Item 8F Fracking ResolutionCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14,2015 AGENDA ITEM: Discussion on proposing a Resolution opposing certain methods of oil and gas extraction within the State of Florida and its adjacent waters including hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking". SUBMITTED BY: Commissioner Maria Mark DATE: September 3, 2015 BACKGROUND: Other Florida local communities have recently passed Resolutions opposing "fracking" statewide. Should Atlantic Beach consider similar action? BUDGET: No budget impact RECOMMENDATION: Consider similar action and direct the City Attorney to draft a proposed Resolution opposing "fracking" within the State of Florida and its adjacent waters. ATTACHMENTS: (1) City of St. Augustine Resolution No. 2015-10 (2) City of Fernandina Beach Resolution 2015-117 (3) Report from foods, water watch entitled "The Threat of Fracking to Florida: Reasons Why Fracking Should Be Banned ( 4) List of Cities that recently passed resolutions (5) Draft Resolution RESOLUTiON NO. 20·15 -·1 0 AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14,2015 A RESOLUTION OF THE C!TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE OPPOSING EXTREME METHODS OF OIL AND GAS EXTRACTION, INCLUDING HYDRAULIC AND ACIDIC FRACTURiNG OR "FRACKING" WITHIN THE STATE OF !FLORIDA AND ITS ADJACENT WATERS. WHEREAS, the City of St. Augustine is composed of a large section of waterfront propetiy and is a low-lying coastal community at the frontline to experience the impacts of sea level rise; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Augustine has various vital facilities and infrastructure rha'C could be adversely affected by seal level rise; and WHEREAS, climate scientists and other groups such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coastal Services Center have predicted the potential erosion of dry land and loss of waterfront property as a result of sea level rise; and WHEREAS, Florida's aquifer is already compromised from its overuse and polluted by continued runoff; and WHEREAS, the limestone layer covering much of the aquifer has proven vulnerable to sinkhole activity; and WHEREAS, hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking" and other extreme methods o-f oil and gas extraction have already raised serious questions of damage to water sources and geologic stability in other areas of the country; and WHEREAS, the potential for a damaging events to the aquifer and limestone layer could prove to be beyond the ability to mitigate no matter how great or small the risk of occurrence of such event; and AGENDA ITEM #8F SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 WHEREAS, such events could affect water and land far outside the confines of the area permitted for hydraulic and acidic fracturing, or "fracking" or other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of St. Augustine declares its opposition to hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking" or other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction anywhere within the State of Florida or in the waters adjacent to the State. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of St. Augustine requests that no State agency issue permits for such purpose and urge the Legislators of the State of Florida to pass legislation prohibiting hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking" or other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction or the disposal of related materials and by~products, anywhere within the State of Florida, or in the waters adjacent to the State, and allocate sufficient appropriations to ensure success of the legislation. Section 3. The City Commission of the City of St. Augustine further requests the Governor of the State of Florida to sign such legislation. ADOPTED in Regular Session of the City Commission 'for the City of St. Augustine, Florida this 23rd day of March, 20'15. /J...TTEST: ~~-&AA Alison Ratkovic, City Clerk (SEAL) Resolution No. 2015-10 (CA) Page2of2 RESOLUTION 2015-117 AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FERNANDINA BEACH, FLORIDA OPPOSING EXTREME METHODS OF OIL AND GAS EXTRACTION, INCLUDING HYDRAULIC AND ACIDIC FRACTURING OR "FRACKING" WITHIN THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND ITS ADJACENT WATERS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Fernandina Beach is composed by a large section of waterfront propetty and is a low-lying coastal community at the frontline to experience the impacts of sea level rise; and WHEREAS, the City of Fernandina Beach has various vital facilities and infrastructure that could be adversely affected by sea level rise; and WHEREAS, climate scientist and other groups such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coastal Services Center have predicted the potential erosion of dry land and loss of waterfront propetty as a result of sea level rise; and WHEREAS, Florida's aquifer is already compromised from its overuse and polluted by continued runoff; and WHEREAS, the limestone layer covering much of the aquifer has proven vulnerable to sinkhole activity; and WHEREAS, hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking and other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction have already raised serious questions of damage to water sources and geologic stability in other areas of the country; and WHEREAS, the potential for damaging events to the aquifer and limestone layer could prove to be beyond the ability to mitigate no matter how great or small the risk of occurrence of such event; and WHEREAS, such events could affect water and land far outside the confines of the area permitted for hydraulic and acidic fracturing, or "fracking" or other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FERNANDINA BEACH, that: SECTION 1. The City Commission hereby declares its opposition to hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking" or other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction anywhere within the State of Florida or in the waters adjacent to the State. SECTION 2. The City Commission requests that no State agency issue permits for such purpose and urge the Legislators of the State of Florida to pass legislation prohibiting hydraulic and acidic fracturing or "fracking" or other extreme methods of oil and gas extraction or the disposal of related materials and by- products, anywhere within the State of Florida, or in the waters adjacent to the State, and allocate sufficient appropriations to ensure success of the legislation. SECTION 3. The City Commission flllther requests the Governor of the State of Florida to sign such legislation. ADOPTED this 18 111 day of August, 2015. ATTEST: Ut~~t Caroline Best City Clerk Edward E. Boner Commissioner-Mayor AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 APPROVED AS TO FORM & LEGALITY: ~t<Mi -·re HINI< rN~QGY 1 I.JWA The Threat o f Frackin g to Florid a : Reasons Why Frackin g Should Be Ba nne d AGE NDA ITEM #8F SEPTEMBER 14, :ZO IS In 2 0 13, a Texas -based fracl<in g c ompa ny b e ga n u sin g a n e w, more d a nge rou s a nd inten s ive form o f extre m e ex ti·action to d r ill for oil n ear th e Florida Ev e r gla d es. Althoug h fl o ri da has had a v e r y s m a ll conve ntio na l d r illi n g indu s try in th e past, it h as not h a d all owe d th e more da nge rous form s o f d irty fra cl<in g th a t use m i lli ons of ga llon s o f wa te r mi xed with tho us ands o f gall on s of toxic ch e mi ca ls . Bu t the oi l a nd g a s indus try is aiming to introduce fracking, acid frackin g, a nd other intrus iv e fot~m s of "unco nve ntional" drilling a nd "we ll s timul a tion '' techni ques in va rious a r eas around Fl o rida, a nd thi s p oses a ser io u s threat t o public h e alth a nd th e e nviro nm e nt. What is fracldngi Fra ckin g is s h ort for hy dra uli c fr acturing, th e s p ecific process o f takin g million s of gallons o f w ater , mi xin g it w ith sa nd a nd t e n s of thousa nds o f ga ll o n s of ch e mi ca ls, including kn own carcin ogens, a nd pum ping it a ll und e r gro und a t extr e m e pressur e to break up a ta r get e d ro ck formation, in h op es of r e le asin g o il or n a tura l gas t h a t wou ld othe rwise rema in h e ld in th e r ock. Acid frac king is t h e p r ocess o f inj ecting aci di c c he mi ca ls in to r o ck fo rmatio ns to d issolve th e r ock la yer, w hich res ults in cha n n e ls for a ny oil a nd gas to flow. Th ese term s are a lso u sed inte r c ha n geabl y w ith th e term 'well s timul a ti o n' t o e ns ure tha t a ll fo rms of extrem e o il a nd gas extracti o n u s in g t hese d a n ger o us c h emica ls are covere d Why Is Fracldng Dangerous? Fracking causes thousands of accidents, leah:s and spills. Mo r e than 7,5 00 a ccide nts r e lated to frackin g occurre d in 2 013,1 n egative ly imp acting w a te r qua lity in rive r s, strea m s a nd s h allow a quife rs. Ma ny communi t ies h ave a lso ha d th e i r drinkin g w a t e r conta mina ted a nd ha ve n eed e d to find n ew sources o f drin kin g w a ter for their fa mili es . Conta min ated water w e ll s with m e tha n e a nd oth e r hy drocarbon gases r e leased f.r om frack ing is putting t h e h ealth, safety a nd p ro pe rty of many fa milies across the country a t high ri sk 1 Soragha n, Mi ke. "Sp ill s u p 18 per ce nt in U.S. in 2013." E&E Energy Wire. May 12,201 4. 1 AGENDA IT EM #81<' SEPTEMBER 14,2015 -Hit HINI< F~IFRGY 1' r 'li 1l lt\ fOOd&("'-. water,watch ~ .... ./ Fracking produces massive volumes of toxic and radioactive waste. Aft e r a w ell is drill ed a nd fra c ke d, the liquid s that come ba ck up to the s urface arc a mi x offracking flu id s , a ncie nt brines and hy dro ca rbons, s u ch as th e carcinogen be nzen e. The r e are no go od di s posal op ti o n s . The und er ground di s posal of thi s w aste has ca u s ed earthqu a ke s a c ross the country, including Okl a homa, Ohio, Arka n sa s and Te xa s .2 Lo ca l waste w a ter tre atm e nt fa ciliti es a r e not equippe d to h a ndl e t he ch e mic a ls found in frackin g wa s t e, and the salts in the brin es r e ac t with c hlorine and other di s infecta nts to cr ea te h a rmful byproducts release d into rivers. Those r eleases c ause proble m s for communities downs tre am. The n there arc landfill proble m s crea t e d by th e solid w a stes, inclu d ing th e s olid s tha t accumulate a s s ludge a nd scale on e quipme nt a nd from e ffo rts to treat w as te w ate r. Fracking pumps hazar·dous pollutants into the air. Fracking utilizes ov er 100 d a n gerous ch e mica ls that a r e known to b e endoc rin e di s rupters o r ca r ci noge n s.3 Gases-including hy d rocarbon gase s wi t h b e nzen e, tolue ne, e thyl b e n zen e and xyl e n es-are in the mix o f fluid s th a t flow s to the s urfa ce afte r fra cking, and varying amounts of these gas es a re r eleased direc tly in t o th e a ir. Alon g with di esel exhaus t from nume rous trucks a nd gene r ato rs p ack e d onto a s ingle well s ite, the hy drocarbon a ir pollution expl ai n countless compla ints from those living alongsid e fr acking a bout the h ealth probl ems t h ey a r e experie ncin g, s uch as burning eyes, nose ble e d s, and r espira tory a nd n e rvous system p ro blems.4 This is b e fore cons id erin g long-t e rm health issu es from th e ex p osu res they h a ve s uffe red. 2 Ke ra nen, J<.M. et al. "S ha r p inc rease in cen tral Okla homa seis mi city s in ce 2 008 in duce d by massive wastewater inject io n." Sc ience. Vo l. 345, No. 6 195. july 25, 20 14 at 451; Ohi o Depa rtm ent o f Natura l Resources. [Press r e lease]. "Ohi o a nn o un ces toughe r p e rm it co nditi ons for drillin g acti vities near fa ul ts a nd areas of seis mic ac ti vity." Aprilll, 2014; Rosenberg, Mi ca. "Ar ka nsas laws uits t es t fr acking wa stewa t e r link to qual<es." Reuters. Aug ust 27} 201 3 3 l<assos tf s, Chr is toph er D. e t a l. "Es troge n a nd androgen rece p tor acti v iti es of hydrau li c fr acturing chemica ls and s ur face a nd ground w at~r in a drillin g-d e nse reg io n.'' Endocrinology. Vol. 155 , Iss. 3. March 2 014 at 90 0; U.S. Ho use of Representa ti ves. Committee o n En er gy a nd Co mm er ce. [Min o rity Sta ff Repo rt]. "Ch e mi ca ls Used in Hy dra uli c Frac t u1·ing." April 20 11 at 1 a nd 8. 4 Adga te, john L. et a l. "Pot e nti a l public heal th haza rd s, ex posures a nd health e ffects fr om un co nve nti ona l natu ra l gas develop me nt."E11viro nm enta / Scie nce & Teclmo logy. Vol48, Iss. 15. Au gust 5, 2014 at 8308. U.S. EPA. Offi ce o f Air a nd Radiat io n (OA R). "Reg ul atory impac t An alys is: f-in al New So urce Performa nce Standards and Ame nd me nts t o t he 2 AGENDA ITEM #SF SEI>T EMilE il 14,20 15 Fracldng disrupts local communities. Beyond the chemica l pollution, fracking presen ts a broad number of other consequences for p eople living in areas where i t is occ urring, including d amage to public roads, de clines in property va lue, increased crim e and an increased d e m a nd on e merge ncy s~rvi ces. Whe n fracking comes to town, the res ult is increa sed demand for emerge ncy services and o t h er social services, s uch as schools for the children of out-of-state workers. Th e costs of this in c r eased demand a r e borne by the co mmunity, not by the oil and gas indu stry. De live ring the water, sand a nd ch emica ls n eed e d to frack, a nd h auling away a ll the r es ulting waste r eq uires thousands of h eavy-duty truck trips for each new well. Th e result is a lso costly damage t o public roads and brid ges a nd a decrease in traffic safety. La ndowners are finding t h emselves pow e rl ess to prevent drilling a nd fracking on t h e ir property when t h ey do not own the mineral rights und e r their land. Other landowners are b e ing forced to 'pool' w ith nei ghbors who support drilling, meaning companies can then t unn el be neath their land from up to a mil e ore two away, and then fracture rock formations b e neath their property. As a res ult, these landown e r s can see d e clin es in prope rty values.s In fact, many la ndown e r s ha ve violated the terms of t heir mortgage by s ig nin g up for oil a nd gas leases that r esult in the storage o f hazardo us ch e mi cals on th e mortgaged prope rty, and nume r o u s b a nks h ave become r e lu c ta nt to offer m ortgages for prop e rties lo cated n ear drilling and fracking activity.6 Fracking destabilizes the climate. Natio nal Emi ss ion s Sta nd a rd s fo r Haza rdou s Air Pollutants for th e Oi l and Na tural Gas Indu s try." April 2012 at 4 -15 to 4-18. ssathya and H. Al len Klaibe r. ''Is the shale e nergy boom a bust for nearby resid e nts? Ev id e nce from hous ing va lues In Pen nsylv a ni a." America n j ourna l of Ag ricultural Econom ics. Vol. 96, Iss. 1. January 201 4 at 43 . 6 Urbina, Ian. "Rus h to Dr ill for Natura l Gas Creates Confl icts with Mortgages ." Th e New York Times. October 19, 2011. 3 AGENDA l'fEM H8F SEPTEMB €R 14,2015 I ~:e iHIN I < FNFRf.1V I I'IJtl l/1. Fracking for oil and natural gas is a pat h to climate chaos. Cumulative emissions of greenho us e gases - primarily carbon dioxide a nd m ethane-that come from extractin g and burning o il and na tu ral gas are a primaq cause of g lobal warming.7 Global wa rming tlu·eatens t o ruin e n tire coastal economies with sea- level ri se and to cause some regional food and water syste ms to fa il. These and other utterly f undamental di s ruptions t o 6ur society -a nd to t he well -being of many mi lli ons of peopl e -will en su e if we do n ot change co urse. 8 What Will Happen ifFracldng Is All owed i n Florida? Florida could see con siderable drill in g and fracking-pote ntially over 1,000 n ew wells in t h e next d ecade or so, mostly in t h e Florida Panh and le and Sou th west Florida bu t a ls o offshore if poli t ici a ns grant indus t ry's w is h e s. A big spill in Bi g Cypre ss or the Ev ergla d es, for exa mple, would c r eate a nigh tmare sce n ario for the ecosystem, which is vita l to the s t a te's fisheries. Indeed, as we've l earne d from natur a l and ma n-made d isasters, from h u rrica n es to the BP /Deepwater Hori z on s pi ll in th e Gu lf of Mexico, the d a mages ca n reverberate across the whole sta te . F r acking exace r b ates th e threat of clima te change a nd Florida is one o f the a r eas that w ill be harde s t h it if sea l evels continue to ri se. A t hree-foot rise in sea level -e ntirely like ly 50 y ear s from now -would in und ate Florida 's coastal commtm ities with devas ta t ing conse qu e n ces. lt would leav e over 500,000 homes u nder sea level and e rod e t h e s tate 's c oas tal econom ies, which account for 80% of t h e s ta te's economic activity. 7 Stocker, T. F. et a l. "Techni ca l Summ ary." In Stocker, T. F. e t al. (2013}. Cli mate Cha nge 2013: The Physical Science Basts. Co ntribu tion of Working Group I to th e Fifth Assessment Report of th e Intergovernme ntal Panel on Climate Cha nge. Camb ridge an d New York : Cambridge Un ive rs ity Press at SO to 53 . o Field, Ch ri s tophe.r eta I. "Tec hni ca l Summ ary fo r Policymakers .'' In Ple ld, Christopher et a l. (2014). Clim ate Change 2014: Im pacts, Adaptat·ion, and Vulnerability. Co ntribu t ion of Working Group 11 to the Fifth Assessme nt Repo rt of th e In tergove rnm enta l Pan el on Clima te Change: Summ01y for Policymakers. New York : Cambridge Un ive rs ity Press at 11 to 2 0. 4 -~Alachua County, FL ~Bonita Springs, FL -~Broward County, FL ~Coconut Creek, FL ~Davie, FL ~Deerfield Beach, FL ~Fernandina Beach, FL ~~Flagler County, FL ~Fort Myers Beach. FL -~Gadsden County, FL ~Hallandale Beach, FL _.~Hamilton County, FL !b1Hollvwood, FL ~Key West, FL -. ~Leon County, FL ~Leon Soil and Water Conservation District, FL -~BMadison County, FL (E}Marianna, FL --= ~Miami-Dade County, FL ~Miramar, FL _,..~Monroe County, FL ~Plantation, FL ~South Miami, FL [£]st. Augustine, FL ~ 18st. Lucie County, FL ~Sunrise, FL !Brallahassee, FL ~Tampa, FL ,......, !Bunion County, FL ~ ~ool """'olw qtel"'w~tLh ~ D "''J -Js sqes l!J Cl t €_j''- F retck~~~ _ . .. AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 Received AUG 2 8 2015 Office of City Clerk T/) e /1A..1i', -1-rt:t 'c_ lC i Jv j fno r..te mc,v -f ~ee qJ\ mectSL-{lr'E'$ 0-q(q;;vSi ~c-'"c_fc,·NC) loy stet+-~ Ffa r-: cAq RESOLUTION# __ Name of City, County, or Municipality AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 A RESOLUTION OF THE , City , FLORIDA, SUPPORTING. LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR A STATEWIDE BAN ON HYDRAULIC FRACTURING, ACID FRACTURING, OR ANY WELL STIMULATION PERFORMED FOR THE PURPOSES OF EXPLORATION OR PRODUCTION OF OIL OR NATURAL GAS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, INCLUDING THE PROHIBITION OF DISPOSAL OF RELATED MATERIALS AND BYPRODUCTS, ANYWHERE WITHIN THE STATE OF FLORIDA OR IN THE WATERS ADJACENT TO THE STATE; OPPOSING ANY LEGISLATION THAT WOULD KEEP SECRET CHEMICALS OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE USED IN FRACKING, OR OTHER METHODS OF OIL OR GAS DRILLING OR RECOVERY AND/OR PERMIT FRACKING TO EXPAND INTO FLORIDA Overwhelmingly, emerging scientific data show harm and inherent problems with drilling and tracking. We strongly urge the Florida Legislature and Governor to re-evaluate their positions on the state of the science. The science is not divided; research clearly and with strong documentation, shows that drilling and tracking are inherently dangerous to public health, welfare and the environment. WHEREAS, well stimulation treatments will involve the use of hundreds of chemicals, some of which are known to be carcinogenic or could otherwise be harmful to human health; and WHEREAS, exposure to the chemicals used in well stimulation treatments will pose a widespread and significant risk to public health and safety and the environment; and WHEREAS, well stimulation treatments may involve the use of substantial amounts of freshwater at a time when many Florida lakes, rivers, springs and municipalities are already struggling with the impacts of pollution and water scarcity; and WHEREAS, after being injected into the ground, the chemicals used in the tracking process have leached into groundwater supplies, contaminating drinking water for local residents. There have been more than numerous documented cases of water contamination next to tracking sites, as well as cases of sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage. WHEREAS, in parts of the U.S, where hydraulic fracturing has occurred, including California, Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Wyoming, there have been numerous complaints and legal actions because of contamination of drinking water with arsenic, methane, neurotoxins, and other proven and suspected carcinogens. WHEREAS, as with oil and gas wells, the material used for the pipelines will age and degrade over time, increasing the likelihood of leaks. Pipeline accidents are a regular occurrence nation-wide. Legislation or regulations will not stop these leaks and spills as history has clearly shown. AGENDA ITEM #SF SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 WHEREAS, after decades of work on an Everglades restoration plan with billions of dollars invested, it would be unacceptable and hazardous to allow drilling and tracking for oil in the Everglades, Big Cypress, and other nearby ecosystem areas. Accidents, spills, and releases of air and water pollutants, such as benzene, metals and hydrogen sulfide, will become likely. WHEREAS, a spill, leak or other accident in Big Cypress or the Everglades would create a nightmare scenario for water supplies, wildlife and drinking water, including the ecosystem, which feeds the spawning grounds of Ten Thousand Islands, affecting -------t'l'nett-tUit":C:h-oHite state's fisiTtiTg industry. Regulatron and mrnrmal penalties will have no effect. WHEREAS, the wise stewardship of our natural resources involves protection of Florida's water supplies, wildlife and water resources for generations to come; and WHEREAS, as a result of Amendment One, the Constitution of the State Of Florida now requires that the legislature take immediate and certain steps to protect, restore and preserve Florida's lands and water resources by prevention of contamination and environmental degradation, rather than attempting to clean up contamination and restore degraded environments, which may not be possible, after the fact; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ___ _ 1. supporls a statewide ban on the use of hydraulic fracturing, acid fracturing and well stimulation treatments performed for the purposes of exploration or production of oil or natural gas in the State of Florida including prohibiting the disposal of related materials and byproducts, anywhere within the State of Florida or in the waters adjacent to the State,; opposing any legislation that would allow or authorize more permits to allow tracking to expand in Florida and/or keeping secret from the public (in effect a public record "gag order,") health authorities, physicians or governmental entities, the use, type and amount of any hazardous chemicals, or substances used in tracking or other oil or gas extraction methods. 2. That the will send a copy of this Resolution to the Florida Legislature and the Governor of the State of Florida; Florida Department of Environmental Protection; [name of other local officials]; And will also direct municipal state affairs/lobbying department to support legislation whenever possible. 3. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption: DULY ADOPTED, this the day of month, 2015. ATTEST: