BMRC notes for 8-23-12 meeting8/23/12 We have three vacancies: One current vacancy- an unexpired term ending 9-30-13 (due to resignation of Ray Martin). Two upcoming vacancies- terms expiring on 9-30-12. Veda Harless- interested and eligible for reappointment Barbara Weiss- termed out Benjamin deLuna is a current alternate and is interested in being appointed as a regular member. If Ben is appointed to fill one of the vacancies as a regular member, then we will have a vacancy for an alternate member. I suggest that during the interview you ask if they are willing to be considered for any of the following: 1. An alternate member 2. A regular member to fill an unexpired term (1 year remaining)., and 3. A regular member to a full (three-year) term. Also, each candidate being interviewed should be told that if selected, they would have to complete a Form 1- Statement of Financial Interest.