CDB Members beginning January 2013CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD 2-year terms; 4 consecutive term limit; per Ordinance 5-03-42 adopted July 14, 2003  Regular meetings are held in the Commission Chambers at 6:00 pm the third Tuesday of each month. The board members are required to file Statement of Financial Interests NAME & ADDRESS EXP. DATE BUSINESS HOME / MOBILE/EMAIL  Jason Burgess 790 Paradise Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 12/31/2013 (1st term) 354-5065 – office 354-5069 – fax 521-9868 - cell Jason@jasonaburgess.com   Kelly Elmore 1650 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233  12/31/2014 (2nd term)  241-8382 (fax)  246-6219 333-7483 - cell kellmore@comcast.net   Patrick Stratton 361 6th Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233  12/31/2013 (2nd term)   (904) 619-3094 (843) 614-7390 - cell ptstratton@gmail.com   A. Brea Paul – Chair, 2013 330 Sargo Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233  12/31/2014 (2nd term)   242-4710 303-3987 - cell andabrea@bellsouth.net   Harleston G. Parkes 1838 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233  12/31/2014 (2nd term)   962-6368 hparkes@comcast.net   Sylv ia Simmons 211 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, FL 32233  12/31/2014 (1st term)   241-7195 Sylvia.the.gardener@gmail.com   Kirk Hansen 2393 Ocean Breeze Ct. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233  12/31/2013 (3rd term)   910-9660 - cell 241-7859 241-7859 (fax) Schmirkley@bellsouth.net   Alan Jensen, City Attorney 935 North Third Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250   246-2500 246-9960 (fax)  alan@ajensenlaw.com   Mike Griffin, Building Official 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233   247-5813 247-5845 (fax)  mgriffin@coab.us   Erik a Hall, Principal Planner 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233    ehall@coab.us   As of Jan 2013