Agenda Packet 5-27-14 Special Called Meeting.docCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 27,2014 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING AT 6:30PM Call to order. 1. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 3. Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant 4. City Manager Recruitment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effmt is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, May 23, 2014. 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM# 2 MAY27, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Extension of Maintenance Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director.f'c.. . .<.::_ DATE: May 15,2014 BACKGROUND: The FOOT has asked the City to indicate if we wish to extend the Agreement for Maintenance to authorize and reimburse Atlantic Beach for maintaining the following areas: a) State Road 10 (Atlantic Boulevard)-both sides, from Third Street to Mayport Road, and the north side only from Mayport Road to the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge, with the exception of the FOOT detention pond, b) State Road 101/ AlA (Mayport Road)-from Atlantic Boulevard to Assisi Lane (both sidesL c) Mayport Flyover-areas within Atlantic Beach, including FOOT retention pond "B" on Mayport Road between West 4th & West 5th Street, and FOOT retention pond "C" at the end of Begonia Street off West l 5 t Street, d) Drainage Ditch between Saratoga Circle North and Forrestal Circle South-from Mayport Road to Atlantic Boulevard through Aquatic Drive, e) Drainage Ditch from Fleet Landing-running north-northwest along Mayport Road and SR AlA, terminating at the salt marsh, f) FOOT Pond #3 on Mayport Road at the former Hess Station. Maintenance work involves litter removal, mowing, street sweeping, tree trimming, aquatic vegetation control and edging. Note: Costs for maintaining the landscaped medians along Atlantic Blvd. and Mayport Rd. are not included in this Agreement. These medians were installed at the City's request and are maintained at our expense. This Agreement is for {3) three years beginning October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2017. The annual amount the City of Atlantic Beach will receive from FOOT for performance ofthis maintenance will be $53,315.76 per year. In addition, FOOT requires Maintenance Agreements for the two Mayport Corridor Projects budget for this year: Welcome Signs on Atlantic Blvd at the Flyover ramp and at the southern end of Mayport Road and the decorative fountain to be installed in the FOOT pond between W. 4th and W. 5th Streets. AGENDA ITEM II 2 MAY 27,20 14 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend s ap prova l of t h ese Agreeme nts, and that t h e Co mmission pass a Re so l ution approving the new contract as required by th e FOOT, and authorizi ng the City Manager to sign the Maintenance Ag r eements. AITACHMENTS : Re so lution No . 14-05 Maintenance Locatio ns and Activities (Attachm en t 11A") REVIEWED BY CITY MANAG ER: _-;7(.___.;._• _t/t._~--~------------ RESOLUTION NO. 14-05 AGENDA ITEM# 2 MAY27,2014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on May 16, 2001, the City executed an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation to provide maintenance on certain streets and other areas throughout the city; and WHEREAS, the City desires to maintain landscaped areas on Atlantic Boulevard and portions of Mayport Road; and WHEREAS, the additional areas to be maintained are identified in Attachment "A" of the base agreement; and WHEREAS, the City desires to make additional improvements located in the Florida Department of Transportation's rights of way, specifically to add "Welcome to Atlantic Beach" signs on the Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road rights of way and install a decorative fountain in the Mayport Road stormwater treatment pond located between W. 4111 and W. 5111 Street; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach as follows: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to extend the existing Agreement for Maintenance for three years (October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2017) and to sign new Agreements for Maintenance for the above noted improvements with the Florida Department of Transportation on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Atlantic Beach, this 27th day of May, 2014. Approved as to form and correctness: Richard Komando, ESQUIRE City Attorney ATTEST: DONNA L. BARTLE, CMC City Clerk Carolyn Woods Mayor line No. 2 3 5 6 7 8 State Road No. 10 101 101 101 101 101 City of Atlantic Beach Maintenance Agreement Litter Street Name From To Removal (acre) Atlantic Blvd. East of Intracoastal 3rd St. 6.83 Waterway Bridge Mayport Rd. Atlantic Blvd. Assisi Rd. 4.59 Mayport Rd. Ditch @ Saratoga Or. So. 1.07 Mayport Rd. Ditch @ Fleet Landing 0.63 Blvd. 4th & 5th St. Retention Pond "B" off 1.30 Mavport Rd. @Begonia Retention Pond 11Cll off 0.67 Atlantic Blvd. Mayport Rd. Pond# 3 @ Hess Station 0.60 off Mayport Rd. Robert St. Dudley St. 0.27 Totals 15.96 Cycles Per Year 12 Total Qty's. Per Year 191.S2 Unit Cost $9.00 Total Cost Per Year $1,723.68 Maintenance Locations & Activities Exhibit"A" Intermediate Small Machine Machine Slope Mowing Mowing Mowing (acre) (acre) (acre) 4.91 0.78 3.82 0.50 2.00 0.30 0.30 0.78 0.30 O.S6 0.34 0.26 0.24 0.80 10.41 3.88 9 9 4 7.20 93.69 15.52 $60.00 $75.00 $175.00 $432.00 $7,026.75 $2,716.00 Mechanical Tree Sweeping Trimming (mile) (mile) 10.20 0.50 6.70 o.so 16.90 1.00 12 202.80 $31.59 $6,406.45 $1,500.00 10/17/1013 ~·~ .... ~. Weed& Edging & Grass Sweeping Control (mile) 9.09 12.68 4.80 9.36 3.50 2.75 20.41 21.77 2 43.54 $520.00 $6,853.00 $26,657.88 $53,315.76 Quarterly 1$1 ~,328.94 I Amount I ;.. > ~~ >Z -<:u rv> .-..J ::J rvm 2~ ..,.'!j, N AGENDA ITEM: DATE : SUBMITTED BY : STAFF REPORT City of Atlantic Beach Commission Meeting Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant May 12,2014 Michae l D. C lassey -Chi ef of Poli ce SRATEGTC PLAN LINK: N/A BACKGROUND : AGENDA ITEM /f 3 MAY 27,20 14 The Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant Program (PVM) was es tabli shed by the Federal Government. [tis administered by FEMA and managed by th e Fl orida Divisio n of Eme rgency Management. Staff has initiated a Pr e Disaster M it igat ion G ra nt proj ect for a s tanda lone generator unit th at has been a pproved at lhe county level. ln most Emergency Management Gra nts, generators are genera ll y not e li gib le. This grant will co nsider a permanently installed ge ne rator for a critical facility such as Police and Fire Stat ions. The current police building generator is 27 years old. The housing is rust ing throu gh. II does not comple tely powe r th e police si de and provides very litt le power to the fire s id e o f the bu ilding as a ll th e kitchen and s leep ing qua1ters were added much late r. It s re li a bi lity is poor having fr equ en tl y failed, most notab ly during Tropica l Storm Fay and is re gularly in nee d of repairs and ma int enance. The Pre Disaster Mi ti ga ti on gra nts are genera ll y very competitive lind th e to tal ava il able funds for the Sate a re usua ll y less than the Hazard Miti ga ti on Gr ant Progri:lms (HMGP) where fundin g is ge nerated by th e level of damage fo ll owi ng a disaster. The awa rd cap per project in the PDM gr a nt is $250,000. A pre limin ary review was conducted and staff believes that th e city co ul d purchase and in sta ll a new generator to provi de sufficien t power to tb e c urrent Police and Fire Stat ion and wou ld have capabi lity to hand le any PD expansion tha t wou ld come o n the future. Staff believes th at replacin g the c un·enl generator would be in the best interest of the C ity and recommends approving the matching funds to comp le te the project. Th e application deadline is Ju ne 6, 20 14 a nd the nexl step in the process for this grant is for th e C ity to s ubmi t the signed ap plicat ion to the Stat e. For this, the C ity needs to authorize the Mayor to sign the appli cation and re lated paperwork . In ad d iti on, if the gra nt is awarded the Mayor would need th e aut hori ty to sign those additional agree ments or co nt racts. Beyond that , the final fundin g authority would come back to the full Comm ission for approva l. BUDG ET: The City Match s ha re of th e expenses wi ll be 25% of the to ta l cost which may be as hi gh as $62,250 in the 20 14-20 15 Fiscal Year. T here is a possibility that the Co unty 9 1 I office co uld contribu te a portion of fund s which wou ld count towards the loca l match. RECOMMENDATIONS : To supp orl the project di scussed above1 including a commitment to provid e the match funding necessa ry an d to aut ho rize th e Mayor to s ign the related paperwo rk for the gra nt a ppli ca tion a nd a ll addit iona l agreements or contracts for the award. ATTACHMENTS: No ne REVI EWE D BY CITY MANAGER: --:10 ~ac.-p/~ L AGENDA ITEM: SUB MITI ED BY: DATE: STRATEGIC PLAN: BACKGROUND: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMM ISS ION MEETING STAFF REPORT City Manager Recr uitment ACHND/\ IThM /I ll M/\ Y 27. 2014 Cat h erin e Be rry, J.D., Director of Hum an Res ource s {:.£; May 20, 2014 None Ofthe top three cand idates, the City Commission se lected Colin Baenz iger & As sociates as th e firm to coord inate t h e sea r ch for the permanent Cit y Mana ge r and a f ee agreeme nt was n egotia t ed an d exec uted . Mr. Baenzi ge r began work under phas e I of his proposa l by intervi ewing t he Comm iss ioners and Departme nt h eads and drafting th e City Manager profile. Du r i ng discu ss ions with Mr. Ba enzige r today, it was decided that he does n't have th e tim e ava ilab le to provide suffi cient se rvi ce under the agreement. (See attached e-m ai l from Mr. Ba enziger) Therefore, a term ination agreement was drafted by the City and signed by Mr. Baenziger (See attached term in ation agreement). RECOMMENDATION : Th e Mayor shou ld sign the termination agreement executed by M r. Baen ziger. Th e Com miss i on shou ld se l ect one of t he other top t h ree firms, Springsted (Ric hmond, VA -Mr. Anz iv ino made a prese ntation) or SGR (K eller, TX -Mr. Holi f ield se nt a colleag ue ), requ est that t h e HR Director and the City Attorney n egotiate a f ee agreemen t with th at f irm and a ut horize t he M ayo r to si gn that fee ag r eeme nt, as lon g as it is within t he paramet ers of t he proposa l. ATIACHMENTS : E-ma il from Co lin Baenz iger and Term ination Agree m ent BUDGET: REVIEWED BY CIT Y MANAG ER: _7?:~~ ....... 0.~4.-.o:?~..&.,;/G=..li:~~:.~..r:~,.,.._. --------- Berry, Cathy Subject: FW: Termination agreement AGENDA ITEM# 4 MAY27,2014 Attachments: Separation Agreement.pdf; Atlantic Beach-City Manager Search-Final Bill -.xis; W-9- CY2014-DBS.pdf -----Original Message----- From: Colin Baenziger [mailto:Colin@cb-asso.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 3:39 PM To: Berry, Cathy Subject: RE: Termination agreement As you know, my firm is swamped right now and I have been concerned about the amount of time I could devote to this assignment and still get some rest. Hence, per our discussion, I have attached the executed termination agreement. I think it is best for both parties. I have also attached a bill and W-9 in case they are needed. You may already have the W-9. I don't remember if I have sent one previously or not. In terms of odds and ends, we have had some conversations with a number of potential candidates and received some applications. I have asked my staff to forward them to you as well as any we receive in the future. I also hope that the recruiting materials we prepared will be helpful in your search as it goes forward. Please feel free to use them in ay way that will assist you. Finally, if there is anything we can do in the future to help the search go forward, please let us know. We will not be billing for it -we just want to help in any way possible so that Atlantic Beach gets great city manager. Best Wishes, Colin @ Colin Baenziger & Associates (561) 707-3537 ... Visit our website at: www.cb-asso.com ------------------------------------- 1 NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF RETAINED FEE AGREEMENT AGENDA ITEM# 4 MAY 27,2014 On this 14th day of May, 2014, the parties hereby mutually agree to terminate the Retained Fee Agreement between Colin Baenziger & Assoc. (hereinafter "Search Firm") and City of Atlantic Beach (hereinafter "City"), effective immediately. The parties agree that Search Firm will be paid $3500 for the initial work provided by Search Firm under the Retained Fee Agreement. In consideration of that payment, City will retain and own the work product produced by Search Firm to date. The parties agree that no other work will be performed by Search Firm under this agreement, nor will any further payments be made by City. The parties agree that an original signature sent by facsimile transmission shall serve and be legally binding as the original signature. The parties have executed this Agreement with the intent to be legally bound. Colin Baenziger & Associates City of Atlantic Beach Colin Baenziger o <s/j v /Lulf Carolyn Woods, Mayor Date