10-28-14 Olt 91- CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Adele Grage Cultural Center Present: Grant Healy, Nick Malie,Sheena Rupert,Pamela White, Robert Liggero, Timmy Johnson (City Liaison)and Julie Metheney(City liaison). Excused:Martha Marshall, Lou Catania 1. Call to order- Chair called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes- Robert motioned and Pam seconded the motion to approve the September 23, 2014 minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Ongoing Business a. Arts in the Park(AITP) -Timmy discussed the application process: posting and e-mailing out the application,receiving 30 applications,the two deadlines: 31 October and 31 December. Timmy asked if someone would volunteer to call the artists on our artists list. Pam and Robert volunteered. Pam asked what information they should give the artists. Timmy said to remind the artists that the first deadline is November 1st and that the final deadline is December 31St. He,also, said to remind them that they can go to the website to download the application. Timmy mentioned that the package mailed should include the completed forms, 5 photos,and a check. b. Artisan Faire-Timmy discussed the preparations for the Artisan Faire- needing volunteers for setting up and decorating on the day of the event, ordering and picking up the food. Timmy will put an ad in the newspaper. Timmy assigned decoration detail to Julie. c. New Year's Eve-Timmy asked Sheena to explain First Night. Sheena explained that a few of her friends talked to her about bringing back First Night through the CARAC. After discussing the options,the committee agreed that there is not enough time or funds to plan to have the event this year. Grant requested a motion to start working on it for next year. Nick motioned to table the discussion until the January meeting. Pam seconded the motion and the motion carried. Everyone agreed. Timmy questioned whether they should table it or have someone bring in a proposal so that the committee could start planning the event in January. Sheena was nominated to be the lead person for the event. Everyone was in favor. Sheena agreed to work on a proposal for January. d. Budget-Timmy passed out the Budget worksheet to the members. He explained that the funds for Mike Shackleford,the schools,and non-profits were encumbered and not available to other events.There is $13,500 left for upcoming events in FY 2014-2015. e. Tennis tournament. Discussion on the tennis tournaments in AB and by other organizations such as Selva Marina Country Club. Timmy will bring four weekend suggestions for the committee to vote on. f. Kayak event. The committee discussed doing a kayak event at Dutton Island during the off years of Marsh Fest. Since Marsh Fest takes place 2015 the committee would like to coordinate a kayak event in 2016. 4. New Business a. Timmy brought up a request from Emma Anna to temporarily install a statute in the city. After discussion,it was the committee's decision not to approve the request. 5. Other Agenda Items/Announcements a. Next meeting- December 10,2014 6. Adjournment-with no further business, Grant moved and Neal seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:45 pm. ### rant Healy,Chairpers