1250 EAST COAST DR - NOTICE OF COMM _ NOTI OF COMMENCEMENT Pmuit NO. 15-49DO tJ75— Ta o)io No. r7r9 c Sme ofFlonda,Camey of Duval THE UNDERSIGNED hereby give notice the haprovemem will be made m contain property m acardaoce with Chapter 713,Florida Sbartfs,the following iPfmmatiOn is provided in this Notice of A AAZO 1. of oFPropaty and address Haveilable} M O§ 3 , I Oi,'g.Q Fy 2. Geral Description of tutpruvementS o K v o 3. Owner Information: o j N a)Name and Addeess: g A� -• b)hmseet in properly: x O c)Nameandaddressofaimpletid (dodw than owner): 08 �- m pm s f4. Conbacmr hrfon natica: a)Name sod Addmes:Impact Endosu 207 20th SL N.Unit A JadmnAle ,FL 32250 0- �, b) ety inNutatim.. z S. Sareryhrform ddre C a)Name and Address: b)Phoue Nsmbc c)AmouW ofHmd$ b. Lender Information: a)Nameand Address: b)Phone Numhe- 7. Person wirhiv the State of Florida ded ed E3'owns upon wbom vorices or other damrma may beewed ore provided by713.13(1)(a)7,Fkn&Sm es a)Nameavd Addoess: b)Ph.N®bers ofDempated Person( 1 S. In additionmL:.,, -rm, -tf Owner o'e(gre ater o W.Oivea h copy oftbe laeom'5 Nwm;pravided Sccdm713.l3(I)ft Florida Smmss. a)Name and Address b)Phare Number ofpasm or entitygeared by owner. . 9. Expiation date of Notice of t(We expbatim dice may rot be before t4 complus ofconammtion a bdfnaliaymmttothecwaaeEor,ddbe me(1)year Som the date ofinea' ' udesa a differem date is specfged: r 3 WARNING TO OWNER ANY PA MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER EXPB2ATION OF THE Q NOTICE OF COMMEN/�]T ARE NSmERED DdPROPER PAYMENTS PER CHAPTER 713,PART L ww SECTION 713.13. FLORIDA STA AND CAN RESULT IN YO PAYING TWICE FOR B09OVENCENTS TO YOUR PROP®t . A NOTICE OF COMh>ENl BIENT ST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE FIRST INSPECTION.JF YOU 1b OBTAIN FINANCING, 'Ll CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR ATTORNEY BEFORE COWMEN G WORK OR RECORDING (� YOURNOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. N Under penalty of F-- Ambascd ,I declare that I e read the foregoing notice of cummm and that the facts stated thonem me titre toof my know and belief {� S'Cwz , J r Sigmme mt3waer rOw�'e Ices" pieft e/Mavager 'e PriatedN.&TnWDIRm Tbefaegoingmstr®rmtwasaclmowledge4befaemethm dayof rt� 7p ih by �,�ei,•e'n Fs�-�r as for vme ape* Cls eo la9 way,ie carr—� Parr9lam®mrwae ) °-'w•. GREGG LANEY I'wComma mon EE a6) My Commission NOT P STATE OF RMA is w+s` 2011r s L JonubrY 22. 2017 Print Neme: Grey nP 41. 1 ta�xrat yav ) Pally Known❑ .Oodrypefl— Illj'1/I ©z, Revised 3/15/13