1021 ATLANTIC #997 SIGN 2015 Verify 1.Ve s .ft. flush raceway, or in of r r I 19.6 s 20.6 s Y� q ) � Y pin) (solid area o letters) SIGN MAR D I N T LLE »>::»::;::>::>::»;::>::»>::>:::>:»::>:::«::::::<;:;::>::>::>::;;:>:<:::>:::;<::>:;_::>;::;:>::>::::::«:......:.....:::::<::>::;:«::<:::::::;:....:....>::>::>::::>::>:>::::>::>::::>:<:»»>::>:_<:<:> >::::>::::>::::>::::><::::> K ISUSWAY P Raceway Raceway 2.Select fastener for wall structure. ,. ' * 163 SW Midtown PI Ste 103 INSTRUCTIONScom . ' I'1 '� 1 X1:eil 3 C . :... .:> . :(Letters) .:(L2ttersj 3. Evenly space fasteners over whole sign area. Lake Cit Florida 32025 s�:::>::>:;:>::>::;;;::>::::>::i::>::>»::»:::<:>::>::>::>::>::»::;:::is5:::::%z:>;::»::>::>::>::>::>z:::>::i::>::>::>::»::;::>::>::i;::>::>::>:s;::;;;;::;:<:ii ii:;:;?i:::?Siii:::::::Sr;:>::>:::<:>::>::>::>::>;::>:......... :.. 386-754-541 i 9 USE MORE FASTENERS IF THE SIGN NEEDS I ONLYATTACH TO STRUCTURAL WALL MATERIAL UN T. O Sha e and strep th f i n ' os � ) P 9 9 .......%.................................... ................ may require more fasteners.Example:"I"may need 2 fasteners,"J"-3,"H"-4,"W"-5;and 1/8"thick plastic may need more fasteners to avoidef 2009 IBC,ASCE7-10 FLPE53915 bo centroid line BUILDING CODE FLORIDARID bending.Follow sign manufacturer's instructions ode requirements for placement of fasteners A les u I g and c q p t least put in each corner top and of sign or increase fasteners by(offset d 3')/6".Fol ow fastener manufacturer's are sninstru�ons and code requirements emen slfo Place installation.n ::-ll::<: Risk Cate ° I*i ����� .w CALCULATION: Minimum Number of Fasteners lif Nlv,Essenaaa em rgenc f c itcalubstantial hazard to human gofy r o li II, EVe ed Over Whole Basic Wind Speed, UltimateYmph,from ASCE7-10, Fig26.5-1A, :° 3315 my Spaced Sign Risk 11;or Fig.26.5-1B, Risk III&IV 13U Wind Speed Fasteners=Wind Force on Whole Sign Area/Fastener Allowable Tension) yr ° Wind Exposure C, No unobstructed area within 1200ft;Wind .r. Minimum Fasteners for Whole Sign C Exposure Exposure D,Unobstructed area upwind '° Fastener Wall Structure Pull Fastener Installation TE F Use More if Sicin N-eed_s-It)— Sign Height Above g Height . AlGround,ft, H;Sign cannot be higher than top 1O °°, t 3b,::i Sign 4 4 3/8 or 1/2 ThruBolt Structural Wall 500 3/8"or 1/2"bolt,nut,washer thru wall;CMU,brick,concrete,2x4 backer g of wall or 60'. For multiple signs use worst case. +��, Fi l}j ��`O .° 10 11 3/8 or 1/2 ThruBolt Wood Sheathing 100 3/8"Or 1/2"bolt,nut,and washer thru 1/2"OSB or plywood sheathing See Gross Sign Area,sq.ft.,means the overall area surrounding and � 5 6 3/8"Lag Shield Concrete 200 3/8-16 screw in 5/8"hole,tap anchor flush. Table Sign Area including all sign letters and logos. NA 10 11 3/8"Lag Shield CMU 100 3/8-16 screw in 5/8"hole,tap anchor flush. WIND LOAD CALC: ASCE 7-10,Section 29.4.2, "Solid Attached Signs" 2/6/2015 6 6 1/4"Tapcon Concrete 171 1/4"Tapcon,min 1.5"embedment, protect from moisture. C&C wind pressure on solid sign attached flat against wall or parallel to wall,<T from This seal for structural engineering per 23 24 1/4"Tapcon CMU 43 1/4"Tapcon,min 1.25"embedment, protect from moisture. surface and>3'from edge,equals wall wind pressure from ASCE7-10,Section 30.4. scope of work(No.of fasteners) 12 13 #12 Metal Screw 20ga CFS Frame 83 #12-14 Self-drilling screws 3 threads thru 20ga steel frame. See Table Wind Force on Sign;F=Pasd*Net Sign Area SCOPE OF WORK 13 14 #12 Wood Screw 5/8"Sheathing 77 #12-14 wood screw or SMS into 5/8"OSB or plywood sheathing. -31 psf Wind Pressure;Pasd=Qhasd*Gcp,ASD,C&C,ASCE7-10,Eg30.4-1 Engineering on this sheet is calculation of 6 7 Timber Screw Wood Framing 170 1 FastenMaster TimberLOK, 1/4"thread wood screw 1.25"in wood 22 psf Velocity Pressure;Qhasd=.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*Vasd^2,ASCE7-10,Eq.30.3-1 minimum total number of fasteners required to 19 20 1/4"Toggle Bolt CMU or Densglas 53 IToggle Bolt, Powers spring-wing, in CMU,OSB,or 5/8"DensGlass. 101 mph Wind Speed;Vasd=sgrt(Vult^2*.6),for allowable stress design resist stated wind loads. 4 4 1/2"Sleeve Anchor Concrete or CMU 380 1/2"HILTI HLC-H or HLC-HX304SS3/8 Sleeve Anchor, 1.5"embed 0.98 Veloc Pres Expos Coeff;Kz=2.01*(H/900)^(2/9.5)ExpC,(700&11.5),T30.3-1 This seal is not for architectural,electrical,or 4 4 1/2"Liberty Toggle Hollow CMU 360 DFS Liberty Anchor, 1/2"steel rod, 1/2"retaining rod,thru wall. -1.4 External Pressure Coeff;GCp=-1.8,Zone 5,1ft2 area,ASCE7-10,Fig30.4-1 structure of sign and wall. Information on 20 21 3/8"Stud Glued Solid Wall Mat'] 50 3/8"the rod stud glued in solid wall mat'I,Liquid Nails LN-950,Hilti DY-70,or equal. 0.851 Wind Direction Factor;Kd=.85 for attached signs,ASCE7-10,Table26.6-1 drawing other than size and area of sign is not Pin Stud Thru Structural Wall 100 3/16"pin-stud,nut, and washer thru structural wall or 2x4 blocking 0.0 Internal Pressure Coeff;Cpi=0,sign flat against wall,ASCE7-10,Sec29.4.2 part of this engineering. Pin Stud Glued Solid Wall Mad 25 3/16"pin-stud glued in solid wall mat'I,Liquid Nails LN-950 or equal 1.0 Topographic Factor;Kzt=1 forflatground,no hill,ridge,orescarpment>15' IMPORTANT-Adhesives are strong but none have code approval for structural applications.Sign installer must test glued stud connection 5 psf Sign Weight;must be less than 5 pounds per sq.ft.net area. By using this engineering sheet sign owner, strength.For 3116"stud pull 50 Ib per stud;for 3/8"stud pull 100 Ib per stud.Use tripod,game scale,and hooks. manufacturer,and installer agree to:Select fastener from table based on wall structure. Install fasteners per fastener manufacturer 221"" +5ss instructions in locations required by sign manufacturer;this may mean more fasteners X yp 1 -2t r � � � are required than shown itable. Make sure sign and walls meet building code,sign code, f and UL.Verify stated wind(speed,risk,exp, topo),sign(size,area, location on wall,max weight),and wall(materials and construction). CNI1 F I \\\Q is +, a�\ 3 s 1: \ D 7911" 1. :Associates :l:nc k ' P ','� 3'F , t i ti. :....... JOB.150143...... \. ry . . . .......Flat an wall mazr.. thrgk .Hlbbett.Sp&t* . . 9.97.':Atlantic.Bo�rleva d...... Atlantic Beaph,:FL 32233 1083 434 111 930 486 311 Wind Force �,Iji .. .... .........., ...'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. .................. 33 14 4 30 lfi 16 Nel Area s9k +;;. ,< ''' '''••'''''''' ................. :...BO ..&1 t4ea....... .. ... For one sign each type at this location.