7-23-13 S!•A" st1 J Sri 4Jii CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday,July 23, 2013 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:00 p.m. Present: Chair Lori Gaglione,Jolyn Johnson, Tammy Lally, Lynne Roskein, Hollie Stephens,Jeff Wight with Della Giovanni(recording). J°u Absent: Cris Garrard, Wanda Martin, Timmy Johnson 1. Call to order- Chair Lori Gaglione called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes-The committee reviewed the June 25, 2013 minutes. Lou altered #5/a/iii/2 to be as follows: low budget cost idea-add if proper funding/supporting funds. Tammy moved to accept the minutes with changes and Lou seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events,Updates, Reports i. Songwriters'&Acoustic Nights-in Timmy's absence, Hollie attended last Songwriters'and said it was packed,about 75. ii. Arts in the Park poster invites-Della covered in Timmy's absence. Top 5 judged visual artists from AITP this year were invited to submit artwork for next year's poster. Deadline is Aug. 15. Artwork will be judged by committee at August meeting. 1. Jolyn requested names of artists invited. 2. Jolyn made mention of AITP refund stated in minutes-thought it was resolved a. Della responded on behalf of Timmy that it was discussed but no voting or motion took place. Timmy will bring up at August meeting for voting. 4. Exercise Proposal-Emily Wannenburg 1. Tami says she knows her and she is really good 2. Jeff questioned whether she could collect monies and legal usage of building 3. Questioned whether this event would be city event or CARAC event 4. Jeff raised concern over individuals having exercise classes with no overhead costs,taking members away from clubs 5. It was unanimous by committee that proposal is a good idea and to invite Emily to next meeting to hear her vision for the idea; motioned by Tammy and seconded by Jolyn 5. Atlantic Beach is Special-Lou Catania a. Program for Special Needs families,caretakers to enjoy our beach i. Disability adds emotional stress on family b. Concept: program that would be on a schedule to get disabled to beach in a "beach mobile" c. Area on beach would have to be properly prepared d. For AB residents only to start out e. Jolyn questioned beach mobile,who would sponsor/pay? Businesses? f. Would require volunteers and medical coverage (funding needed to cover cost) g. Jeff suggested started out with giving the mayor the idea first to get the ball rolling,or get some sponsors ie: Ronald McDonald House,Jaguars,etc.; discuss with Timmy first for direction of steps to take h. Lou asked for support of committee to help be resource i. Jeff mentioned that it would be a nice community event,would need insurance coverage,support of public works,etc. j. Lori wondered if parks would be more beneficial; less liability-Lou wants to focus on the beach k. Lynne suggested starting with Fleet Landing as support/resource since they have the transportation,experience with disabled and medical staffing 1. Jeff mentioned it might qualify for UNF Grant,he will throw idea around UNF m. Lou mentioned his experience of disabled is with own son n. Jeff suggested he go to the commission when ready to propose with an expert o. Would this be city event of committee event? p. Committee agreed to assist if needed,but talk to Timmy first for direction 6. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting-August 27,2013 7. Adjournment-With no further business,Jolyn motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Lynne. The chair adjourned the meeting at 6:46 p.m. #### 4 41"