2012 vacancies 5-22-122012 VACANCIES Vacancies through 2012 as of October 4, 2011 Pension Board of Trustees None for BMRC to address Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee Tammy Lally Cris Garrard Lynne Knecht Roskein Hollie Stephens Jolyn Johnson Vacancy from Carolyn McCarthy Code Enforcement Board Veda Bernstein Barbara Weiss Ray Martin Community Development Board Kelly Elmore A. Brea Paul Harleston Parkes Chris Lambertson Status Status Active Active Active Active Active Resigned Status Active Active Resigned Status Active Active Active Active Service (2 year terms w/ no term limit) Service (2 year terms w/ 4 term limit) 1st 3rd 3rd 1st 3rd N/A Service (3 year term w/ 3 term limit) 2nd 3rd N/A Service (2 year term w/ 4 term limit) 1st Term 1st Term 1st Term 4th Term Term Expiration Term Expiration 7/8/2012 7/8/2012 7/8/2012 7/8/2012 7/8/2012 7/8/2012 Term Expiration 9/30/2012 9/30/2012 9/30/2013 Term Expiration 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 Termed Out Y or N Termed Out Y or N N N N N N N/A Termed Out Y or N N Y N Termed Out Y or N N N N Y Interested in Reappt? Y or N Interested in Reappt? Y or N Y Y Y Y Y N/A Interested in Reappt? Y or N N/A N/A Interested in Reappt? Y or N N/A Vacancies through 2012 as of October 4, 2011 Board Member Review Committee Jim Smith Board Member Review Committee John Fletcher The following Boards/Committees do not go straight to Commission: Pension Board of Trustees Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Board Code Enforcement Board Community Development Board Status Active Status Active Citizen Members- 2 year term- 2 term limit 1st Term Commission Member- 1 year term- No term limit 2nd Term Term Exp. 3/12/2012 Term Exp. 12/1/2011 Termed Out N Termed Out N Interested in Reappt? Interested in Reappt? Vacancies through 2011 as of November 10, 2010 Pension Board of Trustees B. Dale Hatfield (Police) Employee Elected Status Term Expiration Termed Out Y or N Interested in Reappt? Y or N