1021 ATLANTIC BLVD - HVAC CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 MECHANICAL HVAC PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 JOB INFORMATION: Job ID: 15-MECH-1438 Job Type: MECHANICAL HVAC ONLY Description: 100% SELF CONT REFRIG CASES 3 REACH IN 1 WALK IN Estimated Value: Issue Date: 6/23/2015 Expiration Date__: 1.2/20/2015 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD RE Number: 177602-0040 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE, Address: 16 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR ATTN: TREASURY DEPT GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: SOUTHERN AIR MECHANICAL SERVICES. LLC Address: 6169 SE 60 ST Phone: - - PERMIT INFORMATION: Sticker for overcurrent protection must be on A/C equipment prior to inspection. Failure to comply will result in a failed inspection and reinspect fees. No exceptions. FEES: State Mech DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State Mech DCA Surcharge $2.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Mechanical Valuation $47.60 Total Payments: $106.60 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATI ID;►!tf. - -_ .... i•CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JYYN1187 lily 800 Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 fl i Oil'h I,� Ph (904)247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 • I y`_ JOB ADDRESS: X01/ /9f/Qi,/i c /V/d. Ile. 9 P9 PERMIT# PROJECT VALUE $ 5-95-0. " ARI# A 247"e"7-471041 REQUIRED Air Handling Equipment Only Air Handling Unit & Condenser Condenser Only NEW AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATION Air Conditioning: Unit Quantity Tons Per Unit Heat: Unit Quantity BTU's Per Unit Seer Rating Duct Systems: Total CFM REQUIRED REPLACEMENT AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATION Air Conditioning: Unit Quantity Tons Per Unit Heat: Unit Quantity BTU's Per Unit Seer Rating Duct Systems: Total CFM REQUIRED FIRE PREVENTION Fire Sprinkler System Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Fire Standpipe Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Underground Fire Main Value (Requires 3 sets of plans) Fire Hose Cabinets Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Commercial Hoods Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Fire Suppression Systems Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) FIRE PLACES MISCELLANEOUS: Prefabricated Fireplace Qty Automobile Lifts Gas Piping Outlets Boilers BTU's Elevators/Escalators ALL OTHER GAS PIPING Heat Exchanger Quantity of Outlets Pumps #Vented Wall Furnaces Refrigerator Condenser BTU's #Water Heaters Solar Collection Systems Tanks (gallons) gUvr ma Sup•u.v• A49 Ai"or.04, Wells OTHER: As/Q!/ /OD/ sac COd/TA/NEB ,'areat1Iriow exts. J:b -/n, //14/B/E-/1 . Permit becomes void if work does not commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abandoned for six months.I hereby certify that I have read this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation construction or the performance of construction. Property Owners Name D& .i t TIE( Tro.2Ed' Ale. Phone Mechanical Company t 1u/Aein Air /iieehQRiieti cft!/NeeQ Lc'4 Office Phone 4/72-y00/ Fax X23/7,2.I/004 Co. Address: 764 SE Sale Aid 24, C ' 77edon State iL Zip J2t9.J License Holder(Print): 4 - 4 •i aoc ! ■ .t.t: ertification/Registration # 69'4 6 t19f NOlari,43/4,../..of L;,..ac Hach, IE t 0 i`'�� :: LISA M DAVIS 1`• •' MY COMMISSION#FF18lii¢fcre me this /7 ' day of U/7e / 20 /S \•, e,„ EXPIRES December 6.2018 �� wow FlorldallotaryServlce.corSignnture of Notary Public - Zlt.!/e. Walker, Jennifer From: Lisa Davis [LisaD @SAMSHVAC.net] Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 9:51 AM To: Walker, Jennifer Subject: Mechanical Permit Application Attachments: Mechanical Application_DT 1010.pdf Importance: High Hello Again Ms.Walker I have attached our permit application for the refrigeration case install at the Dollar Tree on Atlantic Blvd. Please note that these cases are 100%self-contained it does not involve plumbing or running refrigerant lines. The condensers and "evap-away" pans are mounted on top of the equipment. If you need anything more, please let me know and I'll get it right to you! Thanks again for your help with this! Thank You, Lisa M Davis Southern Air Mechanical Services, LLC Voice: 352.472.4001 Fax: 352.472.4006 Email: LisaD @SAMSHVAC.net SOUTHERN AIR. MECHANICAL SERVICES, LLC Air Conditioning. Heating. Maintenance Agreements. Preventive Maintenance. 352.472.4001(ph) — service@SAMSHVAC.net - 352-472-4006(%ax) Information contained in this e-mail transmission is privileged,confidential and covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act,18 U.S.C. Sections 2510-2521.The information contained in this message and any attachment hereto is privileged,confidential,and is for the sole use of the intended recipient. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any reading,dissemination,distribution or copying of this communication may be a violation of law and is strictly prohibited.If you have received this communication in error,please notify the sender immediately by replying to the message and deleting all copies of it from your computer. Thank you. 1 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Ph (904) 247-5826 Fax (904) 247-5845 JOB ADDRESS: /01/ 191/Q4/i G /7/vd. Ile. 919 PERMIT# PROJECT VALUE $ tr9J 00 ARI# 'V4 247"1-44711141 REQUIRED Air Handling Equipment Only Air Handling Unit & Condenser Condenser Only NEW AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATION Air Conditioning: Unit Quantity Tons Per Unit Heat: Unit Quantity BTU's Per Unit Seer Rating Duct Systems: Total CFM REQUIRED REPLACEMENT AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATION Air Conditioning: Unit Quantity Tons Per Unit Heat: Unit Quantity BTU's Per Unit Seer Rating Duct Systems: Total CFM REQUIRED FIRE PREVENTION Fire Sprinkler System Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Fire Standpipe Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Underground Fire Main Value (Requires 3 sets of plans) Fire Hose Cabinets Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Commercial Hoods Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) Fire Suppression Systems Quantity (Requires 3 sets of plans) FIRE PLACES MISCELLANEOUS: Prefabricated Fireplace Qty Automobile Lifts Gas Piping Outlets _ Boilers BTU's I�S Elevators/Escalators I� ALL OTHER GAS PIPING Heat Exchanger Quantity of Outlets Pumps #Vented Wall Furnaces Refrigerator Condenser BTU's #Water Heaters Solar Collection Systems Tanks (gallons) Cgearomiz. SP/L/Ea• A0 04Lt,,.,r,Bi , Wells OTHER: /js/ll// /0D% sezr Ca,viAive 2ex,el4-Ayia,v axis. /4Mi/i-A. Permit becomes void if work does not commence within a six month period or work is suspended or abandoned for six months.I hereby certify that I have read this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The permit does not give authority to violate the provisions of any other state or local law regulation construction or the performance of construction. Property Owners Name DDOLLAit Mr STORES Ave. Phone Number � 2.1"A Mechanical Company t IDL/AeM /9/r /IfeehdA,1ed J?fk2L'P,q L u! Office Phone 4'72-4/00/ Fax 0-2•V7,2-1/004 Co. Address: % ' se- Rae bad 241 C' riernii/2 State iL Zip J.1493 License Holder (Print): - . i er / .t. ertification/Registration# Cc& 1s;; ivir r Notarizrd,,9 ,�iuiu.G of LLGILJG IIuldk, __ - a I ter USA M DAVIS • "' •' MY COMMISSION#FF1ta¢€c re me this /7 day of ();/-4e 20,/fIS EXPIRES December 6,2018 (407)3se-01sa FbridallotaryService.cort+'lgl�ture of Notary Public / s '. , illiitilifill i !: ■ s i et iiii;sryzN4e ! 9.�i IS ,,-',Yiiii5i �~ / / / - .1, 4 , ,i ii its i � • t . 46 ■ p - i r R m 5 n INTIrrippri *1 . moo i1 ,-1,:,-4' , .."1"". welm A , . Y .. ; Cl) -.. N i i—i i_i q - R. m -1. N o s ; I Ir--, pi . - 4 i r 'F—§ 1; Z - tt ___ii �r_ 4 V g 36 ¢ I o R—I ,,t }4 H- -=� _ r all is 0- d Y P I sp ., ! 4-q X-F y _.'a tl�r. I--� -1 ,,, -°.‘ 411 . -I p i i r r-t. i , r , c, -1 4111 i r� - 111 gaiggiw ,, , cD _ - `� r.. g1 i II mx ° - 1 11 o i 4 m . 4 rnC a am- c) z - , - M 1 ii ! 18 N ; R44'44 R;;11 O 1 r '9 IN ! i 111 5gR 6&;IE -;,I al ,iii § ,A § >. , _ , ...._.J