Police Employees Pension Special Board Minutes 10-16-14 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND SPECIAL - POLICE EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD MEETING MEETING MINUTES October 16,2014 1. The City of Atlantic Beach Police Employees' Pension Board meeting was called to order at 11:05 A.M. The members in attendance were trustees: Vic Gualillo, John Wolfel, and Bill Tomson. Pension Plan Administrator Nelson Van Liere, and Investment Advisor Michael O'Shields, also attended. 2. Courtesy of the floor to visitors. No visitors spoke. 3. Michael O'Shields discussed market activity from and investment performance as of 10/16/14 including year to date information. a. Discussion began with John Wolfel asking for a revision in the Portfolio Review package provided at every meeting. On the Asset Allocation Detail sections he would like to remove the heading "City of Atlantic Beach" located above each account name as it distracts from the name of the manager. Also the screen shot black graph is too dark and the legend is too small. Michael will change the background of the graph to white so it is easier to read and he will add a text box legend that will also be presented better. b. Michael presented the attached Change in Allocation (attached) and discussed the activity of the first fifteen days of October 2014 and detailed where the market stands. Both Boards accepted this restructuring of allocations and decided to implement a collar investment strategy with specific trigger points for re-allocating pension assets. Motion to approve was made by Vic Gualillo and seconded by Bill Tomson. The vote to approve was unanimous. The details of the strategy are: 1. Specifically, should the S&P 500 decline to 1,790 (the current potential downside target),that will trigger a 5.0% investment of total plan assets into the Large Cap Growth portfolio and a 5% investment of total plan assets into the Large Cap Value portfolio. Also, the corporate bond portfolio will be reduced to 5.0% from 15% of total plan assets. 2. The other side of the collar is based on the S&P 500 returning to its 200 day moving average at 1,905. If that were to occur, that will trigger a 5.0% investment of total plan assets into the Large Cap Growth portfolio and a 5% investment of total plan assets into the Large Cap Value portfolio. Also, the corporate bond portfolio will be reduced to 5.0% from 15% of total plan assets. 4. Adjournment—John Wolfel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 PM. act—er:fee Vic Gualillo David Cameron Chair Secretary 1