1739 ATLANTIC BEACH DR - NEW HOME (2) �® Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSUf P1 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. MiTeks FILE COPY RE: J140588 - Holloman Residence MiTek USA, Inc. Site Information: 6904 Parke East Blvd. Customer Info: Glenn Layton Hms Project Name: Holloman Residence Model: Tampa,R 33610-4115 Lot/Block: 31 Subdivision: Address: Lot 31 Atlantic Beach Drive City: Atlantic Beach State: FL Name Address and License#of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one,for the building. Name: License#: Address: City: State: General Truss Engineering Criteria & Design Loads(Individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading Conditions): Design Code: FBC2010/TPI2007 Design Program: MiTek 20/20 7.6 Wind Code: ASCE 7-]0 Wind Speed: 130 mph Roof Load: 37.0 psf Floor Load: 55.0 psf This package includes 46 individual,dated Truss Design Drawings and 0 Additional Drawings. With my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet conforms to 61G15-31.003, section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. - No. Seal# ITrussName Date No. Seal# Truss Name Date Engineering Business. 1 16722004 1 Ao1 112rd=1418 L76722021 E03 12/30/01 JAX APEX TECHNOLOGY INC 2 76722005 A02 12/30/01 19 76722022 E04 112/30/014 445Su0on Perk Cour,Su5e102 3 76722006 A03 112M30/01 20 76722023 E05 _. 112/30/01 sonville,Fl. 4 76722007 A04 12/30/01 21 76722024 F01 _ 12/30/014 0 '20D 5 76722008 A05 12/30/01 22 76722025 F02 12/30/01 1o No,7547 Is 176722009 Bul 112/30/01423 .76722026 F03 _ 12/30/014lam— s 7 pnq 76722010 B02 112/30/01 24 IT6722027 F04 ' 12/30/01 18 176722011 I BP01 1 12/30/01425 T6722028 F051 12/30/01 O ED APPROVED AS NC 19 IT6722012 1BP02 112/30/01426 T6722029 F06 ! 12/30/014 G OT RO 110 176722013 I BP03 12/30/01427 T6722030 F0712/30/014 0A�00 111 I T6722014 I BP04 12/30/01428 T6722031 F08 12/30/014 Engineer of RemN: 112 1 76722015 I C01 12/30/01429 _ T6722032 F09 __ _ 12/30/014 Derek B. 113 I T6722016_ I CO2_. 112/30/01430 i T6722033 I FG01 12/30/014 FL Carl No.Murrayrra57 I14 176722017 D01 112/30/01431 IT8722034 FG02 12/30Po74 115 76722018 D02 112/30/01432 T6722035 f FG03 1112il0/014 116 176722019 E01 112/30/01433 T6722036 'FG04 12/30/014 ATTENTION.Rerbwofehop drev4n0eM �7 /76722020 IE02 12/30/01434 T6722037 G01 112/30/014 only for conformance whh the design oorm of the project and does M relieve the delegated engineer of responsibility twin d9Y7iNe requirements of the The truss drawing(s)referenced above have been prepared by MiTek c�dob6ntsyta nor from respori lAq provided by Manning BIndustries,Inc.under uildr gt direct Supplies ision based on the parameters %% N"'-.\GAN"'-. frly the chop drawings. F '•.2 Truss Design Engineer's Name: Albani, Thomas 9 e0 , My license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28,2017. * IMPORTANT NOTE:Truss Engineer's responsibility is solely for design of individual trusses based upon design parameters shown �Q'•, STATE OF :�1JJ on referenced truss drawings. Parameters have not been verified ;'� '•'�( O P, ��.� as appropriate for any use. Any location identification specified is .�SS. R," for file reference only and has not been used in preparing design. 'rr,,��NA�Ep•` Suitability of truss designs for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, not the Truss Engineer, FL Cert. 6634 per ANSI/TPI-1, Chapter 2. December 30,2014 Alban,Thomas 1 of 2 RE: J140588 - Holloman Residence Site Information: Customer Info: Glenn Layton Hms Project Name: Holloman Residence Model: Lot/Block: 31 Subdivision: Address: Lot 31 Atlantic Beach Drive City: Atlantic Beach State: FL �No. Seal# Truss Name Date 135 T6722038 G02 12/30/014 :36 T6722039 G03 12/30/014 137 -- IT6722040 G04 12/30/014 38 'T6722041 G04A 12/30/014 39 IT6722042 G04B 12/30/014 40 T6722043 G05 12/30/014 41 'T6722044 G06 12/30/014 42 'T6722045 H01 12/30/014 x,43 :T6722046 H02 12/30/014 144 7T6722047 K01 12/30/014 [45_ 'l T6722048 K02 12/30/014 146 :T6722049 81015 _ _12/30/014 2of2 jou ues ,re Ibllo,ren M,dence hum u r Ta]S$Ne JttlSY pot 10-IE 1 1 JW ReNrarce Ilona Mrmiig 6uMnp6ugiu, JecbpnY,0. ].boo¢6ep P3Mli MRex lnEueVpe.Irc.Tue Os al G:6i Y2Dle papal I0:pghyeHRmE4IDV2u,-PY6yi9SD-S_B_W6Ap61eTY2cg9YkYFpMAbNaKB6Y0YgJJpBE 6B is. 188 1880 12 sold. "Ask ass n am F,z 30 10 3M% 9 B as 6 yU i b 3Mi � 4 %2J aw as P] 10 11 to ll I 14 13 as YL 21 an 1e 1e 11 16 15 a1 3M= a4= a4= 1890 1B90 LOADNlGOW) SPACING 200 CSI. DER N 0.) Vdatl W PUITES GRIP TCLL 20.0 net.Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.8] Verl par - Na Seat half 244/190 TCOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.71 VeM1(TL) We - Ne SBS BOLL 0.0 ' Rap Suisse Insr VES WB 0.16 HorP(TL) -0.01 15 rue ruts BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010F712" (WW-M) Weight 247 Ib FT=20% LUMBER. BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No2 TOPCHORD Structural wood Iran irg directly tripled,or 6-0-0oc purlins, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP NeiaMvadiceh, WEBS 2x4SP i BOT CHORD RigIC.raftig directly applletlor 610 dohadng, OTHERS 2x4 SP No2 WEBS 1Row Y midpt 12-13 JOINTS 1 Bret at JgsT 24.25.26,27,28 Mili recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed doling WY erection,in accordance Wlh Stablllzer Installation guide. REACTIONS. AllwahIP16-54. (ID)- Mex Horz2 ,183(LC 11) Mex Uplift All ur in 10016 or mars pipings)23,17,19,22,20,18,16 except 15=-255(LC 9),21-281(LC 9) Maxi Allreadlans2500orie atIdM(8)17,19,21,22,2,18,16 eaCapt 23=34QLC 11),15=344(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib)-Max COmpJMBx,Ten.-AII lames 250(Ib)ar IYs exwpl wfien slwwn. TOPCHORD 1-23=5651316,1-2=-13 32 28,2-3=429/234,329 41422],429-) lW/ , 4-5=4]81263,S8=483283,b]=SON31],]0=4]&311,69=i]3r322, 9-10=31 M246,1030=28523411-3R-264241 22-23--75I1Sr5,21-22=-751i5V5.16,17=i 15 BWEBB ot CHORD 10-24=-292Jy .1321-283/59,1 -24=323.482,19-24=3zv ea.tz5=rt4ntt, �p .'PS..A'q 21-25=- 3 53.9 28=M1,188,16-26=-369/4]5 .`,r \GENS '•% 11 NOTES3938 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vu11=130nph(3serx n l gust)Vasd=101 mph;TCD1--4.2ps1;BCDIa3.0phi1;hB=451t;I-24n;eays2lC Cat.j *f• Exp C{Enid.,Gi MFRS(tllredienal)aM C-C Corns,U)0-1-12 to 31-12,Exhaor(2)3-1-12 to 19-]-4 Pone;danlilaver len s d _ rigMeWYsd;andvrVicallefl and rlghlexpised;C-CldrmembersarbloroY B MFRS for readlonsslloan;Lumber DOL=160 plats grip DOL-1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of ins luta only. For studs exposed to wfrb Normal to the face),see Standard lntluerrY ATE 0 Gable End Details as applicants,or consult quagral Wilding designer as per ANSUTPI I. ii(x•••,( P ,• �� 3)All pales aro 1.5x4 MT20 unlree,dominated Indicated. .( p A(0 • \_1 4)Gaele Nude spaced at 2-0-0 od. "I S .. `G 5)This there las been designed for a 10.0 Fel bottom Ghoul live load ndnconcunant with anyother live lowers. PPPI S�ONAI°E�.A``, 6)'This inner has been designed for a Ilve load d 20Opsl on tra m bottochord in all areas scheme rectangle 3aL tall by20o wde tin P//IMI II0%� lit betvmertme moon ctmM orb y yd mr mtru eto. ])16.mechanical donnadion(by others)01 Vuss to Dearing pate capable d wiNstantling 10016 uplift at Icings)23,17,19,22,20,1 16except gt=16)1 rin,cozlaet. FL Cert. 6634 87 Nona pit Deedrgcorbi condition. Review required. 97°Semi-rigid pitchbreaks with Ilxetl heels'Member end natty model was used in the anetysis and Uesign of this loss. DSCSFIIbBF 30,2014 Q V4Rl0N6-VmJy d®ign P^.'^^d^=wdRfiaa N01890NiH]9I]IDIMI.VOH0IOl8l[RFl&PBNCB PAOa M174]e BG'OAa llaB CaJSn adN tae ue oNY WIM1 MIML amnclw,.a4tlai.InapyBtl dYYW��Nanelers9wwn. mica anYMu4J wmdWdgco hbb�Y ol[M°>bn paanelertmdqu�er M:om�oMndcanpxwnlerefpNNMllyoldMtlb�, w-m I�Oe{]nY- adin9 Youn rx'ue. hJ.MWMe ,fie�rM�gdlM1oo m<e.aa is muim�Bd llw dlvlVA cwt d9�" erNaab ellre Tele e Mn.gW%c a iraoae.d mJ. I lxaYg.evnsll p12.I C . CrXwb.9aH9antl BCN&YMrp Canpaxnl pp4 pa,4 FM BNE. 9rhly kloimaPm md2k,dm,4wflole YMXu14]dl N.Les SIraQ1.9Ale JIP NaxwNi4 VPP2914. Lr,pe.FL3Y1P/I15 IlSouiM1em Pine ISp mm0ec is apeciReE.n,e Cezip,valuerre[Mee Me[tive eb/el/POUOVALSC r 1 ilia pB X_Ibmm Wegarlw T6]P2C65 J1fO5B0 Pf@ Magklr B 1 JW RMerwia anal Wnnvlp BuiSnp Su{q&n. JeWrcmile,FL i%Oe3p2QWilwhTWIn4aTrbv.Iz. TueO¢a0CB:5l ZIYJ&• 4l ID:p�rkyeH21624 u.LPY6y4&S 1111 M6cb3nF5tloE03x%2o3pMG8 EJBLN46YJgBc -0bd 6Id 1x10-01 182• 1880 � 1dA SFt 63J I SbB i 3612 � Soxe.I'.da for FW 8 M; 8 13 34 Sas i 8 12 2 1 11 10 B I• 8 ] 1.Sv II y- 3a•- 3x4- Syg- sn1 See- 1010-11 62• 116� 0�1�40� 6]-I 6Jfl SSe DQ12 5•L PI t OIIs IXn-- I3a2-808-01 LOADING(pef) SPACING 280 CSI. DEFL In (lac) Ptlel Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plefe Gtlp DOL 1.25 TC 0.82 Ved(LL) -0.0210.11 s9B9 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL )0 Wmber DOL 1.25 BC 0.•l Vm(TQ -0.061x11 .999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Sines 1. YES WB 0.37 Horr(TL) 0.01 8 we we BCDL 10.0 Code 9BC201G1rP1200] (MNOx-M) Waght1621b FT LUMBER- BRADING- TOPCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOPCHORD Stalplulsl Nvatl sheathing tllrecfly applied orb OmµMrd, Nlcapt BOTCHORD 2a4SPNo.2 and veNcas. WEBS 914 SP No.2'Excepr BOT CHORD Rigid paling directly applied or 6-0-0oc bracing. 67:2xASPNOAD WEBS 1Rower mitlt 6-0,48.58 MiTek ra^ommends final Blablllxers and reignited pose boNlg be installetl tluMg buss erecgon,In aaoMs..WillSteblll2ar Ins Nlmon dultle REACTIONS. (Iblsiz ) 11=865/0-5-0,8=068'x58 Mex Harz l l=510(LC 9) Max Up1iM 1_269(LC 12),8=441(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.CoYpJMax.Ten.-AILIolces 250 Qb)or less except wren shown. TOPCHORO 2-12=4551192,&12=41ft1208,34=-441/198,45="3394259,2-11=6181398 BOTCHORD 10-11=661/SR9,9-1R-082/589,9-14=2]4/409,8-19=-2]4//09,]8=204253 WEBS 3-9=-28190],49�-18)918,48=-52313)1,56=855/488,2-1 R-14&500 NOTES, 1)W Ind:ASCE]-10;Vult=130mph(3seomd gust)Vasil=IDlmph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDLr30psC h=258;B=45M1;L=2411;says=411;Cat 11; `\,\\r li llh RS 14-15 to 19-74 left and OgMexposel And vencellllefFand(right omoseonag dCCf rBmanflarl forces B MWFRS for reamons sM1ovm;Wmbe DOL-1(60 plate % .. A. q. p6 gdp DOL=180 `` O :'GEry" 2)TMs buss has bean designed for a 10.0 pal bosom Mond live load noncohmnent Mtn any other live coeds. 11 .r••�\ S•'•.9 3)'TNs buss has been designed for a live load 0 Moral on this borlwn chord In all areas where a rectangle 364)far by 280 Me VAR Z fit between the bonoo chord and any other membem,Niru BCDL=10.0pa. . 3938 4)Provltla mechanical conneclion(by offiti of truss to bearing plate carao.of Withstanding 1001b uplift.1)oind.)except QL-lb)114M j BSe41. 5)'Semi4gid pitcM1breaks Mtn fixed heels'Member and fixity model waz used in the analysis and tlazign 01015 Muss. i p'.• A ��T�• AOR\OP,:�=�� ���r4 s�0 N A��?C�,• FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 WIC Q wiix4w-v�y,arp,.rm�L�+�d]�orA>'�oxrxreexo rxccweo m]ax asrsaeAce reoe wr-]eta esroxe uea �pT vtlp KKipseNYx'lln MlleM rnucclm.RB N,yn, alvedmNapan Po�nelec.Mun.wJkbr on MhM1]Id bWrp canlu¢nl. kMMIN _of Yx8ukheiNwe�niMivnRn a'AV. MMIIk+reN ImiW'W tr2lrp b A&eaahYAtlY tlrYnO cwuhv:Mn kww�+rllN of IM Idnkalbn gxXlNi:onad� ru9e delNery.xecllmmltxrxly<axmA�l A�X9/RII OwIIIy M�Mo D96a9 ne CBC918u1MYq Camponenl3.4.i E.p., bbly IMdmaXm wcYRAe hmm ir.Nora 1-11.. 181 N.Lee 1tr-I,.-111,NetaMM VA 2YJb ].'rye FL oaI0-4115 IfSwiMm pinel5a)lum4er Is spe[ineE,Ne Je.i;n value ve iTou elleenve 05/01)]0]3 Oy PLX ' • f J s rues ypa N xasreo es"A"'* pea JAaSee ID3 GABLE 2 1 .bb RMrerce lmtiontll MeimmB Bu1101np$upplq¢, Jecl¢grviM.FL 16ep¢$py49SD ONGkYduhro¢,Irc. TuepcTN:BdNGSL?WcYV IO:pgMyeHMmE42bY21gPY6y405DONGkDBDINIbC__MLCIGLKONUnWOBL9BVCYy3pN1 9-11.8 si Pttd a goes=1:21.2 4.0OF12 12 3 11 1 b 10 9 7 a 2x4= I PlarrOIIeeNIXY1— 11;61-13.0-1-01 LOADING(psg SPACING- 2-0-0 M. DEFL In got) Vtle9 Vd PLATES GRIP TCU 20.0 Plate Grip DOL1.25 TO 0.22 Ved(LL) Na - We 909 M-20 244/190 TCOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.16 VedQL) We - We 999 WILL 0.0Rep Sbesslour YES WB 0Qy 05 Hon, 0.00 ] Na We BCDL 10.0 Code FBC201ORP12007 (MaNx) Weight:44 lb FT=2046 LUMBER- BRACING TOPCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOPCHORD StruclumlwaodshmthiNdir yapplledor8 mpuOfm, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 add vemcaw, WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly aplolled or l0-0-0op Ening. OTHERS 20 SP No 2 REACTIONS. All hearings 10-50. ab)- Max Hon,1=168(LC 9) Max Up119 All uplift 100 to or less el lolni(s)1,7,6,e,9 except m=--129(LC 12) Max Gray All macrame 250 He or,less N loings)1.7.6.B.9 except 10=300(LC 1) FORCES. (IE)-MU Comp.IMax.Ton.-All forces 250 do)or less except when show9. TOPCHORD id1 2BW166,2-11=-2]6/154 WEBS 290=-2031310 NOTES R Wail:ASCE 7-10;Vulpl3Gnph(3 second gust)Vasd=101mph;TCDL�.2psl;BCDL=3.Dpsf;F45q B-159;L--24M;Bave=2ll;Cal,II; Exp O;Encl.,GCp60.18;MFRS directions)and C-C Comer(3)0-0-010 300,Exleriot(2)300 tog-9-12 zone;daminamr leg and right exposed',end wlmcal Telt and light egrceed;C-C for members and forces 8 MFRS for leadlons shown;Lumber DOb1.60 plate 2)gThus design1ed for wind loads In the plane of the toss only For studs exposed N MM(manned to the lace),see Standout Industry X10, A.4 q� Gable End Details as applicable,or commit qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 1` O 3)All pates are 1.5x4 W20 unless otherwise indicated. �GENS'•.•q 4� 4)Gable requires continuous boRom chord bearing. s)Gal studs spaces at 200 oc. w, 3938 b)This thi v has been designed lora 10.0 lost bottom ctwM live load nmvoncurnot wall any omer live foods. } 7)'This truss has been designed for a Ilse lead of 20.0psf on the bottom chard In all areae where a rmlangle 36-0W by 200 Was WC fit beMsen the bottom count end any M.nu mbels. 8)Provide mechanical connection(by dhers)of truss to bearing plate capable of wiaManding too In uplift at long)1.7,e,81 9 except (TQ C g=ro)10=129. 9)-Semi-rigid pitchumaks Win fixed Beale Member one lofty model was used In the Analysis and design of the buss. 0••, d[/ FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 b1YGNMlA Yviltlxvx,Aau weever wJRe NOlS3ON,NIEIMa7MCLVn®W18R R6P6FPl2b Pd GH Land 9/Td EHIORB UBB. �LL9nvdM M uu wYY'uIIx MIIeY eaavnclors.Rhtle9pn k bJYdorYYutynpaanelena'wwn.mtl kbi w YJYWrtf LJNp MrAkaCllryoleYisgnwrmmiwswW hrepeY Ywamralbn oleemM¢wrll R IanwedXY of dnFa tlmyrerrul IBmdeiM�,.&silo Ywwn xla�okr >µEWBo11MNk1uolwM mmmlsiannr.bandkY temnTw Gmigbxaxe dmMmaxRo cmel,mlbnNlM ieggnwGlllyWM Mtew 11 lvuJrg of ll¢ove,all Ynlcnreelln mvlxwdYryd nc W,9,q dz.Mre,.ru garera(M4xvompnMe irr IL laalcoAm.µMIN=TMROL SIwoa,r.MllwxY. usoY P licl l�um ele;l:nw« aaeitrv2av°epa>.edeain11as1eWeVrtRerIIwGme IIy%Qolnjxt.iaB54bMyAaLnXG NCeI WIMRq Canpwlxa eppPM E.BNd RRb.rinsipia . s—PA1 JWe w yye IHbm+n lbeitelee @D] I ma JIN5a8 ba FpY seater .1 1 JW f el 3 rce Ipnel WnrinB Budig6µpix, Jec4omW.FL isms Proy4gSDWleLlM,m,u,Ix.Tue RCTtSPaNBROte Pybt IO:pglkyeHRmE4ZbY2uq-PV6y195PSZpP02]2831GKT'6Mp8FLTt8PeM'ew5b2M29_y(ig9e ,le 4-01-02 I 8118 � ,le 111-12 L1112 Scab=1'.2f 8 15x1 5 4W 12 1SM� 12 4 m3s n 2 yy 1 3 s 3411 5= 1GSG BSG Plate 01(X,Y) f2 a5-0 Emgel LOADING psi) SPACING 2-00 CSI. DEFL in (hoc) bided Lid PLATES GRIP TOLL MO Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC on Varri -0.19 8-9 X908 240 11 244/19!1 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.84 VM(rL) -0.45 S-9 >245 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress her YES W B 0.22 Horz(Rl 0.02 2 We We BCDL 100 Cade FBC201WPMU (Metrix-K Weight:SOU FT=20% LUMBER BFVCING- TOPCHORD2x4 SP Not TOPCHORD StllcNrelwoods tiNdimctlyapplledor5313oc Wdms, except BOTCHORD 2x4SPNo2 am Wachtel.. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling tlirectly applled or 9-15oc bracing. SLIDER Left W SP No22$0 Wi recommends that StebilizersinJ udedcroebtedng be Installed during truss eradmn,In accordance With Stablllzer Initiation n cei REACTIONS. hbo.lue) 2iialk 30,6=358/0-58 Men 1-1 z2=189(LC 11) Mex Ug1ftS=-216(LC 12),6=-130(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Compddar.Ten. All farces 250 gb)or less except Men shown. TOPCHORD 2-11=9760,3.11=E2Bm .347426@45 BOT CHORD 2-6=JO&443 WEBS 46=d46O&t fel 1)Wind ASCE 7-10;Vult=130mph(3aemnd guu)Vam=101mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL 4.0pef;11251; 3=45t;L14t;ea nii Cat.ll; Exp C;End.,GCp1=0.18;MFRS(churchman)and C-C Extedor(2)-1-7-1 to 1-0-15,Wei 14-15 to e- 12 acne;candever let aM 1L4111114T44 right DOL e �end vmical left and tight exposedi for members and forces a MFRS for exact shown:Lumber DOL=1.60 palegrip 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bosom chow live load nonconcurrent with any other Ilve loads. .`` ....... C E N e di 3)'This buss has been deigned for alive load of 20.0psl on the bottom mord in all areas where a rectangle3E Wl by 2-0-0 wide xi0 `��J �\ S •.q fit bereamn the bottom chord and erry other members. 4)Provide mechanical connedie(by others)of buss to bearing plate capable of wilhelanding 100 ib uplift at)olnl(s)except gblb)22182 . 3938 6=130 5)'Semi-rigid phichbreaks earn fixed hems'Member end fiery model was used In the analysis and design of 011s trues. dP4O S;ON A;E?G`�, FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wARN/a0 Yn�dulgnymw�Rm wdR9a0 Nni86 oN'-1S=]I 'L factor A%Y6IIBNCB PAGE q]7473 96Y0—U9& I]erMn wMoav am Mne2 eWrineaoa lm deDan a dam a4v Upon Ipatwiea nlowt.aw a rw a,B.tMdw a4anp comr.hreln. �laerina lynlba11e1asaM pq peggxolMolcanlbnw4ba{1wW11mord4ldhgUn4Te1-lwinhmdNewl.9eW9Mrwn a tor'olela apztl o1MN1}rJ wmmembersaYy. MAIMha MnpwwttoA',9 m Irn.evletllly alAgcmtlnclM amereW+rWINoI n¢ uwvwpehroalelndaMWlM o..an nhaoxveallw lerpollmmvanw uhf, arprer.lorumwa mwh.,c��sa M k iotwkalknµ✓JNmllta.aa�gs.e tm.ern—,-1 dwYgic, -h.cl 9--IcM�r-I Gaxd9 vd esu eJlMlq eanlwhlw Ww RM Etl hue. �SaeN IKohmWbn(11)1.a horn tl'..a'ar.n ]el N.Lee SReet Sutle 312 licv—tl 101111E ierrye.FL 3261 e.11a IlSouttnn Dine tSD11um4er iifpeifed,Nedesixr,wluerre dhoti Mx4w 06/01/2Gt3 by ALSC 4 Job s Iu roe N xdlo,e.o O8 JNOSe6 MS 'GABLE 1 1 Jab Relelerce Conal b.Aw BuIbYq Suxi Jolus-b.11 'ri 232014M1411(sil. e.Iz. Tula.sOffi 5)a]MI• Ppel ID,,r,AgHd2mE422bY21gPY6y498D-KNUeOxr Ng)NMNvWdgtMYLTNOYWgcCHyJyaZ Ibe 683 13413 1e eD 188 Be.3 (F111 883 I 4m F12 y Stirs freta 3 3 the 2 38 $ 3M G 1 bA 11 0J 2G 112 PY II 2x4 II .4 814= 2x4 37 6 15 A 13 3.4 a 11 to 33 9 B ] 2x0 4x7_ Ibi 138e 1617 1807 .a ]Dot 238 3-0D Plate Oileeta(%YF- 262-120341.15:61-13.0-111131:61- LOADING(µf) SPACING 2-0-0 M. DER. in (roc) We' Lot PLATES GRIP TGLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.77 Vert(LL) -0.0110-12 >999 240 Mr20 244/190 TO 7.0 Wmber DOL 1.25 BC 0.37 vani -0.02 if >999 180 BULL 0.0 ' Rep Stress mer YES WB 0.18 Al -0.91 ] Ne Na Bi 10.0 Cade FBC2010TPI2007 (Mall Weight she Ib FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOPCHORD 2x4 SP Not TOPCHORD Structured wood mammon directly applied or 6G-0ec pudha, incept BOTCHORD 2x6 SP No 2 am ver9cals. WEBS 20 SP No BOTCHORD Rigid ratio,directly applied or 9,1-4 tic lowing, OTHERS 20 Be No2 WEBS 1Raw of mtop[ 5-6,2-9 LBB SCAB 6-112x6 SP No.2 one side JOINTS 1Breve at Jtdd:35 Mll recommends that SWIand required cross brarLg be Installed during trum Votes erection,In aordance Will Stabilizer Installatl0n gold.. REACTIONS. All Oeenlga 550 except Qiderglh)15=4-ii-0,1371-11-0,14=4-11-0. (lb)- Max Horz 15479(LC 11) Max Unit All uplift IW 11,or less at pings)13.14 except 15=191 SEC 8), 9=1]5(LO 9),E=-1014(LC 1),7-8819) M.G. All reactlms 2501b a less at laint(e)9.19,13.14 asep1157167(LC 1), 8�2(LC9),7=1517(1-01) FORCES. (Ib)-Max Gdxnp.IMax.Ten.-Allforces25001I)ortswidoeptwtllenshovm. TOPGHORD 118=-050220,238=16&231,23=-31120],1-15=-431290 BOT CHORD 14-15-624t5i 1&14=124/507,12-13=-624/507,123&=457/494.11-39=-457494, z0r9y48i' S7]4i14� pO IpLSIIIIAII. / 0WEBS 9,3Piz= M46B3i 27=35=233287 ,% NOTES- •r••V\GENS•'e9 1)Attached310scab 8 toll,Irohttams)2x8 SPNo.2W11h2 roW(s)of IDM(0.131'x3")nails spaced 12'Go exoepl,staining at311 Immendmidntll.l ill w(s)a 7-o.c.ror2-8-0. 3938 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;VuIt=130mph(3 second gust)Verdi 01 mph;TCDL_4.2paf;BCDL=3.Opst;h=25X;B-A511;L=2411;eave=411;Cat.tj Elp G;End.,GGp1=0.18;MFRS(dhscllonal)end C-C Extedor(2i 01-12 to 3-142,Irdenor(1)3-1-12 to 19-7-4 rune;cantllever left Wld right exposed;and voting lett and rightexwwS1;C-C for members and forces 6 MJ/FRS for reactions stloxn;Lumber DOL=1.60 pla�lye g9p DOL-1 W 3) Truss designed for Wind loads m the plane of the tmse only. For surds exposed to Wind(moral to the lam),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified Wilding designer as per ANSVTPI 1, 0•• p �• 4)AI pates are 1.5x4 MT20 troll otherwise Indicated. '�'N ••, 5)Gable studs armed at 2-0 0 oc. P 7)TToo truly oose he beeBeenn designed fonal for r a fie load of 20 Best on the bottom Good f bottom orriond live lead In all areant will snwroe aother dreetangie 36-0Bar by 2-0O Wide unit f8 between the bottom chard and any other members.Will S(CDL=leeµi. /11111111\\\ 8)Protide mechanical wool(by others)of buss to Been,plate mpable of Withstanding 100 m uplift at lends)13 14 except Otdb) 15=191,9=n5himark Will 83, fie FL Cert. 6634 9)•5=191.9dg5,8=1 1 Will fixed M1eels'Member¢µilxlly model was used in the analysis and design druts irlas. 19)This Wes has large uplift reactlon(s)god inertly bad meals).Proper connection is required to secure truss f lento upeanl December 30,2014 movement at the bearings.Building designer must provide for uplift reactions indurated. A. BE cama OmMn WtlIw ue oNY WItI Mllekconrecim.Rt WSJn6�etl uNYuµn rwunelasYmm.and hlwm Mul]IM dlglpc1. /T4YtaC111yadaYOrlrwaPelelamlr.gerYmTararenol tdnp xent CreywrdalW olr4Yasq WLpr.x-roll) ,tomnm-Wm Aux"lml9ww .Ax'.ap.GlolxxMMWWeDme .of 4Mlk+rvJ WnFawYbmYgbl,mne9dM YwxN rgrsMWMkMe reywmPillryollM p� aeclw.OWWed{wn,ua,l bott'gol TeoradlaM1c11XehRa reYvdYlhol tt,aM410w•-r«�„rd PNWcomVxtlFn Mitek' IdnbaXw "Ityx'onra.5lwa ,re ymxclenagrxa.Yg.cw 1 Awlmll Orophyfor. Wad9w4 aCb wdbllweomamenl haw Ixom B-I Bhd. rcw4W l�rWnelsPl m .err ace mead a]uim too =uoA atoll memos%os%iov r,.Lu T.ImasL aulo4ns 6 x. B.Nrc b]3 QY JHhSBB /-05 GABLE I JOE Relererce Mnrvy Buitlry6irpiae, .Mcponrib.4L ]BODa Sp33 MD MJNU C)Sg Is Wdg bBCB:b]:9]2xWWhRP ID:,"HM E4IDY2uZPY6YC960 pNUeGBpVN659MNVWE�IgYL__]210tlaIpcM1PyJJOBZ QV{RHILO-VeNJV Julgn Yur'omRm wdflBlD PO]S60N]HI6GHD IMLUDBO MiBK RSIBRPIR.'B PIGS EOi>OTJ BBPORB VBH [lsaMn w1k1 b ice oNY'MIM1 MIIek<mrecln211p Ce$In6trvr4 mIY ulunyvdnelnislwwn mOh q mMutl�Glafrvdcrmiprrcnl. PMiC211Nd tles'gn�anelersmtl pn�'hmnxxoMmol romPdvenixrei�tldllNellwY4Lp MrYawr-ro tlaprr'.'.90 JM)tMnvn iMllalerNNl'IWntll�elnemnialxrv:h]d511M15 imNY NJtAIbnII IrArcreYMM ttie Mle xkGMWLqumMCMmM1Ilw�eeFwlN.rl Our mpmp�_r�gereapxaxerepe..mo MITOW I.,. iMM:ahn ne]Ilr roned.aldaye.tlewery.rleclkna1 1.1 mnwll Pwl/Rll oualryy Qllwp.osb.naM lCSI wIWnp Cdn�n.nl Sso{p.FL iOOI. I buaK�s�liv l��mee±I.xpe�lr�ee:u ee:i NLeB�e"I.�in�e�I enea�os%os%ioiseywLsc ]+�rv.. Lanlo+Ils Hamar e_Nanv. WB ft J14osee Bnt WBLE I 1 Jt' H 232014erance IeIW Ma,mnp BuiWi,p Scpplwn. JctrwrvAle.FL "ad"'W232014 IM legl .i E&Hc W:e]3120ul Part,I IDygrkyeHri2mE42fT2uq_PYMIBb0.�[hk9lepNVJYiEBrH,¢gIXJY02q]u188D1y3nBY -188 209 3.141 ' 188 200 1-94, i.sel II Scab=1,W8 3 12x0 12 Lstt4 2 aae r t ass II 8 6 sm II LSa/ II fire= 2de Le ate. 1A9 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In Qac) Val UO PLATES Off TOLL 20.0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 TC 0.90 Ved( Na - Na m WIN) 244/190 TCDL ].D Lumber DOL 1.25 SC DOS i VBA`.mLL)`) IVa - we mm BCM 0.0 Rep Sftess Icor YES WS 0.16 Horz(TL) ().00 4 We We BCDL 10.0 Coca FBC2010/11-i'l ] (Metal WSW:6]111 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACVAG- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP Ni TOPCHORD SVopmed wood sheathing directlyappered or 3"W SWire, except BOT CHORD 9r4 SP N9.2 end veri WEBS 2x4SPNo2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling dreclly applied or 9-5-11 oc anchor WEBS 1Roast mmpt 3-4 JOINTS 1 Same at J1(s):] be ,' recommendsIMI remo2as andrequired crassbratlnp ,e,nI gong during Vuss erealon,In accordance atm Stabilizer Insmllallon utile. REACTIONS. hoodice, 6--5firl 9 6,47 1f3-gd,X15&9 Mx Ho =332(LC12) Max Upli8-- 95(LC -48 ID),4=452(LC 12),i 120(LC 12) MazGrev"]8(LC 12),4=332(LC 10),5=183(LC 17) FORCES. (Ib)-Mex.Camp/MeerTen. Alforces250(lb)orlessenceptwhensboan. TOPCHORD 1-B=-]131388 BOTCHORO SB=38U301,4-5=391/301 WEBS 1-]=-5]8/)55,4]=5956 NOTES 1)Wand:ASCE 7-10;VW=130mph(Seecond gust)Vasil=101 mph;TCDla4.2psl;BCOL=&Opsl;h=25ft;B--451t;-24X;arse 11:CaL 11; Exp C;End.,GCpi=0.16;MFRS(drectionag and GC ComeR3(0.1-12 to 3.1-12,EYmdOr(2)31-12 to 3-1-12 mrif cantilever left and right expodi sed:and vecal left exposed;C C for members and tomes 6 MFRS for reactions slroLm;Umber ML-I'60 plate grip aQ ........ •• B �, •••% i 2) Toss designed for rind loads in the plane of the toss only. For studs exposed to wild(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gape End DetalB as applicable,or mrreult charged bullring designer as per ANSIRRI 1. . 3938 3)Gable requlres continuous Whom card bearing. 4)Truss to be,taly sheathed Iron one face or securely hmced against latera movement(Le,dagaal weft. C 5)Gable mutls sp m9d.12 0-0 6)The Was has been reached for a 1 O per bottom chord live load nomwrimment term any other live beds. ])-This loss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psl on(M Whom choN in all areas where a redengle ae 0 Sol by 2 OC Mme vI T �� and other members 6)Pra14e mecheWhom c011nec�iw(by roam)of truss b bearing plate capable of wilM1slanding 100111 uplift etpinl(s)expepl Ut=mj 8=285, p_'`• =�te 9)45 m2 don pltomoseks Win fixed basis'Mamber and llNry model year used in the analysis and design a this truss. ''/1\IrjS;ONA; FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q WIRNfA-V�dulgn➢mm,efm wdRNap aOTBB ONiefIBAtID1M'LUONO Mli8RR8Y8N8M.'B PAOa tlI]/]8 B®OIIN U9& I>aWn�uYA rrrruedJYyelln Mllek coruieclai.R6�,jr�at�xeA mN up_n(panelart Mown.and aMr m Ltlu4Aa11wWrp onµml. PyyitmlN of�.PaaneleemtlagarLmµAb,olmnP'xmlBrefµedllyolblMfp Amber-rot maadmb�ar Ba]gtlewrn Bb�alad.nPmdYVMMxx w�memtmbiy.M]Wd lamµaY bucYg b kmea Ltlilly W'npcmfLicM1m t AaragvW#No1X¢ . oazS'vvmmbwmaaova-, m.,dl.,mKn,raenwr�ormmdllwL./an Amba'.horns ewawarewW It I.e.� w�Halwca+dMcdmdiroan a,eswae.emcMadaaeLme met.Sam, 311VINI GuyYAVb.aB-aBm4lCN MIMpcbnPm.M 49oa Bam.EW Si r Plane l�mam,o Yro�>1fesselan w" B�roce12+Vendemess"wo1 til Terrye.FLaarlwlls 11. roan Type ply Ho —a wa.m. mo J14058e Bat MoxoartcX e 1 Jaa R as 20a Oonel Alnrwq BW]hp8urgix, Je[bwxie,Fl 47.600 ZbY2up`y,4nD ak IMWm,Irc Ins NHux" X2Ful Fe@e1 IO:pgHryalrQmE4ZDY2u.LPY6�/a&SD-pv1A01npXIZJ�EBUHI¢KNW%21fu1zPdVrypBY tdi d�9ed 168 iB8 1.5x6 Scab-1 R.0 3 12.00 12 ass e 2 1 5 4 axe II art= 398 3eA LOADIIBI SPJICING 2-0 CSL DEFL in doc) Pde9 I/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plale Grp DOL 1.25 TC 0.66 Ved(LL) -0.01 1,5 >BB9 240 LI@0 2M/190 TCDL TO Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.16 VedQLI -0.02 1,5 >999 100 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress mor VES WE 069 HoO(TL) -0.00 4 We We BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010TR`tOW (Matrix-M) Welghb 5111, FT=20% LUMBER- BRACRIG- TOPCHORD 2x4 SP Not TOPCHORD Slrx turel woad sheathing directly applied or 8-9-B oc pudlns, except BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 erWveNpals. WEBS 2x4 SP Not BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 611-3 of,bredig. WEBS 1R.M midpt 34 Wrest reammends that Slash.and required cross bracing be Installed during Miss erection,In accordance With Slab111zer Iwlallallon ulde. REACTIONS. 01, o 5 05Mechanlml MHo6(LC 12) M Upfiftz-2 (LC 12) 2),4--J00(LC0) Max GrevS-511(LC 12),4=455(LG 10) FORCES. (Ib)-Mex CompMlax.Tell.-Al forces 250(lb) less except When shown. TOPOHORD 2-5=208/519 BOTCHORD 45=439(329 WEBS 24=-A51899 NOTES 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vu0=130mph(&second guat)Vasd=101mph;TCDl,4.2psf;BCDL=3.Ops1;h=2511;0=4511;1a24d;eays4fl;Cat,11, 0,111111118""', and C-C ral left h9 expo Lend verlirefleftedxxxCC-C fFRS or membersand frces&mrRSbrlreactionslshow;Lmber)0 1SobPlate9Ped �MPS, �,p 2)This limes has been designed for a 10.0 psf bo9m chord live toad nonconcurrenl with a,Other live loads. �1--1160 ,�� \CE NS''e9 �4 3)'This Imes has been designed for a Ilya load d 20.0pef m the bosom chON in all areas where a rectangle 3"tell by 20.0 colds volt je -P fn between the battan chow and my other members. 3938 4)Refer to glyder(s)for Russ to trues connections. :• 5)Provide mechankal connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 10016 uplift at joint(s)except g1=1b)5=221 4=]00. i1¢ 6)'Semi-rigid pitchbreaxs With fixed heels'Member and fitly Model was used In the analysis and deagn of this buss. TE I-11-1 E0,% % FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q WIRNrNn-YVYJy dulgx YvvmNm wdR6a0 X01138 ON iNI6dHO INCLUO9O 111f8Re�BR6r2C9 Pd OB N1.91)8 BHIORB xa6 W6apvtlW Iw,®diYM'nrt Mnek con¢dw[.Rk�#tlpnBlmatl0lJY Wen Iblanelela Ylrwm cob 61w On YgWFM tulOp cwn�rwpl, MrxkaGlN,,-o npsanefr�s�md gOrxx Ory. Molcdn�nenikreMwNYllyo(WIMgxen,—xilptt oin. 6acYp Oon, bra b�fadrorm,Alew bmembersanN. A'MAkM lem{rwWa�lrp to FmrenmlNaungaomnmllonemelex.»alnvof n¢ Palma e..MccLperllnevwtll.ndueleln¢ —dA.kNerll�l.hy...... rwne�eraa�adwrempwmp MEOW , I2xkoM�.4.AYm1w,riot.ennoble—.11n.h'ecllm.,. 1-1 cwais.IIIl/Rn sNunncM.M.Os4M una nCSl wlalrq Compdxm enoa vxrM.EM en1 rcolNy —o Ilm waRAc from I�Nme Im11NM1e�01 H tce srtcel1 gene slz lW—✓Jik vP'11J1a ierrye.Fl o3nioms soeme..,PIne I6PRe+a6ar xeParih:a, .w„al.,e:a,a m«aemr.l„a pi/dl/zoic eYAfsc _ -. _, TB]xM11 JIa05A9 pPOt FlwrSuppulM OWb t0 t d' Reference mel AbnninB BuitlYpeii(gLu. JaClepniF,FLTro0a5apDIK&G4TeLlXld4yHNueDOBDMW):3p Po14PoBal IDywkysHM'nE4IDY2u4PY8y485DIK.f40PA2AlXaplOy4reANM12CGBDMWmFBUHUGImt3gBW 1sa4 II 1 91,= R a16i41 $fab=1:11A W 6 5 4 8q II 3A= t5N II iaa I zas 1aa gaa ' LOADING(pgiJ SPACING- 2-0.0 C91. DEFT. In ga) Vdefi W PLATES GRIP T011 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.07 Vert(LL) Na - Na 888 W20 244180 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL L00 BC 0.01 Veri(TL) her, - nre BBB BOLL 0.0 Rep Sheer lar VES WB 0.02 1 HdmTL) -0.0D 4 ma We BCDL SO Cotle FBC2010RPI20W (Matrix) Welghb 16 In Fr=20%F,11%E LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD 2M SP No.2019) TOP CHORD Sllucturai wood shealltllg directly applied or 2 0 a publi s, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP Na2011) endl etllceis. WEBS 2x4 SP NO2gId) BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied of 10-0c oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SP NoP(ilal) REACTIONS. (handed 6=5d1-8-8,4=2811-88,5=1404-8 Max Upilp 28(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.ComplMax.Tea-MIM.a25001)orleasexceplammahown. NOTES- 1)Gable requires opnlinuas botlom chord bearing. 2)Trips to be fUly sheathed from one lace or wordy braced against lateral come menl(I.ediagonal wsb7. 3)Gable studs all al 14 0 oc. 4)PmMde mechanical connection(by others)of have to bearing plate capable of wl0stani 10011,uplift at)olnds)4. 5)'Semi-rigid pitcirbreake am fixed heals'Member antl filmy model was used In the analysts and design Of lids lass. 6)Recommend 9r6 ehongbecks,on edge,spe ced at 100-0 oc and ladened to each truss arm 3 1 Od(0.131'X 3')nolle. Strongbacks to be allchW to walls at their order ends or reahair e l by dt ar means. JA�O�P'c,• 3938 0% ATE :•��; i�xb Stop, ONA;E?GA�, FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wAR]YML.v^Vv do:&^PmanRera-1.No.ON]Nrsd10]NCI.tdoIU[ABPPFSVCa FnoB xQI.)4]d BBPORB Ua6 CaYBn Wpknrw oreyulT MlleYcmrc.<Ioic Msale5pn kl. tlonlyupfn{w�malart4wwn aMkrwmM`NUV U4flgcon,PTm1. IrgkWllyd nWa,relursuY]pIX ew IwvWntl ioalfwnpx'enl e �CLlMordlW ar ro:� es� . Yaw1rcn , MWsremmuhircn" ClUirmmIaarq.1 m � needl da" nl» xKiry l : m r: ai � 4Y kgkxL coollyrn'vvaWM..eeuom,,delrymy.a�a:nmmol reaYY,.—u Alli.11 OtlM ,sale-thiel Bu1Wrgp,xn Nl - FVIaM. rlSorJrnIWllurMrnaperNx6 rAe rtle4lw,W,wamanare tMae�ftlwe6/DI/ROUOy AIY Tnrq,FL 3n10411a J title y,e ly Xdbmm ne¢iNnce OIR 11.1. �apP2 FMa Suppoll¢E G¢Ek 1 1 JW eelerelre vo^al Mnnmp 9u#Nnp SUPolh¢. JacF¢cmAk,FL 23 Mneklb[,Irc. JGe:5T:91 Rate IDKIkYeH1QmE4Y2,FY6y4SD-[KGPAIXapdyNJWEBDLWmBUHW IJJ p9W 1 3M- Rlwt 11 91St II J 3x311 pcaa=1:11.3 W e ] 6 5 M. II 9q- 1SxJ it eq II 3100 5100 LOADING(pot) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. I DEFL In (loc) based W PLATES am TCLL 400 Plane,Grip DOL 1.OD TC 0.00 Vew(ILLn) We - ne, BBB W29 24Ni90 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.01 Vw(TL) We - Me BBB .CLL 0.0 Rep Strew lrcr YES We 0.02 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 raa We .COL 5.0 Codes FBC2010/rPKW) (MeMg Weight 2]Ito FT=20%F,11%E LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD Za SP No.2glat) TOP CHORD StlucturM mw sf MiW di coy Vplie or 3-10-0oc pualns, except BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.2glat) end'samen WEBS 2,4 SP NO.20 at) BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0-0ce bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SP Ni REACTIONS. Allbw n I3-100. (b)- Mex Gray Ad reactions 2501b or less at Iolnt(s)0,5,7,6 FORCES. gb)-Max.Canpdvi Tsn.-All forces 260 Qb)or less except Man shown. NOTES 1)Gable requires continuous bottom chain bearre, 2)Trues to be fully sheathed from one face or severely breed ageiret lateral moyemerr(l.e.diagonal web). 3)Gable studs spaced at 1 4-0 oc. 4)'Semttlgla ptornmeaks With lead heels'Member end lied,model was used In the analysis and design M this noes. 5)Recommena 2xi,st.r,bark..on edge,spaced at 100-0 oc and laslenea to each trues Mth 3100(0.131'X T) it., Stiongbacks to be,attacher to Walls at their outer Gm:S or restralned by other means. :S,A.... . �O .. 4CE N * 3938 4L 3938 .O•• � TE • _�� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wewwxu-ve�aelvrr P���w..=.=rexaeoxoTae ox Txre uJo mcewm wTsx avBaxxce veoe ws242a earoxa OeB padryr WNM1ffi WY`w11rl aMlal ccrvaclm lMct'swnhbaM mlY urxn Wmielnz Nuwi mOhkxmM�WLL'acompxwnl. µYlydMlNoltle9gl lx[ulleiazmllxola'/Ylconr=ralkndcmmr`�ln^r5�epwANN oIIMdp eLL��aro tlesLrylar.b[wilg Mw^ hMla� ^Its x'I^'dm IMmoLelal}�ml¢n.e lire �wt'riry�u(tl¢d1�'q erkyP f«[A� ayJWc-leP Ag oltM MOW kdk^nm uxaN tonna,naave.raNan.m.,elxr^ L11MJV.celellr AN MIM ouady Cwwa,p5B4aanr BC5leuI maP P-1 rs."....u. < XSwrlw�m Iwa mOer^Izlzpemot.I tN,leig^valu1—,.11, ,.11,ei�-1.11kR�,r4 0YPLSC Terry..FLa.o0 115 sT,..Tires cre, Flywm„,.a w.Ma.a. T612201s JH06PB BGW Fpu SgpWtlMpb 1 1 .r.RBI0.41yn.lop Manning auidxp syp4e, Jec4omilk.FL 1a00aaapx3x0D MRMMtluNec Mc. Twles aJItVFI201x"Cy ID:parkyeHrQmE4IDY2qPVBy4g5GOWd'tTIBB.DIROMBPAIIcv%WRZVFDaI(jaepgC�4n8V t ma= 216 I sols=r:1va 4 mII 3v= as as taa oao LOADING(psl) SPACING- 200 ON DEFL In goo) VM Ud R hT165 ONIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TO 0.10 Ved(LL) Na - Ne 989 Miff 241190 TOOL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 0C 0.01 Verl Na - Na 998 BCU 0.0 Rep Stresslnor YES WB 0.01 Hora(TL) -0.00 3 Na No BCDL 5.0 Gone FBC2010/FPI2oW (Metrix] Weight 131 FT=2 F,11%E LUMBEW BRACING - TOPCHORD 2x4 SP No,2(Vat) TOPCHORD ShucWalwwtlshealMtg tliregly epplletl ort-0-B oc pudlre, except BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.201at) eM veMcals. WEBS 914 SP No.2(Oal) BOTCHORD Eigin ceiling directly applied or 100-0oc bladN. OTHERS 914 SP No.2(11M) REACTIONS. MnMue) 4=66114-12,3=00/1-442 FORCES. (Ib) Mex Comp Nat Ten. All forces 250(Ib)or less except Wren shown. NOTES 1)Gable!¢cubes continuous benom chord bearing. 2)Truss to be fully sheathed from one lace or securely braced agaimt lateral movement 0.0.diagonal web), 3)Gable Muds spaced W 14 0 oc. 4)"Semi-rigid pitchbreaks Will fixed heels'Member end fltlty model was used in Me analysis and design of this Mae. Sj RecommelM axe sbolgbecks,on etlge,spacetl at 100-0 oI.df.Wt d tp each truss with 3 lOd(0.131"X 3')nails. Strongbacks b be attached to walls at Mair outer ends or restinned by other means, J�%O�PS,A•,... p�� 3938 '.O.• TE •.��� E?,O% FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q weawAo vim:/yam:.v-v�„�,.�_,.,,,�aaseo rrolsa oxrHre um mcumm aaxaerwaneaaxce vase mr.v�2a e®oxs uea WLLyn fuss,Mrce orvvwlln nnnvk m'n,nduc 116 nabaa0 MvaIT"a1Warebn Aownaharu a,MW,NI Mne—,, WrwllLIs b.1.fuss,o1 ,Ina �lorsuxlwa^,1 opmol<nnnngMR�Aa[wYMM OINGp ¢r-mtlnm d MeF B.cag ofM Iw111er a-0crIM—, M, s, MNMva lI-1 ay h' 1,Ito ruji ayr ,1.uQh ofrs 1pregwvell•Mot Ra om«gg ,1 .s--1b—Inn, Af AN rorpswy,ma,sgw.rnpsi 6C psi m,n rlltl Welc wlcoXon.atllrytm`"eft aafumPerY.eiecdnada«na<mult AM9/ xrMdcu Cdlwb.drawn,aM¢N PYIIp CamPanN Tsw ,FL xm e41I u msou Pa.slain ti M:i mw�.'ea+ip�lti:lu3ng�a.:aefiia+.2�c:�s,da%Uyxou post T.r,P..Rax1a411s rue.Tyro 01, pl, ddY.re.B..i . T6Td011 Jlaos® BGW Fkm Suppyletl GebY 1 JtbFNxerce Mmuip BUY0iry 5upq'res. JMaanib.FL TWe.5p TJ 2014far. Inew4Y..Yc. 1-c-.0011.2014 . IpygrkyeHKhnE<SbY2uZPY8y0856pWJ9TBBibtFpMB&Ahv%W Bb2bFpVKj4tjxap p(Y.1gBV 1 a9= 215411 3 °611 Sul.-1:11.4 1 B s a 310 11 36= 36 11 2L8 208 L0ADINGg1st) SPACNG 2 0 0 C81. DEE-. In Doc) Well Vd PIATES GRIP TCt 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0..07Ved(M) We - Ina No MRO 240190 TCDL 10.0 Wmber DOL 1.00 BC 0.01 Ved(1L) We - rve me BCLL 0.0 Rep Saeas lnor YES W8 0.02 HOur(T D.W 4 IVa We BCDIL 5.0 Code FBC2010`TP1200] "MX) Weight:1816 FT=20%F,1M LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP 1,10,201M) TOP CHORD Structural vood sheathirg directly applied Or 20E co,pulpns, afraid BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No2Qlat) entl verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2(Bat) 60TCHORD RlgM callllg d6ectly Winner]or 10.60 oc bachN, OTHERS 24 SP No.2(flat) SUCTIONS. (Iband 6=552-68,4=8268,5=1342-08 FORCES. (I6)-Mex.Cdnp.IMax.Ten.-MI forces 2600b)or le55 except when Warm. NOTES- 1)Gable requires continuous bottom chod bearing. 2)Truss to be fully sheathed from one face or securely braced against lateral movement(Le,diagonal web). 3)cattle MUd9 spaced at 1 0 0 or. 4)'Semi rigid ptchbreaks each fixed heels'Member end lifity model was used in the analysis and design of tai°trues. 5)Recommend 2x6 sboNtoacks,on edge,spaced at 1000 oc and fastened to each truss via 3l W(0.131X 3-)nags. Stmngbacks to be,atMtlred to walls at their outer ends or rest.I W by Baer means. O��QMP'c,..A•''9�6�'O �.Z..•y�DENS�•.9 ': 3938 :O•• � ATE •.��; %,'ods• o ..`.... p4�S;ONA;E?40� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wuuerm.vmyv aolv..w.e.,e.,.re„d wvenrmr�oNTwraeem lemewep lPTS'R RPP6aFl.Ce reoO Nrr v4va eevpes uaB � CeYp vWla rus MY`46 MIIaX cnredc¢a6deYpn6�Ma✓YMat WanatenAovm aMYlnm M✓tlM buAMpcwnpaenL /,TiakWlNoldaY9P p'.•orolaSUN pgRdwwpwallwrdcunGwcnikrasp+r lAMor blKKRr deapr'a,-mtlrus tle53rwr BacYq Nrwn Y a mmla.aw I o1s�.uawreorrremo..�.oxv. �vellurw l.mPorvva�lm l.,s.-.,.:IaxlW aurt�u<nu.m.:Ix.,nm,,,rea,,.mu1lN of nw ne<Ior. oaanom Pwmo.ml ddvrodme oraral.mr<s.reYm.,.w.w+lnvdlro e4dkip dodpnxrw9o��wa aammr.v..rro MiTek' IRxkoPM ualry consa.morupe.adlfwv.a,e<:1u,md erad,e.<ou.n ndslmn arenry cm.no,psseaooe e<slawalrgcomPo^.m WW4v.,4 Em eaa. M°�y� IMwnPYw I1P I�umflOe:�a spe�iRed[°sM1e M�aaim valuea�xe�Neau,Me•iair�e 06%oi/2oil W a�K Ta,rys.FL 3]SIo<115 job lose I s yp. Qfr ply Hoe Rands— ' T6M301a 1. un nual x t Job Relera[e EwW Mixers&iNinp$urpl'p, Jalsoni•FL ]6M•6psa201•M7Ywtluaw,l2 iw Cat 2]WS)Sk01• h9e ID:pgAyMM2n1EQbY2p_PY�CBSD-IpBNtdClx'/N2aELi3OrflkiX3916yIUyDNNkM(:gBU 7.1" 7-11A WSIS 1:17A 4 •.W 12 15M 9 1.5x• a 3 y G 7 fi 6 2•G t$x{ 1 1si• 1SM I I LOADING gsR SPACING 200 C61. DEFL In (Ix) Vdefl - PUTE6 GRIP TCU- 20.0 Plate Odp DOL 125 TC 0.19 VW(U) Ne - Na 999 -2. 241/190 TCM 7.0 Lumber DOL LES BC 0.10 venbc L) Ne - Na 999 BULL 00 ' Rep Stress leerz(T r YES WB 0.013 HoL) 0.00 5 Na Na BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010/TPr2007 (WMX) Weight Mlb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING TOPCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOPCHORD Stru ural wvod sheathing directly applied or 600 oc pudbw, Moepl BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 end"mcals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD Rigid daft,cirecdy applied or 1660 oc bedrg. OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2 MITek recommends that Stab07em and requimtl ansa bmGnq nd Installetl during truss erection,In aaordarca with Smblllzer ,ataner aide. REACTIONS. At Oaerttps7-118. ib)- Max Horn 1=116(LC 11) Max Uplift MI uplift 10016 or less at joings)1,5,6 Mcept 7=100(LC 12) Max Gm All reactions 25016 or less at jdN(s)1,5,6,7 FORCES. (lb)-Mex.Gomp.IMa Ten. Allforces2500b)orlessexceptwrenshown. WEBS 2-7=-174323 NOTES 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vutt=130mph(3sewnd gust)Vessel 01 mph;TCDL=4.2asf;BCDIr3.0psf;h=25X;0=45X;L=24ft;eave=21t;Cat 11; EM C;End.,GCG-=D.18;MFRS(drao6onal)and GC Corral Sto 3-11-8,Extetlor(2)3-11-8t.7 912 zona;wntllever Shansi dghtl exposed;end vedical attend right eSposed;C C for members and forces&MFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL=tap 2) Truss designed far vend loads In the plane of the hues only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as appiicade,or consult qual9ied building designer M per ANSUTPt i. trQ �pS•A, q�e•,h 3)Gable requires continuous bottom dlord Warning. �" O p E N•• 4)Gebe sWUs spaced at 2-00 or. `���:'y\ $• •.9 5)This truss hes been designed for a 100 psf bottom chord hire load nonconcurmnt with any Mher we loads. 6)-This vasa has been deigned lot a live load or 20.0psf on the bottom had in all areas Mare a rectangle 36.0 tan by 200 wide w0143938 fit between the bottom chord and any other members. *:• 7)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate warble of w+PStanding 10016 uplift at jo ints)1.5,6 ended 01,the C 7=100. 8)'Seml-dgld Ptonbreaks wish fixed heels'Member end holy model was used In the analysis and design d this truss. , S 0, �i�•P�•••C O R(O P:��,� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 nesgo ear on��r�v�......e�+u.aaem xp7ee oxlNreexp rxcalm�w'ramv�raRalcv seaslPr.w7a eavpxa use Ce;Un WYJ 1p v¢axYx1T Mi�cml�edm Rh CeYyna WwtlolJy upn{wmnlels9wum.odb lu mNWd'l W4tgcanGw,en1. .oruax lbd MOPn Wm,elaiaN lxorv�Inttxlwolp�olcwnpaml k�ryxxMHIINd MIMgtl�n�-ml alntlmlyla oral .1 n bMlpleld a(pa'I of IIMMxIwaOmsmkaiaYytl.M]IMVJ IanquaY dutlMl blmxasMMM�IiM�{1cmaMclkm bx�e�eWxxClXbol Ra aecb�.Pbdaxax P`„^^"xwni backgofewovr 1, ekRa�{meMlh^Iero[JBry Jeikllxv.fapww�d PF�zw•c�eJ�dYq NOW IdxkWun WMNvoinu al. .�la9ly.aecOmada¢bdetxd. HWIvn4ludlb&-„ ' osed9 m0pCL MaMgcanpnlW Lea,1L EroteW. nswlu.mrwr�Mabler.,ead's”uraf.�nwues-:tu,�::m sweos%ur%lou MAuc isles.rt axlo.alts . yes IWairi Peatlem W 016 il. Cas ani g 1 2477 erce o Ilontl alio,BuMep Sulam, .IxLenrib.R ]eW 23 YO14 MTN N9eerw.lrc Tu.Cec 33 NS)52011 Pagel ID:yrkyeHr2mE4IDY21q_ YBy4OSD�hIBNM1 CgvN2Y£ti3DrM7VQ?Y9?UbNNMey3gau ]-118 ]-11d Su.=1 S.5 l axe II r z 4.00 12 a ] i 1� 1 a A4 ffi_ ]-11-8 791-8 LOADING gan SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. UEFL In 0.) V&8 VE PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plain Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.85 VeQLL) 0.18 3A >525 240 W20 24190 TCDL 7.0 Wmber DOL 1.25 BC 0.67 Velt(T-) -0.48 M >203 190 BCLL 0.0Rep Saws lwr YES W8 0.00 Horz(1L) 0.05 1 ma we BCDL 10.0 Cade FBC2010RP120W (Mem%-M) Weight:28 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 20 SP No 2 TOP CHORD Structure!ewd sheathing directyapplied or 534 oc punikls, except BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 eM vemcals. WEBS 2x4SP No2 BOTCHORD Rlyd cm111g dlredly implied or 10-0-0 oc bedrg. MITek recommends that SaNllzare and required cress burning be installed during buss arecdon,In ewomence MIh Stabilizer InsiNi.d utile. REACTIONS. (Iblslze) 1=2BBI0-3-0,3=28alMecnanical Mex HoG1=137(LC11) Max UpIR1=100(LC 12),3=d0B(LC 12) FORCES. OD)-Max.Co nioJfvIsur Ten.-All fomes 250 Ob)or less emept wfien shown. BOTCHORD 13=-33(e217 NOTES 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;VUIt=131]mph(3 second gust)Vasil=101mph;TGDL=4,2m1;SCDI_3.Opa1;h=25q Bk5ft; --24ft:eave,m;Cel.11; Exp C;End.,GCpI=0.19;MFRS(direcmo aMC-C Extehm(2)0-0-0 to 300.Imeriar(1)3,0-0 to 7-412 zone;mnthever left and night ea mfed;and yeMcal left and right elmosetl;C-C for members ami forms 8 MW FRS for home is shown;Lumber DOtr16D plate pop DO(=160 2)This less hes been&sgi ed for a 100 mi Indoor cha d live load nolwonwnent arlso any other live los&. �Urp rr/Fp ,, 3)-This Imes has been coughed for aIlye lead of 20.Opdf on the bottom chord In all arses where a rabugle 360 tall by 200 Was ail! \s 4)Rfe Kerr to gicedd formu�u ttoo buss Ommomme. ars. J�JO�,p,S A• 5)Frank,mechamcm counedlon(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable M afthatanding IM Ib uplift at)olnd.)1 exmpl 0l=ll) `J�.T;•�\C E N g�.% 3=109. 6)-Semirigid molumeaks win fixed beele Member end my,model wee used In the analysis and cheddar of Ibis truss. 3838 • � TE :•�4�: F77 FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wewi enfie au+y.puv.sec+—.sa oxoiE9 oxaxreerm]xcLun®w]ml xsrxxxxcx reoxiep.l4aa e®oxx u69. llzlan vtlplw rce aN Win INltltcaveclae Rwpetlpn6bsNaNY�A'/�WarelweNwx�aW kM miMuklxl d1U9 cucryreri. Mdlc6JlNa tlngn MmrelersaN pa iicalzuallmofcwnga�enikregratilYollwAdp�¢iw-mifirmtlai�n.Brxiq Cwwr klnlrlerdvxxu'l olreubw«omamea,eoruv. Adanlord l��porw m«lre loxa.ndmlNewigcnraewllerklnn mxmr.unlyare 1[dIci1lm..x� xlNcmM'slalC, r4Wmieimh�crll.�ouevmwKJlW,er�iV MReKa. 3dslY lnldnwlbr is u,n A.lrwn leo Rain Kmute ].,N.ire srteuL Ss.d l P PlevWrky y..Y 14 NVC..��r.nl bay. R ar.h Nsoutliern Pi,u(SP1lrmeer ii grxlfiedITe Je.Ign valwiv.Il.se ellae[ivl B6/O3/3ol3OyAL5C ]mT^.Si'tld1a1116 job S Truss Tope Hobmgn "o". YAI] J1 W WS6B Wl 6LE 2 1 Jab RelerePrce Ironel kYnnbq SUIMmBSUPokrs. JetkwmYq FL 2uq Y6y4gS WkmuklDRTDv,IWGM4.t]n ODI 2 F7 LWy ID:pyrkyNir2mE4IDY2ua PYBy49SP9vkmuRDRTDv9glp%Grt.<yglJI000j3mMF]wWydgH! 2aa Iaa Sea � ROa 2d0 198 � 1.5X1 II Scale.112. 4 12.96 1216x1 11 a tAI II 3ifi 1 3 ] s a Is II 15,4 11 we - rid 9a TCLL G(psf) SPACNR- 2-60 CSL DEFL in (loc) I'd.flWe . F—:13 GRIP TCLL 20.0 B" Grip DOL 125 TO 0.21 VOMLL) in - Na 999 GRIPTCDL ].0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.14 VMgTL) Ne - We 99fBOLL 0.0 ' Rep Strew lour YES WB 0.29 HOR(TL) -0.00 5 Ne Na BCDL 10.0 Code FBC201MPITW] (Motors) 5616 FT=20e LUMBER- BRACHII} TOPCHORD 2x4 SP Ne.2 TOPCHORD Structural weed shamr,directly applied m i9-8 oc putllns, except BOTCHORD 2x4 SP Notand morals. WEBS 2x4SP m2 BOT CHORD Rigid caping directly Vapor!or SO O o bratlng. WEBS 1Row at nldpt 45 JOINTS 1Brace at Juts,9 MITek r6crmmods that Stabilizers and rmu rsd cross bracing be installed during or.Mor l.,In acca Jeno efth St9Mlizer Installation guld.. REACTIONS. proalze) ]�IS9-8,5=119/S9-e,6�82/59-e Mat HOo:7�(LC12) Max UNIR7-205(LC 10),5=J10(LC 12),6=242(11O 12) Max Grav7,406(LC 12),5=2W(LC 171.6=343(11C to FORCES. (lb)-Mat.Comp.Max,Ton.-All to.250(b)or lase amort when shown. TOP CHORD 1-7=-560/435,1-2=41&345 BOT CHORD 6 7=434/338,5443 136 WEBS 1 8=417/536,59=-367/465,5-9=4351556,2-8=309/306,6-"011397 NOTES 1) MC;ind YEnd.,GCpIV0.l18;MWFRSadloodgmsemnd ahmoIC-CComer((3)0-1-2too 31ust)VMI Mph;TCD".2Psf;42DExlerlm2)3?12b�42zons,can0 avetrleftend �%`` '1111111118 1A.Lq�e,�� right exposed;and vertical left agwsed.0-C for numbers and forces&MFRS for roaGlons shorn;Lumber DOIA 60 plate cup '. % i 2) Truss magned for wind loads In the plana Of to trues only. For stud,antes l W wool(ronnal to the face),sea Slandma industry Gale End Details as applicable,or comW qualpfied bWlding designer as per ANSVTPI 1 3938 3)Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing, *(• 4)Trues to Is,pully sheathed from one face or securely braced against lateral movement(i.e.diagonal web), 5)Gable studs spacetl at 2 0 0 cc. rQ 6)This truss has been oxelgned for a 100 pal bottom chord live load nonc0ncunem whh any other NO loads, ])-The truss has been coughed for a Ilve load of 20.0pef on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will i TE 7 B)Prontle Mechanical connector(by(by omen)of wu to beefing pate capable of Withstanding 100Ib uplift at joints)except gt=ro)7305, %rO'C� 9)'9em0i-daa pdchboarks With fixed heels'MemUat end fiery model was used In the analysls and design of thle was. r,�r/�S81111111111, ONA'�,\G FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wutgxo v...;Jew°:.v=ymw..ee.wexeep xptsa px 3xzeumrze:4rmm4xiPX xaysaexee buldx.viva esvoxx vee mbpnvadln,�wr MY.+IIh MIIeX con¢c1ors.Rhde93n6MeM<xYYuparlv�malaeYwnt aWkM mI not own ldgcgryq,enl. ebr d s4v IMNNud wexJJ.1.,11..11.xlem�dx� loft Mo Ham Xgcuuhiclbn611'e re�MtllMdM r�mr. alnw.x von���ehluuoX,e of nw ovwalam.,nrexlre�AR>«waxrwll,e uartea m49rwr.rw9arlardx4a.IoeMITOW I lvkaMn.ay.MM1ycvv,advlrM,how H,ne ortur, 81 tla in- sum 31Zfile om VAw 314.y999a9m0 aC61 W1igCOhgpwnr 1 PRL=1411 YSaMun tees(50)IUMer.gpsi,eae6 tlw axiii vYuuy YwXeMecWe W/pl/2013 eI,— 1e,rpa,FL 33610.4116 e W yyB Ilawxrxn Ill@BiB JINSBB OM MGICPIifN JW xsso,e Anel 1hn,vne BUMig6µpFs, JecbonrM.fL IDyeMyeHn2mE4 Y22uy-PPV5y49S0 MIBBnD3EW10HE Tu81M]DE.ArS 20u TpXe OIg11FJ%9DIEONSVvnPWTlixBea83 698 S8B Seek,1 Wb LSM II 2 12L0 FiT 6 6 M/1 1 e 1SW 818= See 5e9 LOADIlii) SPACING- 2LO CSI. DEFL In poc) VOeB UO PLATES GRIP TCU 20.0 Kele Gdp DOL 1.25 TO On I Ved(LL) -0.05 34 x999 240 MT29 244/190 TCOL 7.0 Wmbar DOL 1.2fi BC 0.39 Wxf(TL) -0.14 34 x451 180 BCLL 0.0 ' flap Strsealzr YES WB o.35 Horz(FL) -0.00 3 rant we BCDL 10.0 DDde FBC2010?PI200) (aboadwM) Weight:St to FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structures wind strezthing directly applied or 59 8 oc pulllls, Bxcept BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 and veairals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rgid canting of.-"applled or 9-2-11 an normal WEBS 1Row at amid 2-3 M Ts'recommence that Sol and appared.th�e breding be Insrallad during truss erection,In..Ms..Wth Stabillrer Installation use.. REACTIONS. (1651x¢) 4=20 ",3-2 Nechammal Max Hob,4�351ILC 12) Max Oplifift 0(LC 10),3=409(LC 12) Max GrAx4=203(LC 12),3=351 ft-C 17) FORCES. Ob) Max Com,flAstaTen.-All tomes 250 Qb)or leas except Men shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-285/281,14=34&227 BOTCHORD 34=-404/348 WEBS 1-3=438150] NOTES- 1)Wil ASCE 7-10;VUIt=1 Ohl f3-second gust)Vasd=101 mph;TCDl 2pl BCDL-3.Opsf;8258;B=46fl;1=248;sa a=4D,Cat.11; LTTpI IlI y Gl and CC right elmceecl;andixB111caI�FRS exposed,C C for members and tomes&l2 to MWFRS for raetctlions shown2Lumber DDL=l:opleto 5-7-12 opme; le¢ipt Ap�4 p5•A, q��,,�� 2)DOs mss � ties been designed for a 10.0 Famottom ctwMN Ie load nonwrwmurrewish arty Wber live toads. w1a�.�•:\G E N S'••.9 •� 3)'This Buss has been designed for a Ilve toad of 20,Dpsi on the boDom cal M all areas wfier.a recurgle3 tall by 20O*us will lit between the boaWn chord and any other members. 3838 4)Raper to glader(s)for Was to Burs connections. 5)Prol mectlenlcel connector,(by others)of mail to bearing plate capable of Mustanding IM to uplift of johns)4 except at-lb) 6)-Saamil pltchape s wflh fixed peels'Member end badly model was used In the analysis and design al this truss. 2r¢ 1�10i0SIONA� %% FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q weararo-v..:/a.vulyn pu.mnem m.axaea xorl0 ox ra9erm bwe6wm wzeR aPe6aaFca eeoa wrwva 9evoa's ues ceRan Mkt Iw geeo�eY'wfm Intek<aveclwv.Tta.�n kbawdaYY4�an rm�mareiatlwwr,ad hKKm1MH,nln anrg'.ing nl. b LMrcd�vxpxl IRxMMa✓J wekr emmMnaYy. PMBFnlclemryvayM1rclryl lo�l�¢�xnlstluk,pcwulruclYnR r�eredxNol nw slack.. wx,apelmmam lxaclrpWllnavaW muckxeemerer..w1.+IllYelnweuroaaF�...r..eeaera ewarewaw MiTek' son, cnnnw.tlaige MNery aeclb'at bMgool ox. Nv/Rn CwYYCNxb.DBB4a ane BCX BJMgecTvanera aeM Peke E«r eYa. agM/WamaMon a•�JtlMe hwn_ln¢halek ttlule,]BIN.Lm SRmrr.WIe J11.Ne)m'vkb.VPR4.11E. � ie,ryn.FL 336rO9 Irswma.nPt,.e reps lambaauspe�ieea.a,.ee:iPlvalueaa.e ma,e enea,ve O6/Oz/zoz3 ey ALsc �, IIs S To..Tate ON Ij Hdbman li-,tl... TB]Ye010 ":a,se E01k GwlL j t Job Reference (optional) MmpBuiby$uprAb[. hib.0. 1Wa5epo-1. .. . NMMcT 3 #:30Ota IDygeH2mE4Y2uaPv6y49SD-5lsWJ7EqNNMYNI4IC14l.;J p8R Peri rid 1n80 Sure•1:10.6 1.a= 6 5 T 1.00 12 4 e 3 B 2 10 11 yy 1 O G O 19 1e 11 1. 15 14 13 12 3.11 W= 211-0 2100 Ptae 011selsKYF 1160-24L03-0I LOADING(of) SPACING- 2-04) CSI. DEFL. In (roc) Itself Uri PIATES GRIP TOLL 200 Plate GNP DOL 1.25 TC 0.06 Ved(IL) Na - Ne me W20 24 AN TCOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC O04 in We - We 999 BCLL 0.0Rep Stress loor YES WB am HoodTL) 0.00 11 We No BCDL 10.0 Code FBC201QTPI20O7 (Matra) Weight:1N Ili FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING TOPCHORO 2x45P Not TOP CHORD Stmcluml wool sheathing diredlymplle0 or 600 co Forms. BOTCHORD 2Pf SP No.2 BOT CHORD RIgAd ceiling directly applied or 1000 m bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2 MITex recemmantls"Fu='s and requlmor cross bracing be Instal.,dudng I...me=an,In ac�N m With Stabgizer losta11a11oa alae. REACTIONS. All bearings 2140. gb)- Melt Hoo,1=165(1-011) Max Upntt AN uplift IM Ift or less at lolnlyd 1,17,18.19,20,15,14,13,12 Merz Gtav All mmUn 2501b or less M)olnl(s)1,11,16,17,18,19,20.16,14,13,12 FORCES. (Ib)-Max.Con,Mex.Ten.-All forces 250 gb)or less except wren shown. NOIES- 1)Unbalances root Ili loads have been comadered for the design. 2)Wind ASCE 7-10;Vu11=13Gnph(3-second gust)Vasd=101 mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=3.Dpsl;h=258;B-1511;L= 0:seas=211;Cel.It; Exp C;End.,GCpl-0.18;MFRS(dlrecfional)and C-C Comer(3)0 61 to 343-1,EMerar(2)3.61 to 1040,Comerpg 10-6-0 to 13b-0 cantllever IMI and right eNlosetl;and aeri=al 101 and night expOsed;C-C for members add fortes 8 MFRS for memoo shown; Lumber DOL=l SO plate grip DOL-1.60 ``\ , 3) Truss designeurds ex d for Wind lovas In the plane of the truss only For sposed to wird(rwrmM tlhe to face),see Standard Industry Owns \\ /I OMEnd Details as applicable,or consult Welding,Wilding designer as per Ai 1. %1!, .• 2Q� 1 4)All Fams are L5W W20 unless otherwise indicated. Q tl`• e 5)Gable regWres continuous bottom chord bearing. ;��, •.�\GEN$ ••.9 •� 6)Gable studs arm=ed at 2-0 O cc. 7)Trio buss has aeon designed for a 10.0 psi bottom Chord Ilse two noncmcurrent With any minor nae loads. . 3938 6)'This loss has been designed for a live load of W.War on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle S&O IMI by 240 wide Wile f9 threaten the bottom choul and any other members. 9)Pmdde mechanical connection(by others)of imsa to bearing plate capable d Wlhstanding 1001b upilO at I11.,1 y �� 14,13,12. 10)'Semi-ngltl plknbreaks with fixed nests'Member and fixity mold Was used In the anal, and design of this truss. O.• ATE :��; .-F '�� O R 10 p'• ��: FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wuvAAo-v�:ry amty„v=•ism m,axeen no2sa oxlxreerm rrxr.wm 3v11vrrsrexerlce rads nr.742a Aworea we. mimodmignorso 1RWnvtlklM�oNY`wah tXreMcauecras ll'h GeYJnR�aO mryu(w,�anelers SM1rvm.mdhMmMulad Wrlg cd cls id . kbtleMut ooIMMY1MI weUmersm�lu�-riw/.,20.TbrvA� bkGoceNolgccrminclkmkie[urtlOniryMM rem,memool."cYl—donodimaitre,e�m..«ire aiwa m.ro,e da.A1��e,ewav M) ek' iWtdMltNtlry tonna.alhom.-Ron a0., 11..me . 1,co ml1 CwMYcrllwp.pebeSme lGII WMYq Cm,pw,[nl pp0l y." mBM. YS�auM�i�Plr.luNx[�Np[i6M'1d�ap�M,�a�i��tleY12Vxi[e We�pBa�%1dLi N'ALSL TnnM.FL a381D411s JW s w yye I vv'%ow.... is]ZLM•O J14a5� F➢R Lamm 6 1 Jtl,e,l(ace Wnrciq BuiHYp^uyyfw, Je}eomNM,R 1WOeaeP2SD4 QUINT axieik]f(YY Hivad Op:51:3 ,tact-epi ID:pgdryeHRmE4IDY2a,PYEyI9S0-aUDUW TMmSIk%YY6rvH�celAu9kw$Z45CLeVPy39BD 6693 1020 158 21 1.0 56 SS13 691 < SS2 � bub=1:420 Si5= 3 00 12 16 6 15x4\\ Izx4 e 2 4 ,4 17 6' 7-47 u ba14 ,121m s 7-wu Wee OSseN(%Y}. 15'62-0Etl9e1 F/'0280991 LOADINO(pd) SPACING- 209 M. DER. In got) Vtlex Lld PLATER amp TCLL 20.0 Phone Grip DOL 1.25 TO 033 V.d(LL) -0.. 6-0 a99B 240 NT20 28/190 TCOL 7.0 W-be'DOL 1.25 BC 0.52 V.d(rL) -O.P 84 -1999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress l-r YES WB 0.16 IMrz(mq 0.03 5 Na Na BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2SSTPI2WT giant M) Weight 981D FT=206 LUMBER- BRACINO- TOP CHORD 2x4SPNo.2 TOPCHORD SImOW1al vvotl sheathing directly applied or 5-2-13 oO purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 1060 oc among. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2MIToy'.--mends Mai Sledll2ers and required cross Dredlg W.Intel a ding Truss erect on,In a-ordaz¢e MM Stabilizer Ilstall,11m uia.. REACTIONS. dirm e) 1=7778-58 S=Mffi58 Max Horz 1=-174(LC 10) Max Uphilll=-279(LC 12).5=279(LC 12) FORCES. (Ib)-Mm,Comp/Mas.Ten.-Nllorces250Qb)oTleeaexeeptMensDOwn. TOP CHORD 1-14=1159/454,2-14=1119485,2-15=1109480,315-1089493,3-16=-1085/493, 4-16=-1105/480,417-1112885,517=-1159146A, BOT CHORD 1-7=514/1187,7 16-124882.18-19---1 24,S62.6-19=-124/662,5�5191188 WEBS 3-6=-182/481,46-� lM7,34=181Am,2a=-321/227 NOTES 1)Untealancea mot INe leads flava been aesidereal for the design. 2)Wind ASCE 7-10;Vu9=I3Ogrph(3second goal)Vaed=101 mph:TCDL-t.2psi;BCDL=30ps1;h=251;3-t5f1; --2411;gave=411;Cat.11; `LETT I II//11 nd to 960 Ezr;oaantieevveref�aght eemeam;ad veerttiical an andlrem eligo CC Toro mlemcrs and fames AMWFRS for reaztlore �J`�LpS A. '4401$1slgwn;Lumbar DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1 60 �1`�>O�.•`•,E N S. 1 3)This miss has been designed for a 10,0 of Whom chord live load nonooncurrent Mlh any other live lords. `� 'V0 � 4)-This[mss has been designed for a live lead of 20.0psf an Me perform chord In NI areas More a rectangle 3-6-0 fall by 2-09 Mae it it xWeen the boBOm chard and any other members,Mtn BCOL=1 O.Opsf. 3938 5)Provide m-hannud comedian(by others)Of truss to Dearing pare capable of MMslanding 10010 uplift et,ohn(b)except 01=11a)147q: 5=279. 6)'Seml-x9ld plichbreaks MM fixed(reels'Member and gets,model was used in Me anatysls and design Of Mia truss. gym= �0.• ATE ••k7�� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q Neawno-ve Iv ae+v+vm'^^��==^¢a�o^e3sa oxvn,eerm rrzr.w®miarrrsrrvasuvca eeae was47a Bxroxe uea cape wxa,a n --rota 1 ncaex9 xhaea merry nulm Oa 1 mowT.aN6 wuax wane r�+mm Mlxu:mrMwa4 a� al�+l-:o-aawaa eu..dally d,;an-wan. �m�,�w�a aarnla a.�m� a Mlm tl%Y+d WWMAtlwaD DeneNv.POalbaO lemlxTaYa ry1 iIIY1 rJ mikin etpaW il�ry of nye M)Tek' e�eda M]IMewl(.. m IV Yp IM ovatll xwMebRpmWN V 1. x#IXI� .ie pukhce eg. . ktxk: tlea.gaaYly' AA.ilaa}i.daNery.rae.M1onWlva Jq.eamll 851/IpllO IIIy C41e SCSI WIAgC ponenl sq pke Eml aNL. Ae I Rel InitlNe)BINE eel.9iliry 3l N IN VA'Ylf }. FL336'1P4115 xs�o.,tnl�v�Is li=me. - �s e.an.aes 2n I a.en n os/o5/ro63 ev rue w4 nHoltmanPxKeno. Z U21 JiMSBk Ply EW flW SgvYI E 1 JM Rosiness MannYp BuitlinB Bu[pllw. JwbgMM,R ]menWue5 6y4n42T In yXRMc.TueOcaJ R:S]i020tWIsy IGA9115-7.4 4IDY2uyPY8y483P20.GkpGYXPOb91]IVd�PnNWUWCII8G5a501aYJy8P Bab 1080 &I. 2100 � ba8 3aa 611 51@ I as= Sckk a 167 a 3 ].W 12 GP 1 IB ID E an 1 11 ad J 6 y 10 I9 I4 3x4 E 17 B 1sa4 am= a6= 1.W 688 � t08d I 1SN 2140 Bad 3e9 SIJ 6412 n reolNem an- I oo-S Eaoel I ose 04al LOADINO(paf) SPACING, 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In (app) Vaid Lid PLATES CHIP TOLL 20.0 FIN.Ship DO 1.25 TC 0.40 Vert(LL) -0.05 0-13 1999 240 MT20 2"190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0,42 Vent(TL) a 1 .14 ID-19 1999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lzr YES WB 0.28 Horz(TL) 0.03 8 No No BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010RPI2007 (Mealx-M) Welgh0124 to FT=2G% LUMBER- BRAft TOP CHORD 2x4 SP NOR TOP CHORD Stmctuml wood sheathing dhecdy applied or4-11-12 op purlins, BOT CHORD 20 SP No.2 except and verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling tllredly applied or100-0oc tadrg, Except: 8-0 0 oc bm.,:8A. MITek mcommands that Stabilizers and required cross bredrg be metalled during truss enation,In aaordarwe MN Stablllzar Installation made. REACTIONS. glusaan 1=781/0-5d,Pr_]58/(f-5-B Max Horz 1=213(LC 11) Mex Upliflt=283(LC 12),8=8]1(LC 12) FORCES. (to) Mev.CompJMax.Ten.-All lome5250(IbJ or less except wren ahaxn. TOPCHORD 1-14=-1158/480,2-14=1tIB&441,24�-1211/554,8-15=12081588,318=]SOCf89, 6-0f-0]e135Q 4-i]=-BBOf 7-] 939359,5{c-]151318 BOT CHORD 1-10=-0215 8 01,2-10=345/252,52,]d=2]3952 WEBS 840=11&559,9-10=322018,4d=-349/192,5 7=-214M8(5 NOTES \1111111111 derverl for this demo. 2)Wlnd AWE reYo110;vVult=tl130mph(S,eacs,have Wen col ndgust)Vasd=101mpph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDI-3.0psf;h35X: 5X;L24111;eeve4M1;Cat.II; EVC;EW., 30pi=0.10;MWFRS(dImAonal)arM C-C Exterim(2)0 G-Dto 3-0-0,Interior(1)30-0fo 108-0,Extedor(2)108-0toO;'•'.•EN.. a �i 138-0 Zone;catflever 10 and riot exposed;end vedical left and rightxp eoead;c-C for members an tl for ws S MW FRS for am .0S�'.9 stwwn;Lumber DOIr1.e0 plate grip DOL=1.80 3)This tlus has been designed for 810.0 pal bottom chord live load nomooncurmn[with any other live loads. 3938 4)'Tfra truss has bean deslgnad fora live load of 20.Opsf do the bottom chow in all areas w am a rectangle -0 tall Dy 2-00 add 1MIC * :• fit between the Whom chord and any other members. 5)Provide mechanical connenlon(by others)of times to bearing plate capable M wf ihmar I,100 to uplift at joints)exwpt qt=lb)1=2831 82]1. 6)'Semi pltmhmeaks vnm nxea neela•Membererm nary model was used mma analyse and aesignathis truss. p01 .. %1�txFs•� O R\�• G\,�� it I 111i1S�ONA�E?\s�` FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wewaxm v�V ae:,v.vww,��.,..a Seep rroEea ory Srseum2Acawm w2eAxJVJmaxca eepe wr v�Ea rrerdxa rJse ceWMvdNln un WvwXn miler eulxecbli.Rh M'1anh P'a4 a�IV urwnp anelersflovm.aq 4Mxm YMutlaM U4FrgcanFuunl. kwWlcvMm�yxT'x��rklQNru,f wa�nmol�lm'�aMkAlbrvrl lemma 1rzQ�YpbMkmmxe tleblly�tlulgcnrel�uc1L-nkdWeLYMo� erwM. rN Madrro^nMove�aLMcluekllnrepaW isinaxa WDYpeno'. apaptlP�.e4>f�9 MIB Idvlcmlbn.p¢IllycmROL gnlapo.mlwen sle<aoaaderamp.wwar AxuTI1 GnMCIMIq pa449 aMxCA FNip CunWnw 6Bo4 Peb Fuf aNE. xs"�ww"�re Pl'a'arre`I"sP�jrr+�ma`.mf.1w�M:a�'rB..o(w.o�.::�':2 Nr m%olRouerusc T.Im.,aax1w11s a w yry oN PN Hab-Make.. 0 J1ip5F9 EW grol$p.[ul JM aplx 1e Iloiwl Iknninp BuiNig3iagFL ACMwmAy FL iE00[6.ps32al IPftxdr lffSN U3K.1HncDWSJ:912g9P.g1 IOSptkyeM1774 Y2uyPYBy4&SD WfYMNeIIV3mM1U3KJFT?NVmPgFOH4Ml(We1WypB] isa 1 att-1s 1 fsao 1 177J 1 2sod raa seg su s1� u1z ' .1M= Scale 1:%5 9 1.M F12 14 1s ads 11 do 3 s a 3x14 3x5% 1a g $ 2 et 1 sa_ 1a e e 13M 11 �f ma- 3M= ars= 2M= 12,00 F12 12 Fete Olfsels DLYF- 110'0-24LO3411 LOADINOlpef) SPACING 2-" CSI. DEFL. In (hoc) Vtled Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 %ate Glp DOL 1.25 TC 0.43 Velt(l -0.0510 >BBB 240 MT20 240190 TCDL 7.0 Whether DOL 1.25 SC 0.52 Ven(TL) -0.131611 >999 180 SCLL 0.0 • Re,Streee Incr VES WB 0.47 Hor2(TL) 0.10 T Na Ne SCDL 10.0 COOe FBC2010TPV007 (Meaix-MI Weigh:IN It, FT=20% LUMBER. BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural w00d sheathing drectiy p lied or4-245 oc pudica, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 and veitiwb. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD Rlgld calling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. -Tek recommends 10.151ab1112e-and reo lretl ansa breGsg be Instelletl dual,truss ri a don,In acwrdarwe win Stablllacr Irate11a8on ultls. REACTIONS. (IhMze) 12� -8,7�58 Max Hou 12=P43(LC 10) Max Uplift 2=30o1LC 12),7=304(LC 12) FORCES. Oft Mex Comp./Max.Ten.-All tomes 250(10)or lees except wfien shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-1888/810,2-13-1317/512,313=1301/528.3-14=924/411,i14=-902/423, 4-15=-Qa11437,5-15-926'417,5-16=10211429,848=4050/418,1-12=-909/385, 6-7=806l BOTCHORD 1142=318)309,1011=-058/1694,31oN82711288A-3227883 WEBS 2-11=13&292,2-to=572/930.310=17281,39=-005.298,4-9=-252A853, 5-9=319/181,B-8=281/)85,L11=bID/1 all 11 live have for this A. 21 Wind AASCE�0;;Vblt=l mph(&sewnd gus�Vwd=1 o0lmph;TCDLJ.2prf;BCDI-3.l h=258;8=458;L=24ft;sevii Cat.11; ��,,,� .PCE/.... e,rA4 Ev C;End..GCpl�28;MW FRS(dl,Wl.il)acct C-C EMerior(2)0.1-12 to 3-1-12,Inlerlor(1)3-i-1210 12-6-0,E4enor(2)12-83 to ♦ \ S••'.� 15&O acne;car4tlever left and right aWaosed;spot Winced lett add right almoseal for members and and forcesi MFRS for readies`� • � � shorn;Wmber DOL=1 90 plate Snip DOL=1 fie3938 3)This thanhas been designed for a 10.0 bad bottom chord live load noncpncurrent with am lo other live ads. - * f• 4)•This W%M1as been deslgned IN a live load of 20.Opaf on No bodom chord In all areas were a rectangle 360 tall by 2-00 all oil f8 be.In.boron chord ural arty,other members. �F�= 5)Bearing at 1o1n1(e)12 considers parallel to gall value ueing ANSUTPI l angle to gain tonnula. BuBdng daslgner should verily capal of bearing eudace. ATE W: 6)Provide mechanical connecliw(by others)of trues to bearing plata capabla of Withstanding IDO ID uplift at joim(s)excepl at-lb)12��0 =304. 7J'Seml-right pitcM1breeka MlM1 fixed heds'Mem0ereM IlNN motlel wee used In the analysts and tleslgndthis truss. 4Fs'•. DR\�:•G,�,�� Ar�irS�ONA� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q�xd-vwry m.:q.vmr�w....=.easel rmzm ox Txzeerm axc5wmzasslcrssrereanex reoeaar.v4sa e®oas ues sae veld nor sa orsv wlm Mnaw�.w<ra..rix dae9�a octad wuv woe Pa«aawn ow+,,oa a ro,m a.arrna4 Moan�wr�.r,r. µNlad41No1,Ye3rrryanerenes�goFa a,cuWralbn orcanp+risnrxmWdMMor IwY9ptlsY,Ner-mil mwefa4ne.WxM J e'?+wn awrya.PPwt orm[•4ew wao mammsmr-e�„d lanPorw a«np roxwaaxmnwne eo.,sn�lbol:me iox�mrc+nnor lla M7 ek' .onapooe pelmmanrM�Morma o.¢rt11[mznreanre raga>,mgvwme easy oxprwr.Fx9niunX9Wbc„xe..enn %M1[MIm RJtflN ex.n na�e, a,eec..Pme.a.igFn bacMLcaLCIl,1MVIMlGANCMMe.D.lLev one ecsi emairpemmpmeM ei9eanpeprior,rML.aEa.anloB.aYfa mwmvNmoorilMlel nvNnJl4 'in.lsvllnmresraspa[mea1. s wl.esre inose ese[n.e ds/91/zola uv ALSC . ', Ts rY68 yp0 Xdbmen Reeiten[e JIMSBB E05 gwl6pxld GiMe[ 1 2 Jcb PNererce I Atnniy 6utlmB3u[yfu, .4[bgrviM.FL f St) 51-11 aP13 IIde IDpp mE4IDYW2e_SPeYPBYV9m340SWTe9kPNAEgu194pieN[.Ml, MNjsmTTNA:5TbAt)2Mei JeAytJ aM 17-lui 3PpY 3aJ 383 18a SH 64 R � 4M- Stale=1 se 5 s ]0712 a6o 4 O 6 35 i 9 Ad Ono z I1 pq 13 18 t2 17 tl I6 "1B 1 21 B 22 as "MP➢115 If .eB 1z 8%12 4 an' MUR6 - MU26 30- MU26 4a] MU26 15 MU]8 11IU26 MU26 MUX MU26 HTJ. 14 amiss I I I I i Plate 0ffsets(XY)- IB:EdAe P3-¢11120400.4-81113:03803-0I LOADING(ps) SPACING- 20p LSI. OEFL In (Ix) Weft Ud PLATES OPoP TCLL 20.0 Plate Gdp DOL 125 TC 046 Ved(LL) -0.11 11-12 >889 240 MT20 21M190 TCDL ZO 1m0er DOL 125 BC 0.85 VW(TL) -023 11-12 >B89 130 hR20HS 18]/143 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Slress In. NO We 0.73 HoddTL) 0.16 8 IVa We BCDL 10.0 Cade F90201WPI2007 (Mentz-M) WBIgl*&IIb FT-2076 LUMBER- BRA TOP CHORD 2x4 SP Not TOP CHORD Sbuc(urel wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-2 oc puffins, except BOTCHORD 2x6 SP No2'ExcepY and omicals. 13-14:2x4 SP Not BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling tl0ectly applled or 60-0 oc bmdng. WEBS 2x4 SP Not REACTIONS. (IWsi2 ) 14=3)880541,8=350)/038 Mex Rom 14=-243(LC 6) Max Upllf114=-1430(LC 8),e=_1331(LC S) Mari Dr.I4 3813(1_02),8�1549(1_0 2) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.Cump.Rdax.Ton.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except When shown, TOP CHORD 1-2=-7624/2931,2 33339399,3A=4864/1 See,4-5=-360311464,5£3635/1455, 3-)-454811]23,1-14-3491/(346,73=-307811189 BOT CHORD 14-15-394/35Q 1311-4051418,13-16=-2444/6341,12-16=-244516345, 1297-198W5s94,11-17-1989/5394,11-18-14M/4159,10-18=14M/4159, 1019-13863078,19-20-13869078,20-21-13889876,9-21=138613876, O2z-144/38222-23-144 ,8-23-144/382 WEBS 2-13-492RODD.2-12-1045/488,312-5184480,3-11=-1550/849,4-11-704/1925, as-24 AA26� 10=13259(199,8-10-tIX17be],"=-32"10,)-9 128895fia ♦♦♦♦♦0,�p S6 A 1_4g40�,,S NOTES- ; -'ACEN '•eq 1)2-phthes to be cembeted together WIh IM(0.131'X4)nails as follows: - Top dlorde connected m follows:2M-1 now al 1-0-0oc. 3938 Bosom cM1aNe 6onnecled ns folloxs:2x4-l row at l-0-0oc,2x6-2 rows staggmo.t 0-11-0oc. *�• Webs00nneetW88(0110882x4-1r etl-04e . 2)All loads are wnsldered¢µally applied Met plies,excepl N noted ss front(F)or back(B)face In Me LOAD CASE(S)section.Plyto m C tonrlecto re have been pbo lded to distribute only loads noted as(F(or(B),unless ahervAss Indicated. 3)Unbalanced four Hoe loader have been considered for this and 4)Wind:ASCE)90;Vult=130raph(3smohd gust)Vasd=101 mph;TODL-l2p61;BCDL=3Aps1;h=25ft;6-=15ft;L=20;eays ft,Cat II,� p'•, EV C;End.,GCpi=0,18;MFRS(directional);candlever tell and right egmsed;and veNcal Telt and right axposeq Lumber DOL-IM, QPJ�_♦� plate end DOL=1.60 G � R1 e)Th e t truss has Neon designed fo a 100 psi lboftorp J d nve load nonconcunenl Mth any other live loads. jO N A' ,,♦♦♦♦ 7)-This truss has been designed for a Ilve load of 20ApV on the bellom chard in of areae where a rectangle 36-0 fall by 2-0-0 Mde Will fit beiareen the boftom drobt muf my other members, 8)oBear, rf Wants,surlece l4 considers p.41.1 to grain Value using ANSVTPI I angle to grain formula. Building designer should wily caped FL Cert. 6634 9)Proode mechanical connection(by MDers)Of fees to bearing Mata capable of offir anding 1001b uplift at)olnt(s)except MAb) December 30,2014 14=1430,8=1331. Q veR/HNp vm•'Jy a-,ym .waJesse e0nmoxMore Ali lhctuoDED ID]HR R8P8R@ACe PA. o ""'a Do'ned Gas L¢A71�altl lw u�wYYe4lh MneM conuclrn hn�YSlynktxmtti mlVUlwnpaaneten9wwn.aMk(wan 4'dNAol dAdllY cur,(xvenl. �. KS41=aamul�ShcWanetenwMwWelMmM1la+aainw<amMwmkle�W�imorblkNq[MMdne�.m Cu�w�.6s2gflwn N kl01laa1dnnpon ol4vAUW web mammaorir.lmlw Mtee,P�ay aa<n9ro iwxedmlNdimocomauclbnalrela,nw,mr4lrelire � ereeb.PWIhx4 Fwn,ou�ldaip olnnddtll iMCMe X6wr�mwLYllyd au dAdigr ,a.fm Bwerd9 "ereyabp do.00 L I[lMrrMn wtlllycmftd. turnr Mlrerv.aecem IIN.1 y.cnlwll Arlmmn CwP/cAYeyr3b been aneaCSl MiNpcanpanxtl 6pw v.M Eul M. YS PitacoaNsuse MM[�met—ye[�ieid Yi!']CMJp�Wlenu�an'tlew1J xFnp6%CU 14 Tw .Fl3Y1P4116 xoiaeyAisc u rue YDey Iwloiren waparca i6R40Yd J1W500 E05 flwl8ll OEGr Z JaDRelxarce 4wW lWnr,mB WYSnp 6u[pkw, Je[F[mvie,FL ]t00s6p6y4014 WTNM0uflrMMW jx W3]:IBSIIn Pope2 ID:PCM1NeMI'2mE42bY2u9_PY6YI&SDSFpPM91PPMaAPBnAMIngTgpDPoa]61pbeA}3g&A NOTES 11)Use Simpson Stmng- HTU26 bottom tl GINep 1 1-10 112 Trues,Single Ply Girtlor)or egdivelent spaced at 2-0-0 Op max slaDing a12-11-4 from flee tell end 1020-1 ti to connect t holes stairs pact,ince of DPaor tl Met 12)Ha all tall Doles where Danger 131n contact aim kffhbaL 13)Hanger(ajoromerco hwnntlevlce(sj small Deprovmotl lbilityo tosuppoL concentretetl loetl(s)SOT ID apwn and 2021D up e1611<on WLom cmoN. TDe tluignlselectian or aucD cpnnectlan Oevlm(s)Is me responsiDlllry of o1Mls. LOAD CASE(S)Standard 1)Dead+Pool Ove patented):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Incma s=1.25 Urtlionn Local(of) Vad:t-5=54,5-]-54,13-14—20,0-13-20 Concentrate]Loads gb) Vert 12=310(B)11=-51OS)IS=W]16=-514(B)1)=510(8)18�-St 0(B)19-_-510(B)20=-510S)21-510(3)22=510(B)23=-510(B) p.1RMA6-VmJy Jaiyn y�nwnekna and Rli/pf�O18a OH Mfa IfO fM'LUO®NIHKRBPBRHNL6 PIOB Mf]4Td IWYORa f/eb. paynn wYk]Xa irse oNV`wtlm MAIM aonr�et-.tors.Rtls M9JnkbsetlaYYnpen FOunelertdwwn.mtl hld mLMr,.d -ran[nra AInYe�Y.ln o1 eaae�paa.rela:as awn k.:rsmorwMa a ownl ,r k r•Q�veMIN of lalklro ddle��ar-rtot me.d�oka.wacky d— 1or'ala�y vrn+erl olndNua wenmenla:oNv.AMIIw.l lemp^rm ba<robYo[e dmLlN�ro�aW=11m4nw�ayo�nealNorme tt.4MllF�ntl.'WM�n11mcMWRre�w9rrdl5ln�cLre.IM��uDkmMpalald6�w.la(�is4PY[1Yce,eWCkV Ml@k' 1a�rtM:ensensd,, ,,M."orrin.CeOvery.e�p. aW daro,owvetll AN04WI OrMYL�lla�lo.Df6d9aq BLL WIIJnp CwngMard aB0<PeMaEW eN4. ery Inlorm Pilowpiparfrom I�1. MaIIINe,]01N.Lea S.xal,LNe.111 PIeRaMM1a VA'Y1914 Tempe,FLa36101115 rreoumem Plnlsvl lumtx.l.,p.am.a.ae are u,a,e:waawaos)oz/zpi35yaLsc -� Job e s yye HOMmn Peabnoe MNN nucal .1 FbaY 3uppc,IM GtlH 1 I Jab Pp ass h,l troll kYnnmB wYtlm96uppllw. JVFacrxle,FL ) Y2O PYyY D.TN IrxWNY l Tue Ne?4S]WVUGIege IDyprkyNlr12mE1)bY2uyPYSy493D�wSDreAJSepw1EJ03kSryJe?90E WrypU3Lea/Jg6L o" Ulld 6cek-1:165 SPersr 6Pocal all SBWVI SWatl 1W— 2 3 4 IB 5 fi ] B 1, 1B p y R 16 15 14 13 13 11 10 9 36= 3x3 3YJ= 680 894 %ale Odsets lX V}- %)'p-180.0.121 %&P1804121 LOADING(PSI) SPAGNG- 240 CSL DEFL In goa) Wed Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 PMIe(3tlp DOL 1.00 TO 0.17 Vedg1) Ne - rVe 998 W20 244/190 TCOL 10.0 Wm0er O0L 100 BC 0.01 Ven(TL) Ne - t✓e 998 BOLL 0.0 Rap Stress Iwo YES WE, 0.03 Horz1TL) 0.00 9 We We BCDL SO Cosa FBC2010)sP1200) (Melds) Welgd:49 Is FT=20%F,11%E LUMBER- BRACINO- TOPCHORO 2x4 SP No.201at) TOPCHORD StWuraiwoodshe thEngdemcdyappkedor6 mpudim, except BUT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2ldat) aim Yerticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2Idffi) BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-"no bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2hife) REACTIONS. All bearl 8-9-0. Ob)- Mex Grev All madom 250lb w less d lolni(s)16,9,15,14,13,12,10 except ll=252(LC i) FORCES. (b) Max C«np.IMax.Ten.-Ali forces 250(Ib)or lass exoapt Wlan sh0wn. NOTES- 1)All plates are 1 Sx4 W20 unless olbelwiae Indicated, 2)Gale lacuna conbnueus CotlOm clad mart 3)These to be fully sheathed loom one face or securely braced against Mleral movement(Le,degonal wwb), 4)Gad.ends spaced at 14-0 no 5)'SereA ld plichbraaxs SAM hand bads'Member elm fixity model was used In the analysis and dell M this loss. S)Rec«nmerm 2,6 Mrongbacm.on edge,spaced at 10.0-0 oc and fastened to mach tlue4 SAM 3I Of(0.131'X 3')nails. Strmgbacka io be atgGad to wells at Bleb aider arms or radial"her means. 7)aHurl 2�-02' 13 bdconniowna ai l2 atls113 MMail be pronflosed tloen el 6d112,aIent M 110 support 13 Ddown at cee42 otedo topcaul(cMrd.If, Tla tlesBNsaleGlmosuGt ,�.0P,$�dayin A conlxxxon devices)a the lespons4dli y or omen. ,� O e / 6)Indo,LOAD CABBIE)section,Itetls applied to the face d the meas are noted as Vont(F)or came(B). �DEN$'•.,q LOAD ad+Floor vo(tard 3938 t)Dead«Floor S (balanced):Wmber Increase=t00,Piste 111creaze=100 Uniform Cantle 16- Vert 0,1 8 -100 Concentrated Load$(lb7 Vm 'a te 1=113(0)6=413(8)3=-113(8)8=-1 13(B)19-113(0) i O•e• T (V: •G�,% /iV/„�0NA1 0l, FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Aaa.m-v..uJy dulva pw'm�tlm wdRedp Jlo+ta Gx lxmerm rrRrA/nrm ratmrrsasamJce re Os wr-v4 rJ serosa ue3 pN3n NpM ve oNY'.1111 dlltltcmreclaa TYstlahln mb69ycdYupcn�aneiersxwwn aW kkr meMMW tJGrv0canl��e«. Pgik4MlNWaeag�Wmleiersm]genudcwpaaMnolecmpuwnikYefpueMlN of IxYOFp tlaYam ro �aralesUnn.&al3g shrvm alwlalaYtl aggcll o1MNMdwebmambasCNy. MQlbntl lemlxxoy daexg b Ywe AYMlly WLp eanMudtnk,M�agwedYMlry oI Mr mmcwY.reanw.e pam,aa�tl,ane«Ir,e.,ra,a.1,mw,.akme��YwlelN«med.wmlPe�.r�Be�...W 9dn><.:e Yeca.an, sm. OW r.l. Ialwka3mQxANcmkd.alwMre.fdNeY,aecllmmf daNJ.cmali AxslABn O,wMy enlwb.0eedswa eesl wllayewnynenl Sso 11 roall4l x 5Rwaadn�aelSPil mei:.p:m:e meGeiip�v iu5er�,.e 1+�eaa3e1 Hha wi O6%or%ioisea -4 Talm..rL 3xlaalls T." m.TfPw FAi T6RIR5 JI'mas F02 Fktt 2 1 Jan Rfiferelee Ewul ALnninp Buipip3uWfec. Jecbomib.FL ]Y20 Py6VIh J eTYwsAJ ladldJQQ0.yJe?lv7oa Papal Ip:grkyeHlQmEdZ0Y2uLPY6yg9$pw3p1wAl5egx161 W kSfyJe?1vQy]Ly6p W 3LBtlyy&. 130 6Ta ias,i Ia. 1.'xl 1.SG 34- 1 4-1 ai 3 4 5 6 q 9 1R 11 10 if is ] 18d >1. 8-160 18-0 18-0 LOJ101N0 - (psi) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In (l0c) Wall IW PLATES GRIP TCIL 40.0 Plate Grp DOL 1.W TC 037 Vert(LL) 0.0110-11 >9W 4ep W20 244196 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.19 Vert(TL) -0.0210-11 sage 380 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress no, YES WB 0.14 Horz(RI 0.01 ] n1- We BCDL 5.0 Code FBC201QTP1200Z (Maidxi Waghb SB lb FT=Wel IME LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4SPNo.2Qlat) TOPCHORO Stwmmlw shwthingdlrWlyapplledor&"mpudiro, except BOTCHORD 2x4SP No.2glat) eM verticals. WEBS 2x4SP Nn2(gat) BOTCHORO RlgMcelliNdlreotlyappllWorf0-0-0ocbmcing. REACTIONS. (Ibhnnig 12=4]2lMecbanicel, =4]ZMeMeNcel FORCES. (IbI-Mex.CompJMex.Ten.-Nllorms 250(Ibj or less exceptwfien stwwn. TOPCHORD f-12=46810,6-0=46&0.1-2=32201.23=b51M,34=651M.45-85110,51-=32201 BOT CHORD 1011=0/596,9-10-0/651,&9� 95 WEBS &8_-0/463,1-11=0146$5-0=-0350,2-11-43540 NOTE& 1)Unbalanced floor live loads,have been considered for Ihis dash 2)All plates are 3x3 MT20 unless otbelvdse Indicated. 3)Refer to glider(s)for muss to Vuss connections. 4)'Song Igid pitchblende with fixed heels'Member antl fitly model was used In the analysis and design of this India. 5)Reoommend 2x6 stionglowl s,on edge,spaced at 10 0 0 o,and fastened to each Imes with 3-10d(0.131'X 3•)nails. Stangbacks to ba atia inial t0 walls at their outer ends or m twined by Inner means. :" N 6,q A 3938 �A4i�SJONAii E?AO� F L Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wexwfm.v l a it emdllee..ai eeea MBIS 01i seep IMLs mlarc dzEeaxaxce Peas am 749a 6evOxa 080 Daikin mu I,, ce w y,ut,Mines cm¢c1oa.Pb oiYpn 6misrst HY un—WaTolers I­wl b4+,m I Wbecwnpa9nLto PygkaplNol Mdpgx.amelmad rI ilcellxmllenelCwnlq+wnl alugxxlYlM6Y I dilasm dvA01w�-l 'In.nwlporw Bssism n kla t�leld MV+rt^1YMYM lweDmdnFBrsa4Y. .�'XY l. 'agy Mee4✓J b 1-7 eoMll e, mLLm6Mlm swhi, InIRa Mire k' hltlllb,vi l'+*nncratldmiyanw oYaMl aeucNe dwssn erwlMllNo eI hllM��W9en�n.F tlRLL1�ce 1e�ilq game i4xkI.-. .-A.I.l«Ig,).tlMNHY.eleclb Irl beMYg.colWll/.N91na11 Cua1ryc mesa 95i 6n meacNeil6lp eanPennll eoa Ean 115^NaJgem �llSPl lu4mber islye[,(e11,[iOeslgnvaluaveMme eXect e1i06/Ol/30130Y ALSC Tarrya.FL]36104115 ----------------- T6MROR6 Jon TrossiTne, as, ph, wdonan�_ Ii05aB fW fM 2 1 JM Reference Mi J[[F[mieFL /.6 [ " A T*atlqe[ s. u N 5]1521• Peat ID.ry2ryeHmEIDT2u _P6y3D-0MK4 � DlMBV1M3p K 612 .l Y.a 44= 4n= 1.s4 II LSG= Nt4= 3aA FP= 1.6x4 11 1.6M= 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 26 24 R3 22 21 A 19 1a 17 15 14 13 4X4= 3x6 FP= 15x411 1.5411 311= 464= 1 d 480 6d2 1080 132d 1584 17-08V 26BO X180 820 d42d 280 2d0 1d8 P� 330 PI Oflae ( YF 11 EOgaQ181127P1600121 R8:P & 21 LOADING(paq SPAgNG- 2-PO L81. DEFL In '_ VOell Vd PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plele Gdp DOL 1.00 TO 0.52 VeU(LL) -0.1320.21 >9B9 480 AR20 241/190 TCDL 10.0 Winter DOL 1.00 BC 0.Be VenCFL) -0.20 21 >999 360 BOLL 0.0 Rep Sawa Iwr YES We 0.31 IbrzQL) 0.05 16 Na We BCDL 5.0 Code FBC20ID4PF2007 (word WeighB12016 FT=20%F,11%E LUMBER- BRACINO- TOP CHORD 2x45P No.2(lat) TOPCHORp ShucWrel cvotl sM1ealM1ing dBedly appfletl or89-Omputlina, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2(flat) aria velticels. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2glat) BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling dlreclly appllet Or 2-2-0 oc breGng. REACTIONS. QWsl2e) 26=889/0-50,151326/038 MexGreV26=915(LC3),16=1326ILC H FORCES gb) Mex Carrp.Mlex.Ten. All farces 250 Ob)or less except wren all TOP CHORD 26-27=-910.Q,1-27=90Brb,1-2-T23A1,2-3=-1767/0,34-2331M.45=-2498/0, 5{-230FQ 64-1707/0.76=64211 45 BOT CHORD 24-25-011359,2324 113%.22-23--02153.21-22-0 498,20.21=0./2498 19-20=0124g6, 18-19=1Y2111,17-1 B=W12111,1517=6A/815-16-3M WEBS 516=134(V0,1-25=011058.8-17 1114,2-25-1011/0,7-17-1 N7M,2 23 46, 7-18-208,3-23=6130,518-6T/0,3-22=01362,519- /425.4 M=-43485. 519=52614,8-150/444 NOTES, 1)Unbalanced Voor livelmda neve been consideree for this design. 4T ally rLrLT , 2)All plates are M MT20 unless otM1enai.mrAicated. a V 3)'Send dgid pitchkorearks,Will fears'Mernher end fill l ame,used in the ysis and n 0 his rose, 4) eBeMend wells etN&i au%tonedge.nds smced at by dM1��er �oslened W earnh Wlasxi1M1 310d90.3111-X3')mile. Stragtec"tO s. ,`�J�pIAP'�ENS<Bq�4� 5)CAUTION,Do not erect from backwards. V 3938 •FQ� • AT t�/� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q NIRN/Nn.vn fa tlu:2^Ymv.�[mwaR8e87ANla ON]Hre AR®1NCCUU80 g2HRR8P8RBHL9 Peo6eOr.7 BBaoas USB ro1T . WY{ry,vtlM]kv,eeaYYY,Xb Mllek camcicvs.0450U4nb Lva]pYY19 .p�anelersMwm.ab blwmMlaMW poMl. PFylkntllry W[!Ipnpi[xnalmiagpoL�rMa{walbnolcwnpp9nik,spvNMXyo1 Wldg tlaMr�w- m�wr.Ban,aFq'lw�w, b lU�tlu.T[prlM[HAWW web memMawYY. hNXbvtl iemprayd¢Fp 10 F'uxe sidMXyrax2gcpehcXenb XwlepxeflXyolttn . htl4anl Pennmw,IMMpof il,e oYe,tll„U[NatXw,mMueLYYOI Xw b,.Qq .lapererd w0>nCo,oWa9 MiTek' 1Wkalbrt<ry JMcmI,W,pag7e.�INayaeclbn81 trMmcmvll AN21/IPII GwNp CXlmxb,De4MaM XGIBWA9y('umennl 6904 Pe,b EUI aNJ. y5u[Mv[,ass.e wm.rtas,eenihi a.'re tlpirMiare Nowt u...AL72oiabvaLS[ TeeP..Flaxloalls 3W , a vce 1kMrwe W.eerce Tirol t 314osee Fol Pool JM Rfilererce rssm oned ALnMrq Buiwml Supplre¢. JecF¢omila FL a ]600e 3ey23101 R MIgL xautlliw,ht Tw pt 3f W5]Y131B Pp I D:pgrkyaHRmE1IDY2u>_PT6y49S DagLY_sp&INaEaS1N003H W Pa3MPoT0YsiVY.k&I D1a HI sa suis-1:ze.z Set= a»= 4xl- 2 3 4 6 8 T e is33 I$ 1] 16 1s 14 13 12 11 10 4M= 13x4 1 K4 40- NO Ido Bed tOdd 1350 t56a 1]50 tdd 28-0 280 430 280 2dd ld0 %ate 011eeb fXY}. H40ge 0-Le118:03-O Edgel 119'0.1AOA121 LOADING(Pef) SPAC11116 2-o-0 CSL DEFL In (Ipc) Ween UU PLATES amp TCLL 60.0 Plate 011e DOL 1.00 TC 0.49 Vat(LL) -0.1313-14 LBBB 460 er. 244190 TCDL 10.0 Wmber DOL 1.00 BC 0.96 Vat(TL) -0.2113-14 >986 380 BCL- 0.0 Rep Sirens llor YES WB 031 Horz(TL) 0.05 9 n/a No BCDL 50 Cad.FBC20lWPBl (Matt Weight:97 J, FT=20%F,11%E LUMBEIH BRACII O TOP CHORD 2x4 SP NO2glal) TOPCHORD Slrudural wood Sheathing directly applied or 6.60 oe pulite, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No 2pab eM ve16Cels. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2plad BOTCHORD Rigid cNling dlmnlly pulled or 2-20no owing. REACTIONS. (Iehalm) 18=92405-0,9-& O36 FORCES. (Ib)-Mex.Comp./Max.Ter.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except Mw shown. TOPCHORD 16-19=-91&0,1-19=-91&0,8-9-02SQ,1-2=-731M,23=-1]910,34=-2371M.45=-2551N,55=-23710, 6-7=-17810,7A=-730/0 BOT CHORD 16-1]4/1376,15-16A 186,1415-02551,13-14--N2551,12-13=W661,11-1 2 /1183,10-11x/13]8 WEBS 8-10--0/1197,1-174/1071,7-10=402&0,2-17=102&0,7-114857,2-16=-0/658,6-11=6230,3-16-5240, 6-124]376,3154376,5-12=46423,4-1 565423 NOTES 1)Unbalanced Seer live leads have been 000adered for this design, 2)All plates are 321 W20 unless olhelwlse indicated. 3)'Semi-rigid pioMreales War head heels'Member and fishy modaul Ixze used In the analysis and design ot NIS trun4. 4)Recommend 2x6 s"Wbwks,on edge,spaced at 100-0 Dc end mstened to eats Vuss with 3100(0.131'X 3')tells. Stnmgleacke to be alleOed to tSer 5)CAUTION,Do nolereet tBoree owlevaarrdsr restrained by ober means. 3938 18111111 FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Qwmmun d, vmfy da:gn prvv.EmwGRaxDM!]138 ox'1TR6elID/NC3waD MiBT aP1BRPlICHYeah Mr 9/R aBIOAB L1Ba I>ease.aa1o11a�a1avvnlmm�u=a,�t�a.namvgaemwo«Ilv�w 1 s,oa.�a.1 nawla lxxarq ooml>°1w�1. PglkA9lNol fafgnpagnelen"n weoaral�oll>o1we11«vomwre� Nea .raLwmot atlam+nlq .`"+mb: wooaaryI N le lole,elWYMeWUMtlWw ,00.,Maxday.n[kIIMMlemppW Mux alarlln 1rM eq¢[xxN aline «� . oaaaela lmnn,en aa�l,golaleore�a.mGx.a•lreray..alxev m- n t adnq 16 Idn,pMllycmRol.Awaax.dlNury....lur da oneot PN51/ —.r IIryC.11 D66�09 an0 BC311&a101nq Cwngnxll sept pyHIFMB". Mbit P.DeISP)1,um.ul rpec�aC dee]esip�wlues re Neoral el¢[live 06/OI%EOI3 RYAlX Lpq,FL3M1W1fe JFos e n66 flay Hdbman BeaMarca d al4osm flam 1 I Job flNxercePopover) A4nmrq Suipnp SUPolu, Ja`#wm,Xa,FI )6aDe6ep Ya 2011 MRY InJUA,iea.Irc. iwpc3p W3rA,,-14 Page i IH6H?r, IOmnhyeHr12mE12DY2uyPYBy4960{OrwCCLLbIlage DhGUUyrA01HFBH91ry/3g01 61d H! Style=13S.] IN= 1.6[1= Ii1= 1.64 1.6x4 IN= IX]_ 1 2 e 4 5 6 7 e B 1. 18 16 17 16 16 14 Is 12 11 6E= 4x4= 14= he 189490 Edd 1338 1a a is. 1BSb 189 289 28d bBa 289 288 189 Plate 0li(XXY) Il'.Edge P18111P.43-0Edgel 12101-5.0 0 12] LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-00 CSI. DEFL. in Qoc) Vtlell t/d PLATES GRIP TCI 400 Plate Gnp DOL 1.CO TG 059 Verl(LL) 0.2015-16 — 4130 MT20 244090 TCOL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.68 Vert(TL) 0.321518 >737 380 SCLL 0.0 Rep Stmss Inv YES WB 0.% Ho0(Tq om 11 we we BGDL 5.0 Coda FBC201WPI2007 (Metrix) Weight 110 lb FT=20XB 1M LUMBER BRACING- TOPCHORD 2x4SPNo.2Qlet) TOPCHORD SIwvumI wand sheathing directly Wiled or 6-0-0 op pumila, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1DOlet) eM ve0lcals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2glat) BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0,0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. ght im) 2ra108R0 50,11=10]SR.teohenkel FORCES. gbh-Wax.CanpJMax.Ten.-All bran 250(b)or less except sheen shown. TOPCHORD 20 21-lG530,1-21=-1083b,10-11=-1 MM,1-2::-WO,2-3-21 62fi).34=29100, 4-5=-33050,5{-33BS%67=3305/0,79=29750,BA=215pN,910=4159b ROT CHORD 18-19=0/1821,11-18T 661,16-17=013257,15-16-G99B5,1415-d 57,1314=02881, 1213_-0/1823 WEBS 10-12-=[i 1-19ia(VIM.9-12=421".2-19=-120910,9-13=0940,2-18=(V812, 8-13=-8105G 3-18=80900,B-14110r49),317=0490,7-14=457M,41 17=45600, 7-15=-1441503,4-16=-1441503,5-16-2551&1511-25613 NOTES 1)Unashametl floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2)All plates are 3x3 W20 unless otheMse Indicated. 3)Rotor to ghgods)for thin to it=cor,rootions. ) i2es Win good thereas'Mearemor end fixity had � ctra1Uosml �5R�m5soNW� er0pv�ee�et dd1tread oehsWN&W( .lzII6. Steangbaa6to ............ par aturchad to sells aonocMdtg9•,�� 6)CAUTION,Do not areal toss 3938 y0.• ATE �4` FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 QwIRIB]1n-see-B ulgn pawnRmwdRalDxprods.TNle4l0lALLU01mgrHKabT6x6]ICBPI081eI.14]JBapeRB. 112tldn vtlNMus Wv`w1m Mndlaav,edaa 31'1.r R11 wtlrvWmW 1h,N,wmmO hsp ", �h —tanpurenl. µyitNllNoYY99n r��alasaMlmM�2m^1M1^onmolmoldenrFre4w4NIXv oIIMWpe{Xn,- d,rpne[IYa"Jre ayO— xM Ialeltl s;Mm101 YxMMUN wrvLmembersaNv. Fk1XWW Ielnpyoy Mo-]1g b Ymxe ilWlly WLp¢anhcMlkryg 1=T`d411N oI Rc mew. 41..1mewm1.em9ml mem�ne.:wepmere wmame m4mpd�ex�._rrc aa+w�a l�e«mB MiTeK IMkalbrt gorily�:a„I,W.alaaarletleMeryaerso, a¢na cOwll /,wl/Rn 4xplXy crllMa .none pcsl wlWrp CamPUOem 1 p.,xeEiall v°ofs�w pare(spearees�:jead u�e�io�,timsue�efsnli,eo a�:liaip p"c%oi/zoic Wnuc _-_ •<ro..a Xx1w11s_. e w6 ToPePINIbkmnPWbm IQ 02B JIMSPH FM Flw, 8 v . JaeHafteerce M1W kYnny 6uoB 6u[pwJatXwmileFL )60. Grx12rc xL ]4B2014 IDwrkeH2mE4IDT2�-P6y49SD-pDTIPMzAS6MzlyuTUZBPO812PK Op�H 618 HIS S.W.I3d 1.f411 ISzs 11 4M= 3W= (W= 1,rx411 Am= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 8 10 11 12 p 1 T 11 23 22 21 ad 18 18 1715 14 18 4w= p6= sx4= us= 14x9 v.00 ani zsa Sae 411a eta tea e lag zo-D s80 3dU ole sb0 o1ee ala 68 0 Si 0L1Y Plate OBa NIX.Y4- I1'Edpe. AI I '0 -e Ed I f25(11$00-121 LOAMNG(Pit SPACING 2-0-0 C51. DEFL In (loo) Vtlefi UE PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Odp DOL 1.00 TC 0.92 Vert(U) -0.1]2021 >999 480 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Wmber DOL 1.00 BC ON I Ved(TL) -0282021 >732 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress ler VES We 0.28 RSMTL) aw 16 r✓e Ne BCDL 5.0 Collis FBC2010RPI200] (Mande) Weghl:11810 FT=20%F,11%E LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORO 2x4 SP 14,201at) TOPCHORD S1rwtU2lewd3heathiWdire yappliWor2-2-0wpudim, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.t Often) end vedlcNa. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2glat) BOTCHORD Rigid telling drecly applied or 6-0-0 w biasing. REACTIONS. (INalza) 24=814/(15-0,16=1299104-9 Max 3mv24=8]2(LC 3),16-1299(LC 1) FORCES. (b)-Max Con,JMex.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less ezapt ellen snasel TOPOHORD 24-25=416a/0,1-25-868§0,1-2=88]10,2�-1855`0,34-21TI1q 4-5=214510, 5�-214510,a-7=-214 0.7 =-128110.8-9=-1]0/313 BOTCHORD 22-23=0/1288,21-22=02013,2(121 x/1282,1928 145,18-I2Wl752, 1]-18-114/826,18-1]=-406/o,16-16=4M WEBS 9-16-131410,1-23=0h 006,223-95410,2-22-0/588,322=-58810,3 21-0- 61, 9-154/466,6-1B=3&Sq,4-20=430/165,]-19-0/)90,]-18=-]S V0,8-18=46`56, 8-1]=90]310,91]=090] NOTES- 1)Unbdanced floor live loads flava[lean oomedered for Nis design. `, PLu 2L14 ,I' 2)All plates are 3x3 W20 unless othecalse indcaled. 4)Rewmmgld ena 2Wii sttmngbwksl,on ed edge,s xile cial att 10,0 0Ooc erb materda to each lnttssaMtand h 3lO fal31'IX 3')Nelle. Stre—Ixacks to O �`P'.r'••A' A4 Ao, be attached to eels Nlbelr outer ends w matmNed by older means. ��`.j.�• •\Ci E NS•••% 5)CAUTION,Do not wren truss backwards. "' 39388 _ TES FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 AaW,uerm.v 1 M�r9^Pm°•^Mm wdRBIU rATHB ox]]rr6erm rr2Lw®Ja'razRBrJuexc5 reo64ee>eaaewor[6'u98 Dmlln Mtl MlIw MYNm Nxek c<xYwclm.8h ,k[wueOwYYlve,Wrn,elmflgwn mtlk tv mX N"Nox GldgcSoxona . 4➢Ixk2111yo101�anePn[MgcPo�scnWlalbn olcwnrrvwnl6,eslx+cdMlM aMxtlFn Cm�rel-rolNmdeNare,_&a9p 1w.n1 k lala191d aGW11 o1y1a.4aaw•.nmemnaa«lin.ommlla lanwlm a-kiln l�I,6l..naAlNaxro�--mrml,k xis lewlmum�l n,a mecb.And.�lllaienl GmXV o111ro-veal slnKluek Ra F".111"I Palxix-emx9rel.ra B�llerd lorl laWlJq WOW Nrtu4a1,PMIN�'-IIeM.Muuae.tlelnrery.eettMneN bacXl¢cwalt/.xL911,oudlN eI..Mt-In..11YYI.Ip Gambles .1PsF FM a. M6oNxern WneWnelSOflumGre lilspe[TeE.theJre+lCn vYvIssX ', Neaxl MlvcnvIFII, r/20Li0yILLSC Ter,pe.FL3361e41W e nY YM HWaem Pmbm T.31.0595 "a Flm 6 1 Jm Reference(.Ironel kbnnry Buekq sure., Ja[k mft..H. I..too V.I.,..1A lM.—Ix.Tue D.as W:Si1e.1. Peg1 ID..RgrkyeH12mE4IbY2u PY8y499D HP1gduNbnYJk4J1XOT7MmeTN YArm6sgy3gM o-15 H� 1'3O F 1--z'0� YaY=1:fl.8 ne= _ IZ" I1 IS" II 3x6 FP= 1 Y 3 4 5 6 7 3 0 10 11 iz 13 1 �27 . 1� 26 YS N N ]3 21 an 19 13 17 13 15 1. 44= 5x5= 31BMTZOHB FP= 44= 04= e4= 3ffi= 1.54 BP- 44= 180 400 660 1100 1650 I OMa 2rd0 z21w iW 15L za0 zb0 z80 680 z80 z80 z80 180 Plate 08eet9 OCYF- 11:EWa01-BI.125:Etloe.0-1-Bt RT.61-&04121 LOADINGrysn SPACING- 2-30 CSL DEFL In poo) gtle8 La PLATES GRP TOLL no Plate CHIP DOL 1.00NiTG 0.76 Ven(LL) -0.4619-20 AM 480 M 204/190 TCIDL 10.0 Lumber DOL t00 BG 0.93 Vert(TLI -O.M 19-20 x401 360 Mi20HS 187/143 SCLL 0.0 Rep SM. nor YES WB 0.46 Horz(TL) 0.12 14 Na Na BCDL 5.0 Code FBCVnWP12007 (Matrog WeIg14:135 to Fi=M41',11%E LUMBEW BRACING TOP 0110111) WSP No.201d) TOPCHORD Sb t..Iwacdsbeamingdi.Ily applletlorf3-14ocpudins, except BOTCHORD 214 SP N0.201aU•Enspr and radicals. 1423:2x4 SP No.1 Often) BOTCHORD Rlgld telling direcllyapplled or 10-0-0 ocorl ExogJt WEBS 2x4 SP Nil 2-2-0 ac bracing:22-24. REACTIONS, pb%ll 26=132310.5-0,14=1329#0-58 FORCES. pb)-Melt CompJMax.Ten.-Alt forces 250 go)or less except won shown. TOP CHORD 26-27=-131.X,1-27=-1317110,1614-1322X,1-2-1087/.2-3=-27830,3-0-402300. 4-5=-40150,58-518900,8-7=5189X,7-8-5189/0,8-9-481500,310=-402310, 10-11=-2788X,11-12-2789(0,12-13=90850 BOTCHORD 24-25=002054,2324=0I3502,22-23=0/3502,21-22A4524,20.21-=(V5053.19205/5189, 18-195/5083,17-1 -014524,16-17=(l 15-16=QW)5B WEBS 16155/163.1-25=001594,12-15=-1541X,2-25=-153&51,12-18511185,2-24=01118. 1316=1131X,324=-1132X.10 1758273-n=01027,9-17-MM.4-22-798., 9-185/462,4-21=00462,8-18-480.X,521=880X,8-19-251/541,5-20-2511541, 620=263118,7-19=-263/78 2jAd plays,aret�W20 plane of.aomms,aocruaddical mI3 aeBlen. , 0. ....LA,Lq� 3)All plates are 3x3 W20 unless ottemise indcated '�,Z,O•�\6EN$:eq ,we• 4)The Fabhcahon Tolemnm at�dnt 23=11% �.x 6)'Starail pllchbreaks 4th find heels"Member end fitly mount was used in me anall and design of this tmu. 3938 e)Recommend 2x6 stmngbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-0 0 oc and intelretl to each suss with 3-1M(0.131-X 3•)na ls. Stmlgbacks e W anachetl to wells of their outer ends or restrained!by Omer meagre. ZZ 7)CAUTION,Do not erect Me p.. �14i/S1ONA11 Iii FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wARNNO.yn"a va- ^W^a==uxd al xOTHa ox7RlB I7m fi tsol 60M78f[x06PxhCB Peoe Mr.949a BBIOxaflea �13nvdpMua I.—Irl true etlmN�R�Wm�lertLuw.adhMmk nofruc �gcmgxrwnl. MIxkRJMoi tleLgn pownelaxwW M�L'°11nmPaoAmol cann�+4 h�eryol'el16NoIIVldp aea91w1-mill�utle4rer-&u]N 9nun klaloMd s�Pt-0o11MiuMM wuOmanCaxwYY-7x1.1'11Wn1IempVay dmgp bbuaiktlMtlaFycmtlnclkntX¢�egatltllllyolp¢ erseM-N}]Mrulpnmmenl paGeg of Ineovalv:Maa Ma mpe4aMoflro WrLpW fw(q 1pp�ca�e9atlq esuch rklsMwcamila..P.»Isnlok.ne 's.dNery , .e —on I.,u�o Lp6C5/o"a Muast NI WMNp mMl M nesessal obao,to, nto. ro� ndh.«u.'.:: t.: .smartcnxM.na. Tm.R. 361.0 5 JW e w TsPS Cly Ply Tih�W HJIrrcn Hxiteme JIOPSBB Ffe Flm1aYP+wI.tl a" 1 Aknni�g B,riNinpeupplu, JeOwmY&x ].WOeBp ZJRO14 Ml lrAwllbe.Iz. TueOCNW:S7402014 Pap M:MrkeHRmE4IbY2xLPY6y49SD-HPi9duNbPCYJk4JIXOT701hoDeb_G4AYAmarbsgy3gSD 1 ma 12 13 p 9 11 10 B 0 ] d/J= 3A= 9r8= so 5 0A Plate Ousels(ICY}- 1120-18.00Y121,[110-1-11,00121 LOADING Out SPACING- 2-00 CSI. DEFL. In (I.) Adolf Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40L Plate Cup DOL 1.00 TC 0.00 VBN(LL) We - We 999 W20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Wmbsr DOL 1.W BC 0.02 Vet(TL) Na We 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep St.lncr YES WB 0.02 Hou(TL) 0.00 7 We We BCDL 5.0 Code FBC201091-1212007 (Matlx) Weight:36 lb FT-2 F,1M Lull BRACING TOPCHORD 2x4 SP No.2Qlat) TOPCHORD Structural weed sheathing directly applied or 5-9-0ac pudins, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2(Ilat) and vedlcals, WEBS 2x4 SP No.2(flat) BOTCHORD Rlgld coling directly applied or 10-0-0oc trading. OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2010) REACTIONS. All beaMgs 59-0. Qt) Max Grav All reactions 250 to or less at Iolnt(s)11,7,10,9,8 FORCES. (Ib)-Max.Comp/Max.Ten. All forces 250(Ib)or less except wren shown. NOTES- 1)All plates are 1.5x4 W20 unless rareness indicated. 2)Gable r mhs continuous Dotom chord!bearmg. 3)Toss to be tl9ly sheathed from one face or secular,caused against lateral movement(L..diagonal web). 4)Gable studs spaced at 14 0 oc. 5)'SemNipid Banbreaks wth fixed heels'Member and fixity model was used in the anassls and deelgn of this Ours. 6)Recommend 2x6 stroagbacks,on edge,spaced at 100-0 m and fastened to each tmss with 3 lOd(0.131'X 3')nails. Stongbacks to to attached to walls at their outerencis or rastralned by other means. 0"'11111111", ........ F qC 4'0, 3930 0.. :i�Fs•,< p g 1 O P�j����� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q exwx0 v le a�i•P ase0 xo]aG ox Rxreum TNCLW) w xsreaence renomon eerI uaB LZ avm. Wtl�V ew^[^'>'�Wklkp eslp"—albn e 1 Pale lrcMNe Je1NL i0 ILpl .l PY VRYlJ14 P ISP)IumOer weeiaad tlw Jatlpr 1 eth eller ve 06/Ol/]0130y PL5C _ e We BU ON ply X losas.evidence J1<OSBB Na flWh 1 1 rJab Releasers'Si MmnYp ButlmpeuPofw, Ja[bwxM.R )WMYYa2t gEOAWgALuD TWDecOOM?] 2m4 Pope1 ID:IhadMHRmE42bY21gPY3y195DtN2gE00AWgALEUDN_MVYFOe2n4P MOWroO}3gBF 1aa I 1�a I 1 28= 211n 11 3 e6= 4 9 -zi LSn A'1= 8 8 ] 6 5 8O= 3m II act I I 4JU 5100 Ha LOADINO(pal) SPACINGC81. DER- In Q.) blell w a P1 TE5 GRIP TCLL 00.0 Plate.np DOL 1.00 TC 0.50 Vert(LL) -0.03 6-7 s999 4g0 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Wmber DOL t00 BC 0.11 Ved(TL) -0.04 6-7 s999 380 BOLL 0.0 Rep Suaralrar YES WB 0,11 Hor2(1L) 0.00 5 n/e We BCDL 50 Cade FBC2010.?P12007 QAatfl Welght,38I1, FT=2011,F,11%E LUMBER- BRMOS, TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No 2(flap TOP CHORD StmcW2l x shealhi g diredyapplled or 5-lOO a WOIM, gestin BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No2QIW) gM verbaut. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2Qlat) BOTCHORD Rigid calling,Elmcly applied or 10,0-0oc Mears. REACTIONS. Qb/sl2e) 9_307I10schanlsal,5=3() Mechanasd FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp.lMal.Ton.-Alt forces 250 Qb)or less exotpt when shown. TOPCHORD 1-&-331X,4-5=309/.1-2=-271X,2-3-271/0 BOTCHORD ]-0=0'271,6.7 71 WEBS 4-6-04253,1-�N NOTES, 1)Unbalanced!floor live leads have been cons chi for this design. 2)Refer to giroer(.)for tmss to Imss connections. 3)'Semi-rigid plutboul s wlih fixed heels'Member era Met model was used in the analysis and a ign W Mi.truss. 4)Recommend as stmngbacks,on edge,spares al 10.0-0 m and Ieslened l0 each Was with 3-1Od(0.131'X 3')tells. Strongamlo,to be attached to walls at their outer ends Or restrained Dy other means. lool 3938 ��.• •� ATE :���� 1%. i���xpiS;ONA;E�GA�� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q MIRMNo-Vm'Jy dsig=Pm�•aw^^d RBkU NOiFP ON}Hltd101MLVD®aYTTI[RffiBRPJIC.Pde814191]B YORg f/6e. I1WkM WHIq�oNY`.41h Mnkk cureclon.118Mtl9nkdadonlY4+aa NwhrelmLrown aNKbanYMWJW dl lq cwrymm�l. K[el"dlN oh(YSgh MewneRrtmlgaM FcoMnulbnohcwnhKheyxxWMlNoldlaey aietlynr.�hallnmdxY{,nm.evig Yawn � KMlaleh of Y�N Ivren deii'1p n11 no dlt l�Kll—'rroylMa:Yg blhmu5a1MlN4wh1�^�4,¢hnK Me eetpYiffiAIINafe HOW e4wwxYlN onus maoyvenpheh.vw0ehwa Wm.:o�o.wene iWkalM aMaY conl,d,Ywape.dalNwy.xeclbnaM o-o-ip cmull Anil/TIeWNcnIW,Dae.e4aM Km wllay C.wnpmwhl Fpwv 11 1.411 Svk°""h. a.re.reoinn:'w rid:e'/d«w�.:.".�.::uho:::x«"`sw.osNt/iou MwLsc Teem+.fL.1.411e c rima yPa y Hallomen Feegenn T6]2Rp9 J140590 Fpm FLWP 2 }.RNerexe tiwul I.YnnmB euVdnp SUWFn. Je[Fewrvle.fL ]Epwy4QScAl gECDAUgeE0. Tw C.oTW'.?Nas.14 CWQVpa ID:pprkyeHn2mE4IDT21R_PYSy085GWS2QEODAWpALEu04LMVvPIp2xX1NCMOWIOG}3pBF D 5100 z-na I axe= SW.= :,a. 1 M= 21W II a NAILED MIUD .10= T se 4 sa®I ✓te dd 1.Se II u.4 II Da o0 z-na b110 LOADING(W) SPACING- 2-0-0 csi. DER le Qac) Ided Ud PLATES GRIP TCU 40.0 Plate GOp DOL 1.00 TC 0.5] VW(LL) -0.02 45 >999 400 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Wmer bDOL 1.00 BC a." Vert(R) -0.04 " s999 380 SCLL 0.0 Rep Show lhar NO WB 0.S5 Hor2QL) -0.00 4 We We BCDL 5.0 Code FBC20lGTPl=r (Mablx#) W.Ihb 80h FT=20% LUMBER- SPACING- TOP CHORD 2x4SPNo.2 TOPCHORD Stu Wrelwooasheahingalrecbyapplledor4-9-5mpunim, except SOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 eM wecals. WEBS 2x4 SP N0.2 BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling already applied or 10-0-0oc amdfe. REACTIONS. gb/size) 6=1689N5-8,4=173QIhI anmI FORCES. (Ib)-Mex CompJMsx.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD1-8=-15A .12=224mb,23=-224flm,3-0=-I SMIC WEBS 1-5--0250],2-5=-1 seem,35=02507 NOTES t)2-pay truss to be connected basher Mth Rd Iwas as follows: Top chords connected as follows:2x4-1 mw at 03-0oc. Bottom chums cdnnemol as follows:2x4-t row at 0-7-0 Da. Wats commated as follows:2x4 1 row at 1-00 oc. 2)All Ideas are aanaidered equally applletl to all pies,exalpt it noted as hard(F)or back(B)face in he LOAD CASE(S)section.Ply to ply o mmedbns have been pmvfaed to dlsldbute only Ideas noted as(F)or(B),mass omemem idd,mmd. 3)Refer to gdmer(s)for Imss to muse cmn rmons. 4)-Seml-rgda p t hthmaks awh 6xea heads-Member and qtly,model was used!In he anows and design a this tea. S)R s. 6)'NAILED'tominciilsaittllr"�Oorr 3P t (p0.1a48�iGip25')Ioareils FortmorectlHNls refer toiM Tek§ST TOENAfIL Oefeil.g�cks to ,,,0 C F�1e LOAD CASE(S)Standard 1)Dead.Floor Live QsaWncetl):Lumber Increase=l W,Plate Increase=1.003938 Uniblm Loads(of) * (• Vert:141=41 D(F=310),43=10 Concentrated Wage go) Vert:7=-546(F_34 B=-062)8=-S46(F=-64,8=162) •� 0-o y�bS;ONA;� Ld� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q weawAbv is v°Ip�r '.w.s ...aaeeoxo]as oxrxraerm«.cruom xarexaaraA>wca reoapo]y4]s serosa Fina f)ewm of ++v w-+m wn.x Im mx amgnaw.,�d paPnnwm�Iw.mo,.n.wW afw a,eawwlwaro�mr,w.,m. Nv'k a11N IdeCu Paaml run sicwou eon PononibfeyxarteMnl W,apded�nf-rvl nim tle.4 aa:M+Imwn k lw In vMAx1 [aawYY AWltrve xW bwJpbla.eaIRAMO.afgcw—mldu me. dj offal tech FJ1l e - wu maarlp no ovarcMalnw6 an¢m(woobo Ids ed,wprbgOmslae uo pW4rn .ms9 M o fort qulM' hN.Sl.11 h.Omr. r., V B om'JI,.H91/IPIOudMy G]Xxlo Ma-0paM 8C91 WIWq CamponW T6414 eweFiL Em love e�sn�„a I'll lu mm _1roe oR,M�a]ei,L , .n a inose ele[e uve06/BAyxai36y we T.ow.FL asra4lls W B • yyB Ply Xdbrten Webence a]ffiW 'retailer 1 WSid FOOY FICOn 7- }LRa1 aV14 0klnd Wnnine Buntline$uWl'ps. Jshmmle,FL ]EOne3ep400 iMneFlnOu oibSPT 5o9gRH qH0 FDgy IDypkyeHK'mE42bY2u�Phoy4B30-COB0220ralotxOSPe'OVbSFOBaRHkkgHN4FDxj)3�E elle 2I'd ' etta z-11a ax4= Sces. 1e2.. i 4vM= pt.5[4 II a I F7 Spoiel spxial a6= ]NNLEO a BNAILED 4 tJm II 1. It and 5 m 1 elle ane LDAGglicow) SPACING- 2-00 CSI. DEF1- M Qac) Ildetl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Rate CHIP DOL 1.00 TC Qfi0 Ved(LL) -0.02 4.5 >999 480 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumbor DOL 1.00 BC Qd5 Vart(TL) -0.04 4-5 >999 WD BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress 1per NO We SW Morz(TL) -0.00 4 Ne Ns BCDL 5.0 Code FBC201WPt WMA -kS Weight e01b Fr:: M LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOPCHORD Blooming ward sheathing directly opinion or 4-7-14 oc pelns, ema l GOT CHORD 2x4 SPW2 it Wricele. WEBS 2x4 SP Nn2 BOTCHORD Rigid sell,directly applied or l0-0-0op bolding. REACTIONS. (Men.) 6=1744/0-53,4=11691Wec1Wnmal FORCES. (tb)-Max Comp/449x.Ton.-Al tortes 250(to)or less except when shown. TOPCHORD 1-6=-162]/Q18-231M,2-3-231&0,3-4=-062]/0 WEBS 1-5=02581,2-5=-142440,35=0/2561 NOTES 1)2-ply tmss to bB co mmod together with 10d](0.131',1')thele as follows: Top chords connected as follows:2x4 1 row 9(0-80 ac. Bottom chords connected as tallows:2x4-1 now at 0-7-0 or Webs connected as follows:2x4-1 row at 1e 0 oc. 2)All loads are oomiWeree equally applied to all plies,except H noted or from(F)or back(B)face in the LOAD CASE(S)3edlon.Ply to ply connections have been provided to distHbee only loads noted as(F)or(B).Mises offe, w er,indicated. 3)Hater to girder(.)for tmas W Imes cm nmUchr, 4)'Semi rigid pltchbreake Who fixed heels"Member and Why model wee used in the analysis and design M mis toms. 5)Recommend 2x6 shongbacks,on edge,spaced at leo-0 sand fastened m isach9usswtlin -10d(0.131-X3-)mile. SireogWrsslo \ admitted to�Ifls or trai means. % 6)bNAILED'Mmame 31did1H.1a8roLf or3r12d(0.1W,,325r)oo-ings.For more detela refer to MiTekk ST-TOENAIL Detail. �NQ"�\>>Q�P.. \C•J E••^Q LOAD CASE(S)Standard ,ems` : V $ •.q 1)Dead.Floor Uye(balanced):Lumber increase=l W.Plate Increase--1,00 3938 Unit..Loads(Pp } Vee:13-430(F=330),4d.10 Cortceareetl Loetls go) Vert)-546(F=>62,8=-64)8=-St6(F=162.B=E4) O.. ATE :4f/�iZ %.FS. . p R It FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q VIR]aNO-Y�Jelgapm'onrEm m.d RBa01AlB80NlMaIl01ACL1�®giBRRPF99il1C9 PdO61Q]]4T fi6FORS U6fi. � porpp Wkl tame diYM4Ih MIleM mrv¢clas.R9�VLant�d mrd upanpaanetam Ywwn.mtl6M m MWTnf W Wq cw{»renl. 4[gl'cuWlry ol �anete¢aNgaaFtxR>naM1n of colarymnt e�agam[alry or RXtlYg euLww� mlNmtletlMw.wmra Lawn 6b,bralaw,ndolrw+ua.+�a�11a�.+v-oaaw,.x tanpaaYlx«mpbkwx.smmaxna a,em.:wnama,aea�aMnyet me MIT6k' I�a. MlmxW pamamid Ary ofrynwatll alnicnaaklro m�wue.sMtQ-lm'm sy holl medims.1draC—aNne Ikalbo.quMlryamna.dwg3e.aarvea,e,ec4an.xeda�N-1.,11 Axsl/ryn OwllMA 1.t Os&es uaa eeN wlaNgeanpwleM w.Fade Eemll adeM IMannallan aJ[4Lfe Ran Il,m Flnle InsIIIWa I91 K Laa Serer WJta 911,Naewglb VA22Yl0a( ialrya.FL3se1 W 115 uswuan,pm.IseP•mu..i„pe<mee.ma�ea�l:owws>,.mo...n«nr<oi/oL/ aav ALu B6 ypB y HI Wsgen<e RiROW Jtansfs FpW FLCOfl 1 2 JM Rafawce . Mr., lMr.,9utlAnp Sulgllu, Ja[xspnib, 6e FL )Wpep P32JId MTek Ftlu olzO. P DecaJpBMVs z1<Pepet ID:pprkyeHn2mEdlbY2uZPY6yd&50-DWJ220ragolxOSPe(14L56a5jlYJVkvxN4FDujBE 310a 3100 1 ..d= 5 2a.4 Srale-1'.113 Lj S 6vb= 'h4 3430 3400 LOADING(led) SPACING 24FD CSL DEFL In Qac) Vdall VE PLATES GRIP TCLL 43.0 Plate OOp DOL 1.00 TC 085 Verb 0.00 4 •'•' 480 Al 214/190 TCDL 10.0 Wmbar OOL 1.00 BC 0.01 Val(R) -080 4 >999 360 BCLL 11.0 Rep Stress lmr NO WB 0.00 Harl -0.00 3 Ne We BCDL 5.0 Coale FBC2010MPI2GQ` (Mein.-M) Weight SO lb Fr=20% LUMBER- BRACING TOP CHORD 211SSPN02 TOPCHORD StruMulel wood sheathing dirxtlyappliedor>lMox Wrllns, e.mpl BOTCHORD 2.6 SP Ni and verticals. WEBS MSP Not BOTCHORD Find ceilhg sinal,appled or 1000 of,homing. REACTIONS. (INsize) 4=u9 ",3d( VI,bacllar l FORCES. (ID)-Mev.DOmpJMex.Ten.-All lorca5250 Qb)Or less except waren sM1am. TOP CHORD 1-bT/2Po,23=-deO VO NOTES 1)2-ply luras to be connected together Mtn 1W(0.131-X3•)nails as follows: Top cbbide conneclad es follows:2x4-1 row at 1-60x,eve-3 rows staggered et D-2 0 x. Bovom cbm dj.m1ll es follow .at 2 rotor slaggaetl et t-OA x. Wallis cmnec on as follows:l2.l -1 row et 1 0li oc. 2)All beds are cave been acoelly eo distrto all plies,except 9 d as O Irmt(F)or back(B)lace In Ne LOAD CASES)section.Ply to ply connections have Deenss to fletl t0 oose uta only loess noted as(F)Or(S),unless omelwse InGcaletl. 3)Refer errs-n ld lich for s W to good mnnxums. 4)•Semi-info d Club stron nim ilvatl M1eals'Member tend 10Il 0 modal was Reformat in the analysis and l N(0 of this Musa. 5)Remmmedt916lls M their outer edge,spacesneatby 0 erera lastenatl to eecM1 turas w9M1 310d(0.131'%3')miss. Simlgbeckeb 6)Har,ar or ootM1erroM tnnec9on EeNcds em)or bene by sufficienteto support mncennatea loaa(s)M lb down at 2-60,e1M sued lD ,,.A`,` cowl at 3-e 4 on to,chord The deslgn'sesection of sxh connection deNce(s)is the reaponsidli y of others. , 0• .............. •.Er/••••• LOAD CASE(S)Standard S�?: v'\ S % 1)Dead♦Floor Llve(Dalwood):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate tncraase=1m 3938 Unit Loads(pip Vett 1-2-21 OFF 110),3-4-1D _ Concenireletl Loads(Ib) I�_ Van:2=-37"F)5=81aF) O�il`S'� p�gg;ONA; `� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 ,g,,w41UGH0 Vnif9 dmiyn Y^.W^Nmm.dRBIO IAl660N IH(Bd1m(MCLI)Ua1 M1I131[RFFBRBNC8 PIO8 Ml-t4)B BPIORB UaH. IKGlnvolXf lot tee oMYM'lln Mnekcm,ieclan.IM�dpn6baetloNY,Wl,paamelen4wni kla ou..W4gcaupvrenl. IWIx:WI1n e4i"-,bnlhxanelwsoMlvcW H-'M✓-albn olcdn0."+enlare4�avdlm W dI,1✓JUaSTw�-ml pm�,.shoe 'ren tb,lalu,Ol nnxw,l u1uWlMud weO memm¢wly.MNltla]Idta^ WacL'9bfroar- dm000rn roortMkRre,e4�",- Vornn a. �uaeab pa.mlu«+wmnw Oae,al na,�n.=anw,aa>amwhol mwwm9 m,ga.r« aeaea,rer�anP MRek' IIXelc,llm.u✓elY conM1d.5taa0e.Mlhrery.wttAw—1 M4l-lno A.,.,4osery..W4W wM tON a— Canponwp FN.p.b EM aN. useaD„a:.r,�PnaIUH�n'e.11IF-.111. meeIslu 1 —r.`mi.eni:2wAlow NUxoubyAlSC ll..FL.I.11a e a pB y Hdbmm PnlWn[e J1W3ee FGDI KCCR 2 2 JcbB Wnkp&idnp6u{ lw. Fl MnIs ase 1'ronnl n[ Tuge0 ID:pOyeHrQmE4IDWui, PY6,4ffSD-CoffQUOmooIOSVdScna]S12D14 Pe"I RGyIodM%FDs,3 gSE Y10-0 &100 1 a[4= 21.Svd scale.1:118 F-,A 3VedM 3 as= tsa II 3-10.0 3-10.0 LOADimm SPRCNG 2-0-0 CN. DEFL In Qac) Vded VE PLATES GRIP TCLL 00.0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.00 TO 0.70 Ven(LL) -0.02 3 aWe 480 W20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.50 Verl(r-) -004 3 >BBe 300 BOLL 0.0 Hep Straus Irwr NO WB 0.00 Hori -0.00 3 We We BCDL 5.0 Code FBC201NTPQ (114sag Weight 39 In FT=2096 LUMSES- BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4SPNo.1D TOPCHORD Structural wood shsa@Ing directly applied or 3-10-0 no Whine, except BOT CHORD 2xa SP No.2 aro Verticals. WEBS 2x4SPNn2 BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10 o bracing. REACTIONS. (I etze) 4-885X,54,3=BS&Macnenirel FORCES. (tb)-Max CompJMax.Ten.-All forces 250 go)or less except when shown. TOPCHORD 1d=-7280,23=-72810 NOTE6- 1)2-ptyWastobecon wftog :2withlOd(0.131'x3')tells as lollows: Top mchownneaedas 1nfoll: -trowel G8-0oc. Weasi cnnectconnectedazfoll 1 2xa-1mwat o-11-0oc. webs connectedasredeg:2xa 1raw at 1-00 oc. 2)All toads are considered equally appilstl to ell only I side if noted ) int(F)or beak(B)laze In the LOAD CASES)section.Ply to ply connedbns nave beenss to to dsinnufe only loatla notetl az(Fl or(B),unless dM1erMse indicated. 3)Helen to gd0 tch for Wu to Inca aids' none. 5)Recommend dOcnbreaks ynm fixed seals'spe nd end fiery model was used In the analysis and 1Wdesign(0 of brie Irks. 5)Recommend 2x6 m;at Mir outer ends,r recetl a11000 other and leelenetl In each imsa vdM 310d(0.131'X3')tette. SVongbacks b ba to ends estrained!by 6)Hanw((s)crotm The or other co iiono miceuch mnneclll b panowl ts the o%,eflrtwty of menatad iDadmo 297 lb down at 2o-o W nDnom LOAD CASE(S)Standard l• 1)Dead a Floor eye fealmwed):Lumber Increase=l 00,Plate Increase=l.W 3938 Uniform Loads(pig Van:1-2=d1 GF-310),34=10 Concentrated Loads gig Vert:5=-297(F) TQ C dh'S;ONA;,� % FL Cert. 6634 December30,2014 Q�lln-Velfe�Ign PvrvMm mid RBIN IAT860N1N/9lealIM:L1IDPD FQfNI[RBIBRB.tC8I80BaPr 942888xOR8 nab CxtlanodX]Ia uecwY'ulln MneYconnecbn.11'ha#LL}�4Cuetlonry upu�Nm�eldi nwn ina lamfi9NNwlbM�p can nn PPptatllN oKleLgnp anele¢ontl goDallncwrrolaem o[ewnporenl1-1,LLFNol Wlcep[1e53re�-ml nuvti., aohsrYervm a(u glntlmauXAnD nIMIMhgwW 5MX —SIU.- MeclepblrI..mieryaluaycdelncibnhxieleyxx'ddIIN of Ra no.�IlRnno>emt..>um "Ir.owAIm[m.:n.oxlm,ewauwnnma lware�lw.ro,9�,.w ede:.re�m. " iw4PB ' iMkMWi.q.Mmconna.amioy.itJhen.wocwan uul lw«FTreet, l.xxEl/IFP OWIN nllene.oea.e9 ageesl eJlaxp ewnpanenl {ap[veM Fal eMd. erw.ry�In�nO"On..ejw7k°Mewe::9rnmalrne lmmin9.ralry leo anret euM3l2 VD"ejioi3 byAue iame.naamwlls w[dNb N.de+im coleus ere elne.Jr...a..a eonrules Type Qh, pi, xouonbe R...&... RV JI WSm 'n GxBI£ 1 I JM P,l 211e timet kMnriy BupYp SLggW, Jacbomia.R ]BCOcePYpy SMTet lnJutl,yc.Ys. iw Dx 9JW5)e2 R011mTgy ID:lWrhyeHRmE1IDY2,gPY8y495DM1_roFVPIi]aWV1eCSLyeKKs3n]!L1 sk2mT9y.6g90 586 1 sa si 586 5e6 4.- sole-1:39.9 4 1200 12 8 5 2 8 1 Id 12 II 10 0 8 31x4- 115D 11dD LOADING(Pat) SPACING 2-00 M. DER. in goo) gdef Ud PLATES GRIP TGU_ 20.0 Plate Goo DOL 1.25 TO 0.06 Media) nre - rise 999 M120 24M190 TGDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BG 0.05 Ved(TL) We - rise 999 BCU_ 0.0 • Rep Stress mor YES WB 0.00 Horl 0.00 7 doe We SCOL 10.0 Code FBC2010/TPI2W7 (WMX) Weight:68 to FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING TOPGHORD 214 SP No2 TOPCHORD Structure!wand maiming directly applied or&0­0 oc purlins. BOTOHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD Rlgd1 cell9g directly applied or 10-0-0oc b2cmg. OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2 MRekreoommendetflal StablllxelsarMregWWdcrossbrecing W metalled duMg truss am.on,m a.m...Ynm S1a0fizer lostallalloo 9u do REACTIONS. All beaNps 11-50. (Ib)- Max Horz l=18110) Max Uplift All uplift 1W III or less st join(9)1,7 Map 11=-135(LC 12),12-150(LC 12),9_1 35(LC 12), B=450(LC 12) Max G. All reactlorw 250 to m less at)ainta)1,7,10,11,12,9,6 FORCES. (N)-Max Gomp.Rrlax.Ten.-Aft forces 250(Mariana exceptwhen shown. MOTES- 1) OTES1)Unbalanced roof Ilya loads have been comrdere!for the design. 2)Wind ASCE 7-11 VuI6130mph(3-second gust)Vasd=tOi mph;TGDL-A 2ps1;BGDb3.DNI;h=25111;B=45f;L=Rft;e9vs--211 Car.!l; Exp 0;End.,GCpi=0.18;MWFRSMinecti and C-C Conni 00.0to3-0-0,Exterlor(2)3 O-0 W SBa,Comer(3)5 eto"A8 zine;cam ever left and right imposed;and vertical left and right epmosed;C-C for members ars forces&MFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=160 plate ghp DOlr160 \\ \U\(6(11j4 22 3) Truss tleslgned Wind d loads In Ne plane of Ne trues ply. For surds emposedto venal mormal to Me face),see Standard Industry \\ 2I Gable End Details as applicable,or commit qualified building designer a a per ANSVFPI I. \,\ %pS A. 4)All plates are 1.5x4 W20 prime omenviae indicated 1:1Q .E 5)Gable requttes contlnums bottom chord bearing ';•V\C N S•••.� 6)Gable studs spaced a12-0-0w. 7)This tthuss,has been designed foe a Meoabottom 0.�t an the Whom chord in al areae shaee alrreectaangle 3-6-0 toll by 2-00 elder 0119 *:- 3938 fit between the bottom chord and any other member. — 9)Protide mechanical connector,(by others)of trues to bearing plate capable of wflhstar10ing 100 I0 uplift ai)oing.)1,7 except at-lb) 1F¢= 11=135,12=1 50,9=135,8=1 W. 10)'semi-rigid pgchbreaks wlih find heels'Member end flxlly model was used in the anahn is and design of this trues. OIt .• T FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wARIB Ae ,fedeign➢mwmav=m.d RBaO NGi89 nN M/6dIID IMLUD®Nl8R RdxWft C8.xpr-)028 HSVORB lB6 �VaMd Iw ImaYYwMl Mllxk murclwe.86 tYtlT k LvtdaJYMu'I WunelasMnim]k KKmfef4]�Wb4cm,Wrv,1. A?GIclixxsu Ww MN webmarc nal,ndi1 ,�oyr anti �ivW�er sdood"duw9 Choat an a me reywr�WM old i,ecla. MaUsyP ,tum or'h ar IIIc einem nxekll, unicAfemellhaom,pr on'.peredak,memeaww Mire alxkaMn.gWmcmad.da,.Ir— iundox,IrI t+-In-1, s II9, GUWIy xnM'Ix Nag aM ecu wllJq Cwnpsenl T, `L Fc1o4l1 n»umemp¢ISP Ium lay�iY1ieE th diolanvalu8mar M6aoie.1i-061iff"asJr,Also 1eIT%R a6slono he" YDe N Nokarsnleee— Te]Y2036 Jf40590 oe Gp2 Cmmm p 1 Jab Retrace tioWl Abn,vq 9aNba 6u[PW. JatMedviM,FL TBW v6p 232014 M1Y In1N,'u,Irc.Tue Cec 30 W3)532014�Peyv 1 O:pgrM/eHMmE4IbY2u�PY6y40SD-BAGfiSFOHrH21CFco,n%3A%U2FvBCOJ]gw.'myJa9C -Ibd 688 tuba ffi e 1de � $d8 Sd8 � He 6wb-1 US 6v6= 3 12W F12 14 15 13 16 2 4 5 u4= ts.4 a 4w= Id -,aa sae nba 12 to ,ba sdd sea ,rid LOADINGW SPACING 2d-0 CSI. DEFT In Qac) Yeah VE PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Cup DOL 1.25 TG 0.51 Vat(LL) 0.11 612 >900 240 W20 244/190 TOOL 7.0 Wmber DOL 1.25 BC 0. Vert(TL) -0.19 6-9 X875 180 BCLL 0.0Rep Stress icor YES WB 0.07 Hor2(R) 0.17 5 Na We BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010TPI20W (MaMx-M) Weight 75 he FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOPCHORD RACINGTOPCHORD 2x6 SP No.2 TOPCHORD Structural wraC sheathing directly applied Or 600 ac purlins. BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD Rigid rising directly applied or 10 0 o no luecing. WEBS 20 SP No.2 JOINTS 1 Brace at Jus)'e MIT6k recommends IM1et SleOilizera end mpmred cmas braGrg Da I1lslalletl durllg Wss erectlm,in accordance Win StWlizar .1 tallatlorl untie. REACTIONS. (Iftheas) 1=52010.58,5=522A)-58 Mar Hort t-221(LC 10) Max Uplin1=1B0(LC 12),5=182(LC 12) Max Grav 1=536(1017),5=529(1018) FORCES. go)-Max.CompJMax.Tan.-All lome5260 Go)or less except when shown. TOPCHORD 1-2 0.91p81,2-13=ffi1229,19-ib557291,9-14=526253,315=556T52, 1516=-5&5231,4-16-809229,4-5=976162 BOT CHORD 2-17 2811]16,6-i]=46479,6-18=-40/479,4-18=21MW WEBS 36=-0.4344 NOTES 1)Unbatrwed roof we loads have been considered for the design. 2) AE1F1oCD -l� , o11- _ ExCEnc ,GCp1=0.18 WRS(directional)aMC-CEHerd) 1-22s+< IMend1) 94to5 -8EIrNd0 2)588Io B8 ze;cantilever len and right deposed;and vemcal len and right exprsad;00 formembers and fomes a MWRS ��J`x�1tppS1�1A110Tqy4� e•�0 far reanlonssboxn; �� O ;•'�'rEN•• �� WmbeT DOL=160 plate grip DOL-1.60 S✓ '.9 3)This Suss les been desigvd for a 100 net Donors chord live two nonconcuresnt with any offer live `%� 'V\loads. 4)'This M a has been designed for a live load a 20.0gsf an the Whom chord in all areas were a rectangle 350 til by2aO wide wfnf3938 fit Wo the bodom chiral and any oMe,members,wnh BODL-ICOps1. * 1• 5)Beadtg at joint(s)1,5 considers parent&to grain value using ANSIFPI l angle to grain formula. Building designer should veWy capacityol Dearing surface. •.�� 6)Provide maclwnical conneGion(by Whets)of truss to bearing plate cerebra of w retanding 10011,uptln at formula)except(It=1b)1=10� 5=182 TE 7)•semi-rigid pitcM1breaks afth axed heals'Member and Why model was used in the ararys'la and design G this blse. `i......... COR\ ✓'Cj\=•`, d�0 8011j"1110 01 N A11 10" FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q NARMM.Vn Jaign Pd^^gym mdR84O NOTHa ON1N/adlID INCLUDBO l878R R8PBRPlICB/808 q1.9{98 9aPOR811e8. Ll 13n Wkl b, ttYY'Mlm MllekcmrecMn.nwtl�ak Netlde eff�amee.. ml. M.tl,d bldgcwnGunnl. enor lYade9pn prcanelemad ggartcwWmLmolroinlx*'wa,6,egwN[8lyoldldq�grs,-mfI,wa Grep,et.4«kgfbwn 4lalalFtl a{palalk[IMbrJ webn,amFwrs wpv.Ad,41t1✓os lemPaayb«M1,l,vteiP%illYtlukgca¢InclkntP¢,anrv,l6m^n llw 1. n2,ka Willy ca Md,rwour,no eiy aecvcn al)da ne.-11 AXe8Mt 0ud1Y Cie ..1 TtllCL MYMIIp Ct�a � ~ 9dv1Y IMamaXs wti«Iv inn O,rm here bell MI N.Lee Skeet rose 312 Neaatlb.VP M14 PW EY B11i aswmem ranelsP)lambeT iewatn{a m.d..lPaTr,.4ew uloe{eeaauwapyxgiap Azsc *+rive.FL 33610,11 is jdb Trus. True Type ally ply 11 M,PeeiW Ma T6]2k03G JI WSBB fA3 ;Ldnnm 2 1 Job , Relerec" "" Atnrmp BUJ]n83uWlee Jatbomie.R ].y2t Yl 201<MTNgZgb iee Mt Tue a IjQgf6]W2J14P�pe ID:pgkyeMRmE4IbY2u�PV6y4BSDdNg290ekEt4cat0__J)211pM1FMIGkHJ2UUl2}3pB0 -1d-0 aria rasa 129 ' 1sa saa sad Set ' sa.=144.3 sxs= 3 12.0 12 1d 16 16 13 3 tr _1 17 6 1B % Iglb 15M 3q = C -1-]a Sat ttaa 12 1]a SBa 58e tba LOAOINO(pet) SPACING- 2-D-o M. DER. In Ooo) VOefi Uri PLATES am TOLL 20.0 Plate Gap DOL 1.25 TO 0.27 Will -OAS I 0988 240 101720 NVIN TCDL 7.0Lumber ML 1.25 BC OSB Vert -OMI X888 ISO BiOA ' Rep Stress lour VES We 0.06 HOR(rL) 0.00 Na We BCDL 10.0 Cotte F802MOTP2007 (M11aIIM-AQ Weight 75U FT=2096 LUMBER- BRACING, TOPCHORD NS SP No.2 TOPCHORD Structural wood sheatllllg directly applied or&0-0co purilml BOTCHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD Rigid call,direct,studied or 10-00 oc adding, WEBS 2x4SPNo,2 JOINTS 10rece at Jib MiTek recomm,us that Stbllizels and required cross adding he ineimlea aurin,trues erenlon,In accordance with StNiizer Inmallaian uide. REACTIONS. uldfase) 1S5 mpanlca1,5627I638 Max Horz 1=7a0(LC 18),5=475(LC 17) Max Uplift—1 Mi 12),5=1 MILO 12) Mex Grey 1=561(117),5=534(-C 17) FORCES, Ub)-Mex Comp.IMax.Ten.-Allfol.250(IOlerlestardo ptwhenawvm. TOPCHORD 1-2=-93&656,2-14-512/15],13-14=-188,85,314=ae8/182,395=368490, 15-16=-M472, W472,6-1i-9 5n453 BOTCHORD 2-17=888/6]2.5-P=699/6]2,8-18=699/dYt,4-18=598/4]2 WEBS 30'278 NOTES 1)unbalanced mol live loads have Ogen considered for this assign. 64466 p4j 2) 11Ev0 En.. =0 Ga 8:ti MWFR6second gust) 1 (draddriian MC-Ceri Ext -1464t Il2,prialor�(1I) PI 1 it 2 t 5&6,Exterlh�5111;BAN 1-44g;( ite86.5 .; ,�poMp,S ;cantilever left and nght e�osed;end vertical left and right dpdm,;C-C for members alp forces&MW l. FRS nor pawdsshave, ,N ............ � Lumber DOL=LSo plate grip DOL=1.60 3)This buss has been resigned!for a 100 pal bottom Chool live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)-TMs truss has been desgned our a live load of Mapsf an the Doeom chow In all areas where a rectangle 36-0 van by 2-0 0 wide waif3938 III between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=1oApal. = *:• 5)Refer to girders)for Voss to three connections. 6)Bearl,at jam(s)5 considers parNlm to gran value usin,ANSUTPI t angle to grain formula. Buildng designs,swum very capati 01 bearg su tice, 7)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of buss 10 bear,plate capable of wiMstanaing 1W lb uplift at fall except U1=10)1=188 iTE : 6 )N nnStantlard dam,condition. Review requires. �iO�ICO,Q.' 9)'Sond rigid pllchbmksaam fixes hems'Member e1M Ibmy model was used In the aralysis and design of this thres, i� S 8ONAt %% % FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q o AplOrla-Vm'Jy dvlVn po,ms3m wdRfiaONOBPa ON iHI6dlID IheLINBD,IBR ANBRBMCB PdO61YL7/28 66POR8 r/8E �4an lY]Id,f¢dBYwkd MlreMcmrwciae RYtl%Jna.dv,4ba Wume en Wrvm mc11eMmMWWMit1 Whig—11, 11, µryib Iyot tlesL}npaanrereaaM pq'.rrlin,:Mz�dld,dttn,pv'eorkroyxxeYWma Wlalq�sTwi-mrleadeimnaprodho Mr kM aldol WtInB a11.-1 vekrrremberf tNv. M41bne r—h-,1-1.ro.-,51dll nreF2 cdol --Me rayddrany a1 Mi I .AWlldvl rertnawnllwcmorXn oveNla4u:Mektte lw#vxgwNol Xw lwle,p deaenel.f d Wvrapl .wdmJ9 B WImIIm4bnv dmkal.:Idgre.tYlNeiv.dedknaq dmF&�dve11 AWVRnmiah Cnr.xe,pars9dq BalWMnp Cwn 1 pp4 Pew4 EYIaM. I�SwMe.n pine ISP IumOef is fpetifieO.leTee Jexi7n valueha are mode�t�ve o6/Ol/]o33 LYPIX Tnrye,FL98610�Ine Jeb T. nue Yale rkbn�n ariize a]P 0 0 J1 W588 GM Cwmman 1 1 JM HeMerce M1mal I.YnrmJ Butlm05uFpir, ,4tbpN4,R Ts F x0 haIml IOynkeH ] OyP;T6; D.MgZgbRkAreJII4KI90VOHUW2Y4 4B 14,14) ax'e ass= scan vnr 2 ix.M 1x 1z 13 11 u 3 z 1 r 15 I 18 ss 15N II 3 I ]20 1I4a 2d 20 Pleb O6sed IRYI-- I1'D1-100.1A1130.1-100.141 LOMING(psl) SPACING 2-0.0 CBI. DER. In poo) Utlafl Utl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 FIZZ. 1.25 TC 0.80 Ved(U) -0.05 4] >999 240 w20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lomhw DOL 1.25 BC 0.61 Vers(R) -0.11 4] >989 180 BELL 0.0 • Rep Sues Ilfr YES We 0.08 Horz(TL) 0.01 3 we we BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010ffpbd) 7 (IAar1x-Ng Weight 631E FT=20% LUMBER- BRMING TOP CHORD 2x4SP Not TOPCHORD Structural wand sheathing dirsctiy appled Or S1-15 oc pfi ins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP Not BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling d9aetly applied or 10a b oc seeing. WEBS 2x4SP No 2 MITek recommends Ilial Stabilizers and required cross Erni g WEDGE be IruWlletl tluring truss eredlon,In accordance 1MM Stebllizer Left:2x4 SP No.3,Right:2x0 SP No.3 Installation uitle. REACTIONS. (11trie e) 1330AAeMeNcel,3=530.m-58 Max Herz 1-229(LE 10) Max Up Ift1=191(LC 12),3=191(LC 12) Max Gmv1=589(LC 17),3=SBe(LC 16) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.GOmpJMax.Too.-All torose 250 Out or leas except when shown. TOP CHORD 141=416M462,11-12-5Ml77.2-12- 3W197,2-13=435497,1314=d 1 T7, 310=A6]/462 BOT CHORD 1-15s-213D305],4-15=-20/394.4-16=20394,3-16_2137305] WEBS 2b-=76 NOTE& 2)wind:ASC reef ;Vult=11300mph bear, alguap vase-ldesign. mph;TGDU.2psf;BCDL=3.OpsC h=25f1;117159;L�4R mve-An;Cat.ll; %"% N AN 2j2AA Exp C;End.,GGpk018;MWFRS(direcfi0rel)and C-C Exledor(2)0001030-0,Intedohl)3-0-0io 7-2-0.Exhrior(2)7-2-0W102-0 Q� ........... �e AIS zone;confiner left and night exposed l erdvOkcal leaand rgMexpwed,O-0 for members and forced&MWFRSforreadlonsetown; 1J,2N:'�CEN '•.% Wmber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.60 .� V �-> 3)This tense has been designed for a 10.0 pill bottom chord INe load norvmsunent wird any other live tones. ` 3939 4)-This imss has been designed for a Ilve load 020.0pd on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectargie 36D or by 2-0 Woe MIC.k fit betewen the bottom chod and any other members,wird BCDL=10.Opsf. 5)Refer to gfrdegs)for Imes to Puss connections. 7 6)Provide mechanical conneciier(by Ohara)of turas to beam,pate capable d"notending 1001E uplift at long,)except pt=lb)1=19C jT¢C 3=191. 7)'Seml-rigid pltcMreeks Win fixed heels"Member and fixiy modal was used In the analple and dasignol this Puss. �0.. iA�gS;ONA;E�`O� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wARH]NO.v %Y1�19^P�vmGoa wdR Nn]bB OYMnl]m WLUDHn HIfFXRLl�6PAV¢6 PAW W 744 He00RB(9& Oesbn vdld lob ua a+Y�m CNekcrn�e<Jo¢.R6treank�Jmly upa��mielersslwvm mJhlw anhdNdWaagoe, In. PyNk:aWlN onlNg,pmrencsaq pop�hwmwalkndammWrennkm.�rvnelNN of Mlydq�]e4nre- md+WneL&mhtl Ynwn kfwlafald s4µrl olYMVM.]urefrnimnCursdYY HdtlbrcA lemµygydxgp no kmre MA uYyusxe4ucrmhrwm.,dlllp of Ra third.,n P.Ur,W— wa.mKmreavruw+ MornCwannaa+om-89 and am ours � Is- 19 iGxkanuor.nY<mna.slexrg rum none, oose. aWnMp.cwwrl Aeslmn Owlry A X314. e.�am�COSI wIIr.p CanV.lwnf Tar 11 Fee 9NJ. e nua� 'a�sree°n.sn"�.'781 ra"rrwseBB.r.' e��o::zwexT�ia�.a�/oa%zou W nrsc T.op..Raaslwlss len Insts wk TImepli,Cr--mm B.B m n mn J1#p549 (bl# 1 t Jr4Relxalva Wninq BuiYJpegiiv, .YtLmrlly.FL ]WOVAp29M1#WTk F#Mriv.Ic. iw pry0p 5>SSMI# Ppvt IOyIAyeHeQmEIIDY21q_PYBy093O820NPMt1Ji3Tn91GeXfyJraTAgieDYCQiU�gM 1.4 a. 6s- adds:VC-1• 2 12m F12 12 13 11 V 3 ry 1 I (o 15 6 �// 15x411 3mJ Z. ua za za %e1e 011ea (XV}. 11'6 - Q -el 130-1-10 Q1A1 LOMNG(psf) SPACNlG- 2-0-0 Cel OEFL In goc) Meet Ud PLATES GRIP MILL 20.0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 TO 0.60 Val(LL) -0.05 4) a99B 240 Mr20 214/190 TCUL 7.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.61 Ved(TL) Il11 4) x999 180 BCU- 0.0 ' Rep Stress nor YES WB 0.08 Horz(TL) 0.01 3 We We BCDL 10.0 Cade FBC201 GTP 12007 (Math-M) Weight 6316 FT=201s LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP Not TOP CHORD Struduml Most sheathing one*applied 01 S1-15 do did,. BOTCHORD 20SPN0.2 BOT CHORD RI9ldce111rg 0.1y applied or to"..among. WEBS 2x4 SP N0.2 MITek recommends that Stabllizers and required Groes bm 1w WEDGE be imAaIAI during wes AscNon,in Ax.ma..AM Stabblzsr Lot 2x4$P No.3,Right:2x4 SP No.3 Ins mlladon 9ulde REACTIONS. (IWeize) 1=53011v1echanloo,Mn"sdmnicel Mex Hmzt=-2 (I-C10) Max Upllfll=19RI-C 12),3-191(LC 12) Max Gmv1d89(LC 1)I,3=689(LC 18) FORCES. (lb)-Max CompMax.Ten,-All fomes 250(lb)or less except Men shown. TOPCHORD 1-11=80N182,11-12=-SOB/i)),2-12=i3M19),213=435119),13-14=-508/1A, 3-14=-88]/182 BOT CHORD 1-15=-213)/305],4-15=-20139.4-16=-201381,348=-213)Ca05) WEBS 21Qx76 140 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10 Vu11=ds have 130mph(3-aemnd Wan Vasdh-101mph;TCD"2pat BCDL=3.Opsf;M1-25f1;B-,IM 1-24f;aave=4fl;Cal.11; ,,�45TgP�j z�e mmneveCX ad rig�eRxpossal.end ve)rlicel hitt ara BMesposed;C-C for members and forces 8MWFRS formactons an.. `.`,Z,� '.GENy�eq d�•� Lumber DOL=1.W pule grip D0L=I,W �� V 3)This turas has been designed for a 10.0 pal boVOhn oON lh w load nonconcurrem Mh myoffer We loads. 3938 4)•This truss has been designetl for a Ilse load 0 20.Opaf 0n the bottom MOM In all areae share s rectangle 380 or by 200 wide MIC } 14 between the bottom More and any other members,with BCDL=10OFA. _ 5)Refer to girder(s)for Wes to truss connections. 6)Provide m wank, l cOrrmeon(by others)at it=to hearing pate capable of MlMtanding 100 to W141,al ldrH(A except Qt=W)1=191: ])'Seml-rigidp ramseM Mmfixed M1eels'Memba endfiery model was used Inthe anatyais and design of this tries. 0 •. FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Alkworaleffial dmienpmvuiRm mrd RHaO ND1HB.HM/9II4](MCLIIDBH Mi81[RHPBRHNCa PdOH 1111]/2d BaPOR811HB 'aMrvdN Iry uswYYvtih ktlletcmrecloa TYst»tl.n kl>atdaYY Wrn MamxlarsflwvtlaW k MmfMN.�W6q<anpawnl. PyrlkrN#Ily of fealty MunelmuN pY.a`- hcwls�oMdcwnlwvml6raPwctllXYd Wrlp[led„iwr-m tle!prier B¢lp 4rovn h lw kalrrd v;{uldlrtlMLd weDmurrberscNY. �QIY dlunyxvydMpbxv.avldalrydrhBcwuMClknklMrespnuaflN of Ra raga,. alaxow n.m..watomla9dlnaowwamauraklre ral>ormarvdtre rsAdrnriar4r'w-ra 9aaara eamwarwdm9 MiTek' imx:r,mn wnMcorma.mra9�.dalvay,aecllmm]ox4a.koa.lt/Jpl/IRI mIYcn«a..a-n aeecv ealarr9 cmrlwa«a esoa 1.11.En a«e. Y w�n.Mlsol Y as ah a er.']dWs�w�ilraii�i.' —sal mow.a%04zaia by u ivrm..111.1o41rs . ya Yk—n9.d TS]22aP J,<D_4a dWa Lanmi 3 0 van. .aI AYnrwgBW3io3aR9�. JKIYppIM.R ]aBBe5p23201 xIJ&HS- RIQaUffum cea Wb]P.o Papel IO:yayeHm2mE144Q _PYBy496D eIwI5H3 MHK30LNfL5mWVW3xPP8ueMAx cw,3p83 Vza lase z-za z-za 61y SCNaa/a'.f 2 12.Y0 F12 13 14 11 3 ,ryr� 1 C o Is 4 1. an 1-zd iHd a za Pleie OOsete lxn- R41-1061E1134bloo-l-Bl LOADRGIpffi) SPACAi 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In 'no, VOeB VO PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Chip DOL 1.25 TC 0.130 Vat(LL) -0g 0T =1 240 W20 244890 TOM 70 Lumber DOL 1.25 SC 0.131 Val(TL) -0.11 4-0 s999 190 BOLL 1,.b • Rep Some!nor YES We 0.09 Hopp(TL) 0.01 3 We We BCDL 10.0 Cale FEC201MPI2007 (Metro-M( Weigh:8311, FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4SPN0.2 TOPCHORD Structuralwood shea0lrg diumly applied or Sl-15 oc pudlre. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 GOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-00 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MITek recommends Inst Stabilizers and mWred cross bracing WEDGE ba Ina(alI ph lrumsemmon,In ncnalence with Sell Left:2x4 SP No 3,Right 2x4 SP No.3 Iromllaft aide. REACTIONS. (Iblsize) 1=530N-S8,3=530.MIechanlcal Max Hort t==22%TC 10) Max Upllfll=-191(LC 12),3=-191(LC 12) Mex Gmv1399(LC 1T).3=589(LC 18) FORCES. (lb) Mex CompAWw.Ten, Aimma*250giftorlessansptwhenshosm, TOP CHORD 1-11=980492,11-12-5 l& ,2-12=41419),2-13=435/19],13-14=-5 !0-1, 3-14=887/4132 BOTCHORD 1-15-2137=5],4-IS--20/394,449=201394,398=-2137MO5] WEBS 24=(Y3n NOTES ) rrar7 �a3mn( sd i��h;2wASCE 7-10;Ikeloads ae gust))ionsalvsaopTCDtr4.2ps1;BCDt=3.opmf:1,45n;B-45n:Ls4rc:eaetl Cat It ,�0�-T`Tp,$ EV C;Erl GCpi=0.i8;MFRS(tllreplimm and C-C EAalor(2)0 Y W 30-0,Inteda(1)5040 to 7-2-0,ENeda(2i 7-2-0 to 1020 .,%e anuleverleg and light exposed;endvermallmaMngMeximettC C formenmers mum.&MWFRS fpr reamone efteem; Lumber DOL=1.BUplategdp DOL=1.80 3)This trues Ina,been designed for a I OC psi bosom chord live load WMMWmlenl min any other in loads. 3938 4)'This dues nas been designed for a live load of 20.0fnf on the bottom mord In all areas a mere a rectangle 343-0tall by 2-0-0 wide WIC♦ ;• fit between the bosom chord and any other members,mm BCOL=10.opa1. 5)Refer to g uderts)for truss to truss ocnmmmilons. 8)Provide bnmbsmlcal cmneclion(by others)of have to bearing plate capable of wimserdimg 100 to uplift atjoinf(m)enopt Qt=Ib)1-=19;—_ 3=191. T)•Sembrigid pitmbbod s mlh fixed heels Member end tltlty model was used In me analysis end design of this more. S O •. �/; 1",4 vs... O. .... p44g;ONA;E?44�� FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q VdfWAO-Vv dales po��erm wdR1Hn ND]BB OHi1Rad30 fM'LIA9b IOiH[R8P8a8NC8 PdnB xOf V1Vd aelORa 1/96 Cai3n v[x{]Ica va wYY Win Mlw�conrvclua IM Wslpnklw[sd MYupcn Mamelersewwn.mtltM mMWM J Mxsy canpemnnl. ealrnx�nN.ww�i°i awaomm�mo�m wva3am�ei wmnaaamMw=em.eml mneml,ame�'almol lne areoum.odellom Pampanm iyollreoYemalnix�:I�,xamreeemxmmnyax�awmrld�p,�a1.Id9ererao3mramx9�ae lei ma<xlc In polN mnxd,51aa3e.tl&Irv.y.Neca.,at ..1 .cawll AXEITI1 QmoIMCANb.p86MaM K51 BJYJYq CompwYnt apN pemb EM BAtl, molly InlmnNbm wdKAx M1em V�Wde YaMuuk.]BI N.Lxx SM1eel.aSe 312 NeeaYlb VP>lf l4 TvryL FL SMI0411s a xxe,...,Plrw ISPI lom5e.is Nariel6 Yme daelP value.ae n,ox uacea.de/o1/zoL3 ey ALSC ob Truss Trure Type Xobn,an PevWnte Tiese. JI.Irs G05 Common JW Pelel-aWnN 1.@nnina n.'U,smpum. Jetr,—Me.Ft Y2uyro.2014 xmax 1-.1. 1x.Po30W525T2ot4 Fxgn, D:pgAyeHRmE4ID By4 2yWildi W9ZBNwZs NW7sHn 7jMiX6W3gN i In a 7za ' pM= sw.:11411- 12,W[1-2 14•_1•1x0012 SII 12 3 14 3 1 yy a d 16 4 1fi ans= ISa4 34 o zzo ua o a ao 72a Plate Offsets(%Y4- 13'61-100 EI LOADING(psN SPACING- 2-60 M. DEF1- In floc) VoleX VO PLATES GRIP TCU 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.80 Velt(LL) 0.09 410 >9W 240 MF20 24G190 TCDL To wmWrOOL 1.25 BC 0.80 Verl(n) -0.14 4-10 >999 180 BCU 0.0 • Rep Stress Iner YES WE 0.09 HON(R) 001 1 No we BCDL 10.0 Cape FBC201WPMU (WMx-Ng Weight:63111 FT=20% LUMBE& BRACING TOP CHORD WSP No.2 TOPCHORD Swduml wane sheathing directly applied on 5-2-12 m purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD Rigid celing capacity applied or 1600 oc Imidng. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 -Tax remmmentle UWI Stabilizers and papula cress bmdrp WEDGE be Inao".tlu0ng wsa erection,in eccoMaroe xx Stablll2m Left:2x4 SP No.2,Right 2x4 SP No3 Insta"allon ulde. REACTIONS. (IWsize) 3=534M1achenicel,1=527/ 3E Mex Hou 1=22)(LC 11) Men UpIB13=-194(LC 12),1c187(LC 12) Max Gmv3=590(LC 18),1=583(LC 17) FORCES. (lb)-Max.CompJ .Ten.-Alllort 250gb)mlessexcept Mfi shl , TOPCHORO 1-11=40E&S22,ii-12=-514/1 B0,242=-0d3210,2-13=-9M209.13-14=-52&189, at4-86aa41 BOTCHORD 145=-i]W2828,4-15=-251405,9-18=-25/405,3-18=-20 812 9 81 WEBS 2L--1]/.181 NOTES- 2)W intlA SCEr710 ,Vullt=l mph(3an wesidemd for this design. sacond gust)Ve0=101 mph;TCDL=4.2WI;BCDL GW;h2Sft;B45ft;L24tt;save-_4X;Cal.II; \ q'24I4� Exp O;End.,GCpb.1M MW nog2)FRS(diredumal)and C-C Exde0.0.0 to 30-0,Mterbpp)3-00 to 7 2-0,Extetlm(2)7-2-0 to 10-2-0 \\ QC,� zone;cantlaor left and righ,exposed;and vertical let and right e%poseQO-0 formembers and tomes&Mfor readlons shown;; ,2. . CENS••ey LumWrDOL=160peegrfp DOL=1.W : 'x 3)This mass has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom client this load noncoxunent with any other Iles roads. 3938 4)'This trees has been designed for a INe lead a 20.DPe on the Whom chord In all areas where a redengle 3430 MX by 2-60 wMe MIC fit between the baro.chord and any other members,Win BCDL=10.0Wt, 5)Reler to girders)for muss 10 Buss Connechms. ' 6)Prove.mechanical tonnedim(ny deters)d truss t0 bearing pate CaPabled Wftexamilm,10016 uplift.1 joint(s)expepl 01=1b)3=1 •• ;a� 1=187. 7)'Semi rigid ptchbreaxs Win fixed Wels'Member ere flxlty made was used in the analysis and deelp of MI.was. ���,•.� P ��(!/,C too woll% FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q wd1iN/!A VnV Jmlyn YwrvMm w9R81p Mn'1�1btlONT1(6d1ID IMLIN®10f8r[AIYBRPlC6 PAGF.M1l')4]a 9BYOR81M8. DesknhipIw M�wltanelerstaM IXeWlhrn- P^aMolw,n�IWwnierefr*NLMIha GY�Ay3�'e'd�IntlMO:.ss est a1Rq c.—har.. Pgil.CllNol �J m 3FmraxYxy.l b�lurmd v4xxvl orxtltMJwebmdnlin.eNY�/.xjx.4lempo�nYm n.b Pwall1In IYn—I�9 FlM1'x lM,Iry11, xyol Ra I�lYcp�Mn 411%oailrMtl io¢9eW.�lveelry ecer'�`ion�meo-«na r xs1.--xI`I cnr.na°oieiv ante e�,m••:: waHa IBS( Me -,ulNnIsol fioml —rre .thee.]BI —I tTcel.3m—mead LbVP4314 Yp CemVon.M roa Puk.Fmr aMd Nhutl,nn VlrelSVlumbe.itipeeTe4.Me0ex1V"+Ivetxe Mau eXeanae W/el/SO33OYP1SC __ i.npe.iL 33a10411a nue. Trees Type Dry 1 Ply Hoeomen weamoe T6]4aM JIWa. me GABLE 1 JCL Relererca Mnnly pultlinp auWlla. 8eM•drvile Fl 1600a$W2320NµTek IzUEn J Mb.W:5]: E Gg t IDFghysHRmE4)bY2uQ_PVBy483D-W&4WiUEHix1JTV1YP]EbaUxfilWl3WtEp5lgp/dp8) 588 1L50 588 588 4.4= Sol 1:38a 4 12 006 1 3M4- 12 11 10 9 0 TW 11,0 11bU LOADING(pap SPACING 2-0.0 CSL DEFL In (roc) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 0.0 Rate Odp DOL 1.25 TC 0.08 Vert(LL) Ne - We 1✓W MTO 24N190 TCOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.05 Vert(TL) Ne We 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Iner YES we 0.08 Hor2(TL) 0.00 ) We Ne f3CDL 10.0 Cade FBC201NTPI2007 (Manx) Weight:Bent FT=OX LUMBER- BRACING- TOPCHORD 20 SP No-2 TOP CHORD SW.W.1 xwdsbeathing dVsctlyapplled m6-0-0 w purges, BOT CHORD 20 SP Not SOTGHORD Rigid cellm,drectly applied or 10-0.0 oc bracing. OTHERS 20 SP Not MITek rewmmentla Mat=m m and requiretl crosSb only be inasiletl tluring)roes eredlon,In aaordande velh Steblllear IrplNlallon gbid. REACTIONS. Allbeedngall-30. (lb)- Mex Hoa 1=188(LC 10) Max U01111 All uplift 1001,press allouds)1,)except 11=135(LC 12),12=150(LC 12),9=-135(LC 12), 8=150(LG 12) Mex G. All mardarve 260 lb or less at)dnds)1, FORCES. Q,) Max ComplMax.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except shen abbe). NOTE& 1)Unbe elped roof live bads have been..Id..d for this deslge. 2)Wind ASCE 7-10;VOW 30mph(3-second gust)Vasc lof mph;TCDIa4 2psC BCD1=3.0pd:h-2Sft;13,1511;L44ft;save=21b Cal.II; EV C;End.,GGpi=0.18;MW FRS(dem,llonal)and C-C Comer(3)0.00 to 3(Y0,Exteri 3 00 to 3&8,Gomer(3)5 ell to 8-08 map;Cantilever left and right elmoseb;end vertical lett antl right eepaxi C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions sw.; Lumbar DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=150 \\ p\OI111I Ap 3) True designed for wind leads In Ne plane of the Was only. For shirts exposed to Mnd(normal to Ne few),See Standard IndustryCable End \\ 22I 4)All plass are 51s sa x4 MT0unlpess othervArminult dicaatetl,ullGing designer as per ANS14P11. ,,,,�0.\PCEN•q�e///// d. 5)Gable earl continuous beltom chord bearing. :0."N•V� S ••.9 i 6)Gape studs Spacetl at 2"00. 8)-This nusrues hns been dabeen mretli�or a live lead of 200ps roll lip Wltomexual nChord Incl areas mith whe„a aer feeloands.morangle 36o tail by 240 all Wilt *;• 3938 fn between the bottom Mord and any other members, C B)Provide smoly nlcal connection(by others)of miss to beefing plate capable of WNatanding 1001,uplift at joint(s)1,)except Utd,) •�� 11=135,12=150,9=135,0=1 W. 10)'Semi rigid pilchbrem aks Wih fixed heels'Member and fixity MxAel Was used!In the staffers and design of Nis truss. O.• ATE E?xx FL Cert. 6634 December30,2014 Q WIRIaNb-VeYJx dmign pmvxEm ur,dxBaO HO186 OH iNl6 Al0!l2LlN®a6179(R6I8ReaC8llOa tll p/J8 aNOR131AB. rsanvrlN rdue«ilYwmm MxeF crcrvv:l«s.Rk(leYtnhtval emH uWa�«nelert Ywwn.rnl B W m NwS l CJ3p e«nG«anl. rodxmary of res9.l>'«nor«.mew«*+M«rorrnron�l�mrxxpnl nremoramor«aera tlewr.ar-rolmmaerlm�nr aarrgxwav, amr kit«d.4nmdF.w�.y weDmemlvn My�1tli«nllomn=+«vr*a}gro bmnonmm«Wro=«'+xu[Ilonhnwr«nar�eNor xn e,00mr-naanpxa r�osamentlxmnp orlro ovoalermonxaxlro am«a+malremmbmavr«.r«9orera Pva,na ra9«ap 9�L rdxaalbn 4blHrn'ina.sl«We.wR/«Y.ma:ran axl lxsrxe-t pr lx9/M1G✓AIYAlanfl 09BMaa aCII WIIJW Cmpmw. ePo1v.,m EM&M. isorrM P.w-Mp.rs.rnanti�vK'�d.w�ld+Wwwexree��au12a�eu. 0.OW4U20La Ix,. Tum+.FLaxlo4lfs Job Truss To..Type PY XWom¢n ne¢genm 4n JIOOSBa X01 GABLE Y 1 JM,,C3 me fapliowp A6nning Bwltling 5upprrea JucFmnvtlln Fl Wpa5ap9MD W844 JUEM Mc.Tu'HEN)IR:5]SY2Wi PpF1 IO.rygrM/eHhytarE4IDY2hgPY8y495DW 844W zUEN[MJMYP]EMHCGM14i1E054ppyJpBi 3d9 388 Saab 1:10¢ 2 1 fg4 II San 12 1 3 2.1 ISrr4 II LOAMM(PS" 11 SPACING 2-0-0 CM. DEFL In Quo) Vdad UB PlATEB ORM TCLL 20.0 Flats Grp DOL 125 TC0.28 iL)VarV-1111)) Ne - he 999 Ii 24N 90 TCOL TO Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.11 VialNa - rife 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Slread]nor YES WB 0,00 Haz(TL) 0.00 3 nla We BCDL 10.0 Coda FB=1=PI200] 0"ifth4 Weight:12 to FT=201S LUMBER- BBACINO- TOP Ct10RD 2x4 SP Not TOPCHORD StafdUM1 wood ShMOblg dins appllad or 3S8 m purluts, adept BOTCIIORD Pall SP Not axl yetib is. WEBS 2x4SP Not SOTCHORD Rigid asifing directly applied or 10-00 oc bhadre, .'Tax recommends"let SlaOfiizers entl required Wow bredng de imd lied during truss aecfion,In ermhdenas MIM1 StaNller IMSallatim aide. REACTIONS. (IblslM) 1=107/368,3=107/388 Max Hors 1�60(LC 11) Max Gpli"1—38(LC 126 3=-41(LC 12) FORCES. (Ib)-Max ConplMax.Tan.-All forces 250 gb)or less except Men shoym. NOTES 1)Wind ASCE 710;Vult=130mph(3-seoaM gust)Vadi 01 mph;TCDL=4.2pt SCDL=3.0pst;h=258;B=45";L24f;eave=2";Cat.II; Exp C;End.,GCpl=0.18;MW FRS(dradione)and FC Conni tare;Cantilever left and right eNlosed;and vertical le"and right Wgrassd;C-C far members a1M forces&MFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.80 plate grip OOL=1.60 2) Truss designed lanyard leads In the plane of the Shaw only. Forstudsexpasetlto Mnd(dormertotheface),see Sa adlr stry Gable End Detals M addlced ,or Conduit qualified building designer M per ANSI?PI 1. 3)Gable requlres Commodore bottom chord beading. ,&UEI1Ilgyz 4)Gable Spuds Spidivel at 5)This hahas s Deep E2�0igetlroaa0 goad oV 20 road Opsff onlive me bottom chord In allereMa xlleleother alive rectan9 36o My by 200 wide Mn ��`,>,pP'r,"A A491. fit Wander,the bottom chain and my other members. 7)Provide meChamdirues nical cneon(by Where)of tto bearing plate Capable a almstandng 100111 uplift at 7dnl(s)1,3. 8)'Seml-rigol pitenbreaks with fixed heals'Member end fixity model was used in pie analysts and design d this trss. *.' 3938 f T Ad�4S�ONA�E?G`% FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 AL. Vanda dGd"ddnadIa—m¢d R6lONn1Ha ala]NIa., C..M18n.bbHR:6 Pan8Ml 9/9a e6IORB r1BB Ue9rh,v,MN les MYwIIn MreMmmclm.R#Ostl9nkb tlaYY W«h radon, AbrudinMm MWkx1 near— npmml. PyypkaMlN^IFpunetersaNpgelM:wp«aM,dcwnpu¢nlC hwhu,YMM of Wlap 4re� m r,m�hsLJhrrx WncN{1Nwwn t1«Sol«eN aFN nholYMukNelwaDmemlaaaYY. AMXMrtl hemlvW dmrlgbkw.e GdMm[ANrr ccm4w4knhllrer 4mtllR,ln ollhre rec,,G,ngn«b naenlae,cid , wenn denlMeBG,conri+Winydtl¢W�V�-r« ndSCS raIMI, ,aonaq 1No. eF1 el xm.ahralmconnM.a«We.Jellmry ehecnmml baxne.cwurl 212 odiVrbaO,pw.e9una acsl lulalny companeM apa4 p.rc.EM eXe. soleh IMwmolMn mak14 M1an Ind nMn MXNe,]el N Lea30eer 9Me a12 Plexm]rIa VAZL9IE. Terree.FL 3961a<115 If Soutbem pin¢ISV11umM.is¢pealfie0,the Jeziprvaluw•a ve 1Tose MecGw pa/pa/2013 ay ALSC JWNBa y[6 IAM —s We.w. 4pW JI<Ma9 ."U MmtgRM1 R Jc0 Relererca tiwwl Manning Buidyp auWMa. JMawntf.FL w.bY2Uc-WY3201D-KeilUs2H¢.M[ T TDooDgT yOTKC •I ID:pgrkyeHN'mE4IDY2�PY6yI0SD_K0.SjIUa2Hpw.cCy6[aTDo]a]pi5:%)aTKCeLFVJg68 ba .2 ' 1B0 5a9 ScOt=I lad J 15N blp 12 e 2 Li 1 � ffi4- 1.ev4 I Se8 Sad LOADINe(pal) SPACMO- 2-00 CSL DEFL In gsc) lMefl NdPLATES GRIP TC 200 Plate Grip DOL L25 TC 0.19 VM(LL) 0.01 b] x900 260 MRO 261/190 TOOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.09 Vwl(TL) -0.01 WI-1- 6-> a98B 180 1- 0.0 ' Rep StasIco es r YES WB 000. Hov(TL) 0.00 2 Na Ne BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010TPI200> (MMdx-M) Weight 181b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACINe- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Stmcturel Yrood sheathing directly applied or M-8 oc pudlns, except BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 els Verses. WEBS 2x4 SP too.2 BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-00 oc bmdng. MlT-'-0mmenda Iael SrebillYers aM raTulred crone bracing be ftem"etl dudr'g tars erectirn,In accoNance wain SreMlizer Inarellatlon U1 REACTIONS. (INaaze) A=102ttaeLhanlral,2�660&6 Mex Hoo,2=89(LC 11) Mex U0i14=34(LC 9),2=146(LC 12) FORCES. gb)-Max.Canp.11Wx.Ten.-Allfomes25006)orleas except Man shown. TOPCHORD 2�256g31 BOTCHORD 2+L--266264 NOTES 1)Wind'AWE 7-10;VUIt=1301hph(3-3econd gust)Vasd=101 mph TCDL-C.2pef;BCOL3ced;h=25ft;8=451;L=241;ewa=4ft;Cat.II; E,C;Enc1.,GC14�.18;MWFRS(0rec1lrna1)entl C-CEAed (2)9d-11101-55,Inledor(1)1-55 to 3d-12 Yalle;cdnllevar lel entl rightexposed:antl vesical left antl dght exposetl;C.0 for members wad forces 8 MFRS for reactions shoem;Lumber DOL--1.60 plaza SHIP DOL=1.60 \\\111111/ 3)?Thi truss has owere has been ndesigned!fned ear d Ivemad of 20.OpNr hollorn Nonrthe bottoload mKcordaln all areassmeno ather l rectloans ngle 36-0 real by 200 Mde aril ,p``, PS,'4•• �<A/'�, In masseur the bosom choml and any other members. p )O • CEN 4)Refer to gimegs)for Huss to BUaa connections. ��`(';•V\ S•••.;9 i� 5)Parade meclanical connecl0n(by oNem)of truss to bear ,pieta capable of wffeanding 100 to uplift at folN(s)4 except at-lb) 2=146. ` 3938 6)'Saint-hgn Atchbreaks WIN fixed heels'Member and fifty model ares usetl In the analysis and design of this to as. AT c� O. FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q Me6wry-va+ly aola.rm�e�m.Jaee9 xprea rNTxisexp]xc5rm®Nr]vsraeeaasYce vera wv.>s>a eeroxa ues. rmpawlelo„Qa a+v.xm Mnax�aireaaa.lrJmlea X eaado�nrn>ra�aaeiea4wwn arae la mXulNdrM m4are�oml>orem. PryMkWINoIMMgnMmrelartm]qrma ben V>talbnolcrm{wrwnl MrepaJLalyol[xltlYp c�Xpnr-no I,uaelmpns Ba JgYwn b lalaWd.nSpcll of mJaS]rveDman�aaYy. R]4XbM lemty,ayda}y blwxeabJllyeluFBrnMmdkma Xw,eyzxq�alH ofll'e e<aw.rdanaw lxaaxwmcraxnamo o.�wnnKnrebnw�.�r>«mMNollrel.4e�re.b�e�w.aae�+rem rhmre,e9w>ro Mirstrum. 6 IabkoMM1 pNly�cNadnkd.alwrye,tlelNay,e,eclbnavl] laaiq.cva..awes, ANS91P11 G,d1y C111Y$MN.rEa<9 vMeCL 9WIbq CanWnanl 5ei peM EW BM4. Y m5pugwnPMNlSplpnp•hp[W6 Ne Jap,vYwsvetlww MNYwe6/OI/20136y/LX Terga.FL 1�IP4115 s rues T,,a Ory Haeomenafein— TSPlOd] 'do Jleass N01 GABLE I IJab Rakmrce -1 Memtiapiklk Baq.'l-, Jec4omilk.Fl 18W e8p 238011 Wiak l"'o"alz "v"we0W:5754MId Papa I D'pgrllyeHa2mE4nW:x, PY6y4&4D_Kd9jlUd2Hpw.c1y55eTQ07f,5ydXNM Fy3gw sea e a sa6 sea Soo.-1263 dxd= 8 2gf2 t5N 11 b II I 2 5 e 7 a �q t as I 1 II .a. II 2x10 taa FO tae aa7 LOADING(Imf) SPACING- 20.0CSI. DER. In floc) novel Utl PLATES GRIP TCU 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.00 Va0(l1) one - one m9 NIT20 244/190 TCDL TO Wmber DOL 1.25 BC 0.04 Va0(m) we - Na we BCLL 0.0 - Rep Stress 1. YE3 WE 0.04 HordTL) 0.00 5 Na we BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2010TPI2W] (Mad") We're:3216 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 SP Not TOPCHORD Structural woad sheathing directly appiled or SCO ac,Wilke. BOTCHORD 2X4 SP NO2 BOTCHORD Rigid.111,directly applied Or 10-09 Oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SP No.2 MITas recommends Ihal Slebil -alb required cross b dh` be Indalle.during Muse erac4on,In aLcodarlLe with Slabl11-1 swou afloo ube. REACTIONS. All beaMgs 72-1C (Ib)- Max Hor21-104(LC 10) Max LJOIX All uplift 10016 or has at foint(s)1,5 accept e=-143(LC 12),6--143(LC 12) M.G. Nl readlon52501b or less at)dn[(s)1,5,],0,8 FORCES. (Ib)-Max Gomp.Miax.Ten.-All fomes 250(Ib)orlws except xhen shown. NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this Owego. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;VOW 3Omph(Ssecond Wall Veal mph;TCDl--4.2W;BCDL-3.Ops1;h451n 8=450;L=24h;eave=2hl Cel.ll; Eql C;End.,GGP=0.18;MW FRS(drecllonaB and C-C Comw(3)2orxc camilever left and right sexpersetl;end vertical left and night slmosegC-C for members and forces&MW FRS for rescbons shown;Lumbar DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.80 3) Truss dwigmd lot wind loatls in bee plane of the house Mly. For ofutls eXpoea to wind(mrtnal to the faco),see Standard fnduNry Gable End Dehalls w applicable,or consult qualified buiedrlg designer w per ANSV TPI 1. LUTA IppT4j 4)Gable requires contnuous thottorn dord heading, 6)To imwshae been desigrwtlfor a 10.0 fest boom Mod live load nonconWrmnt with arty other live loads, �-�,'y`y,.(1�PC E N`9<A,4�i� 7)'Thislmsshae been dwignsd loralive loadol 20.Opsl onthehottom chord In all areaswhere a redangle3B-Otall by2-0.Owideegl 'V\ r�p•.9 M between the bottom Mod and any Whet members. B)Provide mechanical connedeca(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of wflhdanding 10016 uplift at lolM(s)1,5 except Qtdlg :*t 3838 8=143,6=143. 9)'Sami-find pitchbreaks with fired he le-Member end tidy model was used In bre analysis and design of this thaw. • ATE :�8: AN O T offil, I,%% FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q IVeR1Rxo.v /a • v M aaaD rdoisao 9exn rxcr,w r1LFnar6xvllce>eae Ml-]/28 Gerona rss I#tlar dal w Mn x .I a,HXmewea awn w' I 4e .cal r nawl-swaw pgvni µyl aIN IMS3 un a { IWn r est mYtM1Y akq Y9(Awr-^a a".'ilJ .6 aror . y 4nm 14vJNktx r oho kxxbl � �I I x ro .ammmn �wonln elms MITek' e ixM. Phetl WO cre IMM ertll i h es{waiMln s1N YeYplrer. PewreM pukNsn .rML rK¢Ilry . 0 eg M,,t,.. 312 N1 Illy Cq3 w& GBCL eYWngC Wnanl BBOd Pa,ka EaeIA11 IfStIM IdAel 1a.IrcMN J8 _ LSIP.312 VP 5131 d. Terrya.FL aMI0J115 1e5wn—olie lsG lumrwr aelm- a .the aesren va verve Naw ane<tire 06/al/2otJ OywLu IlWaren PWmr[[ a , 1w any Ult, F1 Ts12Ywe JI4roBa ON iGmmvn 2 1 Job Raereice OarW MmMria BuiNip Sygf[[, Ja[b[nYi,FL ].e00[8epYi4gSI TXI VV[ Yt W D,ft,4MOL 11 Rry IDDVIkyeH12mE42bY2uyPYBH850.5XDQxeVVpExIYmaO(�Biy0p�g4M0._T BMydRJ5 .dL BJL 480 4d arakt sea 4.4= 3 AFI-2144&4= I6 48O P40 48 U 48a % 1 011e (XY)- @'61124 11 '0.1120-1-81 LOAUING(psq SPACING- 200 CSI. DEFL In 0.) Open Car PLATt� GRIP TGLL 20.0 Fade Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.32 Vert(LL) 0.03 6-9 s999 240 MT20 24V190 TCDL ].0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.32 VW(TL) -0.O6 6-9 s999 180 BOLL 0.0 AN,Strandlror YES WB 0.05 H.rgTL) 0.W 5 One we BGDL 10.0 Code FBC2010i TP12007 (Matte-M) Wel 4]M Fi=20% LUMBER- BRACING TOPCHORD DB SP NO.2 TOPCHORD Stmduref Yroad sheathing diedly"led or 6U oc OUIROM BOT CHORD 2x4 SP NO.2 BOTCHORD Right calling directly applied or 100-0oc bracitg. WEBS 20 SP No.2 JOINTS 1 State at Ann!e MTex exammenda that StaNSYars and requiretl cross bmdrq ba Installed duMg Miss arW on,In aaoMarwe wm Stebllizer Inaalallon uIde. REACTIONS. (Ithirre) t=34aro-58,5,338c-5E Max Hort 1=-142(LC 10) Mex Up1181=113(LC 12),5=1151.012) FORCES. gb)-Mai.CamPlMsx.Tan.-All 1..250(Ib)or leasexoepl Man an.. TOPCHORD t-2=-28]/140,2-13=d4&1 M,313=-916/179.8-t4=-31]/1]8,4-1b43811]4 BOTCHORD 24-155/426,48=-16N350 NOTES 1)Unbalanced mol live loatls have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=130mph(3-second gust)Valli 01 mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=3.Opsi;h2Sft;B=4511;1-44X;aave4A;Oat.II; Exp G;EMI.,GCpt=0.18;MWFRS(dractioneB and C Extehor(2)0-2-12 to 32-12,Interior(1)32-12 to 4-8-0.Extetior(2)4-8-0 to \1111p 14 8010 zone;cantilever lett and right exposed;erd Wiftbal left afters right expceed;C-G for members and micas&MFRS for readlons atueenLePate ioo tl3)mhree nbendepedfor. pit poll.chord rive mad nonmnc .nt WM any Omer IN.Id.. .N\\O�;PS••A• ASB�A�i 4)•Ties bus.has Ibeendesigned for allve load 02(Xapel on thebollom chord to al aresswhere a rectangle39-0tall by2-0-Onidewml 'J��`; \GE Ng••.•'9 �' 8t baleen the bosom chord and any Omer members. 5)Bearing at jdnQs)1,5 considers parallel to gram valve pairs,ANSUTPI t angle to gran tormWa. Bldldirp designer should Verb, 3930 capac,ct b..IN Nunn.. ` 61 Protide mechanical connection(by abut)of these to beating plate minable d wthstanding 100It,uplift at I Ofts)except gt=10)1=11 y C 5=115 [TQ•= 7)'Semt-d9id pltchar6axs nim fatal heels'Member and haty model was used In me analysis and design of oris toss. O.•. TE FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 A,— yrV ache Fe_Naam wd RB1n NOiBa ON rerm dlID ATLUO6O WiBr(RN9xssai Pd O6 M74]a BHPORB Val �d1 VdHMrm MYw'In MIreM conwe:m.R.htlepan 6lvscloNY W>upf�amalen Pwun tleMm MNMM WIOpcwnpa�r. wgl_msllyolmear l>a�a.l.nr..+n +s.:,n>oramna=�..,wpale r.�poruwnr.l wleiw wrpre..� pr ..r.aro�xu a�aa a n mbra.opm of Irarn,NwanraammnaMr. wtlnl[w 1amm.muanw m ride.nmserwbp wxlrwllmx en,amarmMlm�l m, .rad« ewluws>.�raar�.aleanlreorllnorrera.loon,rsmer.:poaaauryollmaaopwsa��.r-r«9.rwalDY�ar�a.�av Mk rywCaMn pnllly connd.xWr r—Plter-Plater mi baMp.convJl gxx/IPn ppiny enMW Dee.09una 0Csl wlWrp C[mpn•nl eWay.M EM[Ne. v'trs.[r o•.r.pej�l...e.r°i:�>a:w�[.a�.a: la:+ip"�wi�h`�re wi:2w°�.[sw.61�"ds%os%ioiTey wlu T.rm..a salams JM �T, s Is pl, lbbmn WaWnoe 6] 0K J1WSBe fl101s FIe10Nx 1 JM Belerxce Uanel kYmmp BUA01np 3uWl'rea. JMa«mpe.FL ]BOUe5y23201e MTY IMuear lrc.TueOc]D W:se'012p4 Peg1 ID:pgkyHlydmElIDY9q-PYBy49SDWM..6_W]eu9cAx9KE%gaVDC M1TyMMPAreI1H619p& &2d 6<d Std 32d NE= Tee, 3.6= SUN.H3B 1 2 3 e B No 11 eB= Hry28 NAILED HTU26 NAILED HTUA 6 h ltd 2r4 II >0 34 3 d 3'2d mate CaereDLYt— f5 Dd Odell LOADING(Ial) BPACIHG- 2-D-0 C81. DER. In (ME) VdeR W PLATER GRIP TGLL 20.0 Plere Gfip DOL 1.25 TO 0.18 Ven(LL) -0.02 5 >99B No MRO 24M190 TGDL ].0 umber DOL t25 BC D'A VImQL) -0.04 45 >999 180 BGLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress lrx:r NO WB 0.32 Norz(TL) -0.00 d Na Na BGDL 10.0 Code FIEM10/TP2001 (Matrixi Wd!AC 381E FT=20% LUMBER- SRACI TOP CHORD 2W SP No.2 TOP CHORD StlucWrel wdral sheathing dIw#Y applied or S69 o6 puglre, except BOTCHORD 2x6 SP N0.2 mel veMcels. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD RigidcellVg dlrsc0y spplied or 10-0-0oc bracing. MiTek recommends flat Stabil2ers and required cross offering DB Intalletl during imsa are tion,In=ordmlce With Stablllser Installtian ukle. REACTIONS. gh/t2e) 6=11]4/05-8,4992/0.5-8 Men Hors 6=%ft-C 4) MNK Up1IMSfi=o99(LC 41,a423(LC 5) FORCES. (Ib)-Mer.Comp.AAax.Ten.-Al fomes 250 ON oriels except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-51-5=]13133$1-2=1281538,2-3d1Me 3-4=]13/333 WEBS =617A428,35=41]/1428 NOTE& 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;VUII=13Dnph(&second gust)Vasd=101 mph;TCDIv4.2psf;BCDL Dpeh h95ft;By45ft:L=24ft;eave--0i:Cat 11; END O;End.,GCpi=0.18;MFRS(direcuonaB;cantilever left and fight exposed;emI WrRcal left end right Mutt Landar DOL=1.80 plate grip DOIr1.No III11111111IIII 2)Provide adeqt.drainage to prevent far 4)-TMef se has Dean designed!logy a fiveoapond,200pl oHim r the bottom chord in an amens Area,ather live Wtmgle&6-o tall by 2-60 Wide YAII ��` OENS�eq�i1 Ill between the bottom choral and any direr members. 11 5)Provide mechanical cohmeml n(by others)of tmss to Camping plate capable of wRhstanding 1001E uplift etldnt(s)except 0=1b)6 499,� •• 3938 •• 4123. e)"Sent-rigid pBCMreaks WM used heels'Member And Ilxfty medal was used In the analysis and design d Nis truss. - n Simpson Use Strang-Tle HTU26(261 Od Gllde611-10dx1 12 Truss,Single Ply Girder)or squealers spaceal at 2-60 w mm.tading at 09-4 from the left and to 49-4 to mined Wastes)to Pont[arm of WE.Maid � •�� 8)Fit off nail no.ashen.hanger is in wmad Win lumber. 9)'NALED"indiWatss 3-IMsal 48'x3')or 3­12d(0.148'x325')tae-nails.For more delete rotor to MiTek's ST TOENAIL Dmali. AT 10)In Ne LOAD CASE(S)Saturn,bads applieal to the face t Me imas are noted as inns(F)or back(B). ��OT: •ml`s O p, \_�� 1OpUnitrmRE.Tli(pft,s.Ced):camber Increese=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 ,Standard �I�SS,ONA �?G�,,, Yen 1-3=51,4-6=20 Conoentrereal Lomas(10) Ven:]_51o(F)8=82e)9=-510(F)10=82(8)11=-535(F) FL Cert. 6634 December 30,2014 Q Pdassell Vwotl IwpwwMv cad R86D Nn286 DN Tema AfA 1HCLIA60 q]PX IiHPBRIYICe ved6 N99498 a®dRe WB. DWTvdkl W ue MY Win Mllek c«ugclors.Nt�LL3n bdrre)onlYlrr«�Wmwimtlwwnadk I«mMNOW tulregcwnp«�enl. gr(Al"Clllyol[hWlNanelenagpW�. M«p[xdbn dttmVxx'enibleMdllNYd WMgtlelJw-mi MsstlesL}I«.BaAp 9nwn a1«Itxd.c4%�«I olkeNkwwewm«,mersdq. oedmrsd le�nx+w adaN nvx.emreLmd«ere=d..mGianb m.,.wolmnlydm. M� elect«./WM✓I�mwienlM¢Yr)d Ra ov«dl sinenreb tteley>«NiNdlla p/dlptlMgel.r«pe�adgddK�ce lepa9q ItlrlCobl p1.11yconed.iWoaa OalNery.ae[IbnaM tra�✓d.cawai lHal/IRIGAYCMemM.W6d9 vg6CL WIbgCOTpbnenl WW 9eMa EM BMtl. �s�wreK�wro..n�wL��w'1d:amw�a si�a:.' m�o:e2w�iK�.aMs%oV2oi3MAEse T.ew.FL 3x1w11s Vv ym-m z- m a N -l y D ,�„ A a o o Ati Z D 1X m m m 3 +- m m5 I I n D OSO�Osz D o�w D oxc -m 6m c � - � O � onn�e.my Q a o mfp° OHO ° pf°o�n�o�°�'G°oymqm1031,�B0nmoJn��n0 mp ° no$5�'mno O 3msg0y 3m`mug m' O$-1,3o nmViDiaxo , >3 �aE os 2 ZD CL , <oo°v Oc30 " 000 o°oSmg n� �<oomQ�oamm3 „n' �£ ffioo 'Qa 0.0ooa 2 .0s 0oa- g. � 0 � g om D ' 00. 52 °. _ 40 £ oda ° 3mw a o � c ? m300 ?ay0 23 -0 ppm ❑.,,, � ° �nm3 x N3 n° 3y � c 2 pop 0, 0580 Jm °m mQ a-- 7 mn� 04 0wou moJ °ung 5 m' 00 n oo�2m ° p ySg o 0o � 3Q°. oa om < o'' m 3 0 � m , 3 vA n zo maw TOP CHORD F No 9b" O 30 .i m - Z all US g � '�A C3 m �ffin n1, 4Of 3z yC V K WF> ON p W ® oa&° $ wA $ m 0i m 7 @o a .m a TDm x a� (Q O o u, �_ 7cA1 6a N K o � £ m1, b i 2. w ® m m O a ° ° P 3 m� v R TOP CHORD is amc V 5S S gf ° e J o@S ffi1 5� m,gy 8°,a S o� Y 03£' 1D D -ao Q $� 3 & n 3°a om 3;3Q E 4l �$' qo 3 3Y' Fm Q N A s� 8 '^s o� R m g .� m �e aha m � S 3i aa�a o eQ 30 �c °3o mm if 3@ '3a S Baa a8 5'—oO ca o In o � dna °n �LE889 Sana a_. o N = 8g ��: m ma W 30 ° g° aS gg 068 8sq 3m qz` o n g8 no`+ ?� R'$ $ 8 B g�R � d8Q a N f (� s8 gA ao _ S R� o_ 3m $ R3 age Ng 03 �� d- m �a ffi83 z 3 m 1,555 mg m. 0eq ffi� ggo qg p5e £ oO c s'� 8 m u s m3Q3 � am spa S a� _ dao 3a a 5 g on nA TO .3 aS,o 9s �a a5 008 c n Q a fi m a q 90 a3¢ 3 4 q °d �o ON i 8 _4d4� �3 5 m o E. 3 I0 4 q$ a3 ° Y Q �s e'O = o y o° 3 O 3 � 8 N prior to Installation. Otherwise, said claim will be denied LOADING CRITERIA Roof floor Tap Chord Live WW 20 Di Top Chord Dead Load 7 10 1 Bottom Chord Live Load Bottom Chord Dead Load 0 Total Load 7 Di F Duration Factor .25 1.00 $ Building Code FK 2010 RES Wind Standard ASCE 7-10 til Wind Speed 130 m.p.h. Wind Usage RES. CAT II Building Exposure C I�il fZ�, 'I Building Type Closed NOTE Co (6) ,w.,v�'re,rex;v.,an»n no m„a.nP,rem,v.sP.wM i i v �,w,.n.m„n.m,w�I.anmm.m.nw.,wnmwm rm•+ � ,..,�,�»umw.u,remm..+marevmm,nae.xrn. "II p YvxW&.tiNN sn' o u�mcN ,wnw. rl CI w'°.p».p .-. i.NMWAb.ren M»M - wICR„B0.5 »'FGa2 '� »wWPp+ba win.+n. anon •;gym,. vowm.m;rewm+re m+w.n.n em emw.m or m..»a M.1 sl Warning: �� co.ramro,�+r.,dre..rerno.,vea,re�+:rAnr we<mv n,w a '�i y � ia"man�,.aro�o env»,.��re mn.mwn �.v.,a m��+•.mo.eaa;+m wM,' m -- m+xn ..,amara mawlnv.»m�nanaonno� 4 .m»mmn.m n,.em.,nKn mor n.reaN=a 11 nm re..mm.�e.n.na lecsl+n,o,wwm.almommmn reu e.mamma m.,,,.r¢m.m a.me po,rono. =gym oySW;re IbMoldaa-o ro+n.ma.^„n,»nom i1 lB02N) �w sm+e e&ew®n..m.•+F.em me.ml».,.e Mon , nmlc.rmoarea. �..ao,ma.a.=annam mem+ma=n.v..,w+.onl .aP,.:d bu».noM.OY Wlla.r. li x,+en z:R mmlmum bp.M Le11om moN.. ll..�.»..� Hatch Legen I E20d ISI $ 9 FO -11-0 al':'r PLATE 1911-0 4° avr n i @ IPLATE 10.1 Typical Truss Ends naa�a mu..wAi�onEWil Nrom,.envam»n I� eI.,onyq. nolo p,... owm.nv=ileon. ;v no noln, moron,. o®oMeOfnl=iry«n»nm.a+.a I. rta.oro na�ollp.T nirenuin in =d;n»+an+nl, m B 1 tensa II"==m mw s Manning Building Supplies, INC. 4 mmnMon nfL9aY fncson�, WNNMBSLORP.LCM TAG R RP. Glenn Layton Hms Typical Truss rad Holloman Residents, 31/ / m .ENTER BU401ST 15432....BLUEUNX ON-CENTER RIMBOARD 164]2 N.T.S. 12130/2014 JP J1405a5 rior to installation. Otherwise, said claim will be denied. L7U"Loed TERIA Roof Floor Top Chord Li0 Ps.f Top Chord D0 p.&IF Bottom ChoPull5-1090 Bottom Cho0 p.&Total Low7 Ps.fDuration Fac .25 1.00 Building Code FBC 2010 RES Wind Stallard ASCE 7-10 g Wind Speed 130 m.p.h. Wind Usage RES. CAT II 151 Building Exposure C Building Type Closed NOTE rexpmsOJilY",Me ErAI.Nn]da9w ,.rtNb[I I. e � r P�re"a nanrons x w"'mn cn lrvrWxx wP�rexlel Y xer'Bmaniq.5p ron¢4�%n�w me[Iwn2e p"rpirenl Mb.puma?Pro EUAM[en app'owl WV MywlpnorlM laDl'rcabnmeO ny Ne �� "m?ewwry Swpre¢1¢a rrvxx nd"�2n.n.wrron mvNnrca en Nmlelbllru+�xMMOrn W1CA 1.1995 (mlion¢60 eN 1p).RttarcOiply.M1dulaimx my ra+ro"¢lurvu.m,ma ma[oM1n,r,[r""da¢r9".aOf efee. em,,,r[m.oawlre ma I,M1 O. "a"eea[,re o1lro--- nwrwMlurt]OyMamWpBurld?5upp'ie¢. _ Warning: Paa" ,M,M M¢ ,a,e M1tlarM la svel:MK,wnal aEr[e re3.rdM axN"n.rennp vM[Ir p .M.v¢ra9m,.e m pbreM br,"'e aro aommm"9 arm? ar.[Nol,ara p.,marem one?.,nrm M1+r a rapine M B(e) `j I xexee, pp,[.N""x.sev'Bren?w'ooa nu¢. -'O'vrwy 2A5 cy unmm,"a„eary""x'.cG I fQ)bnwnv.rmm—. Tuvex xren m rnw4W In a unpin i..W gslEw. Ofe they bapgrev Gvclly to Ma lop v.LL6.YYbm dqn tlnynuN IMreMbe'wYlr maore0 un Wv? n to prerenl WmeW o.(anion&mlury. a ApprowE Inn nreM1ae EY Ou11Ja[. _ :..nlmnon mp.aa panaro m,.w. GO—Wil anm.M1a•. u � Hol sw pVARIE axQ 8 I 02(2) DRG. NalK uo'Mwamm�ae Hatch Cessna Typical Truss Ends q PLATE 20-11-0 Aro a. e gff el oI1M1l[Nu IayW la rcaaeW Chan Iennbn m PLATE I&11-0 pa�mvamrA?aM1¢,Plm.v o.ama"a.,al.rnla"v.m eaa"M1e [nau" Mllm 1.111u r PLATE 10-1-2 I:y n�.a ft The Irasee, he bo. r"a[a•„mza,.mr m.¢ u Ha>Me ar'._ or: -,Manning Building P2rX12014 Suppliasr INC. ]1190PMP,e FL3 or.EJxF¢wMM R]RYfe Pl use)a'a.eaaFm(0Y)N iaa1WAV/MBBCpIMPms dence BLIJOIST 15432....BLUELJNX ON-CENTER RIMSOARD 15432 JP J1406M All claims for error or defective material must be made within 5 days of receipt of goods and a0-00m FELE COPY 658 2/-0000 m 2 III . r II g II A02(4) 333 u bM2] 3 F05g1 - „ II II I� 41 BP01 Ili BPOL.' �u ADq II 4 08(8) BPo1 �l Q II Y) BPo1 m .`0 ----------- ------ - Alii _— +1 i Iii i I s 2(4) -- o 0 III _ II n n 1ADS, II u 600 <-0800 60600 40600 22-0000 40-00.00 I FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL CODES: MITEK PLATES 15638....SLUELIN%ON-CENTER-LVL 15361...BLUEUKX ONJ All claims for error or defective material must be made within 5 days of receipt of goods and e000-o0 FILE COPY DOB 2 G03 gg GOS W W 7 F I i DON 4 1 D07 C i 4 f 13-05-00 BAS-00 1d-01-00 FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL CODES:MITEK PLATES 75478....SLUELINX ON-CENTER-LVL 76754...SLUELIKX ON-B Builder: Job Information Glenn Layton Hms Job#: J140588 3787 Palm Valley Rd Ste Ponta Vedra Beach, FL 32082 File#: (804)758-4380 Salesman:Scot Burney re S) Designer: NULL Manning Building Supplies PAGE 1 Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@mbs-corp.com Holloman Residence Phone: (904) 268-8225 ' Fax: (904) 260-2981 .Report and Delivery Date DATE 12/30/14 Lot 31 Atlantic Beach Drive Del. Date: Atlantic Beach,FL Cover Sheet FILE COPY Truss Level: PROFILE OW PITCH BASE I CIA LUMBER OVERHANG CANTILEVER STUB CIA HEIGHT PLY TOP BOT ID SPAN SPAN TOP BOT I LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT ®���[[II 1 4.00 0.00 401 19-0500 1996-00 2X42Xeo1-0S09 10.0440 4 -619�(� 8 4.00 0.00 402 19-0500 1995002%42X401-0&09 03-01-00 10-07.11 GJ^11 2 4.00 0.00 403 09-11-08 0511-08 2%42X401-0&09 060508 0108-13 .!� 4 4.90 0.00 A04 0511-09 09-11-08 2X42%401-0&08 060.508 0401-11 ® 1 4.00 0.00 Aos 150990 150990 2X42%801-06-08 03-0100 109900 1 12.00 0.00 Bol 010508 03-0998 2%42X401-06-08 051001 tl a 1 12.00 0.00 802 03-09-08 GMG-08 2%42X401-06-08 10-03-00 ® 2 4.00 0.00 001 07-11-08 07-11-08 2%42%4 02-09-09 9 4.00 0.00 002 07-11.08 07-11-08 2X4 2X4 0102-01 ® 2 12.00 OAO D01 05-0508 050908 2%42%4 0909-05 4 12.00 0.00 D02 05-0508 054508 2%42X4 10-02-61 ® 1 7.00 0.00 E01 21-00.00 21-0600 2X42%4 0801-12 �I® 6 7.00 0.00 E02 21-0000 21-00.00 2X42%4 0805-13 /I� 2 7.00 0.00 E03 21-0000 21-0000 2%42X4 W-05-13 .,fill 1 7.01 1200 EN 2 GM 23-00.00 2X412X4ki 1 09-0513 20ty 7.00 1200 E05 2300-00 2100.00 2%42%/ 08-05-13 ® 1 2Pty 0.00 0.00 FG01 05-10.0D 05-10.00 2%42X4 01-08-00 ® 1 2P 0.00 0.00 F002 05-I"D 05-10.00 2%42X4 01-08-00 m 2Pty 0.00 0.001 FG03 I 011090 I 05-10.00 2%92X8 01-0500 ® 2 2Pty 0.00 0.00 FG0/ 031600 05-1000 2%42X4 01-0500 ® 1 12.00 0.00 Gel 11-0500 11-0500 2X42%4 0502-03 9 12.00 0.00 G02 11-0590 11-0590 2X8 2X4 040548 01-0508 07-07-03 T 2 12.00 ODO G03 11-0590 11-0590 2X82%401-05-08 01-0508 07-07-03 m 1 12.00 0.00 G04 14-0400 14-00.00 2%42X0 I 07-0'7-02 Glenn Layton Have Job#: J740588 3787 Palm Valley Rd Ste Ponte Vedra Beach,FL 32082 File#: (904)758-4380 fens Salesman:Scot Burney Designer: NULL Manning Building Supplies PAGE 2 Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@nibs-corp.00m Holloman Residence Phone: (904) 268-8225 ' Fax: (904) 260-2981 Report Date DATE 12/30/14 Lot 31 Atlantic Beach Drive Del. Date: Atlantic Beach, FL Cover Sheet Truss Level: PROFILE QTY PITCH BASE O/A LUMBER OVERHANG CANTILEVER STUB O/A HEIGHT PLY TOP BOT lD SPAN SPAN TOP I DOT LEFT I RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT ® 1 12.00 0.00 GIM 14-0100 14-04-00 2%42X4 m B 12.00 0.00 G04B 14-01-00 14-04-00 2%42X4 07-007 2 m 1 fIZWOM G05 14-04-00 14-04-00 2X4 2X4 00-02-00 O]-0]-02 1 GOB 11-05-00 11-0500 2%42X4 0&02-032 H01 03-0B-08 030808 2X42X404-O6-00 01-0&13 2 H02 0800-08 034809 2%42X401-0800 M-05-13 ® 1 "I 09-04-00 09-0400 2X02%4 03-07-0]2 12 0 ,00 0&0903 2%6 2 X 4 050800 ® 1 R1015 08-04-00 05.40 2X42%6 01-1809 FLOOR OTY DEPTH BASE CIA END TVP INT BEARING CANTILEVER STUB PROFILE PLY ID SPAN SPAN LEFT I RIGHTI FLE LOCATION LEFT RIGHT IEFT I RIGHT ® 01=1 1 1 14 BPo1 a1-0e-0e o1-0s48 01-0e-0o ® 1 BP02 03-10-00 IXLto-00 FE 3 o1-oe_oo F 3 1 BPo3 01-0412 01-04-12 ® 01-00-00 1 BRIM 02-0800 oA0808 ATTTTTfs 01 C 3 LV_LJ_LJ.L 1 FOI OF01 B-0800 OBO&00 ® 01-00-00 2 40&10.003 �r 3 0810-00 0&10.00 L� ® Oi-08-00 2 Fos 20-06-00 20-0800 03-0d-00 ® 01-08-00 C 3 4 84 F 17-02-00 9-02-00 d FBS 01-08 -0& 00 K: 3 19-09-00 tBOB ® Oi-0O-W 8 F08 18-09-08 19-09-08 0807-04 01F07 3 8 FO] 24-05-00 2405D0 01-08-00 ® 1 FOB 05-08-00 050900 ® 01.08.00 C 3 1 F09 05-10-00 OStO-00 ITEMS QTY PLY ITEM TYPE SIZE LENGTH NOTES FT-IH-16 Y r Glenn Layton Hms Job#: J140588 3787 Palm Valley Rd Ste Ponta Ved-Beach,FL 32082 File#: (904)7584380 (8nS Salesman:Scot Burney Designer: NULL. Manning Building Supplies PAGE 3 Jacksonville, FL 32256 jaxtruss@mbs-corp.corr =Beach, FL Phone: (904) 268-8225 ' Fax: (904) 260-2981 eport and ;Date DATE 12/30/14 Del. Date: Cover Sheet aid russ Level: ITEMS CITY PLY L ITEM TYPE SIZE LENGTH NOTES 8 5 H. er HGUS 2 13 Hamer HTUZB 10 H.,.r TIVN22 3 Loose Material mCENTERe LVL 2.0E 1 WE x M'20 WR ular BM-1 2 t.aose Materiel -CENTERS LVL 2.OE 1 WP x 20"2`00 R alar BM-2 2 Loose Material -CENTEM LVL2.0E1 W4'z20"22-ooLOR alar BMS 2 Loose Materiel mCENTEM I.M.2.0E 1 WP x W'22-DOLOR ular BM4 2 Loose Material wCENTERe LVL 2.0E 134•x VE 2&0090R ular BML 2 Loose Malenal anCENTENO LVL 2.0E 1 WP x 20'28-00-W R ul& BMS MANNING BUILDING SUPPLIES Joseph Parker 12P0720/4 1030 AM 11155 Phillips Parkway Dc E NOT SET Jacksonville Fbdds 32256 904-268E225 Dome Sizer-02014 BlueLinx Corporation Version: Project: J 14-0588 Hallman Res, UMark sage: BM-0 Floor Beam FILE COPY Usage: BEAM Repetitive lncr: Yes Max Deflection: LL U480 TL=L240 1/2" 5 3/Y 50psi 6 16'2 3/4' 3'71/4' t 1 LOADS Project Design Loads:Flocir.Uve= ead=10.0 psf Live.Dead Ld(0 Live Ld(U Location' i Sha cSlart gEnd Oscan ®End LDF S M Starts Ends Additional Into 1 Un'rfam(D 55.0 44.0 7 % 0 0' 1 1 FLOOR 2 Uniform(plf� 127.0 0.0 90% 0 0 19'10 WALL 3 Span Carred(psf) 37.0 24.7 125% 0 9 19'10' 21's c.(SW.0.0112)-E02-E03 4 Concenvated(Its) 840.D 567.6 125% 0 18'03/4' ED4 5 Concentrated(Its) 3791.0 2561.5 125% 0 19,10' ED5 Uniform(plq 27.72 0 0 19'10' Self Weight 'Dimensions measured from left and when spank le 0,otherwise,from left end of the specified span. SUPPORTS(IbS) 1 2 Max Reardon 4432 12818 Min Reaction 1234 5379 DL Reaction 1971 5379 Min Bearing 1.57 3.71' [Based on bearing stress below] End Stress(psi) 750 630 DESIGN Actual Span Location Group Allow LDF Ratio VQbs) 5550 2 023/4' 41 24938 125% 0.22 M(ft-lbs) 18803 1 16'2314' 41 106125 125% 0.18 LIRn(lbs) 4075 0 IT 42 13781 0.30 See Note mlengbs) 12284 0 16'23/4' 41 18191 0.68 See Note LLDeg(") 007 2 3'71/4' 43 0.18 2111245 TLDeO('1 0.05 2 3'71/4' 43 0.36 2111389 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1314"x 20"3 Plies Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user onCENTER® LVL by BlueL[nx NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications for Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all hearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on top edge with continuous lateral support 3.Allowable negative moment is calculated based on betlarn edge laterally unsupported between hearing locations. 4.Analysis valid for dry use only(less than 16%moisture content). 5.Loads have been input by the user and have not been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. 6.This reaction is based on the combination of loads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore.when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction trom'Suppms section above. 7.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Suess);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). 8.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input loads and product application. 9.This engineered lumber product has been sized for residential use.A concentrated bad check,per the building code,must be performed for coromercial uses. 10.Design assumes a 4%increase in bending stress for repetitive member use. 11.For beams with loads applied equally to the top of all plies,nail plies together with 4 rows of 3112"x 0.131"nails 912"O.C.(one row 2"from top,one row 2-from bottom,two rows equally spaced in between).Specified attachment is from each side. 12.For beams with loads not applied equally to all plies,refer to Fastener Recommendations for Side-Loaded,Mulliple-Piece Members in the BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Residential Floor&Roof Systems Product Guide. 13.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 14.Allowable upward deflection for cantilever is the greater of 0.20"or the cantilever span(Inches)multiplied by 2 and divided by the factor shown in Max Defection(located above beam drawing). 15.For explanation of GROUP charge to expanded printout. MANNING BUILDING SUPPLIES Joseph Parker 12/402014 10:31 AM 11155 Phillipe Parkway Or.E NOT SET Jadsonville Florida 32256 904-268-8225 Dome Sizw-02014 BlueLinx Corporation Version Project: 1-14-0588-Hallman Res. Mark#: BM-2-Floor Beam Usage: BEAM Max Deflection: LL U480 TIL=11240 51/2' ::::K'"7 53102ps'� I 63W16'2 3/4' I 3'71/4" LOADS Project Design Loads:Floor:Uve=40.0 Pat,Dead=10.0 psf Live.Dead LdM Live Ld(L) Location' ! Shape 4PStart caEnd OSlarl 0End LDF Spall Starts Ends Additional Info 1 Uniform(pit) 55.0 44.0 100% 0 0' 19'10' FLOOR 2 Partial(pit) 127.0 0.0 90% 0 D 16'5112WALL 3 Span Carried(psf) 37.0 24.7 125% 0 D 16511z 21's.c(Slope:0.0/12)-E02-ED3 Uniform(plf) 18.48 0 0' 19'10' Sell Weight 'Dimensions measured from left and when span#is 0,otherwise,from left end of the specified span. SUPPORTS(lbs) 1 2 Max Reaction 4767 5193 Min Reaction 2288 2495 DL Reaction 2306 2495 Min Bearing 2.00' 3.00' (Based on bearing stress below] Brq Stress(psg 630 630 DESIGN Actual Span Location Group Allow LDF Ratio V(Ibs) 3398 1 16 41 16625 125% 0.20 M(R-lbs) 17843 1 8'1318' 42 68030 125% 0.26 LtRn(lbs) 4410 0 D 42 12120 0.36 See Note IrdRnobs) 4659 0 16'2314' 41 12128 0.3B See Note LLDefi(') -0.DS 2 3'7114' 42 020 21-/-1403 TLDe0Q9 413 2 3'7114' 42 0.36 211-676 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1 314"If 20"2 Plies Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user onCENTER®LVL by BlueLinx NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications for Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all bearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on lop edge with continuous lateral support. 3.Allowable negative moment is calculated based on bosom edge laterally unsupported between bearing locations. 4.Analysis valid for dry-use only(less than 16%moisture conterr0. 5.Loads have been input by the us"all have net been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. 6.This reaction is based on the combination of loads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore,when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction frpm'Supports'section above. 7.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Stress);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). 8.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input bads and product application. 9.This engineered lumber product has been sized for residential use.A concentrated load check per the building code.must be performed fur commercial uses. 10.For beams with loads applied equally to both plies,either top or side loaded,nail plies together with 4 rows of 3112"x 0.131"mile 0 1z O.C.(one row 2"Inner top,one row 2"from bottom,cam rows equally spaced in between). 11.For beams with(pads not applied equally to all plies,refer to Fastener Recommendations for Side-Loaded,Multiple-Piece Members in the BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Residential Floor&Roof Systems Product Guide. 12.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 13.Allowable upward deflection for cantilever is the greater of 0.20"or the cantilever span(inches)multiplied by 2 and divided by the factor shown in Max Deflection(located above beam drawing). 14.For explanation of GROUP,change to expanded printout. MANNING BUILDING SUPPLIES Joseph Parker 72/708014 10:31 AM 11155 Phillips Parkway Dr.E NOT SET Jacksonville Florida 32256 904-2688225 Dana Sizer'vC01 4 BlueUnx Corporation Version: Project 1-14-0588-Halloman Res. Mark BM3-Floor Beam Usage: BEAM Max Deflection: LL=U480 TL=U240 511' 3/2" 630231 1 17'0 3/4' 3'5 3{4' I r I I LOADS Project Design Loads:Floor:Live=40.0 psf,Dead=10.0 psf Live.Dead LdM Live Ld(L) Location' i Sha a 4a55.Start OEnd Oster[ gEnd LDF 5 nM $urls Ends Additional Info Un' (p 0 44.0 100% 0 0 21Y6 L/2' FLOOR 2 Concentrated(lbs) 4617.0 3693.6 100% 0 1011/2' FG03 3 Partal(p10 550.0 440.0 10D% 0 11.13/4' 20618' F05 4 Partial(A 0.0 0.0 90% 0 0 12518' WALL 5 Span Carried(pso 37.0 25.0 125% 0 0' 1251/2' 14'4's.c.(Slope:0.0112)-302-303 Uniform(plo 18.48 0 0' 2061/2' Self Weight 'Dimensions measured from left end when span#is 0,otherwise,from left and of the specified span. SUPPORTS(lbs) 1 2 Max Reaction 5116 9653 Min Reaction 1199 2263 OL Reaction 1371 2263 Min Bearing 1.90 3.37' (Based on bearing stress below] Bra Stress(ps0 630 750 DESIGN Actual Span Location Group Allow LDF Ratio V0bs) 5522 1 1611' 21 13300 100% 0.42 M(ft-lbs) 29279 1 101 VT 22 54424 100% 0.54 LIRngzs) 4180 0 a 72 12128 0.34 See Note IMRn(Ibs) 8838 0 1T0 TV 21 9188 0.96 See Note LLDe0Q1 -0.14 2 3'53/4' 22 0.20 2U.600 TLDe6('1 -0.19 2 3'5314' 22 0.35 211-441 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1 314"If 20"2 Plies Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user onCENTER® LVL by BlueLinx NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications for Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all bearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on top edge with continuous lateral support. 3.Allowable negative moment is calculated based on bottom edge laterally unsupported between bearing locations. 4.Analysis valid for dry-use only(less than 16%moisture content). 5.Loads have been input by the user and have not been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. 6.This reaction is based on the combination of loads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore,when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction from'Supports'section above. 7.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Stress);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). B.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input loads and product application. 9.This engineered lumber product has been sized for residential use.A concentrated load check per the building code,must be performed for commercial uses. 10.For beams with loads applied equally to both plies.either top or side loaded,nail plies together with 4 rows of 3112"x 0.131"nails dr,12"o.c.(one row 2"from top,one row 2"from bottom,two rows equally spaced in between). 11.For beams with loads not applied equally to all plies,refer to Fastener Recommendations for Side-Loaded,Multiple-Piece Members in the BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Residential Floor&Roof Systems Product Guide. 12.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 13.Allowable upward deflection for cantilever is the greater of 0.20'or the cantilever span(inches)multiplied by 2 and divided by the factor shown in Max Deflection(located above beam drawing). 14.Fa explanation of GROUP change to expanded printout. MANNING BUILDING SUPPLIES Joseph Parker 12)302014 10:31 AM 11155 Phillips Parkway Dr.E NOT SET Jacksonville Florida 32256 904-26&8225 Ooma Sizer'"02014 BlueLiu Corporation Version: Project: J-14-M-Hallman Res, Mark W: BMA-Floor Beam Usage: BEAM Max Deflection LL U480 TL=U240 3W 3V2' 630psi 20'91/4' 16301 LOADS Project Design Loads:Floor:Ui Pat,Dead=10.0 pat Live+Drad Ld(f) Live Ld(L) Location' 8 Shape ii ®End iiSlag QdEnd LDF Spall Starts Ends Additional Info 1 Unhim(pff) 55.0 44.0 100% 0 0 2('9114' FLOOR 2 Un'rfam(pll) 110.0 0.0 90% 0 0 2091/4' WALL 3 Concentrated(Its) 1730.0 1168.9 125% 0 S it 11T FG01 4 Concentrated(lbs) 1785.0 1206.1 125% 0 1501/2' FG02 5 Span Carded(W 37.0 25.0 125% 0 0' 209114' 14'4'at(Slope:0.0112)-GO2-G04B Unilomr(plf) 18.48 0 0' 21 Sell Weight 'Dimensions measured from left end when spzrd!is 0,otherwise,from left and of the specified span. SUPPORTS(lbs) 1 2 Max Reaction 6395 6448 Min Reaction 2902 2922 DL Reaction 2902 2922 Min Bearing 2.69' 2.72' (Based on bearing stress below] Brq Stress(psi) 630 630 DESIGN Actual Span Location Group Allow LDF Ratio V(Ibs) 5258 1 207112' 41 16625 125% 0.32 M(R-Ibs) 32089 1 10498' 41 68030 125% 0.47 URn(Ibs) 5929 0 0 41 7718 i See Note RtRn(lbs) 5991 0 2091/4' 41 7718 0.78 See Notes Luoenpl 0.28 1 1D45V 41 9.52 L1876 TLDef('1 0.55 1 104 SW 41 1.04 U456 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1 314"If 20"2 Plies Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user onCENTER®LVL by BlueLinx NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications for Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all bearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on top edge with continuous lateral support. 3.Analysis valid for dry-use only(less than 16%moisture content). 4.Loads have been input by the user and have not been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. S.This reaction is based on the combination of loads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore,when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction from'Suppons'section above. 6.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Stress);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). 7.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input bads and product application. 8.This engineered lumber product has been sized for residential use.A concentrated load check,per the building code,mug be performed for commercial uses. 9.For beams with loads applied equally to both plies,either top or side loaded,nail plies toggher with 4 rows of 3112"x 0.131"nails @ 12"o.c.(one row 2"from lop,we row 2"from bottom,two rows equally spaced in between). 10.For beams with loads not applied equally to all plies,refer to Fastener Recommendations for Side-Loaded,Multiplei Members in the BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Residential Floor&Roof Systems Product Guide. 11.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 12.For explanation of GROUP change to expanded printout. MANNING BUILDING SUPPLIES Joseph Parker 12/3012014 10:31 M7 11155 Phillips Parkway Dr.E NOT SET Jacksonville Florida 32258 904-268-8225 Dona Sizer-®2014 BlueUnx Corporation Version: Project J-14-0588.Halloran Res. Mark B: BM5-Film Beam Usage: BEAM Max Deflection: LL=U480 TL=1/240 3 V2' 3V2 5300 630psi I 24'S V2' 1 LOADS Project Design Loads: loo:Uvo=40.0 psi,Dead=10.0 ps LiveaDead Ld(T) live Ld(L) Location' t Sha ®Stan ®End Osten 4eEnd LDF ata Starts Ends Additional Info 1 Uniform(p 55.0 44.0 100% 0 24'5112FLOOR 2 Partial(PH) 110.0 0.0 90% 0 0 175117 WALL 3 Span Carded(A 37.0 24.7 125% 0 0 1251f7 14'4's.c(Slope:0.0/12)-G02-M Undonorpt) 18.48 0 D 245117 Sell Weight 'Dimensions measured from left eta when span!is 0 otherwise from ICM end of the specified span. SUPPORTS(Ibs) 1 2 Max Reaction 4382 2089 Min Reaction 2200 989 DL Reaction 2200 989 Min Bearing 1.74' 1.50' [Bated on bearing stress belawl Big Stress(psi) 630 630 DESIGN Actual Span Location Group Allow LDF Ratio V(Ibs) 3146 1 01 314' 71 16625 125% 0.19 M(B-lbs) 18651 1 9'21/2' 71 68030 125% 0.27 LtRn(lbs) 3844 0 B 41 7718 0.50 See Nate 5 R1RnObs) 1814 0 24'5 Mr 71 7718 0.24 See Note 5 LLDeDI'1 0.17 1 122314' 71 0.61 111678 TLDefN-) 0.40 1 122314' 71 1.22 0/30 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1 314"x 20"2 Plies Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user onCENTER® LVL by BlueLinx NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications fur Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all bearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on top edge with confird ors lateral support. 3.Analysis valid for dry-use only Oess than 16%moisture content). 4.Loads have been input by the user and have not been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. S.This reaction is based on the combination of bads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore,when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction from'Supports'section above. 6.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Stress);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). 7.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input loads and product application. 8.This engineered lumber product has been sized for residential use.A concentrated load check.per the building code,must be performed for commercial uses. 9.For beams with loads applied equally to both plies,either top or side loaded,nail plies together with 4 rows of 3112"x 0.131"nails 9 12"o.c.lone row 2"from top,one row 2"from bottom,two rows equally spaced in between). 10.For beams with loads not applied equally to all plies,refer to Fastener Recommendations for Side-Loaded,Multiple-Piece Members in the BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Residential Floor 8 Roof Systems Product Guide. 11.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 12 For explanation of GROUP change to expanded printout. MANNING BUILDING SUPPLIES Joseph Parker 12WA14 10:31 AM 11155 Phillips Parkway Dr.E NOT SET Jacksonville Florida 32256 904-2688225 Dome Sizer-@2014 BlueLinx Corporation Version:15.0b.14 Project: 1-14-0588-Nalloman Ras. Mark p: BM4i-Floor Beam Usage: BEAM Max Deflection: LL U480 TL=11240 3172' 312" Bolxii 630psi 1 24-2314- I LOADS Project Design Loads:Floor: ve=40.0psf,Dead=10.Ops Lfve.Dead Ld(0 Live Ld(L) Location' If Shape Osten gEnd ®Stan gEnd LDF S n0 Starts Ends Additional Info 1 Uniform(plo 55. 44.0 100% 0 0' 24'2314 FLOOR 2 Pamal(ph 110.0 0.0 90% 0 9 8'1110" WALL 3 Span Carried(pso 37.0 24.7 125% 0 0 17510 14'4's.c.(Slpe:0.N12)-G02-M 4 Span Carried(pst) 37.0 25.0 125% 0 0 8'6' 9 P s.c.(Slope:0.0/12)-B02 5 Concentrated(Its) 900.0 720.0 10D% 0 8710 FG04 6 Concentrated(Ibs) 900.0 720.0 100% 0 14'810 FG04 7 Span Carried(pq 37.0 25.0 125% 0 15'810' 24'2314' 94's.c.(Slope:0.0112)-B02 8 Partial(plo 110.0 0.0 99% 0 14'410' 24'2314' WALL 9 Span Carded(pso 37.0 24.7 125% 0 14'410' 242314' 14'4's.c.(Slope:0.0/12)-GD4B Un'ram(pff) 18.48 0 0 24'2314' SelfWeght 'Dimensions measured from left end when spars!is 0 otherwise from lex end of the specified span. SUPPORTS(lbs) 1 2 Max Reaction 7302 7204 Min Reaction 3036 3027 DL Reaction 3036 3027 Min Bearing 2.83' 2.79' [Based on beading stress be]ow( Bre Stress(psi) 630 630 DESIGN Actual Span L' 41Group Allow LDF Ratio Vllbs) 5262 1 01133/4' 71 16625 125% 0.32 M(R-lbs) 35113 1 1213/8' 71 68030 125% 0.52 LIRn(Ibs) 6235 0 0 71 7718 0.81 See Notes RIRnObs) 6159 0 24'2314' 71 7718 0.80 See Notes LLDeO(') 0.44 1 171319' 71 0.61 L1668 TLDe0p1 0.82 1 1713x8' 71 1.21 U355 USE: onCENTER LVL 2.0E 1 314" x 20"2 Plies Grade,Depth,Plies selected by user onCENTER®LVL by BlueLinx NOTES 1.Designed in accordance with National Design Specifications for Wood Construction and applicable approvals or research reports. 2.Provide full depth lateral support at all bearing locations.Allowable positive moment is calculated based on top edge with continuous lateral support. 3.Analysis valid for dry-use only Bess than 16%moisture comeno. 4.Loads have been input by the user and have not been verified by BlueLinx Engineered Lumber Technical Services. 5.This reaction is based on the combination of loads&duration factors that produces the highest stress ratio and may be less than maximum reaction. Therefore,when reaction values are required,use Max Reaction from Supports!section above. 6.Bearing length(Min Bearing)based on allowable stress of support material(Bearing Stress);support material capacity shall be verified(by others). 7.When required by the building code,a registered design professional or building official should verify the input loads and produce application. 8.This engineered lumber produce has been sized for residential use.A concentrated load check,per the building code,must be performed for commercial uses. 9.For beams with loads applied equally to both plies,either top or side loaded,nail plies together with 4 rows of 3112"x 0.131"nails @ 12"o.c.(one row 2"from top,one row 2"from bottmn,two rows equally spaced in between). 10.For beams with loads not applied equally to all plies,refer to Fastener Recommendations for Side-Loaded,Multiple-Piece Members in the Bluelim, Engineered Lumber Residential Floor&Roof Systems Product Guide. 11.Company,product or brand names referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 12 For explanation of GROUP change to expanded printout. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FPLC CQ 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 4 Office(904)247-58266 ' RV' Fax(904)247-5845 Job Address: I-tM�I�( R(�6O Df hld / 6 Fl Permit Number: Legal Description . 31Parcel# oor ea o q. t. q � � q. Valuation of Work S 241—/9J/pr proposed Work heate cooled J L22 2 non-heated/cooled �'2 Class of Work(circle one): I ew Addition Alteration Repay Move Demolition pool/spa window/door Use of existing/proposed structure(s)(circle one): Commercial siden _ If an existing structure,is a fire spnnkler system installed?(Circle one). o /A Florida Product Approval# For multiple products use product approval form ' l,, (, Describe in detail the type of work to be performed,NEW (OWTU U 11701 ,�V101, 1, 6 2fdr�Qd CO NJ r,V i � Cbrq, r�ot�r.�� � Property Owner Information,,: �I�, ff 1I11 Name:DAVA a)(\J CMOU TIVI�a1/1 Adareaa:lUD� LInKSiG{e Y11(G Inllf-1' City l/1V14:1� ! State Zip Phone A431 _tS—IJ30 E-Mail or Fax#(Optional) (.M UM AI LU.{t Co Gd Vi'I R.ILCOrr! Contractor Information: CompanyNaare: &Lmn LmQualifying Agent: 6-U V1 h R.. I A U'kQrl Address:3�,fr�nAlT:q YR sad Sk lo2-Is4 city o V(Gltel. state zip32 of Office Phone C A b41 l58 -4.4 Job Site/Contact Number(Q a41 Iq-251 fi Fax#(dl I)q') 5102-3335 State Certcation/Registration# CGC D31 �OZ Arohitect Name&Phone# S(708 Ifi S 101 n , Inc -'► q 04 010 -Q 2 4 8 Engineer's Name&Phone#�y ,� -r/.rhnofcalP.r-I o4 k'21 - 52rn Fee Simple Title Holder Name and Address Bonding Company Name and Address Mortgage Lender Name and Address BRA' -( -1 113: 1 .fA.VI ( J gC.K<fO pylTlo FL .?2222 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and ineadlathms as indicated I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance ofa permit and that all work will be performed to meet the stunsde ds ofull laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction Thus permit becomes null act void, kis not commenced within six(6 months,or ifcoms tion or work is suspended or abandoned fora period ofsix/6)months at any hme ager work is commenced I understand that separate permits must be secured for E/eced Wo NS Menbing,Slgns, WeiG,PooG,Furnaces,Eoikrs,Healers, Tanks and Air Condlaoners,etc WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Ihereby certify that I have read and examined this plication and know the same to be true and correct Allprovisions oflaws and ordinances veining this type o)work will be complied with whether syec�ed herein or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate r camel the provisions ofanry-ther federal•state, 0,local one regulating construction or the performance ofcorutructam. Signature of Owner t OIMCLN. Signature of Contracctto�r� Print Name _.17...dILIJP......._...t7n.�e-tylAK.....-...._......__............_._ Print Name (SY--�,d4 �2, 11IY� -11..............._....._......_....._........_.....___._._.__......._— Swo and subscribed before me Sworn til and subscribed before me this` Day of O1� this �7pbay of 20 �� t >� ,� OCZC Nota Public t o ?¢GGc UCopires SA) CARRUTH Revised 01.26.10 TARY PUBLIC ATE OF FLORIDA .Ia1L1N GIORDANO KLEIN mm%FF133800 NOTARY PUBLIC 10/11/2018 STATE OF FLORIDA Comma EEa28e75 Expires 8/2012016 AQ ZI TREE & VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICATION City of Atlantic Beach Department of Community Development sign this form. 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ttach the required supporting exhibits as listed on the applican IN 904247-5800 (F)904 247-5845 ,checklist, ontact the Department of Community Development if you ha'' � Single-/Two-Family Residential $125.00 questions or need assistance completing the application etermining which exhibits are required for your particular prge ' RMulti-Family Residential $250.00 ubmit this form, along with all required exhibits and payment r Commercial/Industrial $250.00 ithe City of Atlantic Beach,and in the appropriate amount accordin to the application fees listed to the right,to the reception desk at:<,::. r Institutional/Other Non-residential $250.00 the Building Department. Application N TREE= SECTION I-SITE INFORMATION tt� PHYSICAL ADDRESS_I 13q Ian 6 ;each o^It/01 A( (a t`t, 82233 Van address has not been assigned to this property,c66ontactHIBuilding Deparhnentat(9044)�2,47-5826rorequest an address SUBDIVISION_ BLOCK LOT 3- RE% 161JUJ -IiLto SECTION II-APPLICANT INFORMATION I�{1 WI[iAWNER rLEGAL AUTHORIZED AGENT- NAME OFAPPLICANT bGIUTA U II UII�I II ADDRESS OF APPLICANTIl0}LwRA hh pNL F'l. _M_?3 PHONE CELL(gL3l1J923- 1030 EMAIL1.YYIIIIA, (GIICIAt"t@AMaILCDry SECTION III-TREE&VEGETATION REMOVAL REQUEST I REQUEST THAT THE TREES&VEGETATION ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND INDICATED ON THE ATTACHED REQUIRED EXHIBITS BE APPROVED FOR REMOVAL,AS PROVIDED IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH VEGETATION CODE,CHAPTER 23, FOR THE ' FOLLOWING REASONS(check all that apply): r Vegetation(trees)are difficult to maintain/owner dislikes. r Trees are dead,diseased or so weakened by age,stone,firs or other injury so as to pose a danger to persons,property, improvements or other trees. r Vegetation(trees)pose a safety hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic or muse disruption to public utility services. F- Vegetation(trees)pose a safety hazard to buildings or structures. F- Vegetation(trees)completelyprevent access or cross access to a lotorparcel. Vegetation and/ortreesprevent developmentorphysical use. Itis the intentofthis provision thato permitsholl be grantedfor r the removolofvegetation and/or trees when the applicanthas demonsaatedan effort to design orlocate theproposed improvements so as to minimize the removal ofvegetation and/or trees. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITHIN THIS APPLICATION 15 CORRECT AND I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 23,PROTECTION OF TREES AND NATURAL VEGETATION,AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. ISGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE U¢EoaLr .., p�x a,.. ,f ELII. NAR ESA SR-I ., HJH sR3 CR -' Tree&Vegetation Reni wl Permit APPlimtion_vemionm.or.og FILE C07Y The USER, prior to making any changes from the approved plans and/or method, must obtain written approval from the City of Atlantic Beach, Public Works Department, for said change. The USER shall, at the discretion of the CITY,be requested to submit as-built drawings showing the change within thirty(30)days after the day of completion. This permit shall insure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the USER and their respective successors and assigns. USER shall meet the terms and conditions of this permit and to all of the applicable State and CITY laws and/or specifications, to include utilities locate requirements and use limitationstrequirements of public rights-of-way and other public land. USER further agrees that the CITY and its affects and employees shall be saved harmless by the USER from any of the work herein under the terms of this permit and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the USER. DATED and SIGNED this m day of r`4y ,2045 By: Property Owner (to be signed in presence of the Notary) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL On this � day of M 20<, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for d Co d State,�(�e m.�.... the property owner of .l ( , Atlantic Beach, F rida, known to me to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; who acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same freely and vola tartly and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. LISA J.CARRUTH NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public in for said County and State STATE OF FLORIDA Cz..O FF100300 E DIMS 1011112013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA, a municipal corporation: Approved: Ricky L. Carper,Public Works Director For Permits where city sidewalk is impacted, City Manager approval required: Jim Hanson,City Manager Page 2 of 2 ZONING REVIEW COMMENTS City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 rJ7319r Phone: (904) 270-1605 Fax: (904)247-5845 Email: dreeves@coab.us Permit: 15-SFR-1154 Applicant: Glenn Layton Homes Review: 1st Address: 3787 Palm Vallley Rd, Ponte Vedra, FL 32082 Site Address: 1739 Atlantic Beach Phone: (904) 758-4380 RE#: 169505-1450 Email: N/A FILE C�: Correction Comments 1. A/C Location: Mechanical equipment can be no closer than 3 feet from a property line. Please show the distance from A/C equipment to property line. Relocate if necessary. 2. Height: Please show the overall height of the structure as measured from grade to the peak of the roof. 3. Irrigation: Please complete and submit an Irrigation Compliance Checklist form.This form is available on the city website under Planning and Zoning Forms and at City Hall. Derek W. Reeves Zoning Technician dreeves@coab.us � ��zz R-O.W.Permit Attachment of fid-431 7J1 IA Oi c goat n br. R.O.W.Permit# issued ,200_ Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Owner's Name: W(Vid Q Fmilu IMLOrw Property Address: prive FILEe/� ,(1� �t1C�-mac W r(,A .h.�L. 32z33 C Y Subdivision: A'Ha P1fiL QZ ui coU." Club Lot#/Block#: .3 R.E.#: i REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT THIS REVOCABLE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, issued on this day of 200, by Atlantic Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Stats of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and of Atlantic Beach,Florida,hereinafter referred to as"USER". WITNESSETH: That the CITY does hereby grant the USER permission on a revocable basis as described herein the right to enter upon the property of the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose as described in the City of Atlantic Beach Right-of-Way/Easement permit numbers noted above(copies attached). This work's generally described as: Nf w c 0fl C17-IA C;h ooh. 1 nta 00 Any facility maintained, repaired, erected, and/or installed in the exercise of the privilege granted remains subject to relocation or removal on thirty(30) days notice by CITY to the USER, said notice to USER shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following address: The depositing of said notice of cancellation in the United States mail shall constitute the notice of cancellation and the burden is upon USER to keep the CITY informed of USER's proper address. The USER shall promptly make any and all necessary repairs to any facility erected or maintained in the exercise of the privilege herein granted and shall at all times maintain said facility in good and safe condition. In the event it is necessary for the CITY or the City's approved representative or other franchised utility to enter upon the above-described property of the CITY, the USER shall replace at the USER's sole expense, any and all material necessarily displaced during the action of maintaining, repairing, operating,replacing,or adding to of the utilities and facilities of the CITY or franchise utility provider. The facilities allowed by the permit shall meet the current requirements of the City Code, Building Codes,Land Development Code,and all other land use and code requirements of the CITY, including City Code Section 19-7 (h) which states "Driveways that cross sidewalks: City sidewalks may not be replaced with other materials, but must be replaced with smooth concrete left natural in color so that it matches the existing and adjoining sidewalks." Page 1 oft Florida Friendly Landscapes IRRIGATION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST FILE C"" u, A. PROVIDE PROJECT INFORMATION: DATE I�/!,'�(ZL LD�J ADDRESS 113i-la Yliic I�c�r.ln Drlvc NEW INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL. CONTRACTOR G:fpylV1 <ALOVI fbmtf UPGRADEREP LACE OFFICE �c � 7 � 7r NEW INSTALLATION EMAILr NON-RESIDENTIAL, UPGRADE/REPLACE B. CALCULATE MAXIMUM HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION: HYDROZONE shall mean an irrigation watering zone in which plant materials with similar water needs are TOTAL LOT AREA ��poomQ� SQA grouped together. TOTALIMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA SQ FT HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION shall mean an irrigation system that does not limit the delivery of water directly to the root zone and which has a minimum TOTAL PERVIOUS AREAILANDSCAPESQ FT Row rate, per emitter,of thirty(30)gallons per hour (gph) or one-half (5) gallons per minute (gpm) or greater. IPEBSECTION 24-181(b OM] A 0.60 IRRIGATION ZONE shall mean the grouping together MAX HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION �N �• SQ FT of any type of water emitter and irrigation equipment operated simultaneously by the control of a timer and a single valve. C. PREPARE&ATTACH A HYDROZON E PLAN: ON A COPY OF THE SITE PLAN OR SURVEY(RESIDENTIAL APPLICANTSI OR A LANDSCAPE PLAN(NON-RESIDENTIAL APPLICANTS),INDICATE THE TION OF THE FOLLOWING AND FILL IN APPROXIMATE COVERAGES BELOW. HIGH WATER USE HYDROZONE(S) [ALLAPMKANTN -2✓(dl./) SQ FT %TLA High Water Use Hydrazones contain plants that require supplemental watering an a regular basis throughout the year. These areas include m7 and lawn grasses and are typically characterized by high visibility focal points of landsmping design where High Volume Irrigation lsused. High Water Use2onesshallbeplaced on a separate irrigation cone r MODERATE WATER USE HYDROZONE(S) W0N-RESIOEN/fAL ONLYI SQ FT %TLA Moderate Water Use Hydrazones contain plants that once established require irrigation every two to three weeks in absence ofminfall or when theyshow visiblestresssuchoswilWfoliageorpaleroloc Theseamtypicollyperennlals,seasonalplanaondflowerbeds. r LOWWATER USE HYDROZONEIS) INON-REStDENnuONtrl SQ FT %TLA Law Water Use Hydrazones contain plants that rarely require supplemental watering and that are drought tolemnt during exseme dry periods,such as native shmbs and vegemtion,established trees andgmund covers,and wooded areas F/MM/OISTURESENSOR(S) LALLAPwGMS] At least one(1)moisture sensorshallbelocatedin each Irrigation Zane It-amrrrERS (ALLAPPoujaM Emittersshallbesizedandspacedtoaroldezcessiveoversprayonmimperv/oussurfaces. Cityo/Atlantic Beach - BOOSeminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (P)904.247.5000 (1)90414ZS845 www.mbius FFL-KCO2.07.70 Pont r: --. qppnwr GOLF COURSE o n t 3 • • • U•M .�. . . SFS.iL5 15A45Cp30L �"� FII.PINES TOPEYNN EX 10 RENUN ' • I I Filr FI.GIESTON MOLLY LM1E ON( • lolccpEroc. E' t-nxcprroc. •Mp:oc r!r++. ww proc. awWprac. - {- ++-wwpro.L wproc I JMANESF PMHT ' I wpraa --auprG.c. ]AvpzOc—. 0 4FTprac -- fi ' - "� ° SWproc LILLY OF TME MRF W 1 rMpZoe ; J -SSP.F.LS. 15YU0MOC ew].OZ QL '-H 19 ,F.LS. i _ --s-LAp+raL. SprmKlir kc�ids ATLANTIC BEACH DRIVE (bubbltrs Will also lu UFT—KE m (orpo ratul A rou nA ] EN IM trtts ) Bow p F: L, ,.-I LJ B P1 15 PI$ B MM t] lP 38 N ] O\ U NB IS EL S3 TF L� I 11EflEA4 2 TMBE a IWILI TREE & VEGETATION AFFIDAVIT City of Atlantic Beach 1+ Department of Community Development Planning&Zoning Division 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 (P)904247-5800 (F)904247-5845 PERMIT# SECTION I-APPLICANT INFORMATION POwner(s) r Legal Authorized Agent- NAMEOF APPLICANTD U� iA Flu 61wm NAMEOFCOMPANY &-lffin LAWh7✓1 �i Qs ADDRESS OF COMPANY3Jj palm VdljIj,� a. .S#( 102- 154, pow Vii r4 Rr.rnt fit • �ZoR PHONE (q 041Ja "43�(O CELL (4 04)214- Z6 I T EMAIL Joh w6awlagl 7h)ffy,Sf.� CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER CSC VJI Od2 F�=� ATLBCH BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT NUMBER SECTION II-SITE INFORMATION STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 1'T31 ftunfic q(At� Dr, A±10-n1 ( It 1ALI'll R 127,33 Ifana dreuh wtbmmslgn mmisproperty,conm McABBuiUing De amentat(904)34)-5BZ6wre uestwaLd rr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION I��- 31 , Aflafit RI.A60 cfla�r.IUb LOT 31 BLOCK SUBDIVISION �SCC REAL ESTATE NUMBER IUl II.I� LOT OR PARCEL SIZE SOFT 2, �JJ SIF AC RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL OTHER(SPECIFY) 1 affirm that 1 have reviewed the provisions of Chapter 23, "Protection of Trees and Native Vegetation"of the Municipal Code of Ordinances for the City of Atlantic Beach,FL and/or 1 have participated in a preapplication meeting with the Administrator of Mose regulations. Subsequently,l affirm that no regulated trees and no regulated vegetation will be damaged,destroyed and/w removed from the abo�vedescribed oradjacentproperties in conjunction with thisprojM. /� 7' SNE GCi�A OWNS WAA.UM SI NATURE OFOWNER SIGNATURE OF OWNER Signed and sworn �before me on this /dayof 1 ,by State of art�1f"' {lam ACoumycr a7z t�Q Identification verfi t;3/ . I (— Oath sworn: . .. Yes (—••••• o Allill IJSAJ.CARRUIH \ ro 5,7. NOTARY PUBLIC C� STATE OF FLORIDA Notary Signature Com#f FF133a00 REVJVA-� FJrpNp101111Y015 My Commission"Plies: 1�Ilu CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CONSTRUCTION PERMIT WITHIN CITY RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS 800 Seminole Road 904-2475800 Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Faz 904-247-5845 PLEASE SUBMIT(3)COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS WITH APPLICATION. FILE COPY Date 1 124- 1 9-01c; PERMIT# Job Address `/ ISSUED BY THE CITY Permitee: FwilW mTelephone#l Permittee Address: IyOT unVVs ♦dulm Wtt lIAM/ LOLZ I j 37.32 R nesting Permissi n to Construct: I� W f I OM 0 Location: (Referenceto Cross-Street) 1. Applicant declares that prior to fling this application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground and the accurate locations are shown on the sketches. A Letter of Notification was mailed to the following Utilities/Municipalities: Jacksonville Electric Authority Yes( ) No ( ) Date: Bell South Telephone Company Yes( ) No ( ) Date: Ferrell Gas Yes( ) No ( ) Date: Comcast Yes( ) No O Date: 2. Whenever necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, alteration or relocation of all, or any portion of said street or easement as determined by the Director of Public Works, any or all of said poles, wires, pipes, cables or other facilities and appurtenances authorized hereunder, shall be immediately removed from said street or easement or reset or relocated hereon as required by the Director of Public Works, and at the expense of the Permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 3. All work shall meet City of Atlantic Bea h or Flo(ida Department of Transportation Standards and be performed under the suRervi i( of .��hh nrn'r (C9nre or's Pro act Superintendent) located at LOT .5� I Telephone;1 6z1 I - 51 t 4. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works or his designee. 5. All city property shall be restored to its original condition as far as practical, in keeping with city specifications and the manner satisfactory to the city. 6. A sketch of plans covering details of this installation, as well as, a copy of a recent survey shall be made a part of this pernit. Calculations showing any increase in impervious area on owner's lot or in the city Right of Way are to be included with this application 7. This permittee shall commence actual construction in good faith with days. If the beginning date is more than 60 days from date of permit approval, then permittee must review the permit with the Director of Public Works to make sure no changes have occurred in the area that would affect the permitted construction. 8. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the City's right, title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder, and the Holder will, at all times, assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from and against any and all loss, damage, and cost of expenses arising in any manner of the exercise or attempted exercises by the holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges. 9. The Director of Public Works shall be notified twenty-four (24) hours prior to starting work and again immediately upon completion. OWNER (}ly,tO �ct,,,x Signed: Dace:.—15 Before me this d.yofJS&q in the CountYof Du A State Of Florida,has pe nally appeared 11'K� Notary Public at Large,State of F odds, oun o a My commission expires: l Personally Kpown' oduced ldenificadon: ✓e T70A �^ NOTARYPUSLIC 8TATE OF FLORIDA Comm#FF133800 Expkes 10/11/2018