Agenda Item 8A - Beaches Town Center SignageAGENDA T1'EM: SUBM ITTED BY: C J.TV OF ATLANTIC BEACH C ITY COMM ISS ION MEETING STAFF R EPORT 8 eac he s Town Center W~ty finding Si gn agc Jeremy llubsch Build ing and Zoning Direc tor DATE: December 19,20 14 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: No ne AGENDA IT EM liSA FEBRUARY 9, 201 5 BACKGROUND: Th e Beaches Town Center Agency is seek in g to add way fin.clin g signage t hro ughout th e Tow n Center. This is an e ffo rt to h elp visitors to th e To wn Ce nt er locate bus in esses. T he proposed sig na gc has a ma p of the Town Cen ter a nd dir ecto ry of bu s in esses, similar to what yo u would sec at a ma ll. Th ey arc pro pos in g six sig ns thr oug ho ut the Town Cente r, with two located within At lantic Beac h's bo und ari es. The oth e r fo ur s igns have been appro ved by th e C ity ofNeptune Beac h Comm iss ion . Sec ti on 17.42 ( 14) of the sign code says that pr ivate s igns on Atlanti c Beac h prop ert y mu st be appro ve d by th e Ci ty Co mmi ssion. The tw o proposed signs arc w ith in th e right- o f way at Atlant ic and Ocean Bouleva rd 's and at At la nti c Bou leva rd in front of Poe 's Tave rn (Sec Exhib it 1 for sign loca tion s and rend erin gs). T he Atlantic Beac h Polic e De partment reviewed the propo sed signage locations to dete rmin e if there are any pub lic sa fet y o r lin e-of-s ight iss ues . Oniccr Jam iso n vis it ed th e propose d locations and has concerns abou t !he place me nt of the sign at the co rn er of Atlantic and Ocean (see ex hi bit 2 for detail ed rep ort). Cit y sta fie rs a re goi ng to mcc l with the applica nt s prior to th e Jan uary 12111 mee tin g in ord er to tind a more s uitabl e loca tion for the sign at At lanti c and Ocean. DlfDGET: No ne. RECOMMENDATrON: Approve signs, co ntingent up on ABPD a nd s ta rr findin g a more sui ta bl e l ocat io n for si gn at co rn e r or Atlantic and Ocean . AITACHM~NTS: Sign Plans n·om llarbingc r Signs, and Pu b lic Sa fety Memo fro m Atlantic Be ach Police Depa r tmen t. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: '--It'-?,' v ~ ci?cLA , 1/4"PAMEOALUM.-------, SACKER PANEL DIGITALLY PRINTED HEADER 1" DIA. SECURITY ----+f-o'--- STANDOFF _, ....... 3/16" TH ICK PO\.YCARBONATE W/ ! •: ,-l~ GRAPHI C SECOND SURF~lCE -++-~,.--: .'-~ 1 ;;: t~~~_. ·=·· ~y-o---..... ..,..,_ ---··-'OW: ...... --• .~~--.. "-:'>,-. 0 _,._, ......... -·-·-... 0 1·x~· PAINTED ------.1-r=========r========~ ALUM. RECT. TUBE ROUTEOALUMDETAa.-----+~-----J 314" •1"·0" ~-ISSiltl{tl.O IJI)()1 SutiOI'I Patl\ Crl\,,. Sti;U\ S!t. A.CO Jo.ctu04Wtilt. nor t::, !olll4 6TCIOO·Rl 4"1'0ST H H ----PAINTED 114" ALUM. PANEL H --lV16" THICK POLYCARSONATE WI GRAPHIC SECOND SURFACE SUNK SCREWS IH-------1· DIA. SECURITY STANDOFF l~:l!-----1·x~· ALUM. Re.CT. TUBE ....... UFACTI.R & OEI.MR FOUR 1-<1 CIJ5TQM S/F NON-LLUUIIIATEO INFOAWJlOH IOOSI<S. 1"X4" ALI.N. llJB£ FOOTERMCloiSER TO BE WEUlEDTO 2"XA'"X1U• AL\.N. POSTS.. <4'"'X6"X1/4'AI.UM. P0&.E Sl.££VES WI 1/T .AtJJtL OECORAllVE FlAIIGiE. & 1"X1" Al.l.lN. 1\JI!EALLPAIHT'ED USING SPAAYLATW! LOW G<.OSS CLEAR COAT. SIGN MAP CRAPt-fCS lOBE DIGtTALLYPRSNT'EO 3M 7725-11 4 CLEAR VINYl BACKED WI lM m~o WHITE APPLIED SECXlHD S\JIIFACC TO 3116" POI.YCAASONATE. OIW'HIC .r.TTACHEO TO TWO COLOR IIOINTED 114" TltiCI< r4lltlutt &. 1ns:t!1: lr.lorm•tlone: Slqn, AL\Jf.l. 8.\CI<iFl PANEL W/114" DEEP IIAAREL & S/15" DEEP SECURITY STAND 0" c.r.P FRONT & BACK. "WJWE' DETAIL ROUTED INTO 114" ALUM. 8.\CI<iFl PANEL & PAIHTEO USING sPAAYLAT WI LOW G<.OSS Cl£AA c;o.r.T. BEACHES TQ1NN CENTER'LOGOTOB:EOfCilT.Al..LYPRtN"l£0 ON W110Co-10WJ3N 1520 LAM'lN:ATEAPP\JEDFIRST S\JRFACE. HaTE; AR1' 01'1< SU&JEcr \0::;.. "*"..iE U"O.. 8'--o.a.o E~J;> N:VIE NQtt, .r.LL ca.o~AAE TBO MOTa! fOOllr-.~ st%E & OEPTIITiiO. cusu•r·uor 4JF'O'iZ:I diU" P~t:2 ~: ,,c'.l, .. ,..,. fcP~~f.\&ii,.~YA'M1~ftlt4E~I'PC:""!r.T'Yr6'H;,ttllrt:vi&:OkR,..-:Till:@<qW\J!Rt":"L"t¥rcr--.,.JIC'r.fiClmi[JSWJI'Tf[lr~!:!fM~ ><: :;lf:*('i ~ :~Pio;YJ ... ~ l!V4C4...,~1 "IIUl oa Cltrtr> .a...t. ~ c~t: ._, A£0-#tl«11ll"'.Tiof~NQAICI~ -,.t2;):1fiC~QOii."l'l«;t:!CJ~ AGENDA ITEM# 8A FEBRUARY 9, 20 15 ~I 3116" THICK POLYCAR60NATE WI Z.()'OAL 1'..S"CA61NET 1'-8" POLYCARSONAT'E GRAPH IC SECOND SURFACE -+--c£3--•; 114' PAINTED AI.UM. ----+- BACKER PANEL ROUTEOAI.UMOETAII.------+~----~ 2'X4' PAINTED ALUM. TUBE 4"POST H .-----------1"X1 ' ALUM. BAR IH----PAINTED 1/4" ALUM. PANEL ti-t------COUNTER SUNK SCREWS ..... --3/II;"THIC;K POLYCARBONATE WI GRAPHIC SECOND SURFACE 1..1!!:1--------t' OIA. SECURITY STANDOFF L.j--------·1'~:4'ALUM. RECT. TUBC MANUFACTURE & DELIVER TWO (2) CUSTOM OJF N~Ll\JMI NATEO 1NFORMAl10N KIOSKS. 1"X4" ALUN. TUBE FOOTER MEMBER TO 8E WELDED TO 2"X&"X114" ALUM. POSTS, 4"X6"X11.4"ALUM. POlE SlEEVES W / t/2' AlU"'-DECORATIVE FLANGE. & I "XI ' ALU"'-TUBE AU. PAIN'TEO USING SPRAYLAT W/ LOW GLOSS CLEAR COAT. SIGN NAP GRAPHICS TO 8E DIGIT AU. Y PRINTED 3M 772So114 CLEAR VINYL SACKED W/3M 772S.10 WHITE APPUEO SECOHD SURFACC TO 3116" POL YCAABONATE. GRAPHIC ATTACHED TO TWO COl. OR PAIN'TED 1/4' T>11CK AI.U"'-BACKER PANEL W/1(.1.' DEEP BARREL & 5116' DEEP SECURITY STANO OFF CAP FRONT & BACK. 'WAI/f? DETAIL ROUTED IN'TO II<' AI.U'.I. BACKER PANEL & PAINTED USING SPAAYLAT IY/ LOW Gt.OSS CLEAR COAT. BEACHES TOWN CE~· LOGO TO BE OIGlTAl.LY PRINTED ON 3M 180-C.10 W/ 3N 8520 LANlNATE APPU£0 FlFtST SURFACE. HOT£; ARTWORK SUBJECt TO CHAHGfo UFON E,..G!>-IEER REVJEW. NOTE! ALL COlORs 4.RE TBO. HOlE! FDOnHG Z~E & DEPTH ibO. 3 I-~Fr~oo~t~~~~$~d~e~B~·~~~M~-~~~~~~w~~="~·~~~S~n~~~·~F~·~~~~~~ovrn~~~~~omo~~~~S~··~~~~·~S~l•~"~C~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3/4' = 1'·0'' RtM.W:SMI<.Z.O 13901 SuUO"' P1:'M Of.w Se\IU'\. 'St& -4CO J..lclo.Sol'lv!l '· Fttll<!o )2Z2• SlQO:J ·R3 f'.JbrltoJtt &.lnsto!~ 1r.1orm"la:1tl Sl<;r.s o.zo 12 · OP.IG11i~ COIICEPT 9,1C: 12. ~£1/ts£0 • CH o~c-.w • R) • q\} cllfnqo • \b ~.3 C1.!Stom~: ~pi'C'II\ t111tr --\'ifll (~ \C!:..:. "1111.!1'~ f\t':~e.t-anlt4t .. .ot.Er'P'I'C""..t~lll~TI!.'O-'";.(OI'IC'irlDf~VII-l~rut~!oiG'tl0~'1~(tlir•$~~J.~/011J,I,¥1bilot;f)lr..C!('Sirol'(n1l4:)(11.[~~HIIl~A1.'li)NJ,'f"7'&tiJAl)~0•ftY .. ,Cr[lr.U«t(I'I'IIWJTI<\.'1Ttif('fi~?'.Mt!Tt~m:'lol~~~!):.?f+''lt6o~~ T11CS!crti "'' rrom ~tl.l'lt$Ul'Jt:<<;;~n lo rcrr o;, t'(<tto ~ Allf'UC&St coou 011 Rtl)~n ($Ttl( rlt.C·.-Jn.\IC JR 1Wt.~:t.::Jf'!C,I()jj1Jl"f«Jo:J1~ AGENDA ITEM# 8A FEBRUARY 9, 2015 To: Lt. Cameron Cc: Cmdr. Gualillo From: Ptlm. C.S. Jamison Date: 10/31/2014 Re: Town Center Directory Sign Review AGENDA ITEM# 8A FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Atlantic Beach Police Department Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5859 Fax: (904) 247-5899 http://www.coab.us On 10/21/14, you directed me to review and evaluate proposed directory sign design and location installation plans for the Town Center area in Atlantic Beach. Only two of six proposed signs are in Atlantic Beach. I reviewed those locations only. I have reviewed the plans and the area and believe one sign should create no issues to public safety while one sign does leave some concerns in my opinion. I should note the plans submitted to the Police Department on the sign installation locations were not precise for one of the signs I was asked to review. My review is included below. The first location I will address is the sign location for the 300 block of Atlantic Blvd. The specific location for this sign is identified near the crosswalk which runs across Atlantic Blvd in front of Poe's Tavern (363 Atlantic Blvd) to the 7-11 Store in Neptune Beach (301 Atlantic Blvd). As the roadway location does not involve an intersection and is a mid-block crosswalk location only, I do not have any concerns for line-of-sight conflicts for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Reviewing the location, if the sign stipulated in the plans is placed adjacent to the easUwest sidewalk near currently installed benches and a large turtle statute, I do not feel the sign will create any public safety conflicts or hazards. The sign should not be located any further south towards Atlantic Blvd away from the edge of the easUwest sidewalk as that would create a concern for line-of-sight at the mid-block crosswalk. The second location is proposed for Atlantic Blvd and Ocean Blvd (northwest corner of intersection). This location is a four-way intersection that is signal-controlled both for vehicles and pedestrians. The proposed location for the sign is in a planting area where the easUwest sidewalk of Atlantic Blvd and the north/south sidewalk of Ocean Blvd meet. I do have some concerns with the specific proposed location of the sign but not the general area. Reviewing the design schematics for the sign, it is showed to be approximately 6 feet 8 inches tall from ground level to the top of the sign. The sign display area itself composes approximately 3 feet 7 inches of that space. The only gap is between the ground and the bottom of the sign, which is just over 3 feet. The main concern I have with this is that this planter contains bushes that are approximately one to two feet tall. While the sign is approximately 10 to 11 feet from the roadway • Page 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8A FEBRUARY 9, 2015 edge, I have a concern that it could block the view of som eone o n the sidewalk f rom a ve hi cle or vice versa . Existi ng palm trees in the sam e planter add add ition a l visual barriers to the crosswa lk a pproach. This sign would c rea te an a dditio n al obstru c ti on making it hard er to see th e c rosswalk a r ea. I do think th is could be re med ied fa irly s imply by moving the sign's proposed location n orth on Ocean Blvd 10-15 feet. This is s till w ith in the same plan ter but not so close to the intersection th at it ca u ses a visibil ity concern . Another s uggestion would be to m odify th e sign design t o be s horter, preferably less than 4 feet tall. If it was red esign ed into possibly a shorter, a ngled display, thi s would e li minate the visibility concerns I have. I included an image example of th e sig n design below. In no case should a s ign be moved c loser to th e roadway edg es o f Ocean Blvd or Atlantic Blvd. This concludes my review. Please let me know if you have a ny q uestio ns o r concern s Figure 1 -Example of Shorter, Angled Sign \:U \ uJ · oc r- ef)\ ~\ u.l ~I --I I w z :L------ 1 1H\ RD SfREET ( A1 A) AGENDA I FER R UAR~EM II BA 9,20 15 t w c..> z 0 c..> C/) z Ow 1-:~ <.C cJ' ()CI> oo ..JZ ~ § ~ i5