369 Aquatic Dr 2014 wind CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD X ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 WINDOW AND/OR DOOR PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 14-WIND-428 Job Type: WINDOW AND/OR DOOR Description: REPLACE EXTERIOR DOOR Estimated Value: $445.00 Issue Date: 11/13/2014 Expiration Date: 5/12/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 369 AQUATIC DR RE Number: 171818-5268 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: TUNG, DORIS L Address: 1675 TUTBURY CT GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: BUTTERFIELD REMODELING LLC IDING ONLY Address: 4220 PLANTATION OAKS BLVD APT 1516 S Phone: - - PERMIT INFORMATION: FEES: BUILDING PERMIT FEE $55.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE $2.00 PLAN CHECK FEES $27.50 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE $2.00 Total Payments: $86.50 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Office (904) 247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 42 Job Address: 369 AQUATIC DR. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL. 32233 Permit Number: 4VIA6—Al-7 Legal Description 38-71 38-2S-29E AQUATIC GARDENS LOT 21-B Parcel # 1718185268 -Floor Area or SqTt. S-0q-.Ft-- Valuation of Work S 445.00 Proposed Work heated/cooled 1328 non_heated/cooled 1360 Class of Work(circle one): New Addition Alteration le!Oi Move Demolition pool/spa wmidow/door -1-W,��­­—-, Use of existing/proposed Sir e One)-. Commercial esidentia �Vw­­NWWAMP-­­­ . .. 4 �es DN o N/A �a ffli ��slk&ir stem installed9 (Circle one): If an existing structure.,i re sprin Florida Product Approva 4 152 5.13 orm. For multiple products us va FILE COPY kz� is ZZU—c Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: REPLACE EXTERIOR DOOR Property Owner Information: Name: DORIS TUNG —Address: 369 AQUATIC DR. City ATLANTIC BEACH State FL Zip 32233 Phone 904- 5-2448 E-Mail or Fax#(Optional)— Contractor Information: Company Name: BUTTERFIELD REMODELING, LLC. _Qualifying Agent: CLINT BUTTERFIELD State F1 Zip 32065 Address:-4220 PLANTATION DAKS BLVD.#1516. City nRANGE PARK Fax-# Office Phone 904-313-8409 Job Site/Contact Number 904-333-8409 State Certification/Registration Architect Name&Phone:4 Engineer's Name&Phone 9 Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Address Bonding Company Name and Address Mortgage Lender Name and Address p : 3 e Z� ain pe do ork a d inst,,C211� 'nd or installation has commencedprior to the A io7i here b It thisjurisdiction- This permit becomes null fo i fsixp6)months at any time after k a erodo !�' Wells Pools, urnaces,Boilers,Heaters, 0 r-itto �th� r P" f to d nd i, , ,i , " P' 0 _p t '. 'rk Vfl b' h thin, (6 ow 0 i d�o,Ele f O'k is 7 T d ",menc t, at ep" pe"ts �k is ed.Ot ,de s th ate b Tanks and Air ConMoners,eta WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESU-LT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING9 CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. vj­0 aw'z,0411 ordinances governing,this -het�rue,andnoyyecf. Allprovi fl - lhere cert6 that lhave,-ead and examined±s0ep,24cafion the same fq not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the C , 117work will be complied with whether spec' ed herein or not. The granting of a permit does provi.si.ons ofany otherfederal,state, or local law�egulating construction or the pe�foi mance ofconstruction. Signature of Contract lh� Signature of Owner 01-1 Print Name DORIS TUNG Print Name CLINT BUTTERFIEL.D ....................................................... .....................................-............ .......... .................... ............. .............. Swom to and subs ibedo before me Swom to and subsc beforee e f .20 ads� av of 20 Ill., this D f %%0 eAS/k/ !--o 0 00 / "t-,, c 0 Rii itairy 0Wrc Notary PTuTfif—C , Z T ". �; oes d 01.26.10 =LU POO- �5,3643 C )L JEAN HUGHES AR( EE 04OWS �3 M`14 - 4 resD000Ttv 3,204 Pva�;.-*o ...*** v Ott] OF 11111F-PAVITMONT OF w�Wsiness & Professional Regulation ida Depamentcf BCIS Home ' Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search isines Product Approval o fe s s i tn�-�` (kUSER: Public User �gulation Pro uct Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detall FILE COPY t FL15255 x TICE OF THE FL# New �CRETARY Application Type Code Version 2010 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Trinity Glass International Address/Phone/Email 4621 192nd Street East Tacoma, WA 98446 (253) 875-7300 rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ,' Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2015 Validated By Ryan 1. King, P.E. I Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL15255 RO Col Certificate of Independence.t)d Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1929 1996 ASTM D2843 1999 ASTM D635 2003 ASTM G155 2004 TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL15255 RO Equiv of 5tandards.pdf city of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER To be as by the Building Department.) Buil 800 Seminole Road ding DepartrneL-5' Atlantic Beach, Florida 322:33-5445 Phone(904)247-5826 - Fax(904)247-5845 Date routed: -site� http://"Iw..-�,:)ab.us City web C APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRA "'ANG FORM Property Address: D rkaent review required Ye!%,-- No —P Building qk anning &Zoning Applicant: Tree Administrator A Public Works Project: Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Ser es Review fee $ Dept Signature '%.'�PONTRACTOR EMAIL ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTACT # APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: [�<pproved. E]Denied.. (Circle one.) Comments: PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: /21 — Date-.//-6—// TREE ADMIN. Second Review: MApproved as revised. E]Den6ie PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Reviewe� DApproved as revised. F]DeniE)(-:. Comments: Reviewed by:_ Date: REVISED 09252014