9-25-13 S td r;; 9I' CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Adele Grage Cultural Center 5:00 p.m. Present: Jolyn Johnson, Tammy Lally, Lynne Roskein, Lou Catina,Jeff Wight, Cris Garrard, Wanda Martin, Timmy Johnson Excused:Lori Gaglione,Hollie Stephens 1. Call to order-Lynn Roskein called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes-The committee reviewed the September 12, 2013 minutes. The minutes to reflect that the date was incorrect; it should reflect September 12, 2013 instead of July 23, 2013 at the top. Tammy moved to accept the minutes with changes and Lou seconded the motion.The minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events,Updates, Reports i. Artisans' Fair-Lynn would like to move the date up a week and do it before the artwalk so there isn't a conflict. Looking for volunteers to assist with the event and Lori will handle the decorations. Invitations will be sent to the artist. It is not a juried show; it is an invitation art show. Instead of charging the artist a fee,artists are asked to bring 2 bottles of wine for the wine tasting. ii. Tennis Championship-Timmy will discuss with Lori the actual date and bring it back to the committee. iii. AITP-The Committee reviewed and discussed the proposal from Jolyn and Timmy gave directions on the issues. The committee needs to decide if they want to have AITP as a committee event under its umbrella or handle it on her own with Timmy's involvement. It was discussed in detail and a motion was made by Cris to keep it as a committee event. It was seconded by Tammy. The motion carried 4-1. Lynne and Lou abstain from voting. 4. New Business a. Deck The Chairs-The American Red Cross is having a contest to decorate a lifeguard chair. The cost is$1,000. We have to decide if we should have an artist do it or should the committee do it. Is the price to high to join or would we just like to make a donation and not participate.There are only going to do 22 chairs. It is from November 29th through January 2, 2013. The artist will only have 2 weeks to complete it. We would be responsible for getting our own materials. The deadline for signing up is the 23rd of October. 5. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting-October 22,2013 6. Adjournment-With no further business, Lynne motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Tammy. The chair adjourned the meeting at 6:46 p.m. #### r 4