Item 3B - Employe Benefits - InsuranceAGENDA IT EM: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Empl oyee Benefits -In su rance AGENDA ITEM 11311 NOVEMBER 10,20 14 I l ,"?, SUBMITTED BY : Ca th erine Berry, Esq., Human Resources Director '...-A DATE: BACKGROUND: October 9, 20 14 For U1e 20 15 renewal, o ur insurance broker, Hard en, co nta cted the major providers of mcd .ica l, den tal, vision, li fe & volu nt ary life and short-tem1 & long-tcnn disability in s urance servin g Northeast Florida. T he City currently pays a sub stanti al p01iion of the premiums for medical insurance and the total prem ium s fo r basic li fe insurance, which includes a free Emp loyee Assistance Program . The approved City Budget for 20 14 -20 15 anti c ip ated a 17% increase in employee in surance benefit costs to the City. The viable plan options from the responding carri ers for each type of insurance are discussed below, with medi ca l and life di scussed first as they represent cost to the Ci ty: MEDICAL: Harden reached o ut to the five major ca rri ers ser ving the Northeas t Florida area: Florid a Blu e (incumbent), Aetna, AvMed , Coventry and United HealthCare. United Hea lthCarc o ffered the most comprehensive and least expens ive plan s with a s ubstantia l cost savings to the City and for the employees' o ut -of-pocket ex penses. The United plan s are sim il ar in benefits to what is offered thi s year by Florida Blue, except th at Mayo C linic is included in network with Un ited . Choosing United Health Care would rep re se nt a 3.1% decrease in ove rall premiums (-$28,5 I 7) from thi s year 's tota l premiums. United ha s a lso offered to reimburs e us up to $5,000 for the biometr ic we provide at ou r Employee Health Fair. The incumb ent, Florida Blue initially propo sed an 18.2% inc rease in the p lans that they cutTen tty provide to the Ci ty, but Hard en was able to negotiate these down to a 14.2% increase, or $13 1,625 over this year's premiums. Un ited would thus represent a $160,142 prem iums savings over Florida Bl ue for 2015. If we chose to go wi th Unit ed, we would not be ab le to go back to Florida Blue for two years. If we kept the emp lo yer con tributi on percentage the sa me as thi s year, Uni ted wou ld represe nt a combi ned savi ngs to the emp loyees in premiums of$4,62 4 and a savings to the City of $23,893. If we kept the employee premiums the same as this year, the savi ngs to the City would be $28,517 . Due to the substa nti a l sav in gs in premiums, benetits s imilar to what is cu rre ntly provided and the fact that Mayo Clini c is in network , it is recom mended that the City choo se Un ited HealthCa re for its medical insurance provider a nd keep the emp loyer contlibution percent age the same as thi s year, giving the employees a break on their premiums while sti ll sav ing the City $23,893 over what it is paying thi s year. BUDGET: LIFE: AGENDA ITEM # 3B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Three carriers responded with proposals to provide basic life insurance to our employees: Standard, Lincoln and United HealthCare. Standard and Lincoln both proposed a 12% increase in costs over the current year for the same coverage ($1 ,063 annual premium increase), but United proposed a 59% increase, so I recommend staying with Standard, which has a robust Employee Assistance Program of which many employees and their family members have taken advantage. VOLUNTARY BENEFITS: The benefit package includes voluntary products that are 100% paid by the employee. Employees may elect dental, vision, short and long term disability and supplemental life insurance and pay 100% of the premium. Dental: There are four major dental carriers in our area: Guardian (incumbent), Lincoln, United HealthCare and UCCI. Guardian's proposal represents a 9.3% increase in premiums for the same coverage provided this year, while United HealthCare's proposal represents an overall savings of 6.5% in premiums over this year's. I recommend going with United HealthCare. Vision: Three carriers responded with proposals to provide voluntary vision insurance: Humana (incumbent), United HealthCare and Lincoln. Humana proposed a 3% increase in premiums for the same coverage, while Lincoln's was a 10% increase. United HealthCare proposed slightly better benefits with a slight decrease in premiums, but they have a greatly limited network of participating providers, so I recommend that we remain with Humana. Supplemental Life: Three carriers responded with very similar proposals for voluntary life insurance: Standard (incumbent), Lincoln and United HealthCare, so I recommend staying with Standard. Short Term and Long Term Disability: Two carriers responded with proposals to provide our employees with voluntary disability insurance: Lincoln (incumbent) and United HealthCare. Lincoln's proposal was substantially better, so I recommend staying with Lincoln. If these recommendations are approved, the total savings to the City for premiums paid for health insurance, over those paid this year, is $23,893, which is $181,472.12 under the amount budgeted. The cost to the City for basic life premiums over those paid this year will increase by $1,063. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve all employee insurances listed below effective January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. 2 2. Authorize Ci ty Manager to sign related insurance renewa l documents: City Sponsored: Med ical -Uni ted HealthCare (OFQ) Life & Supplement Life (EAP is inc lud ed)-Standard Vo lunt ary Products: Denta l -United HealthCarc Vision -Hum ana Supplemental Life -Standard Shmt and long tenn disabilit y -Lincoln ATTACHMENTS: Executi ve Summ ary REVIEW e D BY C ITY MANAGER: ~ V"ec.-;2~ 3 AGENDA ITEM II 38 NOVEM BER 10,2014 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Executive Summary October 8, 2014 _.._ __,., ~ •uJ.1•lt:..r•ll:~m Medical Current Florida Blu e Pl an Ren ewal Florida Blu e Pl an Recommended United HealthCare Plan Life I AD&D Cu r rent St andard Life/AD&D Renewal Standard LlfeiAD&D EAP Recommend EAP with Life-Standard ($.35IEE) • : r::TiT: lfR -~ :• .. Dental Cu rren t Guardian Dental Plan s Propose d Gu ard ian Pla ns Recommended United HealthCare Pl ans Supplemental Life I AD&D Package Current & Recommended Standard Vol. LifeiAD&D VIsion Curre nt Humana Recommended Humana Voluntary Short and Long Term Disability -Lincoln 4 AGENDA I TEM# 3B NOVEMBER 10,2014 lf•hhlH;II • $926,936 $1,095,475 $898,419 $9018 $10,100 $500 ~!ll!l~ •. • iTilThl·~·~il:t $23,935 $26,164 $22,367 Rates Vary by Age $5,925 $6,102 Rates Vary by Age