Binder1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD MEMBER REVIEW COMMITTEE November 29, 2012 City Hall, North Conference Room SECOND AMENDED AGENDA Call to Order 1. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting on August 23, 2012 and the amended minutes of the BMRC meeting on June 7, 2012. *2. Interview the new candidate (listed below) A. John Bishop (5:10 pm) B. Sylvia Simmons (5:30 pm) 3. Discuss the current members on the Community Development Board (CDB) whose term expires on 12/31/12 and are interested in reappointment (listed below) and the new candidate (listed above) and make recommendations to fill the upcoming vacancies. A. Kelly Elmore B. A. Brea Paul C. Harleston Parkes 4. Set agenda for next meeting Adjournment *Amended on November 27, 2012 at 5:30 pm by adding Item 2 and renumbering items. *Amended on November 29, 2012 at 4:15 pm by adding Item 2A. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25", No bullets or numbering AMENDED MINUTES Board Member Review Committee Meeting June 7, 2012 Call to order The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty at 5:00 pm. Those in attendance were Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty (Chairman), Members Mitchell Reeves, Jerry Johnson, Rita Pierce, Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Vice Chair Lynne Knecht Roskein, and City Clerk Donna Bartle. 1. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of March 1, 2012. Motion: Approve minutes of the Board Member Review Committee meeting of March 1, 2012. Moved by Reeves, seconded by Daugherty Motion carried unanimously The Committee introduced themselves since it was the first meeting for Members Jerry Johnson and Rita Pierce. Ms. Roskein explained the functions of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. 2. Interview the new candidates (listed below). New candidates: A. Darlene Kelley B. Jay Shoots C. Myron Blankenbaker D. Lizzie Byrnes The Committee interviewed Mr. Shoots. Ms. Kelley, Mr. Blankenbaker and Ms. Byrnes did not show for their appointments. The Committee explained the purpose of the interview and an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee to Mr. Shoots. Mr. Shoots explained his personal accomplishments, goals and interests in the community. The Committee offered him an opportunity to ask questions and the Committee responded to those questions. After the interview was completed, the Committee discussed the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee duties. Ms. Pierce suggested that the city screen members for criminal background checks since they work in close contact with children. Discussion ensued. Motion: Recommend that all recommended appointees and current members of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee have a criminal background check done prior to Commission approval to appoint or reappoint. Moved by Reeves, seconded by Daugherty Motion carried unanimously 3. Review current members on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee whose terms expire on 7/8/2012 and interested in reappointment. A. Tammy Lally Amended- Minutes of the Board Member Review Committee Meeting on June 7, 2012 Page 2 of 3 B. Cris Garrard C. Lynne Knecht Roskein D. Hollie Stephens E. Jolyn Johnson City Clerk Bartle reported there are six vacancies to address. She confirmed that the current members listed on the agenda are interested and are to be considered for reappointment. She explained there is one vacancy that will require replacement by a new member. The Committee discussed the attendance record of the five members as well as their contributions to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. 4. Discuss the new candidate and the current members that are interested in reappointment and make a recommendation. Motion: Recommend reappointing Tammy Lally to serve an additional term on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee beginning July 9, 2012. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Roskein Motion carried unanimously Motion: Recommend reappointing Chris Garrard to serve an additional term on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee beginning July 9, 2012. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Roskein Motion carried unanimously Motion: Recommend reappointing Lynne Knecht Roskein to serve an additional term on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee beginning July 9, 2012. Moved by Reeves, seconded by Pierce Motion carried unanimously (Ms. Roskein did not vote) *Motion: Recommend reappointing Hollie Stephens to serve an additional term on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee beginning July 9, 2012. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Pierce Motion carried unanimously Motion: Recommend reappointing Jolyn Johnson to serve an additional term on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee beginning July 9, 2012. Moved by Pierce, seconded by Reeves Motion carried unanimously (Mr. Johnson did not vote) The Committee discussed concerns that only one of the four applicants showed up for an interview. Motion: Postpone making a recommendation for a new member until other applicants have interviewed. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Pierce The motion failed unanimously The Committee discussed Mr. Shoots. Amended- Minutes of the Board Member Review Committee Meeting on June 7, 2012 Page 3 of 3 Motion: Recommend appointing Jay Shoots to serve as a new member on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee beginning July 9, 2012. Moved by Reeves, seconded by Roskein Motion carried unanimously 5. Other Business The Committee reviewed the vacancy list for 2012. It was noted that vacancies on the Code Enforcement Board should be addressed no later than September. Adjournment There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm. __________________________________ Jonathan Daugherty Chairman * Amended on 8-28-12 to include the motion regarding Hollie Stephens. MINUTES Board Member Review Committee Meeting August 23, 2012 Call to order The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty at 5:04 pm. Those in attendance were Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty (Chairman), Members Mitchell Reeves, Jerry Johnson, Rita Pierce, Code Enforcement Board Chairman Daugherty Veda Bernstein, Building and Zoning Director Mike Griffin and Recording Secretary Nancy Bailey. 1. Approval of the minutes of the BMRC meeting of June 7, 2012. Motion: Approve minutes of the Board Member Review Committee meeting of June 7, 2012. Moved by Reeves, seconded by Pierce Motion carried unanimously (Item 3 was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time.) 3. Discuss current alternate, Benjamin deLuna, who is interested in appointment as a regular member. Chairman Daugherty explained the positions that were open and stated that Mr. deLuna was interested in becoming a regular member. Ms. Harless stated Mr. deLuna brings a lot to the table. Motion: Recommend appointing Benjamin deLuna to serve as a regular member with his term beginning October 1, 2012. Moved by Harless, seconded by Johnson Motion carried unanimously 2. Interview the new candidates (listed below). New candidates: A. Meade Coplan B. John Stinson C. Louis Keith Chairman Daugherty explained the positions that were open to each candidate and asked if they were willing to fill any of the positions if offered to them. Each candidate stated they were agreeable. The Committee interviewed each candidate and explained the purpose of the interview. Ms. Harless gave an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Code Enforcement Board and Mr. Griffin further explained the process of why anyone is brought before the Board and explained the functions of the City’s Code Enforcement Department. Each candidate explained their personal accomplishments, goals and interests in the community. The Committee offered them an opportunity to ask questions and the Committee responded to those questions. Ms. Bailey explained to each candidate that, if selected, they would be required to complete the Statement of Financial Interests. Mr. Reeves further explained this form to each candidate. During a lull between interviews, Chairman Daugherty brought up new business asking the Committee how they felt about having a co-chairman. The Committee was in agreement and Chairman Daugherty stated he would discuss this with the City Attorney. Minutes of the Board Member Review Committee Meeting on August 23, 2012 Page 2 of 2 3. Discuss current alternate, Benjamin deLuna, who is interested in appointment as a regular member. This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting. 4. Review current member on the Code Enforcement Board whose term expires on 9/30/2012 and is interested in reappointment. A. Veda Harless The Committee discussed with Ms. Harless her interest in reappointment. 5. Discuss the new candidates and the current members and make a recommendation. The Committee discussed the reappointment of Ms. Harless. Motion: Recommend reappointing Veda Harless to serve an additional term on the Code Enforcement Board beginning October 1, 2012. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Pierce Motion carried unanimously (Ms. Harless did not vote) The Committee discussed the new candidates. Motion: Recommend appointing Meade Coplan to fill the unexpired term of Ray Martin on the Code Enforcement Board beginning immediately and expiring on September 30, 2013. Moved by Pierce, seconded by Daugherty Motion carried unanimously Motion: Recommend appointing John Stinson to serve as the alternate member on the Code Enforcement Board beginning October 1, 2012. Moved by Pierce, seconded by Johnson Motion carried unanimously 6. Other Business None. Adjournment There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6:16 pm. __________________________________ Jonathan Daugherty Chairman CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD 2-year terms; 4 consecutive term limit; per Ordinance 5-03-42 adopted July 14, 2003 Regular meetings are held in the Commission Chambers at 6:00 pm the third Tuesday of each month. The board members are required to file Statement of Financial Interests NAME & ADDRESS EXP. DATE BUSINESS HOME / MOBILE/EMAIL Jason Burgess 790 Paradise Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2013 (1st term) 521-9868 Jason@jasonaburgess.com Kelly Elmore 1650 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2012 (1st term) 241-8283 (fax) 246-6219 333-7483 (cell) kellmore@comcast.net Patrick Stratton 361 6th Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 12/31/2013 (2nd term) (904) 619-3094 (843) 614-7390 PTSTRATTON@gmail.com A. Brea Paul 330 Sargo Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2012 (1st term) 242-4710 303-3987 andabrea@bellsouth.net Harleston G. Parkes 1838 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2012 (1st term) 962-6368 hparkes@comcast.net Chris Lambertson 357 12th Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2012 (4th term) 348-2803 241-0146 (fax) 241-5251 Kirk Hansen 2393 Ocean Breeze Ct. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2013 (3rd term) 910-9660 241-7859 241-7859 (fax) Schmirkley@bellsouth.net Alan Jensen, City Attorney 935 North Third Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 246-2500 246-9960 (fax) AJensenLaw@aol.com Mike Griffin, Building Official 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 247-5813 247-5845 (fax) mgriffin@coab.us Erika Hall, Principal Planner 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 ehall@coab.us As of Jan 2012 VACANCIES through 2013 (as of 11-21-12) Vacancies through 2012 as of October 4, 2011 Termed Interested Term Out in Reappt? Pension Board of Trustees Status Service (2 or 4 year terms w/ no term limit)Expiration N/A Y or N Bob Sternfeld Resigned General Employees' PBOT 12/31/2015 N/A N/A William (Bill) Tomson Active Police Employees' PBOT 12/31/2013 N/A John Wolfel Active Police Employees' PBOT 10/11/2013 N/A Termed Interested Term Out in Reappt? Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committe Status Service (2 year terms w/ 4 term limit)Expiration Y or N Y or N Lori Gaglione Active 3rd Term 7/8/2013 N Wanda Wilson Martin Active 1st Term 7/8/2013 N Jeff Wight Active 3rd Term 7/8/2013 N Termed Interested Term Out in Reappt? Code Enforcement Board Status Service (3 year term w/ 3 term limit)Expiration Y or N Y or N Meade Coplan Active 1st Term 9/30/2013 N Nicholas Dodaro Active 1st Term 9/30/2013 N Richard Ouellette Active 3rd Term 9/30/2013 Y N/A Term Out in Reappt? Community Development Board Status Service (2 year term w/ 4 term limit)Expiration Y or N Y or N Jason Burgess Active 1st Term 12/31/2013 N Kirk Hansen Active 3rd Term 12/31/2013 N Patrick Stratton Active 2nd Term 12/31/2013 N COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD: 2-year terms; 4 consecutive term limit; per Ordinance 5-03-42 adopted July 14, 2003 Regular meetings are held in the Commission Chambers at 6:00 pm the third Tuesday of each month. The board members are required to file Statement of Financial Interests CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD: 3 year terms; 3 consecutive term limit Meet in Commission Chambers 6:00 p.m. Second Tuesday odd numbered months The board members are required to file Statement of Financial Interests GENERAL EMPLOYEE’S PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 4 year term; no term limit POLICE EMPLOYEE’S PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 2 year term; no term limit The board members are required to file Statement of Financial Interests CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 2-year term; 4-term limit Created by Resolution #02-13 July 8, 2002; Amended by Res. #03-5 & 10-08 Meets at 6:00 p.m. the 4th Tuesday of the month Page 1 of 1 Board/Committee of Interest Name of Applicant Application Date Last Interview Date Expiration Last Status Check Board Member Review Committee Fisher, Glen 4/15/12 n/a 4/14/2014 April-12 Board Member Review Committee Smith, Jim 3/14/2012 (must wait)must wait until 3/13 3/13/2014 Mar-12 Code Enforcement Board Keith, Louis 8/17/12 n/a 8/16/2014 Aug. 12 Community Development Board Bishop, John 11/26/12 n/a 11/25/2014 Nov. 12 Community Development Board Lanier, Linda 9/4/12 n/a 9/3/2014 Nov. 12 Community Development Board Simmons, Sylvia 11/29/12 na 11/28/2014 Nov. 12 Cultural Arts & Rec. Advisory Committee Byrnes, Lizzie 9/20/2010 n/a 9/19/2012 May-12 Cultural Arts & Rec. Advisory Committee Kelley, Darlene 1/14/11 n/a 1/13/2013 May-12 Cultural Arts & Rec. Advisory Committee Lanier, Linda 9/4/12 n/a 9/3/2012 Sept.-12 Cultural Arts & Rec. Advisory Committee Lyle, Nelly 7/3/10 10/14/2010 7/3/2012 May 11 Cultural Arts & Rec. Advisory Committee Rupert, Sheena 1/9/12 n/a 1/8/2014 May-12 Cultural Arts & Rec. Advisory Committee Thompson, Paula 8/1/12 n/a 7/31/2012 Aug-12 Pension Board of Trustees Hogan, Glad 2/26/12 n/a 2/25/2014 Nov. 12 Teen Council Advisor Byrnes, Lizzie 7/8/2010 Rev. 9-20-10 n/a 9/19/2012 May 11 Applicants as of November 29, 2012 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD / COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION FORM Please check(Ai) the box beside each Board or Committee that you are applying to serve on. If you check more than one,please rank your interest in each board/committeeby order of priority. A summary of each board/committee is available on page 2 of this form.) Code Enforcement Board g/ Community DevelopmentBoard Pension Board of Trustees Board Member Review Committee Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee DATE: 6l/26 l i'2._ APPLICANT'S NAME: Tb h i 5 I d p ADDRESS:3-ittf Ocev 3 kid e'aC, L 3 22 33 DAYTIME PHONE: 5o -'3791 EVENING PHONE: 9--Lt o1'- 9003 E-MAIL ADDRESS: 3 6.`,5 ho p ha eg ycl 1100.cool FAX: Please explain any employment experience, board/committee experience, and/or community volunteer experience relative to the board/committee applying for. ewe_ .e <-1-en S ve_ expam'ie-vtca 'IA ta toreli r-1 sta. -C0v 't-p*ct' Lao;Ic o v Co+^t0h era iu( S#t`4 c':1 6n Projec 5 raw Q h `tr`u ( -p(civic, 1.. 5' peo c.;Vat ,oiS. 7.. ct.,-e- been t, l Dy ec-t ct c cZ Coo ovti cIc,^ ,~ y tcc OA on 3c.n k. f% ./ decree -c't>t,n U.vxtverSti-y o Kos-117 Fjc t`icJIc7 Te ntolo5y IN AI LOA y ?r 'c. l e.r'tc ll Lo'C-4 Y k1.4s C q'. C tM4 V1 o 1tt Coot oversee- Ike- ages't% R haC con et'Pkc-ti ovl W Sghc't u4..ry .no U4`E raq 'in 2002. Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or any special qualifications you have in this field and your reasons for wishing to be appointed to this board/committee. hare_ l; vt-i n P-tionitc 3eci Q1( M cflendec4 A-`Nc.19tc3egcJ, F e,Aeniar.i Se. ttQ9I Q tc h4ue. Cake -kvieco 4hy 1an43 '+une S'eS+Jahl•$ New,Luc. ‘t-t-- Laos ut0* c4 n4 X r4 ccec-P ihct S e.czme_ c 17 P c e 4—k e. -f ,eic ce_tte 1 c out, Ca t,"4At t n'y1, .1. cippt P `to t M Re s p`t t,1' v`P t4 k'in s©vQe,_ N S po s t 1 t 1i Y s$e sdc bkr n,%borhoocQa Please return completed form to Donna L. Battle, City Clerk, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 PLEASE NOTE: Members of the Code EnforcementBoard, Community Development Board and Pension Board of Trustees are required to file Statement of Financial InterestForms. Also, information regarding "Conflict of Interest" is provided on page two of this application. This application will expire two (2) years after date of submittal. 1 2012 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD TERMS & ATTENDANCE JASONBURGESS KELLYELMORE KIRKHANSEN CHRIS LAMBERTSON HARLEYPARKES BREAPAUL PATRICK STRATTON TE R M 1S T 1 S T 3 R D 4 T H 2 N D 1 S T 2 N D EX P I R A T I O N 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 3 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 2 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 3 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 2 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 3 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 2 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 3 ME E T I N G D A T E 1/ 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 pr e s e n t a b s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t a b s e n t 2/ 1 / 2 0 1 2 * pr e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t 2/ 2 1 / 2 0 1 2 3/ 2 0 / 2 0 1 2 pr e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t 4/ 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 pr e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t a b s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t 5/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 2 6/ 1 9 / 2 0 1 2 pr e s e n t a b s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t a b s e n t 7/ 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 8/ 2 1 / 2 0 1 2 pr e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t 9/ 1 8 / 2 0 1 2 pr e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t p r e s e n t 10 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 2 11 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 2 12 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 2 02 0 1 0 0 2 MT G S M T G S M T G S M T G S M T G S M T G S M T G S RE G U L A R M E E T I N G SP E C I A L M E E T I N G WO R K S H O P SP E C I A L E V E N T ME E T I N G C A N C E L L E D AT T E N D A N C E RE C O R D CA N C E L L E D D U E T O L A C K O F Q U O R U M CA N C E L L E D D U E T O L A C K O F Q U O R U M CA N C E L L E D D U E T O L A C K O F N E W B U S I N E S S CA N C E L L E D D U E T O L A C K O F N E W B U S I N E S S CA N C E L L E D D U E T O L A C K O F N E W B U S I N E S S