04-29-14 Minutes MINUTES CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING April 29, 2014 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Committee Members Mike Borno City Manager Nelson van Liere Katherine Carithers City Attorney Richard Komando Sally Clemens City Clerk Donna Bartle Judith Leroux Mark Tomaski David Vincent Donald Wolfson Absent: Joan Carver Tom Goodrich Call to Order/Pledge: City Attorney Richard Komando called the meeting to order and asked that the committee members briefly introduce themselves and at the same time express if they have any interest in being Chairman, Vice-Chairman or Secretary of the committee. Introductions were provided and Don Wolfson expressed interest in the Chair position. Mark Tomaski and Mike Borno both expressed interest in the Vice-Chair. Mr. Komando explained that he and city staffers Van Liere and Bartle here to assist, that other department heads may be called by the committee, and opportunity for public comments will be provided at committee meetings. He said that he had received emails from absent members Joan Carver and Tom Goodrich explaining they had previous commitments at this time but do plan to be active and involved. Donald Wolfson was elected Chairman and Mark Tomaksi was elected Vice- Chairman. Chairman Wolfson asked for volunteers for the position of Secretary; there were none. He requested individually of several members to volunteer to take the position; none agreed. He asked Judith Leroux to apply; she said she was not experienced in committee membership and would prefer not to accept. Chairman Wolfson asked that she try it and other arrangements would be made if it was not acceptable. City Clerk Bartle said the Secretary would best work from the recorded committee minutes as it would be difficult to take minutes and participate at the same time. Chairman Wolfson said that as this is a volunteer committee it does seem like a lot to ask of any member. Mr. Komando mentioned that two absent members could also be considered. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: Chris Jorgensen, 92 West Third Street, was recognized by Chairman Wolfson. He explained he is retired and is here to observe as this is an important committee. In response to Chairman Wolfson's questions, Mr. Komando explained that once any charter changes are approved by the City Commission, the ballot referendum language required must be submitted to the State by May 18, 2015 to be included in the next general election cycle in November 2015. The ballot language will be written by the City Attorney and submitted to this committee for review. Chairman Wolfson said it is his understanding that this committee's charge is not to come up with ideas for change in the city, that that is instead the commission's job, instead that the committee's job is simply to review the charter and suggest any changes it feels would benefit the city. Ms. Carithers said she had thought we would be offering ideas for change. Mr. Tomaski said he has reviewed other cities' charter review processes and discussed the process of required majorities for change approval on both the committee and the commission. Setting the dates and times for future meetings were discussed generally, as to days and times for members, staff and facilities availability. It was decided that Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. were acceptable, meeting initially every other week for the first two months. It was agreed the committee would be flexible and that adjustments would be made as necessary. The next meeting was set as Thursday, May 29th at 5:00 p.m. The committee is requested to communicate directly with the City Attorney regarding attendance when necessary because of the need for a quorum to conduct the meeting. Mr. Komando addressed the committee's charge, explaining that the commission has given this committee a great deal of latitude. He said that any recommendation from this group going to the commission would have to be completed by a supermajority (50% plus one voting member.) If meetings changes are required due to lack of quorum, a weeks' notice for a change is recommended for notice to the public. Chairman Wolfson stated that as this committee's review process continues any suggested changes should be sent to the commission as the committee agrees on them to allow time for commission debate and vote process. Mr. Borno and Chairman Wolfson cited the previously enacted building height limit charter change as an example of the process. The deadline of May 18, 2015 was cited again and clarified as a state requirement for the referendum to be reviewed and approved for inclusion on the city ballot in November 2015. Mr. Tomaksi cited the example of expanding the city commission as a potential item for review, that the committee might present it, and that then both the commission and the voters have the power to ultimately decide the issue. City Attorney Komando explained this committees' requirements under the Sunshine Laws of Florida, and that he is available at any time to answer questions if necessary. Mr. Tomaksi asked if there is a mechanism to request information from the commission; Mr. Komando stated it should be presented in the form of a committee report to the commission. Mr. Tomaksi asked about emails; Mr. Komando explained emails are subject to the Sunshine Law requirements. Ms. Carithers stated she would like to know if the commissioners have anything in particular they have concerns about in the charter. Mr. Komando suggested reviewing some of the videos of commission meetings online. He only heard discussed that perhaps a periodic charter review time should be set. Ms. Clemens asked if this committee will hold hearings. Mr. Komando replied that at every meeting there is time for public input. Mr. Komando said discussions with the commission are possible as long as they operate in the sunshine. Ms. Clemens cited several concerns: the commission should send written comments or questions; Chairman Wolfson said he would not deny the commission members rights to attend the meeting. Mr. Komando said commission members are prohibited from being on the committee, so he would be cautious about the type of input accepted by the commission. Chairman Wolfson reiterated that Mr. Komando did say "on the committee"not "in front of the committee." Mr. Komando agreed. Ms. Clemens asked to express some concerns: that the committee stay focused and on meeting times; that some comparison with this process in other cities is fine but not too much as she believes we know best what our citizens want; that the process for recalls be reviewed and compared to other cities; would it be best to completely review the charter to the end and set aside certain parts which require more discussion; that charter review should be set at every seven years; that our names be attached somewhere for future committees to reference for assistance; that changes in the charter and ordinances be better physically organized; and that staff be called to the committee if necessary. Mr. Borno suggested that Lynn Tipton of the Florida League of Cities, an expert on charter review, be asked to assist the committee. Ms. Carithers stated that member Joan Carver has extensive government experience also. Discussion ensued on what timing for Ms. Tipton's visit would be best. Ms. Bartle suggested asking Ms. Tipton her opinion on the timing of her visit or visits during this process. The committee agreed that Ms. Bartle should go ahead with this request. A roster of members is to be provided to the committee. Meeting Adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Mark I'om, ki, Vice Chairman