1733 Atlantic Beach Dr irr permit CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 PLUMBING PERMIT MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 305INFORMA71ON: Job ID: 16-IRR-1759 Job Type: IRRIGATION/SPRINKLER Description: IRRIGATION - 32 HEADS Estimated Value: Issue Date: 9/1/2016 Expiration Date: 2/28/2017 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1733 ATLANTIC BEACH DR RE Number: None GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: JUSTJOHNSONINC ,1-70 Address: P 0 BOX 962 MICHAEL JOHNSON Phone: FEES: State PLMG DBPR Surcharge $2.00 State PLMG DCA Surcharge $2.00 Plumbing Fixtures $7.00 Trade Permit Base Fee $55.00 Total Payments: $66.00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH ORDINANCES AND ME FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Department.) 800 Seminole Road IG- IRR- 17,59 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(9G4)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 E-mail: building-dept@coab-us Date routed: City we"ite: hbp1hvww.wab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: 1-733 I)-TLW-oe_ apartment review regu Y_esTNoJ Building Applicant: \QST - jvra—nninq&Zoning�� Tree Administrator Project: P'-_T_(C) V-) Public Forks— Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required Re i.ev! v It=pt Date of Pe By Floridal)ept.a FEnvlmnmental�Pmtection pio—ddaDept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Am—Y Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Al�;hol.c—Bevemges and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Approved. [—]Denied. (Cimle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed byAgl!r��Date: 0/11 TREEADMIN. Second Review; ElApproved as revised. [:]Denied. PUBLICIRORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: E]Approved as revised. [:]Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date:— Revised 05M4109 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ph(904)247-5826 Fax (904)247-5845 7 5'� JoBADDREss:—/'��'3 "�e- PERMIT# NEW OR REPLACEMENT INSTALLATION: Project Values TYPE oF FixTURE QTY TYPEoFFixTuRE QTY Bathtub Septic Turns&Pit Clothes Washer Shower Dishwasher Shower Pan Drinking Fountain Slop Sink Floor Drain Three Compartment Sink Floor Sink Toilet Hose Bibs Urinal Kitchen Sink Vacuum Breakers Laundry Tray Water Connected Appliances Lavatory Water Heater Other Fixtures Water Treating System RE-PIPE: TYPE oF FixTuRE QTY TYPE oF FiXTURE QTY Bathtub Septic Trans&Pit Clothes Washer Shower Dishwasher Shower Pan Drinking Fountain Slop Sink Floor Drain Three Compartment Sink Floor Sink Toilet How Bibs Urinal Kitchen Sink Vacuum Breakers Laundry Tray Water Connected Appliances Lavato-q Water Heater Other Fixtures Water Treating System MISCELLANEOUS: [I Sewer Replacement Walk Flow Preventer ii Chrase Interceptor(Trap)_gallons(Requires 3 sets of plans) Ei Lavni Sprinkler System-Number of Heads'�� El Well ** SJRWD Well Completion Form. Completed form to be submitted to the Building Department for final inspection." o Other Perrit becomes void if work dra.mit commence within a six month period or work is suspended orabardonead for six months.I hemby certify that I have read this application and know the same to be one and correct. All previsions of laws and ordinances goveming this work will be complied with whether specified or not. The permit does not gi. h i . I th sions of my other state or local law regulation construction orths perfo anceofessialinitcton. �11i,z?Z.1ovio ate c� 3hone Number Property Owners Nam oneN Plumbing Company Office Phrm� Co. Address: 0Y MAP city 0" tat 2"S Zip License Holder(Print): /J WIL-40i State Certification/Registration# Notarized Signature of L iceitse Holder Vz9zllqz(-�� =W1spMGER Before me day o 0 E EXplREa0cnon6.2019 Signature of Notary Public Florida Friendly Landscapes IRRIGATION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST A. PROVIDE PROJECT INFORMATION: DATE RESIDENTIAL, ADDRESS j All,—f�6 r,NEW INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR _ RESIDENTIAL, n UPGRADE/REPLACE OFFICE'� CELL FAX NON-RESIDENTIAL NEWINSTAULAIION EMAIL Le4iloq ri NON-RESIDENTIAL, /I I UPGRADE/REPLACE B. CALCULATE MAXIMUM HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION: HYDROZONE shall mean-1 irrigation watering zone IOTA L LOT A REA — SQ Fr In which Plant materials with similar water needs am — 2 c2na grouped togethm, TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA SQ IT HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION shall mean an irrigation system that does -at limit the delivery of water directly to the root zone and which has a mirkrum TOTAL PERVIOUS AREAILANDSCAPE SO FT flow rate,per emitter,Of thirty(30)gallons par hour (9ph) or one-half(3) gallons per minum (gpm) or [PERSECUON124-181(b)(4)i(f x 0.60 greater. — IRRIGATION ZONE shall mean the grouping together MAX HIGH VOLUME IRRIGATION Ir SQ FT Of any type ofwater emfttu and irrigation Nuipment Operated simulmmously by the control of a Omer and a single wive- C. PREPARE&ATrACH A HYDROZONE PLAN: I I ON A COPY OF THE SITE PLAN OR SURVEY(RESIDENTIAL MPUCANTS)OR A LANDSCAPE PLAN(NOWRESIDEORAL APPUCANTS),INDICATE THE U)"'TON OF ME FOLLOWING AND FILL IN APPROXIMATE COVERAGES BELOW. to eHlIGHWATER USE HYDROZONE(S) (AUApPLcqNN _.f0soFr Hlgh Water lite hydrozones contain plants that require supplemental m IJ5 ---Zo %-nA include harf and tam grasses and am typically characterisaul by high YW wring on a regular basis thmughaut the year. Th.areas billry,fl,c,I Points of landscaping design where High Volume Irrigationtsused. High Water Use Zonesshallbe placed an a sepamte irrigation zone JR7WDERATE WATER USE HYDROZONE(S) 10 SOFT %TLA Moderate Waterillsehydrazonescontaloplantirtinal,once auhlbhed,requirebfludon eve awan, mw no anceafrod flor whntheyshowvisible�mmchas�kedfoliageorpatemlor. Thee,are tYPIcalyperrant rY th affirs; bs nfa ahs Seasunalplarmsondflower beds NKLO'W WATER USE HYDROZONE(S) sQ FT %TLA Low Water Use Hydrazoner contain plants that rarely require supplemental watering,and that am dra periods,such asnathmshrubs,and vegetation,established hmesandgmund conve,andmodedreas ught tolerant during nomme dry L7 MOISTURE SENSOR(s) MLAPPLC4N751 At Imst one(1)moisture semorshall be located in each lrr�yotftm Zone EMITTERS lAuAppllCWcSj Emittemsball besizedand spaced to amid ucessim oversprayou,to impervioussurface, City ofAdantic Reach 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beock Florida 32233 (P)90�4ZSSOO - (PY904.24ZS945 - unvwcoab.ur FFL4CCvI2.07.I0