Item 3C Mayport FountainAGENDA ITEM: SU BMITTED BY: OATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH C ITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Mu y po rt Fo untain Dougla s E. Layton , P.E ., Public Work s Director March 25, 2015 AGENDA ITE M 113C APRIL 27,2015 BACKGRO UND: Recently, th e City insta l led a fountain in a retention po nd adj acent to Veternn 's Pa rk and the VFW o n Mayport Road . The rl cct Reserve donated $2,500 to "j umps tart" thi s projec t. T hey have req uested a si gn that in cludes their logo a long with th e Ci ty lo go and a name for the th unta in. They sugges t the name rrcedom r ou nt ain. BUDGET : Less than $500 RE COMMEN DATION: Approve t he name "Freedom Fountain" nnd pla ce ment of a new s ig n as reques led . ATTACHMENTS: None. REVI EWED BYCITY MANAGER: ~ t. c~-2 21.-s ./ ~ >