Item 5B and 5C- Staff Report for Pension Actuarial ReportsAGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM #58 & SC JUNE 13,2016 2015 Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company City of Atlanti c Beach Retirement System Actuary Reports Russell Caffey, Director of Finance May27, 20 16 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: N/A BACKGROUND: BUDGET: Each year, the Pension Board of Trustees authoriz es an actuary to perfmm an annual valuation of our retirement systems. The p urp ose of the valua tion is to measure the funding progress , to detennine the employer contribution rate and to provide actuarial in formation for Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The City is required to conttibute to each retirem ent system, the dollar amount specified in the valuations. This year's valuation ind icates an increase of $63,228 to $1 ,175,572 for the General Employee Plan and an increase of $23,361 to $745,533 for the Police Employee's Plan. The long tenn funding ratios of the plans a re 76% for General, which is consistent with prior year, and 67% for the Police, which is an increase of2%. These items wi ll affect the 2017 Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION :Informational Purposes ATTACHMENTS: Actuarial Valuat-ion Report for General Employees Retirement Sys tem Actuarial Valuation Report for Police Employees Retirement System REV1EWED BY ClTY MANAGER: ~ Vc:t.n ~,