CE 369 AQUATIC #15-219 2015 OR CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 PHONE: 247-5855 COURTESY NOTICE OF VIOLATION DATE 01--k- 4�)C)015TIME OWNER/OCCUPANT 2 ADDRESS THE INSPECTION MADE OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THIS DATE DISCLOSED YOU WERE IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE: '3 q 3 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. YOU CAN COMPLY BY L) 01 z WITHIN DAYS OF THIS NOTICE THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE IN ORDER TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF A VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE OF ATLANTIC BEACH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR WOULD LIKE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS NOTICE, PLEASE CALL ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE. CE# CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RECEIVED BY CODE ENFORCEMENT COVER SHEET LOCATION:— 3L � RESI &/ COmM CASE NUMB�ER:.. a NAME: —COMPLAINT TYPE: C, DATE: VIOLATION: 3C�c 7— ACTION: L/ INITIAL INSPECTION—. D( 4�_ _q I U S. Postal ServiceT11 DOOR HANGER COURTESY NOTICE jL C'ERTIFIED MAILT,, RECEIPT MEETING WITH TENANT ON SITE ru —(Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) INSPECTION M rq NOTICE OF VIOLATIO REINSPECTION I- OF17-- ICIAL USE /IOLA )�N US 0 Postage $ CHECK STATUS OF C RRR NOTICE POSTING NOV AND AFFIDAVIT Certified Fee M Return Receipt�Fee Postmark (End Requ, )ff MEETING WITH OWNER ON SliE orsement red) Here Restricted Delivery Fee NOTICE OF HEARING M (Endorsement Required) ci CODE BOARD MEETI�GS m Total Postage&Fees $ _�10 r OFFICER STATEMENT FORM— ru &C9 r_q Sent To POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT r_9 C)'0--r-t-s L TELEPHONE CALL E3 3treet,Apt. o.; ------------------------------- r— or PO Box�o i5it�" ---------------- .... C............... TELEPHONE MESSAGE �§t-at-e-,'ZIP 4 NOTICE OF REHEARING------ azt<so Lt PS Form 3800,August 2006 See Reverse for InstructioA7 ---------�ORDER IMPOSING FINE W/COVERLTR U.S. Postal Service,. FF NON-COMP W/CONTEST LTR r-q 1; CERTIFIED MAILT. RECEIPT AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE m —(Domestic Mail Only,No Insurance Coverage Provided) C3 FILE LIEN RECORD LIEN A E TO CITY CLERK 0 F F I C I - ru A L U S E RELEASE OF LIEN r-q ——————— r-1 Postage $ CE FINE MEMO TO FINANCE ni Certified Fee -LIEN LETTER C3 Return Receipt Fee Postmark Ej (Endorsement Required) Here MEETING WITH RESPONDENT M — ':3 (Restricted Delivery Fee BUILDING PERMITAPPLIED F6R M Endorsement Required) CLOSED CASE— CJ Total Postage&Fees $ INTERNAL MEETING r-q Sent'ro REFER TO CITY ATTY/LIEN r_3 �irwji -------------------------------------------------- Ayt..ivy---- COMPLIANCE MET 17- or PO Box No. CLAQ� r__ 0_------------------ OWNER OCCUPIED ---TENANT OCCUPIED VACANT Property Appraiser- Property Details Page I of 2 4 TUNG DORIS L Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 1675 TUTBURY CT 369 AQUATIC DR 05935-02186 9417 JACKSONVILLE FL 32246-0637 Atlantic Beach Fl-32233 369 AQUATIC DR - Property Detail Value Summary RE# 171818-5268 !2014 Certified 2015 In Prociress AMA lax—District USD3 Value Method C7 CAMA 0 EIg29EbLYM 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $70,169.07 $77,278.00 #of Buildings I Extra Feature Valuel$1,219.00 $1,161.00 Legal Desc. 38-71 17-2S-29E Land Value(Market) $20,000.00 $25,000.00 AQUATIC GARDENS Lanq_ya[qg_[AgLjga $0.00 $0.00 5Y—b—division 03761 AQUATIC GARDENS Just(Market)Value $91,388.00 $103,439.00 Total Area 3140 Assessed Value $81,617.00 $89,778.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $9,771.00/$0.00 $13,661.00 $0.00 to Save Our Home and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, Exgmptions $500.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those See below certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Pro[)erty Amraiser's Office values prooerty. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value $89,778.00 Assessed Value $89,77800 Assessed Value $89,778.00 ......................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................:..... ..................................................................................................... Widow(WF) -$500.00 Widow(WF) -$500.00 Widow(WF) -$500.00 ......................................................................................................... ...........I......................................................................................... ......................................................................................... Taxable Value $89,278.00 Taxable Value $89,278.00 Taxable Value $89,278.00 Sales History Book/Page Sale Date Sale Price Deed Instrument Tvoe Code Oualified/Ungualified Vacant/Improved 05935-02186 2/12/1985 $691,200.00 QC-Quit Claim Unqualified Vacant 05935-02186 3/28/1985 $100.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Vacant 06073-00449 1/10/1985 $59,222.00 WD-Warranty Deed Unqualified Improved 08686-01589 7/30/1997 $49,000.00 WD-Warranty Deed Qualified Improved Extra Features J LN Feature Cod Feature Description Bldg. Length Width Total Units Value I FPPR7 Fireplace Prefab 1 0 0 1.00 $607.00 2 SCPR2 Screen Porch 1 8 11 88.00 $554.00 Land&Legal. -j Land egal LN Code Use Description Zonina Front Depth Category Land Land Land LN Legal Description Units TvDe Value 1 38-71 17-2S-29E 1 0101 RES MD 8-19 UNITS PER ARG-M 0.00 0.00 Common 1.00 Lot $25,000.00 2 AQUATIC GARDENS AC 3 LOT 21-B Buildings -J Building I Building I Site Address Element Code Detail 369 AQUATIC DR Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Exterior Wall n 8 8 Horizontal Lap Roof Struct 3 3 Gable or Hip Building Type 0105-TOWNHOUSE Roofing Cover 3 3 Asph/Comp Shng F Year Built 1985 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall 1� BAS FUA Building Value $77,278.00 Int Flooring 8 8 Sheet Vinyl Gross Heated Effective Int Flooring 14 14 Carpet Type Area Area Area Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric I Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted Finished upper 360 360 342 Air Cond 3 3 Central story I I http://apps.coj.net/pao_propertySearch/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=l 718185268 10/20/2015 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 2 of 2 Base Area 968 968 968 Unfinished 24 0 10 E I lement Code Storage Stories 2.000 Finished Open 8 0 2 Bedrooms 3.000 Porch Total 1360 1328 1322 Baths 2.000 Rooms/Units 1.000 2015 Notice of Proposed Propeft Taxes Notice(TRIM Notice) Taxinq Distri Assessed Value Exemptions Taxable Value Last Year Proposed Rolled-back Gen Govt Beaches $89,778.00 $500.00 $89,278.00 $661.20 $727.72 $689.36 Public Schools:By State Law $89,778.00 $500.00 $102,939.00 $459.62 $501.21 $504.80 By Local Board $89,778.00 $500.00 $102,939.00 $204.32 $231.41 $224.41 FL Inland Navigation Dist. $89,778.00 $500.00 $89,278.00 $2.80 $3.08 $2.86 Atlantic Beach $89,778.00 $500.00 $89,278.00 $270.00 $297.16 $281.82 Water Mgmt Dist.SJRWMD $89,778.00 $500.00 $89,278.00 $25.67 $26.99 $26.99 Gen Gov Voted $89,778.00 $500.00 $89,278.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 School Board Voted $89,778.00 $500.00 $102,939.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Urban Service Dist3 $89,778.00 $500.00 $89,278.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 1 Totals $1,623.61 $1,787.57 $1,730.24 3us Value Assessed Value xem tions Taxable Value Last Year $91,388.00 $81,617.00 $500.00 $81,117.00 Current Year $103,439.00 $89,778.00 $500.00 $8997800 2015 TRIM Propeft Record Card [PRQ This PRC reflects property details and values at the time of the original mailing of the Notices of Proposed Property Taxes(TRIM Notices) in August. Property Record Card(PRQ The PRC accessed below reflects property details and values at the time of Tax Roll Certification in October of the year listed. 2014 To obtain a historic Property Record Card (PRQ from the Property Appraiser's Office,submit your request here: More Information :ontact U Parcel Tax Record I GIs Ma I Mai)this oroperty on Goode Map I City Fees Record SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signature • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete [I Agent item 4 it Restricted Delivery is desired. X [3 Addressee • Print your name and address on the reverse C. Date of Delivery so that we can return the card to YOU. B, eceived y(printed Na • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, is Tv . _7 I am Yes or on the front if space permits. D. is delivery address cliffere M Article Addressed to: if YES,enter delivery,a ress belo 0 On L u n b L) r- 3. Service Type [3 rertified Mail M Express Ma:11 Merchandise El Registered [3 Return Receipt for _\S0_C"c)f\V ii, L Mail [3 C.O.D. I '37z-z4 C3 insured I [I Yes 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extr-I Fee) 2. Article Number Ull-A 6-1,11rob 4,041111024 (irransferfirmorns rvice label) 102595-02-M-1540 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt http://apps.coj.net/pao_propertySearch/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=1718185268 10/20/2015