11-10-14 Amended Agenda Packet 2WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks Encourage others to state their views Support each other, even if you don't agree Practice active listening Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively Collaborate, do not compete or collude Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated The New Managers Toolkit: 21 Things You Need to Know MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 27, 2014 IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Jimmy Hill Commissioner Maria Mark Call to Order/Pledge: CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD City Manager Nelson VanLiere City Attorney Richard Komando City Clerk Donna L. Bartle Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey AGENDA ITEM #1A NOVEMBER 10,2014 Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. Commissioner Mark gave the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of Minutes A. Approve the minutes of the Commission Meeting of October 13, 2014. Mayor Woods asked if there were any corrections to the above minutes. There were no corrections, so Mayor Woods stated the minutes will stand as submitted. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Teresa Flores, 233 Belvedere, addressed the beautification project and parking on Seminole Road. She stated there is an ordinance that prohibits parking on Seminole Road and according to our Charter those kinds of ordinances can't be repealed. Charles Bull, 1810 Sevilla Blvd., #304, stated his 100 year old mother sends her greetings. He cautioned that they be careful and diligent in hiring the new City Manager. He stated regarding the Police Chief perhaps they need a civilian overseeing the Police Department. He stated he believes we need more black City employees and black police officers. Brad Kennelly, 2265 Beachcomber Trail, addressed the sign ordinance. He asked about the Kangaroo sign stating it is a nonconf01ming sign in both pole sign size and illumination and it was just recently redone. He stated if they are going to continue with the discussion on amortizing signs, when he went out and looked, most of the signs that are in noncompliance are on multi-tenant or rented properties. He pointed out that the Kangaroo sign should have come before the Commission if it was allowed to go back in a noncompliant fashion. He stated in reading the information that was submitted to the City, there was reference made that they had to go back to a pole sign because of the location of the Fleet Landing sign. He stated the Fleet Landing sign was allowed extreme leeway in where their sign could go. In reading the minutes, reference was given to some other signs in the right-of-way but if you look at those signs, they were adjoining or immediately next to the PUD they were representing. He stated this Fleet Landing sign is 200 feet west of the property owner's property and, by putting the sign up, they effectively blocked Kangaroo's sign. He stated he is questioning whether these were appropriate actions taken on those two properties. He stated he would like to see the Commission address pole signs, illumination signs and drastically changing signs that our ordinance specifically says you can't do. October 27,2014 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM #1A NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page2 Kenneth Tang, 208 Seminole Road, addressed the beautification project stating he is against the 8 ft. sidewalk and the curbs. He further stated he doesn't see how they can violate the ordinance by putting parking on Seminole Road. He stated he doesn't believe these changes are for the better. No one else from the audience spoke, so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. A. Proclamation Declaring November 2014 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Atlantic Beach. Mayor Woods read the Proclamation declaring the month ofNovember 2014 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in Atlantic Beach. She presented the Proclamation to Alison Strother with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. PLAT -14-00100036 (Atlantic Beach Country Club). City Manager Van Liere explained, as discussed at the last meeting, it was indicated that we need to get an easement for maintenance of the Sherman Creek to be added to the plat before its approval. He stated this easement agreement came to him today still needing a few minor things to be worked out. He stated after speaking with the City Attorney they agreed they should defer it rather than try to approve it subject to approval of the easement agreement and put it on the next agenda. Motion: Defer to next agenda. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Hill, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 4. Consent Agenda None. 5. Committee Reports None. 6. Action on Resolutions None. 7. Action on Ordinances None. 8. Miscellaneous Business (Discussion only) A. City Attorney Evaluation Tool. B. City Clerk Evaluation Tool. C. City Manager Evaluation Tool. October 27, 2014 REGULARCOMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM #1A NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page3 Human Resources Director Cathy Berry stated, when she started last year, there was a discussion of the need for an evaluation tool for all three appointed positions, so she drafted one for each of the positions. She stated she took the basic format from the City Manager Evaluation Tool and adapted it for the City Attorney and City Clerk. She answered questions from the Commission. Ms. Berry explained the various options for the evaluations. Discussion ensued. Mr. Komando clarified that Ms. Beny is looking to the Commission for approval of the evaluations at the next meeting so if there is anything they believe should be added he would suggest that they get that done before the next meeting. It was the consensus to move the three items to the next agenda and direct Ms. Berry to tweak the evaluation tools as needed based on the comments from the Commission. Discussion ensued about how to advertise to the citizens that there will be evaluations of the positions. Ms. Berry stated her recommendation is to do the evaluations in October because the period goes from October 1 through September 30 so you want to have the period end and then do the evaluations. It was suggested they announce the evaluations in the City's newsletter. D. Employee Benefits-Insurance. Ms. Berry introduced Brooks Faison of Harden and Associates. She stated if they switch to United they will save $160,000 in premiums. She stated for the most part the benefits are equal to Florida Blue and actually better in the base plan. She stated her recommendation is to switch. Consensus was to move this item forward to the next meeting. E. Sign Amortization. Mr. Hubsch gave a brief summary of his staff report. He stated the amortization is due January 1, 2015 and explained his recommendation is to extend it another year. Discussion ensued. Consensus was to put this on the next agenda to extend the moratorium and determine how long to extend it and they will work with Mr. Hubsch on the details. At the request of Commissioner Hill, Mr. Kennelly gave some background on the sign amortization and moratorium. Mayor Woods reiterated they will move it to the next meeting, Mr. Hubsch will give them some idea of how long he believes the moratorium needs to be extended and they will move toward working out the compromise and everyone will give him their suggestions. Mr. Hubsch asked the City Attorney if they will have to do a formal ordinance change or can they extend the moratorium by a resolution. Mr. Komando stated he believes it has to be done by ordinance. Mr. Hubsch stated he will work on the ordinance change and they can workshop how to make the Code changes. F. Pay increase for the City Clerk. Mayor Woods explained the City Clerk is appointed each year and, with the City Commission establishing the salary each year, in past years pay raises for the Clerk have been consistent with those given to other non- union general employees. She stated, based on the 2014-15 budget they passed, employees will be given a 3% increase effective 10/1/14. She stated the City Clerk was not included in the pay scale, therefore there is no classification grade or pay range as determined or approved for the position. She stated sufficient funds are included in the budget so the recommendation is to approve a salary increase in line with other employees of 3% for the City Clerk, retroactive to 10/1/14. Consensus was to move this forward to the next agenda to vote on. G. Bennett Property Discussion. October 27, 2014 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM #IA NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page4 Mr. VanLiere stated the only information they have received since the last time they talked was that Mr. Layton got some survey maps that show where the drainage pipes come from Atlantic Blvd. into the ponds. Mr. Layton explained the elevation of the City pond and the DOT pond stating the DOT pond is at 3.97 ft. and the City's pond is at 1.25 ft. He stated the median high water level in the marsh is at 1.29 so on a normal tidal day the City's pond does back up, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. He stated it does drain Section H. He stated the DOT pond comes from Atlantic Blvd. from the Intracoastal Bridge through the flyover and drains directly to the DOT pond. Commissioner Mark stated John November informed her he is in the process of getting an appraisal done on the property and will report to the Commission when that is completed. Consensus was to leave this item where it is. 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. • 90-Day Calendar (November 2014-January 2015). City Manager Nelson Van Liere repmied the City Attorney will discuss the variance that is to be put on the calendar. Mr. Komando stated he spoke with opposing counsel about the variance appeal that will come back before the Commission. He stated they talked about having that as a special meeting before the regular meeting and the attorney has not talked to his client yet but believes an hour should be enough time so he is waiting to hear back from him. He stated when he hears back, the meeting will be confirmed; but it is currently scheduled to be held November 24 at 5:00p.m. Mr. VanLiere stated they are still receiving input regarding the Seminole Road Streetscape project. He stated as was brought up tonight regarding the Code and parking, it is his understanding from discussions with the City Attorney that the Code does state there would not be parking on the arterial road and that may mean in order to do that they will either need to change the project or change the Code. He stated they can change the Code. Mr. Komando referred to the Code 21-17(h), stating it lists 10 roads where parking shall be prohibited at all times. Discussion ensued regarding the parking issues. Mr. Layton pointed out that out of the 20-25 parking spaces that will be up and down the road, 6-8 of them will be adjacent to the park. Commissioner Daugherty suggested a tax assessment for those residences who want to have a parking space in front of their home and then allow parking by a permit. Mr. Layton stated an issue that has come up due to the 4 ft. increase in the sidewalk for the ped path, is that some people would have less room in their driveways to park. He stated this has been the reason for some people wanting a parking space, since they can't park two cars in their driveway without blocking the sidewalk. Further discussion ensued. Staff will bring back revised drawings for another discussion at a future date. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Daugherty • COJ website stated they had presented their recommendations for the Interlocal Agreement. He asked staff to see what the recommendations are. Commissioner Mark stated it was to evaluate the government consolidation because it has never been reviewed and their main objective was to come back with any recommendations on the consolidation. October 27, 2014 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Commissioner Beckenbach AGENDA ITEM #1A NOVEMBER 10,2014 PageS • Asked about the Chief of Police interviews. Mr. Van Liere stated the first round of interviews is tomorrow. • Asked if there was a consensus regarding the timeline for second round and selection of the City Manager. Mayor Woods stated she believes it is to be within the next couple of weeks. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m. ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Carolyn Woods Mayor/Presiding Officer MINUTES OF WORKSHOP OF AGENDA ITEM #1B NOVEMBER 10,2014 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD ON OCTOBER 27, 2014 PRESENT: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Jimmy Hill Commissioner Maria Mark ALSO: Nelson VanLiere, Interim City Manager Rich Komando, City Attorney Donna Bartle, City Clerk Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary Call to order. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Commission Chamber. She explained the procedures for the Workshop. 1. CRA 101 Presentation by Steve Lindorff, Planning and Development Director, Jacksonville Beach; and Carol Westmoreland, Executive Director, Florida Redevelopment Association. Building and Zoning Director Jeremy Hubsch introduced Mr. Lindorff and turned the meeting over to him. He also introduced Ms. Westmoreland and explained she would be here shortly, as she was caught in traffic. Mr. Lindorff explained his background and experience with Jacksonville Beach in redevelopment and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). He gave a slide presentation on the CRA (which is attached to the minutes as Attachment A). Mr. Lindorff answered questions from the Commission. Ms. Westmoreland explained eminent domain pointing out that the CRA does not have the power to use eminent domain. Ms. Westmoreland also answered questions from the Commission and she and Mr. Lindorff further explained the CRA. Mr. Hubsch stated Mayport Village is also planning to do a CRA at this time. Mr. Lindorff explained the difference between the definition of a slum and/or a blighted area, which is a requirement to starting a CRA. Discussion ensued. The Commission thanked Mr. Lindorff and Mr. Westmoreland for coming. Mayor Woods stated they would now need to put it on the agenda for discussion and task staff to do some of the preliminary research and come back to us and have another workshop and continue moving forward. Mr. Hubsch stated he would put it on the November 27 agenda. Adjournment AGENDA ITEM #lB NOVEMBER 10, 2014 There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting adjoumed at 6:00 p.m. ATTEST Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk -2- Carolyn Woods Mayor/Presiding Officer What is a CRA? Depend ent Spec ial District Created to re move sl um and blight conditions within a designated district Boa rd Membe rs appointed by local government -elected officials or appointees or both • Law genera lly says on l y~ Community Redeve lopment Agency (Board) per j uri sdiction Exception -Charter Counties <1.6 million peop le CRA may have multiple CRA district s CR legislative Intent Er:1dicarion of Slum & Blighted A1~ • constitutes a serio us and growing menac e, Injurious to public hea lth, safety, welfa r e of re sidents • contribu tes to sp rea d of disease and crime • co ns t itutes an eco nomi c and socia l liability, decreasi ng taX ba se and revenues • Impairs sound growth • retards provisi on of decent housing accomm oda tions • agg rava t es traffic problems and traffic hazards AGENDA ITEM# Ill NOVEM BER 10, 20 14 10/27/2014 Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs.) • Authorization fo r CRAs was passed In the Redevelopment Act of 1969 wh ich bec~me Chapter 163 Part Il l of the Florida Statutes Not In widespread usc until after 1980 when State of Florida v. Mia mi Beach wa s decided As of last review there are 214 CRA Districts registered with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Currently t he only form ofT3X Increment Districts In widespr ead usc In tho State of Florida CRAs may be crened by a City or County to uslst In the e limin ation of slum andfor blighting conditi ons State Is not Involved In the creation of CRAs How is a CR A Created? All Loca l • Charter counties "de legate" auth ority to citY CRAs. • Non charter counties ca n cha llenge the creation of city CRA by sta tutory process. • Finding of NecessitY and "blight'' as den ned by stat ute, not Mr. Webster. • CRA Board is established. • Trust Fund Is create d. • Redeve lopment Plan Is adopted. • No state approval required, but reporting requirements. 2 The CRA Board • The Governing Body • A board of between 5 and 9 individuals appointed by the Governing Body By lnterlocal agreement may Include representatives of ta xing aut horities If the Governing Body is only 5 members then it ca n be the Governing Body+ 2 individuals appointed by the Governing Body • Chair and Vice Chair of the CRA des ignated by Governing Body (not the CRA Board members) Even If Allowed By Statute ...... Any project or program a CRA w 1shes to undertalce must be outlined in the Community Redevelopment P lan (CRP) lf IT IS NOT IN THE PLAN YOU CAN'T DO IT !!!!! ACENDA I TEM II 111 NOVEMBER 10,20 14 10/27/2014 The Redevelopment Plan is the Blueprint for CRA Activities When writing a Comm unity Redevelopment Plan it is important to remember: • If a program or project is contained In tho Plan, it need not be undertaken. • But if a program or project Is NOT contained in the Pi an it CAN NOT be underta ke n. Put every thing you might want to do in the Plan whether you th in I< you will do it or not. What is Increment Revenue~ Often referred to as "tax increment financing" or"TIF" • Calculated from increases in taxes collected by certain taxing authorities over what was collected in an established "base year" and remitted by those au thorities to the CRA for u se In financing redevelopment activities. Not ad valorem tax-''amount equal to" 3 lnsurance • Rememb er, the CRA is a sepa ra te entity. • It Is likely (but not Imposs ible) that t he governing body's Insurance does NOT cover the CRA and Its Board . • C heck with the city/county's ca.rrler if the CRA does not have its own in surance. Other Expenses lnaement Revenues Can*t AJy For • U ses not in plan Pay Board Me mbers/Commission ers for their service as a CRA Board member • Pay for any project or program outside of the Redevelopment A rea (in general) There MAY be lega l uses of funds outside t he Redevelopment Area AGENDA ITEM fJ IB NOVEMBER l0,201 4 10/27/2014 What Increment Revenues Can't Pay For 163.370 •I Construction or CJ<panslon of admlnlstrnli\le buildings for public bodies or pollee and Ora buildings, unless o.ach e~xlng >uthorlty ~greos or un loss the construCtion or expansion Is contemplated at part of a community policing Jnno~tlon. Any publicly owned capita l lmproveme<~u or projecu If •ucl1 projects or Improvements wero scheduled pursuan t to a provlously approved public apia I Improvement or project schedule or p~n or the governing body which approved tho community redevelopment pl~n unless and until removed from such schedule or pla n or th o govemlng body and 3 years h~vo eJapstd. (ie.nornl govemmcnt operating expenses un<el>tnd to tha plannln8 & c::~rrylna out of a communlry redevelopment plan. Other Expenses/Best Practices • Capital expenditures • Promotion, marketing & events • Incentives and grants Code enfo r ceme nt • Land Acquisition • C ost sha ring/allocation for services 5 Expenses Requiring Careful Consideration Marketing/d irect fund ing of events (AG-20 I 0-40) • Funding non-proflts or others to und erta l ~c activities in the CRA Plan (AG-20 I 0-4 0) Substitution of CRA funding for prior City/County funding (must be after more than 3 years for CIP) • Maintenance and repair of CRA Projects • Community policing • Reimbursement to City/County of expenses lnterlocal Agre ements • 163.387 (J)(b) states: Alternate provi sio ns contain ed in an inter local agreement between a taxing authority and the governing body .... may s upersede tho provisions o f this section with res pect to that taxing authority. Th e Commu nity Redevelopment Agency may be an additiona l party to any suc h agreement. . AGENDA ITEM fl I ll NOVEMBER 10,2014 10/27/2014 Powers of a CRA Chapter 163, Part Ill (hiollly recommended reading) • I 63.345 -Encouragement of private enterprise. I 63.358-Exercise of powers In carrying out redevelopment and related aetlv ltles. • 163.360(7)(d) Community Redeve lopment Plans maximum opportunity for rehabilitation and redevelopment by pnvate enterprise. 163.370 (2)(c) Powers; counties and municipalities; community redevelopment agencies. 163.380-Disposa l o f Real Property. • 163.400 Cooperation by public bodies. • 163.4 10 Exercise of powers In counties with homo rule charters. 163.4 15 Exercise of powers In counties wit hout home rule charters . Reporting Requirements - Remember all (lve of tl1em Copy of Proposed and Final Budgets poltcd on olflcia l Wl!bs•tc (1wo dl1'fr prior/30 doyr afl~r) (Seplelnbtr/October) Spacial district repordng to the Florida Deponmonl of Economic Opportunf!y (DEO). Dirision o(({jmmun/!y De•elopment Spcdol Districts ln(ormodon Prorrom (December) Annual Report to governing body-(March 31) Audit (separate or City/County) to each taX Ing ~uthority and 1oAudi1or Cenetol (4S days ofler comllfedon or june 30) Annual Financl~i Repor-t (AFIVCAFR) to tl1c florida Department of Financial Sel"!lces -City or County functi on Ounc 30) 6 Amending the Redevelopment Pf~n II, at any t kno after tho approval ol a plan, tho governing body fe els It necessary to modify or am and !he approved plan, It may duo so upon r ecom me ndation from tho CRA. • T ho CAA recommendation m ay Includ e a chanto In tho boundarltl1 or tho redeve lopment.,.,. (to add or cwcludo land). or may Include tho development 3nd lrnplemenlation o l community policing Innovations. • Tho tQYI!l'n lng body must hold a public hearing on tho proposed nlodiOcadon after a public notice ha s been publ"hed In a newspaper o ( 1cncral circu lation In tl1e arta In which t.h c agency operator and th e t:ll<lng authorities that collect a millage within the CAA are nouned by rcgiSicrcd mall. • I( UIO mod lOcation Includes cxponslon or thu CAA boundaries, a Anding of Necessity n•ust be prcp;~red and >doptcd lllrough the samo procedures as If It were • new CRA. At the End of the Fiscal Year In a C RA t here is no car r yo ver into t h e next fisca l year of an "Und es ig nated Fun d Ba lance" AGENDA ITEM# I B NOVEM BER 10,2014 10/27 /201 4 At the End of the Fiscal Year Fund s left in the Red eve lopm ent Trust Fund on th e las t day of the Fiscal Year shall be: Return ed to the taX ing authori t ies • Used t o reduce debt Deposited in an escrow account for reducing debt later • Appropriated to a specific project contained in the Redevel opment Plan that w ill be comp leted withi n t hree (3) years Even If Allowed By Statute •••••• Any project or program a CRA w1shes to undertake must be outlined in the Communi9' Redevelopment Plan (CRP) IF IT IS NOT IN THE PLAN YOU CAN'T DO IT !!!!! .. 7 First things first! Getting staned ..•... 163.355 Finding of necessity by coun ty or n>unltipallty.- No county or municipality sh3U exercise the community r~dcvclopment authority conferred by this part until ar~r tho govemlng body hat adopted a resolution. supported by dJtn ~nd onalysls. which mal<os • l~slauvo nndlng that tl10 conditions In tho aru meet tho criteria deset1bed In l.J.6l,3~0(1) or (B).ll1e rotoludon must state thac: (I) Ono or more slum or bltefn.ed areu. or one or moro areas In whld1 there h a shora.go of housing affo rdable to residents o r low or onodcrato Income. Including 1.hc otdor1y. o•lst In 1uch county or municipality: and (2) The rehablllcallon, conservation. or rcdovolopment. or~ combi nation thereof. of such area or ar~s.lncludlng.lf appropriate. tho dcvelopme11t of housing which residents of low or moderato lncomo,lnclud lns lloo old erly, all afford, Is necessary In Ule Interest of tho public h~ltl1, safety, morals. or welfare of the rosid ents or su ch county or munklpality. Chapter 163.340(8) Definitions • (8) "BIIgllted am" means an a~ In which thoro aro a subsl;lntl al numbe r of doterlonted. or deteriorating structurns, In which conditions, as lndlcal.ed by governmont-ona lnmlned sCltlstlcs or other stud let, aro leading to emnomlc dlstr~IS or endanger nr., or property. and In which two or mor~ or the followln: factors aro prosenc (a) Prtdomlnance of delc!ctlva or Inadequate stree tlayou ~ p~rkln: f•cilltlcs. roadmys, brldgu. or public t.r.Jnspon:atlon facllltlc•: (b) AQycpto auened values of reA l property In tho are<~ for od valorem tlX purposes have failed to show any appreciable lntrca•c over tho s years prior to the flndlng or such conditions: (c) F;.ulty lot layout In re lulon to silO, ad cqoncy. occeulbillty, or uscfulnou: (d) UnsaniQry or unsafe conditions: . AGEN DA ITEM II Ill NOVEM BER 10,201 4 10/27/201 4 Chapter 163.3-i0{7) Definitions (7) "Slum arm" mranson orca havl~~g physical or economic condfllons conducive to dlseuo.lnf:mc mortality, juvenile dollnqueiiC)'. poverty, or crltna bcause there Is a prcdomfn3ncc o r bulldlnj!S or Imp rovements. whether rnsltlentl:l l or nonresidential, which arc lonp~frcd by reason of dil~pld~tlon.detorloral.lon. :ljle. or obsolescrnce, and Cllol'>lbltln: one or onorc or the following facton: (a) ln1dequ1to provision for vcmil>l.lon.lf&ht. air, unlcn lon. or open spaces: (b) Hlgh density of popululon, compared to the population density of adjacent arc.1s wltl>ln the county or municipality; and over<rowdlng.aJ Indicated by governm ent·malntalnod sl.<lt~dcs or other studio• ond the requirements of tho Rortda Oulldlng Code: or (c) Tile existence of conditions tll:lt end~nger lifo or property by Oro or other causl!!. Chapter 163.340(8) Definitions (o) Dcterloratlon of silo or other Improvements; (f) lnadequ~to and outdated building density patterns; (g) F~IIJng lease rates per sq u~ro foot o f orncc,commcrcla l, o r Industrial space compared to the r~malndcr of the county or municipality; (g) F~lllng lease rates per square foot of office. commercial, or Industrial space compared to the rema inder or the county or municipality: (h) Tax or spedal assessment delinquency e~cccdlng the farr v<lue or the land; . 11 Chapter 163.3..0(8) Definitions (1) Rcsldentl~l and commercial vac3n<:y tatcs higher In the area than In the remainder of the county o r municipality; (I) Inciden ce of crime In tho area higher tha n In tho remainder of the county or municipality: (I<) Fi re and e mergency medica l service call s to the area proportlonatcly higher than In th () rema ind er of the county or municipality ; (I) A greater number of violations of the f lorida Building Code In tho ~rea tha n the numb er· o f violations record ed In th e remainder of thQ county or municipa lity: AGENDA ITEM II Ill NOVEM il ER 10,201 4 10/27 /2014 Chapter 163.l40(7) Definitions (m) Diversity of owner5 hlp or defective or unusua l conditions of title which prevent the free alienability o f land within the deterio!'11tcd or ha zard ous area; o r (n) Govcrnmenally owned property with adverse environmcn~<~l conditions Guscd by ~ public or private entity. However, tho term "blishted area" also melrl'ls any area In which at least one of tho f•etors identified In puaffllph• (a) through {n) aro present and all taxing authorities subject ro s. 163.387(2)(a) agrctl, either by lnterlocai agreement or agreements with th e agency or· by resolution, that tho araa Is bllg11tod . Such agre ement or resolutio n shall only determine that the area Is blighted. For purpose$ of qualifying for the t:~x credits authorized In chap ter 120, "blighted area" means an area as defined In this subsection. 12 MINUTES CITY MANAGER INTERVIEWS October 24, 2014 12:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jimmy Hill Commissioner Maria Mark ALSO: Cathy Berry, Human Resources Director Richard Komando, City Attorney John Anzivino, Springsted ABSENT: Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty AGENDA ITEM# 1C NOVEMBER 10,2014 Mayor Carolyn Woods called the meeting to order at 11:58 p.m. which was held in the Commission Chamber for the purpose of interviewing the candidates (listed below) for the City Manager position. Mayor Woods explained the process for the interviews. 1. Interview City Manager Candidates John Anzivino of Springsted brought each of the following candidates to the Chamber at their scheduled interview time and introduced them to the Commission. Edwin Booth MarkKutney Robert Middaugh Jane Shang Nelson Van Liere The Commission interviewed each candidate separately, asking each the following questions: 1. Tell us what you have learned about the City, your thoughts about the City's current condition and its future, why you would like to serve as City Manager in Atlantic Beach and how your education, background and experience place you in a unique position to serve the Mayor and Commission and the citizens of the community. 2. During your career you undoubtedly experienced a difficult period as a Manager. Tell us about that period and how that shaped you as a Manager. What are some things that you feel you have done particularly well in your previous and current position? 3. If you were to be selected as City Manager how would you go about establishing a work plan to become more familiar with the City? What would be your plan for the first 90 days, 180 days and year of your tenure? 4. Please describe your management style, how you work with department heads and employees and your expectations for City employees in maintaining a productive and professional work place. 5. How do you work with elected officials and/or department heads that have strong personalities and differing opinions, work to build consensus and incorporate their positions into final solutions and/or recommendations? 6. The City deals with complex issues that the City Manager and staff have professional knowledge of and expertise in. Discuss with us your prefened style of communication, how you will keep the Mayor and Commission informed about on-going issues projects and operations and how you AGENDA ITEM# lC NOVEMBER 10, 2014 analyze complex information and simplify it so everyone can understand it. What are your expectations of City staff in preparation of reports for the governing body? 7. How do you perceive the role of citizens groups in the decision making process and how do you engage them? Describe for us a situation that you were involved with that was resolved by proactively reaching out to citizens and/or citizens groups and how you incorporated their ideas into the final decision that needed to be made. 8. The City Commission has laid out a clear mission statement which is supplemented by a strategic plan. Please provide us your thoughts in regard how you might work with the Commission to realize the City's mission and how you would work to implement the City's strategic plan. 9. The City of Atlantic Beach provides a comprehensive set of services ranging from public works to utilities (water and sewer distribution/collection) to planning to recreation. Briefly describe for us your experience in municipal operations and where you feel your strengths and weaknesses lie. 10. What is your philosophy and style in preparation of budgets and what do you feel the Manager's role is in the budget process? Also, please outline your experience as a Manager in dealing with financial management issues (i.e. internal operating policies, capital plans, etc.). How do you work to identify trends in financing and 'smooth out' periods of declining revenues to ensure the City's solvency? 11. The City has a mix of many smaller and mid-size businesses. Please describe your experience and views on redevelopment issues and maintaining and expanding a successful economic development program. What has been your experience in working with redevelopment issues and retention of existing business, recruiting new business and redevelopment programs? What do you feel is the right 'mix' of business in a community and what are some of the 'pitfalls' of redevelopment and economic efforts a community may face? 12. The City has a potential area for redevelopment. What has been your experience in working with redevelopment projects? What are some of the pitfalls we should be aware of? 13. All local government managers strive to make their organization better. Give some specific examples of how you have made your current or previous organization better. How would you work to make Atlantic Beach a better place knowing what you know about the City? 14. Please tell us about your experience and understanding of urban and environmental planning and zoning issues. What do you believe is the Manager's role in dealing with the development community and issues that arise with developers and citizens in this area? 15. As you offer your closing remarks and prepare to ask us any questions you may have, knowing what you know and seeing what you've seen what are the factors that most likely will influence your decision to accept the manager's position if it is offered to you? Each candidate responded to the questions above and explained their background, experience, goals and plans for the City. The Commission offered each candidate the opportunity to ask questions and the Commission responded to those questions and each candidate gave their closing remarks. Mr. Anzivino explained the next steps in the process. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Chris Jorgensen, 92 W. 3rd Street, expressed his concern about the timeline and longevity of the candidates. Stated he was impressed with all of the candidates. Mark Tomaski, 448 Snapping Turtle Ct. W., believes whoever becomes the City Manager should live here, as it is cunently in the Charter. Page 2 of3 AGENDA ITEM# 1C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Sally Clemens, 1638 Park Terrace West, stated this was a learning process and the Commission has some deep thinking to do. No one else from the audience spoke, so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. 3. Rank Candidates The Commission ranked each of the candidates as follows: Daugherty* Hill Mark Beckenbach Woods Shang Kutney VanLiere Middaugh Booth 4 2 3 1 5 5 3 1 2 4 1 5 3 2 4 1 4 2 3 5 *Commissioner Daugherty called in his rankings to Ms. Berry. 5 2 1 4 3 Following the rankings by each of the Commissioners, the total rankings were: 1. VanLiere 2. Middaugh 3. Shang and Kutney (tied) 4. Booth Following discussion of the rankings, the Commission determined they would bring back two applicants, Middaugh and VanLiere, for a second interview. Further discussion ensued. Adjournment Mayor Woods stated she wanted to say she appreciates everybody's commitment to this process and to let anybody who is listening know that they can call, email or contact the Commission with their insight and they are happy to have it. Commissioner Hill thanked staff for the long day. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5:27pm. Carolyn Woods Mayor Page 3 of3 AGENDA ITEM: SUBM ITTED BY: DATE: STRATEGlC PLAN LINK: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT PLAT-14-00100036 (Atlant ic Beach Coun try Club) Jeremy Hub sc h ffJ-/ Building and Zoning Director7 /1 Septem ber 25, 20 14 None AGENDA ITEM #3A NOVEMBER tO , 2014 BACKGROUND: The Atlantic Beach Country Club Specia l Plan ned Area was approved by the Ci ty in 20 13. Consh·u ctio n has co mm enced on the new clubh ouse pOltion of the dev~lopment and is nearing completion. Ph ase I of th e development was platted in July 2014. Phase 1 includ es 17 homes at the southeastern portion of the deve lopment. An add itiona l 16 1 lots a rc includ ed in Plat 2. The Plat Ma p submitted to the Ci ty matches the approved Specia l Plam1ed Area Master Development Pl an Map and SPA Text. City staff in the Public Works, Ut ilities, and Building and Zon ing Departments have reviewed the proposed plat. The City's La nd Deve lop ment Regulations require that p lats go before the Com munity Development Board for a recommendation, and then to the City Commission for fina l approval. The Comm unit y Development Board voted to approve the Plat by a vote of 6-0 at the October 2 151 meeting. Cit y staffers arc curr en tl y work in g with the developers to have an casement for maintenance of Sherma n 's Creek to accom pany the Plat. A Grant of Easemen t has been drafted by th o developer an d amend ed by the City Attorney. The item was deferred at the October 27'h Comm ission meeting in order for staff to work out some minor detail s of the casement agreement wit h the developer. A copy of the draft easeme nt ag reem ent is attached to this rep01t. BUDGET: No ne. RECOMMENDAT ION! Approval of Plat 14-00100036 (Atlantic Beach Country C lub) as submilled a nd authori ze the City Manager to execute lhe Grant of Easement Agreement providing acces s to Shennan's Creek. ATTACHMENTS: l . Copy of Proposed Unit 2 Plat for the Atlanti c Beach Counlry Clu b Development. 2. Draft Grant of P.a sement for maintenance of Sherman's Creek as reviewed by City Attorney and Staff. 3. Copy of Comm unity Developmen t Board Staff Report REVI EWED BY C lTY MANAGER: _-_/_/_t_,_c:~--~1£-__;v:;;;.........:V.,.c...------------ AGENDA IT EM: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Empl oyee Benefits -In su rance AGENDA ITEM 11311 NOVEMBER 10,20 14 I l ,"?, SUBMITTED BY : Ca th erine Berry, Esq., Human Resources Director '...-A DATE: BACKGROUND: October 9, 20 14 For U1e 20 15 renewal, o ur insurance broker, Hard en, co nta cted the major providers of mcd .ica l, den tal, vision, li fe & volu nt ary life and short-tem1 & long-tcnn disability in s urance servin g Northeast Florida. T he City currently pays a sub stanti al p01iion of the premiums for medical insurance and the total prem ium s fo r basic li fe insurance, which includes a free Emp loyee Assistance Program . The approved City Budget for 20 14 -20 15 anti c ip ated a 17% increase in employee in surance benefit costs to the City. The viable plan options from the responding carri ers for each type of insurance are discussed below, with medi ca l and life di scussed first as they represent cost to the Ci ty: MEDICAL: Harden reached o ut to the five major ca rri ers ser ving the Northeas t Florida area: Florid a Blu e (incumbent), Aetna, AvMed , Coventry and United HealthCare. United Hea lthCarc o ffered the most comprehensive and least expens ive plan s with a s ubstantia l cost savings to the City and for the employees' o ut -of-pocket ex penses. The United plan s are sim il ar in benefits to what is offered thi s year by Florida Blue, except th at Mayo C linic is included in network with Un ited . Choosing United Health Care would rep re se nt a 3.1% decrease in ove rall premiums (-$28,5 I 7) from thi s year 's tota l premiums. United ha s a lso offered to reimburs e us up to $5,000 for the biometr ic we provide at ou r Employee Health Fair. The incumb ent, Florida Blue initially propo sed an 18.2% inc rease in the p lans that they cutTen tty provide to the Ci ty, but Hard en was able to negotiate these down to a 14.2% increase, or $13 1,625 over this year's premiums. Un ited would thus represent a $160,142 prem iums savings over Florida Bl ue for 2015. If we chose to go wi th Unit ed, we would not be ab le to go back to Florida Blue for two years. If we kept the emp lo yer con tributi on percentage the sa me as thi s year, Uni ted wou ld represe nt a combi ned savi ngs to the emp loyees in premiums of$4,62 4 and a savings to the City of $23,893. If we kept the employee premiums the same as this year, the savi ngs to the City would be $28,517 . Due to the substa nti a l sav in gs in premiums, benetits s imilar to what is cu rre ntly provided and the fact that Mayo Clini c is in network , it is recom mended that the City choo se Un ited HealthCa re for its medical insurance provider a nd keep the emp loyer contlibution percent age the same as thi s year, giving the employees a break on their premiums while sti ll sav ing the City $23,893 over what it is paying thi s year. BUDGET: LIFE: AGENDA ITEM # 3B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Three carriers responded with proposals to provide basic life insurance to our employees: Standard, Lincoln and United HealthCare. Standard and Lincoln both proposed a 12% increase in costs over the current year for the same coverage ($1 ,063 annual premium increase), but United proposed a 59% increase, so I recommend staying with Standard, which has a robust Employee Assistance Program of which many employees and their family members have taken advantage. VOLUNTARY BENEFITS: The benefit package includes voluntary products that are 100% paid by the employee. Employees may elect dental, vision, short and long term disability and supplemental life insurance and pay 100% of the premium. Dental: There are four major dental carriers in our area: Guardian (incumbent), Lincoln, United HealthCare and UCCI. Guardian's proposal represents a 9.3% increase in premiums for the same coverage provided this year, while United HealthCare's proposal represents an overall savings of 6.5% in premiums over this year's. I recommend going with United HealthCare. Vision: Three carriers responded with proposals to provide voluntary vision insurance: Humana (incumbent), United HealthCare and Lincoln. Humana proposed a 3% increase in premiums for the same coverage, while Lincoln's was a 10% increase. United HealthCare proposed slightly better benefits with a slight decrease in premiums, but they have a greatly limited network of participating providers, so I recommend that we remain with Humana. Supplemental Life: Three carriers responded with very similar proposals for voluntary life insurance: Standard (incumbent), Lincoln and United HealthCare, so I recommend staying with Standard. Short Term and Long Term Disability: Two carriers responded with proposals to provide our employees with voluntary disability insurance: Lincoln (incumbent) and United HealthCare. Lincoln's proposal was substantially better, so I recommend staying with Lincoln. If these recommendations are approved, the total savings to the City for premiums paid for health insurance, over those paid this year, is $23,893, which is $181,472.12 under the amount budgeted. The cost to the City for basic life premiums over those paid this year will increase by $1,063. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve all employee insurances listed below effective January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. 2 2. Authorize Ci ty Manager to sign related insurance renewa l documents: City Sponsored: Med ical -Uni ted HealthCare (OFQ) Life & Supplement Life (EAP is inc lud ed)-Standard Vo lunt ary Products: Denta l -United HealthCarc Vision -Hum ana Supplemental Life -Standard Shmt and long tenn disabilit y -Lincoln ATTACHMENTS: Executi ve Summ ary REVIEW e D BY C ITY MANAGER: ~ V"ec.-;2~ 3 AGENDA ITEM II 38 NOVEM BER 10,2014 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Executive Summary October 8, 2014 _.._ __,., ~ •uJ.1•lt:..r•ll:~m Medical Current Florida Blu e Pl an Ren ewal Florida Blu e Pl an Recommended United HealthCare Plan Life I AD&D Cu r rent St andard Life/AD&D Renewal Standard LlfeiAD&D EAP Recommend EAP with Life-Standard ($.35IEE) • : r::TiT: lfR -~ :• .. Dental Cu rren t Guardian Dental Plan s Propose d Gu ard ian Pla ns Recommended United HealthCare Pl ans Supplemental Life I AD&D Package Current & Recommended Standard Vol. LifeiAD&D VIsion Curre nt Humana Recommended Humana Voluntary Short and Long Term Disability -Lincoln 4 AGENDA I TEM# 3B NOVEMBER 10,2014 lf•hhlH;II • $926,936 $1,095,475 $898,419 $9018 $10,100 $500 ~!ll!l~ •. • iTilThl·~·~il:t $23,935 $26,164 $22,367 Rates Vary by Age $5,925 $6,102 Rates Vary by Age AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: BACKGROUND : CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT C ity Attorney Eva luation Tool Catherin e Berry, Esq., lluman Resources Direc tor ~ October I I , 20 14 AGENDA ITEM II JC N OVI~M B E R 10,2014 While a perform ance eva lu at ion is meant to analyze the City Attorney's performance and w hat has been acco mplished during a given period of lime, it is al so a co mmunica ti ons tool and a lca ming process whereby t he City Commiss i on an d the City Atto r n ey can lcn m moJ'C a bout eac h other's expectations a nd where stren g ths and WC(ll<nesse.s exist in the t·elationship. Annual eva lu<Jtions sho uld identi fy t:~ny major differences i11 directi on, miscommunication or problems before they become critica l to the operCJtions of th e City of Atla ntic 13cach . The att ached, take n from th e I CMA eva l uation too l developed by t h e Unive r s ity of Te nn essee for Ci ty Managers a nd revised to retl cc t the uuli es and r espo nsib iliti es or th e Ci ty Attorney, has 7 categori es within w h ich lo eva lu<1te l h e pcrform<1nce of th e City Attorney. I t ;1lso gives the opportunily for a n arrative eva lu<1 tion by each Commissio n er. DUDGET: No impact RECOM MEN OAT JON : Adopt thi s eva lu ati on tool to be uli lized for an ann ual evalua tion ofthc C i ty Attorney, w hich process will be directed by th e M ayor and coordinated by t he Cily Manager each year. ATTACHMENTS: City Attorney Eva lu ati on Tool REV IEWED BY C ITY MANAG ER: . .-1 k evn ~!_./ City Attorney Performance Evaluation City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Evaluation period: _______ to ______ _ Commissioner's Name AGENDA ITEM # 3C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Each member of the Commission should complete this evaluation form, sign it in the space below, date and return it to Human Resources. The deadline for submitting this performance evaluation is _____________ . Evaluations will be summarized and included on the agenda for discussion at the Commission Meeting on _____________ . Those evaluations not received by Human Resources by the date listed above will not be considered. Mayor's Signature Date Commissioner's Signature Date Submitted Page 1 of 7 INSTRUCTIONS AGENDA ITEM# 3C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 This evaluation form contains seven categories of evaluation criteria. Each category contains a statement to describe a behavior standard in that category. For each statement, use the following scale to indicate your rating of the City Attorney's performance. 5 =Excellent (almost always exceeds the performance standard) 4 = Above average (generally exceeds the performance standard) 3 =Average (generally meets the performance standard) 2 =Below average (usually does not meet the performance standard) 1 =Poor (rarely meets the performance standard) Any item left blank will be interpreted as a score of "3 =Average" This evaluation form also contains a provision for entering narrative comments, including an opportunity to enter responses to specific questions and an opportunity to list any comments you believe appropriate and pertinent to the rating period. Please write legibly. Leave all pages of this evaluation form attached. Initial each page. Sign and date the cover page and return to the Human Resource Director by the requested date. On the date space of the cover page, enter the date the evaluation form was submitted to Human Resources. All evaluations presented prior to the deadline identified on the cover page will be summarized by the Human Resources Director into a performance evaluation to be presented by the Commission to the City Attorney as part of the agenda for the meeting indicated on the cover page. PERFORMANCE CATEGORY SCORING 1. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS __ Diligent and thorough in the discharge of duties, "self-starter" __ Exercises good judgment __ Displays enthusiasm, cooperation, and will to adapt __ Exhibits composure and attitude appropriate for the position Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 4 = __ score for this category Page 2 of 6 Initials 2. LEGAL CONSULTATION AGENDA ITEM # 3C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Provides the scope of legal expertise necessary to meet the City's needs on issues that arise __ Provides his best and honest recommendations given all existing legal issues and ramifications __ Possesses knowledge of and provides efficient and effective advice on the City's Charter and Municipal Code __ Advice provided regularly takes into account and balances the overall goals and objectives of the City __ Proactively identifies potential legal issues when he is aware of them to avoid problems from occurring __ Accurately identifies and addresses all legal issues within documents and items that he reviews Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 6 = __ score for this category 3. LEGAL REPRESENTATION __ Aggressively represents the interests of the City as directed by the Commission __ Approach to legal matters is effective in achieving the best possible legal outcomes for the City's interests given the issues that arise __ Represents the City in a professional and ethical manner __ Is impartial and objective in his duties and responsibilities __ Estimates of legal impacts are reasonably accurate on a regular basis Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category 4. STAFF WORK __ Prepares ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other legal work accurately and consistent with the direction and objectives communicated by the Commission, City Manager and/or Department Heads __ Maintains a good working relationship with members of the City's management team __ Able to maintain the Commission's and Staff's confidence while informing them of the different legal risks that proposed actions might generate __ Displays a positive attitude in carrying out his responsibilities and responding to requests Page 3 of 6 Initials AGENDA ITEM # 3C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 4 = __ score for this category 5. COST/FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTROL __ Effectively manages and controls legal costs given the issues, assignments and requests made to him __ Legal tasks are performed with appropriate authorization according to established procedures and contract requirements __ Fiscally effective approach in achieving best possible legal outcomes for the City's interests given the issues that arise __ Invoices accurately identify tasks and expenses in sufficient detail to provide accountability and cost control Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 4 = __ score for this category 6. RESPONSIVENESS/TIMELINESS OF ACTIONS __ Requested legal work and assignments are completed in a timely manner within established time frames __ Accessible when needed to respond to requests for legal information and assistance __ Timely completion of legal reviews and requests for information __ Effective follow-up to requests that are made to him __ Accurately interprets and clarifies Commission and City Manager direction Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 5 = __ score for this category 7. COMMUNICATIONS ___ Effectively communicates with Commissioners, City Manager and Department Heads __ Answers are provided in a timely and understandable manner __ Maintains confidentiality with regard to all legal matters, as appropriate Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 3 = __ score for this category Page 4 of 6 Initials NARRATIVE EVALUATION AGENDA ITEM# 3C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 What would you identify as the City Attorney's strength(s), expressed in terms of the principle results achieved during the rating period?-------------------- What performance area(s) would you identify as most critical for improvement? _____ _ What constructive suggestions or assistance can you offer the City Attorney to enhance performance? _________________________________ __ Page 5 of 6 Initials AGENDA ITEM# 3C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 What other comments do you have for the City Attorney e.g., priorities, expectations, goals or objectives for the new rating period? ---------------------- Page 6 of 6 Initials AGENDA IT EM: SUBMITTED BY : DATE: BA C KGROUND : CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT City Clerk Eva lu ation Too l !DO. Cat herine Berry, Esq., Hum an Reso urces Direc tor L~ October I 0, 201 4 AGENDA ITEM II 30 NOVEM BEit 10,2014 Whil e a performance eva lu atio n is me anrto a na lyze the City Clerk's performa nce an d wha t ha s been accompli shed dur ing a give n period of tim e, it is also a co mmuni cations tool and a learning pro cess whereby th e City Co mmiss ion an d th e Cit y C:lc r k can Jearn more e1 bo ut ea c h othe r's ex p ec tations a nd w he r e strengths a nd we<~kne sses ex is t in th e r e lat io ns hip. Annua l eva luatio ns s hould ide nlif'y any major d iffe rences i n direc ti o n, m isco mmunicatio n o r prob l em s before they become critica l to the opera ti ons of th e Ci ty of At lan t i c 13eac h. Th e attached, taken rrom th e I CM A evaluation tool deve lo ped by th e Un iver sity of Te nn essee for Ci ly Ma nagers and r ev ised to r e fl ect th e duti es a nd r espo ns ibilities or th e City Clerk, ha s 6 ca tego ri es w it hin w hi ch to eva lu ate the pe r form an ce of the Cily Cle rk. It al so gi ves th e opportunity fo l' a na r rative ev<llua tion by eac h Commissione r . BUDGE T: No impact. RE CO MM RNDAT ION : Adopt thi s evalu atio n too l to be utilized fo r an annua l evaluat ion of th e City Cler k, whi ch process wi ll be direc ted by th e May or <llld coordin a ted by th e City Mana ger eac h yea r. ATTA C HM ENTS: City Clerk Ev alu ation Too l R EVI E WE D BY C ITY MA NAGE R: ---//"' ?J.:z, .2: r ..t I City Clerk Performance Evaluation City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Evaluation period: _______ to ______ _ Commissioner's Name AGENDA ITEM# 3D NOVEMBER 10,2014 Each member of the Commission should complete this evaluation form, sign it in the space below, date and return it to Human Resources. The deadline for submitting this performance evaluation is ____________ . Evaluations will be summarized and included on the agenda for discussion at the Commission Meeting on _____________ . Those evaluations not received by Human Resources by the date listed above will not be considered. Mayor's Signature Date Commissioner's Signature Date Submitted Page 1 of7 INSTRUCTIONS AGENDA ITEM #3D NOVEMBER 10, 2014 This evaluation form contains six categories of evaluation criteria. Each category contains a statement to describe a behavior standard in that category. For each statement, use the following scale to indicate your rating of the City Clerk's performance. 5 =Excellent (almost always exceeds the performance standard) 4 =Above average (generally exceeds the performance standard) 3 = Average (generally meets the performance standard) 2 =Below average (usually does not meet the performance standard) 1 =Poor (rarely meets the performance standard) Any item left blank will be interpreted as a score of "3 =Average" This evaluation form also contains a provision for entering narrative comments, including an opportunity to enter responses to specific questions and an opportunity to list any comments you believe appropriate and pertinent to the rating period. Please write legibly. Leave all pages of this evaluation form attached. Initial each page. Sign and date the cover page and return to the Human Resource Director by the requested date. On the date space of the cover page, enter the date the evaluation form was submitted to Human Resources. All evaluations presented prior to the deadline identified on the cover page will be summarized by the Human Resources Director into a performance evaluation to be presented by the Commission to the City Clerk as part of the agenda for the meeting indicated on the cover page. PERFORMANCE CATEGORY SCORING 1. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS __ Diligent and thorough in the discharge of duties, "self-starter" __ Exercises good judgment __ Displays enthusiasm, cooperation, and will to adapt __ Exhibits composure and attitude appropriate for the position Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 4 = __ score for this category Page 2 of 5 Initials 2. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND STATUS AGENDA ITEM# 3D NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Maintains knowledge of current developments affecting the practice of the Clerk's Office __ Demonstrates a capacity for innovation and creativity __ Anticipates and analyzes problems to develop effective approaches for solving them __ Willing to try new ideas proposed by Commission members and/or staff __ Sets a professional example by handling affairs of the Clerk's office in a fair and impartial manner Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category 3. CITY CLERK FUNCTIONS __ Oversees the appropriate maintenance of all records of the City and oversees the records retention and destruction process __ Provides accurate and timely agendas and successfully manages the agenda process for the Commissioners, City Manager and Department Heads __ Attends all regular and special meetings of the Commission and successfully provides accurate official minutes of the proceedings __ Manages all public records requests __ Manages municipal elections, and exhibits knowledge of principles and practices of municipal code and pertinent election law __ Ability to meet and serve the public with tact and creditability Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 6 = __ score for this category 4. REPORTING AND RECORDS __ Provides regular information and reports to the Commission concerning matters of importance to the City, using the City Charter as a guide __ Responds in a timely manner to requests from the Commission for special reports __ Takes the initiative to provide information, advice and recommendations to the Commission on functions and issues involving the Clerk's Office __ Effectively manages records and indexing of records for public use Understands Florida Public Records and Government in the Sunshine Laws -- Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category Page 3 of 5 Initials 5. FISCAL MANAGEMENT AGENDA ITEM #3D NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Makes the best possible use of available funds, conscious of the need to operate the the Clerk's Office efficiently and effectively __ Prepares a budget and budgetary recommendations in an intelligent and accessible format __ Ensures actions and decisions reflect an appropriate level of responsibility for financial planning and accountability __ Appropriately monitors and manages fiscal activities of the Clerk's Office Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 4 = __ score for this category 6. STAFFING AND SUPERVISION __ Manages staff effectively __ Encourages teamwork, innovation and effective problem-solving among staff members __ Instills confidence and promotes initiative in subordinates through supportive controls for their programs while still monitoring operations at the staff level __ Sustains or improves staff performance by evaluating the performance of staff members at least annually, setting goals and objectives for them, periodically assessing their progress and providing appropriate feedback __ Promotes training and development opportunities for employees Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 5 = __ score for this category NARRATIVE EVALUATION What would you identify as the City Clerk's strength(s), expressed in terms of the principle results achieved during the rating period?-------------------- Page 4 of 5 Initials AGENDA ITEM# 3D NOVEMBER 10, 2014 What performance area(s) would you identify as most critical for improvement? _____ _ What constructive suggestions or assistance can you offer the City Clerk to enhance performance? _____________________________ __ What other comments do you have for the City Clerk; e.g., priorities, expectations, goals or objectives for the new rating period? ----------------------- Page 5 of 5 Initials AGENDA ITEM: SUBM IT TED BY: DATE: BACKGROUND: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACII CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT City Manager Eva lu ation Too l Catherine Berry, Esq., Human Resources Direc tor ( ~ Oc tob er 10,20 14 AGENIM ITEM 11 JE NOVEMBI.:R 10,201 4 While a performance evaluation is meant to analyze the City Manager 's performa nce and what ha s bee n accomp li shed during a given period of time, it is also a communica ti ons tool and a learning process whereby th e City Co mmi ssion nnd t he City M"nagc r C<ln l ei.l rn more about each other's expectations a nd where str eng ths a nd wcakncS!iCS ex i st in lhc rel a tion s hip. Annual eva lu ations s hould identify any major differ ences in direc ti on, misco mmunication or problems hcfo~·c th ey become c ritica l to the op e rr~tion .s oft he Cily of At lantic 13each. 'l'h c attach ed, taken from the ICMA eval uation t ool devel oped by the !Jni vcrs ity of T ennessee, is used by ma ny municipaliti es th r oughout t he cou ntry an d cvn l untcs the manage r o n : • rel ations h ip with the mayor and t he comm i ssion, • re lationship with e mp loye es, • public r elations, • intcrgovcrnm entalma n agemen l, • financialmanagemcnt, • orga ni zationa l man age m e nt, and • p ersonal chare1cteri stics. IL also g ives t h e opportunity for a narr<~tive evaluati on by eac h Co mmiss i o n er. BUDGET: No im pact. RECOMMENDATION : Adopt this eva lu a ti on too l to be util ized for an annu al eva luation oflh e 'ity Manager, whi ch pro cess will be coordi na!cd by the Director of Ilum an Resources each year. ATTACHMENTS: City Manager Eva lu ation Tool REVIEW ED BY CJTY MANAGER: -tj. f/~;/UA...I City Manager Performance Evaluation City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Evaluation period: _______ to ______ _ Commissioner's Name AGENDA ITEM# 3E NOVEMBER 10,2014 Each member of the Commission should complete this evaluation form, sign it in the space below, date and return it to Human Resources. The deadline for submitting this performance evaluation is ____________ . Evaluations will be summarized and included on the agenda for discussion at the Commission Meeting on _____________ . Those evaluations not received by Human Resources by the date listed above will not be considered. Mayor's Signature Date Commissioner's Signature Date Submitted Page 1 of 7 INSTRUCTIONS AGENDA ITEM # 3E NOVEMBER 10, 2014 This evaluation form contains ten categories of evaluation criteria. Each category contains a statement to describe a behavior standard in that category. For each statement, use the following scale to indicate your rating of the City Manager's performance. 5 =Excellent (almost always exceeds the performance standard) 4 = Above average (generally exceeds the performance standard) 3 = Average (generally meets the performance standard) 2 =Below average (usually does not meet the performance standard) 1 = Poor (rarely meets the performance standard) Any item left blank will be interpreted as a score of "3 = Average" This evaluation form also contains a provision for entering narrative comments, including an opportunity to enter responses to specific questions and an opportunity to list any comments you believe appropriate and pertinent to the rating period. Please write legibly. Leave all pages of this evaluation form attached. Initial each page. Sign and date the cover page and return to the Human Resource Director by the requested date. On the date space of the cover page, enter the date the evaluation form was submitted to Human Resources. All evaluations presented prior to the deadline identified on the cover page will be summarized by the Human Resources Director into a performance evaluation to be presented by the Commission to the city manager as part of the agenda for the meeting indicated on the cover page. PERFORMANCE CATEGORY SCORING 1. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS __ Diligent and thorough in the discharge of duties, "self-starter" __ Exercises good judgment __ Displays enthusiasm, cooperation, and will to adapt __ Mental and physical stamina appropriate for the position __ Exhibits composure, appearance and attitude appropriate for executive position Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category Page 2 of 7 Initials 2. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND STATUS AGENDA ITEM# 3E NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Maintains knowledge of current developments affecting the practice of local government management __ Demonstrates a capacity for innovation and creativity __ Anticipates and analyzes problems to develop effective approaches for solving them __ Willing to try new ideas proposed by governing body members and/or staff __ Sets a professional example by handling affairs of the public office in a fair and impartial manner Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category 3. RELATIONS WITH ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY __ Carries out directives of the Commission as a whole as opposed to those of any one member or minority group __ Sets meeting agendas that reflect the guidance of the Commission and avoids unnecessary involvement in administrative actions __ Disseminates complete and accurate information equally to all Commissioners in a timely manner __ Assists by facilitating decision making without usurping authority __ Responds well to requests, advice, and constructive criticism Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category 4. POLICY EXECUTION __ Implements Commission actions in accordance with the intent of Commission __ Supports the actions of the Commission after a decision has been reached, both inside and outside the City __ Understands, supports, and enforces local government's laws, policies, and ordinances __ Reviews ordinance and policy procedures periodically to suggest improvements to their effectiveness __ Offers workable alternatives to the Commission for changes in law or policy when an existing policy or ordinance is no longer practical Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category Page 3 of 7 Initials 5. REPORTING AGENDA ITEM# 3E NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Provides regular information and reports to the Commission concerning matters of importance to the City, using the City charter as guide __ Responds in a timely manner to requests from the Commission for special reports __ Takes the initiative to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Commission on matters that are non-routine and not administrative in nature __ Reports produced by the City Manager are accurate, comprehensive and concise __ Produces and handles reports in a way to convey the message that affairs of the City are open to public scrutiny Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category 6. CITIZEN RELATIONS __ Responsive to requests from citizens __ Demonstrates a dedication to service to the community and its citizens __ Maintains a nonpartisan approach in dealing with the news media __ Meets with and listens to members of the community to discuss their concerns and strives to understand their interests __ Gives an appropriate effort to maintain citizen satisfaction with City services Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category 7. STAFFING __ Recruits and retains competent personnel for staff positions __ Applies an appropriate level of supervision to improve any areas of substandard performance __ Stays accurately informed and appropriately concerned about employee relations __ Professionally manages the compensation and benefits plan __ Promotes training and development opportunities for employees at all levels of the organization Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category Page 4 of 7 Initials 8. SUPERVISION AGENDA ITEM# 3E NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Encourages heads of departments to make decisions within their jurisdictions with minimal City Manager involvement, yet maintains general control of operations by providing the right amount of communication to the staff __ Instills confidence and promotes initiative in subordinates through supportive rather than restrictive controls for their programs while still monitoring operations at the department level __ Develops and maintains a friendly and informal relationship with the staff and work force in general, yet maintains the professional dignity of the City Manager's office __ Sustains or improves staff performance by evaluating the performance of staff members at least annually, setting goals and objectives for them, periodically assessing their progress, and providing appropriate feedback __ Encourages teamwork, innovation, and effective problem-solving among the staff members Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 5 = __ score for this category 9. FISCAL MANAGEMENT __ Prepares a balanced budget to provide services at a level directed by the Commission __ Makes the best possible use of available funds, conscious of the need to operate the the City efficiently and effectively __ Prepares a budget and budgetary recommendations in an intelligent and accessible format __ Ensures actions and decisions reflect an appropriate level of responsibility for financial planning and accountability __ Appropriately monitors and manages fiscal activities of the City Add the values from above and enter the subtotal + 5 = __ score for this category Page 5 of 7 Initials 10. COMMUNITY __ Shares responsibility for addressing the difficult issues facing the City __ Avoids unnecessary controversy __ Cooperates with neighboring communities and the county AGENDA ITEM# 3E NOVEMBER 10, 2014 __ Helps the council address future needs and develop adequate plans to address long term trends __ Cooperates with other regional, state and federal government agencies Add the values from above and enter the subtotal __ + 5 = __ score for this category NARRATIVE EVALUATION What would you identify as the manager's strength(s), expressed in terms of the principle results achieved during the rating period?-------------------- What performance area(s) would you identify as most critical for improvement? _____ _ Page 6 of 7 Initials AGENDA ITEM # 3E NOVEMBER 10, 2014 What constructive suggestions or assistance can you offer the City Manager to enhance perrormance? __________________________________________________________ __ What other comments do you have for the City Manager; e.g., priorities, expectations, goals or objectives for the new rating period? -------------------------------------------- Page 7 of 7 Initials AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: BACKGROUND: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING REPORT Pay increase for the City Clerk Carolyn Woods, Mayor October 9, 2014 The City Clerk is "appointed" with the City Commission establishing the salary each year. AGENDA ITEM# 3F NOVEMBER 10, 2014 In past years, pay raises for the City Clerk have been consistent with those given to other non-union general employees. Based on the approval of the 2014-2015 budget proposed by the Interim City Manager, general employees will be given a 3% (of midpoint) increase effective 10/1/2014. The City Clerk position is not included in the Pay Scale, therefore, no classification, grade or pay range was determined or approved for the position. BUDGET: Sufficient funds are included within the budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a salary increase of3% for the City Clerk retroactive to 10/1/14. A GENOA ITEM # 4A NOVEM IHm 10,2014 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: List of property to be declared surplus SUBMITTED BY: Nelson VanLiere, City Manager ~ DATE: October 16, 20 14 BACKGROUND: Over time , the City accumulates various properties that lose thei r usefu lness due to deterioration or obsolescence. On ly it ems deemed truly of no use to the City arc on this Jist. T hese asse ts are either not opera ti onal, have been deemed no longer cost-effective to repair, or were received through forfeiture. Dept Description Serlai!VIN # Water 1998 Ford Pickup Truck 1 FTZX1729WNC03836 Pol ice 2001 Ford F-350 Diesel Utility Truck 1 FDWF36F21 ED44175 Finance 2004 Ford Range r 4 x 2 Compact Pick Up Truck 1FTYR10E54PA78068 Water 2005 C hevrolet Impala 2G1 WF55K759246596 Water 2006 Ford Crown Victoria 2FAFP71 W96X134975 Water Curbside Depository w/Safe Kingsley 0912 N/A Pol ice Cargo Trailer 1T9CE141XZJ546281 Police Decatur Genesis Handheld Radar 05618 Police Decatur Genesis Handheld Radar 05933 BUDGET: There is no budget for thi s action RECOMMENDATION: Declare this list of property as surplu s so that the item s on it ma y be di sposed of in the most beneficial way to the City. ATTACHMENTS: None AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION: BUDGET: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Beach Cleaning Annual Contract Renewal Bid No . 121 3-13 Ll},~? ./lL Doug~s E . Layto!l , P.E . Public Works Director October 21 , 2014 AG E NDA ITEM #4H NOVEMBER 10,2014 The City's contract for Beach Cleaning with Beachcombers North, Inc. expires on October 31, 2014. The City has the option of extending the current contract for two (2) one-year periods. Beachcombers has agreed to extend the contract for another year at the current price s. This proposed extension wou ld be the first. Extend the contract for Beach Cleaning for one year, from November 1, 2014 through October 31 , 2015 , at the current level of service of 4-5 trash pickups per week and raking on an event basis as directed . $28 ,000 budgeted in Parks Maintenance Account 001 -6020-572-3400 REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: __ ..__,._t_7_V._.~ __ /_<A_..._., _______ _ AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Extension of Utility Contractor Annual Contract Bid No. 1011-02 Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Direct® October 23, 2014 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: None AGENDA ITEM# 4C NOVEMBER 10, 2014 BACKGROUND: The City's annual contract with Gruhn May, Inc. for Utility Contractor will expire on January 10, 2015. Gruhn May has pe1formed utility contracting for the City for many years. This work requires specialized skill, experience and equipment. Gruhn May's personnel have the required background, knowledge, experience and equipment. The fees charged by Gruhn May for labor and materials have been very reasonable and competitive. Also, their knowledge of our system has allowed them to come up with cost-saving solutions to problems and to handle emergencies efficiently. The existing contract was for three years, and allows the City to renew the contract for two additional 1-year periods as long as the contractor agrees and the City is satisfied with the service. This will be the final one-year extension of the contract. The vendor has agreed to renew his contract, and staff has been pleased with the performance of this contractor. BUDGET: These services are used on an as-needed basis, and funding is included in the Water and Sewer Funds in the amount of approximately $85,000 under account numbers 400-5504-533-3400, 410-5506-535-3400, and 410-5508-535-3400. RECOMMENDATION: Extend the Utility Contractor contract for one additional year to Gruhn May, Inc. at the current contract prices, effective January 11, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of agreement to extend contract from Gruhn May, Inc. Mr. Gordon Gruhn Gruhn May , In c. RE: Extension ofBid No . 1011 -02 Dear Mr. Gruhn: AGENOA ITEM #4C NOVI~MBER 10,20 14 As you are aware, the annua l contract with the City of Atlantic Beach for A1mua l Uti lit y Co ntractor exp ires J anuary 10, 20 15. We would li ke to extend the contract for another yeat at the current pri ces, if thi s is acce pt able to your company. If acceptab le, please sign be low and return to me by October 25, 20 14 , so I can prepa re a staff report for the City Commission. We look forward to recommending that we continue our contract with your company. ~~ Donna Ka luzn iak Uti li ty Director GRUHN MAY, INC. AGREES TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AT THE PRIC ES SUBMITTED IN BID NO . 1011-02 FOR AN ADD ITIONAL YEAR EFFECTIV E JANUARY 11 ,2015 . . /11t1 Gordon Gruhn Pu blic Utilities Department 10 /;?J//f Dater 1 1200 Sandp ip er Lane Atlant ic Beach/ FL 32233 (904) 247-5834 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED B Y: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGEN DA ITEM U 7A NOVEMBE.R 10,20 14 Ordi na nce 90-14-223 to amend Section 24-84 of the City Code of Ordin ances rel a ted to Tlu·ough Lots Jeremy Hubsch "h i Building and Zoning Direc tor •·t, I DATE: October 24, 2014 STRATEG IC PLAN LINK: None BACKGROUND: On April 14,20 14, the City Co mmi ssion passed Ordinance 90-14-222 as presented by t he former Building Director. Thi s ord inance specifically re lates to th rough lots between Beach Ave nue and Ocean Boulevard. The code prior to thi s o rdinan ce had a specia l provision wh ic h stated that o n through lots between Beach and Ocean, the front yard was to be Ocean Bou levard and the rear yard Beach A venue. This meant that detached garages co uld be buil t within 5' to I 0 ' of Beach Avenu e, depen din g o n their height. The code cha nge that was impl emented in April took away the specia l provision that all owed the rear ya rd to be on Beach A ve nu e. The co de now reads th at through Jots between Beach and Ocean arc to be treated the sa me as thro ugh lo ts e lsew he re in the cit y. On through lots elsew here in the city, both s treet fac ing sid es of the property are cons id ered th e fro nt ya rd . This mea ns th at yo u cannot bui ld detached garages, poo ls, or ot her accessory s tru ctur es wi thin 20 feet of the street on ei ther stree t ·fi:ontage. The code secti on that previously allo wed spec ial consid eration for through lots between Beach and Ocea n was in p lace because of the uniqueness of Beach Ave nu e. Beach Avenue is in m any ways as much of an all eyway as it is a road. It is co nsi dered the r ea r yard for oceanfront homes, and has hi s to ri ca ll y been the rear yard for homes on through lo ts between Beach an d Ocea n . As s uch , it is lined with detached garages and ga rage apartm ents. The Com munity Development Board voted 6-0 at the Octo ber 2 1st meeting to re turn Secti o n 24- 84 co de to its prior state, a ll ow in g Beach Ave nu e to be the rear ya rd for through lots between Beach and Ocean. BUDGET: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance 90-14-223, amendm ent of Section 24-84 ATTAC I-IM ENTS: Proposed Ordinance 90-14 -233 REVIEWED BY C ITY MANAGER: __ ~_7..:.../--lt..:../.=.:~~-~J.;....:,w'=--H~:----------- ORDINANCE NO. 90-14-233 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 4, SECTION 24-84 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, TO AMEND CONDITIONS OF LOTS EXTENDING BETWEEN BEACH A VENUE AND OCEAN BOULEVARD; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AGENDA ITEM# 7 A NOVEMBER 10, 2014 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, finds that it is necessary to amend Chapter 24, Article III, Division 4, Section 24-84 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Regulation Amended. That Section 24-84 of the Code of Ordinances, specifically the Land Development Regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 24-84. Double frontage lots. (a) Double frontage lots. On double frontage lots, the required fi·ont yard shall be provided on each street, except for lots as set forth below and as set forth in section 24-88 (b) Special treatment of ocean-fi·ont Lots. For lots having frontage on the Atlantic Ocean, the front yard shall be the yard which faces the Atlantic Ocean, and the required fi·ont yard shall be measured from the lot line parallel to or nearest the ocean. (c) Special treatment of lots extending between Ocean Boulevard and Beach A venue with double frontage are required to designate either Ocean Boulevard or Beach A venue as the front yard, with the opposite yard designated as the rear yard. All yards shall comply with the applicable setback requirements of this Code. ORDINANCE NO. 90-14-233 Page 1 of2 AGENDA ITEM# 7A NOVEMBER 10, 2014 SECTION 2. Conflict. If any portion of this ordinance is in conflict with any pmiion of any other ordinance, then the provisions of this ordinance shall govern. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. PASSED by the City Commission on first reading this __ day of _____ 2014. PASSED by the City Commission on second and final reading this __ day of 2014. ----- ATTEST: DONNA L. BARTLE, City Clerk CAROLYN WOODS, Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to fonn and correctness: RICHARD KOMANDO, City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 90-14-233 Page 2 of2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT ACI~NDA ITI~M II 7B NOVEMIJER 10,2014 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance 60-14 -19 to exte nd the date for co mpli ance with sign reg ul ations to Jun e 1 , 2015 SUBMITTED BY: DATE: Je remy Hubsoh f}tl1 Building and Zo nin g Director 7 ...-H October 29, 20 14 BACI<GROUND: The City's sign code says th at a ll non-conforming s igns mu st come into co mpliance by Ja nu ary 1, 2015. Staff gave a repo rt abou t sign amo rtizatio n to the Comm ission in June 20 14 and provided an update on October 27,2014 . At the Octobe r 27,2014 Commission meet ing, it was determ ined that it would take a few mon th s to consider possible changes to the s ign code. The Co mmis sion thought it was bes t to extend the date for non -conforming sig ns to come in to compli ance from Janua ry 1, 20 15. Staff is recommending a 6-mo nth extension from January I, 2015 to .June 1, 2015. This ord in ance change wi ll go to the Co mmunity Development Board fo r a recommendation at the November 18,2014 meeting. This wi ll occur between the first and seco nd reading at the Ci ty Commission, which is prior to final approval of th e ordinance. BUDGET: No ne. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ord Lnru1c e 60-14-19 ATTACHMENTS: Ordi nance60-14-19 REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ~ {/t?..,-~ ,.;/(,./L( ORDINANCE NO. 60-14-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE IV, SECTION 17-51 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES, TO EXTEND THE DATE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SIGN REGULATIONS TO JUNE 1, 2015; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AGENDA ITEM # 7B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, finds that it is necessary to amend Chapter 17, A1iicle IV, Section 17-51 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Regulation Amended. That Section 17-51 of the Code of Ordinances, specifically the Signs and Adve1iising Structures, of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 17-51. Nonconforming Signs (5) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of paragraphs (1) through ( 4), all signs permitted within the commercial and industrial zoning districts, pursuant to section 17-6 of this chapter, shall be made to confonn with the provisions of this chapter as may be amended on or before January 1, 2015 June 1, 2015. SECTION 2. Conflict. If any portion of this ordinance is in conflict with any portion of any other ordinance, then the provisions of this ordinance shall govern. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any cou1i of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 60-14-19 Page 1 of2 AGENDA ITEM# 7B NOVEMBER 10,2014 SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. PASS ED by the City Commission on first reading this __ day of _____ 2014. PASS ED by the City Commission on second and final reading this __ day of ____ 2014. ATTEST: DONNA L. BARTLE, City Clerk CAROLYN WOODS, Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: RICHARD KOMANDO, City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 60-14-19 Page 2 of2 AGENDA ITEM : SUBMITTED BY: DATE: STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT PLAT 14 -00100039 ( 125 1 Selva Marina Circl e) Jeremy Hubsc h '2 Building and Zoning Director 1 r:J t October 24, 20 J 4 None AGENDA ITEM liSA NOVEMBER 10,20 14 BACKGROUND: The app l ica n t is requesting a pproval of a re-p lat oftheir prop erty, which is a 38,000 squ are foot parce l located at the en d of the cul-de-sac, Selva Ma ri na Cir cle and is patt of Selva Marina Un it I in th e RS -L (resident ial large lot) zo ning di strict. The minimum lot sizes in the RS-L zo ning di stri ct arc l 0,000 sq uare feet. The resulting lo t sizes after the proposed re-pl at wou ld be approx im ate ly 2 0,000 square feet and 17,000 square feet , which are significantly larger than the minimum lot size requirement. There-p la t is necessary in order to divide th e pro per1y and to move the platted building res triction lin e (b uildjng setback) further back. Sectio n 24-256 (a) states that no new lots can hav e a width of less than 75 feet at the bu il ding res tri ctio n lin e. Thi s lot is on a cul -de-sac, and ha s an in·eg ul ar shape. As H is currently p latted , the lot is 65 feet wide at th e bui ld ing restriction lin e. The app licant is proposing to move the bui ldi ng restriction line from 40 feet to 50 feet , which then creates two lots that both meet the requirement of75 lot widt hs at the building restr ic ti on line. The Comm un ity Development Board voted to recommend ap proval by a vote of 6-0 at the October 2 1st meeting. Before final approval can be gran ted by the City Co mmission, the existing st ru cture mu st be demolis hed or alte red to an ex tent that it conf01m s to all regu lations. The applicants are aware of thi s requirement and have requ ested a 120 day all owance after City Comm iss io n app rova l to perform the necessary cha nges. Once thi s co nditi on is met , th ere-plat can be recorded. BUDGET: None. R ECOMMENDATION: Approve Plat 14-00 J 00039 (1251 Selva Marina Circ le), with the co nditi on that the ex isti ng st ru ctu re on site is demol ished or alt ered wit hin 120 days of approval. ATT ACHMENTS : app li ca ti on mater ia ls. Conununi ty Deve lo pm ent Board statJ repo rt and support in g REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: 1 I, t/,....... 7 t... '\.I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM# 8B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Appointment of J. Michael Deal to the Director of Public Safety/Police Chief position. SUBMITTED BY: Nelson VanLiere, City Manager DATE: October 29, 2014 BACKGROUND: Section 2-41 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach states, in relevant part: BUDGET: The City Manager, or any other qualified person as provided herein, shall be the Director ofPublic Safety, under whose supervision there shall be a Police Department and a Fire Department. (1) In the event the City Manager desires to appoint a Director of Public Safety, the Director of Public Safety shall be appointed and removed by the City Manager, subject to the approval of the City Commission. The Director of Public Safety shall be compensated as determined by the City Manager. With the resignation of the prior Police Chief, the City Manager advertised for a Director of Public Safety/Police Chief in several relevant publications, which closed on October 22, 2014. Forty-nine applications were received and four qualified candidates were interviewed. After a second interview, reference checks and background checks were completed. The top candidate, J. Michael Deal, was offered the position at $100,621, subject to approval by the Commission. The offered amount is within the Fiscal Year 2015 approved budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the appointment of J. Michael Deal as the new Director of Public Safety/Police Chief for the City of Atlantic Beach. ATTACHMENTS: Application/Resume of J. Michael Deal October 15, 2014 J. Michael Deal 486 S. Pressview Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 msssdeal@gmail.com (321) 246-0782 Catherine Berry, Human Resource Director City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Ms. Berry: AGENDA ITEM# 8B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 I completed the on-line general application for the Atlantic Beach Director of Public Safety position. I am also submitting my Cover Letter and Resume for your review and consideration. I have over 30 years of law enforcement experience here in the State of Florida with the Altamonte Springs Police Department. I have experience in leading every area of municipal policing to include operations, community policing, criminal investigations, and management support which includes budget, training, accreditation, internal affairs, and labor relations. For the past 15 years I have served as the Deputy Chief of Police. I also served as the Interim Chief of Police for 7 months. I have a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice; a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration, and I am also a graduate of the FBI National Academy. As a leader, my ability to build positive partnerships fostering strong community support and public trust will be an asset to the City of Atlantic Beach. I have significant experience and I embrace a community-oriented and intelligence-led policing philosophy where communication and transparency are vital to survival and success in public service. J. Michael Deal 486 S. Pressview Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 c (321) 246-0782 msssdeal@gmail. com Summary AGENDA ITEM# 8B NOVEMBER 10,2014 Thirty-two (32) years of law enforcement experience with the Altamonte Springs Police Depattment. The Altamonte Springs Police Department is a state accredited agency staffed by one hundred-three (1 03) sworn officers and eighteen (18) civilian employees, with an operating budget of over ten (1 0) million dollars. The City of Altamonte Springs has 44,000 residents and a daily service population in excess of 100,000. Member of the Depatiment's Command Staff for eighteen (18) years. Proven ability to lead a highly-productive and cohesive work force, focusing on community and problem-solving policing. Committed to fair and ethical leadership with the skills needed to foster trust and respect among community leaders, residents, and employees. Education Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice, University of Central Florida 2003 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Administration, University of Central Florida 2001 FBI National Academy-1991h Session, Quantico, Virginia 1999 Chiefs Executive Seminar-Class 24, Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute 1999 Experience Deputy Chief of Police 1999 -Present Second in command of the Altamonte Springs Police Department. Assists the Chief of Police in the development and administration of all law enforcement and crime prevention/community- oriented policing programs, as well as, long-term planning and general administration of the entire department. Establish policies, procedures and programs that are compliant with CF A standards and designed to meet public and citizen needs. Operations Support Bureau 2008-2010 Responsible for the Depattment's Community Policing Section, Personnel Services, Budget, Intemal Affairs, Training, Records, Accreditation, and Emergency Management. Achieved re- accreditation, oversaw major internal investigations, improved hiring process, reduced personnel and operating costs. Establish an operational budget and oversee expenditures to ensure department stays within budget and follows proper procedures and approvals for expenditures. J. Michael Deal AGENDA ITEM# 8B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page2 Operations Bureau 2003 -2008 Responsible for overseeing the Patrol, Special Operations, and Investigations Divisions. Improved ComStat process, established crime reduction initiatives, implementation of Tasers, and developed policing plan for Uptown Altamonte (Central Business District). Investigations Bureau 2002 -2003 Responsible for the Criminal and Special Investigations Divisions, which includes all criminal investigations, as well as, vice and narcotic investigations, crime scene, property & evidence, and crime analysis. Improved the clearance rate of assigned cases and accountability in the Property & Evidence Facility. Special Operations Bureau 1999 -2002 Responsible for overseeing the Traffic Division, Street Crimes Unit, K-9, Marine Patrol, and Special Events. In charge of police operations at all special events to include large scale events such as the Annual Red, Hot & Boom event that draws in excess of 100,000 people. Conducting site security assessments to identify threats, vulnerabilities and protective countermeasures to make our sites more secure. Commander -Investigations Bureau Lieutenant-Criminal Investigations Sergeant -Patrol and Ready Response Patrol Officer -Patrol and Traffic Divisions Key Accomplishments 1995-1999 1993-1995 1987-1993 1981-1987 • Led the agency's efforts to obtain its 5th Reaccreditation from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. The Altamonte Springs Police Department is the first municipal police department in Seminole County and one of just a few law enforcement agencies in the State of Florida to be recognized as an Excelsior Agency. (2013) • Served as the Deputy Chief and/or Incident Commander in charge of all police operations at the City's annual 3rd of July event at Cranes Roost Park. An estimated 100,000 to 150,000 people attend this annual event. (2003 -2013) Oversaw the implementation of significant security changes due to the Boston Marathon Incident. (2013) • Served as Interim Chief of Police for the City of Altamonte Springs from November 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012. Was not selected as the permanent Chief of Police due to being in the DROP and impending retirement. • An independent survey conducted by Kerr & Downs Research for the City of Altamonte Springs showed 96% of the respondents feel safe in their homes and 97% feel safe while shopping in the City of Altamonte Springs. (2012) • Re-structured the department from five (5) divisions to four ( 4) in an effort to stream-line operations and improve internal communication. (2012) J. Michael Deal AGENDA ITEM# SB NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page 3 • Developed a Public Information Officer (PIO) position to market the Police Department to improve community outreach and information through the media as well social networking sites. (2012) • Created the slogan "Honor the Badge" for department personnel. This was done to encourage every member of this organization to recognize the badge as a reflection of public trust; and to honor the badge by serving our community with the highest level of professionalism, respect, integrity, dedication, and excellence. (2012) • Established a Victim's Assistance Program to be coordinated by the Coutt Liaison. The purpose of this program is to follow up with crime victims after their case is investigated and to give them a point of contact to assist them with questions regarding the criminal justice process and what to expect as their case progresses through the system. (2011) • Instrumental in the Police Department's effmts to reduce costs and operate more efficiently. As a result of this effort, a plan was developed and approved which reduced costs in personnel, operating and capital expenditures exceeding $800,000.00 over a three (3) year period. (2008) • Initiated a department-wide response to reduce crime in the Northlake area. As a result, the total number of reported crimes in the Northlake area decreased from 150 to 84, a reduction of 65%. Major crimes such as robbery, burglary, and auto theft decreased from 43 to 29. (2006) • Initiated strategies to reduce crime and calls for service at the Remington Inn & Suites. Calls for service at this hotel were three times higher than the next highest hotel in our City. A comprehensive list of strategies and recommendations were developed, and monthly meetings were held with the owner to monitor and evaluate the strategy. A 73% reduction in crime and 30% reduction in calls for service at this location were documented six months after implementation of strategies. (2006) • Instrumental in the development of our Policing Plan for the Uptown Altamonte area. The Plan addressed patrol, traffic, and event staffing needs for the 25-acre mixed-use development showcasing Cranes Roost Park and more than 40 annual events. (2005) • Enhanced the Depmtment' s ComStat process to address crime, repeat calls for service, and quality of life issues. Current crime analysis and intelligence information was enhanced to include the latest crime reporting and mapping software. Officer responsibility and ownership of specific areas of concern and problem solving increased. Managerial participation and accountability was brought to a higher level in all areas of the department. (2003) • Improved the productivity of the Criminal Investigations Section by changing how cases are assigned. Clearance rates for part-one crimes improved from 13% in 2001 to 29% in 2003. The clearance rate has continued to rise to 37% in 2006 and 41% in 2008. (2003) • Trained and accomplished Forensic Artist. Completed hundreds of composite drawings with many leading to the identification and arrest of violent perpetrators. Successfully completed facial reconstructions of unidentified skulls in an effort to identify the identity of the deceased. (198 5 - present) J. Michael Deal Professional Associations and Committees Past President of the Central Florida Criminal Justice Association Member of the Florida Police Chiefs Association Member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Member ofUCF Public Administration Advisory Board Member of the FBI National Academy Associates Member of the Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Associates Member of the International Association for Identification (lA I) Past Chairperson of the IAI Forensic Art Subcommittee AGENDA ITEM # 8B NOVEMBER 10,2014 Page4 Member of the City's Information Technology Governance Coriunittee (ITGC) Member of the Seminole County Youth Commission Salary History Deputy Chief ofPolice $80,000-$110,000 J. Michael Deal References Danny Banks Special Agent in Charge FDLE-Orlando Regional Operations Center (407) 540-3804 Sheriff Donald F. Eslinger Seminole County Sheriff's Office (407) 665-6635 Chief Deputy Steve Harriett Seminole County Sheriff's Office Office ( 407) 665-6699 Cell ( 407) 468-1772 William A. Liquori Chief of Police (Retired) (407) 256-3673 Franklin W. Martz, II City Manager City of Altamonte Springs, Florida (407) 571-8031 Chief Michael J. McCoy Altamonte Springs Police Department Office ( 407) 571-8191 Cell ( 407) 466-5636 Chief Robert C. Merchant, Jr. Canton Police Department (321) 246-0778 Chief Paul Rooney (Retired) Orlando Police Department (321) 246-2401 ChiefKeith Touchberry Fellsmere Police Department Cell (772) 913-1979 AGENDA ITEM # SB NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page 5 J. Michael Deal Leadership Training FPCA-Advanced Future Law Enforcement Executive Training FBI National Academy Session 199 Chiefs Executive Seminar Class 24 Managing the Accreditation Process Internal Affairs Innovation in Government Criminal Justice Executive Institute Conference Seven Habits for Highly Effective Law Enforcement Racial Profiling: Issues and Dilemmas Bomb Squad Executive Management Global Partnerships and Problem Solving Criminal Justice Leadership Summit High Impact Leadership for Progressive Law Enforcement Survival Techniques for the Chief Executive Integrity Leadership Seminar Leadership Liability in Law Enforcement Advance to the Top Managing Criminal Investigations and Investigators Principles of Police Management Management of the FTO Program Line Supervision Emergency Management I ICS Training EOC Management and Operations Advanced Incident Command Systems Incident Command for Expanding Incidents Incident Command for Single Resources National Response Plan Introduction to Mitigation Emergency Program Manager Other Training LEEP Terrorism Symposium Scientific Study of Death Homicide Investigation White Collar Crime Investigation Instructor Techniques Criminal Drug Patrol Enforcement High Risk Search Warrants Police Stakeout and Surveillance Techniques Hostage Negotiation & Recovery Traffic Homicide Investigation Law Enforcement Facial Sculpture Workshop Forensic Art and Facial Reconstruction Training AGENDA ITEM# 8B NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Page 6