ad jacent to r es identia l homes. Th e re a r e also possi bil iti es for nega tiv e imp acts to traffic. In this pa rticular in sta nc e, staff is of the op ini on that there will be minimal ne ga tive impacts (i f any) as a r es ult of th e dri ve thru lane. The outp arcel where the Pa nera is proposed is locate d far away from a ny resi dential homes, with th e nea res t being b ehind th e LA Fitn ess on Cavalla Roa d. Th ere a re a lso three different in gress/egress access points to the property. Th er e is a sig nalized e ntran ce on Atl an t ic Boulevard 1 and access driveways on Roya l Palm s a nd Aquati c Dr ive s. Th e re are curre ntly two re staura nts with drive·thru la nes on Atl anti c Boul eva rd on th e Atlantic Beach s id e. Th ey ar e McDona lds and Dunkin Donu ts. Th e Dunkin Donuts was prev ious ly a pproved as a use-by-exception in 2006 and McDo na lds was grandfa th ered in. Subject Site and Surrounding Properties Figure 1. 1021 Atlantic Boulevard and surrounding properties (Google Maps) SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL AGENDA ITEM fl 8A MARC il 10,20 14 The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception (File No. UBEX 13-00100077) to allow for a drive-tluu service lane associated with a restaurant, within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1021 Atlantic Boulevard provided: 1. Approval of this Us e-by-Exception is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approva l of this Use-by-Exception is i n compliance with th e requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision a nd Land De velopment Regu lations. 3. The requested use is consistent with Section 24-lll(c) in that the proposed u se is found to be consistent with the uses p e rmitte d in th e CG zoning di stricts and with su rrounding deve lopment along Atl antic Boulevard . Page 2 of 3 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND DENIAL AGENDA ITEM# SA MARCH 10, 2014 The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception (File No. UBEX 13-00100077) to allow for a drive- thru seiVice lane associated with a restaurant, within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1021 Atlantic Boulevard provided: 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is not consistent with Section 24-111 (c) in that the proposed use is found to be inconsistent with the uses permitted in the CG zoning districts and is not compatible with surrounding development along Atlantic Boulevard. Page 3 of 3 AGENDA ITEM# 8A MARCH 10, 2014 Nov 25 . 20!3 APPLICATION FOR A USE-BY -EXC !!Q"'::Po.-'""7' City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road · Atlantic Beach, Florida 3W.t$:lw.45-_ Phone: (904) 247-5826 • FAX (904) 247-5845 • http://www.coab.us Date File No.'------------Receipt----------- 1. Applicant's Name Equity One (Florida Portfolio), Inc. 2. Applicant's Address 1600 NE Miami Gardens Drive, North Miami Beach, FL 33179 3. Property Location --;;.~..:::.;::....:..:l\.:..:tl:..:a::.:n::.:tio:::c-=B::.=lv..:...d=.'------------------------- 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number 177602-0040 Block No. Lot No •. ____ _ 5. Current Zoning Classification CG 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation CM 7. Requested Use-by-Exception Drive-thru service lane associated with~ restaurant, per Land Development Regulations Section 24-111 (c)(4) 8. Size of Parcel 14.18 acres -~~~~~--------9. Utility Provider City of Atlantic Beach I IEA 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (fhe attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item, as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any public hearing.) a. Site Plan showing the location of all structures, temporary and permanent, including setbacks, building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner, a letter of authorization from the owner(s) for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies. (Two (2) copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If plans or photographs, or color attachments are submitted, please provide eight (8) copies of these.) e. Application Fee ($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH TIDS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s) or a if owner's authorization form is attached: 'lle¥1 Ch V\cc~vcsid-dlf- IN RMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDIN<f.T.(Il ~V\ CJ/\o \.-'\~ \J.P ~-: S \ e:.. L:f\o~ 'WT-1Dl\D APPLICATION Mailing Address: \'«:0 ~E-\v\i~mi ~V'c\.Crt-;, W· t'l· \Jt. i \ \3eo.c.h 1 ::fL .3o \ ~ Phone: tt"~) ~~<6 .. \LI'c>'Z..FAX: (rile) 52"¥-\ l\ \aD E-mail: Y\~vl~ ~1.\.\ 1'\j DV\e..l'\ EXHIBIT A AGENDA ITEM# SA MARCH 10, 2014 The review of an application for a Use-by-Exception shall consider the following items. Please address each of the following as applicable to your specific application. 1. fugress and egress to property and proposed Structures thereon with particular reference to vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of frre or catastrophe. Ingress and egress to the property is provided via an existing signalized entrance on Atlantic Blvd. and full access driveways on Royal Palms Dr. and Aquatic Dr. Safe and convenient pedestrian access is provided by dedicated sidewalks to the public sidewalks and bus stop on Atlantic Blvd. 2. Parking and Loading Spaces, where required, with particular attention to the items in (1) above. The existing shopping center provides more parking than required by City Code. All but four (4) required parking spaces will be provided within the lease parcel for the drive-thru restaurant. A cross parking and access agreement will address the use of the shopping center's parking. Loading will be provided from the adjacent drive aisle. 3. The potential for any adverse impacts to adjoining properties and properties generally in the area resulting from excessive noise, glare and lighting, odor, traffic and similar characteristics of the Use-by-Exception being requested. The proposed drive-thru is immediately adjacent to a car wash drive-thru and the Atlantic Blvd right-of-way The drive-thru will be located on an outparcel to the existing shopping center. 4. Refuse, trash collection and service areas, with particular reference to items (1) and (2) above; A dumpster with enclosure will be provided onsite with convenient accessibility and a dedicated sidewalk to the restaurant. 5. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability and compatibility; Water, sewer and power services will be extended from existing mains immediately east of the subject site per coordination with the City and JEA. 6. If adjacent uses are different types of uses, describe type of screening and buffering that will be provided between your use and the adjacent use. Adjacent uses are compatible. An existing planted landscaped buffer exists to the east and will be improved with additional onsite landscaping per City Code. 7. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the District; (See Signs and Advertising, Chapter 17 .) Signs and exterior lighting will be designed to meet City Code. 8. Required Yards and other Open Space. Show building setbacks and areas of open space on site plan. 9. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the surrounding Zoning District as well as consistency with applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Proposed development is compatible with adjacent properties and will comply with the comprehensive plan. Other information you may wish to provide: ----------------------- ._.B---1~) -=r: --:----- + ~ (:~:::=-• ! ' ' -----~---- ' ------1----, '----~----- ' ----1----- -----,- c~l~~) c:;:::> =====~­ --~ ~tr_ 'i ----T=~== ' . " ,~ .. ~~ \ ~!'r,~ '''-----------··::~·~~~:~ cs;~~=} ===r=== J ~~" \ i ~~~-~~ --~ 1 .~ ::1 • ! I =~~=~j ____ J ~~): : : riaY~-bd.dT~~~¥.,---t-~2~\:------~·-:=------ o:q I I I I I I T--r·r 'T" ij ' ! """""'.b•~·-'~~=J=~~ .. Jj=L.! ~ .. L.l~t=04;ili:t}~_~R:2828-J71 ~-------" -~-~~---r 0/R 323!--773 I I I I I I I I I 0/R 2843-750 ----_I __________ -- AGENDA ITEM# 8A MARCH 10,2014 EXi:sniG otJTPJ.RCH AREA CALctAAT!Cit& ~~ ~ ~~:m~~:m:1 PROPOSHJOUTPARCEl,APn.CALCl.l..A"TUiSc llliUINGAR£11: ~ 4,125S.F.(1T1'.! ~~ ~t~~~~:m: '=23.$!5SF.(tm) HET ,.REA OWIGE HR 1SLIJ£l UODI'lCAllCf.IS N SHOPPiNG tallER PARKIHG LDT ~ 211 SF AOCnJOHAL JYPEJM0US AREA lltE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS RESULT IN A NET REDUCTION OF 6,052SF OF DRIVEABLE SURFACE AND 1,318 SF OF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 441 611 ·l C-1 FV.I.UUT'l&fr......,.. E<UTYCI'\l!!O.uvom;~rc:. t=lf~lU><Tl:IO.U\'UD .0.1lJ$ne~ILI:ZZO:I ---------------------~--- AGENDA ITEM# 8A MARCH 10, 2014 GRAPHIC SCAli! ko• oL,U i-NfiiiiifY~iiSf&R~Ti _____________ ---- : ~_£=" i ., ..... ~ :_ ---tL _,.I_ -,.:,-;::.. + --D!1].55" -.. nJW .211.11' •HU'U"O: -...eur.#ot"""'-""" U5AJUhU:~ ATVKTII::KIOI,f'l....v>n I I I I -m•u•-= I ... rwro:S:::n_= """"'-UTAl'EI.tJ1'04t"""' ....... ...,.,...._~......,., I!OtAn»ro::I!O..l£V.._.., An.tKTJ:J:V.DI.R.= I I , I Jd ;• ~u I ~h I ~~ -------"'--"""""'-"-"'-"'-------'-------+-------_:;::,~ . I I ·~------------'\r---------i KEYNOTES LEQEND 0 0":"~=-~-.......,.,.,.. @...,..,...,.,._ .... """_ ... _ 0::='~~:i"O:""'""' 0--,. 0·~----0""""""" ___ ,...,.,...._ 0'::"-...t:::;.-:..~-...-... <D~_,.,.C<R_,__,.. ... @s.==:;;=~~~ :::=:::.=::-ft @~"""""""'.,..,..,.._"""' e"""".-""'<n>&.'""' ATLAHT1C BOULEVARD ~ -=::sr~Ear~:~:-.._ AGENDA ITEM# SA MARCH 10,2014 ---·-~-· llllllil::o:=..-='.!"..='-c:::J----- c:::::J--~~-- w z 0 ~ :J 0 w C-6