10-13-14 Agenda Packet with link_Part3MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORKSHOP OF AGENDA ITEM #IB OCTOBER 13, 2014 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD ON SEPTEMBER29, 2014 PRESENT: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Jimmy Hill (arrived at 5:41) Commissioner Maria Mark ALSO: Nelson VanLiere, Interim City Manager Rich Komando, City Attorney Donna Bartle, City Clerk Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary Call to order. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:05p.m. in the Commission Chamber. She explained the procedures for the Special Workshop. 1. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Chris Jorgensen, 92 W. 3rd St., expressed his thoughts on the qualifications he would like to see in the new City Manager and Police Chief. No one else from the audience spoke so she closed the Courtesy of the Floor. 2. Presentation by John Anzivino ofSpringsted of the Top Nine Profiles for City Manager Position. Human Resources Director Cathy Berry introduced John Anzivino, Senior Vice President from Springsted, the search firm for our City Manager and explained the process he will go through. Mr. Anzivino summarized his presentation, explaining the process his firm went through to reach and screen the candidates, the proposed interview schedule and process, and gave some interview tips. He suggested the Commissioners review the candidates and identify the top five, which he would like them to do in the next five days, in order for him to schedule the candidate interviews on October 24. He stated following those interviews, they will need to choose the top two or three. He further suggested that the Department Heads be given the oppmtunity to meet these final candidates to discuss their philosophies and how they manage on a daily basis. Ms. Berry stated her suggestion would be that the Department Heads not put their thoughts on the candidates in writing, because they are basically ranking their boss, which would be public record, and she doesn't believe that would be appropriate. She stated her recommendation would be for the Department Heads to give their comments to Human Resources, i.e., I like choice B. Mr. Anzivino discussed the suggested interview questions as well as questions to avoid. Ms. Berry further cautioned the Commissioners that even if the candidates open the door, the AGENDA ITEM #lB OCTOBER 13, 2014 more information they have on a protected class, the more grounds the candidate would have to say that they did not choose them based on whatever that protected class may be. She reiterated, even if they open the door, you want to steer clear of those type questions. Mr. Anzivino stated they have provided a list of interview questions by section and he would suggest that they use no more than 15 questions, due to time constraints. He asked that each Commissioner pick 15 questions and send them back to him. He will compile them and send them a master list. (Commissioner Hill arrived at 5:41.) Mr. Anzivino stated they may want to rely more on the programmatic, technical and communication questions along with an icebreaker question. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. Mr. Anzivino asked to have their choices of questions by Monday, October 6. He asked that they email their evaluation forms for the candidates ranking by Friday, October 3. Mr. Anzivino gave a presentation on each of the nine top candidates provided for City Manager: Edwin Booth; Shawna Burkhart; Thomas Ernharth; Mark Kutney; Robert Middaugh; Patrick Salerno; John Schneiger; Jane Shang; and Nelson VanLiere. Mr. Anzivino answered questions from the Commission. Mr. Anzivino recapped by stating they would suggest the Commissioners review the profiles, use the evaluation form and get it to him by Friday, 10/3; then review questions, picking 2 from each of the major categories and have them to him by Monday, 10/6. He asked that they email these to him. Commissioner Hill asked that Mr. Anzivino email them exactly what it is he needs from them, in case he missed anything while he was not here. Mayor Woods stated that would be great and asked that he copy all of the Commission on that email. Ms. Berry closed stating she understands some of them have Googled the candidates and she would recommend getting as much information as they can but keep in mind they will not get a complete picture from what they read on the internet. She also explained that having canned questions gives them something to judge each candidate by and gives them a perspective they wouldn't have if they asked each individual candidate questions related solely to them. She also cautioned that 10 questions are a lot to get through in an hour and if they find that they only get through 8 questions with the first candidate she recommends that they ask only those same 8 for the next candidates. Ms. Berry answered questions from the Commission. Mayor Woods stated the interviews will be on October 24 from 12:00-5:00 in the Chamber. Discussion ensued. Adjournment There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting adjourned at 6:51p.m. ATTEST Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk -2- Carolyn Woods Mayor/Presiding Officer