General Employees Pension Board Minutes - 3-12-15 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD MEETING MEETING MINUTES March 12,2015 1. The City of Atlantic Beach General Employees' Pension Board meeting was called to order at 6:35 P.M. The members in attendance were trustees: Alan Gleit, Gil Flores, Ray Brandstaetter, and Timmy Johnson. Finance Director Russell Caffey, and Investment Advisor Michael O'Shields, also attended. 2. Courtesy of the floor to visitors. Chris Jorgensen enjoyed the handouts from the January meeting provided by Michael O'Shields showing the Country by Country International /Global Mutual Sector Summary. 3. Approval of the minutes from the General Employee Retirement System February 19,2015 meeting. Motion to approve was made by Gil Flores and seconded by Alan Gleit. The vote was unanimous to approve. 4. Michael O'Shields led the discussion on investment performance as of 2/28/15 including year to date information. a. Discussion related to current allocation and rate of return. The current plan has 75.7% in Equity, 4.7% in Fixed Income, and 19.6% in Cash. The ending portfolio value of$15,922,721 represents an annualized return of 6.9%for the period 2/29/12 to 2/28/15. b. The Board also discussed asset allocation strategy and the associated risk. 5. New business: No new business 6. Adjournment—Gil Flores made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 PM. Gil Flores Ray Br.ndstaetter Chair Vice Chair