1648 ATLANTIC BEACH DR NEW SERVICE TEMP POLE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 7F ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-ELEC-1 144 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: TEMP POLE 30 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 5/14/2015 Expiration Date: 11/10/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1648 ATLANTIC BEACH DR RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: MCDONALD ELECTRIC Address: 6915 WEST BEAVER ST QA LARRY BRIAN CARTER Phone: FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 Temporary Electrical Service $35.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $94.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL PERMT APPLICATION CITY oF ATLANTIC BEACH 900 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ph(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 JOB ADDRESS: "Wr'� 14 �'L PERMIT T/ipt? JEA WORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS AMPS —LeO VOLTS —S—'�tl �PHASE` VALUE OF WORK S NEWSERVICE El Overhead L1 Underground Underground up Pole OResidential(Main)Service 0&400 amps 0101-150amps 0 151-200amps r.1—amps of Meters FiCommercial(Main)Service 0 CT Service_amps 00-100 amps 0101-150amps 1�151-200amps F.1 amps Conductor Type, Size DMUM-Faimily(MAW Service �0 100 amps 016�-150amps E!151-200amps Ej amps #of Unit Mftrs elmpomry Pole I.Amps SERVICE UPGRADE 1.1______pnps 11 CT Service amps NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONS,ACCESSORY STRVCTURES,ETC.) Ll 100 amps Ll 150amps ['11200amps I_1______AmPs FICT Service—amPs ADDITIONS,REMODELS,REPAIRS,BUILD-OUTS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURESt ETC. Outlets/Switches: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps It 0 1-200amps Appliances' 0-30amps 3 1-I 00amps 101-200amps A/C Circuits: 0-60amps 61-1 00amps Heat Circuits: # circuits @_____kw Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS hp 1jSwimmingPool oSign 0 Smoke Detectors—Qty OTransformers KVA [JMotors FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) Qty—voltstamps VALUE OF WORK S REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS L'I Replace Burnt/Damaged Meter Can LISafety Inspection []Panel Change I-]OH to UG nOther. 'comme—OWthi as' month period or work i:S"Uspanded or abandoned for six months. I hereby cartify that I havc Permit becomes void if work dws not ce In Ix read this application and know the same to be true and correct. AJI provisions of inw3and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether spccifled or not The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or locRl law regulation construction or the performance of construction. Property Owners Name R,V;4,Ae 1416er-a IS Phone Number Electrical Company Lf�0 ty Odd S&_f_ry-U't OfficePhone n-9y'7L_YaX Co. Address: 1Z( 6A A /.v city jd:fz StRtO�_Zip 3—US11 License Holder(Print): Z_cv!2Z State Ciertification/Registration# 000 Notarized Signature of License Holder orn 11at: 70 and subscribed before me this 1-at4- -dayof M!.:i 2011 m CHRIS M,THOMAS my Comm,Expire, Notary Public of Florit of Notary Public COmmisslon# EE 144025 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-ELEC-1 141 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: NEW SERVICE ELEC 200 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 5/14/2015 Expiration Date: 11/10/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1648 ATLANTIC BEACH DR RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: MCDONALD ELECTRIC Address: 6915 WEST BEAVER ST QA LARRY BRIAN CARTER Phone: FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 New Single Family Electrical $70.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $129.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ph(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5945 JOB ADIDRESS: IWO 40-- PFRMFr#_—/r-.69-3 ,1rEA INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS 7-20 AMPS 2�42 VOLTS -51r4eftt PHASE VAL UE OF WORK$ NEW SERVICE 0 Overhead Underground ED Underground up Pole )gResidentkl(Main)Service 151-200amps FJ --AMPS #of Meters Flo-.100 amps 0 10 1-1 50amps FICommercial(M2in)Service OCT Savice—amps [10-100 amps 17,1101-150amps D 151-200amps F3 amps Conductor Type, Size FIMuld-Family(Main)Service 4 of Unit Meters 0 0-100 amps 0101-150amps Lj 151-200amps ______pnps 1--ITemporary Pole []-----AMPS SERVICE UPGRADE ("I amps CT Service—amps NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONSO ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC-) U100amps 0150amps 1'..1200amps I I amps EICT Service—amps ADDITIONS,REMODELS�REPAIRS,BUILD-OUTS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC. outlets/Switches: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps 101-200amps Appliances: 0-30amps 31-100amps 10 1-200amps A/C Circuits: 0-60amps 61-1 00amps 2j"— kw Heat Circuits: # circuits 9,— Number of Lighting Outlets, including Fixtures: OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS KVA DMotors hp oSwimmingPool uSign (-JStnokeDctectoTs—QtY nTransfomers FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) VALUE OF WORK Qty—volts/amps REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS FJOH to UG 0 Replace BurrittlDamaged Meter Can F.]Safety Inspection LPanel Change 00ther: Permit bcoomos void if work does not comm.once within a six month Period of work is suspended or abandoned for six months. I hcreby certify that I have read this appliwion and know the same to N true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The permit does not givc authority to violate the provisions of any othcr state or local law regulation construction or the performance of construction. Property Owners Name ti). Ao"j Phone Number Electrical Company Alt f-b NAjd Uk G Office Phone -M-lq'73___Yax 7,54-rJ1 W1 Co. Address: 3?-fl City ck??S: State 1S�-Zip 3,72 IV License Holde r(print)., State CertfficationlRegistration# Ife-c=f 75Y NotarkA,-d Signature,of Lkense Ho W- r CHRIS M,THOMAS S and subscribed before me this 13 day of -C±ti 20DL �,%vf ry,,,, M orn -A� N t ry Pub I F1 a '(f Notary Publit,-State of Florida o 4 '. j-, my Comm,Expires Nov 12,49 ature of Notary Public L 025 Commi5sion 0 EE 144025 .e C mmJ5 05 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL32233 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-ELEC-1 146 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: TEMP POLE 30 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 5/14/2015 Expiration Date: 11/10/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1636 ATLANTIC BEACH DR RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: MCDONALD ELECTRIC Address: 6915 WEST BEAVER ST QA LARRY BRIAN CARTER Phone: FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 Temporary Electrical Service $35.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $94-00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Cm OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Smi]aole Rd,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 163(o Ph(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 PERMIT JOB ADDRESS: 4-6--�5 6L2=j�-z ,Ae CaA be- JEA INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS '30 AMPS VOLTS PHASE VALUE OF WORK S NEW SERVICE D Overhead Ej Underground Underground up Pole FIResidential GYWn)Service am #of Meters [JO-100 amps F.1101-150amps F-1 151-200amps ps ncommerdal Q"u)Service i'10-100 amps 0101-150amps 0 15 1-200amps F1 amps I.-I CT Service amps Conductor Type_ Size_ DMulti-Family(Main)Service of Unit MeUrs 0-100 amps OTI;-150arnps t]151-200amps Ij amps emporary Pole ll­j��amps SERVICE UPGRADE C-amps 17.1 CT Service_amps NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC-) [.1100amps F1150amps 1-12OOamps 1-1 amps FICT Service amps ADDMONS,REMODELS9 REPAIRS,BUILD-OUTS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC- outletdSwltehes: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps Appliances: 0-3 Oarnps 3 1-I 00amps 101-200amps A/C Circuits. 0-60amps 61-1 00amps Heat Circuits: # circuits @-kw Number of Lighting Outlets, Including lFixtures; OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS r--jSwimming Pool [,.) Sign 0 Smoke Detectors_Qty ETransformers KVA I-IMotors hp F]RE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) Qty-Voltstamps VALUE OF WORK REPAIRS/rdISCELLANEOUS OReplace BurntfDamaged Meter Can 1�.]Safety Inspection F..IPanel Change 0 OH to UG 00ther: Permit becomes void if work does not commence within a six month period or work is su=daed or aWndoned fbr six months. I hereby certify that I have read this application and know the same to be troc and correeL All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not The permit does not give authority to violate die provisions of any other state or local law regulation construction or the perfornkanco of construction. Property Owners Name R t'40 Phone Number Electrical Company M L1)0tq0jj 6, Crl- OfficePhone am 79(0-12L1 Co, Address: lwl j--j. Am VJ.1 43P City JA2� State& Zip Ucense HoMer(Print): La.-wL* State Certification/Registration# Agi�-OW 124? V Notarized Signature of Lkense Holder 20(;- ....... mandsubscri dbeforemethis day0f Mr.,, '0A011 CHRIS M.1H OMAS Nolary Public. ,c 11 of Florisi ature of Notary Public My Cornm,Expires ov 12,2015 N C0111mis$10n # EE 144025 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 11Qt -- F ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-S814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-ELEC-1 143 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: NEW ELEC SERVICE 200 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 5/14/2015 Expiration Date: 11/10/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1636 ATLANTIC BEACH DR RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMA77ON: Name: MCDONALD ELECTRIC Address: 6915 WEST BEAVER ST QA LARRY BRIAN CARTER Phone: FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 New Single Family Electrical $70.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $129-00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd,Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Ph (904)247-5926 Fax(904)247-5845 pERMIT# -73 L/ JOB ADDRESS: _Af/C?-0AIt1 &-&G in JEA INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS ZOO AMPS 7—qO VOLTS _15 t9(t PHASE VALUE 0,F WORK S NEW5)KRVICE El Overbcad Underground Underground up Pole �S]Xesidentixl Main)Service am FIO-100 amps 0101-150amps X151-200amps ps #Of Meters Dcommemw(Main)Service 0 0-100 amps 1-1101-150amps 0151-200amps amps D CT Senice—amps Conductor Type Size CMulti-Family(Main)Service amps #of Unit Meters i.'_1 0-100 amps 0101-150amps I !151-200amps F1 CITemporary Pole 11 amps SERVICE UPGRADE I I amps f] CT Service—amps NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC.) 11100amps :1150amps nCT Service amps ADVITIONS,REMODELSI,REPAIRS,BUIL"UTS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC. outleWSwitches: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps 101-200amps Appliances: 0-30amps 31-100amps 101-200amps A/C Circuits: 0-60amps 61-1 00amps Heat Circuits: # circuits @______�w Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS KVA [jMotors hp 0SwimmingPool OSign F1 Smoke Detectors—Qty FITransformers FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3sets of p1nns) Qty—voltstamps VALUE OF WOXK REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS CReplace BurntfDamaged Meter Can !.:I safety Inspection ElPanel Change 0 014 to LJO FiOther: Permit becornes,void if work does not corrimcnec within a six month period or work issuspcnded or abandoned fbr six months. I hereby certify that I have read this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The pennit does not give authority to violatc the provisions of any other state or local law regulation construction or the Perforrnaricc of construct, on. Property Owners Name B,v--�s id, Alows Phone Number Electrical Company mc-�jo e&'(mii OfficePhone I&J-0a) 5Z�C/ CA.). 6 -V — city State L—Zip ru-N Co.Address: Lkbl� St -71 License Holder(Print): LAVe�t ate Certification/Registration;0 bF"4-000 Notarized Signature of License Holder A6- orn S 0' s. 13-11' day of Ma;It 201S_ 'N"�0 CHRIS M.THOMAS S and subscribed before me thi - No*y Publiu $11(a 01 Plorld M My M. y Com Exp ov 12,20 m.Expires N of Notary Public C Comnit .sio'j 025 ission # EE 144025 omm CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 413M FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-ELEC-1 148 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: TEMP POLE 30 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 5/14/2015 Expiration Date: 11/10/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1751 ATLANTIC BEACH RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: MCDONALD ELECTRIC Address: 6915 WEST BEAVER ST QA LARRY BRIAN CARTER Phone: FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Temporary Electrical Service $35.00 Total Payments: $94.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ph(904)247-5826 Fax (904)247-5845 1-7 44/ - & PERMIT# JOB ADDRESS: e�jlli JEA INFORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERAWS ;0 AWS LO VOLTS -5t PHASE VALUE OF WORK$___� NEW S'ERVICE 0 Overhead Underground Underground up Pole oResidC06211(MR111)Service r.1151-200amps amps #of Meters L"10-100amps 0 to 1-1 50amps nConkwercial(Main)Service 0CT Service_amps FIO-100 amps 0101-150amps 11 151-200amps —amps Conductor Type__. Size nMulti-Family(Midn)Service #of Unit Meters 1*0-100 amps 0101-150amps 1:115 1-200amps i_____ynps emporary Pole (.-.I amps SERVICE UPGRADE 0 amps f] CT Service—amps NEW FEEDER(ADDITIONS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC.) [.1100amps 0150amps 1-1200amps r.] amps i.'l CT Service—amps ADDITIONS,REMODELS,RFpAIRS,BUILD-OUTS.,ACCESSORY STRUCTURESt ETC. Outlets/Switches: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps 101-200amps Appliances: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps 10 1-200amps A/C Circuits. 0-60amps 61-I 00amps Heat Circuits: # circuits Number of Lighting Outlets, Including Fixtures: OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS uMotors hp EiSwimmingpool FISign 0 Smoke Detectors_Qty FITransformers KVA FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) VALUE OF WORKS Qty—volts/amps REPAIRS/MISCELLANEOUS TIReplace Burnt/Damaged Meter can I,]Safety Inspection Li Panel Change DOH to UG 00ther Permit becomes void if work does not commence within a six month period or work is suspcndcd or abandoned for six months. I hereby certify that I havc read this application and know the same to be true and conwt All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not Ibc perinit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation cOfiStfuction or the perfbmAncc of construction. Property Owners Name J/ t4-�'Vws Phone Number -?.96-1q'9V Electrical Company M 40 0"ak 'r'&LMLU' Office Phone SZ-1103 Fax Co.Address: ;2.11 /&etav- <5�- city JnK State r--L Zip License Holder(Print): �10V-r'o d A/ State Certification/Registration# Notarized Signature of License older 'ee:l aa s4 y 4 20 L S rn and subscribed before tne this day of M a:f CHRIS M.THOMAS Notary F011c -State ot Flor ature of Notary Public MY Comm.Expireq Nov 12,2 Commission#EE 144025 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-ELEC-1 147 Job Type: ELECTRIC ONLY Description: NEW SERVICE 200 AMPS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 5/14/2015 Expiration Date: 11/10/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1751 ATLANTIC BEACH RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: MCDONALD ELECTRIC Address: 6915 WEST BEAVER ST QA LARRY BRIAN CARTER Phone: FEES: State Elec DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Elec DCA Surcharge $2.00 New Single Family Electrical $70.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $129.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ELECTRICAL ftRWT AI?PLICAT'ON CITY OF ATWMC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ph(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 JOB ADDRESS: Py.Rmrr# -7 JEA 11WORMATION REQUIRED ON ALL PERMITS Lo VOLTS -�!�Lf PHASE VALUE OF WORK$_ NEWSERVICF, [--] Overhead 05 Underground D Underground up Pole oResidential(Main)Service �rj5l-200arftps T-� #of Meters FIO-100 amps n101-150amps ____amps [3COMmercW(Main)Service FICT Service_amps 1`10-100 amps 0101-150amps D I 51-200amps 1.1 --l!lImps Conductor Type------. Size 1.1multi-Family(Main)Service 0 151-200amps I]-------;Lmps #of Unit Meters L10-100amps 01.01-150amps 1-ITemporary Pole Ll--------AmPs SERVICE UPGRADE D -1 CT Service_amps ------ampS L. NEW FEEDER(ADDMONS,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES,ETC-) 1-1100 amps 0 150amps 1'-1200amps 1 1 amps FICT Service_amps ADDMONS9 REMODELS�REpAIRS,RUILD-OUTSI,ACCESSORY STRUCTURES�ETC. Outll:WSwitches: 0-30amps 3 1-1 00amps —101-200amps Appliances- 0-30amps 31-100amps 10)-200amps A/C Circuits: 0-60amps 61-100amps Heat Circuits: 4 circuits @------YW Number of Lighting Outlets, including Fixtures: OTHER ELECTRICAL PROJECTS []SwimmingPool L.Iftn F]Smoke Detectors_Qty FITransformers; KVA o Motors hp FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (Requires 3 sets of plans) VALUEOFWORK$ Qty—volts/amps REPAER&MSCELLANEOVS [I OH to UG DReplace Burnt/Damaged Meter Can FI Safety Inspection 1'.1 Panel Chang 1,10ther: ed or abandoned fbr six months. I hereby certify I at I have P=lt becomes void if work docs not commence within a six month period or work is suspcnd mad this applicaMon and know the same to be true and correct All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will he complicd with whetber specified or not ne permit does not givc authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation constmcOon or the perfonnanoc:of construction, Property Owners Name Phone Number Electrical company M OfficePhone V10-4y"75--, e State Co.Address: —W---Ae4XV--e- city rL- Zip—32—?-S- License Holder(Print): 6oVtZ,'--' State Certification/Registration# 6-e-000 1-71 Y Holder jignatureqf �en!e M and 4zUbIn-lbed before rn.e this 13-1-k -dayof Maj 2015-- CHRIS M, THOMAS S Notary Ptibiic-Slate of FlorjdA, 4. - - 0& ature of Notary Public Z if My CDmm.Expires Noy 12,20;M 5 Comrnis3inn#EE 1440125 .............