Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Adele Grage Cultural Center
Present: Grant Healy,Pamela White,Jay Wilson,Julia Hite, and Faye Wood, Timmy Johnson (City liaison),
Della Giovanni(Secretary); Guests:Judith LaRue, Carol Varney, Chris Jorgenson, Glen Schuck
Absent: Lou Catania, Nick Malie
1. Kettle Korn company, new vendor for AITP distributed samples to committee/guests prior to the
2. Call to order- Chair called the meeting to order- 6:15pm
3. Introduction of new members: Julia Elite and Faye Wood
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes-Jay motioned and Pam seconded to approve the minutes of January
26, 2015. The minutes were unanimously approved.
5. Four visitors attended the meeting: Judith LaRue-interested in joining committee, Selva
Marina resident, Carole Varnay-interested in getting friend's art at AGCC, Selva Marina
resident, Chris Jorgensen -would like to see additional visitor, Glen Schuck added to the
a. Mr.Jorgensen addressed the committee with the idea that he would like to see an
annual event with remote control boats on the lakes at Tideviews,would like to see a
family fishing day at Tideviews
b. Mr. Jorgensen stated that he felt that water should be offered to visitors who attend
the meeting
6. Grant reviewed the process of becoming a member of the CARAC is through selection by a
board, not through the committee. It is a volunteer basis that starts at City Hall.
a. Budget Proposals in March,bring ideas to meeting for approval
7. Ongoing Business:
a. Songwriters-Timmy reported 61 people in attendance with 7 performers.
Would like to have a committee member attend the event so a report can be given(Julia
said that she would consider)
• 1. Bocce Ball-Jay mentioned Sports Engine will negotiate a website/price.
The Committee needs to look into getting sponsorships
2. have sign ups at AITP
3. looking to make up teams or individuals/potluck groups
4. time frame for date would be 2-3 weeks after AITP
5. will be able to dedicate more time in March in organizing, Grant offered
assistance as needed
6. suggest having some grassy court areas in addition to sandy court areas
b. Jay requested to participate in AITP as a vendor while registering applicants for
Bocce Ball. Committee,through conversation (not voted upon) decided they were
okay with Jay doing so as long as his booth was not juried. Art is restored maps in
old frame windows for framing. It was explained by Timmy that the application
process still needs to be followed.
c. Arts in the Park:Timmy reported 71 applications
i. Jay is handling food vendors
ii. Introduced idea of 4 food trucks at event/placing them along back corridor of
Country Club Drive
iii. March 10th @ 5 pm- special meeting called to review status of event, label
postcards and distribute posters
iv. Staff will assign artists on map, chairs,tent and port-a-potties are done
v. Need someone to coordinate volunteers- Faye volunteered-get with Timmy
to review needed schedule and what volunteers need to do
vi. Faye addressed picnic tables being near food trucks
vii. Logistics go over with Timmy
viii. Timmy- Della sends communications on behalf of city to artists/any
communications goes through the recreation department
ix. Pam-publicity ideas: Folio, Buzz, EU, PV Recorder/Timmy-contact local
condo associations to include in their newsletters
1. Pam volunteered to serve as captain of AITP event
2. Grant volunteered to assist with the event in the morning hours
8. New Business -Timmy
a. Packets are distributed to review responsibilities of the committee through Sunshine
Laws-read and familiarize
b. List of city events since the committee has been formed
c. Upcoming meetings
d. Everyone to sign up for Notify Me on website
e. Make recommendations to Commission to request funding
f. Resolution -formed the committee/a working committee
i. Ask yourself-what do I do?/what have I done?
g. Budget included to review from year to year
h. March 22 meeting-budget to be discussed for next year
i. Grant mentioned increase of discretionary funds
j. New Events proposal/suggestions
1. Faye will consider Tour de Parks
k. New brochure viewed/photo contest discussed
a. Julia discussed Sunshine Laws :
i. Article IIIB - communicating/what constitutes a meeting?
1. Timmy: anything you think that will require a vote at a
committee meeting
2. Meetings must have a quorum
3. No set number of meetings are required
b. Grant-AITP is the biggest event for CARAC
1. Adjournment-with no further business,Jay moved for adjournment Pam seconded
the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:05
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Grant Healy, Chairperson