Item 8A Waiver for Circular Driveway 2349 W Ocean Forest DrAGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: BACKGROUND: BUDGET: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA IT EM liSA SEPT EM BE R 14,101 5 Request for a waiver from City Code Section 19-7 Driveway Limitations to Allow a Circul ar Driveway at 2349 W. Ocean Forest Drive ,6/. (_ / c::/?L----Dougla ~ Layton, PE } Public Works Director 8/11/15 Applicant has requested a circu lar driveway at 2349 W . Ocean Forest Drive. The lot frontage is 91 feet. All other sections of the code appear to have been met by the application . City Code Section 19-7: Construction of driveways in rights-of way contain s the following requirement: (f)" ... , and circular drives shall only be permitted on lots having at least one hundred-foot frontage.'' No budget consideration RECOMMENDATION: Consider approval of requested waiver to City Code Section 19-7 requirements f o r this location. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Waiver Application for 2349 W . Ocean Forest Drive 2. Permit drawing REVIEWED BY: ~ (/t:X..&a ,/C-b<.../ Nelson Van Lie re, City Manager O lltC AGENDA ITEM #SA Sli:PTEMBER 14,201 5 APPLICATION FOR L AND OEVELOIJMENT REG l lLATION S WA IVEI~ C ity uf A llantic ncach · 800 Sem inole l(mul · A llltofic Beach, ft'lurida J 2 23 J l,h unc : (90_,) 247-5826 · Ji'AX (IJU4) 2J7-5H45 · ht1p://www.cnah.u10 File No. _________ Receipt ------------ S ection 24 --'6 (d ) permits the C ily C urumiss iou t o uuthcn·izc limited Waivers, on 11 casc-hy-cll sc lm s is , fr om n s pec ific pruvi~iun(s ) of these Lantl l)cvelnpmcnt Rc~ulatiom; wh en il is tlemons trntc d lhnt compliun ec with s uch Jlrovisiou(s) woulcl be unrcusonuhlc, in c onflict w ith the public infet·cst, ur 11 pt·n c licnl im pnssihilil _v . A Wnivcw fro m t hese Lnnd Development Rc~ulatimls mu y be apJll'ovctJ on ly uron showin~ of ~om l (':lusc, 111111 upun evidence !h ut an a ltc•·nutivc tu a s pecific provision(s ) of this Chapter sl111ll he proviclcc.l, which c nnforms Ill t he general intent und spi1·it of these L11nd Development Rc~u l ntiun s . In considering 11n y a·cqnc.<;l for a Wnivcr l'ru m t hese Lund Development r~c~u lations, t he C il y Co mmission muy require conditions liS llflJli'Ofll'inlc to ~n s u rc lhnt the intent of these Lanu l>cvclopment Rcgululious is c nforcctl. A Wnivcr s h11ll unl mudif)' nny rcqnit·cmcnl or rcrm c u stomarily cunsidcrcd us a Variance ur any rctjuircmc nl or term pmhihilcd a " a Val'ian ct', ami s hull he considered c1nl y in cnscs where allcrnalive administn1tivc r•·uccd u r c.'l n r l' not set fo r t he "ithin t h e C il y C ode o f Onlinunccs. I. t\pplil'nnt'~ nm.: Mark A. Tumco --------------------------------- 2. o\ppli cnu l's All d r css 2349 Occa nl o rcst Dr. West, At lan ti c Beach , Florida 32233 J . J>rupcrty l.ncntion 2349 Ocen nforcsl Dr. Wcs1, At lan ti c 8cac h, Florida 3223 3 -1. l'r opcrt .v Apprniscr's Rcn l Estate Numbm· R-169463-1570 :'i. ( urrcnt Zo nin ~ ('Jn ~s ific:tt iun RS -1 (•. Com t lt'C h cn ~iv c l'lnn F utur e L nnclllsc ll<"s iJ!n allun ~ 7. ltc clu c~tcd fll'ovisiou (s) t'I'Om which wnivc t· is suu Ahl: Se c. 19 . 7(() whrc h :-:pccilics thai "circ.:11lar ch·ivc s s ha.!.!_ o~c pc nniltc d o n lots having at lca s l o ne hundred-loot fi ·on tagc." II. S iJ.c of Pun·ot I R.609 n2 (0.43 acre )-\1 1.12 11 J'mnlagc 'J. I Jtllil y l'ruv idcr :!_!~_"--------- 10. Pruv idc ullot'tllc fnlluwill;! infurnrntiun: 1\. l't'uof of owners hip (d eed tH' \'C t'lilit·atc hy lnwy<"r ,,. ahstntcl c umpuuy 11r title t'urUplln y lhnt vc:ri lir s ncc)l'(l owncr·ns nho vc). If the :IJiplicant is nnt t h e uwncr," leiter of nuthttrizntion from the: uwne1 ·(s) fur npplknnl lo t'eprc:;!'nt the owner fur nil purposes rclntecl In I his rtpplicntion musl he proviclcd. b. Survey :tn cllc~al descriptio n o f propert y. "· R e1Julrccl nuniiH·•· nf \'ct Jiics (2) rl . •\pplkntill n F<>c ($250.011) I IIElti-:B\' C'Eifi'I,..Y TUA'I i\I.L INFORMATION I'IWVJI)EI) WITIJ Till~ ,\PI'LICA'I'IO IS ('OJUU:et : S if:nntur c u f uwnc•·(•) •1r uutlwrizctl p c t·son if ownct·'s nu t lllll·i~::t liun fcu·m is n llndtctl: l'riu tc<l 01• type d uamc(s ): Ma rk A. Tu m e o and .lclli·cy W. Stark // S iguaturc (s): _..;../...;../-7/~,~· ~-~-~~~~:.;,:.._.:..:~----!1:..:·~/~;'kz..__./~~;-:.::~=---------- AGENDA ITEM liSA SEPTEMB£R 14,201 5 \IHHU:S~ .\ "'ll ('ONTAC'T 11\'FOHMATION OJo'I'EI~SON TO IUWJo:I V t•; ,.\1,1. ('OIUU:SI'ONI>Jo:NO.IH:c;,\IWtl\<: I I ll!'. \1'1'1 .1<'.\'1'10!'; :-.l11 1llc : Ma rk /\. Turm:o Ma ilin ~ A dd•·c.~s: 23 49 Ocean forest Dr. We st, Atlantic Beach , Florida 322).1 l'huuc: 904-620-1350 f ax: not nvnilablc 1•:-lllait: ma rk .lttm co(o{ya hoo .c om ----- Ill . S rnh.'m c nl of fuel:. and uny special t·cnsons fnr the t'C<lucstcd W aiver, whic h dcmcms lnttcs cumpli:IIICl' with S<>etion 2~--46 (II) uf the Z uning :tn<l S ubdivi:-;ion and La nd l>cv<:lopmc nl f{cs.:ulntiuus nnd srccitkally tlcscrihinL! lww th y rcu u cst t•umr,lics with the C pnclificms ucccssnt·y for the ('itv C ununiss inu 111 :t!IJII'U'I-C t h is rc<tncst. P le a se lt llach mhJitionul pn~cs if needed. We nrc rcq ucs lin g 11 waive r li ·o m Sec. l CJ .7(Q whi ch s pcc ilics th at "ci n;~ar driv~o; s hall ~y bl! permitt ed on lots having a t lea st one hundred -foot l'rontage ." Specifically , my requ est mee ts th e requirements 1>r'Scc. 24-46(cl) in thnt compli ance wo uld be in co nfli ct wi th the publ'i<::~t an<.l wo ul<.l pro du ce a pmctical imposs ibility. O ur lot ts IJ I . 12 lcet wi<lc, onl y H. 9 reel sh<)!'t of' the reguired fronLOge . llowe vc r, we nee d to install u c irc u lar drivcwuy to allow access to th e ga ra ge. 13ccnu sc o f' th e loc ation o f' a lurgl!, cxtst 111 ) and healthy oak tree, we cannot put u pa il m front olthe "am •c of more th an about 2"0 feet (p lease sec auac 1ec. stte plan). Wht e en tering th e pa f'rom a single dn ve way to th e sou1f1 alfO'WSc nlr y into the garage, the limtt cd pnd wtdtfl me a ns one cannot Ga'Ckilltt s titficieniTy -n,r _ e no ug h to turn the ve hi cle and ex it th ro ugh the same drive. llcncc, co mplinn ce wi th th e ordinance wo uld creat e a prae tic ul impossibility tn that we cou ld not access our ga rage. Wo.:. ~.:a ul d c reate spn cc to ext end Lhc pud to accommodate u sin~c Jrrveway , but that would rc quii ·c the rcmovn l of th e large , health oak tree, the only re maining oak in our fro nt yard -a so lutio n wh ic h is aga in s t our desi re and in connic t with tch stated policy ol' /\tlantic Beach to prot£illnd promo te cnuopy co vcrugc. I h;nec we respectfu ll y req ues t a wa iver li·om Sec. 19.7(1) and pe rmi ss ion to build a ci rc ul ar driveway pe r the ra ti ona le above. ~- BENCHMARr< SET NAIL NO 10 ELEV.=lOO.OO IICHMARI< -NAIL IU :V.=99 44 99.7 99.5 J 3 :5 c p 0 g I "' p .:. a. I -~ , ---!/ g c, 2 c Flocr ol GM~9C ar 101.•1 I 100.3 198.02'(M) 198.11'(P) 38.24' LOT 35 (VACANT) 18,585 Sq Ft. 12S..9 2 STORY F"RAME L (") ·: I( I Si\JCCO ~0 ;,. i'FE .. 102.15 I ;il~ ~ GAR m 100,41 I -<<'1. "" c :. -~ 8.50' ~ 15.0 23.4~' .'J • LOT 36 (IMPROVED) ,I -.. -~ 'r) ':::< .... .::) '> -· ,. >'ICO ~ I .,. " 01 ------.. ·--...:c I I .~ ·-----....,..._ .-- . . ---~--. I L9Q 08'(P) · ~~ 179.67'(M) I ri\C i/2.' i\ tl • P::. .... c FNO I/2"1RON PIPE: