Interest email for Benjamin deLunaThank you for the response. If there is still need for a pension board member, please consider me for such a position. If I am selected, I will resign from the Code Enforcement board where I am an alternate. I believe you have my application and resume on file. Ben From: Bartle, Donna [mailto:dbussey@coab.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 1:13 PM To: Ben Cc: Hanson, Jim Subject: FW: Committee appointments Ben, Please see Alan’s comments below. It should answer your questions. Thanks, Donna From: Alan Jensen [mailto:alan@ajensenlaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:42 AM To: Bartle, Donna Cc: Hanson, Jim Subject: FW: Committee appointments Donna: In order to further clarify this issue, and quoting from AGO 2009-48, please consider the following: "The Florida Supreme Court has stated that a person in the service of the government, who derives his position from a duly and legally authorized election or appointment, whose duties are continuous in their nature and defined by rules prescribed by government and not by contract , consisting of the exercise of important public powers, trusts, or duties, as part of the regular administration of the government is a public officer." State ex rel. Clyatt v. Hocker, 22 So. 721 (Fla. 1897). This would logically apply to a member of the pension board, so that, since code enforcement board members are officers under the Fla. Const. provision, one person cannot serve on both the code enforcement board and the pension board at the same time. This would be dual office holding which is prohibited by the Fla. Const. However, I have also been asked if a board member who is a public officer, such as a member of the code enforcement board or the pension board, could be appointed to a committee, such as the upcoming police building committee. Such a committee member would not be a public officer, in my opinion, since he could not exercise any public powers, trusts or duties, but would only be in a position to make a recommendation to the city commission. I hope the above information together with my e-mail yesterday answers your questions, but contact me if we need to discuss further. Alan ________________________________ From: Alan Jensen [mailto:alan@ajensenlaw.com] Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 2:20 PM To: 'Bartle, Donna' Cc: 'Hanson, Jim' Subject: RE: Committee appointments Donna: The Florida Constitution prohibits dual office holding. See Art. II, s.5(a) Fla. Const. The question becomes whether members of the Code Enforcement Board and the Pension Board are "officers" for purposes of this section of the Fla. Const. Code enforcement board members have been determined to be officers for this purpose. I would have to do substantially more research to be certain, but it appears on initial review that pension board members would also be officers for purposes of this section of the Fla. Const. Thus one person could not sit on both boards since that would be a violation of the prohibition against dual office holding. Also, I have not reviewed any city resolutions that might apply to appointment of these or other boards, and am uncertain if there are any city policies regarding one person serving on two different boards. AGO 2009-48 contains a good discussion regarding this matter and Ben may wish to review that opinion. I will try to e-mail it to you. Contact me with any questions or if you want me to do anything further. Alan ________________________________ From: Bartle, Donna [mailto:dbussey@coab.us] Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:49 AM To: Alan Jensen Cc: Hanson, Jim Subject: RE: Committee appointments Alan, Below is an email string between me and Mr. deLuna. Basically, he was interested in serving on the Pension Board of Trustees, but he is currently on the Code Enforcement Board. I explained to him that you cannot serve on multiple boards at the same time. So he asked for the provision that says it. I sent him a link to F.S. 99-021 because I remember this coming up a few months ago. I don’t have anything else in writing on the issue. Please read Mr. de Luna’s response and reply as to whether or not he would be able to serve on both boards. If it doesn’t matter which boards it is, also let me know that. Thanks, Donna From: Bartle, Donna Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:35 AM To: 'Ben' Cc: Hanson, Jim; 'Alan Jensen' Subject: RE: Committee appointments Ben, I will have to refer it to the City Attorney. Thanks, Donna From: Ben [mailto:de-luna-jax@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:56 PM To: Bartle, Donna Subject: RE: Committee appointments This is the e-mail that I need a response to. From: Ben [mailto:de-luna-jax@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:29 PM To: 'Bartle, Donna' Subject: RE: Committee appointments Good morning!! I am not absolutely sure but it seems to me that subsection (6) of Section 99.012 excludes non paid appointees from the requirements of this section. I do want to point out that the development board provision in the municipal code does contain a requirement that a member not be part of another board. See Section 14-7 of the Code of Ordinances. Please note that neither the Code Enforcement nor the Pension board provisions have such a requirement. See 2-141 and 2-266. From my reading of these provisions, it seems to me that a person can be considered for the pension board even though currently a member of the Code enforcement Board. Let me know what you think. From: Bartle, Donna [mailto:dbussey@coab.us] Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 2:40 PM To: Ben Subject: FW: Committee appointments Ben, F.S. 99.021 addresses the issue. For your convenience, I have attached the link. http://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2011/99.012 Thanks, Donna From: Bartle, Donna Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 2:33 PM To: 'Ben' Subject: RE: Committee appointments Ben, It’s not in our code. I believe I found it in the Florida Statutes a few months ago, but I can’t remember where I found it. I’ll have to research it in order to let you know, but it came up just a few months ago before we recommended appointing members to the Pension Board. Thanks, Donna From: Ben [mailto:de-luna-jax@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 1:24 PM To: Bartle, Donna Subject: RE: Committee appointments Thank you for the information and the assistance. I look forward to testing the new audio feed. Can you direct me to the code provision that deals with the prohibition of serving on multiple boards? Thank you for all your assistance. Have a great day! From: Bartle, Donna [mailto:dbussey@coab.us] Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:43 AM To: Ben Subject: RE: Committee appointments Ben, A new audio feed was installed last week in the Chamber, so we will be testing it out next Monday night. I have your application on file; however ,it is no longer being considered for vacancies since you have been appointed to the Code Enforcement Board and you cannot serve on multiple boards. Nelson said he spoke to you today and you had questions. If this did not answer your question, please call or email me. Thanks, Donna Donna L. Bartle City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5809 From: Ben [mailto:de-luna-jax@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:09 PM To: Bartle, Donna Subject: RE: Committee appointments Thank you. Any further improvements on the meeting recordings? Also, is my application for the board member review committee still active? From: Bartle, Donna [mailto:dbussey@coab.us] Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 5:08 PM To: de-luna-jax Subject: FW: Committee appointments FYI. Donna From: Alan Jensen [mailto:alan@ajensenlaw.com] Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 9:55 AM To: Beckenbach, Mark Cc: Hanson, Jim Subject: Committee appointments Mark: I had a nice talk with Ben Deluna after our Code Enforcement Board meeting this past Tuesday evening. He asked that I correct the statement I made at the meeting on 1/9 that he did not call me back after my office called him in December. Apparently there was a mistake in my office and he was not contacted. I thought he had been because his name was checked off, like the others who in fact were contacted. I apologized to Ben for any inconvenience and told him I would correct that information with you. If you have any contact with him, I would appreciate you informing him of this e-mail, since I do not have his e-mail address. Also, Brooks Rathet called me a couple of days ago, but I have spent the last several days mostly in court, so I have not spoken with him yet. I will call him early next week. Let me know if you need anything further. Alan ALAN C. JENSEN, ESQUIRE 935 North Third Street P.O. Box 50457 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240-0457 (904) 246-2500 (904) 246-9960 FAX Alan@AJensenLaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information and all attachments contained in this electronic communication are legally privileged and confidential, subject to the attorney-client privilege and intended only for the use of the intended recipients. If the reader of this message is not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by return e-mail and please permanently remove any copies of this message from your system and do not retain any copies, whether in electronic or physical form or otherwise. Thank you. 彟িਏ?⼋㼌伍侙꽁�ョ᣿᤿ᩏ扟族ɟϯ擿O徤ཀྵὪ㽬콲�⯿ⱟ﩯ﭟﱯﵿﺏ芟ꢮ潇፯涠ᑮﳡ℡�콤�ァ糿絟药罯肏膟芯莿ᅬ�ニྈᾉ⾊쾙⾍迿碿礏踟辏邟醯銿ᅬ�ユྗᾘ⾙澮供鱿鵟鹯齿ꂏꆟ뎯䥈懙淐ሠᕠ慠䂺甮ꁡ傷サ㑵⁠ᵢ傽愠떀愰涰⁳㫇谀慰瓀慨冾뤋幰椰킶⠠⤶ₜ꙯䦠뾠㧔똹ⅎ硥炱ት븠ኰ빡갠፰憑懥뺰暰ꄥ뿯愡㓀론楠怴卢拀뿭椰낾떿ꐮꗏꛟ↑侣徤侨復澪羫辬龭돿꾟낿뇏닟돯뗿똏?⾷㾸侹徺忕뿈쿉翆쟿ꞏ쮟찯촿칏콟큯ソ近鿒 꿓뿔←�￘�󓰟�묿擋キæ怕톾͢惀ᆾ㎿닃ኽ瘠‸〓剢ꀓ╰皠Ⴥ鄕닃淢퀾捩㴐￐‒⇸탵烱퀹샰〴쏏뿹㐤戰浐ぢ변ᄈ胿凂⃢拀æ⃴샃ꃿ奔엓읯䧜憠샀ㆦ㓸㜭듄쁡䁡ǽ燀修ဒ䁚æ䱣ǐ�ᅬ뿣쿤�￧࿩࿯⿫ᆵ뿴쿵꼓ΰἈἂ⼃㼝৿੿ஏಟද຿࿏ჟ￯1༓꼜⼕㼖众弘漙᫷᭿ⶏ倬逯뀫쁡솼뾟㬕懰€ײ䗇の�ٲ﫰벃㣀倄끉菻犯뻝뾰懲봰採ﵨﻼ⴮῿⃯㷿㹟䥯愨瓀ⴲ䀅1슡䎐㈐㛼ܶḯ≿⍯⑿▏゚꼦뼧꼿�K༭Ἦ⿿〯ㄿ㉏㍟ 㑯偿䒿?⽅꽀뽁뼡轆齇꽈뽉䫿䯏䳟䷯俿倏攟剟缿体彔潕罖轗齘㥪굆狃뵭ﺐ慰ꄆէ�턶�븬︿烴聰泽挠ᅬĀ臽mý烾싿㢐쏑瞣㨠祥ﬡ梨懲㱧挀삽烾크膽㟿׷쒚㡰䋘䌁�콜�嫿䖟彯悟憯抿描擟￯・ཧὨ⽩㽪佫彬潭滿潿炏熟趯臏嬯线￿ྀ辂龃꾄뾅쾆�觿诿谏锟ꊿ软遏酟齯羒输龔㾦䒧敌ჿ뾵欁⃂뽐祂䃹쓹滢絫韝鯯鳟鷯￿ྟᾠ⾡⾧侣徤澥ྯꟿꢏꦟꪯꮿ곏귟뻯ッ㾛�ྙᾚᅦ㾴侵徶럿롯륿몏뮟벯붿쟏ッ￀࿂ῃ⿄㿅俆죿쥯쩿쮏첟칿쿏￟￑࿓῔⿕㿖俗迬 ��󯲏���ッ¬࿤⿦㿧俨忩ﹿ樂￟￳࿵ῶ⿷㿸�忺ﯿﱯﵿᎏッ¯ƿˏ￟$༆ἇ⼈㼉�弋೿൯๿ྏ႟ᆯ⎿፟￟5༗Ἐ㼚伛弜ᵯṯ὿㊏㚛뀭⁴罶弫༸昺瘥끹끽쀩儺낰敮㸻ⴄ偶๰∺⠰祀⏰㕂끃䐴⁆ꐦ퀵瑤㌺눦〠ぴ虁伫㭟⇯∿䉏⓯扫﭅潢㜵㽇ἥ☦☰⦿各慾灺끅鼨ꨩᡳZ輲鼳潉楒橈པ潊罋䳿䶏亟侯䚿絼㝰筰略䒠ず睮圀睏稀獨曰ぅ끅耧偶∺慛摥畢၅祥䂢瀪扡戮嵰籝暠敩摬투摦͠ぴꁘ䡻偙剅䱠义⁋彡湢ṽ摽搑睠ⵀ局晣ㇰ畜䥬 晙扯囥ᤵ轖䭒덡ⱀ⚬㪐ﮁ怨襝⡜㹀㞐䞟䢯㶿筓儑嗯庿坧䉥㹤玐慤役䩐卍田瀷偻㠱偟䐲㄰〹㨲㠴倰䵾⽯㽰佱彲潳鑼t〲⽵㽶睞ケཻὼ紇縯琿畵橢捥甇耏廏䙘㩗䌠嬣❰瑰整肰灡烜䁯⿰環珡뼬켭ㇿ势匿㑏㗯㟿蔏㥯㎃䐰⾑밺Ὥ辗龘駿䒯䖏䚟趯⹿⼯〿o�侓徔⾤羖ྜྷᾞ鿿蔯墟♏✿⡏⥟⩯©熂ꀬꅏ轟逿o徑澒쾦��ᄅྫᾬ귿긯꼿끏녟뉯덿뒏膟꽐匮‮㤹⃇㈼谱䁀懐成玁ᐠ桴れ쉩畐⹥ꇿꊿꏏ쿟큿톏튟펯쎿䊋탂礠畯湌瑶擠湀彣䥁悝懰郘䂌Œ捡郎㿷캰 蒂殡᳏뾷쾸�뫿믯뷿븏퐟쁯섿쉏⦅ᅨ쿔迅鿆꿇뿈쿉�ꐿ�햯홯��?⿟㿠信忢濣翤迥鿦⼟뼀འ፡㽴⽐稯౷⸠쁤 ꁟႌ.潧⽶慌獷⿤璠豵ഐ祠ﰱ⼱狍偹彣潤癥뼋೿ා柞槿ᄊቯൿ⦅彬켉确࿱ῲ࿶ῷ⿸刺憎ﭏ᭟ﶯﹿマট_뼁켂�%༇Ἀ᷿὏ṏᾯ₿⇏￟C༥ἦ⼧㼨伩輾⯿Ɐ⵿⺏⾟クㆿ翏﬉僙郚뙳㓟㡿㥯㩿マ鼻꼼뼽뽃�aགྷ䓿䔟䘯䜿䡏䥟䩯奿ﺯ嵄ហ䵀丏伟倯儿o归潓罔罚齖꽗뽘콙嫿察峯廿式怟愯瀿o꽣㽦꼵뼶ཥὦ⽧㽨 槟橏歟汯罿㚎큺Მ祗蜯爬抖聯癤㫠渒ぴ㭥⒋琭཯耖偯恵ლ䈣䌵㓰䙄猠苄췰�좀㩧猳⃒�躀뾦潸ྉ彮潯ྐ譱鍢�ᕢ钩牿獟つ�⑶哰桡鉯痐皿鏊엌魲㩐꽿뾀辖覟闿ꆊ霯颏馟骯鮿鳏鲓邶還牴�挐祃꿌끳ꆇ聵ꦪ�敱뾄铗闏꿟厲낶齴ꈏෟ䟗�謀现慤啹კꁊ畐還赹㡠�ฐ蘑㉐䂎″﹐걍껿꼏뀟넯䰿缵Ꝑᄇྴ囗䈧ꃘ뜧῏�ᄎྼ䖲扵ᱪ捥�龾㣗䕒尺䌠邨遴怖�炁烜�粀닐玱�绿鿟ꁟ良茏萟쌯號⏁鄰⾱�뾣翕迖퟿醟銯鎿쯏筯籏絟ッ쿌�㿑俒ῢ濔ᅳ࿜�쌟ꖏ獯瑟 畯癿瞏゚�净l㿟῍⿎㿏탿/Ῥ⿭㿮俯忰濱翲缁䧊―玐謠躐冐솎畯r漀ႌ輮꿟뿠쫡 戠٥鲠癥⃊耏怅湵킌짓௠瓂쩨䘠삌갏ᣐ쨦ူ攰⁷�焅ቨᜱ뚐戠怘焏捎ù㈋邎敲냊ﭭꀏ‌ᅷᐐၠఙඏᾟ뿡伖弗㈋汬㼠ꁌ傌儔ဈ냼档ၟ讕ᰳҒ踐禐 稠譫瞐吓ꄐ퀓냊オ櫰͵ዠཏ֑ﵠℕ쩷ᐠࡠ짐샀豠0킌䗊ᆎꀒ錔瀋ꄜȑ偞惀ꀄ瀅¬ﱯ撰ᗿ履﫯ﳿ/漘⿾㿿伀켘缃輄׿ڟޯࢿ㇏♟᥏ッ缚漻꼧뼨켩�L⻿⼏〟ㄯ㨿㏟㑟㕯彿輶鼷꼸뼹屋᱔湐毼㳏䂯䆟䊯䎿ᅬ�཈Ὁ⽊㽋佌䷿也佯偿冏功憯곟モ㽕佖彗潘罙轚齛꽜拿庯忏惟懯揿搏攟O㽦佧彨潩罸�潮�㻿淯渿潏灟煯牿玏羟꽴뺇臁೙征岏왺굢쌝଺떐㯀咓ḭᰠ㩰職遽쀢䈣瀵㑃䙄낶ͼ₋콤Ù怣悷ɼ〠鄝胿醟瘿瞏颟쌿쓟鳯罟㽺㾦彼徨轾羪횞﹆ꍲ 욀袿�쟯꠯鿯o徠澡羢辣龤꾥Ꮙ净곕㲏ꀑᕨ映肚›簳Ố㨠뙛కⵠ腬怐ⵡ慪䁸䄢ፋ귐⻰냂嵴첲퀏摬⊂륦쪐궀ð䡻偙剅䥌丸⁋ྶᾷ▸絽뤏륁⎐苠岐晣ﰱ畜〜龻鶷徫榊ꯛ꟟憛ၭ췗鈱統ﶰ�絜鎐賠鳯黿젏먒璠㾧ྫ≗喰ᅳ禐倓ꡊ疀谕秀邕ጸ㉐㄰軙ㆀ舺ⓐ䵰必濆쟿졿즏咟蝥쮀챟덯ﷇ삌筴ጀ歐큿퇯폿῔嫊扵≪쬰혿쇿䕒›≃ၑ쾠ဒ‑焢獴ྂᾃ蟿꜏ꢏ誟謿豏�踿Ϛ餰⿡ಐ促忮濯饿髟鯯荏葿薏゚꿥룵Ὺ⿫俭��굯箟粏綟纯羿ᅬ뼃ꕔ茞ꄡ‣ ꄡ䀃⎿⑀∐ᇀȂ榑䀆挐╥?⿩追鿾鼄뼀켁�ӿۿ܏ࠟयਿ୏ᵟO輐鼑㿹俺忻2༔ἕ᛿ᜯᠿ᥏᩟᭯᱿㆏ᅬ꼞뼟켠�C༥ꤶ䦴㴠激뀍넎ㅷﶀ焏๯칀༰阀๐鍃嫠ཷ畀擰ჿ❿⯏ⲿ⷏⻟⿯ㇿ/༷⼳㼴伵弶漷缸輹㫿㮟㲯㶿俏䉟䎿⣏￯I༫⽅㽆佇彈潉罊䯿䲏䶟亯掿僿凟勯￿པὕ⽖㽗�聭쁪툍郷딀�⁰郣썀ꄏ큯铩⁀ꝰ瘀ሏ倎຋狰斀⁳盀๨獃棱끭샢ሏ�䁜ᅯ⁴允ℏ빭ྠ騀歰‐႔酀㽳x嫿崏忿怏感戯挿楏o潥罦轧齨꽩뽪콫�淿滯烿蔏砯箏嬟 尯_コོώ⽾㽿侀征苿药葿馏蛏螯袿觏￟ヒྍ�낝낾턍ꣿྑ軨辯鎿钯閿雏￟リ゙ᾛ⾜㾝侞徟ꃿꅯꉿꎏ꒟ꖯ뚿ꪯ/ᾫ�メ羬辭龮꾯냿놿닏돟듯뛿쬏롏缯㾹侺徻澼羽达⧐摈癡ǣ朠끲뉴ﱡⅹ俀忁俅忆濇翈짿쪏킟첟춿컏쿟탯￿࿒ΐ⿔㿕俖志⿧迚�숟썿󳳯��漯㿡俢忣滶䊰瘠ﱟ️硶砀㫀湒ძ㭥Ђ䀭烐㨎ユ䃬瀏䈣䌵㒰䙄捻擐⁂䇉㩐₲ะ֐뾆俯㿥俦毨ॢ�異ଷ〦뿪ӭ哰桡९পꐍ瑆洀ඟッ椖樌༘漎缏輐鼑꼒ፓિ⁼﭂瑰 냩琬䐠〞�᮰�械爽暰〉뀉胫큀嬺┑摥畢ဉ祥兀烮扡☮嵰簡큦敩摬티⡦睠Āꀜ䡻偙剅が义⁋弥渦絽⠓⠑牠局晣ㇼ睜඀⩙♯᫥羅﬙輚䬖�ﺐﵠ褡䅀﯀டಯ㖿볢敓ც뼙朢䉗궀쁁�⌱䩐〗ﭵ詰ѹ㡀倣〲ﴱ脰郪㐺″䵁⼳㓿㔿㙏㝟ꝯ㤰㨯_眢༾Ἷ⽀㽁佂甸畸橢셲�朢᱒㩅r瀟烫瑴煥釙灰睯㢰珡ᚿ᜿璘ﯿ휏罉⿽䍇࠰⾑볾ἱ寿岟嶯ࢿএટ冯O㿳俴彗潘㽨轚懿戟振䤿Ჯ�濭翮ーၭ腆搬敟ッ体彔潕罖�཮濿瀟焯爿獏瑟畯 癿マ齷꽸꾇ཻ齽车齧潼緿繿羏肟膯芿菏蓟￯ナ྇侜⾉㾊例後澍躧轿ꆏ䄨Ƞ瞐偐畢倁偦̰瞰鿽⁰゠傣뀃憟ლ瞊ぐ꭫ₑ桴郙䏴ꕨ戀悧倣킟膬ꮿꕐⴠ관궐㰀琀ꮳ�漐�Ȑ碐ლ䵎낤㇚悪杩ₔN⾑㾒⾖㾗侘徙澚羛ꇿ鵿麟龯ꂿꇏꋟꏯ￿ྥᾦ⾧㾨辽ᄆ従铿镯덿둟땯뙿랏뢟ᆵ뾹쾺�⿒྿῀⿁쉟쌿쑏앟흯䤉橡偶祀炯偲�提慾ꃚ悯〨䃙崻걯Ⳡ䆯肫瀂ガꃚ궡꾐缂Þოꀃ僝ㆫ郚湐⡣ꭀ�ー鏠哠邭噐ㆫ〪ҭ濢䔠倀ᅭ偐₰⏦凥 瀂꿯�涑⃡獂윮젯찿촯_俎忏濐翑翗鿓꿔뿕훿ퟏ��􏰏��_쿸⿬뿮忉濊迭鿮꿯O漍俺忻濼翽迾鿿꼀ዽ么倨℔*烩↭ӹ濰깫ꪡ⨲뀰R雩悭烩怗튮凤೬鼄׿ᾯ‏℟‰귐1 烩䋪ㄘ邬돠嘞㳿ၡ傐깐﯐Īë̏ݟࡏय़ッ缊輋鼌輡뼎켏�ዿᓿᔏᘟᜯᠿ᥏㕟o꼨뼩輢鼣鼆Ἣ⼬㼭⻿⽏たㅯ㉿㎏㒟䦯￯켶�Y༻Ἴ⼽쥎哢悭歮穳㿯䏯￟eཇὈ⽉⽏佋彌䷿乯使傏冟劯县哏쯟ὥ楄渐塡奿マ齚꽛뽜콝�ར揿 搟支昿杏桟楯橿マ齫꽬뽻Ὧ꽱ὁ⽂罰燿犏玟璯疿盏矟磯꿿ེύ徐㝽鑢扻잍闫蚿楀箔革緟縟猯㽿䖀牂„삜瀝煈鋩呉艃莟溯‬䳪산遂琀삜侅徆諿譏豟驯꟟饵ꢚ꟟J⾍㾎侏辫澑羒输ꇿ鮯鰏鴟缯肿臏ꃟ宏徵抶ᷠ䍰ジﹲꍫꓟꗯꟿꠏ긟꽏⦅澰澶農龳꾴뾵쾶�롿맯믿및봟븯뼿潂裝䆐ꂣÄ烡✠ﱀ档�￁࿃ῄ⿅웿윿쵏쥏쩯쭿첏춟羯뿎쿏�ᅭ࿔⻤樸匐ဨ╩₰勼ṯ휠����﾿쿜�࿡ῢ⿣㿤ﮯ;鳖'䱆㌠㈲㏼?⿵㿶㿼忸濹翺 迻鿼ﵿﺯ﾿Ïǟ˯᏿⠾㤠㐰
倇ⴷ㗺냭عޏ࢟যિᅬ�-3ἐ⼑㼒伓ᓿᕟᙯ᝿ᢏᦟ᪯⪿⦅뼝传羇辈἟⼠㼡伢⍟⑟╯♿㦏㚞뱤癩輲㼿陁꘬⥢誐つ㫰ヮ敮䔻琭灯⤺⽠齰à䈣䌵䐴⁆ⴋ㷔搀杮㌺ⷹ⃢䠠㊶䍿⠟罯缩Ὂᾖ⾗㽎Ἤ⤭쌰㐰慔潨켯ェ䷚借䛔啲㩠뼹㫿像겟媏凟刿协呟ッ罕轖齗䄼ᇗ끟罞₣棰敲䱦䱠⻠䚰豠嬺恅氭湵⃠樭硡ㅀ涠䥣が⹴쁅嵴걤큦敩摬ȴ武Ġ큟䡻偙剅灌义⁋ィժ♽歽次牰㑳屰ㅦ畜偬涉楿㽝䤼뽝筙ṡ㏰ⷜ녁逯륤⽜䕰㻀仏 翟䀭Ὑ靥䁔敵摳祡䵊恚㹵뾠ㅠԷ㋠〤䀱㝠ᴺ₀繐睍砿祏穟筯葿咄㧿絠縿敏ꎧփꋠ臣`ツ྄ᾅ⾆蕼扵ᱪ捥ώ뾈补䕒䜺₿ꁢꀮ瑴慠炸潰⃮㍳￯T潙罚Ἴ⼽㼾ヘ䃿譟᳃鿠䅑痬ꀯꄟO㾢뽋콌�ྖ張漶缷響ꝯ魸鳟곯龿ꔏꚟᆵ뾧⾎罟漭缮輯鼰꼱딋蝿桱킙潹痼꠮꧟韯飏駟髯￿徯澰澶農龳꾴뾵쾶럿룟맯믿및봟찯뾏￯翂ྫᾬ俁忂濃翄迅웿잟좯즿쫏쯟츯缏῏⿐㿑俒忓濔椄⥮삀畦䃙⁀ꑩ灭敶厕몐₡傕なⅈ朠၆ⅈ㽳ῖ⿗Ί���� ゚꿤뿥쿦�←࿫ῬO��￯￵࿷Ὸ⿹㿺俻忼濽፿¿Ɵʯοӏן寯&駮ᝬ聀楀ꃰュ삀倝큩惱쇰လ탯䗲ጰ䙠闠浐ꁧ歶睐뀖垔通逜热憐ゑ遄य़ද゚꼎뼏켐�༕἖៿ᠯ᤿ᩏ᭟ᱯᵿẏ゚꼟ἳ缦輧켊�⧿⯿Ⰿⴟⸯ⼿くㅟッ缲뽇鼴꼵뼶켷�㫿䳿㶟㸟㼯䀿䅏䉟ッ罃轄齅꽆轙콈�哿憏丿伟倯儿剏卟ッཥὦ齖꽗뽘齮�峿廿式怟猯戏畏豓缡겣佮䱼뙧쀣lሺ楮敐耻ⵄ潴瀜携橰⒀⌀㕂䍠䐴⁆ၸ쥤˲㌺〠ₕ욃淿纏振摿薏踯轿規᭏ ⽧㥨栰毿呄桡钽慐�⾈ﰠ㩭콴�꾋ꦔꪊ侖豿趯躿迏郟釯裿₼䉚끹杴⋰䐀炜ꩮ饡㱿⑨暐炇蜧槰臀㩰ꍛ撥≢蝵敐䁹끬扡⸪낤齝暼쀤摬漝昒ꂦჲ䡻Y䕐䱒义⁋ꌳ꒟綮꙽ꙑ犠腳聯捜ㅦ畜顿꣨ꖯ頥睏顙铏憋➿滀棬翐橡龠峉聪胟秐觟諯듿匢燰⾔霃ꃿ咧敵摳橡≹䨀炕祵⊰ㅠ㜢"〲笱㕰㠰倠녍뉯덿龴꾵뒾瑔띰롯ꁿᆶ炀氭ꅵⷠ慪硾ᾼ⾽㾾便忀떶㱵橢샱侷颠坆㫘䌠ᜥ脢焐￰狰ョ཰ウ羔辕⽷㽸禯졏笏앯ビ톆簯徯⿚㿛俜쾆�ῐ烿煯牿톏했훯ᅬῙ 꿟뿠쿡㿈辚罨轩樟殟沯鎏姁⹉퇿틟폯헿ソ翰鿬꿭뿮쿯�￲ؿꄾ靈摒゚꿻뿼쿽�＀&ἃӿԯؿݏ࡟९੿ஏ゚꼌뼍켜⼐뼒ῥ⿦輑ዿ᎟ᒯᖿᛏ៟ᣯ篿ᅬ�弱セྀᾁ⾂㾃侄㗿ᩏᮟ㲯ᵏ짏䁟ṯoᾛ漠㾝鼢徟⾓⼬㼭䏿쬏䷯䍏䒯䖿䛏䟟럯hཊ㹁劐䨠₷⍿剐倠ꏯ꠯㽄䱠䃐慎⃋ə逾⹷ဤュ辥龦꾧潛祜㾪侫罠峿侴꺯傟낏얿욯枿ᾏ轁齂ᾷ὏㮹慓ᙴ㡵몀㑛㖻㨹︵堵벀樏歯汿涏솟⽟�₡ニ潫戠푡档邡ㅍ欐⽴㽵盏睏硟聯䍄祣篿鴏Ꞡ⍈匑뫐楱絭ᆵ뽾콿� 鿊뾃쾄컿콟❯⬟Ⰿ䰟暟⼟o弰侉缲쿜�澙쾛�㷿㹯坿ꀟ鄿⢿⤟ꌯᅬ�ラྙᾚU漴꾬ꅿꈿ끏儯刟匯ℿ䄨≿댐唐噏덟綏칓䤰媇㩰遠‰楮遣ꄠ키歬眠籨嶑幄쐐郑昰ᱲ漠ひ醏퀷䔠�肷뵲逰粲澐ガ倹這新㩴붑桐獩₎邪¶쁹敵牳攠潶㨠撚꙼ꝿﮎႆ←米㧐뵐狐밐ﶁဤ婲貐쇐週똠爀0Ӏ邼³熿臆勇움邷㧹⿠옹읔幡㦠㡐�ျ덣挐退₰Ž邽뻥涴s景ㆽˋ왳성浐㬠빁뽀拱⏯쉠쏟쓯䇼傐ガⅯ⇿윰婂붐늠뱐⇡윐ム큼狍㣌ゕ⇍ⓒ쏊醷緻逐搀㿎俏ﳄ邼킽뿽朐×䋊늼 Î⅙Î쯽甀倣㇍臔!ⓒ⁽糿㦲챐牡ↀ틠쟱륒笠烁啷촀⁲쟰眡퉿퐂헯퟿�逖⑀朡῿웱�븐뼂폁珡帀ᄚǞ狂엓퀸⁞㏍邼矾Ⴟ釤�臆끞솿³샷짰붑禳Ⴟ鿞꿟鷗ꟿ뱡슡�봅춤a聲ۥ䆐LJ삸돪哦쇏촂챂셠攴挭狒邼�쨐hゐ瀺遚悲糹쾔뾟澤鋿ꥏꩯꭿ궿麯￟⾯�侱徲꼀羴迨ꟿ֟گ޿࣏য়૯೿/Ἅ⼎㼏伐弑漒缓輔ᗿ粟둱떯뚿럏룟맯弄჻遘逃ᘬ៏엟툋䭂潐셫剰ၲ惇쪟웤쬱婑屠痐쵰뜀兲懒Ⅷ쭰異鋆∃샀윢͒㬡ἐ술Ͳ⛰涴᭯턐㮱aΩ倣 ოꔧ싊쀢뀤姿쁐⊟힟붞瞰⇋ϋ䋍贈텐㢱砰�斒Ⱬ⻿쐏䳼ㄥ쯵歑း쵷㢤옰ᇣ䇁ᇁ⩦톑ㇱ㋯￿巐ꅘ翲迳⼖꿵뿶쿷履㷯ﰯﴏ㰟o?o漂缃Ὁ輷鼸἖켽㻿㿟䃯䋿倏䑏䔯䘿罏iཋὌ὚㜚Àゥꦂ佞罠㼚伛弜漝ṇ὿₏䲚乁邏ㄮ邆久歓狐䖀啑剉㩅㮯掿羍潮罯弯煛偟勿/ὓ⽔㽕彴彗⽛㽜佝䷿仏俟痯瘏真砯礿o⾂潻罼载齾콣�昏棿椏谟⁏㌹㘵謠붑哑僁釀瑓퇿쁰狠洏賏苏華藿/ᾆ⾇�侉徊澋羌辍踿辟邯醿鋏ꋟ僿䘮歏삠硠㔠쁘︵阷靟ꍯ饯骏鮟鲯﾿ 쾝ᆴᅠྡྷᾣ⾤㾥ꛟꝏꡟꥯ륿䨟釋ジゐ쮐梐䀧遆⁌㈳°ⴰ㾬귿깏꽟끯녿늏뎟욯/쾵�迀ྺ辀龁뿆쟿죏짟쫯폿췟츟켯_俐忑Ά⾼㾽侾徿￝�⠂堹⧀픠㘠ⷺ郖�쎑쓯�퓏￯ᅰ࿗Ῐ⿙㿚俛応濝��路䠹䙐塁뿧/゚俱忲濳翴迵鿶꿷뿸寧𢡊૟ி⛏栀႖㝦ꀉ ‰Ŵ㫰䁢ف⡊ᄰ渰慌⹷★洠楦汥ᵤᝦ⪐ീ笠奈倀剅䥌䭎㌠�絽䄗逗獲Ɓ屠晣就ふ罀ꨠ뼙鿿ꄆ��눇。ⴂ缟༁ἂ⼃㼄伅⏿߯࡯ॿ኏ጯ툿퍯ソ鼤꼥뼦켧�뼱J༬ ⷿ⸟⼯ి඿໏࿟ჯϿ�佃䙎䑉殉哐歉䥀奔ₕ俢ぅ䕃⼺たㅯ齺膕惂‘@焻楴၀⃾킕逻끉퀲냂浲獴ꀺᅀ〙홮镥ᣐ†悕䭩ᜰ䲀捥–၀捩䅋屭畭땉႖㸠枰䫱祑瀠ぁ⇂偎셋䩷䬒ᝑ摠ŋ䅁�扵䱪䲑漐ᅌ惂䫧㮑䭠禰㨭ឰ䁰롎͊‘ᕴ僰销䃐酎煉㍑䉵厐㇠儰⍂杓႖楣剰猲뜮⽆㽇䭈啉阔愐P哿啠䰃䩁㫰㋠䧠䬱㸰䅮䪠唁䁯氠礠䵵䧳阠成ꁎ녛쁂៿镰闐䥠䪰丁隠刐ﲰ睥셔ဘ⁳ᢏ䤠悳阣椀畢썉哓ᙑ灐᡹朠睚ⱍ䰯慁䱒亠澓ꂕ楢卽撀꽖뽗콘扝略散ꁒ덞ལ ꁂ䳵狀탂㹰㪰싐幠sꁎ쁔䁉䁍쁋䁁聓酎庳阡琐兵䳀ⵠ∙䫻欃炕ꁂ耻끋⁀酎雹洐楯弁戲ᜱ䭰㔰蹚䱦淀剝恔祳㻷悀䪀搃⁑뉛酭酋烻쉉矐⁉䅑恔行哹灑牨䶰ᮁ䧠慲ꁁ䱷敀罥车㹈⋽毠剝ⱸ缢輣漲缳㒿㖏㚟纯㠏糏㘗聿᣽瘐彃㾄伺弻뾇轸秿讟羯耯脿艏荟葯辅㽧覐⽑�꾖霓颿㗏锸拡摯禺亐锷跡邒絀킞